#AREA   Haon Dor~


5 10 0 60


#ECONOMY 0 3643376

john lumberjack~
John the Lumberjack~
John the Lumberjack is here, looking for some trees to chop down.
He is six feet tall and looks quite strong, muscles bulging under his heavy,
chequered shirt.  His features are worn with hard work and his expression is
one of a peaceful man leading a simple life.
65 544 350 C
7 15 7 5d5+50 1d8+2
50 600
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 3072 0 0 2
> entry_prog 100~
if name($n) == fat worm
  , brings a leather-booted foot down atop a fat worm!
  mpkill $n
> all_greet_prog 100~
if name($n) == fat worm
  , brings a leather-booted foot down upon a fat worm!
  mpkill $n
> rand_prog 8~
, cleaves a small tree in two with one mighty blow.
mpasound The sound of an axe blade plunging into soft wood can be heard.
the brown bear~
A big, brown, angry-looking bear is here.
The bear is a big, brown, furry animal with very large claws and very sharp
teeth.  It doesn't resemble those cute little thingies from toy shops at all.
97 0 -50 C
8 13 3 8d8+80 2d6+2
0 2000
4 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
76 3 0 0 513 512 1
0 0 263853 0 0 0 2 2
the ferocious rabbit~
A ferocious rabbit is here, glaring hungrily at you.
This small, furry creature with long ears and big feet has been attacked by
the dreaded rabbit rabies, a horrible disease that turns helpless and innocent
rabbits into ferocious and bloodthirsty monsters.
97 0 -150 S
3 17 6 1d4+26 1d8+0
0 350
4 8 0
the fallow deer~
A fallow deer is grazing peacefully here.
She is a graceful creature on long, slender legs, and with large, brown eyes
looking back at you with an air of watchful interest.
1073741907 8 350 C
2 19 2 2d8+2 1d6+0
0 200
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
76 3 0 0 512 512 1
0 0 1581 0 0 0 32 0
the brown fox~
A brown fox is here, looking for some rabbits to chew up.
It is a large fox with beautiful, red-brown fur and a long, thick brush.
65 0 -50 C
2 18 6 1d4+18 1d6+0
0 200
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
76 3 0 0 512 512 1
0 0 67117 0 0 0 1 2
warg vicious~
the vicious warg~
A vicious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.
It is an exceptionally large wolf with thick, black fur.  Saliva is dripping
quickly from its long, white fangs.  It looks quite dangerous and very angry.
97 0 -350 C
5 16 5 1d1+60 1d6+1
0 800
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
69 3 0 0 512 512 0
0 0 329261 0 0 0 0 0
warg ferocious~
the ferocious warg~
A ferocious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.
It is an exceptionally large wolf with thick, black fur.  Saliva is dripping
quickly from its long, white fangs.  It looks quite dangerous and very angry.
97 0 -350 C
5 16 5 1d1+60 2d4+0
0 800
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
69 3 0 0 512 512 0
0 0 1605 0 0 0 0 0
wolf grey~
the large, grey wolf~
A large, grey wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.
The large, grey wolf eyes you with interest while licking its lips.
97 0 -150 C
4 18 7 1d12+35 1d7+0
0 450
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
69 3 0 0 513 512 0
0 0 1704 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 8~
mpasound The forlorn howling of a nearby wolf can be heard...
wolf black~
the large, black wolf~
A large, black wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.
The large, black wolf eyes you with interest while licking its lips.
97 0 -150 C
4 18 7 1d12+35 1d1+3
0 450
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 512 512 0
0 0 1581 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 8~
mpasound The forlorn howling of a nearby wolf can be heard...
dragon green~
the huge, green dragon~
A huge green dragon is here, its narrow yellow eyes glowing with rage.
This enormous winged serpent has dark green scales covering most of its
colossal body.  Numerous holes in its heavy wings tell of many fights as does
the nicks in the horns on its head.  It smells as disgusting as only dragons
99 8 -1000 C
25 -5 -7 25d25+250 2d6+18
5000 200000
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 2048 2048 3
0 0 1377933 0 0 0 7 524291
shargugh brownie~
Shargugh the Forest Brownie is here, grinning broadly at you.
This little fellow is only three foot tall with wild matted brown hair and long
tangled brown beard.  He wears ragged brown and green clothing and looks as if
he is having great fun.
149 32778 1000 C
11 1 -10 10d10+100 1d8+2
500 3000
8 8 1
13 13 13 16 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 8 9 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
> rand_prog 16~
> rand_prog 14~
poke $r
elder druid~
the elder druid~
The elder druid is here ... he looks very upset at your presence in his home.
The druid looks quite old.  You would think him venerable, but you know
he would be a tough foe.
7 8 0 C
13 4 -7 1d1+130 2d8+2
0 20000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 524290
the froghemoth~
A gargantuan, toad-like creature blinks slowly at nothing in particular.
Its head rising a good eight feet off the ground, this is without a doubt
the most incredible amphibian you have ever laid eyes upon ... it doesn't
seem to think too much of you, though.  Thick strands of mucous, thick as
rope, drip from its nostrils while large eyes gleam impassively down upon
you like great black marbles.  A reeking sheen of foamy white goo covers
most of its backside, and every so often it burps a thick glob of the stuff
halfway out of its maw before quickly gobbling it back down.  Froghemoths
are rumoured to enjoy gobbling lots of things down - fish, birds, wargs,
trees, boulders, people, anything it finds to be particularly interesting.
Thank god you're boring as hell.
1 4194856 0 C
25 0 -300 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
18 15 15 13 13 5 13
0 0 0 0 0
80 3 0 0 356069 356069 0
0 0 265405 0 2048 0 262146 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
if name($n) == fat worm
or name($n) == warg vicious
or name($n) == warg ferocious
  mpe _gre $I, attracted by the sudden movement, leaps and devours $N!
  mppurge $n
  if name($n) == john lumberjack
    mpe _gre $I, sensing a large meal, pounces on $N, devouring him whole!
    mpe The screams of $N echo throughout the woods...
    mpasound A tortured human scream rings out, then is suddenly muffled.
    mppurge $n
    if rand(60)
    mpe _gre $I bobs up and down a bit, then returns to its sedentary position.
> speech_prog ribbit~
mpe $I apparently didn't think that was all that funny...
if isnpc($n)
  mpe _gre $I smacks $N with a huge claw!
  mea $n _gre $I smacks you with a huge claw, sending you flying!
  mer $n _gre $I smacks $n with a huge claw, sending him $m flying!
murder $n
> act_prog p is DEAD!!~
, bellows a crazed croak of triumph!
if isnpc($n)
  mpe $I playfully squishes $N's corpse into the mud with a pudgy claw.
  mpe $I playfully squishes $n's corpse into the mud with a pudgy claw.
> rand_prog 3~
mpasound Thundering in the woods, a great croak-like boom rumbles through you.
mpe _gre $I inflates its throat and releases a mind-rattling croak!
> rand_prog 3~
mpe With a grotesque gurgle, $I burps forth a glob of white goo.

axe lumber~
a lumber axe~
A heavy lumber axe lies here.~
5 0 8193
0 2 6 1
10 50 5
axe lumber~
It is a heavy axe of the kind lumberjacks use to chop down trees.
13 10
18 1
19 2
> wear_prog 100~
mpecho $n's eyes shine brightly as $e searches for the nearest hapless tree.
chequered shirt~
a chequered shirt~
A chequered shirt lies here.~
9 0 9
3 0 0 0
2 20 2
It is an extra large, chequered shirt made from heavy cloth.
17 -5
13 5
a pair of leather boots~
A pair of leather boots lies here.~
9 0 65
3 0 0 0
4 60 6
They are fashioned from rough leather that has been oiled frequently to make
it stay waterproof.  They look worn but quite functional.
14 25
a fireplace~
A fireplace made from stone is set against the east wall.~
15 0 0
200 0 0 0
0 0 0
It is fashioned from stones of various sizes that have been stacked on top of
each other and fastened with mortar.  Its chimney is constructed likewise and
leads the smoke out through the low cabin ceiling.
a wooden chest~
A wooden chest stands in the corner.~
15 0 1
100 13 6006 0
40 100 10
It is a robust chest made from short, heavy planks that have been fastened
together with tenons.  It is equipped with a simple brass lock.
a small brass key~
A small brass key lies here.~
18 0 1
6005 0 0 0
1 10 1
It is a small, simple brass key with no inscriptions or marks of any kind.
coins gold~
a heap of gold coins~
Some gold coins lie piled up in a heap on the floor.~
20 0 1
5000 0 0 0
0 5000 500
The coins seem to be gold.  They are obviously valuable.
some blackberries~
Some blackberries grow on a bush nearby.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 10 1
They look very tasty indeed.
a mushroom~
A small mushroom grows nearby.~
19 0 1
6 0 0 0
1 10 1
It is a tasty little thing.
water barrel~
the barrel~
A water barrel has been left here.~
17 0 1
50 50 0 0
65 60 6
ancient colossal tree opening~
the colossal tree~
An ancient, colossal tree serves to block the westward path.~
15 262148 0
1000 0 0 0
0 0 0
The opening is far too narrow for you to squeeze through but it looks as if the
tree is hollow.
ancient colossal tree~
This enormous tree must be a thousand years old.  Its rough bark looks
grey and pale and is decorated with scratches and claw marks.  On its
west side is a small opening just above ground level.
a long, grey branch~
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.~
1 0 16385
0 0 25 0
20 1 0
a long, grey branch~
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.~
5 0 8193
0 2 5 7
30 60 6
18 -2
a long, grey branch~
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
40 0 0
a toadstool~
A large toadstool grows nearby.~
19 0 1
12 0 0 0
5 20 2
It is a large, brown boletus that must weigh nearly five pounds.  The top
surface is covered in a thin layer of transparent slime that emits a weak,
musty smell.  Not the most delicious thing you have seen.
a toadstool~
A large toadstool grows nearby.~
19 0 1
12 0 0 1
5 20 2
It is a large, brown boletus that must weigh nearly five pounds.  It has small
white spots and the top surface is covered in a thin layer of transparent slime
that emits a weak, musty smell.  Not the most delicious thing you have seen.
humming yellow potion~
a humming yellow potion~
A humming yellow potion lies here.~
10 66 1
30 39 66 1
2 1000 100
potion yellow~
It has a deep yellow colour and and a strong spicy smell.
shield large wooden round~
a large, round wooden shield~
A large, round wooden shield has been dropped here.~
9 0 513
5 0 0 0
15 300 30
shield large~
It is made from hard wood that has been reinforced with heavy iron bands.
17 -4
23 -3
5 1
crown iron~
an iron crown~
An iron crown rests on the ground.~
9 64 17
4 0 0 0
10 5000 500
crown iron~
It is a heavy human-sized crown made from solid iron.
17 -2
23 -2
12 10
ring iron~
a heavy ring of iron~
A heavy ring of iron has been lost here.~
9 64 3
1 0 0 0
4 5000 500
ring iron~
It is a quite heavy human-sized ring made from solid iron.  It lacks
decorations of any kind.
17 -5
5 1
book guide~
A guide to "safe" programming~
An old tome made of patchwork parchment lies in the dust here.~
13 1074266368 16385
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Dusty and patchworked, this ancient tome has seen much use over the years.
The corners are dog-eared and the edges careworn. The fine vellum sheets
showing the cracks and creases of age and abuse. As you finger through the
pages, you immediately see a PREFACE and a TABLE of CONTENTS.
A careworn image of an ancient badger is embossed upon the surface of the
This book is intended to be a guide to adding programs <a.k.a. progs>
to rooms, objects, and mobs. While mainly intended for builders who
are unfamiliar with progs, those of you who have dabbled will also
benefit from reading this book.
This book is not a replacement for the help files found on 5500 and 4k.
Instead, it is an adjunct to those help files. This book gives you an
good understanding of how progs work, how to create them, what to do,
what not to do, what you can and cannot do with progs. the help files,
meanwhile, will offer the more immediate, specific information you need
while creating your progs.
If you've ever done any programming before, no matter the language, then 
you'll be able to pick up the knack of writing progs quite well. If you
haven't programmed before, no worries, it's easy enough to pick up.
I hope you'll find this book a useful tool in creating some amazing things
to enhance the Realms.
Witherin, the Badger Sufi.
table contents~
Topic                                                                   Page
Preface                                                               preface
What are progs                                                          1-1
When to use progs                                                       2-1
Basic structure                                                         3-1
Triggers                                                                4-1
Ifchecks                                                                5-1
Commands                                                                6-1
Variables                                                               7-1
Tips                                                                    8-1
Do's, Don't's and common sense.                                         9-1
Help files                                                             10-1
Type 'Look <page number>' to view a particular page. For those topics that
do not have a page #, type 'Look <topic name>'.
                             WHAT ARE PROGS
Progs are simple text files that contain a series of instructions. These
progs are "attached" to a specific room, mob or object. Each prog will
have a triggering mechanism that will set off the prog (except for script
progs which run continuously). Once set in motion, a prog will carry out
the instructions contained within the file in a line by line, step by step
Progs can have conditional checks built in to restrict actions based on
any number of things, from a player's race to whether or not it's a player
or a mob triggering the prog.
You will find there is a high degree of flexibility built into the commands
and triggers that you can currently use with progs. However, a prog is not
capable of doing everything, and should certainly not be the only solution
within your building arsenal for spicing up your area.
                            WHEN TO USE PROGS
Progs, by their nature, chew up a fair degree of processor power. So, they
should be used in moderation. They should only be used in situations in
which either:  1) you want certain actions to take place, and you cannot
achieve these actions through any other methods (such as room flags, random
exits in reset lists, etc..); 2) You want to add a little bit of spice or
environment to a particular room, mob or object, and descriptions or eds
are just not enough.
Adding a random prog that causes a mob to emote an action, such as a guard
yawning and scratching his ribs as he leans on his spear, can be an elegant
method to add a lot of charm and life to an area. However, too much of a good
thing can be bad. Don't add progs to each and every thing in your area. It
overwhelms the players and takes away from the magic such things can evoke.
The biggest area of concern with progs is objects. If a mob has a prog, there
may be only a few copies of the mob in existence at a time. However, if you
put a prog on a food item, we could conceivably end up with literally hundreds
of copies of the item. This could potentially strain system resources and be
a cause of lag.
                                 THE BASICS
Creating a prog is much the same as writing a note or creating a description
for a room, mob or object. Use the following to create a prog:
Room:    Rpedit add <trigger type> [p] [trigger/time/percentage]
*note*   You must be in the room for which the program is destined,
         and the room must have a prototype flag.
Mob:     Mpedit <mob name> add <trigger type> [p] [trigger/time/percentage]
*note*   The mob must be in the room with you, and it must have a
         prototype flag.
Object:  Opedit <object name> add <trigger type> [p] [trigger/time/percentage]
*note*   The object must be in your inventory, and it must have a
         prototype flag.
The next page deals with the commands for making additional changes to an
existing prog. Type 'Look 3-2' to continue...
                                 THE BASICS
When you wish to make changes to an existing prog, you fist need to determine
which # prog it is within the room/mob/object. You can find this out by typing
the following:
Room:    Rpedit list
Mob:     Mpedit <mob name> list
Object:  Opedit <object name> list
Then, to get into the editor and make your changes, simply:
Room:    Rpedit edit <prog #>
Mob:     Mpedit <mob name> edit <prog #>
Object:  Opedit <object name> edit <prog #>
Type Look 3-3 to see how to delete a prog and to continue this topic.
                            THE BASICS (cont'd...)
To delete a prog, simply do the following:
Room:    Rpedit delete <prog #>
Mob:     Mpedit <mob name> delete <prog #>
Object:  Opedit <mob name> delete <prog #>
There isn't much to say about the internal basics of a program. As the
commands available to you are not as complex as a pure language, you
won't have to worry about things that are too convoluted. Although, you
can certainly create some nice long progs once you get the hang of it.
A program consists of:
1) A trigger. Which is set in the command line that creates the prog.
2) Optional conditional statements. So the prog reacts to specific people.
3) Commands, echos, says, tells, whatever. ie, what the prog actually does.
See the Table of Contents for further topics, or Look 4-1 for the next topic.
Triggers are, as the name suggests, devices by which programs can be 
activated. Listed below is a summary of the triggers available:
Room:   Act,  speech, rand, sleep, rest, entry, fight, death, leave,
        time, hour.
Mob:    Act,   speech, rand,   fight, hitprcnt, greet, allgreet, entry,
        bribe, death,  script, time,  hour.
Object: Wear,   remove, speech, rand, sac,  zap,  get, drop, damage,
        repair, greet,  exa,    look, push, pull, use.
When you set most trigger types, you also set a percentage chance for 
success. ie, if you have a fight prog on a mob with a 40% chance of
success, then when a fight starts, there's a 40% chance the prog will 
kick in during each round of the fight. The progs that do not use a 
percentage modifier are:
        Act, speech, time, hour, script.
On succeeding pages, I will go into short explanations of each trigger
to give you an idea of when and how to use it. Type Look 4-2 to see the 
next page.
                                 TRIGGERS (cont'd...)
ACT - an act prog reacts to specific actions that take place in front of the 
mob, or room that has the prog. These actions take the form of Socials (wave,
clap, bounce, etc..); actions (such as moving from room to room, opening a 
door, a player arriving in a puff of smoke. Basically any activity that some
one else in the room would see); and bamf's (the arriving and leaving messages
that follow imortals around when they use Goto). 
Whatever triggering action you choose should make sense with the resulting 
program. ie, an act prog that triggers with the moocow social by echoing 
respectful greetings to the triggering individual would not fit quite well 
(in most cases). However, an act prog that triggers with a player bowing and
responds with respectful greetings would be quite apropos.
Because the act prog uses a unique sample of the text seen on the screen when
the appropriate action takes place (ie, 'bows before you' for the Bow social),
it is imperitive to use the [p] option. Let's try an example to show you how
it works. We'll use the Bow social on a mob named Mobbie.
          Mpedit mobbie add act p bows before you.
          Mpedit mobbie add act bows before you.
This example continues on page 4-3. Type Look 4-3 to continue.
                                 TRIGGERS (cont'd...)
The [p] before the triggering text tells the program to treat the words of
the triggering text as one single group, rather than as individual triggers.
We'll examine how these two progs will react using three different instances
of the Bow social. 1) Player_X bows, with no target in mind; 2) Player_X bows
to Player_Y; 3) Player_X bows to the mob Mobbie. What Mobbie sees (for
triggering purposes) is: 1)  Player_X bows deeply; 2)  Player_X bows before
Player_Y; 3)  Player_X bows before you.
Now, in the case of the first mob prog we set up, using the [p] signifier,
only in case #3 would the prog trigger. This is because all three words
plus the period match up perfectly as the triggering mechanism. Meanwhile,
in the case of the second mob prog we set up. Each of the three words act
as individual triggers (ie, bows, before, and you). This means that in case
#1, the program would be triggered once by the word 'bows'. In case #2, the
program would be triggered twice. Once by 'bows', and once by 'before'. In
case #3, the program would trigger three times in succession. Once for each
of the three triggering words.
Continued on page 4-4. Type Look 4-4.
                                 TRIGGERS (cont'd...)
Even if you have an instance in which you want all variants of a social being
triggered, and you think that omitting the [p] will save you space and hassle
by creating only one prog, you are opening yourself up for problems. There
is too much of a chance that some other social or action may be triggered by
one of the individual words you use in your triggering text. I can think of
no instance in which omitting the [p] can be safely justified. If there's a
social you wish covered from every angle, simply take the time to create an
individual prog for each instance of the social.
SPEECH - A speech prog is triggered by SAY's or TELL's that originate from
within the same room as the room, mob or object. Speech triggers need to
be specific enough and unique enough that they are not inadvertantly set
off by casual conversation. Again, as with the act prog discussed earlier,
the use of the [p] is critically important. The phrase you choose as your
triggering mechanism is something that you want to be fairly unique, and
one that requires some effort on the part of the player to discover. If
you did not use the [p] when setting the trigger, then any single word
from the text string you denote could set off the prog. Not only that, but
you would then run the risk of the prog going off in multiples, depending
on how many occurances of each word is imbedded within the players SAY or
TELL.    .... Continued on page 4-5. Type Look 4-5.
                                 TRIGGERS (cont'd...)
There is no way to have a tell only or say only prog trigger. So, special
care needs to be taken when setting the trigger phrase. Any tell, no matter
where it's destination, that originates within the room in which the room,
mob or object prog is residing, can set off a speech prog (assuming the 
trigger phrase is stated). Most importantly then, uniqueness is the 
cornerstone of speech progs. You have to take into consideration the chance
of the trigger phrase coming up in casual conversation within earshot of the
room/mob/object. As an example, let's say the trigger was the phrase 'take a
hike'. Now, what if Player_X and Player_Y were bantering back and forth in
tells, and as Player_X walks into the room with Mobbie, he TELL's Player_Y 
"aww Frank, take a hike will ya?". Suddenly, funking things are happening to
RAND - A rand program is a random program that kicks in based on a percentage
that is set by you upon it's creation. Every round, the game checks the rand 
prog's percentage against a random generator. When they match, the prog kicks
in. A rand prog will not kick in at all unless there is at least one player
in the area (with 'area' signifying the area range in which the prog resides).
Continued on page 4-6. Type Look 4-6.
                                 TRIGGERS (cont'd...)
The number of players in an area has no bearing on the frequency of the prog
kicking in. There has been a general misconception amongst some builders that
the rand prog increases in triggering frequency as more and more players enter
the area or room in which the prog resides. This increased frequency is due to
the $r variable that is quite often used in rand and other progs. This will be
discussed in the chapter on Variables.
Some experimentation will be required for you to see what rand setting will be
appropriate for each one that you create. Most rand progs have a setting of 5
or less percent. Anything higher generally causes spammage for players in the 
vicinity of the prog. But, again, this will depend on the nature of the 
intended prog, and your preferance.
Sometimes, even a rand setting of 1% may seem too frequent for your tastes. If
such is the case, look into using a more specific triggering device. No one
trigger will fit all situations.
morning-star star morning~
the morning star~
The morning star is here collecting dust while it lies on the ground.~
5 64 8193
0 2 8 8
10 15000 1500

Edge of the forest~
Here at the eastern edge of the forest of Haon Dor, the thick tangle of
trees stretching to the west forms an eerie darkness, seeming to quell
whatever light dares to make its presence known.  The mighty western gate
of Darkhaven, beckons to you just a few minute's walk to the east, and a 
narrow trail runs west from this point, overhung by the branches of the
forest's ancient trees and vanishing quickly into the darkness.
0 4 2
The western gate of Darkhaven
0 -1 21087
You see the narrow forest trail winding westwards in between the trees.
0 -1 6001
The forest trail winds westwards through the trees.
tree trees~
The trees are quite tall considering most of them appear to be quite young.
On one of the trees, crude letters forming the word "Haon-Dor" have been
carved into the bark.
> speech_prog p I seek the ruins~
if ispc($n)
 if ispkill($n)
   mea 0.$n _red A shiver rushes through your body as you return to the ruins.
   mer 0.$n _red A chill washes over you as $n fades into nothingness...
   mptrans 0.$n 3052
   mpat 0.$n mpforce 0.$n look
   mea 0.$n _red The Umbrageous Ruins is a place for murderers and thieves!
   mea 0.$n _red It is surely a realm in which you would perish...
A trail through the light forest~
You are on a trail leading through the forest.  To the east is the forest's
edge, and to the west the trail leads further into the forest.  Through the
trees to the north you spot a narrow trail leading toward a lighter section
of the forest.
0 0 3
The trail continues eastwards out of the forest.
0 -1 6000
You see the narrow forest trail winding westwards in between the trees.
0 -1 6002
The forest trail winds east-west through the trees.
tree trees~
The trees here are quite young and fresh.  They seem to accommodate many kinds
of birds, insects and other small animals.
birds insects animals~
Very cute little creatures, they seem to enjoy life.
A trail through the light forest~
You are on a narrow trail leading east and west through the forest.  To
the west, the forest gradually becomes more dense.  A small forest path
leads south.
0 0 3
The trail continues eastwards through the young trees.
0 -1 6001
The small path leads south through the young trees.
0 -1 6011
You see the narrow forest trail winding westwards into the dense forest.
0 -1 6003
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
The forest trail winds east-west through the trees.
tree trees~
The young, slender trees look beautiful, their fresh, green leaves moving
lightly in the wind.
A trail through the dense forest~
You are on a trail leading east and west through the dense forest.  To the
east, the forest gradually seems to become lighter.
0 0 3
The trail continues eastwards to the younger part of the forest.
0 -1 6002
You see the narrow trail winding westwards through the dense forest.
0 -1 6004
The forest trail seems almost fragile compared to the massive trunks.
tree trees~
The dense crowns of the mature trees leave only a fraction of the sky to be
seen through the leaves.
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho You think you hear a twig snap somewhere nearby.
A trail through the dense forest~
You are on a trail leading east and west through the dense forest.  To the
west, the trees are so huge and their crowns so dense that forest remains in
total darkness.  A small path leads south through the trees.
0 0 3
The trail continues eastwards through the dense forest.
0 -1 6003
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6005
The narrow trail almost seems to disappear between the enormous trunks.
0 -1 6100
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
The forest trail seems almost fragile compared to the massive trunks.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees almost cut out all light.
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho You think you hear a twig snap somewhere nearby.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues north and south.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6004
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6006
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues north and east.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6005
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6007
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
An intersection in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The forest
gradually lightens to the east.  Paths lead east, west and south.
0 0 3
You can barely make out a clearing to the east.
0 -1 6008
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6012
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6006
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
The forest clearing~
You are in a clearing in the forest.  Lots of fresh stumps of varying sizes
protrude from the ground and heavy logs are stacked neatly in a big pile
supported by stakes set into the ground.  Paths lead north, east and west.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6011
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6009
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6007
log logs~
Even though the logs have been chopped to shorter pieces, they are quite heavy
as they are fresh and still filled with sap.
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
stake stakes~
The stakes keep the logs from rolling down.
stump stumps~
There are more stumps than logs and some of the stumps are partly covered in
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
Outside a small cabin in the forest~
You are outside a small cabin built entirely from heavy logs.  There is a
wooden door to the north and small paths lead west and south through the trees.
0 0 3
The wooden door is quite sturdy but does not appear to be equipped with a lock.
door wooden~
3 -1 6010
The small path leads south through the dense forest.
0 -1 6014
The small path leads west through the light forest.
0 -1 6008
cabin logs~
It looks simple but comfortable and the slender trees make the whole place seem
pretty idyllic.  It's a cabin built from logs.  Wooden logs, not system logs.
path paths~
The path is probably used by the cabin's inhabitants.
tree trees~
The trees are fairly young, not much more than a hundred years or so.
Inside the cabin~
You are inside a small one-room cabin made entirely from heavy logs.  It is
very sparsely furnished, containing only most basic housekeeping equipment,
such as a bed, a chair and a table.
0 8 0
The wooden door leads south.
door wooden~
1 -1 6009
It is definitely not the most comfortable bed you have seen in your life.
It is made from oak and looks strong and sturdy.
A heavy table that doesn't even appear to rock.
A small path through the light forest~
You are on a small path leading through the forest.  The trees are tall and
slender.  Paths lead north and south.
0 0 3
The path leads north through the young trees.
0 -1 6002
The path leads south through the young trees.
0 -1 6008
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are fairly young, not much more than a hundred years or so.
An intersection in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest floor in an unreal twilight illumination.  Paths
lead north, east and south.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6007
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6013
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6021
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues east and west.
0 0 3
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6014
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6012
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
An intersection in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The forest gradually
lightens to the north.  Paths lead north, east and west.
0 0 3
The path leads north to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6009
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6015
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6013
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues south and west.
0 0 3
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6016
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6014
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues north and south.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6015
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6017
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The forest seems to
become lighter to the west.  The path continues north and west.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6016
The small path leads west through the trees to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6018
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
An intersection in the light forest~
You are on a small path leading through the forest.  A path leads north to a
small field and other paths lead east and west into the dense forest.
0 0 3
The path leads north to a small, grassy field.
0 -1 6023
The path leads east to a dense part of the forest.
0 -1 6017
The path leads west to a dense part of the forest.
0 -1 6019
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The tall trees are young and slender, not much more than a hundred years or so.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The forest seems to
become lighter to the east.  The path continues north and east.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6020
The small path leads east through the trees to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6018
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.  The path
continues south and west.
0 0 3
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6019
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6021
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A small path in the dense forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest.  To the west there is
a cave entrance.  The path continues north and east.
0 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6012
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6020
The cave is very dark.
0 -1 6022
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
cave entrance~
The irregular opening is eight feet wide and six feet tall.  An acrid smell
emanates from within.
Inside the cave~
You are in a natural cave.  Various sorts of debris cover the stone floor,
emitting a rather unpleasant smell that makes the air thick and hard to
breathe.  The only obvious exit is east.
0 9 0
The cave opening is to the east.
0 -1 6021
It consists mostly of gnawed bones mixed with small pieces of torn fur.
cave walls floor stone~
Quite uninteresting.
air smell~
Kind of transparent, but quite noticeable nevertheless.
On a small, grassy field~
You are in a small, grassy field somewhere in the forest.  The tall grass
nearly reaches your waist, and the surrounding oaks and beeches form an almost
wall-like thicket on all sides of the field.  A small path leads south through
the trees.
0 0 2
The small path leads south in between the trees.
0 -1 6018
The tall grass makes a nice hiding place for animals.
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees thicket~
The trees form a close thicket.
0 1073741828 1
The Healing Place~
0 3147788 0
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow trail winding its way between the enormous, grey trunks.
The crowns of the trees must be very dense, as they leave the forest floor in
utter darkness.  The trail leads east and west.
0 9 3
The narrow trail leads east to a somewhat lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6004
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6101
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho You think you hear a twig snap somewhere nearby.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way east-west between huge, ancient
trees whose grey trunks remind you of ancient pillars in a enormous,
deserted hall.  To the south, a frail path leads away from the trail.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6100
The path leads south - away from the trail.
0 -1 6104
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6102
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
> rand_prog 8~
mpecho You think you hear a twig snap somewhere nearby.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way east-west between huge, ancient
trees which stand close on all sides.  Not a sound is to be heard --
everything is ominously quiet.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6101
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6103
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
> rand_prog 8~
mpecho You think you hear a twig snap somewhere nearby.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are where the dusty trail bends, as to avoid conflict with a colossal
trunk to the west.  Not a sound is to be heard -- everything is ominously
quiet.  A perfectly enormous tree conspires here with its brethren to
block the westward path, leaving you with travel options in the remaining
three cardinal directions.
0 9 3
You see a dark trail north.
0 0 6150
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6102
The narrow, dusty trail leads south through the forest.
0 -1 6108
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
trees trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  You feel as if
the ancient trees observe you in watchful silence.  The path continues north
and south.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6101
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6105
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom all around you.  The path continues north and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6104
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6106
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A junction in the deep, dark forest~
You are by a junction where three paths meet.  Ancient grey trees tower above
you on all sides.  Paths lead east, south and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6105
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6117
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6107
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
path paths~
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom all around you.  The path continues north and east.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6108
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6106
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way between huge, ancient trees
standing close on all sides.  The trail leads north and west and to the south,
a frail path leads away from the trail.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads north through the forest.
0 -1 6103
The path leads south - away from the trail.
0 -1 6107
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6109
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way east-west between huge, ancient trees
that stand close on all sides.  Not a sound is to be heard - everything is
ominously quiet.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6108
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6110
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way between huge, ancient trees that stand
close on all sides.  The trail leads east and south.  To the north, a narrow
path leads away from the trail.
0 9 3
The narrow path leads west between the giant trees.
0 -1 6144
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6109
The narrow, dusty trail leads south through the forest.
0 -1 6111
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
Some of the trunks to the west are covered in a thin, almost transparent
substance.  It looks like small threads woven carefully together.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way north-south between huge, ancient
trees that loom ominously above you.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads north through the forest.
0 -1 6110
The narrow, dusty trail leads south through the forest.
0 -1 6112
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way between huge, ancient trees
standing close on all sides.  The trail leads north and west and to the east,
a frail path leads away from the trail.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads north through the forest.
0 -1 6111
The path leads east - away from the trail.
0 -1 6113
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6127
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom in all directions.  The path continues south and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6114
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6112
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A junction in the deep, dark forest~
You are by a junction where three paths meet.  Ancient grey trees tower above
you on all sides.  Paths lead north, east and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6113
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6115
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6122
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
path paths~
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  You feel as
if the ancient trees observe you in watchful silence.  The path continues north
and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6116
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6114
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Giant, grey
trees loom ominously on all sides.  The path continues east and south.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6117
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6115
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A junction in the deep, dark forest~
You are by a junction where three paths meet.  Ancient, grey trees seem to
observe you silently you from all sides.  Paths lead north, east and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6106
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6118
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6116
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
path paths~
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient,
grey trees loom everywhere.  The path continues south and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6119
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6117
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Huge, ancient
trees are on all sides.  The path continues north and south.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6118
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6120
tree trees trunk trunks~
You feel as if they are watching you.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
On the river bank in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  To the south a
fast river is flowing westwards through the forest.  Ancient grey trees loom on
both banks.  The path continues north and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6119
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6121
The river flows fast and strong.  It is black or looks so in the gloom.
bank banks tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient crowns of trees on both banks reach together forming a dense roof
above the dark river.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A dead end path on the river bank in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  The ancient
trees stand so close that the path disappears between the dusty roots.  To the
south a dark river flows from east to west.  The only exit appears to be east.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6120
The river flows fast and strong.  It is black or looks so in the gloom.
bank banks tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient crowns of trees on both banks reach together forming a dense roof
above the dark river.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Giant, grey
trees loom ominously all around.  The path continues east and south.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6114
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6123
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A junction on the river bank in the deep, dark forest~
You are by a junction where three paths meet.  Ancient, grey trees seem to
observe you silently you from all around.  To the south a dark river flows from
east to west through the forest.  Paths lead north, east and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6122
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6124
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6125
The river flows fast and strong.  It is black or looks so in the gloom.
bank banks tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient crowns of trees on both banks reach together forming a dense roof
above the dark river.
path paths~
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A dead end path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  The ancient
trees stand so close that the path disappears between the dusty roots.  To
the south a dark river flows from east to west.  The only exit appears to be
west, or you could take your chances crossing the river.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6123
The river flows fast and strong.  It is black or looks so in the gloom.
bank banks tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient crowns of trees on both banks reach together forming a dense roof
above the dark river.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A small path on the river bank in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom everywhere.  To the south you smell marsh gas.  The path continues
north and east.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the north.
0 -1 6126
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the east.
0 -1 6123
The river flows fast and strong.  It is black or looks so in the gloom.
bank banks tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient crowns of trees on both banks reach together forming a dense roof
above the dark river.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way between huge, ancient trees standing
close on all sides.  The trail leads north and west, and to the south a frail
path leads away from the trail.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads north through the forest.
0 -1 6127
The path leads south - away from the trail.
0 -1 6125
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6128
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
The path seems fragile and unsafe compared to the enormous trunks that loom
around it.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way between huge, ancient trees
standing close on all sides.  The trail leads east and south.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6112
The narrow, dusty trail leads south through the forest.
0 -1 6126
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way east-west between huge, ancient trees
shrouded in mist that stand close on all sides.  Not a sound is to be heard -
everything is ominously quiet.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6126
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6129
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way east-west between huge, ancient trees
shrouded in mist that stand close on all sides.  Not a sound is to be heard -
everything is ominously quiet.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest.
0 -1 6128
The narrow, dusty trail leads west through the forest.
0 -1 6135
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
tree trees trunk trunks~
These ancient trees must have been here for many, many years.  It is impossible
to catch even a glimpse of anything above the lowest branches.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail winding its way westwards just below huge sticky
wires suspended like ropes between the trees.  To the west the path seems to
be completely covered in a giant web made from huge threads covered with glue.
This place gives you the creeps.
0 9 3
The narrow, dusty trail leads east through the forest, away from the web.
0 -1 6144
The structure to the west looks most of all like an immense spider web.
It does not look as if you can go further without getting caught in it.
0 -1 6131
0 -1 6132
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
substance wire wires rope ropes tree trees trunk trunks~
The sticky substance is hanging like ropes between the ancient trees, crossing
the path just out of reach.  It might be possible to climb one of the sticky
The spider web~
You are walking along the narrow path, ducking under the sticky ropes as
you advance...
0 12 3
> entry_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A huge, poisonous spider drops from above!
mpechoat $n A huge, poisonous spider drops from above!
mpechoat $n A huge, poisonous spider drops from above!
mpechoat $n The huge, poisonous spider stings you!  You resist the poison!
mpechoat $n The huge, poisonous spider stings you!  You are poisoned!
mpechoat $n The huge, poisonous spider stings you!  You are poisoned!
mpechoat $n You've fallen, and you can't get up!!!!!
Up in the tree~
You are hanging on the outside of a huge tree trunk covered in a sticky
substance.  Directly to the west is an immense spider web suspended between
numerous of the giant trees including the one you are hanging on.
0 13 3
To the west is the immense spider web.  It seems to move softly.
0 -1 6133
Downwards is the narrow forest path.
0 -1 6130
The spider web stretches out to the west.  It looks as if it is possible to
walk on it.
On the spider web~
You are balancing carefully on the giant sticky threads that holds the giant
web in place.  To the east is a giant tree trunk and to the west is an entrance
to a cave-like structure made from many layers of spider web.
0 9 1
To the east is the giant tree trunk.
0 -1 6132
To the west is the entrance to the cave-like structure.
0 -1 6134
The immense spider web moves softly.
cave structure~
It covers a ground area corresponding to an irregular circle with a diameter of
about 20 feet and is nearly 10 feet tall.  It looks very old.
The Den of the Queen Spider~
You are inside a cave-like structure that seems to be made entirely from
countless layers of spider web.  Temperature and humidity is very high making
it hard to breathe the foul air that lingers here.  The walls are covered with
open cocoons.
0 9 1
Compared to this place the east exit looks inviting.
0 -1 6133
web wall walls~
The sticky walls are covered with open cocoons.
cocoon cocoons~
The cocoons are burst open as if something inside really wanted to get out.
They are at the size of a human head.
A dusty trail in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom all around you.  The trail continues north and east.
0 9 3
The dusty trail leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6136
The dusty trail leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6129
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
A dusty trail in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient,
grey trees loom everywhere.  The trail continues south and west.  A broad
irregular path leads eastwards away from the trail.
0 9 3
The trees standing on the sides of the path have scratch marks on them.
0 -1 6142
The dusty trail leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6135
The dusty trail leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6137
tree trees trunk trunks~
To the east the ancient grey giants have many marks as if something with huge
claws has been tearing at them in rage.
The trees standing on the sides of the path have scratch marks on them.
The dark and dusty trail seems fragile compared to the massive trunks, and in
some places, giant grey roots have broken up through its surface.
At the end of the trail through the deep, dark forest~
You are on a dusty trail leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient grey
trees loom all around you.  You see a dark grove north of you.
The only other exit is east.
0 9 3
The dusty trail leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6136
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
Outside a cave in the deep, dark forest~
You are at the end of a broad, irregular path.  To the north is a very large
ominous-looking cave opening.  The trees here have many marks as if something
with huge claws has been tearing at them in rage.
0 9 3
The disgusting smell of a large reptile emanates from the cave opening.
0 -1 6143
The path winds its way westwards.
0 -1 6136
tree trees~
The ancient grey giants have many marks as if something with huge claws has
been tearing at them in rage.
cave opening~
The disgusting smell of a large reptile emanates from the cave opening.
The cave of the Green Dragon~
You are in a big natural cave.  The floor is littered with bones of all sorts
and the stench is so massive that you could cut it with a knife.  The only exit
is to the south.
0 13 3
The exit leads out into the forest.
0 -1 6142
bone bones floor~
Most of the bones on the floor appear to be of human origin.
A small path in the deep, dark forest~
You are on a narrow path leading through the deep, dark forest.  Ancient,
grey trees loom everywhere.  The tree trunks here seem to be covered in some
sticky substance.  The path continues south and west.
0 9 3
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the south.
0 -1 6110
The narrow path winds its way through the trees to the west.
0 -1 6130
substance rope ropes thread threads~
The substance reminds you of giant threads covered with glue.  If it had not
been for the size you could have sworn it was part of a spider web.
tree trees trunk trunks~
The ancient grey giants seem to observe you silently.
The path seems all too frail.  One of the giant roots could probably crush it
in a single blow.
A dark, narrow trail~
This trail looks much more foreboding than similar trails in these woods.
The usual animal claw marks and bites on the trees have grown few and far
between.  The trail continues both north and south.
0 9 3
The narrow trail continues.
0 -1 6151
the trail intersects the main forest path.
0 -1 6103
A dark, narrow trail~
This area of the trail is also very peculiar.  You can see no signs of animal
life what so ever, and the structure of the surrounding trees forces the path
to make a sharp turn to the east.
0 13 3
the trail bends east.
0 -1 6152
The narrow trail continues.
0 -1 6150
A circle of trees~
The smaller trees here seem to form a circle around a gargantuan tree which
rises from the center, and you notice a wooden door has been set into the
trunk of this enormity.  It is at the foot of this door that the trail you
followed to enter this circle comes to an end.
0 9 3
The tree door is carved beautifully.
3 -1 6153
The bend on the trail...
0 -1 6151
Inside the great tree.~
You have stepped inside of this hollowed tree.  From here steps lead down into
darkness or you can exit the tree by going west.
0 9 3
the door is carved beautifully.
3 -1 6152
The steps look appear like they will hold your weight.
0 -1 6154
The underground hallway.~
This hallway is apparently one of the roots of the tree hollowed out.  The hall
leads south to a room where you hear strange noises or you can go up the steps.
0 9 3
the hallway looks quite grand.
1 -1 6155
the steps appear like they will hold your weight.
1 -1 6153
The cultist temple.~
This temple is built to some god that you don't worship.  It is a nice place
to visit but you feel very uncomfortable about spending much time here.
The wooden altar seems almost to glow as you enter the room.  The only exit is
the way you came in.
0 9 3
the hallway looks quite grand.
1 -1 6154
A smaller path~
You make your way down a lighter but more narrow path.  To the southeast,
the path ends in a darker section of forest.  To the northwest, the path
ends suddenly at a large outcropping of rock.
0 0 3
Into a darker section of the forest.
0 -1 6151

M 0 6000 1 6009
E 1 6000 10 16
E 1 6001 10 5
E 1 6002 10 8
D 0 6009 0 1
M 0 6002 1 6022
M 0 6004 1 6023
M 0 6005 2 6014
O 0 6003 1 6010
O 0 6005 1 6010
P 1 6007 1 6005
P 1 6006 1 6003
O 0 6013 3 6010
O 0 6010 2 6023
O 0 6011 3 6006
O 0 6011 3 6013
O 0 6011 3 6016
M 0 6100 2 6116
M 0 6100 2 6116
M 0 6101 2 6127
M 0 6101 2 6127
M 0 6102 4 6108
M 0 6102 4 6108
M 0 6102 4 6104
M 0 6102 4 6104
M 0 6103 4 6112
M 0 6103 4 6112
M 0 6103 4 6118
M 0 6103 4 6118
M 0 6112 1 6143
G 1 6110 10
G 1 6112 10
G 1 6111 10
M 0 6115 1 6100
E 1 6114 3 1
M 0 6116 1 6155
E 1 6155 1 16
D 1 6152 1 1
D 1 6153 3 1
O 0 6102 1 6103
O 0 6103 1 6113
O 0 6104 1 6125
O 0 6105 1 6105
O 0 6106 4 6104
O 0 6106 4 6111
O 0 6106 4 6122
O 0 6107 4 6119
M 0 6117 1 6121



M  6112 spec_breath_gas
M  6116 spec_cast_cleric
