Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        Ronar's Tomb~
ShortName   ~
Builders    None~
Credits     Reave~
VNUMs       926 939
LComment    [ QUEST ]
Security    9
Colour      R~
colourcode  `
MapScale    7
MapLevel    50
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name undead dwarven priest~
ShortD an undead dwarven priest~
LongD An undead dwarven priest is here, protecting the tomb.~
Desc This dwarf seems to have gone on serving his god in this realm
after his death.  He is mostly solid-looking, but occasionally
becomes slightly transparent as you watch.  His eyes are glowing
white, perhaps with the religious fervor caught inside.
Race dwarf~
Align 2 2
Level 55
Hitroll 2
HitDice 5d9+300
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 10d4+23
DamType pound
AC -260 -260 -260 -210
Wealth 550
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame aggressive stay_area undead cleric~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared protect_evil~
Off    parry~
Imm    summon charm holy~
Res    poison disease~
Vuln   negative drowning~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name undead dwarven mage~
ShortD an undead dwarven mage~
LongD An undead dwarven mage is here, protecting the tomb.~
Desc This dwarf has continued serving his master in death.  His body
seems mostly solid, but becomes slightly transparent every now
and then as you watch.  The dwarf's eyes are glowing with a green
light, perhaps reflecting the magical energies trapped within.
Race dwarf~
Align 2 2
Level 60
Hitroll 2
HitDice 6d9+320
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 8d6+27
DamType pierce
AC -310 -310 -310 -260
Wealth 600
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame aggressive stay_area undead mage~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared protect_evil~
Off    parry~
Imm    summon charm holy~
Res    poison disease~
Vuln   negative drowning~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name undead dwarven warrior~
ShortD an undead dwarven warrior~
LongD An undead dwarven warrior is here, protecting the tomb.~
Desc This dwarf is hellbent on serving his master, apparently even in death.
He is slightly transparent, but you can still make out the spectral 
platemail he wears.  The dwarf's eyes are glowing a bright red, perhaps
showing you a glimpse of the berserker rage trapped within.
Race dwarf~
Align 2 2
Level 65
Hitroll 2
HitDice 7d10+340
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 7d8+33
DamType slice
AC -360 -360 -360 -310
Wealth 650
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame aggressive stay_area undead warrior~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden infrared protect_evil~
Off    bash disarm dodge parry~
Imm    summon charm holy~
Res    poison disease~
Vuln   negative drowning~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name ghost dwarf dwarven ruler~
ShortD the ghost of Ronar~
LongD The ghost of a dwarven ruler presides over his undead minions here.~
Desc Regal even in death, this dwarf was obviously a great leader while
alive.  He is slightly transparent now, but you can make out the
fine garments and armor he wears.  His eyes are lit with a soft
white light, and around his neck hangs a necklace, from which dangles
a large and glowing red gemstone.
Race dwarf~
Align 2 2
XPMod 125
Level 80
Hitroll 2
HitDice 8d12+400
ManaDice 5d9+750
DamDice 9d10+42
DamType wrath
AC -540 -540 -540 -480
Wealth 650
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area undead warrior~
AffBy  detect_evil detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary infrared protect_evil~
Off    bash berserk disarm dodge fade fast parry~
Imm    summon charm holy~
Res    poison disease~
Vuln   negative drowning~
Form   edible instant_decay sentient undead biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg DEATH 933 100~
MProg GRALL 928 100~
MProg SPEECH 929 treasure~
MProg SPEECH 930 homage~
MProg SPEECH 931 leg~
MProg SPEECH 932 hole~

Name doorwarden1~
ShortD door warden~
LongD The door warden checks for the password!~
Desc ~
Race unique~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 1
HitDice 1d6+1
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 1d10+1
DamType punch
AC 10 10 10 10
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area unseen~
Form   instant_decay~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg SPEECH 926 kharrad ghaaz~

Name doorwarden2~
ShortD another door warden~
LongD Another door warden checks for the password~
Desc ~
Race unique~
Align 0 0
Level 1
Hitroll 1
HitDice 1d6+1
ManaDice 5d7+650
DamDice 1d10+1
DamType punch
AC 10 10 10 10
Wealth 0
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area unseen~
Form   instant_decay~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown
MProg SPEECH 927 kharrad ghaaz~


Name flat platinum disk~
Short a flat `#`Splatinum`^ disk~
Desc A flat `#`Splatinum`^ disk has been left here.~
Level 75
ItemType treasure~
Cost 10
Asize 5
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material gemstone~
Extra    magic antievil nodegrade burnproof~
Wear     take hold~
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 damroll 5 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 hitroll 5 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 memory 2 0
Affect modifier -1 75 -1 reasoning 2 0
ExtraDesc dwarven runes~
The initials 'RS'.
ExtraDesc platinum disk~
This flat platinum disk is engraved with a small dragon and some dwarven 
runes, and is very slightly humming and vibrating.

Name token_quest_ronar_grall~
Short token_quest_ronar_grall_mp928~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_grall_mp928~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_homage~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_homage_mp930~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_homage_mp930~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~

Name token_quest_ronar_speech_leg~
Short token_quest_ronar_speech_leg_mp931~
Desc Token_quest_ronar_speech_leg_mp931~
Level 1
ItemType token~
Cost 0
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values A 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Material unknown~
Wear     take~


Name On an Underground River~
Desc You are on a rapid underground river, flowing from west to east.  To the west,
the ceiling drops closer and closer to the water, and it doesn't look like you
can go much further in that direction.  To the east the river flows through a 
wide opening to the outside.
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector noswim~
ExtraDesc water river~
The river is flowing rapidly, and looks dark and deep.
Exit east 30586
Exit west 927
EDesc The ceiling drops lower.

Name On an Underground River, Near a Landing~
Desc You are on a deep, dark underground river, which flows rapidly from the west.
In that direction the stone ceiling drops too low to continue, but does rise
to the east.  Strangely, on the north side of the river, there are stone steps
rising right out of the water, leading to a small landing.  Perhaps this was
once a dry tunnel, before the inhabitants delved a little too deep...
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector noswim~
ExtraDesc steps stone landing~
Mossy stone steps rise right out of the water, and lead up to a dark stone landing.
ExtraDesc river water~
The river is flowing rapidly, and looks dark and deep.
Exit north 928
EDesc Steps to a landing.
Exit east 926
EDesc The river flows east.

Name Small Stone Landing, Overlooking River~
Desc You are on a small stone landing, overlooking a mighty underground river to the
south.  Stone steps lead down, right into the water.  On the north side of the
landing a set of huge stone doors are built right into the stone.  The doors are
of very fine craftsmanship, and fit perfectly into the wall.  Upon the doors are
carved some runes, which are covered with mossy growth and are hard to read.
RoomFlags dark indoors~
Sector city~
ExtraDesc runes~
The runes are carved in an ancient language, perhaps dwarvish, but are hard to make
out because of wear and mossy growth.  They seem to indicate that some password or
phrase is required to pass.
ExtraDesc doors~
The doors are of very fine workmanship.  There are runes on them.  Strangely, the
doors seem to be completely sealed shut, not in any material way, but with some
magical means.
ExtraDesc steps river~
Stone steps lead down into the river.
ExtraDesc stone landing~
The stone that the landing and walls are formed from is dark grey, perhaps granite.
Exit south 927
EDesc The steps lead down into the river.

Name Small Stone Corridor~
Desc This small stone corridor runs north into the darkness, and south ends in a
huge set of stone doors.  The walls are very smooth, and carved from the dark
grey stone.  There is a thick layer of dust covering the floor.  Footprints
disturb the dust, heading north, but before long they just...stop...
RoomFlags dark indoors noscry~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc doors~
The doors seem to be magically sealed somehow.
ExtraDesc dust footprints~
The dust is almost an inch thick.  It is unnerving indeed how the footprints
ExtraDesc walls grey stone~
Dark grey stone, granite perhaps.
Exit north 930
EDesc The corridor continues north.

Name Small Room, Carved from the Stone~
Desc You are in a square stone room with a fairly low ceiling.  A thick layer
of dust covers the floor, but otherwise the room is empty.  A corridor
leads south, and there is an exit to a larger room to the north.
RoomFlags dark indoors noscry~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc dust layer~
A thick layer of dust.
Exit north 931
EDesc A larger room.
Exit south 929
EDesc A corridor.

Name Large Room, Carved from the Stone~
Desc You are in a square stone room with a fairly low ceiling.  A thick layer
of dust covers the floor, but otherwise the room is empty.  Exits lead
north and south, into other rooms.
RoomFlags dark indoors noscry~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc dust layer~
A thick layer of dust.
Exit north 932
EDesc A larger room.
Exit south 930
EDesc A smaller room.

Name Large Room, Carved from the Stone~
Desc You are in a square stone room with a fairly low ceiling.  A thick layer
of dust covers the floor, but otherwise the room is empty.  Exits lead
north and south, into other rooms.  Through the north one a faint light
is shining.
RoomFlags dark indoors noscry~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc dust layer~
A thick layer of dust.
Exit north 933
EDesc A larger room.
Exit south 931
EDesc A smaller room.

Name The Tomb of Ronar Silverstone~
Desc You stand in an ancient room, the tomb of some great leader.  The ceiling
arches so far above that you cannot see it in the darkness.  It is round
in shape, and carved from dark grey stone.  There is one exit, an archway
to the south, leading to darkness.  The room is softly illuminated, but
strangely no light source is visible.  The floor is empty except for a
raised rectangular platform in the center, upon which stands a coffin
carved from the rock below.  The coffin is covered with a heavy stone
slab, upon which are carved ancient dwarven runes and symbols.
RoomFlags indoors noscry~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc ancient dwarven runes~
Ancient dwarven runes, perhaps spelling out the name of the great 
leader laid to rest here.
ExtraDesc slab~
A heavy stone slab, which is carved with ancient dwarven runes.
ExtraDesc coffin~
A coffin, carved from the stone below.
ExtraDesc raised platform~
Carved from the stone below.
ExtraDesc grey stone~
The room is carved out of dark grey stone, perhaps granite.
Exit south 932
EDesc A smaller room.


M 926 spec_cast_cleric
M 927 spec_cast_mage
M 928 spec_cast_undead
M 929 spec_cast_undead

M 0 930 1 928 1
M 0 931 1 929 1
M 0 926 1 930 1
M 0 927 1 931 1
M 0 928 1 932 1
M 0 929 1 933 1


title dwarf ruler is killed~
code mob oload 926
mob echo The ghost wails one last time and fades into nothingness.
mob echo You feel a great presence leave the room.
mob echo You have completed the quest!
disabled false

title ronar quest-speech hole-quest complete~
code if hastoken $n 929
say Very well.
say You do seem knowledgeable enough to use this great item properly.
emote nods in satisfaction.
say Take my treasure, then.
say You can use it better in life than I can in death.
if carries $n disk
emote pauses and frowns slightly.
say Hmm, it appears that you already have one.
if hastoken $n 929
mob oload 926
give disk $n
say Hole? What hole?
disabled false

title ronar quest-speech leg~
code if hastoken $n 928
say Very good.
say Now can you answer this riddle for me?
say What is made from nothing, yet you can see it?
mob oload 929
mob tgive 929 $n
say My leg? What's wrong with my leg?
frown $n
disabled false

title ronar quest-speech homage~
code if hastoken $n 927
say If you are really worthy of this item, can you answer these riddles to prove your worth?
say What living thing has only one foot?
mob oload 928
mob tgive 928 $n
say Well.. pay homage to me then!
disabled false

title ronar quest-speech treasure~
code if hastoken $n 927
say You seek my treasure, do you?
say I'm afraid you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands!
mob kill $n
disabled false

title ronar quest-grall~
code if hastoken $n 27164
say Who disturbs my rest?
say What have you come here looking for?
say Do you come to pay homage to me, or to steal my great treasure?
emote eyes you suspiciously.
mob oload 927
mob tgive 927 $n 
say Who disturbs my rest?
glare $n
disabled false

title ronar quest-opens door~
code mob echo The stone doors swing silently open and you move south.
mob echo The stone doors close behind you.
mob transfer $n 928
disabled false

title ronar quest-closes door~
code mob echo The stone doors swing silently open and you move north.
mob echo The stone doors close behind you.
mob transfer $n 929
disabled false

