colourcode `
security 7

keyword GATE~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name gate~
text Creates a one-way gate to the target creature/character, and transports you 
there straight away.  Gates cannot be made to certain destinations, nor used 
to escape from gate-proof rooms.  When you arrive at the destination you 
experience a little delay, as the spell settles. Gates are restricted to 
travel within the same continent.  `+


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name giant strength~
text Giant strength grants the target of this spell strength beyong their normal 
abilities. This allows him to perform feats that normally couldn't be 
accomplished withouth the assistance of magic, such as increased damage when 
in melee combat.`+


keyword HASTE~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
see_also SLOW~
spell_name haste~
text The haste spell increases the speed and agility of the recipient, allowing 
an extra attack (or even a backstab) in combat, and improving evasive 
abilities in combat.  However, it produces a great strain on the body, such 
that recuperative abilities are halved.  Haste is capable of negating the 
slow spell.  `+


keyword IDENTIFY~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name identify~
text Magic has been around since the beginning of time itself, and thus has the 
powers to unlock mysteries that the common folk might have long forgot.  
Casting a simple spell of identify on an object will reveal much 
information, including, but not limited to the weight, magical enhancements, 
and worth.`+


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name induce sleep~
text This spell attempts to help a willing target character drift off to sleep.  
It is not considered a form of attack.  `+

helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name infravision~
text This spell enables the target character to see heat patterns and 
warm-blooded creatures in normal darkness without the use of a light.  Exits 
of a room are also visible because of this.  `+


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
see_also MASS-INVIS~
spell_name invisibility~
text This invisibility spell will make a person vanish from sight and 
undetectable from normal vision or even infravision.  Although the target of 
this spell may not be visible, that doesn't mean that he is silenced or his 
movements can't be heard.  Items dropped will suddenly become visible, and 
items picked up will appear to have vanished.  Invisible characters will 
become visible once they are involved in combat, they will themselves to 
reappear, or the duration of the spell is over.  `+
This spell may also be cast on an object to render it invisible.`+
If you are affected by this spell, you can choose to go visible with the 
`=Cvisible`=? command.`+

helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name illusions grandeur~
text Illusions of grandeur grants the caster the powerful illusion of appearing 
much greater than he/she really is.  This grants the caster the ability to 
take more damage in melee combat, as if they actually were that much larger. 
Once the illusion wears off though there is a possibility that the caster 
may die if not sufficiently healed from wounds.`+

helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name locate object~
text The spell of locate object will reveal to the caster the location of all 
objects that he or she is looking for.  The spell shows an image of where 
the searched for object is or who is carrying it.  If you are vague in your 
search details, you may find many more items that fit the description than 
you were looking for.`+


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name magic resistance~
text Magic resistance grants the caster a better resistance towards the ill 
effects of spells.  When one successfully resists and makes a save against a 
spell, they take only half the normal damage from the magical attack. 

helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name mithril glaze~
text This spell will add a mana bonus attribute to any object worn around the 
body, like robes, at a great cost.  It will destroy the first mithril item 
in your inventory (always), and it has a 40% chance of destroying the object 
that you cast it on.  If the target object is not destroyed, it will raise 
it's level by 5.  You must have at least 200 mana to start casting it, and 
it will absorb all of your mana upon finishing.  It will make you hungry, 
thirsty, and 30 hours more tired.`+


keyword NEXUS~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name nexus~
text This spell is virtually identical to portal, with the only difference being 
that while portal creates a one-way gate, a nexus spell makes a two-sided 
gate.  It also lasts longer than the lower-powered portal spell.  Both 
spells require an additional power source, the secret of which has been 


keyword PASS-DOOR~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name pass door~
text This spell allows a character turn transparent and pass through closed 
doorways.  Some doors are magically protected and aren't capable of being 
walked through in this fashion.  Pass door cannot be casted on another.  `+


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name phantasmal force~
text Phantasms are illusions of spirits of other monsters that perform mental 
attacks on the victim.  While the damage is not real if the attacking 
illusion is disbelieved, the will victim suffers great damage when he thinks 
his attacker is real. With the affects of true seeing, the victim is granted 
immunity to such illusionary attacks.`+


keyword PORTAL~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name portal~
text The portal spell is similar to gate, but creates a short duration one way, 
two-dimensional gateway to the target, instead of instantaneously 
transporting the caster.  Portals can be entered by using the 'ENTER 
<portal>' command.  Portals cannot be made to certain destinations, nor used 
to escape from gate-proof rooms.  Portal requires a special source of power 
to be summoned, unfortunately the secret of this material component has been 


helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name prismatic spray~
text This spell allows the caster to bring forth a powerful array of colors, 
resembling a beautiful rainbow to those viewing it from afar.  To those near 
enough, the illusionary array of colors causes a blinding affect, and 
attacks the optical senses.`+


keyword RAGE~
category magic:spell~
spell_name rage~
text This spell fills the target character with a fierce battle rage that makes 
him a formidable foe.  The enraged target fights without concern for his 
wellfare, thus gaining bonuses from the spell.`+
The target's can take much more damage without noticing the pain, as well as 
deal more damage, because of the lack of defensive maneuvers.  Because of 
this, the enraged person is much more likely to take a hit from weapons when 
in battle.`+

keyword RECHARGE~
category magic:spell~
spell_name recharge~
text The recharge spell is used to restore energy to depleted wands and staves.  
Fully exhausted items cannot be recharged, and the difficulty of the spell 
is proportional to the number of charges used.  Magic items can only be 
recharged one time successfully.  `+
Casters can only recharge the staff/wand if they are familiar with the spell 
they are attempting to recharge onto the item.`+

keyword RUNE-EDGE~
category magic:spell~
spell_name rune edge~
text This spell makes certain weapons sharp for the duration of the spell.  The 
magic creates a humming affect on the edge of the enchanted weapon that 
makes it so the weapon can cut though most anything with a lot less effort.  

keyword -SHIELD~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast shield <person>`+
This spell creates a shimmering magical force field around the beneficiary 
of the spell, offering protection from spells and melee weapons alike.`+
`GREALMS: `=?conjuration 

keyword -SLEEP~
category magic:spell~
see_also INDUCE-SLEEP~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast sleep <target> `+
This spell attempts to put the victim to sleep against their will for a 
long, long time.  It is considered a form of attack.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?charm`+

keyword SLOW~
category magic:spell~
spell_name slow~
text Despite popular mythology, slow is not the opposite of haste, but is a spell 
with it's own unique set of effects.  When cast on an unfortunate victim, it 
slows its movements, making it easier to hit and reducing its rate of 
attack.  The effect of slow also doubles movement costs and halves healing 
rates, due to reduced metabolism.  `+

keyword -SUMMON~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast summon <target>`+
This spell allow the caster to summon the target character from anywhere 
else in the world.  Characters who are fighting or in a special room may not 
be summoned.  Only characters that allow themselves to be open to the idea 
of travel via magic can be summoned.`+
`GREALMS: `=?conjuration summoning`+

keyword TELEPORT~
category magic:spell~
spell_name teleport~
text This spell randomly transfers the target character to anywhere in the world. 
 This spell may be useful for exploring the world or escaping pursuing 
danger, but random travel can be quite risky and usually isn't suitable for 
the timid.  `+

keyword TRUE-SIGHT~
category magic:spell~
spell_name true sight~
text This spell grants the the caster, or the recipient of the spell, the full 
abilities to detect abnomallies in the spectrum of sight.  This means that 
those affected by true sight can detect anyone invisible, and even some of 
those that aren't too exceptional at hiding.`+

category magic:spell~
spell_name vampiric touch~
text This spell grants the caster with a touch similar to that of a wraith.  The 
caster's touch can drain life from the victim.  `+

category magic:spell~
spell_name ventriloquate~
text This spell throws your voice, making it appear that some other object or 
character in the room is saying your message.  Victims who make their saving 
throw will know that someone is using ventriloquism, but not who.  Victims 
who fail their saving throw will think that the object or character really 
did say your message.  

keyword WEAKEN~
category magic:spell~
spell_name weaken~
text Weaken will sap the strength from the target, making them feel weaker and 
more vulnerble in battles.  The amount of strength sapped is proportional to 
the power of the caster.`+

keyword WIZARD-EYE~
category magic:spell~
spell_name wizard eye~
text This spell allows the caster to see a person not in the same room.  If 
successful, the caster will be shown the room where the victim is located, 
and all the contents of it.  This is a spell only detectable by certain 
divination spells, but is otherwise useful for spying.  `+
Some rooms and all immortals are immune to this spell.  `+

category magic:spell~
spell_name word of recall~
text This spell grants the spellcaster the same ability as a recall.  While they 
may seem quite similar, there are instances when praying for a recall just 
won't work, and the spell will transport you to your destination.  `+

category magic:spell~
spell_name wildstrike~
text A mage schooled in both wild magic and evocation may bring forth a powerful 
stream of pure energy with this spell.  It does considerable damage, and in 
some cases affects the victim in random ways.  As with all wild magic, use 
at your own risk!`+

category magic:spell~
spell_name shadowflight~
text Shadowflight is a spell practiced primarily by the shadowy dabblers in 
thievery and magics, known as spellfilchers.  While similar to the gate 
spell that mages use, shadowflight isn't as unrestrictive in its uses.  In 
order for shadowflight to work properly, the shadows must be full, meaning 
the spell can only function between sunset and sunrise.`+

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'flame weapon' <weapon>`+
`=?        cast 'frost weapon' <weapon>`+
Magics can be used to give wicked enchantments to weapons to enhance their 
performance in melee combat.  Flame weapon can be used to give a weapon a 
flaming aura, which causes fire damage, and perhaps smoke blindness when 
contact is made.  It's counterpart, frost weapons, can imbue a weapons with 
a biting cold that saps the muscles of energy when contact is made. Only one 
may be cast on a weapon at a time.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_enchantment `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'drain weapon' <weapon>`+
Magics can be used to give wicked enchantments to weapons to enhance their 
performance in melee combat.  Those that are wicked and evil at heart can 
imbue their weapon with a  vampiric essence using drain blade. The weapon 
will slowly drain the life from the victim upon its touch, and has a slight 
chance of channeling the life force to its wielded.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_enchantment `=_necromancy 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'lightning bolt' <target>`+
This spell allows the spellcaster to act as a conduit for one of the 
mightiest forces of nature.  It summons forth energies from the air, and 
channels them into a searing bolt of lightning that leaps forth from the 
hand of the caster.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'cold resistance'`+
`=?        cast 'fire resistance'`+
The resistances of cold and fire summon a protective aura about the caster 
that offers protection from these essences. Since these auras are polar 
opposites of each other, only one can be used at a time, or else they would 
cancel each other out. When protected from either cold/fire, the caster will 
suffer upto 50% less damage from the respective form of attack.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_abjuration `=_essence 

keyword FIREBALL~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast fireball <target>`+
This spell allows the spellcaster to channel forth a consuming ball of fire 
from his palms.  The ball of fire starts no larger than a cantelope, and 
grows to over three feet in diameter as it is hurled towards the unlucky 
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

keyword FROSTBALL~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast frostball <target>`+
Frostball summons forth a flurry of fist sized or larger ice balls to hurl 
towards the unlucky victim of this spell.  As the frostballs travel through 
air, they swell up to an even larger size, right before pummeling the 
victim.  This spell requires little concentration to cast and can be quite 
deadly in combat.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence`+

keyword CHILL-TOUCH~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'chill touch' <target>`+
When the final words of chill touch are uttered, the caster gets intensely 
cold hands, which he then applies to the victim.  This magical cold seeps 
into the muscles, causing them to become stiff and harder to use, depriving 
any warrior of their once great strength.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_necromancy 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'chaotic poison' <target>
Chaos prevails again!  Chaotic poison is far more likely to be prove fatal 
than any simple poison concoction that your average thief can brew.  Those 
that could shrug off the average poison might find themself feeling a little 
`#`ggreen `^with the chaotic nature of this poison.  `+
The cure for something this lethal is very difficult to discover.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_necromancy `=_wild

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'cutting wind' <target> `+
This highly unpredictable spell focuses a stream of air into a thin, 
fast-moving slice of air, which then hurtles downward from the sky.  While 
very chaotic in nature, this produces a forceful stream of wind may injure 
those other than the one intended. While always enough to damage its 
intended victim, the cutting wind varies greatly in intensity.  Depending on 
the whim of the air about - which is known to be chaotic - the wind may 
inflict miniscule or tremendous amounts of damage. The only certainty is 
that a more powerful mage can increase results, but even the most learned 
wizard may, on ocassion, be outdone by the lowliest apprentice when dealing 
with this spell. `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence `=_wild

keyword DECAY~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'decay' <target>
        cast 'decay' <object>
The decay spell was originally created by a mage trying to create an aging
spell, but he made it too powerful. The target aged at such a pace that it
actually fell apart and then crumbled to dust within moments.  The mage,
instantly aware of the damage this could do in the wrong hands, vowed never
to use the spell and locked away the book containing his research in a cave
deep within the dwarven forest.  A few decades later, after the mage's
death, the book was discovered by a necromancer and has since entered into
more widespread use within certain circles.  It has two uses: it can be
cast upon an object which the caster is carrying, causing it to crumble to
dust within a few hours, or the magic can be focused into a quick burst
aimed at a living creature, rapidly aging some of his body, causing
grievous damage.
`G`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_necromancy

keyword DOWNDRAFT~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast downdraft <target> `+
Downdraft calls a great rush of wind down upon the target, doing a bit of 
damage from the sheer force as well as possibly knocking some of the 
target's equipment to the ground.  In order for the caster to do this, the 
air from the lower part of the room is transported to the top and then 
quickly thrown downward at the target.  The transit of the air is so fast, 
though, that is changes the pressure in the room as well, and it is not 
unknown for people's ears to pop when the spell is cast.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_essence`+

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'disorientation' <target> `+
A mage commanding this spell can cause great confusion in the mind of 
whoever is unfortunate enough to have drawn his ire.  The target of this 
spell will believe they have been transported to a different place without 
actually having moved.  `+
`GREALMS: `=? `=_charm `=_illusion 

keyword SPIRIT-WALK~
category magic:spell~
spell_name spirit walk~
text Spirit walking was first discovered by the druids ages ago, but it has only 
recently become more widely used by mages and clerics.  It is an invaluable 
source of information, but also highly dangerous to the caster.  When the 
spell is cast, the caster's spirit leaves his body in search of the 
character or creature specified.  If it is able to find it, the spirit takes 
the form of an invisible, floating ghost-like figure.  This is more than a 
simple eyepiece for the caster, though: it is his soul in material form, 
which can move about as the caster desires.  When the caster wishes to bring 
his soul back into his body, he needs only 'return' to do so.  `+
There is one major drawback to this spell, though: while the caster's soul 
is away, his body is in a near-comatose state.  The caster cannot interact 
with his physical body in any way, nor is he even aware of what goes on 
around it.  Obviously, it is not a spell to be invoked lightly.  `+
(Type return to get back to your body) `+

keyword FLING~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'fling' <target> `+
This spell was created by a mage with a rather strange sense of humour.  The 
caster points his finger at the target and, moments later, the first item he 
or she is carrying goes flying up into the air, at which point winds rise up 
and change its projectory until it is flying directly toward the target.  At 
this point, the target is struck by the object, be it a boot, a rock, or a 
pair of frilled pants.  Obviously, this spell can be embarassing to whoever 
is unfortunate enough to have drawn the mage's wrath.  `+

Please note that fling is an offensive spell and will enter you into combat
with your target.

`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration`+

category magic:spell~
spell_name shaping the chaos~
text In order to cast this spell, the mage reaches into the chaos permeating the 
world and attempts to shape it into a physical manifestation.  
Unfortunately, due to the nature of chaos, the results are quite 
unpredictable, ranging from small twigs to living creatures, not all of 
which are friendly.  If an object is created, it keeps its form for a bit, 
but without any reason to stay in that form, it crumbles after a few hours.  
However, if a living being is created, it remains, as its drive to live is 
enough to hold its form.  Thus, this spell can be rather useful, but, at the 
same time, there is a certain risk in casting it, as you can never be 
certain what the results will be.  `+

keyword ACID-ARROW~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'acid arrow' <target>`+
Moments after the final words of this spell are uttered, searing bolts of 
acid shoot out of the fingertips.  They can cause nasty wounds and corrode 
the finest of armors until useless if subjected to heavy doses. `+
`GREALMS: `=?evocation essence     

keyword ACID-BLAST~
helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name acid blast~
text Moments after the final words of this spell are uttered, a large ball of 
acid projects fromt the palms of the caster.  While much more powerful than 
acid arrows, the blast has been known to permanently disfigure those 
unfortunate to survive it's deadly force.  

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'acid resistance' `+
`=?        cast 'lightning resistance'`+
What conquers magic better than magic itself.  To protect one's self from a 
potent acid blast or shocking burst of elecrical energy, the best compromise 
would be a sheet magic which protects you from them.  When a successful save 
is made, the caster is protected from upto 50% of the normal damage.  While 
not perfect in any regards, it beats taking the full force of the blasts.`+
`GREALMS: `=?abjuration essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'burning hands' <target>`+
This spell allows the caster to displace huge amounts of energy through the 
open palms, causing a great buildup of heat in the process.  This heat can 
then be transferred to the target of this spell, causing anything from a 
heat rash, to charred skin.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast cancellation <person>`+
This spell peacefully removes spells from an ally without provoking attack.  
It is much more effective than other spells that might remove magics, but 
requires much more concentration to cast.  It also does not discriminate 
between harmful and benign spells.  `+
The chance of dispelling is based on the level of the spell and that of the 
caster. Permanent spells, such as sanctuary, are much harder to remove.  
Only spells may be dispelled, not plague/poisons/etc.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_abjuration 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'cone cold' <target>`+
Cone of cold send forth a powerful funnel of freezing cold, crystalized air, 
causing anything from a severe case of the goose bumps to a degree of frost 
burn. Those who are nearby will most likely get hit by the uncontrollable 
funnel, and might assume the spell a form of aggression.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'colour spray' <target>`+
Color spray is best described as twisting and combining the rays of light, 
and sending them forth from the palms of the hands, much like the way a 
prism bends lights.  When aimed for the eyes, there is a chance that color 
spray can temporarily blind the victim.`+
`GREALMS: `=?alteration 

keyword ALARM~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast alarm`+
When an alarm is set, an undetectable ward is set in the area, where anyone 
who walks in the vicinity of it will trigger it.  No matter who triggers it, 
the caster will be notified by means of a magical telepathy that the alarm 
has been tripped.  Alarm is most effective when there is little traffic to 
walk by.`+
`GREALMS: `=?alteration foretelling 

category magic:spell~
spell_name winds of death~
text Winds of death causes a blast of foul winds to slam into the victim, 
depriving them of air and usually causing a nauseating feeling.  These winds 
had a distinct odor, similar to that of cadavers rotting in the high noon 
sun. `+

category magic:spell~
spell_name shocking grasp~
text This spell charges the hands of the caster with an incredible amount of 
energy, that's all released upon touching the victim.  Consider it like 
rubbing your sockings across a rug, then zapping the next person that walks 
by.  Multiply that sensation by 100.`+

keyword RUNIC-BLADE~
category magic:spell~
spell_name runic blade~
text This enchantment imbues weapons with a powerful magic that causes a natural 
resonance in the weapon, allowing it to cut deeper, to slash harder, and to 
stab quicker.  Only edged weapons are able to be enchanted in such a way.  A 
common name for this type of enchantment is 'vorpal'.`+

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'finger of death' <target>`+
Finger of death brings forth a phantom touch that puts the touch of a wraith 
to shame. While it doesn't drain life such as a wraith, it's more 
devestating and requires half the concentration to call upon.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_necromancy 

category magic:spell~
spell_name shadow surge~
text Shadow surge is a spell practiced primarily by those shadowy dabblers in 
thievery and magics, known as spellfilchers. This spell brings forth a surge 
of darkness that attempts to violate the soul of the victim.  This spell 
causes more physical damage in the struggle than anything else.`+

category magic:spell~
spell_name see hidden~
text `=?        cast 'see invisible'`+
`=?        case 'see magic'`+
Spells of foretelling allow the caster to detect things not seen with the 
naked eye. Magical auras are hidden to the unaided eye, and can disillusion 
those not attuned to reading them. See hidden imbues the caster with the 
ability to detect those hidden in shadows.  See invisible allows the caster 
to see those cloaked by the powers of magic.  See magic grants the caster 
with the ability to easily see the faint auras of items that are imbued with 
magic enchantments.`+

keyword MIRAGE~
category magic:spell~
see_also WIZARD-EYE~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast mirage`+
This spell was created for those that wish to impede those in close pursuit. 
 Not only can scrying eyes be detected, but with a simple mirage, they can 
be fooled as well.  Casting a mirage will cause those that wizard eye you to 
scry upon your illusion, thinking you somewhere else than you actually are.`+
`GREALMS: `=?illusion phantasm 

category magic:spell~
spell_name shadow stream~
text Shadow stream summons conjures a shadowy sphere of negative energy to form 
from the palms, then surges forward and blasts into the victim, draining the 
life. `+

keyword HEAT-SURGE~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'heat surge' <victim>`+
This causes an intense wave of heat to surge forth from the finger tips and 
burn the victim.  It's similar to a fireball, but the damage is more heat 
than fire, which tends to do significantly more damage.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'flame lance' <target'`+
`=?        cast 'ice lance' <target>`+
`=?        cast 'lightning lance' <target>`+
`=?        cast 'thunder lance' <target>`+
The lances of the elements originated by a battlemagi that rode horseback, 
but would rather travel light with spells, than in suitmail with lance.  
Upon approaching the victim, and concentrated force of the element would 
spear out from the outstretched hand of the caster, impaling the victim with 
the force from the lance.  Depending on the type of lance, the target will 
suffer from the burns of  the flame lance, the sinking cold of the ice 
lance, the electifying jolt of the lightning lance, or the pounding boom of 
the thunder lance.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

keyword ICE-SPHERE~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'ice sphere' <victim>`+
Ice sphere creates a small, snowball sized of sphere of ice to form in the 
palms of the caster, which is then hurled towards the victim, growing to 
perhaps up to 3 feet in diameter.  This ice sphere shatters on impact, 
causing nasty wounds from the ice shards. `+
`GREALMS: `=?evocation essence 

category magic:spell~
spell_name summon guardian~
text `C (Excerpts for a students diary)`+
`=?As for a creature, the guildmaster in New Thalos offered me his wisdom.  A 
giant stone golem, the largest in the realms, with wings, was the wisest 
choice that he came up with.  A dangerous foe it would be, and also a 
formidable ally.  Golems though are known to be easily controlled by the 
caster once created.  The description of the spell is as follows.  The 
castor would summon a great, winged golem.  The golem would serve to protect 
the conjurer from any danger, it would also raise alarm should someone 
intrude on the guardian.  The guardian will be banished back to the chaos 
realm after the duration of the spell.  `+
`C (signed simply in flowing script) T.  D.  `+

keyword CAUSE-FEAR~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'cause fear' <target>`+
This spell will cause the victim unimaginable fear.  The luckless victim 
will be unable to cast spells or prevent themselves from running widly about 
the place for the duration of the spell.  Victims of Cause Fear are pursued 
by magical assilants which will drive the victim insane. It has even been 
reported at times that people have even been driven insane by the fear, for 
these poor souls the only hope is a swift thrust with a dagger to the heart, 
to end their torture for eternity.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_charm `=_phantasm 

category magic:spell~
spell_name permanance~
text This spell allows an accomplished enchanter to extend the duration of 
certain affects on weapons and armor.  You must be holding the item which 
the spell will be directed at.  A successful cast takes much concentration 
and magical energy and should be used only when a weapon is of sufficient 
quality to warrant permanence.  `+

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'magic missile' <target>`+
This spell sends forth a stream of shooting missiles of magic towards the 
victim, each one causing stinging pain to the unlucky victim.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast armour <character>`+
This spell creates a hard sheet-like layer of protective magic around the 
target that decreases (improves) their armor class.`+
`GREALMS: `=?conjuration summoning 

category magic:spell~
text `BSytnax: `=?cast 'change sex' <victim>`+
This spell alters the gender of the character, making him/her into a 
her/him, or possible into an asexual being. This condition is not permanent, 
and usually the victim is reverted to his/her normal self once the spell 
wears off.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_necromancy 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'charm person' <target> `+
This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take 
orders from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.  `+
You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other 
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.  
`GREALMS: `=?`=_charm

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'continual light'`+
`=?        cast 'continual light' <object>`+
This spell creates a glowing ball of light, which you can hold as a source 
of light when not in a well lit city. This ball of light will last for a 
very long time, almost seeming indefinate.  Continual light may also be used 
to give an object an enchanted glow.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'chill shield' <person>`+
`=?        cast 'fire shield' <person>`+
This spell conjures a protective shield around the target that has a slight 
chance of dealing damage back to any opponent that strikes the caster in 
melee combat. The return damage from the shield is up to 50% of the damage 
received and is of the appropriate type, either fire or cold. The two 
opposing shields can not be conjured simultaneously.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_evocation `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'chaos lace' <object>`+
This spell removes certain enchantments currently on an item like anti-evil, 
flaming, etc.  It can be cast on the following object types, with these 
possible results:`+
`=?   torso armor - plus/minus hit points or strength`+
`=?   helmet armor - plus/minus wisdom, intelligence, or mana `+
`=?   leg armor - plus/minus constitution or movement `+
`=?   weapon - plus/minus hit points, dexterity, or strength `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_enchantment `=_wild 

keyword CREATE-ROSE~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?summon 'create rose' `+
This romantic summons creates a beautiful, fragrant red rose.  While a rose 
has nearly no value for the common shopkeeper, it is sure to win the heart 
of any lady.`+
`GELEMENTS: `=?`=_plant `+
`GSEASONS: `=?`=_spring 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'chain lightning' <target> `+
Chain lightning is a deadly spell, producing a powerful bolt of lightning 
that arcs from target to target in the room, until its force is fully 
expended.  Allies of the caster may be hit by this spell, but the caster 
himself will not be struck unless no other viable target remains.  Chain 
lightning is most effective when used on groups of creatures.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'dispel magic' <target> `+
Removes magical effects from the target.  It is considered an attack spell 
and does not discriminate between harmful and benign spells.  `+
The chance of dispelling is based on the level of the spell.  Permanent 
spells (such as mobile sanctuary) are much harder to remove.  Not all spells 
may be dispelled, notable examples are poison and plague.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_abjuration 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'empower weapon' <weapon>`+
Magics can be used to give wicked enchantments to weapons to enhance their 
performance in melee combat.  Empower weapon charges the weapon with magical 
energies, and realeases them on contact, shocking the victim much like a 
bolt of lightning. `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_enchantment `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'enchant armour' <armour>`+
`=?        cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>`+
The best way to create the best armours and weapons in the lands are either 
through the pricey process of having them hand-crafted by the finest smiths, 
or enchanting them with powerful magics.`+
Enchantments can focus strong magics onto the respective armour/weapon and 
imbue it with powerful protection and effectiveness.  While magics can be 
used for enhancement, be forewarned that magic can also make things more 
brittle and unstable, causing weapons and armours to break in the middle of 
a life or death battle.`+
Enchants will fade after time unless a spell of permanancy is used to 
strengthen the magic's hold on the armour/weapon, and cause it to remain 
`GREALMS: `=?`=_enchantment 

helpflags wordwrapped~
category magic:spell~
spell_name energy drain~
text This spell enables to caster to act as a conduit for magical energy around 
him.  There is a chance that the victim of this spell will lose experience 
points, mana, and movement points when touched by the caster, and the caster 
will receive them in return.  `+


keyword EXTENSION~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast extension <object> `+
Since magics often resist the efforts to "stick" on weapons and armours, a 
spell not as difficult as the initial enchantment can be used to stabilize 
the enchantment before it completely wears off.  This extension spell only 
prolongs the temporary enchantment with the shortest remaining duration.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration `=_enchantment 

keyword FLY~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'fly' <target> `+
This spell enables the caster to bestow the power of magical flight.  
Walking on any terrain takes half the effort once in flight and the target 
of this spell will be able to walk on water and fly upwards in the air with 
ease.  Caution is advised when first using the spell of flight since balance 
becomes very tricky.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration 

keyword FARSIGHT~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast farsight
`=?        cast farsight <direction>
The farsight spell expands the caster's consciousness, allowing him or her
to see far away beings like they were in the same room.  It takes intense
concentration, often leaving the caster helpless for several minutes.
The spell may be used for a general scan that reaches a short distance in
all directions, or with a directional component to see creatures much
farther away.
`GREALMS: `=?`=_foretelling

keyword FIREPROOF~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast fireproof <object> `+
The fireproof spell creates a short-lived protective aura around an object, 
to protect it from the harmful effects heat.  Items protected by this spell 
are not harmed by any forms of fire, including the heat metal spell.  
Although inexpensive to use, the spell's short duration makes it impractical 
for protecting large numbers of objects.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_abjuration `=_enchantment `=_essence 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'floating disc' `+
This useful spell creates a floating field of force which follows the 
caster around, allowing him or her to pile treasure high with no fear of 
weight penalties.  It lasts no more than twice the casters level in hours, 
and usually less.  It can hold 10 pounds per level of the caster, with a 
maximum of five pounds per item.  The spell requires an open float location 
on the character, and the only way to remove the disc is to die or allow it 
to run out of energy.  `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_conjuration `=_summoning 

keyword ICE-STORM~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'ice storm' <target>`+
This spell conjures forth a devastating hail storm of large, condensed balls 
of ice and packed snow, wreaking havoc on any who are trapped in the vicinity 
of the ice storm.  Beware that any who are close enough to be pounded by the 
ice may assume this to be an act of aggression, and draw weapons.`+
`GREALMS: `=?evocation essence 

keyword CANTRIP~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast cantrip <person>`+
`=?        cast cantrip `+
Uttering this minor spell brings into existence a random object or effect.  
It is useful for younger magic users who want to practice their channeling 
of magical energies, or just impress their friends.  The results vary, and 
more powerful casters can create greater effects.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_alteration 

keyword DETECT-SCRY~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'detect scry'`+
With magic strong once again in the realm, scrying eyes are everywhere.  
Whether you wish for secrecy in your dirty deeds, or are hiding from a known 
enemy, it might be useful to know when someone is looking in on your 
actions.  Success, naturally, is dependant on the casting powers of the two 
parties, and there is a slight chance that you will be able to detect 
exactly who's scrying you.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_abjuration `=_foretelling

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax:`=? cast 'augment hearing' <target> `+
With this spell, the caster may magically enhance the target's hearing to 
the point that they will hear everything in the room, including all 
`GREALMS: `=?alteration necromancy

keyword BLINK~
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast blink <direction>`+
A litle spell of chaotic transfer to brighten the day!  When you want to 
move somewhere, and move there in the blink of an eye, you can just blink 
away. You need to determine which direction you're headed, but only destiny 
knows where's you'll stop. The further you travel, the more mana will be 
absorbed.  Be careful not to blink too hard when next to a wall, tree, or 
other brute force *ouch* `+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_conjuration `=_summoning 

category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `=?cast 'corrosive stream' <target>`+
`=?        cast 'corrosive surge' <target>`+
These spells spew forth a corrosive steam of acid from the finger tips of 
the caster. While not as painfully devastating as a blast of acid, both of 
these have been known to etch fine armors and weapons, rendering them 
useless if exposed to the effects of the acid.  The surge is a quicker 
release of the acid, meaning less damage is dealt, but it is much quicker to 
cast off.`+
`GREALMS: `=?`=_evocation `=_essence 

keyword RESIST-ACID~
category magic:spell~
spell_name resist acid~
text This summons an aura around the caster that attempts to neutralize acid 
before it does any bodily damage.  When attacked with acid, the caster of 
this spell makes a save against any acid based attack, taken only half 
damage is successful.  Damage is also subjected to half the acid damage if 

keyword UTTERDARK~
category magic:spell~
spell_name utterdark~
text A spell of enchantment, utterdark was first cast to give advantage to the 
dark elf raiding parties. Upon uttering the words of this spell, an 
impenetrable darkness envelops the general area, rendering all those without 
special vision blind.  Only those that possess dark-vision, or some form of 
infravision, are not totally blinded by this enchantment.`+

keyword MINDSPEAK~
level 1
category magic:spell~
text `=lSyntax: `^ c mindspeak <person> <message>`+
         c mindspeak <person> ! <emote>`+
This spell when successful allows the castor to speak their thoughts or 
cast an image into the mind of another. Thus enabling a group to be more 
effiecient when hunting or journeying. Or can be used as an illusionary 
tactic to attempt to clutter the recipient's mind with speaking or visions.`+  
`#`GREALMS: `^`=_evocation `=_phantasm 

level 1
category magic:spell~
text `#`=lSyntax:`^ cast immolation <target> 
An ancient spell only recently found, immolation gives ordinary mages 
the power of the Magi themselves. The mages literally burn with magic, 
consumed by the fires of sorcery which give them amazing strength and 
protection. Furthermore, flames  leap forth from their bodies in a lash 
wounding all creatures in their immediate vicinity. Unfortunately such 
power comes at a great cost. The spell last only a short while and drains 
the mage of all his energy, leaving him tired, hungry and exhausted. 
`+`+`#`GREALMS:`^ `=_Evocation `=_Essence `=_Wild

keyword VICEGRIP~
level 1
helpflags mud_specific~
category magic:spell~
spell_name vicegrip~
text This spell grants the caster a grip of iron thus preventing any weapons
wielded from being disarmed in combat.

level 92
category magic:spell~
spell_name mass invis~
text This mass invis spell will make the caster and all in his/her group vanish 
from sight.  Each group member becoming undetectable from normal vision or 
even infravision.`+
Being invisible, that doesn't mean that you are silenced or your movements 
go unnoticed.  Items dropped will suddenly become visible, and items picked 
up will appear to have vanished.  Invisible characters will become visible 
once they are involved in combat, they will themselves to reappear, or the 
duration of the spell is over.  `+
If you are affected by this spell, you can choose to go visible with the 
`=Cvisible`=? command.`+
