colourcode `
security 7

helpflags builder wordwrapped~
category olc:hedit~
text Hedit is the command used to create and edit help entries.  To get into 
hedit mode, type `Yhedit <help_entry> `=?or simply typing `Yhedit`=? will show you 
the proper syntax.  Once in hedit mode, type `Ycommands`=? to get a list of 
available commands.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?addkey <keywords>`+
`=?  ADDKEY will add keywords for accessing the help entry`+
`=lSyntax: `=?rekey <keywords>`+
`=?  Keywords are what you name your help entry with. REKEY will delete all`+
`=?  previous keywords and add the new keywords.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?file <helpfile>`+
`=?  FILE will move the helpentry into the designated file`+
`=?  A list of all the help files can be seen using the `Yhlist`=? command`+
`=?  with no parameter (more info on hlist lower).  The higher a helpfile `+
`=?  is in hlist, the higher the search prority for help entries it contains.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?text`+
`=?  Typing TEXT will bring you into the description editor.  Once inside, `+
`=?  edit the text file as you would a long description.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?level <#>`+
`=?  LEVEL will set the access level of the help entry.  A level of 0 would be`+
`=?  readable at creation, a level of -1 would be not show the keywords in `+
`=?  the helpentry header.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?flags <noble|nsupport|builder>`+
`=?  Flags will set the help entry so only a select group of people can`+
`=?  read the entry.  An example is noble help on mooting people.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?show`+
`=?  SHOW will display the helpfile you are working on with`+
`=?  keywords, level, and some text.  Hitting return will work as the same.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?remove confirm`+
`=?  REMOVE will flag the entry currently being edited for removal... removal`+
`=?  is achieved by resaving the helpfile without the flagged entry.  Next`+
`=?  hotreboot the helpfile will be gone.  An entry is still available using`+
`=?  the help command while flagged for removal... it is listed with a red`+
`=?  note indicating it is about to be removed in helplist.`+
`=?  There are 2 features built in to the help editing system allow the `+
`=?  restoration of an accidentally removed help entry.  If the mud hasn't`+
`=?  rebooted since the item was flagged for removal, it can be restored`+
`=?  using 'remove restore' in hedit.  If this is not the case, the contents`+
`=?  can be manually restored from the removal dump file by an admin... this`+
`=?  file is usually called admin/rem_help.txt.`+
`=lSyntax: `=?hlist <helpfile>`+
`=?  HLIST will list all available helpfile text files.  Enter the name of a`+
`=?  helpfile, and you can see which entries are stored in it.`+
`BSynxax: `=?hedit create <helpfile>`+
`=?  This will create a new helpentry in the designated helpfile with name:`+
`=?  new_entry_<creators_name>`+

category undefined~
