Mythran Mud release 3.1.11
Mon Mar 10, 1997

This file was written by:

Mark Janssen        Maniac (mark@delftnet.nl)
Jeroen v/d Maat     Canth  (canth@xs4all.nl)

Mythran Mud Staff:  mythran@envy.com

Instructions for Installation:

1.	Download the archive from ftp.game.org in the directory
	/pub/mud/diku/merc/envy/mythran/mythran.tar.gz or from

2.	Extract the archive with the command:
		tar -zxvf mythran.tar.gz
	or (if you have an older version of tar)
		gunzip -c mythran.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

3.	Change to the mythran3/src directory and edit config.h to suit your
	personal preferences.

4.	Link the apropriate makefile with 'Makefile' (see README in the src
	directory for descriptions)

5.	Compile Mythran, with the command 'make'

6.	If something goes wrong during compilation, please mail
	mythran@envy.com, with a description of your system and a copy
	of the errors and warnings generated by make.

7.	Start 'startup &' to startup the mud.

8.	Telnet to 'localhost 1234' and login as 'Mythran' with
	password 'godchar'. This character has the highest possible

9.	Next, login with a new character and use Mythran to advance him to
	level 53. Next give your character the imtlset skill by typing
	'imtlset <your player> +imtlset', then advance him to level 54.

10.	With your new character you can now type 'imtlset self +all' to give
	yourself all the commands and skills. You can now delete the mythran
	player by typing 'delete' twice.
	NOTE: do NOT leave this character, it is shipped with the mythran
	distribution, so everyone who read this document knows about the
	character and can use him to break into your mud.

11.	If all works well, you can now change the various help entries, like
	motd, imotd, welcome, policy, news, changes etc and open your mud to
	the public.

12.	Don't forget to send a note to mythran@envy.com saying you are using
	the mythran mud code as a code base for your mud. We can then add you
	to our list of mythran sites.

Please send all bug-reports, comments, ideas, questions, snippets, areas,
or whatever you want to tell the mythran staff to mythran@envy.com