Name Freeport~
VNUMs 29200 29349
Credits Lok~
Security 9
LevelRange 8 53

lizard blue-tongued~
the blue-tongued lizard~
A blue-tongued lizard hisses at you.
The blue-tongued lizard measures some 18" from head to tail,
is very quick, and has sharp pointy teeth.
ACEHX 0 0 0
8 0 2d7+96 5d5+100 1d7+2 bite
3 3 3 8
FHMR 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 P small unknown
lizard red-tongued~
the red-tongued lizard~
A red-tongued lizard hisses at you.
The red-tongued lizard measures some 18" from head to tail,
is very quick, and has sharp pointy teeth.
ACEHX 0 0 0
9 0 2d6+110 5d5+100 1d8+2 bite
2 2 2 7
HMR 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 small unknown
lizard green-tongued~
the green-tongued lizard~
A green-tongued lizard hisses at you.
The green-tongued lizard measures some 18" from head to tail,
is very quick, and has sharp pointy teeth.
ACEHX 0 0 0
8 0 2d7+96 5d5+100 1d7+2 bite
3 3 3 8
FHMR 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 small unknown
watchman man old sailor~
the watchman of Widow's Cape~
An old sailor is here tending the watchfire.
You strike up a conversation with the watchman. He tells you that
he has noticed several craft entering and leaving Freeport harbor
at night, but when he reported it, nobody seemed to care.
ABCEX 0 300 0
12 0 2d10+150 5d5+100 1d10+3 slash
0 0 0 7
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium unknown
fisherman man~
the fisherman~
A fisherman with a long cane pole angles here.
You strike up a conversation with the fisherman. He tells you that
you really should try the blue-tongued lizards which hide in the
jetty rocks.
ABCEX 0 200 0
10 0 2d7+121 5d5+100 2d4+2 pierce
1 1 1 7
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium unknown
longshoreman worker dock man~
the longshoreman~
A dock worker is here lifting a heavy crate.
The dockworker is dressed in loose-fitting cotton clothing and uses
a rope to lift the heavy crate.
ACEX 0 0 0
9 0 2d6+110 5d5+100 1d8+2 slash
2 2 2 7
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium unknown
harbormaster man~
the harbormaster~
The harbormaster is here asking you what you have to declare.
The harbormaster is an old hand at this, and doesn't put up with
any crap from you. Give him his list or go to the brig.
ABCE 0 0 0
29 0 6d12+778 5d5+1000 2d12+8 slash
-9 -9 -9 3
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 300
0 0 medium unknown
citizen freeport~
the citizen of Freeport~
A citizen of Freeport walks along, whistling a sailing song.
The citizen is dressed in light cotton clothing and sandals.
ACEX 0 200 0
10 0 2d7+121 5d5+100 2d4+2 pierce
1 1 1 7
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 15
0 0 medium unknown
child laughing~
the laughing child~
A small child is laughing and playing a game here.
The child is dressed in a white cotton shirt.
ACEX 0 500 0
7 0 2d6+85 5d5+100 1d8+1 pierce
4 4 4 8
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand female 1
0 0 medium unknown
wife sailor's~
the sailor's wife~
A sailor's wife asks you to keep her company while her
husband is away at sea.
The sailor's wife is dressed in a simple cotton dress,
and has hair bleached blond by the sun and the sea.
ACEX 0 100 0
9 0 2d6+110 5d5+100 1d8+2 slash
2 2 2 7
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand female 3
0 0 medium unknown
shipbuilder master~
the master shipbuilder~
The master shipbuilder is here, working on a new prototype.
After introducing yourself and the usual small talk, you 
find out from the master shipbuilder that he has been recently
commissioned to build 3 triremes, boats which offer little 
cargo storage, but excellent raiding speed.
ABCEe 0 300 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 slash
-71 -71 -71 -37
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 8000
0 0 medium unknown
apprentice shipbuilder~
the apprentice shipbuilder~
An apprentice shipbuilder is here applying pitch to a seam.
The apprentice shipbuilder is a young boy dressed in a dirty
grey smock.
ABCE 0 300 0
7 0 2d6+85 5d5+100 1d8+1 slash
4 4 4 8
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 18
0 0 medium unknown
overseer warehouse~
the warehouse overseer~
The warehouse overseer is here, yelling at a longshoreman.
The warehouse overseer complains about the shoddy record keeping
of his employees. Why just this last month the records show 60 missing
crates bound for destinations around the world.
ABCE 0 300 0
34 0 10d10+1200 5d5+1000 4d7+10 slash
-11 -11 -11 3
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 340
0 0 medium unknown
patrolman harbor~
the harbor patrolman~
The harbor patrol is here, so you better behave.
The harbor patrolman is dressed in light armor. He is well armed
though, and looks like he is in no mood for your crap.
ACEX 0 500 0
20 0 3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 pound
-4 -4 -4 5
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium unknown
the teamster~
A teamster is here, taking a wagonload of cargo to the wharf.
The teamster drives his single mule with a long whip and foul language.
ACEX 0 0 0
13 0 2d10+170 5d5+100 2d5+3 slash
-1 -1 -1 6
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 70
0 0 medium unknown
Lefty, owner of the Sunken Pirate~
Lefty, owner of the Sunken Pirate, dispenses food and drink here.
When you ask about the recent gossip, Lefty tells you that he heard
a shady looking bunch talking about how Oglethorpe the master merchant
had sold out Freeport to the pirates.
ABCDEe 0 600 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 slash
-71 -71 -71 -37
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium unknown
Anwar, proprietor of the Emporium~
Anwar is here offering exotic goods for your inspection.
You flip Anwar a gold coin. He holds out his hand for more. You give
him 50 gold. He tells you that he has access to some goods which are
very cheap in which you might be interested. When you scoff at his
fenced goods, Anwar clams up.
ABCEVe 0 -300 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 slash
-71 -71 -71 -37
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 15000
0 0 medium unknown
raedner dwarf dwarven smith~
Raedner the dwarven smith~
A dwarven smith hammers on a suit of plate armor here.
Raedner gladly accepts a pull from your ale skin. As he wipes his brow,
he begins a story about how he thinks the last election was rigged, since
nobody he had talked to voted for Mayor Friendly. He offers to repair your
ABCESVe 0 700 0
94 0 50d10+21500 5d5+5000 10d18+66 slash
-69 -69 -69 -35
EFNU 0 C 0
stand stand male 15000
0 0 medium unknown
Samantha, witch of the Mystic Eye~
Samantha, witch of the Mystic Eye displays her ample goods for you.
Samantha bats her eyes at you with no shame at all. She propositions you
for some indecent activity. You accept to pump her for more information.
She lets slip that Lord Mourning was seen recently in her shop. She offers
to identify anything you may have.
ABCERVe 0 -700 0
94 0 50d10+21500 5d5+5000 10d18+66 pierce
-69 -69 -69 -35
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand female 15000
0 0 medium unknown
apprentice merchant~
the apprentice merchant~
An apprentice merchant tries to interest you in a trip to Dunkeldorf.
The apprentice is trying to fill his docket for the evening's tide. He
wears a simple yellow smock.
ABCE 0 200 0
7 0 2d6+85 5d5+100 1d8+1 pierce
4 4 4 8
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 300
0 0 medium unknown
ceres merchant~
Ceres, merchant of the 3rd chair~
Ceres, master merchant of the 3rd chair greets you with a warm smile.
You strike up a conversation with Ceres. He tells you that he was recently
threatened by Oglethorpe (1st chair) when he brought up the subject of
missing records of the guild.
ABCEN 0 400 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 slash
-16 -16 -16 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium unknown
elken banker~
Elken, banker of Freeport~
Elken, banker of Freeport awaits your next deposit.
Elken seems to squirm and shift when you begin gentle inquiries into
the strange happenings of Freeport. He excuses himself and goes to
talk to a teller, who in turn leaves the bank in a hurry.
ABCE 0 -500 0
49 0 50d10+4000 5d5+1000 4d10+18 pierce
-19 -19 -19 1
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium unknown
cadet young~
the young cadet~
A young cadet stops to offer you assistance.
You strike up a conversation, and he tells you of the rigors of the
Naval academy. He relays a funny story of how during last summers
sailors games he took his girl off to a secret tunnel from Freeport
bay, and wound up sinking his boat and having to swim back, missing
the final race.
ABCE 0 400 0
14 0 2d10+190 5d5+100 1d12+3 pound
-1 -1 -1 6
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium unknown
whitecap old salt~
Whitecap, 8th Admiral of Freeport~
An old salt sits here smoking his pipe.
You offer Whitecap some honey gold pipe tobacco. He smiles, kicks back,
and lights up his pipe. An hour later, you are much wiser in the ways of the
sea. He also tells you of how recently he has grown concerned for the
first admiral of Freeport, Blacksail, who has acquired an addiction to
devil weed.
ABCEPQ 0 900 0
49 0 50d10+4000 5d5+1000 4d10+18 pierce
-19 -19 -19 1
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 medium unknown
mayor friendly~
Mayor Friendly~
Mayor Friendly greets you with a smile and a handshake.
When you begin to subtly inquire about the strange happenings in Freeport
Mayor Friendly gets nervous and clams up. You notice that he keeps looking
at a white marble statue.
ABCE 0 -700 0
44 0 25d10+2750 5d5+1000 8d4+15 pierce
-15 -15 -15 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 6000
0 0 medium unknown
midge innkeeper~
Midge, the innkeeper of the Crew's Quarters~
Midge, the innkeeper of the Crew's Quarters offers you a wholesome meal.
Midge sits down with you as you have the meal, as her business right now
has been slow. She tells you that her business has steadily declined for
the last 6 years. Recently her business picked up again. In fact, she 
just last month had a week stay by a very rich visitor named Lord Vulture.
ABCEe 0 400 0
94 0 50d10+21500 5d5+5000 10d18+66 pound
-69 -69 -69 -35
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand female 9000
0 0 medium unknown
sailor scruffy pirate~
the scruffy pirate~
A scruffy sailor labors here to unload crates.
The sailor reeks of rum and the sea.
ACEX 0 -200 0
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 slash
-15 -15 -15 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 45
0 0 medium unknown
guard stoic pirate~
the pirate guard~
A stoic guard stands here, barring the way.
The guard is heavily armed and moves with military 
ABCEF J -600 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 pierce
-16 -16 -16 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 150
0 0 medium unknown
blacksail admiral~
Admiral Blacksail~
Admiral Blacksail is here, shivering from his addiction to devil weed.
You confront Blacksail with his villainy. He begs for your mercy. He
claims Mourning forced him into his present addiction, and threatens
to cut him off from all devil weed unless he complies with his every
ABCE 0 -200 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 slash
-17 -17 -17 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 250
0 0 medium unknown
oglethorpe master merchant~
Oglethorpe, 1st Master Merchant of Freeport~
Oglethorpe, the 1st Master Merchant of Freeport, startles at your presence!
Oglethorpe, when faced with your accusations proudly admits to skimming
off profits from his information scandal and ties to the pirate lords.
He laughs at your puny attempts to frighten him, and vows your slow, cold
torture. With that, he laughs and eats a blue lizard tongue.
ABCE 0 -1000 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 slash
-17 -17 -17 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 1500
0 0 medium unknown
mourning lord~
Lord Mourning~
Lord Mourning, the secret 6th Pirate Lord laughs at you!
Bah! Who are you to threaten me? I was sinking navies when you were a mere
strapling on your mother's teat! I will destroy you! And if not me, then
someone else, for every one of us you kill, 2 more sprout up to take my
place! With that Lord Mourning draws his saber and eats a blue lizard 
ABCE H -1000 0
52 0 50d10+4750 5d5+5000 6d7+20 slash
-22 -22 -22 0
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 500
0 0 medium unknown
sailor drunken~
the drunken sailor~
A drunken sailor staggers here.
The drunken sailor has been a long time away at sea, and this is his
first day back in port. His wandering drunk shows on his clothing. Here
a stain from the red wine he had this morning. There is the gravy from
the meat he had for lunch.
ACEX 0 0 0
8 0 2d7+96 5d5+100 1d7+2 pound
3 3 3 8
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 10
0 0 medium unknown

key old~
an old key~
An old key is lying on the ground.~
key 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
44 1 440 P
tongue blue lizard~
a blue lizard tongue~
A blue lizard tongue is here.~
pill 0 A
30 'sanctuary' '' '' ''
8 1 450 P
tongue red lizard~
a red lizard tongue~
A red lizard tongue is here.~
pill 0 A
30 'poison' '' '' ''
9 1 90 P
tongue green lizard~
a green lizard tongue~
A green lizard tongue is here.~
pill 0 A
30 'curse' '' '' ''
8 1 80 P
a watchfire~
A watchfire is here, burning brightly.~
light A AO
0 0 999 0 0
10 20 100 P
pole fishing~
a fishing pole~
A fishing pole is here, hooked and baited.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 3 5 none 0
10 3 100 P
a notebook~
A notebook has been left here.~
treasure G AO
0 0 0 0 0
29 4 290 P
globe patrol~
a patrol globe~
A glowing globe has been left here.~
light A AO
0 0 999 0 0
20 5 200 P
24 -5
mail scale~
scale mail~
A suit of scale mail is here.~
armor G AD
7 7 7 0 0
20 20 200 P
a trident~
A trident has been left here.~
weapon G AN
exotic 5 5 none 0
20 9 200 P
19 3
pie meat~
a steaming meat pie~
A steaming meat pie is here.~
food 0 A
D D 0 0 0
0 2 5 P
grog sailor's~
a mug of sailor's grog~
A mug of sailor's grog is here.~
drink 0 A
2 2 'water' 0 0
0 2 10 P
wafer holy~
a holy wafer~
A holy wafer is here.~
pill G A
50 'bless' '' '' ''
5 1 50 P
plate silver~
a silver plate~
A silver plate has been left here.~
treasure 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
15 8 300 P
a tapestry~
A tapestry has been left here.~
treasure 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
15 30 150 P
The tapestry is of knights locked in battle in the Battleplain
of Arden.
armor emerald~
emerald armor~
A suit of emerald armor is here.~
armor G AD
13 13 13 10 0
46 40 2000 P
17 -30
hammer dwarven thrower~
a dwarven thrower~
A dwarven throwing hammer is here.~
weapon GP AN
exotic 9 5 none 0
40 20 1500 P
18 4
19 4
sleeves elven chainmail~
elven chainmail sleeves~
A set of elven chainmail sleeves is here.~
armor G AI
5 5 5 5 0
10 4 100 P
leggings elven chainmail~
elven chainmail leggings~
A pair of elven chainmail leggings is here.~
armor GQ AF
5 5 5 5 0
10 5 100 P
wine red~
a glass of Freeport burgundy~
A glass of Freeport Burgundy is here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'red wine' 0 0
0 1 10 P
wine white~
a glass of Freeport chablis~
A glass of Freeport Chablis is here.~
drink 0 A
1 1 'white wine' 0 0
46 1 20 P
dumplings plate gravy~
a plate of gravy and dumplings~
A plate of gravy and dumplings is here.~
food 0 A
AC AC 0 0 0
0 2 14 P
a huge box crate~
A huge box crate is here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
7 100 70 P
ship moored~
a moored ship~
A moored ship is here.~
boat 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
7 100 70 P
wristguard emerald~
an emerald wristguard~
An emerald wristguard is here.~
armor G AM
12 12 12 6 0
46 10 3500 P
17 -20
longsword emerald~
an emerald longsword~
An emerald longsword is here.~
weapon G AN
exotic 5 10 none 0
46 10 3200 P
17 -10
helm emerald~
an emerald helm~
An emerald helm is here.~
armor G AE
12 12 12 6 0
46 15 1800 P
17 -10
weed devil's~
a pinch of devil's weed~
A pinch of devil's weed is here.~
pill G A
40 'poison' '' '' ''
45 1 450 P
cape admiral's~
an admiral's cape~
A cape with the emblem of Freeport is here.~
armor GI ACD
12 12 12 6 0
45 10 3200 P
18 2
19 2
17 -20
23 -5
24 -5
signet ring freeport~
an admiral's signet~
A ring with the seal of Freeport is here.~
armor G AB
12 12 12 6 0
45 1 1800 P
14 100
18 6
19 3
purse heavy~
a very heavy purse~
A very heavy purse is here.~
money 0 A
800 0 0 0 0
47 100 470 P
boots bladed~
bladed boots~
A pair of boots with a spring action blade lie here.~
armor 0 AG
17 17 17 9 0
52 5 3900 P
19 5
18 5
cape dimensional~
a dimensional cape~
A hole in reality lies here.~
armor G AC
13 13 13 13 0
52 3 5000 P
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
12 20
13 20
19 5
stone troll~
the troll stone~
A stone covered in green icor lies here.~
staff FG AO
55 10 8 'sanctuary' 0
52 1 3000 P

Dusk's Edge~
You have reached the point of Freeport isle, a place locals 
call Dusk's edge. There is an ivory statue of a dolphin entering the 
water from a great leap is here.
0 0 mountain
The statue shows the Dolphin as it is entering the water. The inscription 
reads `When Dolphin was created at the dawn of time, she leaped forth from 
the water with great joy, and the water which fell from her back became the 
isle of Freeport.
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29202
Land Ho!!~
Z -1 14501
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29203
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29201
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29202
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29204
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29203
On the wharf~
Z -1 29206
Wharf road~
Z -1 29205
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. To your south is a rock jetty upon
which the waves crash. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29204
Wharf road~
Z -1 29207
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29208
Wharf road~
Z -1 29207
On the jetty~
Z -1 29204
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. To your south is a rock jetty upon
which the waves crash. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
On the wharf~
Z -1 29206
Wharf road~
Z -1 29209
You see the wharf~
Z -1 29205
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29212
Wharf road~
Z -1 29209
On the jetty~
Z -1 29206
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. To your south is a rock jetty upon
which the waves crash. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
On the wharf~
Z -1 29208
Wharf road~
Z -1 29213
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29210
Wharf road~
Z -1 29207
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash 
and spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, 
having flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
Wharf road~
Z -1 29209
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29214
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29217
On the wharf~
Z -1 29212
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29211
Wharf road~
Z -1 29218
Wharf road~
Z -1 29213
On the wharf~
Z -1 29208
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. To your south is a rock jetty upon
which the waves crash. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
On the wharf~
Z -1 29212
Wharf road~
Z -1 29219
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29214
Wharf road~
Z -1 29209
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash 
and spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, 
having flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
Wharf road~
Z -1 29213
Widow's Cape~
Z -1 29215
On the Rock Jetty~
Z -1 29210
Widow's Cape~
You have climbed the rocks of widows cape, and can see the violent southern 
shoals which have claimed many a ship. A watchfire is kept burning here at 
night to warn sailors.
0 0 mountain
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29214
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29221
On the wharf~
Z -1 29217
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the wharf~
Z -1 29216
Wharf road~
Z -1 29222
Wharf road~
Z -1 29218
On the wharf~
Z -1 29211
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. Here you see a ship being hauled up 
to dry dock for repairs. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
On the wharf~
Z -1 29217
Wharf road~
Z -1 29223
Wharf road~
Z -1 29219
On the wharf~
Z -1 29212
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. To your south is a rock jetty upon
which the waves crash. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road.
0 0 city
Wharf road~
Z -1 29218
Freeport village~
Z -1 29224
Wharf road~
Z -1 29213
On the Wharf~
You are on the wharf of Freeport, where ships dock and load. The docks 
are busy today as any day, for the commerce of the seas knows no holiday.
To the north of you the harbor of Freeport stretches.
0 0 field
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29226
Wharf road~
Z -1 29221
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. Traffic from the warehouse to the 
west travels to the wharf via wharf road. To your immediate east is the
shipyards, where you can hear the sounds of construction.
0 0 city
On the wharf~
Z -1 29220
Z -1 29227
Wharf road~
Z -1 29222
On the wharf~
Z -1 29216
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. Traffic from the warehouse to the 
west travels to the wharf via wharf road. To your immediate east you see
the road to the city of Freeport.
0 0 city
Wharf road~
Z -1 29221
The road to the city of Freeport~
Z -1 29228
Wharf road~
Z -1 29223
On the wharf~
Z -1 29217
Wharf Road~
You are on the stone paved wharf road. Traffic from the warehouse to the west travels to
the wharf via wharf road. Immediately to the east you see the mercantile
warehouse, where crates of goods are in temporary storage for shipping.
0 0 city
Wharf road~
Z -1 29222
Z -1 29229
Freeport village~
Z -1 29224
Wharf road~
Z -1 29218
Freeport Village~
You stand in the burrows of Freeport, where all the sailors and merchants
families live. The houses are made of the local stone and have slate roofs.
The closer the houses are to the city, the more beautiful and grandiose they
become. Down next to the jetty where flooding is likely, live the poorest
families, in temporary shacks which are prone to flooding. A small road leads
east into the village.
0 C hills
Wharf road~
Z -1 29223
Freeport village~
Z -1 29243
Wharf road~
Z -1 29219
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the Rock Jetty~
Z -1 29237
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29226
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29225
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29230
Z -1 29227
On the wharf~
Z -1 29220
The Shipyards~
You are in the shipyards of Freeport. About you in dry storage are many
vessels either in repair or in the process of being developed. Of particular
interest is the deep-keeled prototype vessel currently under construction.
You get the sense that sailing as you know it is about to change. Many of
the islanders are employed here, and ages range from the youthful 12 year
old apprentice, to the grizzled old shipwrights.
0 0 inside
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29226
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29231
On the rode to Freeport city~
Z -1 29228
Wharf road~
Z -1 29221
On the Road to Freeport City~
You are on a stone paved road which rises up the hill to Freeport City.
The city itself has been built on the highest part of the island. The city
has walls, made of the local slate and a mortar joint. Roads stretch off
north to the shipyards, east to Freeport village, south to the mercantile
warehouse, and westward wharf road continues along the harbor.
0 C city
The shipyards~
Z -1 29227
Freeport village~
Z -1 29232
The mercantile warehouse~
Z -1 29229
Wharf road~
Z -1 29222
The city gates~
Z -1 29246
The Mercantile Warehouse~
You dodge porters and errand boys in the whirling mayhem of the mercantile
warehouse. Longshoremen load crates of cargo into horse drawn carts and 
lead the teams down to the wharf for embarking vessels. The cargomaster
signals to his apprentices in a strange sign language of the merchants
guild. You get caught up in the excitement of the warehouse, and lend a
hand to two struggling boys.
0 0 inside
The road to the city of Freeport~
Z -1 29228
Wharf road~
Z -1 29223
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29231
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29226
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29230
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29233
Freeport village~
Z -1 29232
Z -1 29227
Freeport village~
You stand in the burrows of Freeport, where all the sailors and merchants
families live. The houses are made of the local stone and have slate roofs.
The closer the houses are to the city, the more beautiful and grandiose they
become. Down next to the jetty where flooding is likely, live the poorest
families, in temporary shacks which are prone to flooding. The road to the
city of Freeport is to your west.
0 C hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29231
Freeport village~
Z -1 29245
The road to Freeport city~
Z -1 29228
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29234
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29231
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29235
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29233
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29234
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29236
Dawn's Edge~
You have reached the easternmost point of Freeport isle, a place locals call 
Dawn's edge. There is an ivory statue of a dolphin leaping out of the water 
here. To the east you see the corner of the world.
0 0 mountain
The statue shows the Dolphin as it is rising out of the water. The 
inscription reads `When Dolphin was created at the dawn of time, she 
leaped forth from the water with great joy, and the water which fell 
from her back became the isle of Freeport'
The corner of the World~
Z -1 14001
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29235
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the Rock Jetty~
Z -1 29225
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29238
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29239
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29237
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29238
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29240
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29239
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29241
On the Rock Jetty~
You walk along the rock jetty of the isle of Freeport. The waves crash and 
spray a salt mist into the air. Gulls wheel in the sky above you, having 
flown from their perches upon seeing you.
0 0 hills
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29242
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29240
You have reached the end of the jetty at a place called Northpoint. Here 
long swells from the northeast crash with great force upon the island. You 
see why the island has been reinforced with a rock jetty- without it, it 
would rapidly erode.
0 0 mountain
On the rock jetty~
Z -1 29241
Freeport Village~
You stand in the burrows of Freeport, where all the sailors and merchants
families live. The houses are made of the local stone and have slate roofs.
The closer the houses are to the city, the more beautiful and grandiose they
become. Down next to the jetty where flooding is likely, live the poorest
families, in temporary shacks which are prone to flooding. To the north is 
the mercantile warehouse.
0 0 hills
Freeport village~
Z -1 29244
Freeport village~
Z -1 29224
Freeport Village~
You have reached the heart of Freeport village. Sailors wives wave at
you and ask you to join them for tea. Children run along the main street
playing sailors and pirates. There is a small church here at the point
on the shore.
0 0 hills
Freeport village~
Z -1 29245
Freeport village~
Z -1 29243
Freeport Village~
You stand in the burrows of Freeport, where all the sailors and merchants
families live. The houses are made of the local stone and have slate roofs.
The closer the houses are to the city, the more beautiful and grandiose they
become. Down next to the jetty where flooding is likely, live the poorest
families, in temporary shacks which are prone to flooding. To the west is 
the mercantile warehouse.
0 0 hills
Freeport village~
Z -1 29232
Freeport village~
Z -1 29244
The Gates of Freeport~
You stand at the famed bronze gates of Freeport, built on the thriving
commerce of the city. From here you have a commanding view of the island
and the harbor. You stop and rest, watching the Liola Lew hoist anchor
and sail off with her cargo into the seas. Yes, you think you could get
used to life here on Freeport. Commerce lane goes south through the city
0 C city
Commerce lane~
gates bronze~
Z -1 29247
The road to the island~
Z -1 29228
Commerce Street~
You stroll down bustling Commerce street, taking in the sights, sounds,
and smells of the Jewel of the Pirate Seas, as Freeport is often called.
To your east is the Sunken Pirate, the local watering hole, and to the
west is the Emporium, a store of exotic goods. Commerce street continues
0 0 city
The gates of Freeport~
Z -1 29246
The Sunken Pirate~
Z -1 29248
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29250
The Emporium~
Z -1 29249
The Sunken Pirate~
Here, amid the reek of spilled beer, bad cigars, and other unmentionable
smells lies an endearing little bar done up in a nautical theme. The jolly
roger flies over the main bar, where the local beer and wine is served
as the locals like it- warm. Waitresses clad in little wiggle between
the packed tables to the delight of their naval and mercantile clientele.
An unleavened spiced bread called Pilas is served hot and in generous portions
in wicker baskets.
0 D inside
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29247
The Emporium~
This warehouse-sized store is packed to the ceiling with goods from
several lands. Bolts of cloth, silver plates and utensils, lanterns
candles, rugs, etc. dazzle you. Several store boys work the floor, helping
their customers.
0 D inside
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29247
Commerce Street~
You stroll down bustling Commerce street, taking in the sights, sounds,
and smells of the Jewel of the Pirate Seas, as Freeport is often called.
To the east is the Bronze Scabbard, the shop of the armourer of Freeport.
To the west is the Mystic Eye, a famed magic shop. Commerce street continues
north and south.
0 0 city
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29247
The Bronze Scabbard~
Z -1 29251
The town square~
Z -1 29253
The Mystic Eye~
Z -1 29252
The Bronze Scabbard~
The Bronze Scabbard is actually a front store for the blacksmith the 
metalworkers of Freeport. The bulk of the commissions come from the
Captains guild and the shipyards, where most of the arms of Freeport
are made. In their spare time the metalworkers make various trinkets
for the local citizenry and tourists.
0 D inside
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29250
The Mystic Eye~
Your head swims in the exotic fumes emitted by the candles of this shop.
Several lamps on display change from color to color, in addition to the
everlasting variety. Scrolls and books are stored in a glass cabinet behind
the counter.
0 D inside
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29250
The Town Square of Freeport~
You are in the broad town square of Freeport, which measures 100 yds by 100
yds. Small outdoor cafes have set up shop in the square, catering to 
their people watching customers. To the south is the town hall, where
the famed waterclock of Freeport chimes the martial song of the Captains
guild every hour. To the east, Naval street runs to the Captains guild at
the end, and to the west Shippers Lane goes to the Merchants guild. Commerce
street leads northwards out of the city.
0 K city
Commerce Street~
Z -1 29250
Naval Street~
Z -1 29254
Town hall~
Z -1 29256
Shippers lane~
Z -1 29255
Naval Street~
You stand on Naval street, which has been paved with engraved stones,
each stone commemorating a naval engagement in the city's history. Cadets
drill at the end of the street, marching up and down, over and over in
tight formation. To the south is an inn called The Crew's Quarters.
0 0 city
Naval Street~
Z -1 29276
The Crew's Quarters~
Z -1 29257
Town square~
Z -1 29253
Shipper's Lane~
You walk Shippers lane. Two story houses press closely to the to the
street and people bustle back and forth. To the south is the bank of 
0 0 city
Town square~
Z -1 29253
Z 0 29258
Shipper's lane~
Z -1 29259
Town Hall~
You stand inside the town hall of the city of Freeport. Town hall
is arranged for meetings. To your left are the 9 captains chairs, where
the representatives of the Captains guild sit. To your right are the
5 chairs of the merchants guild. Ahead, in the center, is where the mayor
sits. Around you are many wooden benches upon which townsmen may sit and
participate in the meetings. The role of the mayor is as arbitrator, and
he is freely elected by popular vote. White marble statues are displayed
in alcoves about the hall.
0 D inside
The statues are of past mayors of the city. As you examine them more
closely, you notice one of them shows signs of having been moved across the 
floor many many times. You try to move it, but the statue is held in place
by a locking mechanism.
Town square~
Z -1 29253
A secret passage~
ABCZ 29201 29264
The Crew's Quarters~
You are inside a homely inn. Here in the giant common room, a fire roars
in the stone fireplace, and patrons sip wine next to it. Rooms are available
for let, starting at 50 G a night. The tables are made of a thickly varnished
and dark stained oak, the walls are paneled, and the windows facing the
street resemble portholes. This is a popular meeting place for the captains
when they have foreign visitors.
0 D inside
Naval Street~
Z -1 29254
The Bank of Freeport~
You stand inside the stout walls of the bank of Freeport. There is a 
continual stream of customers entering and depositing vast sums of money in
the well guarded vault. The bank is faring well, as you can judge by
the amount of gilding inside the building.
0 CD inside
Z 0 29255
Shipper's Lane~
You walk Shippers lane. Two story houses press closely to the to the
street and people bustle back and forth. To the north is the mercantile
school, and to the south is the merchant's guild.
0 0 city
The mercantile school~
Z -1 29260
Shipper's lane~
Z -1 29255
The merchant's guild~
Z -1 29261
The Mercantile School~
You stand in the courtyard of the mercantile school of Freeport. It is 
here that young boys master the subtleties of profit and trade. Scribes
record the latest buy and sell rates of commodities around the world upon
the rolls of the school. This school is one of the main reasons for the
economic dominance of Freeport of world trade.
0 D inside
Shipper's Lane~
Z -1 29259
The Merchant's Guild~
You have entered the grand arch of the merchants guild of Freeport. It is
here that the master traders conduct their business of contracting with
captains for the transport of cargo to remote destinations. Each member of
the merchant's guild tithes to the guild, money which is used to not
only maintain the guild proper, but also to open new markets in foreign
lands. The guild masters command much respect, wealth, and power throughout
the world. Guild matters are decided by a vote, scaled by the wealth of
each master. The 5 richest masters make up the council of 5, and argue on
the guilds behalf in contractual negotiations in town meetings. It has been
said that the council of 5 collectively owns one quarter of the world's 
0 D inside
Shipper's Lane~
Z -1 29259
The Naval Academy~
You stand on the grounds of the renowned naval academy of Freeport, the
training grounds for the worlds captains. Young boys are taught for a
period of 8 years the art of sailing, and finish their apprenticeship onboard
actual military vessels. The academy has a long tradition of turning out
fine sailors. Most cadets eventually become captains of their own vessels
and under contract to the Merchants guild.
0 D inside
Naval Street~
Z -1 29276
The Captains Guild~
Here in the halls of the Captains guild, the worlds shipping begins and
ends. The guild was founded over 300 years ago to represent the collective
interests of the ship owners. To be a member, one must demonstrate the 
clear title to at least one vessel. Ahead of you is the great hall where
the guild holds its meetings. Votes in the guild are based weighted by
the number of vessels the captain has. The richest men with the most ships
fill the 9 seats of honor in the guild, and are called the Admirals. It has
been said that they control one third of the world's shipping.
0 D inside
Naval Street~
Z -1 29276
On a Secret Staircase~
You follow a secret staircase south and downward underground. The stairs
are wet and mossy. Far below you hear the sounds of men loading a ship.
The old torch sconces on the wall have not been used in years. There is 
a sign on the wall.
0 AD hills
sign wall~
{45 53} Lok  Hall of the 6th Pirate Lord
On a secret staircase~
Z -1 29265
Through the secret door~
ABCZ 29201 29256
On a Secret Staircase~
You follow a secret staircase south and downward underground. The stairs
are wet and mossy. Far below you hear the sounds of men loading a ship.
The old torch sconces on the wall have not been used in years.
0 AD hills
On a secret staircase~
Z -1 29264
On a secret staircase~
Z -1 29267
In the Hidden Cavern~
You have discovered a hidden underground cavern. In the center of the
room is a deep pool in which several triremes have been moored. 
Laughing sailors are unloading cargo from one of the ships. You quickly
disguise yourself as one of the sailors.
0 D inside
On a secret staircase~
Z -1 29265
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29269
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29268
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of Solace. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29267
In the hidden harbor~
Z -1 29275
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29273
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded. To
the north of you is a guarded door.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of Antharia. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
Through the guarded door~
ABZ -1 29270
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29271
In the hidden harbor~
Z -1 29275
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29267
In The Secret Cave of the 6th Pirate Lord~
You have boldly entered the secret cave of the 6th pirate lord. About
you the evidence of his terrible crimes abounds. Here is a pilfered
shipping schedule, duplicated on scrolls addressed to the other pirate
lords. There is a cargo list of several missing merchant vessels. On the
desk is a scroll of the departure time, vessel name, and destination of
a rich noble. Yes you have discovered the kingpin of the pirate lords,
the man who has terrorized commerce for a decade. What will you do about 
0 D inside
Through the door~
Z -1 29269
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of the Shire. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29272
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29269
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of Camelot. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29271
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29274
In the hidden harbor~
Z -1 29275
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded. To 
the south of you the waterway leaves the cavern through a tunnel which
U's in a long curve.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of Dunkeldorf. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29268
In the Hidden Cavern~
You walk along the shore of an underground water cave in which several
triremes have been moored, one of which is being unloaded. You sneak
unnoticed behind several CRATES which have been recently off-loaded.
0 D inside
These crates are marked with a destination of Malancandra. That's funny. What
are they doing here?
In the hidden cavern~
Z -1 29272
On the Hidden Harbor~
You bob in the waters of the hidden harbor among several docked triremes.
You can dock in any cardinal direction except south, where the harbor
turns into a dark tunnel which bends around to the west. There is a small
buoy floating here.
0 0 noswim
{45 53} Lok   The hall of the 6th Pirate Lord
On the docks~
Z -1 29269
On the docks~
Z -1 29272
On the docks~
Z -1 29268
Naval Street~
You stand on Naval street, which has been paved with engraved stones,
each stone commemorating a naval engagement in the city's history. Cadets
drill at the end of the street, marching up and down, over and over in
tight formation. To the north is the Naval Academy, and to the south
is the Captains guild.
0 0 city
The naval academy~
Z -1 29262
The Captains guild~
Z -1 29263
Naval Street~
Z -1 29254

M 29230 spec_poison	* Admiral Blacksail
M 29231 spec_poison	* Oglethorpe, 1st Master Merchant of Freeport
M 29232 spec_poison	* Lord Mourning

D 0 29256 5 2	* Town Hall: door to the down: closed and locked
D 0 29264 4 2	* On a Secret Staircase: door to the up: closed and locked
D 0 29269 0 1	* In the Hidden Cavern: door to the north: closed
M 0 29202 2 29203 1	* the red-tongued lizard (On the Rock Jetty)
G 0 29203 0		*	a red lizard tongue
M 0 29206 5 29206 1	* the longshoreman (On the Wharf)
O 0 29223 0 29206	* a huge box crate (On the Wharf)
O 0 29224 0 29206	* a moored ship (On the Wharf)
M 0 29208 5 29207 1	* the citizen of Freeport (Wharf Road)
M 0 29208 5 29208 1	* the citizen of Freeport (On the Wharf)
O 0 29223 0 29208	* a huge box crate (On the Wharf)
O 0 29223 0 29208	* a huge box crate (On the Wharf)
O 0 29224 0 29208	* a moored ship (On the Wharf)
M 0 29203 2 29210 1	* the green-tongued lizard (On the Rock Jetty)
G 0 29204 0		*	a green lizard tongue
M 0 29206 5 29211 1	* the longshoreman (On the Wharf)
M 0 29214 3 29213 1	* the harbor patrolman (Wharf Road)
E 0 29208 0 0		*	a patrol globe: as a light
E 0 29209 0 5		*	scale mail: on the body
E 0 29210 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
M 0 29204 1 29215 1	* the watchman of Widow's Cape (Widow's Cape)
O 0 29205 0 29215	* a watchfire (Widow's Cape)
M 0 29207 1 29216 1	* the harbormaster (On the Wharf)
G 0 29207 0		*	a notebook
M 0 29214 3 29217 1	* the harbor patrolman (On the Wharf)
E 0 29208 0 0		*	a patrol globe: as a light
E 0 29209 0 5		*	scale mail: on the body
E 0 29210 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
M 0 29206 5 29220 1	* the longshoreman (On the Wharf)
O 0 29223 0 29220	* a huge box crate (On the Wharf)
O 0 29224 0 29220	* a moored ship (On the Wharf)
M 0 29215 2 29223 1	* the teamster (Wharf Road)
M 0 29211 1 29227 1	* the master shipbuilder (The Shipyards)
M 0 29212 1 29227 1	* the apprentice shipbuilder (The Shipyards)
M 0 29206 5 29229 1	* the longshoreman (The Mercantile Warehouse)
M 0 29213 1 29229 1	* the warehouse overseer (The Mercantile Warehouse)
G 0 29207 0		*	a notebook
O 0 29223 0 29229	* a huge box crate (The Mercantile Warehouse)
O 0 29223 0 29229	* a huge box crate (The Mercantile Warehouse)
M 0 29202 2 29230 1	* the red-tongued lizard (On the Rock Jetty)
G 0 29203 0		*	a red lizard tongue
M 0 29203 2 29235 1	* the green-tongued lizard (On the Rock Jetty)
G 0 29204 0		*	a green lizard tongue
M 0 29201 2 29240 1	* the blue-tongued lizard (On the Rock Jetty)
G 0 29202 0		*	a blue lizard tongue
M 0 29205 1 29242 1	* the fisherman (Northpoint)
E 0 29206 0 16		*	a fishing pole: wielded
M 0 29208 5 29243 1	* the citizen of Freeport (Freeport Village)
M 0 29210 2 29244 1	* the sailor's wife (Freeport Village)
M 0 29209 2 29245 1	* the laughing child (Freeport Village)
M 0 29233 2 29248 1	* the drunken sailor (The Sunken Pirate)
M 0 29216 1 29248 1	* Lefty, owner of the Sunken Pirate (The Sunken Pirate)
G 0 29211 0		*	a steaming meat pie
G 0 29212 0		*	a mug of sailor's grog
M 0 29217 1 29249 1	* Anwar, proprietor of the Emporium (The Emporium)
G 0 29213 0		*	a holy wafer
G 0 29214 0		*	a silver plate
G 0 29215 0		*	a tapestry
M 0 29214 3 29250 1	* the harbor patrolman (Commerce Street)
E 0 29208 0 0		*	a patrol globe: as a light
E 0 29209 0 5		*	scale mail: on the body
E 0 29210 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
M 0 29218 1 29251 1	* Raedner the dwarven smith (The Bronze Scabbard)
G 0 29216 0		*	emerald armor
G 0 29217 0		*	a dwarven thrower
M 0 29208 5 29252 1	* the citizen of Freeport (The Mystic Eye)
M 0 29219 1 29252 1	* Samantha, witch of the Mystic Eye (The Mystic Eye)
G 0 29218 0		*	elven chainmail sleeves
G 0 29219 0		*	elven chainmail leggings
M 0 29208 5 29253 1	* the citizen of Freeport (The Town Square of Freeport)
M 0 29209 2 29253 1	* the laughing child (The Town Square of Freeport)
M 0 29210 2 29255 1	* the sailor's wife (Shipper's Lane)
M 0 29226 1 29256 1	* Mayor Friendly (Town Hall)
G 0 29201 0		*	an old key
M 0 29227 1 29257 1	* Midge, the innkeeper of the Crew's Quarters (The Crew's Quarters)
G 0 29220 0		*	a glass of Freeport burgundy
G 0 29221 0		*	a glass of Freeport chablis
G 0 29222 0		*	a plate of gravy and dumplings
M 0 29233 2 29257 1	* the drunken sailor (The Crew's Quarters)
M 0 29222 1 29258 1	* Elken, banker of Freeport (The Bank of Freeport)
M 0 29220 1 29260 1	* the apprentice merchant (The Mercantile School)
M 0 29221 1 29261 1	* Ceres, merchant of the 3rd chair (The Merchant's Guild)
G 0 29221 0		*	a glass of Freeport chablis
M 0 29224 1 29262 1	* the young cadet (The Naval Academy)
M 0 29225 1 29263 1	* Whitecap, 8th Admiral of Freeport (The Captains Guild)
E 0 29229 0 12		*	an admiral's cape: about the shoulders
E 0 29230 0 2		*	an admiral's signet: on the right finger
M 0 29229 2 29265 1	* the pirate guard (On a Secret Staircase)
E 0 29225 0 14		*	an emerald wristguard: on the left wrist
E 0 29226 0 16		*	an emerald longsword: wielded
E 0 29227 0 6		*	an emerald helm: over the head
O 0 29223 0 29268	* a huge box crate (In the Hidden Cavern)
M 0 29229 2 29269 1	* the pirate guard (In the Hidden Cavern)
E 0 29225 0 14		*	an emerald wristguard: on the left wrist
E 0 29226 0 16		*	an emerald longsword: wielded
E 0 29227 0 6		*	an emerald helm: over the head
O 0 29223 0 29269	* a huge box crate (In the Hidden Cavern)
M 0 29231 1 29270 1	* Oglethorpe, 1st Master Merchant of Freeport (In The Secret Cave of the 6th Pirate Lord)
G 0 29231 0		*	a very heavy purse
M 0 29232 1 29270 1	* Lord Mourning (In The Secret Cave of the 6th Pirate Lord)
E 0 29232 0 8		*	bladed boots: on the feet
E 0 29233 0 3		*	a dimensional cape: around the neck (1)
E 0 29234 0 17		*	the troll stone: held in the hands
M 0 29228 1 29272 1	* the scruffy pirate (In the Hidden Cavern)
E 0 29229 0 12		*	an admiral's cape: about the shoulders
E 0 29230 0 2		*	an admiral's signet: on the right finger
G 0 29228 0		*	a pinch of devil's weed
O 0 29223 0 29272	* a huge box crate (In the Hidden Cavern)
M 0 29228 2 29273 1	* the scruffy pirate (In the Hidden Cavern)
M 0 29228 2 29274 1	* the scruffy pirate (In the Hidden Cavern)
O 0 29224 0 29275	* a moored ship (On the Hidden Harbor)

29211 22 0 0 0 0 130 70 6 17
29216 17 19 0 0 0 150 75 0 23
29217 8 12 13 26 0 130 80 9 17
29218 5 9 29 30 0 125 85 6 18
29219 9 2 3 4 28 140 60 17 23
29227 17 19 0 0 0 110 90 0 23
