This code is created by multiple people, you can find them in the "credits" help file
on the MUD.  The code is prepared and released by Ntanel StormBlade of HNE -
MudWorld.  You MUST leave all credits in tact to avoid breaking MUD licencing laws
and seeing the result of ignoring them.

CalareyMUD 3.0 is by Keolah.  The feature are:
- Premade "Admin" character to start up with, password is "admin".
- No classes or levels.
- Harvest ingredients to mix into alchemical recipes.
- Room descriptions that change depending on the time of day and weather.
- Take on a wide range of quests, from simple to challenging.
- Player-fashioned equipment.
- Fashion items from more than 100 different materials combined how you like them.
- Each material has different properties and affects.
- Enchant your armor and weapons to improve them.
- Affix gems to your items.
- Bind it to you so that it stays with you on death.
- Brand your weapons from one of 12 different brands like flaming or vorpal.
- Develop a bane on the weapon to do more damage against one kind of monster.
- Engrave names on your metal items, dye your cloths, or reshape your equipment as
  you want it.
- An in-depth magic system.
- 19 magical Talents. Pick the combination of Talents you want and develop them.
- A wide variety of abilities which draw upon one or more Talents.
- Automatic affects and abilities which happen reflexively, such as blur and sense
- Detailed character development. Pick the combination of Talents you want and
  develop the weapons you choose.
- An original species system. Choose from over 100 different nations in 23 species.
- Sparring. Duel your fellow players without danger of dying.
- Start up families and clans, get married, adopt children.
- Detailed quest code, mobs that can remember what you have said or done.
- Privilege system.  Give permission to staff according to job.
- InterMUD 3 capabilties, installed, but disabled in the Makefile.
- IMC2 capabilties, installed, but disabled in the Makefile.
  (Obviously I3 and IMC2 need compiled once enabled.)

InterMUD 3 and IMC2 were added by Samson of Alsherok.

Want a list of the older features from the RM3.0 and 4.0 releases? Go to, if this address no longer works, search
for MudWorld, ResortMUD or UCMM on any major search engine.

* NOTE: All Users -
  Do not forget before starting up that the MUD's port, main directory and owner's
  email must be set in rmstart.

* NOTE: Linux Users -
  We should mention that after you set the Makefile, rmstart and compile the code
  that to startup the MUD you must type "./rmstart &" in the src directory.