#AREA   Miden'nir~

#AUTHOR Copper~

5 15 0 60


#ECONOMY 0 35006290

a Black Forest gypsy~
A swift little creature scrounges for nifty items.
She looks like a sneaky little creature. Don't take your eyes off of her for
toooooo long.
69 98824 -570 C
8 10 1 8d10+80 2d6+1
600 3575
8 8 2
10 13 13 18 13 13 18
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 263725 0 0 0 2 524288
mountain goblin spy inhabitant~
a goblin spy~
An inhabitant of the forest prowls about, protecting his mountain.
Prowling the Black Forest, this predator represents the initial line of
defense against those who might try to infiltrate the mighty mountain.
97 0 -500 C
6 15 6 5d7+55 1d10+4
30 800
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
39 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 0
jacob finn elf~
Jacob, the young Finn elf~
A young, shivering elf quietly drops tears onto the dirt below.
Jacob looks as though he narrowly missed the evildoings of the dark
goblins of Miden'nir. It looks, sadly, as though his brethren did not
share his good fortune.
147 65536 500 C
7 17 6 1d12+47 1d8+0
0 600
5 5 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1735 0 0 0 64 2
black jack bartender man~
A tall, chubby man focuses on making the best drinks possible for his patrons.
"Black" Jack's been employed here for much longer than he can remember. He
drinks as much profit as he makes. Standing 6'4" and weighing about 310
lbs., though, who's going to tell him different?
67 0 400 C
10 8 1 1d12+200 2d8+1
1500 7000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 3
> greet_prog 100~
tell $n Have ye tasted my specialized green beverage, $n?
> speech_prog nope no~
tell $n Really? Disgraceful...
tell $n Ye must try it, 'tis the best green winter ale in these parts...
> speech_prog yup yes uh-huh yawp yesireebob~
tell $n Aye? Did ya find it to yer likin'?
wink $n
dave bard soul man~
Dave the introspective bard~
A pensive soul sits at a table, randomly questioning his liquor bottle.
Dave doesn't get out too often. Actually, he has not left his seat other
than to sleep or relieve himself. He seems pretty content, though, for a
person with no social life.
67 8 600 C
8 13 3 2d6+92 2d6+3
10 3750
6 6 1
12 18 18 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 256 0 1048576 80 0
> greet_prog 57~
if isnpc($n)
  emote looks up from his sorry condition for a moment.
  tell $n What do ye want with me, peasant?!
  emote lowers his weary head down to the warmth of the table.
doom elite goblin figure~
A Doom elite~
A massive goblin prowls the Circle of Doom, protecting his king.
Created from Brajtkomu's own magic, this predator's duty is to rid the
nucleus of Mount Doom of unwanted visitors. He kills on sight.
97 33448 -1000 C
16 12 4 5d7+190 5d7+4
10 4000
8 8 1
18 10 10 16 16 8 10
-5 0 0 -3 0
39 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 165 8192 256 1048577 96 524291
> greet_prog 100~
if ispc ($n)
tell $n You have not been invited to this place by my king, $n
growl $n
goblin doom protector~
a Doom goblin~
A protector of the mountain is here, foaming at the mouth.
Sworn to protect Mount Doom from invaders, this fierce warrior would do
whatever he could to destroy all who sought to infiltrate his home.
97 520 -1000 C
10 15 3 2d6+130 2d6+2
2000 2000
8 8 1
16 13 13 13 13 8 13
0 0 0 0 0
39 3 0 0 16384 16384 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc ($n)
yell Children of Doom, the enemy is upon us!! To your weapons!!
goblin dark king figure brajtkomu~
Brajtkomu, the Goblin King~
A lone, dark figure growls at himself from his black, decaying throne.
The shadows somehow seem to converge upon themselves, creating this horrid,
though wondrous, creature. Brajtkomu did not gain his position and status
only by looking so mean...
35 684 -1000 C
15 10 1 6d4+170 4d7+4
3500 8000
8 8 1
18 10 16 16 13 10 16
0 0 0 0 0
39 3 0 0 135464987 16385 1
0 0 13 0 0 0 32 2
> greet_prog 100~
tell $n Welcome, $n...
tell $n Have you come to meet your DOOM?!?!
jed innkeeper proprietor man~
Innkeeper Jed~
The proprietor sits at his desk, slowly paging through his favorite book.
Jed makes you feel right at home in this strange place. His bushy, brown
beard is, remarkably, groomed to near perfection. He peers up at you with
warm blue eyes, and you feel a sudden urge to rent a room. What a suave
businessman, eh?
1073741831 0 0 C
10 0 0 1d1+88 2d6+2
50 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 141 0 0 1048576 0 2
final mob~
a newly created final mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created final mob here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0

crescent white deerbone~
a white deerbone crescent~
An earring of the purest white rests in the dirt.~
9 524356 65537
4 6 0 0
1 10 1
2 1
green beer winter ale~
"Black" Jack's Green Winter Ale~
A big bottle of green ooze has been wisely discarded on the ground.~
17 0 16385
10 10 4 0
1 10 1
Jed's favorite book of tales~
An old, worn book rests quietly on the ground, pages intact.~
12 0 16385
0 0 0 0
3 35 3
3 2
12 10
black key~
a strange black key~
An old, black key draws your attention.~
18 524292 16385
0 0 0 0
2 0 0
The key is obviously quite old. Upon it have been inscribed some arcane
You cannot seem to decipher the strange runes.
Jack's brewing vat~
A big vat sits majestically in the middle of the room.~
15 524288 0
190 0 0 0
90 0 0
The vat gets put to good use whenever Jack actually has to make a fresh batch
of his Green Winter Ale. In other words, not too often.
doom skeleton key~
the key of Doom~
A shadowy skeleton key darkens the ground below.~
18 524294 16385
0 0 0 0
2 0 0
doom cape~
a long, black Doom insignia cape~
A long, dark cape casts strange shadows upon the ground.~
9 70 1025
10 4 0 0
3 3000 300
3 -2
1 2
18 3
19 1
> wear_prog 100~
mpforce $n muhaha
doom visor~
a black Doom insignia visor~
A dark visor casts strange shadows on the ground.~
9 524294 131073
10 3 0 0
2 5700 570
19 1
18 1
1 -2
31 -2
25 -2
3 -2
13 10
doom sceptre~
Brajtkomu's sceptre of Doom~
A darkened sceptre envelopes the ground in an evil mist.~
9 524311 16385
8 10 0 0
6 190000 19000
12 30
13 10
19 2
a pair of clogs made of Black Forest bark~
Some black clogs have been discarded on the ground.~
9 262144 65
8 6 0 0
6 10 1
2 2
13 10
doom arm armguards guards black~
a pair of black Doom insignia armguards~
A pair of dark metal armguards casts strange shadows onto the ground.~
9 524308 257
8 8 0 0
4 6000 600
19 1
18 1
the sign~
An old sign made of wood tilts a bit to the left.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
final object~
a newly created final object~
Some god dropped a newly created final object here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

The Plains~
You are standing on the plains. This is a vast desolate place where the
wind can howl undisturbed since nothing but you bars its way. However you
are not the first to wander here. Before you somebody has left a small path.
The path looks rather bewildered and is not the kind of path to lead to
anywhere significant or important but it seems to have made up its mind to
enter the hills far away north.
0 0 1
0 0 3501
The Lane~
You are strolling along a pleasant, shady lane. The road is lined on both
sides by tall, stately trees which lend the scene with a sense of quiet
serenity. You can follow the road north or south.
0 0 1
0 0 3500
0 0 3502
The Cross Roads on the Hilltop~
You stand atop a hill upon which several roads cross.  The great city of
Darkhaven can be seen a short distance to the west, while to the east the
stately oaks and poplars of the holy grove wave slowly in the wind.  A
wide, flat path leads due south through the stark landscape of the dwarven
forest, while the tree-line lane to the north is rumoured to rapidly give
way to desolate, open plains.  An small path leads northeast to the base
of the hill and the mouth of a small tunnel, which you can only assume to
be the engineering of dwarves.
0 0 1
0 0 3501
0 -1 8904
0 0 3503
A small path leads to the base of the hill and a dwarven village.
0 -1 6500
> speech_prog p I seek the ruins~
if ispc($n)
 if ispkill($n)
   mea 0.$n _red A shiver rushes through your body as you return to the ruins.
   mer 0.$n _red A chill washes over you as $n fades into nothingness...
   mptrans 0.$n 3053
   mpat 0.$n mpforce 0.$n look
   mea 0.$n _red The Umbrageous Ruins is a place for murderers and thieves!
   mea 0.$n _red It is surely a realm in which you would perish...
Outskirts of Darkhaven~
You stand on the outskirts of the city of Darkhaven; the primary city of
this land.  The road leads east into the peace and quiet of the forest;
while to the west comes to the western gate of the city, surrounded by a
confusion of shops, bars, and market places.  Another path meanders off
through the forest to the southeast.
0 4 1
Several roads crest atop a hill...
0 0 3502
The great eastern gate of Darkhaven...
0 0 21112
A pathway meaders into the forest...
0 -1 3586
On a Long, Rusted Bridge~
Much reluctance plagues your thoughts as you stumble onto the old bridge 
leading south into the Black Forest, in which there is rumored to be an 
ancient mountain, within which lies a labyrinth of untold riches. None
who have ever gone looking for the treasure, though, have returned
to verify the rumors (or perhaps chose for some reason to be silent).
0 0 1
0 -1 21075
The dark forest beckons...
0 0 3505
A crag can be seen below, but getting there from here would be impossible.
33554432 -1 3590
The sign, covered with a strange green substance, reads:
                        B E W A R E ! ! !
                      PROCEED AT OWN RISK
> rand_prog 3~
mpecho The wind whistles through the unstable planks of the rickety bridge.
> speech_prog p I seek the ruins~
if ispc($n)
 if ispkill($n)
   mea 0.$n _red A shiver rushes through your body as you return to the ruins.
   mer 0.$n _red A chill washes over you as $n fades into nothingness...
   mptrans 0.$n 3030
   mpat 0.$n mpforce 0.$n look
   mea 0.$n _red The Umbrageous Ruins is a place for murderers and thieves!
   mea 0.$n _red It is surely a realm in which you would perish...
Before the Black Forest~
Looking back, the sanctuary of New Darkhaven seems to beckon you now more
than ever before. The woods to the south project feelings of despair and
misery. The bards used to tell you stories of horror about mighty
adventurers who would traverse into the heart of the Black Forest, never
to return. And who knows how long the old, rusted bridge to the north
will hold out? Better to not take that chance, perhaps.
0 0 3
The sanctity of New Darkhaven beckons...
0 0 3504
The darkness slowly creeps in...
0 0 3507
A strange building lies to the west...
0 0 3570
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 -1 3550
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3509
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The edge of the forest might be a welcome sight...
0 0 3505
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3510
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3508
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3507
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3511
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3506
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3512
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3514
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3507
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3514
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3516
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest appears to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3508
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3515
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3513
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3509
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3512
A trail of some sort rips through the darkened trees...
0 -1 3584
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3514
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3509
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3513
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3517
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3510
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3511
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3516
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3518
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3510
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3517
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3519
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3515
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3514
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3516
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3515
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3522
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 0 3516
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3520
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3521
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3523
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3519
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3519
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3523
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3522
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3518
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3521
Heart of the Black Forest~
You now realize that the darkness and mystery of the Black Forest were not
exaggerated in tales of olde. The trees appear to reach out, as if trying
to strangle the lifeforce out of all creatures that might be foolish enough
to wander too deep into the forest. Though the blood on the ground has
practically disappeared, the auras of gloom and terror have certainly not
0 1 3
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3520
The dark trees become less dense to the east...
0 -1 3551
Darkness consumes the forest in a terrifying void...
0 0 3521
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3525
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3533
A strange odor emanates from this direction...
15 3505 3531
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3526
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3524
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3535
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3527
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3537
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3525
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3528
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3526
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3539
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3529
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3541
Into the darkness...
0 -1 3527
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The underground portion of Mount Doom is, unbelievably, even darker than the
ground level. Burnt-out torches line the walls of the tunnel, serving as
little more than decoration. Scarlet stains the sides of the tunnel in
several places. Something must live down here.
0 9 0
A tiny spec of light slips through the dense darkness...
0 -1 3532
0 -1 3528
A shadowy passage...
0 -1 3543
A Long, Cavernous Tunnel~
By now, the water has been totally drained from the tunnel. The chants have
become frighteningly close. Also of notice in this portion of the tunnel is
a repugnant stench. That is not to say that the rest of the tunnel didn't
stink, only that the smell is a bit different and the severity is much worse
here than there.
0 265 0
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3556
A strange odor emanates from this direction...
0 -1 3531
A Massive Pile of Slop~
Alas, the goblins of this mountain obviously have not heard of proper waste
disposal. A gigantic pile of something has been left here for some unknown
reason. Maybe goblins just really like slop, or maybe there might be some
other reason for this hygienic atrocity. Difficult to tell.
0 265 0
Back into the dark tunnel...
0 -1 3530
Looks pretty scary down there...
2097167 3505 3524
Underbelly of Mount Doom~
The tunnel, which looked to have continued north for some time, stops
abruptly at this point. The torches on the walls are lit, highlighting the
scarlet-stained spots on the sides of the tunnel. The chant-like noises that
had disappeared momentarily have now resurfaced, louder than before. Also,
an old, faded drawing on the north wall catches your attention.
0 8 0
An old, broken ladder can be seen faintly through the darkness...
139 -1 3545
Back into the darkness...
0 -1 3529
The drawing depicts an old, broken ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, a
pile of bones litters blood-soaked ground.
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3534
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3524
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3533
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3536
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3525
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3535
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3538
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3526
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3537
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3540
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3527
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3539
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3542
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3528
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3541
A Damp Passage~
Not even a single inch of this part of the mountain is dry. Dripping down
the sides of the room is something that is not quite water, though not quite
slime. Also, the temperature in this small passage is considerably higher
than in the main corridor of the underbelly. Possibly, this might be because
of the decreased size of this room.
0 9 0
A tiny alcove...
0 -1 3544
Back into the main tunnel of the underbelly...
0 -1 3529
A Dark Alcove~
Darkness envelopes the room from the bottom to the top. The dim spec of light
that peeks in from the main tunnel of the underground casts strange, twisted
shapes upon the distorted walls of the umbrageous alcove.
0 9 0
Back into the shadowy passage...
0 -1 3543
An Old, Broken Ladder~
The distance to the bottom of this hole is much more than anyone in their
right mind would care to plunge. Fortunately, the ladder looks sturdy enough
to carry even slightly-heavy souls down into the depths of the underbelly.
Probably not the wisest thing to test its might, though. Also, a weathered
drawing of some sort can be viewed on the wall on the south side of the room.
0 9 0
Back into the darkness...
11 -1 3532
A descent into mystery...
128 -1 3546
The drawing depicts a shadowy, massive figure apparently toying with a group
of blood-soaked adventurers.
An Old, Broken Ladder~
The old ladder continues to bend, though refusing to break beneath the same
weight it has weathered thousands of times before. The bottom of the hole
appears close, though through the darkness it is difficult to tell.
0 9 0
Up the old, broken ladder...
128 -1 3545
A descent into mystery...
128 -1 3547
An Old, Broken Ladder~
The bottom of the hole is definitely close now. The ridged ground below can
be slightly uncovered through the shadows that race back and forth across
the old ladder's rungs. A vile stench seems to emanate from below, causing
slight nausea, though it is not nearly potent enough at this point to make
you decide to turn back.
0 9 0
Up the old, broken ladder...
128 -1 3546
The bottom of the old, broken ladder...
0 -1 3548
The Bottom of the Ladder~
The stink has now become an unfortunate reality. No matter how much breath
is held, the odor continues to unwantedly sneak into your nasal passages.
The curiosity of what lies beyond this spot makes the unbearable odors
temporarily subside, however.
0 13 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3549
Up the old, broken ladder...
0 -1 3547
The Circle Of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Back towards the old, broken ladder...
0 -1 3548
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3557
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3558
Within the Black Forest~
Even the breeze flowing through the treetops is dark and gloomy. Strange
noises come at you from each direction. The leaves on the ground might make
rustling sounds if they were not soaked down with blood. In each direction,
the forest seems to grow darker and darker.
0 1 3
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 -1 3506
Gazing Upon Mount Doom~
The forest is abruptly left in the distance. Gazing up, the mountain peers
down upon you like a vulture carefully monitoring its prey. Though this
place looks quite serene from the outside, the stories and tales about Mount
Doom have discredited that notion of serenity long before now.
0 1 1
The mysteries of the mountain beckon...
7 3503 3552
0 -1 3523
A Long, Cavernous Tunnel~
Though cold and dreary-looking from the outside, the temperature within the
mountain is relatively comfortable. The tunnel appears to stretch for some
distance southward, though traversing too far into this accursed place does
not look to be a very wise decision.
0 265 0
The dark forest awaits...
7 3503 3551
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3553
A Long, Cavernous Tunnel~
The tunnel continues to run southward, with no immediate end in sight. The
cavern walls have begun to trickle water onto the dirt below, making it
quite difficult to sneak about as there are puddles splishing and splashing
with each step.
0 265 0
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3552
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3555
Green Winter Ale Brewery~
Ahh, the good ol' Green Winter Ale Brewery. This is the place in which all
of Jack's "magic" begins (and, fortunately, ends). The dust that covers most
of the floor would suggest that Jack has not needed to brew any fresh Green
Ale in quite some time. Maybe the shelf lives of the existing bottles is
just very long. Probably not, though.
0 9 0
11 -1 3576
A Long, Cavernous Tunnel~
The puddles have now become a single, massive pool enveloping the floor
of the tunnel. To the south, strange, chant-like noises beckon investigation
in that direction. The journey now has become one of survival, not only
a search for riches. The labyrinth depicted in tales of olde must be close,
though in which direction is totally unclear.
0 265 0
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3553
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3556
A Long, Cavernous Tunnel~
At this point in the tunnel, tiny cracks have become evident in the lower
parts of the walls. What might have caused them is anybody's guess. The
strange thing is that all of the water from the floor of the tunnel seems to
be gravitating towards the cracks. From the south, the chant-like noises
have become louder.
0 265 0
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3555
The dark tunnel continues...
0 -1 3530
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3559
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3549
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3560
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3549
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3557
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3561
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3558
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3562
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3563
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3559
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3563
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3560
The Circle of Doom~
An ice-cold breeze flows through the room. The stench of unavoidable death
fills the frigid air with an immense aura of despair. The blackened walls,
ceiling and floor look infinite from this point-of-view. Torches made from
bones of some sort line the sides of the room, though none are lit.
0 9 0
A soft green glow emanates from this direction...
0 -1 3564
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3561
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3562
A Skull-filled Tunnel~
Each and every piece of this particular tunnel seems to have been built with
the skulls of different creatures- those creatures that foolishly traversed
into the Circle of Doom. Though no torches appear in sight, a soft, though
eerie, glow pulsates out from beneath the skulls. Shadows created by the
mysterious glow reach all about, as if cradling the tunnel in some sort of
devious embrace.
0 269 0
The mysterious tunnel continues...
0 -1 3565
Impending Doom...
0 -1 3563
A Skull-filled Tunnel~
Each and every piece of this particular tunnel seems to have been built with
the skulls of different creatures- those creatures that foolishly traversed
into the Circle Of Doom. Though no torches appear in sight, a soft, though
eerie, glow pulsates out from beneath the skulls. Shadows created by the
mysterious glow reach all about, as if cradling the tunnel in some sort of
devious embrace.
0 265 0
The mysterious tunnel continues...
0 -1 3566
The mysterious tunnel continues...
0 -1 3564
A Skull-filled Tunnel~
Each and every piece of this particular tunnel seems to have been built with
the skulls of different creatures- those creatures that foolishly traversed
into the Circle of Doom. Though no torches appear in sight, a soft, though
eerie, glow pulsates out from beneath the skulls. Shadows created by the
mysterious glow reach all about, as if cradling the tunnel in some sort of
devious embrace.
0 265 0
Darkness, once again, prevails...
0 -1 3567
The mysterious tunnel continues...
0 -1 3565
The Dark Landing~
The skulls trail off as the tunnel turns into a dark, gloomy landing. An
even darker set of stairs leads down into possible doom. Thoughts and
questions begin to take shape. Have any souls ever made it this deep into
the evil mountain? If so, have they made it out alive? Only glory remains
0 9 0
A soft green glow emanates from the mysterious tunnel...
0 -1 3566
This sort of darkness you have not before witnessed...
0 -1 3568
Lair of the Goblin King~
Spiderwebs blanket the ceiling and cracks of the goblin king's throne room.
A massive, crumbling granite throne sits darkly in the middle of the dirt-
covered floor, casting visions of terror upon the four walls. The room's
temperature must be close to freezing, and you think that whoever or whatever
lives in this place must not be too warm itself.
0 3153993 0
Back towards the mysterious tunnel...
0 -1 3567
Diov a ni gnitaolf~
0 1073741828 1
Outside a Mysterious Inn~
The darkness engulfing the forest lessens as the inn becomes near. Equipped
with battered shutters and chipped paint, this place still seems to oddly
possess a heightened sense of warmth and friendliness. There is, however,
a not-so-fresh scent creeping out from the entrance of the inn.
0 4 1
The darkness creeps in...
0 0 3505
The interior of the Green Gobble Inn lies to the west...
0 -1 3574
The Clover Suite~
So named because of its odd shape, the room contains three tiny alcoves-
one in the north wall, one in the east, and one in the west. A bed lies in
the northern alcove, while a dresser lies in the east and a small desk in
the west. A large oriental rug covers the spacious center of the room.
0 8 0
Back towards the scary stairs...
0 -1 3579
The King's Suite~
Jed has reserved this room for the distant possibility that a king of some
sort might actually stay here sometime. You are pretty certain that there
won't be an occupant here anytime in the near future.
0 8 0
Back towards the scary stairs...
0 -1 3579
The Recovery Room~
This shabby, threadbare room appears to serve the purpose of housing those
individuals who have consumed a bit too much of Jack's green winter ale and
are quite unable to make the journey home on the same night. A messy double
bed- the only piece of furniture in the room- rests in the middle of the
floor and looks as though it has not been made up nor laundered in quite
some time.
0 8 0
Back towards the scary stairs...
0 -1 3579
Jed's Desk~
The Green Gobble actually is much bigger on the inside than it appears from
the shadowy forest. An unspectacular reception desk beckons you from the
southwest corner of the room. Directly to the east of the front desk, a
flight of stairs trails up to the guest rooms.
0 12 0
A sign reads, simply, 'Saloon.'
0 0 3576
0 -1 3570
The warm light of the inn becomes more dim...
0 0 3577
A flight of scary stairs...
0 -1 3579
The Bloodsoaked Brambles~
The darkened trail comes to an abrupt stop at this point. Floating all about
is an overshadowing sense of loss. There seem to have been rose bushes on
the sides of the path. They all have been trampled and now drip with blood.
You can only hope that whatever horrors took place here do not soon return.
0 1 3
A trail thru the woods.
0 0 3581
"Black" Jack's Dusty Saloon~
Mounds of dust cover the floor. The tables look as though they might have
been strewn about in a skirmish and long forgotten. There is, however, a
single, upright table in the southeast corner of the bar- possibly an
indication of just how much business "Black" Jack does nowadays.
0 8 0
You can stumble back towards Jed.
0 0 3574
2097163 -1 3554
A Dark Corner Room~
The atmosphere in this part of the inn is one of solemnity. There are but
three lonely tables taking up space in a room that could easily host ten or
so. Though the mood here is nothing short of morose, it is quite a bit better
than Jack's place.
0 8 0
Back towards Jed...
0 0 3574
A Dark, Dusty Attic~
Despite a tiny layer of dust on the ground, the attic actually seems to be
the cleanest part of the inn. Scattered boxes and miscellaneous items of
mostly-insignificant worth litter the floor. There is, however, one box,
in particular, that catches your attention. Also, there is a sign posted
on the western wall of the attic.
0 9 0
0 -1 3579
The sign, worn and torn throughout the years, reads:
                  DO NOT feed the rodents!!
          (Management assumes no responsibility for injuries
           that result from negligent rodent relations)
                                             - Jed
It appears to have caught your attention because of Jed's stinky old shoes
and undergarments contained within. Better to leave this box alone.
A Creepy Corridor~
The second floor to this place is no more spectacular than the first. The
corridor is filled with dust, and the floorboards make loud, unsettling
creaking noises as you arrive at the top of the stairs. The corridor
hosts three guestrooms, though you highly doubt that they are occupied.
0 8 0
A "majestic" room lies to the north...
0 -1 3572
A dingy room lies to the south...
0 -1 3573
A strangely-shaped room lies to the west...
0 -1 3571
0 -1 3578
A flight of scary stairs...
0 -1 3574
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
On a Darkened Trail~
A tiny trail of blood runs to the east, becoming more and more dense as the
footprints seem to blend together. Also, the once serene breeze has now
become a dark, dreary whisper.
0 1 3
The darkened trail appears to stop...
0 0 3575
The darkened trail continues...
0 -1 3582
On a Darkened Trail~
Here, you think you can almost make out tiny footprints in the visible parts
of the dirt. Beside the tiny footprints lie bigger, uglier footprints. You
can only wonder why two creatures of such differing size would choose to
travel together.
0 1 3
The darkened trail continues...
0 0 3581
The darkened trail continues...
0 -1 3583
On a Darkened Trail~
The trail becomes darker to the north. The trampling of the trees and plant
life appears to become more intense in that direction, also. A frightful,
though serene, breeze blows through what remains of the treetops.
0 1 3
The darkened trail continues...
0 -1 3582
The darkened trail twists toward the forest...
0 -1 3584
On a Darkened Trail~
The forest narrows into what looks to have been a recently-constructed path
of some sort. The forest looks as though it has been deliberately pushed
aside to make room for some dark, mighty force.
0 1 3
The darkened trail continues...
0 0 3583
The forest concedes to the vast darkness...
0 -1 3513
Beside a murky river~
You've clambered down between several large rocks resting on the steep
banks of a murky river.  The only exit appears to be back from where
you came.
0 4 3
Inside the Forest's Edge~
You stand just inside the forest's edge in a narrow trail.  To the
northwest runs a large, busy road, while the trail itself heads into
the relative quiet of the forest to the southwest.
0 0 2
The outskirts of Darkhaven...
0 -1 3503
The trail continues into the forest...
0 -1 3587
Along a Quiet Trail~
You travel down a quiet, narrow trail through the forest.  The sounds of
civilization can be heard roughly north of here, while the forest changes
gradually to the south. 
0 0 2
The trail continues...
0 -1 3588
The trail continues toward the forest's edge.
0 -1 3586
A Quiet Trail~
You travel down a quiet, narrow trail through the forest.  The sounds of
civilization can be heard roughly north of here, while the forest changes
gradually to the south. 
0 0 2
Along the quiet trail...
0 -1 3587
A bend in the trail...
0 -1 1501
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Beneath a rusted bridge~
Here opens a small crag just outside an steep earth embankment, and just
beneath what appears to be a large and somewhat decrepit bridge.  The
stench of sewage wafts from the gaping hole in the embankment, and the
nearby rush of what sounds like a large river can be heard, though you
can't seem to see it from here.  You can climb up to the bridge from
this spot, though from the looks of it the narrow passage upward would
be too precarious to enable you to make it back down.
0 0 4
A gaping hole in the embankment.
0 -1 7031
67584 -1 3504

M 0 3500 2 3521
E 1 3509 2 8
M 0 3500 2 3521
E 1 3509 2 8
M 0 3501 8 3512
M 0 3501 8 3512
M 0 3501 8 3509
M 0 3501 8 3506
M 0 3501 8 3513
M 0 3501 8 3551
M 0 3501 8 3551
M 0 3506 4 3552
E 1 3510 4 10
M 0 3506 4 3530
E 1 3510 4 10
M 0 3502 1 3575
E 1 3500 1 19
M 0 3503 1 3576
G 1 3501 3503
M 0 3504 1 3577
M 0 3508 1 3574
E 1 3502 1 17
O 0 3504 1 3554
P 1 3503 1 3504
M 0 3506 4 3555
E 1 3510 4 10
M 0 3506 4 3551
E 1 3510 4 10
G 1 3505 1
M 0 3501 8 3522
M 0 3507 1 3568
E 1 3508 1 17
M 0 3505 2 3559
E 1 3506 2 12
E 1 3507 2 20
M 0 3505 2 3560
E 1 3506 2 12
E 1 3507 2 20
D 0 3531 5 2
D 0 3524 4 2
D 0 3552 0 2
D 0 3551 2 2
D 0 3576 5 1
D 0 3554 4 1
D 0 3545 2 1
D 0 3532 0 1
O 0 3511 1 3504

 3503   17  0  0  0  0   130  90         7 21    ; Jack


M  3500 spec_thief
