Sender  The Mythran Staff~
Date    Tue Jan 11 03:38:42 1994~
Stamp   758255922
To      all~
Subject A Welcome From the GODS~
Welcome to Mythran Mud

Mythran mud is a new mud, based on EnvyMud 2.0

Mythran's main coders are Maniac and Canth.

All the gods greet you to this mud

and hope you enjoy yourself in this nice, cosy

and beautifull mud.

If you have any questions just ask any god

or drop us a note in mud.

This are the e-mails of various gods of Mythran Mud

Maniac: v942346@si.hhs.nl

Canth: canth@xs4all.nl

If you want to contact the Mythran Mud staff,

please mail to: mythran@envy.com
