colourcode `
security 7

title What is the meaning of life?~
level 1
helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text To mud, to mud, that is the meaning of life.
As defined by the Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy

keyword WAR-CRY~
level 92
category undefined~
spell_name war cry~
text When in battle, a war cry will raise the spirits of your allies, and might 
turn the tides of battle if things are not going so well. When a war cry is 
shouted in battle, the deafening chant causes damage to the victim.`+

level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'deafening wail' <target>`+
`=?        cast 'death wail' <target>`+
These spells invokes a shreaking scream mimicing that of the spectre, aimed 
directly at an unlucky victim.  This unnerving wail can cause tremendous 
damage, not to mention loss of hearing over a lengthy period of exposure.  
Although the name suggest death, and would imply more shreaking power, the 
death wail requires less concentration to cast, which means it's not as 
powerful in force, but can be invoked much quicker.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

keyword NOTE-COPYTO~
level 92
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax: `=?<board> copyto <#> <newboard>`+
Copyto allows you to transfer a message from one board to another board, 
i.e. note->inote,  change->news, etc.  `+
Board is idea, note, etc, # if the number of the note, and newboard is where 
you want it copied to.   

level 1
helpflags mud_specific mud_should_customize~
category undefined~
text At some point in time, a character may want or need and alignment change.  
There can be several reasons for this.  Something might happen in the 
characters life that changes his view of the world, the player might decide 
that he is having a hard time with his chosen alignment, or the imms and 
nobles might determine that a character is not playing by the rules of their 
chosen alignment.  `+
Although players may change alignment, it is not something that should be 
approached lightly, since there are serious consequences.  When a character 
changes alignment, he does more than just change his attitudes.  He is 
altering his perception of the world and his relationship to it.  Much of 
what he learned previously was flavored by his alignment.  When the 
philosophical foundations of his life change, the character discovers that 
he must relearn things he thought he knew.  Because of these reasons, any 
alignment changes that occur will result in a small experience reduction.  
This experience loss is not to penalize the character or saying that the 
player has done something bad or not role-playing properly, but is the 
result of the characters changed perception of the world.  The amount of 
experience lost will be determined by the immortals and is dependent on how 
drastic the alignment change is.  There will be no exceptions to this rule.  
If you think that you want an alignment change, you will be informed of the 
amount of experience that will be lost before the change and will have the 
option of proceeding or not.  If you decide not to change your alignment, 
you must continue to role-play your original alignment according to the 
guidelines found in the corresponding help files.  `+
If you want to request an alignment change for your character, you must:
- Write the story behind it. That means the IC reasons behind the change. 
These reasons must be sent to the histories mailing list (help `=_email), 
and must have at least around `#`B200 words`^.  If your character is 
changing, then he probably has a nice story behind that change.
- Write a note the roleplay council `#`M(NOTE TO RP)`^, telling us you 
already sent the story to the histories e-mail.  In your note, include 
your current alignment and the new alignment that you would like to have.  
An immortal will get back to you letting you know what the cost of the 
change will be.

level 92
category undefined~
text These are the guidelines for alignment changes.  If a character requests an 
alignment change and has a valid IC reason for doing so, there will be an xp 
deduction of 50xp per point of change.  If the character does not have a 
valid reason or if the alignment change is deemed necessary by the 
imms/nobles because of the alignment being played improperly, there will be 
an xp deduction of 100xp per point.  In the case that the character is not 
playing their alignment properly, they have the choice of attempting to 
correct the problem or taking the alignment change.  If a reasonable amount 
of time passes and they still are not playing the alignment properly, a 
change will be necessary.  For example, if a character has an alignment of 
+3/+3 and request it to be changed to +1/+2 due to a valid IC reason 
(something happened to their char, etc.)  , they would receive a 150xp 
deduction for the alignment change.  The xp reduction is the same regardless 
of level.  A high level person has held their beliefs longer therefore the 
effect on them is far more severe.  It is the `#`MROLEPLAYING`^ counsils 
responsibility to approve and initiate any alignment change and experience 

keyword THROW~
category undefined~
text `#`=lSyntax:`^ throw <object> <direction>
THROW throws an object that is in your inventory in the specified 
direction.  It will land in the next room.

keyword GRAB~
category undefined~
see_also SUBDUE~
text `#`=lSyntax:`^ grab <object> <character>
`#`=lSyntax:`^ grab <amount> gold|silver <character>
GRAB takes an item from the target character.  The character can be 
either a mob or player.  The item may be in their inventory or 
equipped.  You may grab from a character if they are subdued or 
sleeping.  There is a greater chance of success if the character is 
subdued or sleeping because of a sleep spell.  You are likely to wake 
up the character if they are in natural sleep.  This command does not 
currently work if the target character is blind.  If you are grabbing 
gold or silver, you must specify the amount that you wish to grab.

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text Here are the things to keep in mind when naming your character:
- Avoid playing as a character you already have on another game (including 
  Dawn1.1). This is a new world and your character should have a new beginning.
- Swear words in any language are not allowed.
- Religious names of any Earthly religion are not allowed.
- Be creative. Do not give your character the name of another character you
  like in a fantasy book.
- Do not give your char a descriptive name such as CoolGuy, SexyJane, 
  WeaponMaster or GreatFighter.
- Do not put nouns, adjectives or adverbs. If a word has a meaning, keep it 
  off your name. Examples: Slasher, TheShadow, RedDrac, Bloody.
- Do not put titles in your name such as SirCrosash or LadyElbriana
- If you want to play as a character whose name is unknown and who is known 
  only through a nickname, name your character after the nickname. This 
  will prevent people from ever knowing your true name the first time they 
  see you.
- Do not try to get around these rules by naming yourself incorrectly and 
  just changing some letters, like Dchadow or Kreizie.
- The immortal staff reserves the right to change your name if it is 
  disrespectful, in bad role-playing form, or in violation of any of the 
  above rules.

category undefined~
text The following is an example of a good long description:
You see a large male draconian, with pale colored scales cresting
along his body.  Each scale shimmers in dull reflection of the light, and
collectively form a tough layer of protection.  An intricate pattern
formed by the scales appears to swirl as he moves, giving the impression
of slithering rather than walking.  The hard bone points on the wings of
this draconian rise arrogantly above his broad shoulders.  This,
combined with sharp claws at the end of each sinewed arm, makes for a
ghastly first appearance.  A hard bone, about the length of a finger,
extends from the center of his forehead.  Slightly below it is another
shorter bone, and below that a small lump.  This triage of horns does
little to detract from the look of pure hatred radiating from solid gray
eyes that you can see when he is awake.  A set of thin lips retract to
show a row of razor sharp, beige colored teeth.

level 1
category undefined~
see_also 'RUNIC BLADE'~
text The SHARP and VORPAL flags will increase the amount of damage that a weapon 
does.  While attacking the SHARP and VORPAL flags will multiply the amount of 
damage that occurs at random intervals .  SHARP will happen more frequently 
than VORPAL, but vorpal does more damage than sharp. 

keyword SAYTO~
level 1
category undefined~
see_also SAY~
text `#`=lSyntax: `^sayto <character> <message>
`#`=lSyntax: `^say ><character> <message>
This allows you to speak to an individual character (player or mob).  The 
message will be seen by everyone in the current room, but it will appear as 
though you are addressing that person.

keyword MUDSTATS~
level 1
category undefined~
text `#`=lSyntax: mudstats`^
This will display general information about Dawn of Time including the 
number of rooms/mobs/objects, server, and reboot information.

level 1
category olc:aedit~
text The immortal Councils exist to make the many tasks of immortals much easier 
by giving specific immortals control over different areas of 
responsibility.  There are 6 immortal Councils.  They are listed below 
along with their corresponding duties.
The Balance Council is in charge of maintaining game balance and ensuring 
fairness for all players.  Please contact Balance for issues such as an 
item being too powerful or not powerful enough.
The Code Council is in charge of adding new and exciting changes to the 
code as well as fixing any bugs that might exist.  Please contact Code for 
issues such as suspecting a bug with a new command.
The Law Council is in charge of enforcing the rules and laws.  This 
includes keeping an eye out for player cheating and making sure pkills are 
valid.  Please contact Law for issues such as reporting a player who is 
possibly cheating.
The Mythos Council is in charge of Story & Background infomation, This 
includes adding new tales, fixing typos and problems found, 
The Realm Council is in charge of area development and management.  This 
includes setting up and supervising builders using OLC.  Please contact 
Realm for issues such as getting set up for building via OLC.
The Roleplaying Council is in charge of questing and roleplaying affairs.  
This includes developing plots and mob interaction with players.  Please 
contact Roleplaying for issues such as requesting a notice to be posted on 
the town message board.
The Support Council is in charge of assisting players.  This includes 
overseeing letgains, descriptions, help files, newbie support, and clans.  
Please contact Support for issues such as reporting a help file that is 
missing or inaccurate.
If you have an issue that needs to be brought to the immortal staff, please 
address it to the appropriate Council if one is fitting.  If one doesn't 
stand out as being appropriate, either ask which should be used or address 
any/all immortals.  If you wish to write a note to a particular Council, 
just include the Council name in the to line.  As an example, '`bNote to 
Roleplaying`^' will send the note to any immortal that is on the 
Roleplaying Council.  Type '`bWIZLIST`^' if you wish to see which immortals 
are on each Council.

level 1
category undefined~
text `#`CRedirection help file.`^
`=lType:`^  help COUNCIL
       For help about the immortal Council of Roleplaying.
`=lType:`^  help ROLE-PLAYING
       For information about roleplaying in Dawn of Time.
`=lType:`^  help AUTO-XP
       For information about the roleplaying score and auto experience.

keyword BALANCE~
level 1
category undefined~
text `#`CRedirection help file.
`=lType:`^  help COUNCIL
       For help about the immortal Council of Balance.
`=lType:`^  help BANK
       For information about banks and the balance parameter.

level 1
category undefined~
see_also RULES~
text This Mud is a roleplaying MUD, but this does not include the roleplaying 
of NETSEX or of RAPING another with or without their concent.  If you are 
interested in NETSEX or roleplaying out raping someone there are plenty of 
other resources on the internet at your disposal.  This includes roleplaying
having sex or raping a NPC.
NETSEX means using graphic descriptions of parts and feelings to portray 
a sexual encounter.  RAPE defined, well got get a dictionary... it is 
disappointing that a help file like this needs to exist.
Roleplaying out a courtship is fine, but the roleplaying of a sexual encounter
is not appropriate and is classified as NETSEX due to the gray line of
what some people find offensive or graphic.  Breaking this rule can result 
in deletion or worse.  
It has been asked what nature of sexual relationships are allowed, the 
answer to that is that it is not the goal of dawn to be politically 
correct when it comes to the issue of sexual rights.  While we acknowledge
that in real life that all people are different, this is a game that is
available for the enjoyment of all, and therefore anything of a sexual
nature that is controversial or would offend is not appropriate.
Punishment for NETSEX and/or RAPE ranges from a warning to deletion and a 
permanant siteban - no warnings necessary either - so don't be surprised. 
Sexual Harassment on this Mud is not tolerated in any way either. 
It is not acceptable nor will it ever be.
Sexual Harassment is:
1) Using sexual language to someone that doesn't wish to have you
     speaking to them, in that way.
2) Using any sexual emotes without permission to do so. (french, fondle, etc, 
   this does not mean things like flirt or stare)
3) Stalking players with sexual undertones to the style as compared to 
   shadowing someone to pkill them.
Please people lets not do anything here to someone that we wouldn't do in 
Real Life. As far as i know Frenching and Fondling someone you don't know is 
not acceptable behavior in any world. Punishment for Harassment ranges from 
a warning to deletion & permanant siteban - no warnings necessary either.
so don't be surprised. 
If you have been Sexually Harassed Please do the following:
1) Ask the person to stop.
2) Leave the room the person is in. They can't emote to you if you are not 
3) Tell someone - or discuss it with an immortal, ask on ooc for one if you 
   cant see any on the who list.  Perhaps if your asking them to stop didn't
   stop it, someone else asking will let
   them know you are serious.
4) Tell an immortal what is going on, and *always* write a note to immortal 
   so we know who is doing these things.
If anyone has the need for clarification of any of these rules, write a note 
to the admin... A common saying applies to all the rules on dawn, and that 
is to read "spirit of the law" not the "letter of the law".  If it might 
offend then it is most likely not appropriate.

level 98
category undefined~
text .
`#`c1st.`^ -500 moot
`#`c2nd.`^ -5,000 moot
`#`c3rd.`^ 1 week in 299
`#`c4th.`^ char deletion
`#`c5th.`^ month ban (this would be with another char, of course)
`#`c6th.`^ permban
`#`c1st.`^ chat in 299 (shared stuff removed, if the case)
`#`c2nd.`^ -500 moot
`#`c3rd.`^ both chars stay one week in 299
`#`c4th.`^ deletion of lower level char involved
`#`c5th.`^ deletion of higher level char involved
`#`c6th.`^ month ban
`#`c7th.`^ permban
`#`c1st.`^ nochan for 1 or 2 days
`#`c2nd.`^ nochan for 1 week
`#`c3rd.`^ nochan for 2 weeks
`#`c4th.`^ nochan for 1 month
`#`c5th.`^ permnochan

keyword OOC-POLICY~
level 1
category undefined~
text OOC channel etiquette on dawn`+
Please observe the following DO NOT's for use on the OOC channel:`+
`Y*`=? Broadcast the level/stats etc of your character`+
`Y*`=? Swear in any language`+
`Y*`=? Ask for immortals, write them a note`+
`Y*`=? Argue in a heated fashion or call other players names`+
`Y*`=? Flood/spam or use full CAPS text, it is considered yelling`+
`Y*`=? Give away the anything 'in character' including location of your 
character, asking where a certain area is or if someone could wake your 
character up`+
`Y*`=? Complain about the topic, if you do not wish to hear the current topic on 
the channel turn the channel off by typing `cOOC`=?`+

level 98
category undefined~
text . 
 And you can tell that to the priest!
 Does Unix use C?
 If I have to, I'll walk down to hell, and pull your ass out.
 Genjuro "you no see me, i in neenja mode" - Best Short of the Year
 - Szordrin
 Boy are my lips going to be chapped in the morning.
 GREAT who in the WORLD stole my hole?.... muttermutter
 -Polgara on OOC
I am only rude to those who deserve it
-Lysdexia (who else?)
My "little" kit is attacking my pringles
- Ylerin
Grrr, now he is attacking my milkshake
- Ylerin
I thought I compiled, but I uploaded.
- Rhuarc
Kerenos[ to quote: Ellyllon - Dainty fairies who wear fine 
diaphinous garments, the Ellyllon dance in the forest by 
day among the velvet mosses and toadstools that grow 
between tree roots. :)
Tibault[ Sounds a bit like imi
<Lahna OOC>: 'FreeBSD, and even RedHat are better then linux'
