colourcode `
security 7

keyword **DUEL~
helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text This help entry assumes you have already read all of `Yhelp pksystem`=?.`+
The duel system provides the mechanism to gain mutual consent before pk 
aggressive situations occur, the first stage in gaining mutual consent is 
performed using the duel command.`+
`=lSyntax:`=? duel <playername>`+
The duel command is used to challenge another player to a duel.  The player 
you challenge must be in the same room as you and able to see you.  When you 
duel a player, the challenge is seen by all those in the room (like a social 
or personal emote).`+
If you are challenged by someone, there are three things you can do:`+
1. Accept the duel - using `Yacceptduel`=?`+
2. Decline the duel - using `Ydeclineduel`=?`+
3. Ignore the duel - if you fail to accept or decline a duel within 60 
seconds of being challenged, the duel is automatically ignored.`+
A duel from a player can only be declined while in the same room as the 
person who challenged you.  The declining of a challenge to duel is seen by 
all in the room.  If you ignore a duel, you are informed the challenge to 
duel has expired, and at the same time the the person who challenged you 
receives a message stating something to the same effect.`+
When a duel is accepted, those in the room see the acceptance.  The duel 
then changes to a '`gduelling about to begin`=?' stage.  This 'about to begin' 
stage lasts approximately 15 seconds, and once it is over the duel becomes 
active. In the 'about to begin' stage, neither player is able to initiate pk 
activities  with the other... it is provided to prevent players from 
attacking at the same time as accepting a duel.`+
Once a challenge to duel becomes an active duel, it lasts for 30 minutes.`+
If you are pkilled by anyone, all duels with you that are active change to 
'safe'. In the 'safe' state, they cant attack you, but you can choose to 
attack them.  If you attack or steal from them your duel returns to an 
active state.`+
When 30 minutes have past, the duel automatically expires and both people 
involved in the duel are informed.`+
If you logout during a duel then all duels involving you are cancelled.`+
A `Bpeaceful`=? character cant duel an `Ractive`=? player, unless the active
player has recently been stealing.`+

keyword **PKILL~
helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text Player Killing is allowed on The Dawn of Time under certain circumstances. 
The player combat systems have been designed in a way that it is possible 
for a player to roleplay a peaceful character and never be pkilled, while at 
the same time if a player is being abusive to others they are not immune to 
the attacks of others.`+
This particular help entry gives a complete overview of all aspects in the 
pksystem.  It directs you to additional help entries for specific details on 
particular aspect of the system.  In Dawns documentation the terms 'Player 
Killing' and 'Player Killer' are often abbreviated to PK, and are used 
The PK System on Dawn works by having two categories of player (`Ractive`=? and 
`Bpeaceful`=?) to suit the varing tastes of our players. All players begin the 
game as `Bpeaceful`=? and may choose to become `Ractive`=? at any stage (read `YHELP 
BECOMEACTIVE`=? for more on this).`+
The rules for engaging in any pkill related activities vary depending on 
what category combination of `Ractive`=? and `Bpeaceful`=? any two players make.  
Pkill related activities here is defined to include Pkill, Pbackstab and any 
spell that initiates combat with a mob when casting fails (agressive spells 
as well as any spell with a ! to the immediate right of the classes in 
cspinfo - sleep, charm, weaken...)).`+
If both players are `Ractive`=?, then pkill actions may be initiated without 
requiring the use of any special commands prior to the pkill activities. In 
all other situations PK activities can not occur unless there is mutual 
agreement which is gained using the duel system (see `Yhelp duel`=?) or the duel 
system is bypassed using the `Ybypassduel`=? command.`+
The ability to bypass the duel system has the advantage that it prevents 
someone from using their `Bpeaceful`=? status as a form of immunity, ignoring or 
declining all challenges to duel, while at the same time being extremely 
abusive and insulting in the IC realm.`+
Because the bypassduel system will often result in losses for the attacker 
it is only used when there is a strong enough in character basis for its 
use, for more info on bypassing the duel system see `Yhelp bypassduel`=?.`+
The dueling system does not protect you from being stolen from, when you 
steal or attempt to steal from someone, you will automatically accept all 
challenges to a duel regardless of your PK status for the 20 minutes (real 
time) following your use of the steal command (even if you failed to get 
It is `RREQUIRED`=? that `RALL`=? players have an IC basis for killing or subduing 
another player. There must be at least some role-playing prior to starting 
pkill combat, and you MUST NOT initiate pkill combat within 5 minutes of 
logging into the game. The administration obviously dont have large amounts 
of time to try and determine if a particular pkill had enough IC basis and 
therefore unless a pkill is obviously OOC, or a number of people mention 
that a particular player has consistently had strong OOC undercurrents in 
their pkilling, the admin will not be getting involved.`+
The consequences to your character when you die varies depending on a few 
aspects involved around your death.  `YHelp death`=? documents the general 
situation when you die as a result of a non playing character killing you. 
If you are killed by another player (pkilled), then you may possibly lose a 
'karn'... if you die in a situation where you would lose a karn, and you 
have zero karns you are permanently dead!  For more on the specifics of the 
karn system see `Yhelp karn`=?.  A quick summary of important features of the 
karn system follow:`+
* You will lose a karn if pkilled by someone lower level than you`+
* You will lose a karn if pkilled by someone up to 10 levels higher than you`+
* You automatically regenerate karns by simply spending time in the game 
* The maximum number of karns you can have at any time is 5.`+
* The maximum number of karns you can have may be less than 5 if you have   
pkilled a lot of players, and you did not 'becomeactive' at level 10 or 
* Becoming a `Ractive`=? player, is done using the `Ybecomeactive`=? command and is 
* Any noble can request players involved in a pkill to write a note explaining
  the IC basis of it... This includes fights between two `Ractive`=? players, and
  fights where all involved have accepted duels.  If there is not enough IC basis
  then futher steps may be taken.`+
* PKNotes are only required to be written if the `Ybypassduel`=? command was used 
by someone involved in the incident.`+
* `RActive`=? players can not be dueled by a `Bpeaceful`=? player (unless they have 
been stealing), if a `Bpeaceful`=? player wishes to attack a `RActive`=? player that 
hasnt been stealing they must either use bypassduel or become active 
themself. * The `Ypkinfo`=? command shows you the state all your duels are in.`+
* You can duel as many people as you like, and each duel can be in any of 
the dueling stages.`+
* If a player is seen to be continually abusing their `Bpeacful`=? status, they 
will be forced to become an `Ractive`=? player.`+
* Autoassist in pkcombat is slightly different, if there are 3 people 
involved in combat, (A, B and C)... B and C are grouped... B somehow gets 
into a fight with A, C will only automatically assist in the following 
- If both A and C are `Ractive`=?, C will be able to autoassist`+
- C is actively duelling A`+
- B is actively duelling A`+
- C is bypasses the duel system to attack A`+

keyword **ACCEPTDUEL~
helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? acceptduel [playername]`+
The acceptduel command is used to accept a challenge to duel that you have 
received from another player.  You can type acceptduel without the 
playername, and if you are currently being challenged to duel by only one 
player it will accept the duel with them (otherwise tell you to specify the 
name).  For more info about what happens when you accept a duel read `Yhelp 
`YPkinfo`=? shows a list of everyone dueling you.`+
To decline a duel use `Ydeclineduel`=?. `+

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? declineduel [playername]`+
The declineduel command is used to decline challenge to duel that you have 
received from another player.  You can type declineduel without the 
playername, and if you are currently being challenged to duel by only one 
player it will decline the duel with them.`+
`YPkinfo`=? shows a list of everyone dueling you.`+
To accept a duel use `Yacceptduel`=?. `+

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? becomeactive confirm`+
The becomeactive command is used to become an `Ractive`=? player.  When you are 
an `Ractive`=? player, the game is most similar to the original dawn pksystem.  
You may attack other `Ractive`=? players with no requirement to duel them first.`+
There are a few advantages of being an `Ractive`=? player, because anyone other 
`Ractive`=? player can attack you without warning, you never know when you might 
be attacked (increases the excitement of the game for some).  While it is 
required that there is some IC basis for PKilling, those the expectations of 
the `Ractive`=? players killing other `Ractive`=? players is lower than those that are 
`Bpeaceful`=?, so long as it has some IC basis (some IC basis doesn't mean making 
up an IC reason for an ooc pkill).  If you are the type that prefers a 
playing style where pkilling is more accepted, then being `Ractive`=? player is 
for you.`+
Those that becomeactive before or at level 10 have the benefit, that the 
maximum number of karns they can attain remains at 5 regardless of the 
number of players they have pkilled.`+
`YDURING the first 2 weeks of this pksystem going live, anyone who becomes a 
`Ractive`Y player will receive the fixed maxkarn of 5 benefit as described 
`BPeaceful`=? players have to duel you to attack you, and you will automatically 
accept any challenge to duel.`+
You must be letgained before being an `Ractive`=? player.`+
Becoming an `Ractive`=? player is an irreversible step. `+

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? bypassduel <player>`+
The bypassduel command is used to bypass the requirement to duel a nonPK 
player before attacking them.  Once the duel system has been bypassed, you 
can initiate agressive pk activites against the player you have 
`WTheir MUST be excellent IC reasons for using the bypassduel command!`=?`+
Using this command to allow you to attack someone comes with a cost, if you 
pkill them, you lose a karn.  You will also lose a karn when you subdue for 
the first time. After that, you will lose 1 karn every 5 times you subdue, 
by use of this system.`+
In all situations this command is used to attack someone, if they are 
subdued or pkilled everyone involved MUST write a pk note explaining the IC 
reasons why bypassduel was used, be prepared to provide logs of conflict if 
required to justify your IC reasons if required.`+
You can not use the bypassduel command to allow you to cast pkagressive 
spells on others.. `+

helpflags hide_keywords~
category undefined~
text These are the answers to some questions that have been asked about the 
`gIf a peaceful player stole from me, do I have to duel him?`=?`+
Yes, a duel is required.`+
`gOr can I just cast sleep?`=?`+
Nope, sleep can be cast after the duel has been accepted, which they will 
automatically accept because they have stolen something within the last 20 
`gIs there still the 15 seconds delay before a duel goes active even when they 
autoaccept because they have been stealing?`=?`+
`gIf I duel someone and they're in the group, do the other members of the 
group automatically jump in?`=?`+
The other members dont have a duel with you specifically, they can 
autoassist the person you are duelling, but can not enter combat in any 
other way with you without bypassingduel (assuming you are peaceful).`+
`gIf they group afterwards can they still join in a fight using autoassist?`=?`+
`gWhen I'm dueling one person, can someone else who's not dueling either of us 
jump in and attack me/the other person?`=?`+
Assuming all three people in this scenario are peaceful, then for the person 
who isn't duelling anyone to initiate combat with either of you, they would 
need to either use bypassduel or duel first.

keyword ***PKILL~
level 92
category undefined~
text `#`M<Pkills are not the goal of this mud. We respect only pkills derived from 
roleplay, but only that. If all you are looking for are pkills, this is not 
the mud for you>`^  `m------------------------------`+
Pk'ed/pkilled = Player killed`+
Permed = Permanent death (your character is unplayable permanently)`+
Aggie spells = Any spell when you type `Ycspinfo <class>`=? that can initiate a 
fight with a mob or has a ! beside it.`+
Mob = Mobile - an NPC (non player character - ie. a rabbit.)`+
Karn = A life - `Whelp karn`=?`+
Pkinfo = A useful info command - `Ypkinfo`=?.`+
`MActive`=? = A player who can be pk'ed on the spot without need for dueling.`+
`MPeaceful`=? = A player who cannot be pk'ed without a duel or bypassduel.`+
Read `Yhelp BECOMEACTIVE`=? to decide of you would like `MActive `=?or `MPeaceful`=?.`+
`sRules for pkill:`=?`+
`M*`=? You must logged on for more than five minutes to pkill a player`+
`M*`=? There must be some roleplay in the pkill: emotes/says/yells`+
`M*`=? Pkills are totally In Character`+
`M*`=? You must have an IC reason to pkill - `Whelp pk-reason`=?`+
`M*`=? Do not use OOC as a safe haven from pkills`+
`M*`=? Pkill notes are to be written In Character`=?`+
`M*`=? Write a `Ynote to law`=? if the above rules are broken`+
`sDuels and bypassduels:`=?`+
 If the player is peaceful and you wish to pkill them you must duel them - 
`Whelp duel`=?.`+
If the player is peaceful and they decline the duel, you can go on 
roleplaying or if you think they really deserve it you may bypassduel - `Whelp 
`sYou start a pkill:`=?`+
 - When you type:`+
  `YPbackstab <player>`=?`+
  `YPkill <player>`=?`+
- When you cast any pk-agressive spell ie:   `Yc 'heat surge' <player>`=?`+
`sPk notes:`=?`+
 When you are involved in a pkill, you are required to write a `Mpknote to 
pkill`=? (`Whelp pk-note`=?).`+
 You will get this message if the player is `Mpeaceful:`=?`+
-You must duel them or bypass the dueling system before you attempt to  
initiate conflict!`+
You will not get a message and go straight to combat if the player is 
If you type `Ysteal <player>`=? at any time for 20 minutes real time you will be 
made temporarily `Mactive`=? which means you automatically `Yacceptduel`=?.`+
Note that if you die fighting a mob you do not loose a karn! This only 
happens when you fight a player. When you get to 0 karns and you are pkilled 
you will be permed. `WHelp death`=? for mob deaths. `WHelp karn`=? for more info on 
Please also note that if you are pkilled in a group pkill fight, apon 
returning you are still grouped! This could lead to automatically assisting 
at 1hit point which is not benifical to your character's karns.`+
DISCLAIMER: Administration will not reimburse for pkills unless the rules 
above stated are plainly broken or there is a bug. We urge you to `Ynote to 
law`=? if you have any problems with pkills.`+

level 1
category undefined~
text . 
`MActive and peaceful information`+
- OOC noble: See `Whelp `=_noble`+`=?`+
- Pknote: A creative peice of writing such as journal entry, a note to a 
cousin/friend, a conversation or a narrative that is written to pkill 
explaining the details of the pkill.`+
`sThe rules of the `Mactive`=?:`+
`M*`=? You must be letgained`+
`M*`=? Once you type `Ybecomeactive`=? it is irreversible`+
`M*`=? You may attack other active players without warning (dueling)`+
`M*`=? Pkills must have an IC reason`+
`M*`=? Those that becomeactive before or at level 10 have the benefit, that the 
maximum number of karns they can attain remains at 5 regardless of the 
number of players they have pkilled`+
`M*`=? Pknotes are only required to be written if the `Ybypassduel`=? command was used 
by a player involved in the incident, BUT...`+
`M*`=? Any OOC noble can request players involved in a pkill to write a note 
regardless of `Mactive`=? or `Mpeaceful`=? status. A -ve moot will apply if this is 
not conformed to within 48 hours of request`+
`sRules of the `Mpeaceful`=?:`+
`M*`=? Peaceful cannot duel active. Unless they have been theiving, they must 
`Mbypassduel`=? or become active themself`+
`M*`=? If a player is reviewed to be abusing their `Mpeaceful`=? status, they will be 
automatically turned to an `Mactive`=? player`+
`M*`=? Pkills must have an IC reason`+
The choice:`+
If you wish to be `Mactive`=? type:`+
`Ybecomeactive confirm`=?`+
If you wish to be `Mpeaceful`=? do not type anything - you start out this way. 

level 1
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? becomeactive`+
This command allows you to be pk-active. Please refer to `Whelp active`=?.`+
Please note this command once typed is irreversible!`+

level 1
category undefined~
see_also PK-NOTE~
text Reasons you may use to justify initiating pk combat:`+
`RStrong ones:`+
------ ----`=?`+
You can initiate pk combat with one of more of these reasons:`+
`Y*`=? Revenge - If A pkills B for reason 'x', then B pkills A for revenge, A 
cannot pkill B or get a friend to pkill B for revenge.`+
`Y*`=? In a group if A and C pkill B, B can attempt revenge on BOTH A and C once. 
Note: Attempting revenge can be once, you cannot repeatedly attempt to pkill 
a player for the same reason, if your attempt fails then your reason is 
`Y*`=? Revenge by mobdeath - A charms mob to pkill B. B can attempt revenge and 
it stops there, A cannot attempt revenge on B again.`+
`Y*`=? A cool rp situation - mind you, a true rp situation - stealing a 
girlfriend, or a court plot.`+
`Y*`=? Assassination - A gets paid to pkill B. - This is a special case. The 
killer doesn't need any other reasons, but the employer does.`+
`Y*`=? Revenge for a friend - C pkills B. C was then pkilled by B for 'revenge'. 
So C's friend A gets mad and pkills B for his friend C. A and C no longer 
have a reason to pkill B, however, B can pkill A for 'revenge' but not C. 
Why? C has already been pkilled once by B for 'revenge'. `+
`Y*`=? Assisting in a pkill - If A made a portal/nexus for B to step through and 
pkill C. This would be classed as assisting a pkill and therefore C could 
revenge both A and B.`+
`cMild ones:`+
---- ----`=?`+
Here are the reasons which, by themselves, do not justify initiating pk combat, but if 
joined, might - 2 will not always been enough, sometimes 3 will be needed depending
specific circumstances.  This is because some reasons will weight more than others. 
An example: being teleported counts more than a spit, a spit counts more than being 
verbally insulted.`+
`Y*`=? Invasion of your clan.`+
`Y*`=? Invasion of your house.`+
`Y*`=? Spitting, swearing, general harrassment.`+
`Y*`=? Being teleported.
`Y*`=? Being slept.`+
`Y*`=? Being stolen from.`+
`Y*`=? Killing innocent people (mobs).`+
`mThe rules and law:`+
--- ----- --- ---`=? `+
If you have a complaint please `Ynote to law`=?. If you feel a pkill is 
unjustified without reason or a rule was broken in `Yhelp pkill`=?.The nobles and 
immortals reserve the right to judge each situation independently, and to 
change the afford mentioned reasons, as they seem fit.`+
All the above reasons are subject to your alignment. A +3/+3, for example 
would not kill for any of the above, but he might rescue a little child 
who's is being attacked though.`+
Once you pkill someone, all your pkreasons are reset. That is, you won't 
have any reason left to pkill the same person again. Even if you had 1,000 
reasons, 1 pkill eliminates them all. You can only think of pkilling the 
same person if that person gives you brand new reasons.`+
'He was going to pkill me so I killed him first', is not a good reason. If 
you attack first you must supply adequate reasoning of their offensive 
actions towards your character.`+
Suspicions are not valid pk-reasons! All your reasons must be concrete, ie, 
you must be able to prove them if asked. Be prepared to provide a log or 
record of roleplay in the pkill if asked by a noble or immortal.`+
Punishment can result in moots in the order of around -5000xp or even
deletion/banning if really really out of line.  Attempting to pk with 
not enough valid cause or insufficient roleplaying is unacceptable.`+ 

keyword DUEL~
level 1
category undefined~
text .
`=lSyntax:`=? duel <player>`+
`M*`=? You can duel as many people as you like`+
`M*`=? Peaceful players cannot duel active players`+
When you are asked to duel you can:`+
`m1.`=? Decline the duel, `Whelp declineduel`=?`+
`m2.`=? Accept the duel, `Whelp acceptduel`=?`+
`m3.`=? Ignore the duel - if you fail to `Macceptduel`=? or `Mdeclineduel`=? within 60 
seconds of being dueled, the challenge is automatically ignored.`+
`M*`=? If you logout during a duel then all duels involving you are cancelled.`+
`M*`=? If you are pkilled in a duel:`+
- All duels with you that are 'active duel' change to 'safe' state. In the 
'safe' state they cannot attack you, but you can choose to attack them.`+
- If you attack or steal from them your duel returns to an 'active duel' 
`M*`=? Autoassist in pkcombat is slightly different, if there are 3 people 
involved in combat, (A, B and C)... B and C are grouped... B somehow gets 
into a fight with A, C will only automatically assist in the following 
- If both A and C are `Ractive`=?, C will be able to autoassist`+
- C is actively duelling A`+
- B is actively duelling A`+
- C bypasses the duel system to attack A`+
`M*`=? The player must be in the same room and visible to you`+
`M*`=? Duels are seen by all players in the room`+

level 1
category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? acceptduel <player>`+
Accepting duels are seen by all the players in the room.`+
Refer to `Whelp `=_duel`+`=?.`+
This command accepts your opponent's duel and you will go into 'dueling 
about to begin' stage lasting 15 seconds where you both cannot attack each 
After 15 seconds the stage becomes 'active duel' stage and lasts 30 minutes. 
When you enter 'active duel' stage you may type `Ypkill <player>`=?.`+

level 1
category undefined~
text You should structure your pkill notes in the following way and should be 
told as IN CHARACTER:`+
`YPknote to PKILL`+
pknote subject Pkill of <player>`+
pknote + <insert your creative piece of writing/proof of RP and reason here>`+
pknote post`+
Your note must be a minimum of five sentences, describing the `Mic background `=?for 
the pkill, preferably with the IC time on it (`Ytime`=?). It also must include 
your `Mpk-reasons`=?, after you describe the ic background. See `Yhelp pknote-example`=?`+
You may, if you write it well enough get a +ve moot for it so be creative!`+

keyword **PK-NOTE~
level 92
category undefined~
text .. 
`CExample 1:`=?
Note subject: pkill of Gychal
`yIC background:`=?
I am writing to let you know that I, Thoran Boomhammer, have player killed a 
blue feathered winged being (alias Gychal) at 6 o'clock pm, Day of the 
Drake, 14th the Month of the Shadows (Sun Jan 25 19:23:00 1998 system time). 
 The fight occurred in the middle of the town Dzagari.  The reason that I 
was forced to confront Gychal is because I was being hunted by him and 
others for the death of a duergar.  I had no choice but to defend myself and 
fight back.  I have appointed myself protector of the good and innocent 
within the vicinity of the town Mekali.  Many a time I intervened, casting 
protective spells on the victims of those murderers. I will continue to fight 
in the name of the good and just and will not allow innocent humans or other 
goodly races to be killed in cold blood within the town.  This is why I have 
brought the blue feathered winged being to justice.`+
Thoran Boomhammer`+
`cSummary of pk-reasons: `=?
 - he started the pkill
 - I defend the innocent in Mekali
 - he insulted me - he threatened me 3 times  
 - i am at war with his clan 
`CExample 2:`=?
Note subject:  Pkill of Tankarn`+
`yIC background:`=?
The sun was setting slowly when I spotted him, the foul, disgusting beast of 
an orc that had so mercilessly slaughtered me not three days ago.  As I drew 
and readied my weapons and dropped to a crouch, my mind drifted back to the 
first time he saw the orc. 
I was in the Plaza, enjoying the late afternoon summer sun and chatting with 
a few acquaintances about nothing at all.  A disgusting stench drifted from 
the east, announcing louder than grunts the orcs arrival. It came slouching 
and shuffling into the plaza, grunting loudly as his pig eyes slowly scanned 
the plaza with a look of malice and hatred. 
His eyes feel on me, laughing with my friends.  He must have taken exception 
to my having a good time because he came over to me, demanding money.  I was 
in a rather jovial mood so I politely told him that I didn't have any to 
spare and perhaps he should look to the monestary for charity.  I'm not sure 
what it was I said because he suddenly howled in a deep and primal fury and 
drove his axe deeply into my side. 
I fought back of course, as best I could but I wasn't prepared for combat 
and the orc made short work of me.  I barely had a chance to draw my dagger. 
Now, three days later, my revenge would be complete.  As one hand tightened 
on the hilt of my double-edged dagger, I quickly quaffed a potion I 
purchased in an apothecary shop on Markrist Island.  The fire of the potion 
burned through me, filling my muscles with strength and speed.  I paused 
just for a moment and drew my second dagger, figuring to end this as quickly 
as I could. 
On silent feet, I approached the beast as he was terrorizing a young female 
elf.  His stench was as powerful as ever but I quelled my natural retching 
instince and leaned in close. 
"Now you die, beast.", I whispered in the orc's ear as I sank one dagger 
between the third and fourth ribs and quickly drew the edge of the other 
across its throat.  The orc fell into a puddle of its own blood, looking up 
at me.  I smiled thinly. 
As the fire of life faded from its eyes, I simply said "Our score is 
settled, Orc." 
Liaknar Handernol`+
`cSummary of pk-reasons: `=?
 - he killed me first; I took revenge.

keyword PKINFO~
level 1
category undefined~
see_also PKILL DUEL~
text `=lSyntax:`=? pkinfo`+
The pkinfo command is used to display various information relating to the 
pksystem and duelling system.  It informs you of any duels that involve you 
that are in progress and how long the particular stage in the duel will 
If you have recently stolen from someone and are autoaccepting all 
challenges to duel, then the amount of time remaining before your autoaccept 
status finishes is displayed.  All of the above information is only 
displayed if relevant, for example if you arent duelling anyone then the 
duelling information isn't shown. `+
It will always show information relating to how long you must wait to "Out 
of Level" kill again (Killing a low level - 10 or below), how long you are 
safe from being pkilled, how long you must wait to recall and quit, and also 
tell you how many times you have defeated others in pkill combat, the number 
of times you have been defeated by players and mobs. `+

keyword PKFAQ~
level 1
category undefined~
text `cPkill System FAQ`=?`+
`YQ:`=? What is the difference getting killed by a player or a mob?`+
`cA:`=? If you are killed by a mob you do not lose a 'karn', if you lose a 
fight with a player you do.`+
`YQ:`=? Why is this system better than the old system?`+
`cA:`=? It has been designed in a way that a player can roleplay a peaceful 
character and never be pkilled, while at the same time if a player is being 
abusive to others, they are not immune to the attacks of others.`+
`YQ:`=? Why do we have bypassduel?`+
`cA:`=? This ability gives every player the chance to pkill a peaceful player 
without dueling (asking them first) and keeps them from being totally immune 
if they are really insulting and deserve it.`+
`YQ:`=? If a peaceful player stole from me, do I have to duel him or can I cast 
`cA:`=? Yes, a duel is required but they autoaccept the duel, after 15 seconds 
you may cast sleep.`+
`YQ:`=? Is there still the 15 seconds delay before a duel goes active even when 
they autoaccept because they have been stealing?`+
`cA:`=? Yes.`+
`YQ:`=? If I duel someone and they're in the group, do the other members of the 
group automatically jump in?`+
`cA:`=? The other members dont have a duel with you specifically, they can 
autoassist the person you are duelling, but can not enter combat in any 
other way with you without 'bypassduel' (assuming you are peaceful).`+
`YQ:`=? If they group afterwards can they still join in a fight using autoassist?`+
`cA:`=? Yes.`+
`YQ:`=? When I'm dueling one person, can someone else who's not dueling either of 
us jump in and attack me/the other person?`+
`cA:`=? Assuming all three people in this scenario are peaceful, then for the 
person who isn't duelling anyone to initiate combat with either of you, they 
would need to either use bypassduel or duel first.`+

level 1
category undefined~
see_also PKILL KARN~
text If you died from a playing killing you, please see `Yhelp pkill`=?.`+
When your character dies any spells that were affecting you are cancelled 
upon death. If you follow and are grouped, dying will not affect it.`+
You do not lose karns through dying from mobs (non-player characters) but 
you do lose experience points for dying:`+
`Y*`=? If level <= 20, the amount you lose is two-thirds of the experience you 
have earned since the gaining of your last level.`+
`Y*`=? If level > 20, you lose a constant 500 XP per death, and can lose a level.`+
Corpses decay after time, lasting *roughly* 30 hours of game time (15 
minutes of real time). When a player's corpse decays, the equipment is left 
on the ground where the player's corpse was.`+

keyword KARNS~
level 1
category undefined~
text A karn is best described as a life.  Dawn of Time is a role-playing mud 
where we hope to achieve some aspects of reality into the system, while at 
the same time, keeping the system playable and enjoyable.  Only pkill deaths 
count against the karns, while deaths from NPC's, or mobs, are not 
permanent.  `+
There are two ways to have your karns decreased.  The first way is to lose a 
pkill fight.  If someone Out Of Level (greater than 10 levels above you) 
kills you, then no karns are lost.  The second way is to `#`YBYPASSDUAL`^ a 
peaceful player.  `#`C(help ACTIVE, PEACEFUL)`^`+
All players start out with 3 karns.  For those that `#`SBECOMACTIVE`^ at or before 
level 10, they will get a permanent maximum karns of 5 and get their current 
karns set to 5 as well.  `+
Those that choose to remain `#`SPEACEFUL`^ will have a max karn dependant on their 
pkill ratio of wins to losses.  Using the pkratio, the maximum number of 
karns will be at most 5, but may be 0 if they have many pkills.  `#`C(help 
You automatically regenerate karns by simply spending time IC.  At lower 
levels karns regen much more quickly, while at higher levels a bit more 
patience is required.  You can always keep track of your karns since they 
are displayed in the upper right corner of your score sheet.  `+

level 1
category undefined~
text `CExample 1:`=?
Note subject: pkill of Gychal
`yIC background:`=?
I am writing to let you know that I, Thoran Boomhammer, have player killed a 
blue feathered winged being (alias Gychal) at 6 o'clock pm, Day of the 
Drake, 14th the Month of the Shadows (Sun Jan 25 19:23:00 1998 system time). 
 The fight occurred in the middle of the town Dzagari.  The reason that I 
was forced to confront Gychal is because I was being hunted by him and 
others for the death of a duergar.  I had no choice but to defend myself and 
fight back.  I have appointed myself protector of the good and innocent 
within the vicinity of the town Mekali.  Many a time I intervened, casting 
protective spells on the victims of those murderers. I will continue to fight 
in the name of the good and just and will not allow innocent humans or other 
goodly races to be killed in cold blood within the town.  This is why I have 
brought the blue feathered winged being to justice.`+
Thoran Boomhammer`+
`cSummary of pk-reasons: `=?
 - he started the pkill
 - I defend the innocent in Mekali
 - he insulted me - he threatened me 3 times  
 - i am at war with his clan 
`CExample 2:`=?
Note subject:  Pkill of Tankarn`+
`yIC background:`=?
The sun was setting slowly when I spotted him, the foul, disgusting beast of 
an orc that had so mercilessly slaughtered me not three days ago.  As I drew 
and readied my weapons and dropped to a crouch, my mind drifted back to the 
first time he saw the orc. 
I was in the Plaza, enjoying the late afternoon summer sun and chatting with 
a few acquaintances about nothing at all.  A disgusting stench drifted from 
the east, announcing louder than grunts the orcs arrival. It came slouching 
and shuffling into the plaza, grunting loudly as his pig eyes slowly scanned 
the plaza with a look of malice and hatred. 
His eyes feel on me, laughing with my friends.  He must have taken exception 
to my having a good time because he came over to me, demanding money.  I was 
in a rather jovial mood so I politely told him that I didn't have any to 
spare and perhaps he should look to the monestary for charity.  I'm not sure 
what it was I said because he suddenly howled in a deep and primal fury and 
drove his axe deeply into my side. 
I fought back of course, as best I could but I wasn't prepared for combat 
and the orc made short work of me.  I barely had a chance to draw my dagger. 
Now, three days later, my revenge would be complete.  As one hand tightened 
on the hilt of my double-edged dagger, I quickly quaffed a potion I 
purchased in an apothecary shop on Markrist Island.  The fire of the potion 
burned through me, filling my muscles with strength and speed.  I paused 
just for a moment and drew my second dagger, figuring to end this as quickly 
as I could. 
On silent feet, I approached the beast as he was terrorizing a young female 
elf.  His stench was as powerful as ever but I quelled my natural retching 
instince and leaned in close. 
"Now you die, beast.", I whispered in the orc's ear as I sank one dagger 
between the third and fourth ribs and quickly drew the edge of the other 
across its throat.  The orc fell into a puddle of its own blood, looking up 
at me.  I smiled thinly. 
As the fire of life faded from its eyes, I simply said "Our score is 
settled, Orc." 
Liaknar Handernol`+
`cSummary of pk-reasons: `=?
 - he killed me first; I took revenge.

keyword PK-RULES~
level 1
category undefined~
text In order to create a pkill environment that everyone enjoys and is most 
fair, there has been a small, but important, list of rules created.  
Memorize these rules in case you ever ever in a pkill situation.  `+
`#`S1.  `^You must have an IC reason to pkill.  `+
`#`S2.  `^You must logged on for more than `#`WTEN minutes `^prior to starting a pkill.  
`#`S3.  `^There must be established roleplay prior to any pkill.  By established 
roleplay, it means roleplay that leaves little doubt in either side about 
why the pkill happened.  `+
`#`S4.  `^Safe rooms are not to be used as a pkill haven.  Those that have 0 karns 
and sit in OOC rooms to avoid getting pkilled may find themselves thrown 
out.  `+
`#`S5.  `^Every pkill will be done in character.  Using OOC reasons to kill 
someone will result in deletion and/or siteban.  `+
`#`S6.  `^A pknote is required within `#`Y2 hours`^ for any pkill involvement.`+
`#`S7.  `^Write a `Ynote to law`=? if the above rules are broken.  `+
`#`S8.  `^Dawn of Time is a game.  If you can't handle getting pkilled, then don't 
go ACTIVE.  `+
`#`S9.  `^You must have an IC reason to pkill.  `+
`#`S10.  `^Read these rules, know these rules.  Your character's life may depend 
on it.  

level 1
category undefined~
text When reffering to the pkill system on Dawn, there are certain terms that one 
might want to be familiar with.  Listed below are the basic terms that might 
come up.  `+
Pk or Pkill = Player kill`+
Permed = Permanent death, happens when a player is pk'd with 0 karns`+
Aggie spells = An aggressive spell shown on spinfo that has !  Beside it 
and/or can initiate a fight`+
Mob = Mobile - an NPC (non player character - ie.  A rabbit)`+
Karn = A life - `Whelp karn`=?`+
Pkinfo = A useful info command displaying pkill information`+
Active = A player who can be pk'ed on the spot without need for dueling.  `+
Peaceful = A player who cannot be pk'ed without a duel or bypassduel.  `+

keyword PKILL~
level 1
category undefined~
text Dawn of Time has a feature called pkill, or player killing.  While it is a 
feature, pkills are not taken lightly.  There is a long list of rules for 
pkill, and they are here for game balance and the enjoyment to others.  `+
You are reading this and probably thinking, "How do I pkill?"  Not so fast - 
first you need to understand everything about pkill.  Ignorance of the rules 
does not get you off the hook, so read on.  `#`C(help PK-RULES)`^`+
At Dawn of Time, everyone has karns, or a finite number of lives.  This 
means that you can't live a happy life of pkilling very for long.  `#`C(help 
Every pkill must have a reason.  While at Dawn roleplay is encouraged and 
not necessary, that isn't true for pkills.  `#`REVERY PKILL MUST HAVE A REASON.  
`^ `#`C(help PK-REASON)`^`+
Everyone starts out the game in a pkill status called PEACEFUL.  You may 
choose to go ACTIVE if you plan to be aggressive and/or pkill others.  You 
need an agreement in order to pkill a peaceful person, or else you'll lose a 
karn.  `#`C(help ACTIVE, PEACEFUL)`^`+
When a pkill is executed, all those involved have `#`Y2 hours `^to write their 
pknote explaining everything that led up to the showdown.  Those that fail 
to do so will be dealt with accordingly.  `#`C(help PK-NOTE)`^ 
