Name Blight~
VNUMs 23000 24099
Credits Stile~
Security 9
LevelRange 35 50

trolloc dha'vol~
The trolloc~
A trolloc of the Dha'vol tribe is here enjoying his meal.
The trolloc is a twisted creature of evil, it is huge, standing nearly 10
feet tall.  It is branded on left arm, the mark of the Dha'vol tribe burned
into it's twisted flesh.  It appears almost human otherwise, other than the
hooves and rams head that is.  It's all too human eyes burn with hatred upon
spotting you, it picks it's teeth as it prepares to slaughter you.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 bite
-11 -11 -11 3
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
myrddraal fade halfman eyeless lurk fetch shadowman~
The Myrddraal~
A myrddraal emerges from the shadows to release your soul.
You see before you a myrddraal, a creature both of legend, and of great evil.
They are known by many names, halfman, fade, the eyeless, lurk, fetch, and
shadowman.  It is the human part of the trolloc resurfaced, but still twisted
by the Dark One's taint.  It turns it's eyeless gaze upon you...  this may be
your last battle...
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 3
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
trolloc ko'bal~
The trolloc~
A trolloc of the Ko'bal tribe is here enjoying his meal.
The trolloc is a twisted creature of evil, it is huge, standing nearly 10
feet tall.  It is branded on left arm, the mark of the Ko'bal tribe burned
into it's twisted flesh.  It appears almost human otherwise, other than it's
wolf-like jowls that is.  It's all too human eyes burn with hatred upon
spotting you, it picks it's teeth as it prepares to slaughter you.
ABCFGT DFJb -1000 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 bite
-11 -11 -11 3
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
trolloc dhai'mon~
The trolloc~
A trolloc of the Dhai'mon tribe is here enjoying his meal.
The trolloc is a twisted creature of evil, it is huge, standing nearly 10
feet tall.  It is branded on left arm, the mark of the Dhai'mon tribe burned
into it's twisted flesh.  It appears almost human otherwise, other than it's
beak that is.  It's all too human eyes burn with hatred upon spotting you,
it pecks at the last of it's meal as it prepares to slaughter you.
ABCFGT DFJTb -1000 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 bite
-11 -11 -11 3
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
flock raven ravens huge~
The flock of ravens~
A huge flock of ravens descend to destroy you.
A huge flock of ravens have gathered here.  They are the Eyes of the Dark One.
As soon as they spot you they descend, a huge black cloud come down to claim
your flesh.
ABCFGS J -1000 0
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 claw
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand none 1000
A 0 medium unknown
trolloc kno'mon~
The trolloc~
A trolloc of the Kno'mon charges from it's ambush!
The trolloc is a twisted creature of evil, it is huge, standing nearly 10
feet tall.  It is branded on left arm, the mark of the Kno'mon tribe burned
into it's twisted flesh.  It appears almost human otherwise, other than it's
boar like snout and tusks that is.  It's all too human eyes burn with hatred
as it charges to attack.
ABCFGT DFJb -1000 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 bite
-11 -11 -11 3
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
creature oily~
The creature~
A black oily creatures swims in the Lake.
A grotesque black oily creature slides through the roiling black waters of the
Lake.  It seems quite hostile.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 claw
-11 -11 -11 3
stand stand none 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJKQ medium unknown
tree twisted~
The twisted tree~
One of the twisted trees shakes violently.
Much like the other trees of the blight, this tree is decayed, and black with
disease.  Unlike the other trees, this one seems a little more lively.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 charge
-9 -9 -9 3
stand stand none 0
AB 0 medium unknown
The draghkar~
A draghkar emerges from a cave, and welcomes you to the Blight.
A tall pale humanoid, large wings folded, calls seductively to you, you feel
drawn to the creature, at the last moment you pull away, and pull out your
ABCFGRT DF -1000 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound
-20 -20 -20 0
stand stand none 10000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
disfigured diseased flesh lump creature~
The diseased creature~
A diseased lump of disfigured flesh wanders the Blight in agony.
It's disgusting...  hanging on to it's pain filled life with every ounce of
energy.  The taint of evil has twisted the creature beyond recognition, you
fell the emense hatred this creature feels for you, it rambles closer...
ACFGd DFJX -1000 0
20 0 3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 charge
-4 -4 -4 5
stand stand none 1000
warder gaidan~
The warder~
A warder stalks through the blight.
You barely notice the graceful figure moving about the Blight.  It is a warder.
He does not look at you, but you are sure he sees your every move.  You do not
know the man, but you do know he is deadly, and from the looks of him, not to
be trifled with.
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 3
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium unknown
the Lord of the Tower~
The Lord of the tower forms beside the bed full of wrath!
You see before you what is left of the Lord of the tower.  He died many years
ago due to the treachery that fell mighty Malkier.  His spirit has stayed
behind to protect what he can of the lost kingdom.  You sense no great evil,
or good, but a sense of purpose.
60 5 50d10+10000 5d5+5000 8d6+28 wrath
-40 -40 -40 -4
stand stand male 1000
C ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
the Lord of the Tower~
The Lord of the tower forms beside the bed full of wrath!
You see before you what is left of the Lord of the tower.  He died many years
ago due to the treachery that fell mighty Malkier.  His spirit has stayed
behind to protect what he can of the lost kingdom.  You sense no great evil,
or good, but a sense of purpose.
60 5 50d10+10000 5d5+5000 8d6+28 wrath
-40 -40 -40 -4
stand stand male 1000
C ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
spirit soldier~
The spirit~
A spirit wanders in it's lost kingdom.
You gaze upon one of the dead defenders of Malkier.  As it moves along the area
immediately around it takes on new life.  Objects faded with age take on new
color, broken objects become whole, things return for an instant to the way
they were, but then return to normal.  The spirit could not save these things
in life.  It intends to try to do it in death.
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 magic
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand none 0
C ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
The spirit~
A spirit wanders in it's lost kingdom.
You gaze upon one of the dead defenders of Malkier.  As it moves along the area
immediately around it takes on new life.  Objects faded with age take on new
color, broken objects become whole, things return for an instant to the way
they were, but then return to normal.  The spirit could not save these things
in life.  It intends to try to do it in death.
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 magic
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand none 1000
C ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
tree twisted~
The twisted tree~
One of the twisted trees shakes violently.
Much like the other trees of the blight, this tree is decayed, and black with
disease.  Unlike the other trees, this one seems a little more lively.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 magic
-9 -9 -9 3
stand stand none 1000
AB 0 medium unknown
tree twisted~
The twisted tree~
One of the twisted trees shakes violently.
Much like the other trees of the blight, this tree is decayed, and black with
disease.  Unlike the other trees, this one seems a little more lively.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 magic
-9 -9 -9 3
stand stand none 1000
AB 0 medium unknown
tree twisted~
The twisted tree~
One of the twisted trees shakes violently.
Much like the other trees of the blight, this tree is decayed, and black with
disease.  Unlike the other trees, this one seems a little more lively.
ABCFGT DFJ -1000 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 magic
-9 -9 -9 3
stand stand none 1000
AB 0 medium unknown
seanchan sul'dam woman~
The Sul'Dam~
A woman in a plain dress, pannelled with lightning bolts stands before you.
This woman radiates a sense of fear, she seems as lost as you, but more than
that she seems unwhole, as if a part of her is missing.  The pannelled dress
appears to be a military uniform almost, but she looks like no warrior you
have ever seen.
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 shock
-13 -13 -13 3
stand stand female 1000
0 0 medium unknown
metal metallic orb strange~
The metallic orb~
A small metallic orb hovers above the ground here humming loudly.
You are amazed by this creature, it must be a highly armored beholder, or
something stranger still perhaps.  It hovers about 5 feet off the ground.
You see no eyes on the creature, but feel it 'sees' you somehow.  This
did not come from any land you have ever heard of.
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 flame
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand none 1000
E E medium unknown
fox tall thin~
The fox-like humanoid~
A fox-like humanoid grins at the scene around him and fingers his knives.
This creature is very disconcerting, it reminds you of the scenes you have
viewed above, the creature seems a little unnerved by his captivity, but
looks as though he is making the best of things. Other than his sharp-toothed
smile, and his attire appearing to be made of something like human flesh,
he seems like a pretty nice guy.
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 claw
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand male 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
grolm frog huge~
The grolm~
A huge frog-like creature snarls.
A huge creature lumbers towards you, a wild grolm, frog-like, greyish, thick
skinned nightmare.  That is all you have time to think about until it is time
to fight.
AT DFJ 0 0
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 punch
-15 -15 -15 2
stand stand none 1000
AB ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown

sword huge curved blade~
a huge curved blade~
A very large curved blade lies here in a pool of blood.~
weapon CGJL AN
sword 5 7 slash 0
35 25 350 P
19 6
18 1
4 -3
key blackened~
a blood-stained key~
A key, darkened by dried blood, lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
key heavy iron~
a heavy iron key~
A large iron key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
key smooth~
an often used key~
A key, smoothed from being often used, lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
key blackened~
a blood-stained key~
A key, darkened by dried blood, lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
key heavy iron~
a heavy iron key~
A large iron key lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
key smooth~
an often used key~
A key, smoothed from being often used, lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
43 1 430 P
black sword blade~
a black sword~
A black sword calls for you to put it to use.~
sword 5 8 slash 0
40 12 400 P
1 2
19 4
18 2
cloak unmoving black~
an unmoving black cloak~
A pile of black cloth lies on the ground, untouched by the wind.~
armor CEGJL AK
13 13 13 6 0
40 6 400 P
19 3
17 -5
overlapping black plates snake~
snake-like overlapping black plates~
Several black plates lie on the ground.~
armor DEGJL AD
12 13 13 6 0
40 18 400 P
17 -5
19 3
2 2
sword fine~
a finely crafted sword~
A finely crafted sword lies about unused.~
weapon ABGIK AN
sword 5 9 slice 0
40 12 400 P
18 6
cloak shift shifting colors~
a cloak of shifting colors~
A pile of cloth blends into it surroundings here.~
armor GIK AK
12 12 13 6 0
40 6 400 P
14 50
19 3
17 -5
key platinum~
a shiny platinum key~
A shiny platinum key lies on the ground here.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
45 1 450 P
key golden~
a shiny golden key~
A shiny golen key lies on the ground.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
50 1 500 P
great golden chest~
a great golden chest~
A great golden chest sits at the foot of the bed.~
container AG 0
2000 0 2416 100 100
0 0 0 P
key lord~
the lord's key~
A very important key lies here.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 P
great golden chest~
a great golden chest~
A great golden chest sits at the foot of the bed.~
container AG 0
2000 0 2418 100 100
0 5000 0 P
key lord~
the lord's key~
A very important key lies here.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 P
angreal small figurine~
a small figurine~
A small figurine sits on the ground humming with power.~
armor BGI AO
20 20 20 9 0
60 3 600 P
24 -12
17 -15
12 50
heron marked blade sword~
a Heron marked blade~
The blade of a swordmaster lies at your feet.~
weapon GIM AN
sword 10 11 slash DE
55 12 600 P
19 15
18 10
13 50
malkierian battle helm crane~
a helm stylized into a golden crane~
A mallkerian battle helm lies here.~
armor AGK AE
20 20 20 10 0
60 12 600 P
17 -10
19 4
18 4
suit battle armor~
a suit of Malkerian battle armor~
A suit of highly pollished armor lies here.~
armor AGK AD
20 21 20 9 0
60 25 600 P
17 -10
19 4
18 2
cuendillar heartstone dagger~
a heartstone dagger~
A dagger made of a strange material is here.~
weapon GM AN
dagger 10 11 pierce D
55 10 600 P
19 10
18 10
4 3
lord sceptre~
a Lord's sceptre~
A finely crafted sceptre lies on the ground.~
armor AGK AO
20 19 21 11 0
60 10 600 P
19 3
18 3
3 3
ward strange~
a strange ward~
A strange looking ward lies here.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
33 1 330 P
the spring~
fountain G 0
50 50 'water' 0 0
0 0 0 P
banner banners~
the small alcove~
container C 0
10 0 0 2 100
43 1000 430 P
banner banners~
One of the banners cover a small alcove.
staff cheetah~
an engraved staff~
A staff carved with spotted feline's rest here.~
staff 0 AO
40 8 8 'sanctuary' 0
43 5 430 P
encased in the lakes muck~
container C 0
10 0 0 1 100
33 1000 330 P
The entire lakes bottom is thick black muck.
a skeleton~
A skeleton lies below the bloody writing.~
container C 0
10 0 0 10 100
43 1000 430 P
A skeleton lies here.
a skeleton~
A skeleton lies below the bloody writing.~
container C 0
10 0 0 10 100
43 1000 430 P
A skeleton lies here.
an A'dam~
A small silver bracelet and collar lay here connected by a small silver chain.~
wand 0 AO
40 10 10 'armor' 0
40 4 400 P
19 3
panelled plain dress~
a plain dress pannelled with lightning bolts~
A plain dress lies on the ground, strange symbols sewn into it's pannels.~
armor GI AD
12 13 14 7 0
40 7 400 P
13 50
19 2
4 2
smile seductive~
a seductive smile~
A very strange object lies at your feet.~
weapon EJLM AN
exotic 5 10 blast 0
50 1 500 P
18 3
19 3
12 30
wicked knife~
a wicked-looking knife~
A very sharp knife lies on the ground.~
weapon GI AN
dagger 5 9 pierce D
45 4 450 P
19 3
18 3
fox medallion~
a foxheaded medallion~
A medallion lies at your feet.~
armor GI AC
15 15 15 7 0
45 6 450 P
24 -10
17 -10
2 2

Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Shienar
to the south.  Each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move
through the area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the
Shadow that lays heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease
surrounds you on all sides as you realize youa re far from the Light.  To
the north you can see what remains Malkeri, swallowed by The Blight, its
Seven Towers broken by the hands of The Dark One.  
0 0 field
The remains of the kingdom of Malkeri lie to the north.
Z -1 23002
The Blight Continues on to the east.
Z -1 24077
Z -1 23113
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23006
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted tress of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like
fanciful daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only
fools and highly-trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even
the deadly skills of the Warders are sometimes not enough to keep them
alive.  A little further to the north lie the Towers of Malkeri, surrounded
by almost a hundred small lakes.  
0 0 hills
The Seven towers lay a few miles ahead, rising like broken hills.
Z -1 23003
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24078
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23001
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23007
Near the Seven Towers~
You stand only a few miles from the Seven Towers of the once great
Malkeri.  Lakes surround the entire area, their waters dark and cloudy, so
dark they seem to swallow the light around them, seeming to reel and bubble
moving the shadowy water to small waves.  This far into the Blight live
creatures that could easily kill a dozen heavily armed Bordermen, creatures
created by the Dark One to watch over his land.  
0 C hills
Directly to the north lay the Seven Towers, thier power broken.
Z -1 23004
The Blight continues on ot the east.
Z -1 24079
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23002
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23008
Among the Seven Towers~
You now ride along the bases of the Seven Towers, once the kingdom of
Malkeri held back the tides of Shadowspan relentlessly seeking to crush the
lands to the south.  It's power now broken the Towers are in ruins, lying on
top of the foothills leading to the Mountains of Dhoom, all but two are utterly
destroyed, the two standing towers are to the east and west.  The taint of the
Shadow is much heavier now, you feel the evil now living in Malkeri. All the
trees and plants in this area are only barely holding on, decay taking them as
quickly as they grow.  Waves roll along the Hundred Lakes, and hope is far
0 0 hills
Over the hills to the north the Blight stretches on.
Z -1 23005
To the east is a breach in one of the Seven Towers walls.
Z -1 23061
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23003
To the west is a breach in one of the Seven Towers' wall.
Z -1 24012
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24083
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24081
The Seven broken towers now lay behind you to the south.
Z -1 23004
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23010
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Shienar
to the south, each breath is a labor, taxin your strength as you move through
the area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surrounds you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23007
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23001
The borderland kingdom of Shienar lies to the south.
Z -1 23112
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23011
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enought to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23008
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23002
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23006
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23012
The Blight~
You are now miles into the Blight.  As you search the surrounding area you
see the vegetation in this area is almost solid black now.  Suddenly you notice
one of the trees is not only seeming to move, it _is_ moving - towards you!
0 0 hills
To the north black waters stir with movement.
Z -1 23009
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23003
The Blight continues to the south.
Z -1 23007
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23013
One of the Hundred Lakes~
As you move through the thick oily waters of the lake you wonder what evil
creatures live in this slime.  Movement stirs on all sides of you, and you come
face to face with one of it's denizens...
0 0 swim
The lake is obviously full of poisoned waters, you wonder if it is wise to be
swimming in it like this.  Along the shore your feet drag through the muck.
Your feel your boot strike something hard...
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23010
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23008
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23014
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is Truly Bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24084
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23005
To the south black waters stir with movement.
Z -1 23009
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23015
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Shienar
to the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through
the area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23012
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23006
The borderland kingdom of Shienar lies to the south.
Z -1 23111
As you look more closely to the west you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23016
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has siezed this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23013
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23007
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23011
The blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23017
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Sayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23014
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23008
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23012
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23018
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23015
To the east black waters stir with movement.
Z -1 23009
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23013
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23019
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24085
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23010
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23014
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23020
Edge of the Blight~
You have stumbled across a scouting party of Trollocs.  A small fire burns
in the center of the camp.  They appear to be preparing to enjoy a Trolloc
delicacy, your stomach wrenches as you realize what they are devouring.  They
turn about sensing an intrusion of thier meal...
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23017
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23011
The borderland kingdom of Arafel lies to the south.
Z -1 23110
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23021
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted tress of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23018
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23012
As you look more closely to the south you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23016
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23022
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23019
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23013
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23017
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23023
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark Oneseeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23020
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23014
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23018
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23024
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24086
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23015
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23019
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23025
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Arafel to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround ou on all sides as
you realize you are far from the light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23022
As you look more closely to the east you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23016
The borderland kingdom of Arafel lies to the south.
Z -1 23109
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23026
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted tress of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23023
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23017
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23021
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23027
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are blackened now as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23024
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23018
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23022
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23028
The Blight~
You are now miles into the Blight.  As you search the surrounding area you
see the vegetation in this area is almost solid black now.  Suddenly you notice
one of the trees is not only seeming to move, it _is_ moving - towards you!
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23025
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23019
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23023
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23029
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24087
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23020
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23024
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23030
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Arafel to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23027
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23021
The borderland kingdom of Arafel lies to the south.
Z -1 23108
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23031
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23028
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23022
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23026
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23032
The Blight~
The Blight surounds you on all sides, trees shivering as if laughing at you
as you enter this stretch of the Blight.  You don't have time to wonder what
the joke is before the first Trollocs appear from hiding, the animal like
humanoids descend upon you...
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23029
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23023
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23027
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23033
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in eveything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north  in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23030
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23024
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23028
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23034
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24088
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23025
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23029
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23035
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Kandor to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Tress still grow here, corrupted and twisted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23032
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23026
The borderland kingdom of Kandor lies to the south.
Z -1 23107
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23036
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has seized this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23033
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23027
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23031
As you look more closely to the west you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23037
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23034
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23028
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23032
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23038
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23035
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23029
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23033
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23039
The Blight~
A dark cloud blots out what little light reaches this stretch of land in
the far north of the Blight.  You survey the surrounding countryside as you
decide your next course of travel as the cloud moves closer to your location.
The sound of a thousand wings fill your ears as your realize in horror that the
cloud is actually a huge flock of raven.  The Eyes of the Dark One descend upon
you to rend your flesh and spirit.
0 A hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24089
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23030
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23034
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23040
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Kandor to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here, corrupted amd twisted bt the Shadow that lays
heavily across this land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides as you
realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
As you look more closely to the north you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23037
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23031
The borderland kingdom of Kandor lies to the south.
Z -1 23106
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23041
Entering the Blight~
You have stumbled across a scouting party of Trollocs.  A small fire burns
in the center of the camp.  They appear to be preparing to enjoy a Trolloc
delicacy, you stomach wrenches as you realize what they are devouring.  They
turn about sensing an intrusion of thier meal...
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23038
The Blight contimues on to the east.
Z -1 23032
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23036
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23042
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23039
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23033
As you look more closely to the south you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23037
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23043
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23040
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23034
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23038
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23044
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24090
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23035
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23039
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23045
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Kandor to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here twisted and corrupted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23042
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23036
The borderland kingdom of Kandor lies to the south.
Z -1 23105
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23046
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has siezed this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23043
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23037
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23041
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23047
The Blight~
You are now miles into the Blight.  As you search the surrounding area you
see the vegetation in this area is almost solid black now.  Suddenly you notice
one of the trees is not only seeming to move, it _is_ moving - towards you!
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23044
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23038
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23042
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23048
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23045
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23039
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23043
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23049
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24091
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23040
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23044
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23050
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Kandor to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here twisted and corrupted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23047
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23041
The borderland kingdom of Saldaea lies to the south.
Z -1 23104
As you look more closely to the west you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23051
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has siezed this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23048
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23042
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23046
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23052
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23049
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23043
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23047
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23053
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23050
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23044
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23048
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23054
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24092
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23045
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23049
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23055
Edge of the Blight~
You have stumbled across a scouting party of Trollocs.  A small fire burns
in the center of the camp.  They appear to be preparing to enjoy a Trolloc
delicacy, your stomach wrenches as you realize what they are devouring.  They
turn about sensing an intrusion of thier meal...
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23052
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23046
The borderland kingdom of Saldaea lies to the south.
Z -1 23103
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23056
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has siezed this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23053
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23047
As you look moe closely to the south you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23051
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23057
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  A large stone outcrop overlooks this stretch of the Blight, when you
crawl to the top to get a better view, you notice large paw prints mark it's
surface.  Prints of Dark Hounds, you wonder who they are hunting...
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23054
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23048
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23052
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23058
The Blight~
You are now miles into the Blight.  As you search the surrounding area you
see the vegetation in this area is almost solid black now.  Suddenly you notice
one of the trees is not only seeming to move, it _is_ moving - towards you!
0 0 hills
The Blight contimues on to the north.
Z -1 23055
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23049
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23053
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23059
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24093
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23050
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23054
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23060
Edge of the Blight~
The air here is much more humid than in the borderland kingdom of Kandor to
the south, each breath is a labor, taxing your strength as you move through the
area.  Trees still grow here twisted and corrupted by the Shadow that lays
heavily across this cursed land.  Decay and disease surround you on all sides
as you realize you are far from the Light.
0 0 field
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23057
As you look more closely to the east you see a small trail of smoke.
Z -1 23051
The borderland kingdom of Saldaea lies to the south.
Z -1 23102
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23100
Entering the Blight~
The corrupted trees of the Blight sway in the wind, leaves and branches
seeming to grab at you as you pass by them.  Your nightmares seem like fanciful
daydreams compared to the evil that has siezed this land.  Only fools and
highly trained Warders enter this far into the Blight, and even the Warders
deadly skills are sometimes not enough to keep them alive.
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23058
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23052
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23056
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24099
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23059
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23053
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23057
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24098
The Blight~
This far north into the Blight shadows scurry everywhere, creatures of the
Dark One seeking blood.  The trees are now blackened as if dead, but still sway
and shiver as you pass.  Your stomach curls at the stench of evil in everything
here.  You wonder if the Dark One is truly bound far to the north in Shayol
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 23060
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23054
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23058
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24097
The Blight~
This area of the Blight seems like all the others at first, death and
disease reigning everywhere.  Then you notice a small outcrop of rock that
seems out of place.  Upon closer inspection you realize it is man made,
appearantly the top of a tower, now buried deep in the earth.  What lost
kingdom must this have belonged to?
0 0 hills
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24094
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23055
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23059
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24096
The air here seems shimmer as you gaze downward.
Z -1 24063
Into the Breach~
You have entered into a breach in the wall of one of the Seven Towers,
Trolloc armies over ran this tower many years ago.  To the east lies a hallway
deeper into the tower.  The Blight is outside to the west.  You doubt the
Trolloc armies, and any creatures here since left anything in the tower, except
the dead.
0 D inside
A hallway lies to the east.
Z -1 23062
The Blight lies to the west.
Z -1 23004
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the main floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 D inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23063
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23065
A breach in the tower wall is west from here.
Z -1 23061
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north you see a wide set of stable doors, to the south you see a set what
remains of another set of doors.  The hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
The stables lie to the north.
Z -1 23067
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23064
A large yard lies to the south.
Z -1 23068
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23062
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the main floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23066
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23063
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23062
The stairs lead up to the second floor.
Z -1 23072
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23064
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 23098
The Stables~
Although you can tell this was a stables at one time from the stalls and
the rotted leather of old tack and harnesses, the smell here is not of horses,
but of death, and dust.  No one has used this room as a stables for a very long
time, all the stalls are empty, and whatever grain may have been stored here as
feed has long since rotted away.  The only exit from this room is to the south,
back into the hallway.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 23063
The Main Yard~
Here is where the soldiers of this tower would gather before going on a
patrol, before the tower was swallowed by the blight.  It appears it is also
where they made thier last stand against the Trolloc invaders.  The skeletons
of humans and Trollocs alike litter the floor.  You notice with respect that
the Malkeri must have killed three Trollocs for every man that died after a
quick survey of the skeletons.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23063
The smashed remains of a once stout door lies to the south.
Z -1 23069
The Gatehouse~
You have entered the gatehouse of the tower, the soldiers must have fallen
back to this room when they had been weakened by the Trolloc hordes that
crushed them in the room to the north.  You eye what was once an stout wooden
door, reinforced with iron bars, smashed now into kindling.  To the east and
west are two small doors, probably guard rooms, while to the south you see a
massive iron portcullis, still intact, and rusted completely shut, it's opening
mechanism either destroyed by the defenders of the tower, or possibly it's
0 AD inside
A large yard lies to the north.
Z -1 23068
A small door lies to the east.
ABCZ 23002 23071
A small door leads to the west.
ABCZ 23002 23070
A Guard Room~
You have entered a guard room, this was once used to house the gate guards
during the night, keeping part of the guards at the gate, while others slept
here for quick reinforcements.  No one must have been in this room when the
tower fell, and it is one of the least destroyed rooms in the building.  A few
beds and chests line the walls undisturbed.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the east.
ABCZ 23002 23069
A Guard Room~
You have entered a guard room, this was once used to house the gate guards
during the night, keeping part of the guards at the gate, while others slept
here for quick reinforcements.  No one must have been in this room when the
tower fell, and it is one of the least destroyed rooms in the building.  A few
beds and chests line the walls undisturbed.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the west.
ABCZ 23002 23069
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23073
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 23065
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the second floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to
the east.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23074
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23072
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north is a wide archway leading into darkness, to the south is another
darkened room, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
A darkened room lies to the north.
Z -1 23077
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23075
A darkened room lies to the south.
Z -1 23079
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23073
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the second floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23076
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23074
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23075
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 23080
The Kitchen~
This was kitchen for the people of this tower.  Splintered tables and
broken and dented pots and pans lay about the room.  Off to the south is a
hallway, while a door to the east leads into another room of the tower.
0 AD inside
A small door is here.
ABZ -1 23078
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 23074
The Larder~
This was the larder for the kitchen, you notice a human skeleton hanging
from one of the meat hooks that once held fleshly staughtered beef when the
towers kitchens prepared food for it's inhabitants.  All the food has long
since gone rotten in the larder, leaving nothing for the rats and other
inhabitants of this once proud tower.
0 AD inside
The towers kitchens lie to the west.
ABZ -1 23077
Dining Hall~
This is where the soldiers and servants of the tower took thier meals. All
the tables and chairs in the room are broken and scattered about the room, you
have the feeling that the last meal in this room was it's usual patrons, eaten
by the Trolloc armies that defeated the tower.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23074
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23081
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 23076
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the third floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  On the northern wall a door
leads off into the tower.  A set of stairs can be seen off to the south leading
down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the west.
0 AD inside
A door leads off into the tower.
ABZ -1 23087
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23080
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23082
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the south a door leads off into the darkness, and the hallway continues to the
east and west.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23081
A door stands in the southern wall.
Z -1 23089
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23083
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north and south doorways lead off into the darkness, and the hallway
continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
A door leads off into the tower to the north.
Z -1 23086
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23082
A door leads off into the tower to the south.
Z -1 23088
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23084
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the third floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23083
A set of stairs can be seen to the south.
Z -1 23085
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23084
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 23090
The Barracks~
This is were the soldiers of the tower made thier home while in the service
of the Tower's Lord.  The floor is covered with the rubble of old furnishings
and the occasional skeleton.  Looking more closely at a section of the northern
wall you notice a small patch of writing that reads "Lies, lies - where is the
power I was promised?"
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 23083
Servant's Quarters~
This room used to house the servants of the tower, now only a rat or two
lives in thier places.  The room is bare except for rotting pallets bare of any
padding, and the skeletons of the long dead servants themselves.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
ABZ -1 23081
Officer's Quarters~
This room is in amazingly good shape, appearantly these men were not in
thier quarters when the final assault took place.  You can see that the room
held four men.  Bunks and lockers are in each corner of the room, disturbed,
but not destroyed.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23083
Captain's Quarters~
This room has been almost destroyed.  Nothing remains that has not been
broken apart or totally destroyed.  The Trollocs seem to have been searching
this room, although for what, or if they found it is a mystery...
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23082
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23091
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 23085
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the top floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23092
A set of stairs can be seen to the south.
Z -1 23090
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north is a wide archway leading into darkness, to the south a large gilded
door stands seemingly untouched by the towers fall, the hallway continues to
the east and west.
0 AD inside
An archway leads into another part of the tower.
Z -1 23095
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23093
A large gilded door stands to the south.
ABCFZ 23014 23096
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23091
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the top floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up yo the roof of the tower.  While the hallway continues
back to the west.
0 AD inside
A set of stairs can be seen to the south.
Z -1 23094
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 23092
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up onto
the battlements of the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the
occasional Trolloc symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23093
The battlements of the tower lie above you.
Z -1 23097
The Feast Hall~
This room was meant to hold victory celebrations and welcome important
guests, used by the Lord of the tower and soldiers alike.  It now lies in ruins
as much of the rest of the tower.  Banners of depicting great battles and
fanciful creatures and places once lined it's walls, now it walls are lined
with dried blood and grey rags.  Once, this tower was one of the Seven Towers
of Malkeri, now a ruin in the Blight.
0 AD inside
An archway leads into darkness to the south.
Z -1 23092
The Lord's Quarters~
The Lord of the tower lived here, and in a fashion still does, the room is
immaculate, it's furnishings still intact, and banners as colorful as if newly
woven.  A large bed is made in the middle of the room.  The air seems to shiver
with life and anger at someone daring to enter this room.  The air becomes
clearer, as does a shape forming beside the bed.  Malkerians were ever a
stubborn lot.
0 D inside
A great gilded door lies to the north.
ABCFZ 23014 23092
The Battlements~
You stand atop one of the Seven Towers of the lost kingdom of Malkeri.
Once this tower overlooked farms and houses of the Malkerians, now it overlooks
the desolation of the Blight, the Land of the Shadow.  The battlements
themselves are blackened as if by huge gouts of fire, your heart sinks with
desperation and a sense of loss for the broken kingdom, and it's brave people.
0 C city
Below you stairs lead down into the tower.
Z -1 23094
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 23099
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 23066
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway in the basement of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up into the tower.  To the north you see a door adorned
with two crossed swords, now covered in blood.  The hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
A door adorned with crossed swords, now fouled with blood is to the north.
ABZ -1 24004
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 23098
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24000
By the Shore~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight still
surrounds you all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.  But, what lies
to the west is perhaps the most disturbing of all.  You are standing on the
shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black and lifeless waters are perfectly still like
a huge mirror of pollished obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to
the bone, surely one step into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24099
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23056
The Borderland kingdom of Saldaea lies to the south.
Z -1 23101
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Saldaea.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23100
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23102
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Saldaea.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23056
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23103
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23101
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Saldaea.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23051
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23104
The border continues ot the west.
Z -1 23102
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Saldaea.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23046
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23105
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23103
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Kandor.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23041
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23106
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23104
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Kandor.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23036
The border continues ot the east.
Z -1 23107
The border continues ot the west.
Z -1 23105
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Kandor.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23031
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23108
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23106
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Arafel.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight strecthes northward.
Z -1 23026
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23109
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23107
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Arafel.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23021
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23110
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23108
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Arafel.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23016
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23111
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23109
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Shienar.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23011
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23112
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23110
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Shienar.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23006
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23113
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23111
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Shienar.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet you every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 23001
The border continues to the east.
Z -1 23114
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23112
In the Borderlands~
You are just north of the borderland kingdom of Shienar.  It is one of the
four kingdom that hold back the Dark One's Shadowspawn from the rest of the
world.  They are a good people, but allow no one and nothing from the Blight to
pass into thier lands, patrols meet your every effort to move farther south,
turning you back with suspicious eyes.
0 0 field
The Blight stretches northward.
Z -1 24077
Z -1 4036
The border continues to the west.
Z -1 23113
A Warded Glade~
You didn't even see this area from the south!  It is not a lucious garden,
but then again, there are actually some green plants here, as well as a spring
flowing with appearantly untainted water.  You can now see the ancient looking
wards suroounding the glade.  Perhaps they were laid buy Lews Therin himself
or one of the Hundred Companions.  Whoever did it, you are just happy to be
here, safe from the horrors of the Blight.
0 CN field
The Blight stretches on to the south.
ABCFZ 23025 24090
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway in the basment of the tower.  You
see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many died
here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To the
south you see a sturdy set of doors leading off to another section of the
tower,  while the hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 23099
A large sturdy door stands in the southern wall.
ABZ -1 24005
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24001
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway in the basement of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  A small door is set in the northern
wall, and, the hallway continues to the east.
0 AD inside
A small door is set in the northern wall.
ABZ -1 24003
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24000
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24002
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24001
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24006
Water Storage~
Here is where the water for the tower was stored, appearantly gathered fro
one of the Hundred Lakes.  The water in the tank is no fouled like the water in
the lakes themselves.  A door leads back into the hallway to  the south, while
to the west you see a small duct, possibly leading back outside to one of the
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
ABZ -1 24001
A small duct leads into one of the Hundred Lakes.
Z -1 23009
The Training Room~
Long ago, the finest warriors in the borderlands practiced thier skills in
this room, shattered remnants of weapons, and a few skeletons are all that
remains.  Through the blood and wreckage of this room, a slogan is painted all
across the northern wall, 'May peace favor your sword.'  A dream for these long
dead warriors.  One that never came to be...
0 AD inside
The Hallway is south from here.
ABZ -1 23099
The Armoury~
Yoou have come across the towers armoury.  If you could repair what is left
in this shattered room, you could equip a small army.  Unfourtunately, the
Trolloc hordes that fell this mighty tower were very thorough in thier
destruction.  All that is left is twisted metal and splintered wood among the
rotting leather.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
ABZ -1 24000
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24007
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24002
The Hallway~
You are now in the dungeons of the tower.  There are now banners here to
adorn the walls.  This was no a place of honor or celebration in the tower, and
dried blood is the only decorations to be seen on it's walls.  A stout door
isset into northern wall. To the south lies a set of stairs, while the hallway
continues to the east.
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the northern wall.
ABCZ 23003 24009
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24008
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24006
The Hallway~
You are now in the dungeons of the tower.  There are no banners here to
adorn the walls.  This was no a place of honor or celebration in the tower, and
dried blood is the only decorations to be seen on it's walls.  A barred door is
set in the southern wall, the hallway continues to the west.
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the southern wall.
ABCZ 23004 24011
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24007
Guard Room~
The dungeon's guards once kept thier watch from this room.  There are no
longer prisonners to watch, or guards to watch them however, and this room
holds nothing but wreckage and dust.  A small door is set in the eastern wall,
while the hallway lies to the south.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the east.
ABZ -1 24010
A stout door is set in the southern wall.
ABCZ 23003 24007
Interogation Room~
This is were the prisonners of the tower were questioned.  Although you do
not see any implements of torture in this room, you feel certain the towers
guards had many questions answered here.  A small door leads into the guard
room to the west.
0 AD inside
A small door is set into the western wall.
ABZ -1 24009
The Cells~
Although no one resides here any longer, you feel a sense of despair.  As
you look around the area you notice that although the tower was taken, and that
this area was surely checked, that none of the cells stand open.  Two of the
cells hold skeletons hanging from rotting ropes appearantly made from rotting
bedding.  Surely the Shadowspawn that took the tower would have freed thier
fellows.  Wouldn't they?
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the northern wall.
ABCZ 23004 24008
Into the Breach~
You have entered into a breach in the wall of one of the Seven Towers,
Trolloc armies over ran this tower many years ago.  To the west lies a hallway
deeper into the tower.  The Blight is outside to the east.  You doubt the
Trolloc armies, and any creatures here since left anything in the tower, except
the dead.
0 D inside
The Blight lies outside to the east.
Z -1 23004
A hallway lies to the west.
Z -1 24013
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the main floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
west.  To the east you see a great breach in the towers walls.
0 AD inside
There is a breach in the tower's wall to the east.
Z -1 24012
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24014
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24015
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24013
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24049
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north you see a wide set of stable doors, to the south you see a set what
remains of another set of doors.  The hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
The stables lie to the north.
Z -1 24018
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24013
A large yard lies to the south.
Z -1 24019
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24016
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the main floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24015
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24017
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24016
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24023
The Stables~
Although you can tell this was a stables at one time from the stalls and
the rotted leather of old tack and harnesses, the smell here is not of horses,
but of death, and dust.  No one has used this room as a stables for a very long
time, all the stalls are empty, and whatever grain may have been stored here as
feed has long since rotted away.  The only exit from this room is to the south,
back into the hallway.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 24015
The Main Yard~
Here is where the soldiers of this tower would gather before going on a
patrol, before the tower was swallowed by the blight.  It appears it is also
where they made thier last stand against the Trolloc invaders.  The skeletons
of humans and Trollocs alike litter the floor.  You notice with respect that
the Malkeri must have killed three Trollocs for every man that died after a
quick survey of the skeletons.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24015
A gatehouse can be seen to the south.
Z -1 24020
The Gatehouse~
You have entered the gatehouse of the tower, the soldiers must have fallen
back to this room when they had been weakened by the Trolloc hordes that hard
crushed them in the room to the north.  You eye what was once an stout wooden
door, reinforced with iron bars, smashed now into kindling.  To the east and
west are two small doors, probably guard rooms, while to the south you see a
massive iron portcullis, still intact, and rusted completely shut, it's opening
mechanism either destroyed by the defenders of the tower, or possibly it's
0 AD inside
A large yard lies to the north.
Z -1 24019
A small door lies to the east.
ABCZ 23005 24022
A small door lies to the west.
ABCZ 23005 24021
A Guard Room~
You have entered a guard room, this was once used to house the gate guards
during the night, keeping part of the guards at the gate, while others slept
here for quick reinforcements.  No one must have been in this room when the
tower fell, and it is one of the least destroyed rooms in the building.  A few
beds and chests line the walls undisturbed.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the east.
ABCZ 23005 24020
A Guard Room~
You have entered a guard room, this was once used to house the gate guards
during the night, keeping part of the guards at the gate, while others slept
here for quick reinforcements.  No one must have been in this room when the
tower fell, and it is one of the least destroyed rooms in the building.  A few
beds and chests line the walls undisturbed.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the west.
ABCZ 23005 24020
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24024
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24017
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the second floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to
the east.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24025
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24023
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north is a wide archway leading into darkness, to the south is another
darkened room, and the hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
A darkened room lies to the north.
Z -1 24028
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24026
A darkened room lies to the south.
Z -1 24030
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24024
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the second floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24027
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24025
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24026
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24031
The Kitchen~
This was kitchen for the people of this tower.  Splintered tables and
broken and dented pots and pans lay about the room.  Off to the south is a
hallway, while a door to the east leads into another room of the tower.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the east.
ABZ -1 24029
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 24025
The Larder~
This was the larder for the kitchen, you notice a human skeleton hanging
from one of the meat hooks that once held fleshly staughtered beef when the
towers kitchens prepared food for it's inhabitants.  All the food has long
since gone rotten in the larder, leaving nothing for the rats and other
inhabitants of this once proud tower.
0 AD inside
The tower's kitchen lies to the west.
ABZ -1 24028
Dining Hall~
This is where the soldiers and servants of the tower took thier meals. All
the tables and chairs in the room are broken and scattered about the room, you
have the feeling that the last meal in this room was it's usual patrons, eaten
by the Trolloc armies that defeated the tower.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24025
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24032
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24027
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the third floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  On the northern wall a door
leads off into the tower.  A set of stairs can be seen off to the south leading
down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the west.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the north.
ABZ -1 24038
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24031
The hallway continues on to the west.
Z -1 24033
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the south a door leads off into the darkness, and the hallway continues to the
east and west.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24032
A small door lies to the south.
Z -1 24040
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24034
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north and south doorways lead off into the darkness, and the hallway
continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
A large door stands in the northern wall.
Z -1 24037
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24033
A door lies to the south.
Z -1 24039
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24035
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the third floor of the tower.  Faded banners
and black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen
off to the south leading up into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24034
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24036
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24035
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24041
The Barracks~
This is were the soldiers of the tower made thier home while in the service
of the Tower's Lord.  The floor is covered with the rubble of old furnishings
and the occasional skeleton.  Looking more closely at a section of the northern
wall you notice a small patch of writing that reads "I should have taken the
Dark One's offer, I could have power now instead of death."
0 AD inside
A large door lies to the south.
Z -1 24034
Servant's Quarters~
This room used to house the servants of the tower, now only a rat or two
lives in thier places.  The room is bare except for rotting pallets bare of any
padding, and the skeletons of the long dead servants themselves.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the south.
ABZ -1 24032
Officer's Quarters~
This room is in amazingly good shape, appearantly these men were not in
thier quarters when the final assault took place.  You can see that the room
held four men.  Bunks and lockers are in each corner of the room, disturbed,
but not destroyed.
0 AD inside
A door lies to the north.
Z -1 24034
Captain's Quarters~
This room has been almost destroyed.  Nothing remains that has not been
broken apart or totally destroyed.  The Trollocs seem to have been searching
this room, although for what, or if they found it is a mystery...
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the north.
Z -1 24033
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24042
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24036
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the top floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  And, the hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24043
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24041
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway on the main floor of the tower.
You see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many
died here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To
the north is a wide archway leading into darkness, to the south a large gilded
door stands seemingly untouched by the towers fall, the hallway continues to
the east and west.
0 AD inside
An archway leads into another part of the tower.
Z -1 24046
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24044
A large gilded door lies to the south.
ABCFZ 23013 24047
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24042
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway on the top floor of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up yo the roof of the tower.  While the hallway continues
back to the west.
0 AD inside
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24045
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24043
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up onto
the battlements of the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the
occasional Trolloc symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24044
A set of stairs leads up to the tower's battlements.
Z -1 24048
The Feast Hall~
This room was meant to hold victory celebrations and welcome important
guests, used by the Lord of the tower and soldiers alike.  It now lies in ruins
as much of the rest of the tower.  Banners of depicting great battles and
fanciful creatures and places once lined it's walls, now it walls are lined
with dried blood and grey rags.  Once, this tower was one of the Seven Towers
of Malkeri, now a ruin in the Blight.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
Z -1 24043
The Lord's Quarters~
The Lord of the tower lived here, and in a fashion still does, the room is
immaculate, it's furnishings still intact, and banners as colorful as if newly
woven.  A large bed is made in the middle of the room.  The air seems to shiver
with life and anger at someone daring to enter this room.  The air becomes
clearer, as does a shape forming beside the bed.  Malkerians were ever a
stubborn lot.
0 D inside
A large golden door is set in the northern wall.
ABCFZ 23013 24043
The Battlements~
You stand atop one of the Seven Towers of the lost kingdom of Malkeri.
Once this tower overlooked farms and houses of the Malkerians, now it overlooks
the desolation of the Blight, the Land of the Shadow.  The battlements
themselves are blackened as if by huge gouts of fire, your heart sinks with
desperation and a sense of loss for the broken kingdom, and it's brave people.
0 C city
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24045
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24050
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24014
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway in the basement of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading up into the tower.  To the north you see a door adorned
with two crossed swords, now covered in blood.  The hallway continues to the
0 AD inside
A set of doors adorned with crossed swords lies to the north.
ABZ -1 24055
A Stairwell is south from here.
Z -1 24049
The hallway continues to west.
Z -1 24051
The Hallway~
You are now in the center of the hallway in the basment of the tower.  You
see the remains of Trollocs and men lying about this ruined tower.  Many died
here trying to defend Malkeri, and many more died taking the tower.  To the
south you see a sturdy set of doors leading off to another section of the
tower,  while the hallway continues to the east and west.
0 AD inside
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24050
A stout door is set in the southern wall.
ABZ -1 24056
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24052
The Hallway~
You are now in a hallway in the basement of the tower.  Faded banners and
black streaks of dried blood line the walls.  A set of stairs can be seen off
to the south leading down into the tower.  A small door is set in the northern
wall, and, the hallway continues to the east.
0 AD inside
A small door lies to the north.
ABZ -1 24054
The hallway continues to the east.
Z -1 24051
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24053
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads down into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24052
A set of stairs leads down into the tower.
Z -1 24057
Water Storage~
Here is where the water for the tower was stored, appearantly gathered fro
one of the Hundred Lakes.  The water in the tank is no fouled like the water in
the lakes themselves.  A door leads back into the hallway to  the south, while
to the west you see a small duct, possibly leading back outside to one of the
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
ABZ -1 24052
A duct leads to on of the Hundred Lakes.
Z -1 23009
The Training Room~
Long ago, the finest warriors in the borderlands practiced thier skills in
this room, shattered remnants of weapons, and a few skeletons are all that
remains.  Through the blood and wreckage of this room, a slogan is painted all
across the northern wall, 'May peace favor your sword.'  A dream for these long
dead warriors.  One that never came to be...
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the south.
ABZ -1 24050
The Armoury~
Yoou have come across the towers armoury.  If you could repair what is left
in this shattered room, you could equip a small army.  Unfourtunately, the
Trolloc hordes that fell this mighty tower were very thorough in thier
destruction.  All that is left is twisted metal and splintered wood among the
rotting leather.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
ABZ -1 24051
A Stairwell~
Now well into the tower the light has faltered, as you weave your way
through the oppressive darkness of the tower.  Here a stairway leads up into
the tower.  The walls are still streaked with blood, and the occasional Trolloc
symbols written in the blood of the dead.
0 AD inside
A hallway lies to the north.
Z -1 24058
A set of stairs leads up into the tower.
Z -1 24053
The Hallway~
You are now in the dungeons of the tower.  There are now banners here to
adorn the walls.  This was no a place of honor or celebration in the tower, and
dried blood is the only decorations to be seen on it's walls.  A stout door
isset into northern wall. To the south lies a set of stairs, while the hallway
continues to the east.
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the northern wall.
ABCZ 23006 24060
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24059
A set of stairs lies to the south.
Z -1 24057
The Hallway~
You are now in the dungeons of the tower.  There are no banners here to
adorn the walls.  This was no a place of honor or celebration in the tower, and
dried blood is the only decorations to be seen on it's walls.  A barred door is
set in the southern wall, the hallway continues to the west.
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the southern wall.
ABCZ 23007 24062
The hallway continues to the west.
Z -1 24058
Guard Room~
The dungeon's guards once kept thier watch from this room.  There are no
longer prisonners to watch, or guards to watch them however, and this room
holds nothing but wreckage and dust.  A small door is set in the eastern wall,
while the hallway lies to the south.
0 AD inside
A door lies to the east.
ABZ -1 24061
A hallway lies to the south.
ABCZ 23006 24058
Interogation Room~
This is were the prisonners of the tower were questioned.  Although you do
not see any implements of torture in this room, you feel certain the towers
guards had many questions answered here.  A small door leads into the guard
room to the west.
0 AD inside
A door lies to the west.
ABZ -1 24060
The Cells~
Although no one resides here any longer, you feel a sense of despair.  As
you look around the area you notice that although the tower was taken, and that
this area was surely checked, that none of the cells stand open.  Two of the
cells hold skeletons hanging from rotting ropes appearantly made from rotting
bedding.  Surely the Shadowspawn that took the tower would have freed thier
fellows.  Wouldn't they?
0 AD inside
A stout door is set in the northern wall.
ABCZ 23007 24059
Into the Past~
You forge your way down into the tower, but this is not what you expected,
the air is shimmering, and you feel disoriented.  You are not in a room, it's
more like you are floating, existing, nothing more.  You feel your self
slipping away, and know you must move from this area soon, or be lost forever.
0 ADN inside
You cannot pierce the shimmering air.
Z -1 24064
You cannot pierce the shimmering air.
Z -1 24067
You cannot pierce the shimmering air.
Z -1 24065
You cannot pierce the shimmering air.
Z -1 24066
You sense a great evil above you.
Z -1 23060
Things seem clearer downward.
Z -1 24068
Foxes and Snakes~
Your mind is still foggy, but a memory of a childhood game struggles to the
surface.  Foxes and Snakes.  A childhood game more complex than, but not unlike
hunting snipes, as you survey the scene you realize why.  You are suspeneded in
mid-air by some unseen force, all around you pale humanoids observe you
grinning with canine maws.  They are too tall to be humans, and too thin.  You
are glad that whatever force keeps you from moving on stops them from getting
to you also.
0 ADN inside
The air is still shimmering to the south.
Z -1 24063
Foxes and Snakes~
Your mind is still foggy, but a memory of a childhood game struggles to the
surface.  Foxes and Snakes.  A childhood game more complex than, but not unlike
hunting snipes, as you survey the scene you realize why.  You are suspeneded in
mid-air by some unseen force, all around you scaled humanoids are observing
you.  They seem to have no bones as they sway like willows in the wind.  They
seem to be in rapture at your presence, smiling absently.  You are glad that
whatever force keeps you from moving on stops them from getting to you also.
0 ADN inside
The air is still shimmering to the north.
Z -1 24063
The Writing Room~
You have entered into a large comfortable room.  Still a bit disoriented,
it takes you a moment to realize there is a man sitting at a desk by a warm
looking fireplace.  You feel quite strange.  The man is oblivious to you, and
you are unable to enter further into the room.  You have never seen the man
before, but you sense he is a man great power.  The kind who contols other men
and women fates with uncommon ease, sitting before a glowing screen, working
some strange plate before him.
0 ADN inside
The air is still shimmering to the east.
Z -1 24063
A Strange Room~
You are awed by what you see before you, and a little confused.  Lighted
boxes line a large room.  Lights of all colors blink on the boxes,  two men sit
at a table on the far side of the room.  They do not notice you, and you cannot
seem to get thier attention.  More importantly, as you look at some of the
windows in the room, you see great battles taking place, people you know
talking back in the town you come from, people living and dying, being reborn,
and dying again.  And the men in the room don't even notice!  You feel a great
need to leave this place.
0 ADN inside
The air still shimmers to the west.
Z -1 24063
The Center~
You are in the center of a large yard.  Around the yard people dressed in
strange clothes move about.  Some of them look at you for a moment and move on,
others do not even notice you and move by the glass surrounding you without a
care.  Other beings are in the glass yard with you...
0 ADN inside
The Northern Yard
Z -1 24073
The Eastern Yard
Z -1 24071
The Southern Yard
Z -1 24069
The Western Yard
Z -1 24075
The air is shimmering directly above you.
Z -1 24063
The Southern Yard~
You are in the middle of the southern wall of this strange yard.  The wall
appears to be made of glass, but when you test it's strength you find it harder
than steel.  The people outside sometimes look at you with a sense of wonder,
sometimes disgust, and sometines not at all.  The other beings in the yard look
as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The center of the yard is to the north.
Z -1 24068
The southeast corner of the yard is to the east.
Z -1 24070
The southwest corner of the yard is to the west.
Z -1 24076
The Southeast Corner~
You stand in the southeast corner of this strange yard.  The wall
surrounding the yard looks like glass, but when you test it's strength you find
it to be harder than steel.  People milling around outside sometimes notice
you, sometimes not.  The other beings in the yard look as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The eastern wall of the yard is to the north.
Z -1 24071
The southern wall of the yard is to the west.
Z -1 24069
The Eastern Yard~
You are in the middle of the eastern wall of this strange yard.  The wall
appears to be made of glass, but when you test it's strength you find it harder
than steel.  The people outside sometimes look at you with a sense of wonder,
sometimes disgust, and sometines not at all.  The other beings in the yard look
as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The northeast corner of the yard is to the north.
Z -1 24072
The southeast corner of the yard is to the south.
Z -1 24070
The center of the yard is to the west.
Z -1 24068
The Northeast Corner~
You stand in the northeast corner of this strange yard.  The wall
surrounding the yard looks like glass, but when you test it's strength you find
it to be harder than steel.  People milling around outside sometimes notice
you, sometimes not.  The other beings in the yard look as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The east wall of the yard is to the south.
Z -1 24071
The north wall of the yard is to the west.
Z -1 24073
The Northern Yard~
You are in the middle of the northern wall of this strange yard.  The wall
appears to be made of glass, but when you test it's strength you find it harder
than steel.  The people outside sometimes look at you with a sense of wonder,
sometimes disgust, and sometines not at all.  The other beings in the yard look
as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The northeast corner of the yard is to the east.
Z -1 24072
The center of the yard is to the south.
Z -1 24068
The northwest corner of the yard is to the west.
Z -1 24074
The Northwest Corner~
You stand in the northwest corner of this strange yard.  The wall
surrounding the yard looks like glass, but when you test it's strength you find
it to be harder than steel.  People milling around outside sometimes notice
you, sometimes not.  The other beings in the yard look as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The north wall of the yard is to the east.
Z -1 24073
The west wall of the yard is the south.
Z -1 24075
The Western Yard~
You are in the middle of the western wall of this strange yard.  The wall
appears to be made of glass, but when you test it's strength you find it harder
than steel.  The people outside sometimes look at you with a sense of wonder,
sometimes disgust, and sometines not at all.  The other beings in the yard look
as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The northwest corner of the yard is to the north.
Z -1 24074
The center of the yard is to the east.
Z -1 24068
The southwest corner of the yard is to the south.
Z -1 24076
The Southwest Corner~
You stand in the southwest corner of this strange yard.  The wall
surrounding the yard looks like glass, but when you test it's strength you find
it to be harder than steel.  People milling around outside sometimes notice
you, sometimes not.  The other beings in the yard look as confused as you feel.
0 ADN inside
The west wall of the yard is to the north.
Z -1 24075
The south wall of the yard is to the east.
Z -1 24069
Near The Spine of the World~
You have travelled east all the way to the Spine of the World.  It's
mountains loom above you to the east leaving you no further path to the east.
Legend has it that the mighty Aiel live on the other side of the Dragonwall,
and you think maybe it's best that you cannot continue in that direction.  You
still need to survive the Blight.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24078
The borderland kingdom of Shienar lies ot he south.
Z -1 23114
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23001
Near The Spine of the World~
You have travelled east all the way to the Spine of the World.  It's
mountains loom above you to the east leaving you no further path to the east.
Legend has it that the mighty Aiel live on the other side of the Dragonwall,
and you think maybe it's best that you cannot continue in that direction.  You
still need to survive the Blight.
0 0 mountain
The Blight Continues on to the north.
Z -1 24079
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24077
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23002
Near The Spine of the World~
You have travelled east all the way to the Spine of the World.  It's
mountains loom above you to the east leaving you no further path to the east.
Legend has it that the mighty Aiel live on the other side of the Dragonwall,
and you think maybe it's best that you cannot continue in that direction.  You
still need to survive the Blight.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24080
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24078
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23003
Near The Spine of the World~
You have travelled east all the way to the Spine of the World.  It's
mountains loom above you to the east leaving you no further path to the east.
Legend has it that the mighty Aiel live on the other side of the Dragonwall,
and you think maybe it's best that you cannot continue in that direction.  You
still need to survive the Blight.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24081
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24079
Near The Spine of the World~
You have travelled east all the way to the Spine of the World.  It's
mountains loom above you to the east leaving you no further path to the east.
Legend has it that the mighty Aiel live on the other side of the Dragonwall,
and you think maybe it's best that you cannot continue in that direction.  You
still need to survive the Blight.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24082
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24080
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 23005
Tarwin's Gap~
You have reached the beginning of Tarwin's Gap.  The largest pass in the
Mountains of Dhoom.  Many great battles have taken place in this gap.
Traditionally the Malkerians defended this gap.  Once that that kingdom fell
the duty fell to the borderland kingdom of Shienar.  You see more than a fist
of Trollocs camped in the gap.  Going further to the north would be suicide.
With the Dragonwall to the east, and the Mountains of Dhoom to the north, you
must turn back.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24081
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24083
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24082
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23005
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24084
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24083
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23010
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24085
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24084
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23015
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24086
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24085
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23020
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24087
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24086
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23025
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24088
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24087
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23030
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24089
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24088
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23035
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24090
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
You just see mountains.
ABCFZ 23025 23115
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24089
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23040
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24091
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24090
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23045
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24092
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24091
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23050
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24093
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24092
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23055
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24094
Near the Mountains of Dhoom~
You stand at the base of the Mountains of Dhoom.  If things are this bad
hundreds of miles from Shayol Ghul, you shiver at what the Blasted Lands to the
north of the range must be like, fully in the embrace of Ba'alzamon.  You are
not to disappointed to find no pass north into the range.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24093
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23060
The Blight continues on to the west.
Z -1 24095
The Moutains and the Sea~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight continues
on to the south and east with all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.
To the north lay the Mountains of Dhoom, that few men have travelled north of,
and even less have returned.  But, what lies to the west is perhaps the most
disturbing of all.  You are standing on the shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black
and lifeless waters are perfectly still like a huge mirror of pollished
obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to the bone, surely one step
into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 24094
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24096
By the Shore~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight still
surrounds you all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.  But, what lies
to the west is perhaps the most disturbing of all.  You are standing on the
shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black and lifeless waters are perfectly still like
a huge mirror of pollished obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to
the bone, surely one step into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24095
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23060
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24097
By the Shore~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight still
surrounds you all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.  But, what lies
to the west is perhaps the most disturbing of all.  You are standing on the
shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black and lifeless waters are perfectly still like
a huge mirror of pollished obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to
the bone, surely one step into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24096
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23059
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24098
By the Shore~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight still
surrounds you all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.  But, what lies
to the west is perhaps the most disturbing of all.  You are standing on the
shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black and lifeless waters are perfectly still like
a huge mirror of pollished obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to
the bone, surely one step into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24097
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23058
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 24099
By the Shore~
A grotesque and disturbing site meets you eyes here.  The Blight still
surrounds you all of it's death and decay strong in your mind.  But, what lies
to the west is perhaps the most disturbing of all.  You are standing on the
shore of the Dead Sea.  It's black and lifeless waters are perfectly still like
a huge mirror of pollished obsidian.  It's calm and lack of life chill you to
the bone, surely one step into those evil waters would mean your death.
0 0 mountain
The Blight continues on to the north.
Z -1 24098
The Blight continues on to the east.
Z -1 23057
The Blight continues on to the south.
Z -1 23100

M 23001 spec_fido	* The trolloc
M 23003 spec_fido	* The trolloc
M 23004 spec_fido	* The trolloc
M 23005 spec_fido	* The flock of ravens
M 23006 spec_fido	* The trolloc
M 23009 spec_cast_mage	* The draghkar
M 23010 spec_fido	* The diseased creature
M 23012 spec_cast_undead	* the Lord of the Tower
M 23013 spec_cast_undead	* the Lord of the Tower
M 23014 spec_cast_undead	* The spirit
M 23015 spec_cast_undead	* The spirit
M 23020 spec_breath_lightning	* The metallic orb
M 23021 spec_thief	* The fox-like humanoid

D 0 23069 1 2	* The Gatehouse: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 23069 3 2	* The Gatehouse: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 23070 1 2	* A Guard Room: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 23071 3 2	* A Guard Room: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 23077 1 1	* The Kitchen: door to the east: closed
D 0 23078 3 1	* The Larder: door to the west: closed
D 0 23081 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 23087 2 1	* Servant's Quarters: door to the south: closed
D 0 23092 2 2	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 23096 0 2	* The Lord's Quarters: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 23099 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 23115 2 2	* A Warded Glade: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24000 2 1	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 24001 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 24003 2 1	* Water Storage: door to the south: closed
D 0 24004 2 1	* The Training Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 24005 0 1	* The Armoury: door to the north: closed
D 0 24007 0 2	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 24008 2 2	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24009 1 1	* Guard Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 24009 2 2	* Guard Room: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24010 3 1	* Interogation Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 24011 0 2	* The Cells: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 24020 1 2	* The Gatehouse: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 24020 3 2	* The Gatehouse: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 24021 1 2	* A Guard Room: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 24022 3 2	* A Guard Room: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 24028 1 1	* The Kitchen: door to the east: closed
D 0 24029 3 1	* The Larder: door to the west: closed
D 0 24032 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 24038 2 1	* Servant's Quarters: door to the south: closed
D 0 24043 2 2	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24047 0 2	* The Lord's Quarters: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 24050 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 24051 2 1	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed
D 0 24052 0 1	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed
D 0 24054 2 1	* Water Storage: door to the south: closed
D 0 24055 2 1	* The Training Room: door to the south: closed
D 0 24056 0 1	* The Armoury: door to the north: closed
D 0 24058 0 2	* The Hallway: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 24059 2 2	* The Hallway: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24060 1 1	* Guard Room: door to the east: closed
D 0 24060 2 2	* Guard Room: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 24061 3 1	* Interogation Room: door to the west: closed
D 0 24062 0 2	* The Cells: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 24090 0 2	* Near the Mountains of Dhoom: door to the north: closed and locked
M 0 23002 3 23001 1	* The Myrddraal (Edge of the Blight)
E 0 23008 0 16		*	a black sword: wielded
E 0 23009 0 12		*	an unmoving black cloak: about the shoulders
E 0 23010 0 5		*	snake-like overlapping black plates: on the body
M 0 23001 6 23001 1	* The trolloc (Edge of the Blight)
M 0 23001 6 23005 1	* The trolloc (The Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23010 20 23007 2	* The diseased creature (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23008 1 23008 1	* The twisted tree (The Blight)
M 0 23007 1 23009 1	* The creature (One of the Hundred Lakes)
O 0 23029 0 23009	* encased in the lakes muck (One of the Hundred Lakes)
P 0 23025 0 23029 1	* encased in the lakes muck: a strange ward
M 0 23010 20 23010 2	* The diseased creature (The Blight)
M 0 23014 7 23012 1	* The spirit (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23001 6 23016 1	* The trolloc (Edge of the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23010 20 23020 2	* The diseased creature (The Blight)
M 0 23010 20 23022 2	* The diseased creature (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23016 1 23024 1	* The twisted tree (The Blight)
M 0 23006 3 23028 1	* The trolloc (The Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23006 3 23028 1	* The trolloc (The Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23006 3 23028 1	* The trolloc (The Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23002 3 23033 1	* The Myrddraal (The Blight)
E 0 23008 0 16		*	a black sword: wielded
E 0 23009 0 12		*	an unmoving black cloak: about the shoulders
E 0 23010 0 5		*	snake-like overlapping black plates: on the body
M 0 23010 20 23033 2	* The diseased creature (The Blight)
M 0 23005 1 23035 1	* The flock of ravens (The Blight)
E 0 23013 0 17		*	a shiny platinum key: held in the hands
M 0 23004 3 23037 1	* The trolloc (Entering the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23004 3 23037 1	* The trolloc (Entering the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23004 3 23037 1	* The trolloc (Entering the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23009 1 23039 1	* The draghkar (The Blight)
E 0 23034 0 16		*	a seductive smile: wielded
E 0 23014 0 17		*	a shiny golden key: held in the hands
M 0 23010 20 23042 2	* The diseased creature (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23017 1 23043 1	* The twisted tree (The Blight)
M 0 23010 20 23045 2	* The diseased creature (The Blight)
M 0 23010 20 23047 2	* The diseased creature (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23003 3 23051 1	* The trolloc (Edge of the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23003 3 23051 1	* The trolloc (Edge of the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23003 3 23051 1	* The trolloc (Edge of the Blight)
E 0 23001 0 16		*	a huge curved blade: wielded
M 0 23018 1 23054 1	* The twisted tree (The Blight)
M 0 23010 20 23057 2	* The diseased creature (Entering the Blight)
M 0 23010 20 23059 2	* The diseased creature (The Blight)
M 0 23002 3 23060 1	* The Myrddraal (The Blight)
E 0 23008 0 16		*	a black sword: wielded
E 0 23009 0 12		*	an unmoving black cloak: about the shoulders
E 0 23010 0 5		*	snake-like overlapping black plates: on the body
M 0 23014 7 23062 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23014 7 23064 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23014 7 23073 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23014 7 23082 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
O 0 23030 0 23086	* a skeleton (The Barracks)
P 0 23002 0 23030 1	* a skeleton: a blood-stained key
P 0 23003 0 23030 1	* a skeleton: a heavy iron key
P 0 23004 0 23030 1	* a skeleton: an often used key
M 0 23014 7 23092 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23012 1 23096 1	* the Lord of the Tower (The Lord's Quarters)
E 0 23019 0 17		*	a small figurine: held in the hands
E 0 23020 0 16		*	a Heron marked blade: wielded
E 0 23021 0 6		*	a helm stylized into a golden crane: over the head
M 0 23001 6 23100 1	* The trolloc (By the Shore)
M 0 23011 2 23101 1	* The warder (In the Borderlands)
E 0 23011 0 16		*	a finely crafted sword: wielded
E 0 23012 0 12		*	a cloak of shifting colors: about the shoulders
M 0 23001 6 23101 1	* The trolloc (In the Borderlands)
M 0 23001 6 23110 1	* The trolloc (In the Borderlands)
O 0 23026 0 23115	* the spring (A Warded Glade)
M 0 23014 7 24001 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23015 4 24005 1	* The spirit (The Armoury)
M 0 23015 4 24033 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
O 0 23027 0 24035	* the small alcove (The Hallway)
P 0 23028 0 23027 1	* the small alcove: an engraved staff
O 0 23031 0 24037	* a skeleton (The Barracks)
P 0 23005 0 23031 1	* a skeleton: a blood-stained key
P 0 23006 0 23031 1	* a skeleton: a heavy iron key
P 0 23007 0 23031 1	* a skeleton: an often used key
M 0 23015 4 24043 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23013 1 24047 1	* the Lord of the Tower (The Lord's Quarters)
E 0 23022 0 5		*	a suit of Malkerian battle armor: on the body
E 0 23023 0 16		*	a heartstone dagger: wielded
E 0 23024 0 17		*	a Lord's sceptre: held in the hands
M 0 23015 4 24051 1	* The spirit (The Hallway)
M 0 23022 3 24068 1	* The grolm (The Center)
M 0 23022 3 24069 1	* The grolm (The Southern Yard)
M 0 23021 1 24071 1	* The fox-like humanoid (The Eastern Yard)
E 0 23035 0 16		*	a wicked-looking knife: wielded
E 0 23036 0 3		*	a foxheaded medallion: around the neck (1)
M 0 23020 1 24073 1	* The metallic orb (The Northern Yard)
M 0 23019 1 24075 1	* The Sul'Dam (The Western Yard)
E 0 23032 0 17		*	an A'dam: held in the hands
E 0 23033 0 5		*	a plain dress pannelled with lightning bolts: on the body
M 0 23022 3 24076 1	* The grolm (The Southwest Corner)
M 0 23011 2 24082 1	* The warder (Tarwin's Gap)
E 0 23011 0 16		*	a finely crafted sword: wielded
E 0 23012 0 12		*	a cloak of shifting colors: about the shoulders

O 23020 6	* a Heron marked blade
O 23023 6	* a heartstone dagger
