In compiling this code, you have agreed to the following restrictions on
any operating version of ROGUE code:

1) following all guidelines in the diku license (contained in the file 
2) following all guidelines in the Merc license (contained in the file
3) following all guidelines in the ROM  license (contained in the file
4) The login message to your mud must contain a notice that it is based
   on ROGUE 2.4 Alpha, copyright 2000 - 2001 Kenneth Conley. The help files
   must include a ROGUE entry, readable by all players, and unaltered
   from the file included with the source code, except as authorized
   by the ROGUE authors.  The login screen means the screen you see when
   you first connect, excepting one-line "Do you have color?" messages,
   and the readable by all players means it must be viewable by both
   new and old characters on a 24-line terminal with no scrollback.
   To make it more clear, you cannot put the credits on the top of
   a 24-line ascii graphic, as this would cause the credits to
   scroll off.  In any case, final decision on compliance/non-compliance
   with this requirement is left soley to the judgement of the ROGUE
5) Before opening a ROGUE-based mud, you can send email to the author
   (scmud@mad.scientist.com), so that I can keep track of sites for
   future code releases.
6) As a coder, you have full rights to release your
   own derivatives of the ROGUE code, provided they follow the restrictions of
   this license, contain all appropriate README and credits files, and are
   properly labelled as being derivatives of the ROGUE 2.4 code (just as ROGUE
   is itself a derivative of Gamma 0.0, Merc 2.1 code and ROM 2.4).  
7) Anyone not wishing to follow terms of the ROGUE license shall be obligated
   to delete all copies of this code in their possession.  This includes, but
   is not limited to, failure to display full credits for ROGUE, ROM, Merc, and Diku.
7) Collaboration with known Diku, Merc, ROM, or ROGUE license violators on any
   ROGUE code project is strictly forbidden without written permission from
   the ROGUE consortium (Kenneth Conley).

(In English, this means that Mendanbar is the only one allowed to release
ROGUE source code, as apposed to ROGUE derived source code, and that you
cannot call your mud ROGUE even though it uses ROGUE code.  You also aren't
allowed to deal with code thieves)

If you have any questions about this license, please send email to