Filename		chaos.dty~
Name		Speech~
Description	&z&gAlignment: &Gchaotic

Focusing on the destruction and disruption of all things, Chaos is

greatly feared, as well as hated. Followers of Chaos are possessed by

an intense unnatural hate, making them fearless warriors of terrible

strength. However, due to their uncontrollable nature, they are

vulnerable to the more arcane and concentrated attacks.

Alignment		-350
Worshippers	158
Flee		0
Flee_npcrace	0
Flee_npcfoe	0
Kill		1
Kill_npcrace	0
Kill_npcfoe	0
Kill_magic	1
Sac		10
Bury_corpse	0
Aid_spell		0
Aid		0
Steal		1
Backstab		2
Die		0
Die_npcrace	0
Die_npcfoe	0
Spell_aid		0
Dig_corpse	2
Scorpse		100
Savatar		550
Sdeityobj		100
Srecall		80
Suplift		100
Race		-1
Class		-1
Element		1
Sex		-1
Affected		1073741824&4
Npcrace		0
Npcfoe		0
Suscept		1048576
Race2		-1
Susceptnum	0
Elementnum	0
Affectednum	0
Objstat		6