Name     !-command~
Text     Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.


Name     aassign~
Text     Syntax: aassign <filename>.are  Example:  aassign edo.are


AASSIGN temporarily assigns all rooms, objects, and mobiles in the area

range to your pfile.  This allows you to use rlist, olist, mlist, and

reset list.  This also means that typing savearea, reset area, or 

instazone will affect this area.  


To save changes permenantly, type "aassign none" and foldarea.


&rWarning&w!! Do not have an area aassigned to yourself when getting personal

vnums assigned to you.  The personal vnums will overwrite the area file.


In order to assign a proto area to yourself you must have Hibuild perms

for this to work.


In order to assign a nonproto area to yourself, the same applies, you

must hold the Hibuild permission or it will not work.


Name     adrenaline~
Text     Syntax: adrenaline

Syntax: adren


Someone with this skill can control the flow of adrenline through

their veins, allowing them a brief rush of strength and speed,

but afterward they suffer from a period of weakness and exhaustion.


Name     affected~
Text     Syntax:  affected       (abbrevation:  af)


'Affected' is a spells-at-a-glance function, which displays only the spells

(and skill affects) your character is currently under.  Each affect will be

listed by name only for the sake of brevity (if you want to know what each

is doing, use help <spell/skill name> or 'score').


Name     affix~
Text     Syntax: affix <gem> <item>

Syntax: pry <item>


This skill allows you to affix a gem onto an item, increasing or

perhaps decreasing its abilities.

The Jewelry skill determines how well you can affix gems to items.



Name     afk~
Text     Syntax:  afk (abbreviation for "away from keyboard")


The 'afk' command will place an [AFK] flag beside your name on the who 

list when activated, as well as informing those who send tells that you

you are afk.  It can be toggled on or off by typing afk, and will also

go off automatically when you enter any command.


Name     age~
Text     The age skill does not work currently, if you need your age set for roleplay

reasons, ask an immortal and they will set your age.


Name     aid~
Text     Syntax: aid <character>

This skill allows you to bring a stunned person back into consciousness.


Name     albrynnia~
Text     The continent of Albrynnia is a heavily forested realm with several

mountain ranges and a few thriving towns. Once the original home of

the humans on Lezaria, the continent was torn apart in the cataclysmic

War of Transformation, forcing much of the population to flee to the

continent of Kalor to the north and the Sunrise Islands to the east.

In recent times, Albrynnia has been settled again by hardy pioneers

that brave the terrible mutated monsters that still roam the forests.


Name     alias~
Text     Syntax: alias

Syntax: alias <word> <command phrase>

Syntax: alias <word>


ALIAS displays the alias list


ALIAS word command_phrase sets an alias. You can have a max of 20.


ALIAS <word> removes an alias from your list.


Alias has variables that can be used when the command requires an

argument which might change.


The variables are %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


For Instance, you want to make an alias for note read. You would type:


   alias nr note read %0


And use it by typing:  nr 2


You can now make an alias do multiple things by adding ; between commands:


   alias test test;cough    This alias will use the test and cough socials.


Name     areas~
Text     Syntax:  areas

Syntax: areas <world>


The 'areas' command displays an alphabetically sorted list of all areas

within the game, together with the author and suggested level range of

each area.  


You can specify a world to see a list of all the areas within that


The worlds currently available are: Sasherey, Straegarx, Mezulbryst, Veeden,

Hasaris, Lezaria, Wilderplane, Sea-Lake, Corstad, Glassandia, Terra, Vestama,

Tenlands, and Void.


Name     amplify~
Text     Things said in this room will echo to neighboring rooms.


Name     android~
Text     Androids are constructed of mechanical parts controlled by the

artificial intelligence of a computer brain.




Name     angels~
Text     Angels are holy beings. They are vulnerable to unholyblast, and are surrounded

by a holy aura that improves their healing magic. There are many different

types of angels, some with wings, some without, some in the form of different

races and species.

See also: HOLY


Name     aniarten~
Text     An obscure type of fat faerie.


Name     animal~
Text     The animalistic race consists of mainly of non-humanoid creatures, 

which are otherwise unclassifible.


Name     ansi~
Text     Syntax: ansi <on|off>

The ansi command will either enable or disable ansi colour.  Ansi colour

will work provided your terminal has a compatible mode.


Name     anthropomorphic~
Text     Animals the size of humans, and with hands.


Name     antimagic~
Text     This ability is automatic, and will counter offensive magic with

antimagic from the Void to nullify the attack.


Name     aol~
Text     America On-Line sucks. Didn't you know that?


Name     aphrodites~
Text     Cousin to the nymphs. These beings are known

throughout myth's as beings of the greatest

imaginable beauty. Sized as though a human,

one can never confuse them. Even the ugliest

aphrodite is beyond the beauty a human could

ever achieve.


Roleplay note.

Aphrodites though not having power to enforce

thier appearence into the desires of another

are by far the most attractive beings in all realms.

In other words, unless your blind, you notice them.


You can meet them with adoration or jealousy.

(These beings have a very high sex drive.)


Name     apprentice~
Text     You will need to find skills from apprentices scattered throughout

the mud. When you find one, look at them to see what they teach.

Note that the description is rarely the exact name of the skill.


Name     aquatic~
Text     Aquatic creatures are native to water, and as such, can breathe and

swim easily underwater. This includes various merfolk, fishmen, as

well as dolphins, sharks, and normal fish.


NOTE: At present, most aquatic races are not selectable by players.

The player selectable races can all go on dry land as well as water.


Name     archangel~
Text     Mighty, glowing radiant angels.


Name     ariels~
Text     Ariels are descendants of elves born with wings, giving them a

beautiful, angelic appearance.  They tend to be very gentle,

charismatic, and wise.  Not as strong as true elves, ariels get along

well with pixies, sprites, and other creatures of faerie-kind.  They

find dealing with the darker races such as goblins and kobolds

demeaning, and shun them whenever possible.


Name     armor~
Text     Syntax: wear <item>

Syntax: remove <item>

Armor is worn on one or more locations on your body,

and will protect that bodypart, as well as giving you

any affects it has.


Name     artifacts~
Text     Artifacts are unique items.

They are indestructable.

They cannot be enchanted, reshaped, or bound.

They are much stronger than normal items.

You can only have one at a time.

Example of an artifact: Elven luminite spear of power named Havet.


Name     attributes~
Text     This command will give a verbal representation of your current

attributes (STR, INT, WIL, etc), as well as of the exp currently

in your experience pool. If you are bored, there is little or no

experience left, and you will need to earn more before you can

raise skills


Name     auramask~
Text     Syntax: config +auramask

This will mask one's aura from being read.


Name     autodrink~
Text     Syntax: config +autodrink


If you are a vampire and have this set, you will automatically

drain the blood of the victims that you kill upon their death,

healing you somewhat.


See also: CONFIG


Name     autoloot~
Text     Syntax: config +autoloot

If you have autoloot on, you will automatically loot the corpses

of the mobiles that you kill.


See also: CONFIG


Name     autosex~
Text     This will attempt to maintain your gender after rebirth.




Name     avians~
Text     Avians are winged creatures such as birds, harpies, and ariels.


Name     axes~
Text     Axes came into the scene of weapons after having been a tool

for survival. Instead of putting the blade parallel with its 

handle, the blade is positioned perpendicular. The blade is

also weighted to make the impact power near devasting.

Where as a swords blade is made to be balanced and agile, the 

axes focus more on hitting harder with a sharp blade.

The means of damaging your opponent is hacking away at them. 

In this sense there is much less finesse in your attack. 

Many variationshave been made on axes, including lengthening 

the pole, adding a second blade, adding massive weight, making 

them light enough to throw, etc..


An axe can be used with the SLASH and CHOP commands.


Name     aymiaysia~
Text     Settled beneath the Icewall on the Plane of Sasherey, this open,

frigid city is home to some hardy humans and a settlement of snow

elves. However, the frozen land does not support a booming population,

but Aymiaysia possesses a beauty entirely its own nonetheless.


Name     actions~
Text     .                    COMMANDS FOR VARIOUS ACTIONS


   *LOOK (l) - can used by itself to look at the room you stand in

             - you can look at objects: LOOK <object>

             - you can look at mobs and players: LOOK <mob or player name>

             - you can look into the next room if affected by the 'scry' spell


   *SLEEP (sl) - sleeping will replenish your hitpoints, mana, and movement


   *REST (r) - will replenish your hp, mana, and mv, but slower than sleep

             - you can still communicate when resting but not while sleeping


   *WAKE (wa)/ STAND (st) - will return you to the standing position

   *SIT - your character will sit down


   *OPEN/CLOSE <direction or object> - will open/close a door or container


   *LOCK/UNLOCK <direction or object> - will lock/unlock a door or container


   *PICK <direction or container> - will pick lock on door or container


   *INVENTORY (in) - will show you all the objects you are carrying


   *EQUIPMENT (eq) - will show you all the equipment you are wearing


Name     allow~
Text     Syntax: allow <player> <clan> <permission>


Allow will allow you to add or remove priveledges or restrictions to

a player within a clan.




Name     all_caps~
Text     In help files, words in ALL CAPS usually denote that there is

another help file you can access by that name.


When used on channels, ALL CAPS means that you are shouting, and

is generally considered a rude thing to do.


Name     attack~
Text     Syntax: <attack> <victim> [bodypart]


The possible types of attacks you can perform are based on your

bodyparts and what weapon you are wielding. To attack with a

generic item, use 'hit'. Otherwise, you can use these commands:

slash, stab, pound, whip, lunge, chop

punch, kick, headbutt, bite, claw, tail, elbow, knee, slap

See also: COMBAT


Name     adopt~
Text     Syntax: adopt <person>

This adopts another player into your family.


Name     apply~
Text     Syntax: apply <salve> [person]


APPLY will use a salve. It can optionally be used on others.


Name     adventure~
Text     .

   In our efforts to give credit to everyone who deserves it, we almost

   forgot to give credit to one of the "grandfathers" of computer adventure

   games... David Platt, the author of the original "Adventure" (c)1979.

   Also credit to Ken Wellsch for porting the original Fortran-77 version

   to UNIX-C (over a period of about 3 years) (c)1984.


Name     arena_syntax~
Text     Arena syntax:

arena add <arena> [name] - Hires a gladiator with specified name/arena.

If name is left blank it will generate a random name.

arena show <arena> - Shows details in arena.

arena list - Lists all arenas.

arena score <arena> - Lists scores for the arena

arena move <arena> <gladiator> <new arena> - Moves a gladiator to new arena.

arena find <gladiator> - Find what arena a gladiator is in.

arena rename <arena> <gladiator> <new name> - Renames a gladiator.

arena wait <arena> <gladiator> - Toggles gladiator waiting room

arena toggle <arena> <gladiator> - Enter/leave wait when arena is over

arena auto <arena> <gladiator> - Toggles between auto skill gains or manual

arena skill <arena> <gladiator> <stat> - Uses a skill point to raise a stat.

arena transfer <arena> <gladiator> <player> - Transfer ownership of a gladiator

arena odds <arena> - Shows odds of each gladiator in an arena

arena bet <arena> <gladiator> <amount> - See HELP BETTING

arena collect <arena> - Collect winnings from arena.

arena team <arena> <gladiator> <number> - Sets team number of gladiator

arena delete <arena> <gladiator> - Fires a gladiator. WARNING, you will

not get your money back, and the gladiator is gone forever!

These commands are available only to those with misc permission:

arena create <name> - Creates an arena with specified name.

arena set <arena> room - Sets the arena room to the current room.

arena set <arena> team - Toggles between FFA and Team Arena

arena set <arena> halt - Toggles tempory halting of arena

arena tick - Force an arena tick.

arena save - Manually save all arenas.


Name     adom~

Ancient Domains of Mystery

An excellent single-player roguelike game.


Name     afaik~
Text     As far as I know.


Name     black_dragon~
Text     The mighty black dragons, also known as shadow dragons or soul dragons,

are greatly feared among dragonkind. Their breath comes out as either

a cloud of noxious fumes, or tendrils of terrible darkness that threaten

to cling to one's soul and drain it of its life essense.




Name     blue_dragon~
Text     Flighty dragons of thunder and storms, the blue dragons are also known

as thunder drakes, storm dragons, or lightning dragons. Their breath

is a burst of lightning. They thrive upon thunderstorms and





Name     bronze_dragon~
Text     Mighty dragons of the wind and air, the bronze dragons make their

homes in the desert or the high mountains. Able to call upon the

power of the wind at will, they can bring upon the frigid north

wind, or the stinging sandstorms of the desert.




Name     backstab~
Text     When you hide before attacking, you will perform a sneak

attack for extra damage.


Name     bandage~
Text     Syntax: bandage <bodypart> <person>


In the course of battle, one tends to take damage.  You can heal the damage

done to your and other people's limbs by bandaging them up. 

NOTE: You can only bandage bodyparts that are bleeding.


See help BONESET


Name     bane~
Text     A bane on a weapon means that weapon will do more damage against that

type of creature. When an item is enchanted with magic, the first

creature slain with the weapon it will become the bane of. The bane

will become stronger each time it slays a creature of that type.


Name     bane_list~
Text     Bane value for Value0 on a weapon:

0 - none

1 - undead

2 - demon

3 - elf

4 - orc

5 - dragon

6 - human

7 - dwarf

8 - faerie

9 - giant

10 -bovine

11 -troll

12 -halfling

13 -animal

14 -feline

15 -equine

16 -construct

17 -angel


Name     banshee~
Text     Wailing undead spirits.


Name     bard~
Text     The bard is a master of the magic of speech and song.

They are inborn with the speech talent, and get auxiliary talents.


Name     bat~
Text     Nocturnal flying mammals.


Name     bear~
Text     A four legged carnivore that tends to make it's home within the forest.

This race is known to disappear for months at a time, with no trace of



Name     beolar~
Text     If demons had nightmares, it would surely be of this creature, a

demon of sorts itself, it has unlimited strength and ferocity. Like

the shards of a poorly put together mirror, such is the beolar's

appearnce, twisted and misleading to the eye. These are beings dreaded

by the inhabitants of the hells themself, their voilent evil nature

even enough to make the demons cower at ones approach.




Name     bestow~
Text     Syntax: bestow <player> <clan> <title>


Bestow allows you to set somebody's title within a clan. This title can

be anything and may include colorcodes, but should be related to the RP

of the clan.




Name     bft~
Text     'Bout Fucking Time.


Name     bind~
Text     Syntax: bind <item> <person>

Bind makes the item loyal to the person it is binded to.

Making the item loyal returns it to the inventory of its owner when it

is disarmed.

Loyal items return to your inventory when you are killed.

Bind is given by the catalysm talent.

Bind requires that &R500 &Wmana be funneled into the item.


Name     bite~
Text     An attack with teeth or fangs. On a bite, a vampire will drink the

blood of the victim automatically. Having fangs causes bite to do

extra damage.


Name     blindness~
Text     Certain spells and attacks can render a player blind for anywhere from a

few round (desert breath) to several hundred rounds (the blind spell). If you

are blinded, you will see only your name on the 'who' list, and will be

unable to see either your inventory or your location.


You may either wait out the effect of the blindness, request assistance

over channels, or make your way yo a cleric such as the one in Torn Elkandu.

who will immediately remove your blindness.


Name     blur~
Text     This skill is given with the Time talent.

Starting at level 10, the blurring of your image increases. Making you

gain an extra random dodge.  After level 10, the chances of it happening



Name     boar~
Text     A squeeling, four legged, hairy animal with two small tusks.


Name     bleeding~
Text     If you are bleeding, you should use BANDAGE.

Using HEAL will also slow bleeding.


Name     broken~
Text     If you have a broken bone, you should use BONESET.


Name     body~
Text     Syntax: body or body <mob>


This command gives you a list of all your body parts and thier current



Body can also be used on mobs to see what bodyparts that particular mob

has. It is very useful in sizing up your opponent and finding weak spots.


Name     boneset~
Text     Syntax: boneset <bodypart> [person]


Through intense combat it is inevitable to recieve blows that can cause

broken bones. The mage must in order in rectify this situation set the

bone back into place to utilize and repair thier broken appendages.


Name     bored~
Text     It means you're out of exp. Go get more exp.


Name     botting~
Text     Bots, the running of a character using triggers while there is no one

attending it, is not illegal in itself. However, bots are held to the

same rules as playing characters. The character is accountable for

any act the bot commits.

If you run a digging bot, please be courteous and get rid of materials

you dont want every once in a while so as not to clog up the mud

If you are using an auto reconnect script,

PLEASE make sure it fully logs you in and doens't leave your char

sitting at the login screen.


Name     bovine~
Text     Bovines are cattle (cows and bulls), and their relatives, such as



See also: MINOTAUR


Name     bows~
Text     There are two pieces of equipment to utilise a bow as a weapon.

One being the bow itself, and arrows as ammunition for it.

By bending wood into a half circle arc and linking the ends

with a lenth of string/sinew etc... you comprise a bow.

The aim in creating a great bow is focusing on accuracy

and the tension of the bowstring. By adding tension to the 

bowstring you slightly reduce accuracy but you increase

its strength. The second part, the arrows. Have many variations

in their shape and design, But three main parts to them seem

to be the norm. A weighted and sharpened head used to guide

and pierce what you aim upon. The shaft which places length

between the head and the tail, and finally a tail that is 

designed to add drag to insure accuracy and that the tail

stays perfectly aligned behind the head to maximize the chance

of piercing.


See also: MISSILES


Name     brand_list~
Text     0 - no brand

1 - poison

2 - flaming

3 - vorpal

4 - frost

5 - electricity

6 - acid

7 - storm

8 - radiant

9 - crush

10 - vampiric

11 - psionic

12 - anti-matter

13 - sonic

14 - distortion


Name     breathing~
Text     Lets you breathe anywhere without drowning or suffocating.


Name     brownie~
Text     Brownies are a race of humanoid fae that dwell in forests, smaller than sprites

averaging a height of 5 inches, and lacking wings. They play tricks on other

people for fun, most people can't see them, as they blend into their



Name     brt~
Text     Be Right There


Name     btw~
Text     By The Way


Name     bugs~
Text     If you have a bug, idea, or typo to report, please do so on the

web boards. HELP BOARD for the current address.

Thank you.


Name     build~
Text     You have a set of vnums. Say you have been assigned 1000-1099.

To make a room:


 &C1. &Wgoto 1000

&C 2. &Wredit name a forest

 &C3. &Wredit sector 3

    &Wredit vegetation 80

 &C4. &Wgoto 1001

&C 5. &Wredit name a river

 &C6. &Wredit sector 7

    &Wredit water 50

 &C7. &Wredit bexit s 1000


Also put roomflags where appropriate. Most common are NOFLOOR and INDOORS.




Name     bull~
Text     A huge brown cow with horns and big balls.


Name     buy~
Text     Syntax: buy   <object>

Syntax: buy   <# of object> <object>


BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.

BUY <# of object> <object> will allow you to buy up to twenty of a normal

store item at once.




Name     battle~
Text     See HELP COMBAT


Name     biography~
Text     Syntax: bio

The BIO command puts you into an editor to edit your personal bio: what

people see when they check WHOIS on you. Your bio may contain information

that characters wouldn't normally know immediately in RP. Information in the

bio is to the players, not generally available to the characters unless the

character learns about it through RP.


Name     bury~
Text     Syntax:  bury <item>

To bury an item (or corpse), drop the item on the ground and bury <item>.

Depending on the size and weight of the object, you might need a shovel.


Name     bank~
Text     Syntax: deposit <amount>

Puts gold into your bank account.


Syntax: withdraw <amount>

Removes gold from your bank account.

Syntax: gold

Displays the current total amount of gold you are carrying.

Also shows the amount of gold in your bank account.

You must be in the room with an ATM machine to use all of these commands

except gold, which may be used anywhere.


If you own a shop, you may also use withdraw in that shop to

take out any money it has from selling items.




Name     bodyparts~
Text     Misc body parts:

HEAD     ARMS    LEGS      NECK       STOMACH     CHEST       HANDS   FEET




Used for attacking:



Name     beep~
Text     Syntax: beep <player>

This will beep someone on the MUD and leave a blinking message.


Name     boards~
Text     Message boards:


Name     books~
Text     To read the book, type look <title>,

to see a list of titles the book contains, look at the book.

Books can offer a variety of information about uses for magic, 

recipes, information on areas and races, hints on quests, and

just background and flavor for the universe.


See also: WRITING


Name     buy_shop~
Text     Syntax: buy shop (but then you had figured that out already :P)


This buys a shop for 1 mithril. You can get your profits from it

by typing withdraw in the shop.


Name     bounty~
Text     Syntax: bounty <person> <amount>

This puts a price on someone's head.


Name     button~
Text     Buttons in elevators or other places may be used to operate the

mechanism. Simply type PUSH BUTTON.


Name     betting~


Name     cave_orc~
Text     Orcs that dwell in the deep caverns underground. They are hardier

but less intelligent than their surface dwelling cousins, the hill orcs.


Name     clan_syntax~
Text     .Syntax:

clan list                   - lists all clans

clan create <abbr>          - creates a new clan with the specified abbr

clan disband <abbr>         - disbands a clan you lead

clan name <clan> <name>     - sets the name of a clan

clan abbr <clan> <abbr>     - sets the shortcut to access a clan

clan show <abbr>            - shows info about a clan

clan intsec <abbr> <value>  - sets clan internal secrecy

clan extsec <abbr> <value>  - sets clan external secrecy

clan deposit <abbr> <amt>   - deposits mithril into the clan bank

clan withdraw <abbr> <amt>  - withdraws from the clan bank


Name     climb~
Text     Syntax:  climb  <direction>


This skill enables you to climb into and out of rooms that require it.


Name     common_sense~
Text     If you don't have this, you are a rock.


See also: Help ROCK


Name     containers~
Text     Containers are almost a necessity in the game.  They are used to carry

items, food, and drinks.  They help you to sort things, by using two or more

types of containers at once.  Corpses use many of the same commands as regular


EXAM <container> or LOOK IN <container> allows you to see what it contains.

GET <item> <container> allows you to take one item from a container.

GET ALL <container> allows you to take everything from a container at once.

GET ALL.<item> <container> allows you to take all of a particular item type

PUT <item> <container> puts an item inside a container.

PUT ALL <container> will put as much of your inventory in the container as

possible, until the container is full.

PUT ALL.<item> <container> will put as much of one type of item into the

container as possible, until the container is full.


Name     cafo~
Text     Cast And Find Out.


Name     calendar~
Text     The days of the week are:

Vannes, Kelivan, Vesevan, Tativan, Retivan, Daltavan, Vestivan


The months are:

1.  Brykena

2.  Relithoves

3.  Vestejan

4.  Tatarmyr

5.  Sesiddet

6.  Heygavan

7.  Veseveret

8.  Vankampa

9.  Dalteyves

10. Nastarmath

11. Retsoves

12. Kinrelth


Name     catalyst~
Text     A mage specializing in item enchantment and funneling.

Throughout the planes, you may find catalysts to hire

that will funnel your items for profit.

See also: CATALYSM~

Name     centaurs~
Text     Half-man and half-horse, these creatures of the plains and forests are

an ancient and wise race is strong and hardy yet deep and thoughtful.

They are well suited to magic, and their faith makes them strong as

clerics as well.  However, centaur arches are legendary, as well as the

great centaur warriors of the hills.  They tend not to get along well

with the baser races as minotaurs and goblins.


Name     channeling~
Text     This skill allows you to channel mana more efficiently,

causing magic to cost less mana to use.


Name     cheating~
Text     .

&GCheating is a very serious offense and subjects _all_ characters involved

to a slay, purge (loss of all equipment), freeze, balzhur (destruction of

all equipment and public demotion to level 2), deny or even a site ban.


What is considered cheating?

 - exploiting (intentionally using) a bug to gain equipment or gold

 - intentionally causing the system to crash

 - intentionally duplicating equipment or gold

 - knowingly accepting illegal equipment (see above) from others

 - attempting to duplicate equipment or gold -- * even if not successful *

 - using or making profit from equipment that was accidentally duplicated

 - using gold that was accidentally duplicated

 - doing something an imm told you specifically not to do


Cheating hurts the game, and every player in the game.  Protect yourself

and report any bugs you find, and inform the Immortals if you have strong

cause to believe someone is engaged in any of the above. 


If you find you have accidentally duplicated an item, turn the item over


Name     cheetah~
Text     Fastest of the cats, these lithe strong

cats hunt and live within the hot deserts.

Capable of moving at intense and agile speeds

for a short time, these beasts are impressive




Name     cherub~
Text     Cute little baby angels.


Name     chicken~
Text     cluck-cluck. peck-peck.

See help rock.


Name     chop~
Text     Syntax: chop [victim] [part]


An attack that can only be used with axes, it is similar to lunge

in that it is a strong swing for a lot of damage, but takes a lot of

effort to perform.


Name     chronomancer~
Text     A time mage.


Name     clans~
Text     The clan command allows you to view clans, their details, and edit

things about the clans. Type 'clan list' to view a list of clans.

Type clan <abbr> to view the details of a specific clan. Type clan

by itself to see the syntax for other various commands.

Note: Please do not make 1 member clans. At the end of each week,

all clans with just 1 member will be deleted. Thank you.




Name     classes~
Text     There are no classes here, this is a skill-based MUD.


Name     claws~
Text     Syntax: claw [victim] [bodypart]


This command will attack with a character's natural claws if they

have them, or with a claw-type weapon if they are wielding such.


Name     clear~
Text     Syntax: clear

This command clears the screen.



Name     climate~
Text     Syntax climate <field> <name>


This command allows you to view or modify the climate

settings for an area. There are settings for temperature,

precipitation, and wind. In addition, you may specify

neighboring areas who will affect changes in the current

areas weather. Therefore there are four fields to choose

from. Each field has a different range of values available.


Field name:           Values:

temp                  cold, cool, normal, warm, hot

precip                arid, dry, normal, damp, wet

wind                  still, calm, normal, breezy, windy

mana                  dead, stagnant, stable, charged, energized

neighbor              <area name>


Specifying an area name with neighbor which is already on

the list will remove it. Using climate without any arguments

will display the area's current setting. Note that this

command always refers to the area which you are currently in.


Name     clover~
Text     Syntax: clover <person>


This skill is unique to leprechauns.  It allows you to produce a four-leaf

clover, increasing the luck of a person and blessing them with the ability

to hit more frequently


Name     coins~
Text     &C1 mithril = &Y100 gold

&Y1 gold = &W100 silver

&W1 silver = &O100 copper


Name     coldblood~
Text     Coldblooded creatures are sensitive to extreme temperatures.


Name     colors~
Text     The foreground special character is:  &&

Tokens for && are:

  &&x  - Black&w                     &&r  - &rRed (blood)&w

  &&g  - &gGreen&w                     &&O  - &OOrange (brown)&w

  &&b  - &bDark Blue&w                 &&p  - &pPurple&w

  &&c  - &cCyan&w                      &&w  - &wGray (default color)

  &&z  - &zDark Grey&w                 &&R  - &RLight Red&w

  &&G  - &GLight Green&w               &&Y  - &YYellow&w

  &&B  - &BBlue&w                      &&P  - &PPink&w

  &&C  - &CLight Blue&w                &&W  - &WWhite


The background special character is:  ^^

Tokens for ^^ are:

  ^^x(z)  - Black                  ^^r(R)  - Red

  ^^g(G)  - Green                  ^^O(Y)  - Orange

  ^^b(B)  - Blue                   ^^p(P)  - Purple

  ^^c(C)  - Cyan                   ^^w(W)  - Grey

The tokens in brackets are the same colors, but cause the foreground color

to flash.


Note: If setting both foreground and background colors. The foreground must

      precede the background color. Also, the last color setting in your

      prompt will wash over into the text you type. So, if you want a set

      of colors for your typed text, include that at the end of your prompt



Example (assuming current h.p.'s of 43 and mana of 23): 


Prompt &&Y^^b<%h/&&x^^r%m>&&w^^x =   <43/23> 

                               {A }{B}{C              }

A) Yellow with blue background.

B) Black with red background.

C) Light Grey with black background.




Name     combat~
Text     You will benefit from being ready when you fight. Type

ready to get ready to fight. Type relax when you want to rest

up and regenerate, as you do not regenerate while ready.


Combat factors in a lot of different things. To successfully hit, things

like hitroll, dexterity, the weapon you use and the mobs bodypart all

tie into a combat situation.



Name     combine~
Text     Syntax: combine <first material> <second material>


This allows you to mix metals and materials, adding weight and larger

sums of one specific type of ore. As you add different types of ore

together they take on the property of the last ore you combined.

You must have practiced the combine skill to use this.




Name     commands~
Text     Syntax: commands

Syntax: socials


COMMANDS shows all the non-social commands available to you.


Name     compare~
Text     Syntax: compare <item> <item>


This command will examine the approximate cost of two items, telling

you their value in relation to one another. Please note that this

does not take into account the usefulness of an item's stats to you,

just its cost, so keep that in mind.


Name     confetti~
Text     Colorful paper people throw around in parties or something. Also Shod.


Name     configure~
Text     Syntax:  config + or - <option>


This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG

alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and

an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.  The options are:


  AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits.

  AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses. (not on pkilled corpses)

  AUTOGOLD  You automatically split gold from kills with your group.

  GAG       Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form.

  PAGER     Toggle page pausing on long scrolls.

  BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt.

  BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.

  COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format.

  NOINTRO   Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login.

  PROMPT    You have a prompt.

  TELNETGA  You receive a telnet GA sequence.

  ANSI      You receive ANSI color sequences.

  RIP       You don't receive RIP graphics.

  NOBEEP    Toggles if you can receive beeps from other players.

  NOHUNGER  You do not receive messages when hunger or thirsty.

  ANONYMOUS Your rank will be hidden.

  DEFENSE   You will not attack physically in combat, and dodge more.

  AUTODRINK If you are a vampire, you will automatically drink blood.

&w  OOC       If you are currently not in character for whatever reason



Name     conjurer~
Text     A catalyst specializing in conjuring items.


Name     connect~
Text     Syntax: connect <person>

Syntax: connect <person> <message>


Connecting to a person will open up a telepathic link between you.

You may also send a message directly without opening the link fully.



Name     consent~
Text     Syntax: consent <player>

This command lets you consent to the other player,

allowing them to do various things that require your consent

&RWARNING: &Wif you consent to a player, you must trust them completely,

because they may be able to screw you over with it if you consent to

the wrong person


Name     consider~
Text     Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.

Of course, it's only a rough estimate.


Considering a player may be construed as a threat.


Name     constitution~
Text     Constitution (CON in your 'score') represents your character's physical

stamina.  Among other things, it affects:


 - the number of hitpoints a character has


 - improvement or worsening of a character's mental state, thus

   affecting general endurance

 - the number of hitpoints recovered or regenerated at each tick


Name     construct~
Text     Constructs are magically or technologically put together beings,

animated usually by magic, or implanted with a computer brain and

artificial intelligence, sometimes also animated by the transplated

soul of a living being or a demon. Constructs, not being living beings,

do not need to eat or drink, and will not bleed, nor will they be

affected by healing abilities. They must repair themselves to recover

damage taken. The amount repaired is based on the Smithing skill of

the one doing the repairs.




Name     copyover~
Text     Syntax: copyover


These commands copy the new MUD code and other such changes into the

MUD without the need to shutdown or reboot.  They will keep everyone

online with a brief delay and a message.  Immortals with log will

see some spam.




Name     copyright~
Text     .

SMAUG (c)1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 D.S.D. Software.

Rogue Winds / CalareyMUD (c) 2000-2002 Heather Dunn


Name     corpse~
Text     Corpses last approximately 30 minutes after the time of death.

Corpse decay will happen even while you are linkdead or after you quit.

When a corpse decays, it will leave the items on the ground.

Some races, such as ethereals, do not leave a corpse when they die.

Their items will drop directly onto the ground.


Name     corrupt~
Text     Corrupt is also known as a transmutation, if you have cure corruption, it

will remove a transmutation.


Name     counterspell~
Text     Syntax:  automatic


One powerful enough in the Catalysm talent has the ability to issue a

counterspell when offensive spells are cast on them.


Name     cow~
Text     Just like BULL, but without balls.


Name     crafter~
Text     Crafters are catalysts who specialize in the creation of items. They 

are primarily catalysts, but also have auxiliary talents that assist

with item creation and enchantment.


Name     crash~
Text     Crashes are unforeseen interruptions in the game that cause everyone

to be disconnected. If you type time and look at the system start up

time, you can determine if the game has just rebooted or if it was a

problem with only your character. 

   99.9% of the time corpses will save over a crash. The game will 

start back up with your character at the last place you saved or the

game saved you. 




Name     credits~
Text     .


:           M A N Y    S P E C I A L    T H A N K S    T O :              :  :

:           ================================================              :`-'

:                                                                         :

: The DIKU Mud team for their contributions to the Internet world of MUDS,:

: and the MERC Mud team for their work and development towards DikuMud.   :

: MERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn, DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Tom   :

: Madsen, Katja Nyboe, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.              :

:                                                                         :

: SMAUG by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn, Scryn, :

: Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.   :

:                                                                         :

: Thanks to all these people for whatever they did on ResortMUD 3.0       :

: Scion, Shogar, Tagith, Josh, Stoker, Justice, Magus, Yakkov, Cyrodian,  :

: Snowbird, Garinan, Keolah, Prophecy, Callinon, Arlen, Starlick, Froboz, :

: Callidyrr, Louie && Jobo.  RM 3.0 is a project of UCMM && UMRG Networks.  :

:                                                                         :

: Rogue Winds was developed by Scion and Keolah.                              :

: Thanks to all the wonderful players of Rogue Winds for their dedication.:

:                                                                         :.-.

:                                                                         :  :



Name     crow~
Text     Large black birds, usually scavangers. They are of average intellect,

but not quite as smart as the raven, yet more hardy.


Name     cryomancer~
Text     Frost mage.




Name     cure~
Text     Cure Blind -   Level 25 Healing/Seeking, Cures Blindness.

Cure Corrupt - Level 35 Healing, Removes Transmutations.

Cure Curse -   Level 35 Security, Removes Curse from player.

Cure Poison -  Level 15 Healing, Antidotes Poison from player.

Cure Weak -    Level 10 Healing, Removes Weakness Status.

Cure Drunk -   Level 20 Healing/Mind, Removes Drunkeness from player.

Cure Rot -  Level 60 Healing, Removes Rotting Status

Cure Plague - Level 90 Healing, Cures Plague and Disease.


Name     cyclops~
Text     The black sheep of the giant nation, the cyclops has been shunned by

societies forever. The fables behind the mighty cyclops grow everyday

as many have never actually seen a cyclops and if they did, they told of

mammoth giants that have a single eye placed in the middle of thier



Name     channels~
Text     chan list                          - lists all channels

chan create <chan>                 - creates a new channel

chan delete <chan>                 - delets a channel you own.

chan show <chan>                   - shows information and who is on a chan

chan join|leave <chan>             - joins or leaves a channel

chan invite|kick <chan> <player>   - adds or removes a player from a chan

chan save                          - saves all channels

chan rejoin                        - rejoins all channels you were on before

chan quiet                         - leaves all channels

chan tag <chan> <string>           - sets chan tag shown before chatter

chan div <chan> <string>           - sets chan divider between chatter and text

chan flags <chan> <flags>          - alters a channels flags

chan info <chan> <string>          - sets info shown on clan show

chan access|ban <chan> <player> - prevents or allows a player to join a chan

chan transfer <chan> <player> - transfers ownership

chan clan|permit <chan> <restrict> - places restrictions on channel


Name     communication~
Text     .                       COMMUNICATION COMMANDS


  *OOC <message> - global out of character message


  *TELL <player> <message> - only that player will see your message


  *EMOTE <message> - this prints <Your name> <message> on the screen


  *REPLY <message> - sends a messages to the last person who sent you a tell


  *SAY <message> - the message is only heard by the people in the room

  *OSAY <message> - out of character say to people in the room


  *SHOUT <message> - message is only heard by people who are awake


  *YELL <message> - message is only heard by people in the area


  *PRIVATE <message> - player-created private channels


  *CHAN +/-<channel> - you can turn a channel on and off


Name     character~
Text     .               COMMANDS FOR YOUR CHARACTER


  *AFK - this adds an 'Away From Keyboard' flag to your name


  *CONFIG - lists all the config options available to you


  *DESCRIPTION - you can write a description for your character

  *BIO - a brief background for your character


  *PASSWORD <old> <new> - changes your password


  *TITLE <sentence> - changes the sentence behind your name


  *SAVE - saves your progress (good idea to do it often)


  *PRACTICE <skill, spell, weapons> - trains you to use a skill, spell, etc...

  *NOTE* Typing PRACTICE will show you all your spells, skills, etc...

         HELP <spell, skill, etc> - will define the spell, skill, etc...

  *TRADEIN <amount> <talent> - trades talent points into a talent

   or stat. Newbies are advised to use KITS unless they know what they

   are doing or are feeling adventurous.

  *KIT <name> - sets you up with a newbie kit setting your talents

   for you. Typing KIT by itself will list the available kits.

  *QUIT - quits the game


  * ! - will repeat the last command


Name     close~
Text     Syntax: close  <object|direction>

CLOSE closes an object or a door.


Name     canines~
Text     Various types of canines roam the realms, the primary of which are

wolves and their smaller cousins, the wolflords. The wolflords were

created due to a mutation, and are smaller than normal wolves, but

much more intelligent, and have various telepathic and magical



Name     change_talent~
Text     The mighty and rare Changers are those capable of changing their own form,

and often that of others. While their Talent is not completely offensive,

they are capable of doing considerable damage to others with their changing

magic. When they attain polymorph magic, the very shape of their race may be 

changed at their whim.


Name     catalysm_talent~
Text     Catalysm is item magic, and often deals with spells regarding enchantment or 

manipulation of items, and channeling of pure mana. They have an assortment of 

offensive spells involving mana and energy. 


Name     calareymud~
Text     This mud is based off the CalareyMUD codebase, created by

Scion and Keolah, which is in turn based off ResortMUD,

Smaug, Merc, Circle, and Diku.

You can find the CalareyMUD codebase available for download at:

Name     cheese~
Text     Cheese is good. Cheese is great. Worship the cheese.


Name     chaos_cheese~
Text     Chaos cheese is formed by the excretions of the soul of a dying

wizard. Death mages can also form it at will.


Name     change_ability~
Text     Syntax: change <person> <race>

Change is a skill given to those who pick the Change talent.

It allows you to change your race into a soemthing more suitable for a

coming for or for RP reasons.

At level 80 of the Change talent, You can change others races as well.

Change is permanant, although it does not stop or limmit future changes.

At level 30 you can change into any of the same species as your current

race, whether in your normal form or morphed form. Hence a human werewolf

could now become any nation of human, and any type of canine.


With Change Species, a Changer can become anything at all they wish

regardless of its species.


A level 30 Changer can also change a person's height and weight, with

the arguments, taller, shorter, heavier, and lighter. They may use this

on another at will. The amount of difference allowed from the person's natural

height and weight is based on the Changer's effectivity in Change.


See CHANGE TALENT for information on the talent.


Name     crossbow~
Text     Crossbows are a type of missile weapon that fires metal bolts at a



Name     dancing_lights~
Text     Syntax: cast 'dancing lights'

This area affect spell hits everyone in the room with faerie fire.

See help: 'faerie fire'


Name     detect_traps~
Text     This shows you traps. As there aren't many traps in this

mud, its pretty useless.


Name     dream_talent~
Text     Dreamers are those that can enter the World of Dreams, and have many powers

only usable from within there, including the ability to pull sleeping people

into the dreamworld with them. Also, they are masters of sleep, and can

manipulate a person's mentalstate in order to put them to sleep. 



Name     droidarena~

The reason very little work has gotten done around here lately.


Name     daggers~
Text     These are very similar to swords. The differance lies mainly

in the size. While swords can be wielded with one or two hands

a dagger never reguires more than one hand to wield. A dagger

is meant to be easily concealed, and stealthy in their attack.

The main goal with a dagger is to get in close as possible

and deal one lethal blow. Because daggers are so light the

means of landing a lethal blow is by piercing your opponant

in a vital spot. 


A dagger can be used with the STAB or SLASH commands.


Name     dalizar~
Text     Dalizar, the Caverns of Song, are the fabled home of the Windriders,

high atop the sea-cliffs in northwestern Kalor. The Windriders

reside in these caverns with their flokai, from which they patrol

the skies over all of Kalor. They also mine these caverns for the

valuable gems within them, claiming that some gems have magical

properties that they can harness.


Name     death~
Text     Characters under 10 hours playing time will not die, but simply be

transported to the Nexus upon death, with their experience and

equipment intact.

When your character dies, you will become a ghost for a period of

time during which you may still be resurrected. You may manually

be reborn by typing REBIRTH. A powerful Death mage may resist the

pull of the Void, or possess another corpse.




Name     development~
Text     .                              @%#$%&&*!@#!?!?!

  .-------------=======[ Debugging / Coding Credits ]=======-------------.

  |                                                                      |

  |    Most of the extensive debugging and coding of Realms of Despair   |

  |    was done by Thoric in what little spare time he could set aside.  |

  |                                                                      |

  |     Other credits go out to Haus for debugging work on the online    |

  |   building, and also to Strahd, Caine and all the gods who reported  |

  |                       nasty bugs and crash causes.                   |

  |									 |

  |	 Nivek has been a crucial part of getting version 1.4 out as	 |

  |			      bug free possible.			 |

  |									 |



Name     deer~
Text     Doe a deer a female deer, Ray a drop of golden sun...

Me a name I call myself, Far a long long way to run...

Sew a needle pulling thread, La a note to follow Sew

Tea to drink with jam and bread, that will bring us back to doe doe doe



Duh, a forest dweller that freezes in it's tracks when you light a torch.


Name     demons~
Text     Spawned from Hell itself, these creatures of mass distruction roam the land. 

Although not very bright, they have become something very fierce to be reckoned

with.  Their sheer numbers could overtake the world.  Most fly to destroy their

foes, while the lesser, the ice devils, do not fly.  They are usually lone

hunters, and do not play well with others.  All are evil and will never rest

until their bloodthirst is quenched.


Name     disconnect~
Text     Syntax:  disconnect <character>


DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.


Name     deny~
Text     Syntax:  deny       <character>


DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.


DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and can only be undone offline

by someone with access to the player files directory.


Name     description~
Text     Syntax: description

The DESCRIPTION command puts you into an editor to edit your long character

description (what people see when they look at you). Your description should

be &YIC&W and contain nothing more than a person sees when they look at you.


Name     destroy~
Text     Syntax:  destroy <character>


This command immediately deletes the pfile of the victim, and will

simultaneously force the character offline if they are connected.


NOTE: Destroy is a disciplinary action. Absolutely NO REIMBURSMENTS

will be given for destroyed players.  Asking for a reimbursment for

a destroyed player may likely end up getting your current charachter

punished as well.


Name     detrap~
Text     Syntax: detrap <object>

This skill allows one to disarm a trapped object.

Use it with care.


Name     dexterity~
Text     Dexterity (DEX in your 'score') represents your character's agility, and

it affects (among other things):


 - the maximum number of items you can carry at once in your inventory;

   with each additional point of dex you can carry additional items.


 - the chance of hitting with a physical attack

 - the chance of dodging a physical attack


Dexterity is also very important for quaffing potions, and eating pills,

foods, and corpses, in combat.  High dex will allow you to quaff without

dropping many potions during the heat of battle, while a poor dexterity

will cause you to accidentally drop these items upon use.


Name     digging~
Text     Syntax:  dig

Syntax:  dig  <direction>


You can dig up items and ore through the use of the dig command.

Buried items are not visible to players, even through the use of spells such

assist $tank seek. To dig an item up, type dig with no arguments. Having a shov

raises your chance of success. If you dig in a direction, you will

attempt to dig open an exit.

See also: MINING, BURY


Name     diku~
Text     .         SMAUG was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was

              based on the orignal DIKUMud code created by:

                       The Original DIKUMud Team:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (

          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (

          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (

          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (

          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (

                     Additional contributions from:

 Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.

 Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,

                   uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,

                   in the process.

         And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

  The Original DIKUMud was Developed at the Department of Computer Science

                     at the University of Copenhagen.


Name     disarm~
Text     syntax: Disarm <target>

When successful, this skill disarms the target, sending their weapon to

the ground, where it must be picked up by the target to be re-equipped.

Note, that if you are fast enough you can use this opportunity to steal the

weapon from them for yourself. Further, using disarm does not initiate a

combat, so there's a lot of fun to be had with this.


Name     disclaimer~
Text     By continuing to play this MUD you are acknowledging that:

(1)  you are willing to abide by the decisions of the Immortals concerning

all issues involved in the game, and

(2)  conversation and situations may arise during the course of play that 

     may not be suitable for young children.

By these acknowledgments you hereby save and exempt this MUD and it's

Administrators from any and all liability that may arise during gameplay.


Name     dispel~
Text     Dispel is of the Catalysm or Void talent.

Level 10 - Dispel Self

Level 30 - Dispel Others

Dispel removes all magical affects,

and also causes damage to ethereals.


Name     displacement~
Text     This Skill is given with the Illusion talent.

Starting at level 10 the blurring of your image increases.  Making you 

gain an extra random dodge. After level 10 the chances of it happening



Name     djinn~
Text     A race of demons made famous by the fact that some members of their

race have been forced to serve wizards and grant wishes.


Name     dolphins~
Text     Not your ordinary run of the mill dolphin, these are the magical

flying dolphins of the Sunrise Islands. While their powers will not

allow them to soar like the birds, they will be able to hover over

dry land. They are quite adept at magic and psionics.


Name     doorbash~
Text     Syntax: doorbash <direction>

This skill can be used to effectively bash open doors. 

If you have hooves, you will kick down the door and take no damage.

Otherwise you will take some damage from using this skill.

NOTE: Not all doors are affected by this skill.


Name     dracolich~
Text     Undead dragons.


Name     draconian~
Text     With twisted, evil magic, draconians were created from the eggs of the

good dragons. They are of metallic colors, bronze, silver, copper, gold,

and such, and are humanoid in shape. They have wings which allow them

to glide, and tails, and reptillian shaped heads. Draconians tend to be

evil serving their dark lords, but exceptions may not be unheard of,

them being descended from good dragons after all, their heritage has

been known to surface much to the dismay of their masters.


Name     dragons~
Text     Dragons are large winged reptiles, generally about 30 feet long and

weighing 2000 pounds. Their scales are colored differently depending

upon the type of magic they specialize in.


Name     dragonbred~
Text     The result of human and dragon cross-breeding,

these creatures are humanoid in apparence only

so far as to the way thier body is built, having dragon

traits such as, wings, claws, fangs, tails, eyes, and of

course, the scales. These beings possess human

blood and organs however. Carnivors by nature,

cruel and calculating these beings feed off the other

races, stealing their young in the night for feasts.


The only friend of a Dragonbred is another Dragonbred.

IC, any player of the Dragonbred is to expect open

hostility from other players and a more difficult time getting

through the game.


Name     drake~
Text     Winged dragons, but without legs.

Smaller then normal winged dragons.


Name     drider~
Text     Driders have the upper body of a drow, and from the torso down they

have the legs and abdomen of a giant spider. They are warped and

twisted, unnatural beings, changed into their current form by

disobedience to their spider goddess. Few driders have long lives,

and they cannot reproduce, unless in some corner of the world

someone with strong magic has changed that...


Name     driving~
Text     This pertains to one person driving another off of Rogue Winds. This is not

good for those people who have a distemperment with another.  Driving one

away for OOC (Out of Character) reasons will not be tolerated.  The Immortals

will deal with this accordingly if/when the time arrises. 


&RRemember&W: Rogue Winds is &RNOT&W a pkill MUD.

          This is a RP MUD.

          Its Just A Frickin Game (tm)


Name     drop~
Text     Syntax:  drop <object>

         drop <amount>  coins


DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.


Use 'drop all' to reference all objects present.

Use 'drop all.<object>' to reference all objects of the same name.



 - drop 1000 coins



Name     drow_elves~
Text     Drow are the darker, more evil cousins of Elves.  They were once part of

the happy community of Elves which roam the forests today, but have long

since moved under the ground, building vast subterranean cities and

complex networks of caves.

Drow have black skin and white hair, and are moderately weaker and have

a more slight constitution than average humans.  Still, like all Elves,

they have a slightly higher dexterity than men.

Members of this race specialize in spell casting, and have thus developed

a very high intelligence.  Being creatures of darkness the Drow tend to

fight more proficiently in the darkness, and have innate infravision with

which to discern objects and living things in the absence of light.


Name     drowfire~
Text     Syntax: drowfire <victim>


This skill is unique to drow.  With it, the drow may call a misty pink

fire upon its victim, much like faerie fire, which makes the victim

easier to hit as well as preventing him from recalling while affected

by drowfire.


Name     druid~
Text     In touch with nature, Druids are inborn with the Earth talent.


Name     drunk~
Text     Go to Alcoholics Anonymous in Jaston.


Name     ducks~
Text     Duck Ducks

&CA common water bird with webbed feet, short legs, and a broad flat bill.


Name     duergar~
Text     Grey dwarves, an evil race of dwarves from the Underdark.


Name     dust~
Text     Syntax: dust <person>


This skill is unique to pixies.  It allows them to sprinkle pixie dust upon

a person, causing them to be able to fly for a time.


Name     dwarves~
Text     Dwarves are relatively short (in Human terms), stocky and powerfully-built

creatures.  Long-lived and extremely sturdy, they are known equally as well

for their hardiness as for their cantankerous personalities.  Their thick,

stout frames lend them poor dexterity, but high strength and stamina.  This

race has produced some of the most reknowned fighters.  Dwarves possess the

inherent ability to see in the dark with infravision.


Dwarves average from four foot five inches and five feet tall, with dusky

complexions and thick, fur-covered torsos and limbs.  Both men and women

proudly wear and take pride in their beards.


Name     dwerryl~
Text     These beings are the unlikely combination

of red dwarves and succubus/incubus. Slightly

taller then the dwarves, but not as tall as

the succubus/incubus, these beings are both

slim and lithe as well as strong and dense

possesing some of the traits of both parents.

These beings possess the power of the succubi

and incubi, but to a lesser extent, appearing

eerily beautiful.


Name     dye~
Text     Syntax: dye <item> <color>


This skill is used to dye clothing a different color. There are

primary colors and secondary colors. Mixing colors makes new ones.


Name     drink~
Text     Syntax:  drink <object>


Drink instructs your character to drink from a fountain or a drink container

to alleviate thirst, or to utilize a magical potion.




Name     divorce~
Text     Syntax: divorce <person>

This will let you divorce your spouse.


Name     disown~
Text     Syntax: disown <person>

This will remove someone from your family.


Name     deposit~
Text     Syntax: deposit <amount>

Puts gold into your bank account.




Name     dreamwalker~
Text     Masters of the talent of Dream.



Name     death_talent~
Text     Necromancers specialize in death and the undead, as well as poisons and

disease. A powerful necromancer is capable of draining the life out of

others to heal himself and harming others with plagues and disease.


Name     dreamworld~
Text     The world of dreams is a parallel to the waking world, in all ways

identical except that some creatures may exist only within the

world of dreams. Dreamwalkers may control the world of dreams,

inflict terrible nightmares upon those within it, draw others in

and create things within. However, while they can see and hear

those who are awake from the dreamworld, waking people cannot

see or hear them, unless they are powerful Seekers.




Name     dream_ability~
Text     Syntax:  cast 'dream' <player>  <message>


This spell enables you to cast a dream or message on a sleeping player.


Syntax: dream enter

This lets you enter the dreamworld.


Syntax: dream watch <person>

This will show you the room someone is in.


Syntax: dream shift <person>

This lets you move to the room someone is in.


Syntax: dream pull <person>

This will pull a sleeping player into the dreamworld.

Syntax: dream rip <person>

This will bring a person who is in dreamworld to you.

See HELP DREAM TALENT for information on the talent.


Name     defense~
Text     Syntax: config +defense


This will increase your defense, but you will not attack physically

automatically in combat.


Name     equipment~


   *WEAR <object> - you will wear that piece of equipment


   *WIELD <weapon> - you will wield that weapon


   *REMOVE (rem) <object> - the object is remove and placed in inventory

   *SHEATHE <object> - puts down that weapon


   *COMPARE (com) <object1> <object2> - will compare the value of two items


   *REPAIR (repa) <object> - this skill will repair a damaged item


   *LIST - when in a store, the items for sale will be listed


   *BUY <object> - you will purchase the item for the given price


   *SELL <object> - you will sell the item to the store and receive money


   *VALUE <object> - the storekeeper will say how much they will pay for item


Name     east~
Text     Lets you move east.~

Name     earth_talent~
Text     Also sometimes called Druids, the Geomancers specialize in magic involving

rocks and plants. At home wherever there is a lot of vegetation or stone,

their magic can be very potent, but tends to be very straightforward.


Name     eat drink~
Text     Syntax:  eat   <object>

         eat   <object> <container>



Eat instructs your character to eat an item of food or a magical pill (which

function in a similar fashion as potions); pills do not fill stomach space.



Name     editor~
Text     The SMAUG Editor is used when you're writing mail, notes, your bio,

description or other long bodies of text. The commands in the editor are

(these commands are shown with a space between the / and the command letter. 

Omit the space when using the commands in your notes):

/ ?              Displays editor help.

/ l              Lists the current contents of the note.

/ c              Clears the current contents of the note.

/ d [line]       Delete line. If no line number is given, the most

                  recent line is deleted.

/ g <line>       Goto line. This is useful for inserting lines,

                  deleting and fixing lines, etc.

/ i <line>       Insert line. Inserts a new blank line where specified.

/ r <old> <new>  Global replace. '/g' to the line you want to start

                  replacing at first, or no occurences will be found.

/ f              Formats the text using word wrap. '/g' to the line where

                 where you want to start.

/ a              Abort editing. No changes you made are kept.

/ ! <command>    Execute mud command. '/! smile' sends the smile

                  command, without exiting the editor.

/ s              Save buffer, and exit the editor.



Name     effectivity~
Text     Talent levels are dictated by three scales: Skill, Power, and Effectivity.


Your Skill in a telent is simply how many high you have Leveled that

Talent.  Anyone can level any talent to 200.


Without Power, however, Skill is useless.  Power is how much you have

traded in for a Talent.  This requires tradein points (tps).


Skill and Power combine to determine your Effectivity, which is your

refined strength.  Effectivity (Eff) regulates how strong your 

character's magic is.  While Skill does determine which spells and

abilities you have access to, certain spells and abilities require a

high Eff to use (for example, 100 motion Skill will not give you Bypass

Notravel; only if you have 100 Effectivity).




Name     ego_items~
Text     Through your travels, you may find various ego items and artifacts.

Ego items are ordinary objects imbued with various powers.

Example: a dwarven mithril hand axe of might

Artifacts are super powered named ego items.



Name     electromancer~
Text     Lightning mages.


Name     elemental~
Text     Creatures made of the raw elements, these can be any type of

elemental depending on their Talents.


Name     elementalist~
Text     A mage of elements and earth the elementalists are a rare breed

and have come to an understanding with the world around them

tread lightly or the vines and colds of the world itself may

become your enemy.


Name     elkandu~
Text     The Elkandu are a group of semi-immortal wizards who travel to other worlds,

and have a variety of innate abilities called Talents.


Name     emotes~
Text     Syntax: emote <message>

Syntax: ,<message>


This command will send a message to everyone in the room with your

name attached, like this:

You enter: &z&Cemote is bored.&z&W


The room sees: &z&CKeolah is bored.&z&W


If you put $n in the emote, your name will be substituted where the

$n is instead of at the beginning.


Name     empty~
Text     Syntax:  empty <container>

Syntax:  empty <container> <container>


This command allows you to empty a container of its contents.


Use 'empty <container>' to dump the contents to the ground.


Use 'empty <container> <container>' will empty the contents of the

first container into the second container.


Name     emu~
Text     &PEmu (Dromiceius novaehollandiae)

Large flightless bird related to and resembling the ostrich and the cassowary.

Emus are able to run large distances without resting. Because of their desert

habitat, they have a natural resistance to fire, but a suscept to blunt weapons

due to their frail bones.


Name     encumberance~
Text     Your encumberance is the total weight of the armor you are

currently wearing. It may hinder your fighting ability based

on how severe it is and your strength.


Name     endurance~
Text     How hardy you are.  Endurance affects your movement points.


Name     engrave~
Text     Syntax: engrave <item> <name>


Allows you to personalize an item. Only metal objects may be engraved.

An engraved object would appear like this:

If you typed: engrave sword Nightbringer

It would appear as: An iron greatsword named 'Nightbringer'




Name     enter~
Text     Syntax:  enter

Syntax:  leave


In rooms either 'somewhere' exits or exits responding only to keywords,

you can simply type 'enter' or 'leave' to pass through that exit.


The most common use of this is with portals or vehicles.  To use the

portal, simply type 'enter' on either side of it and you will pass

through to the other side.


Name     equine~
Text     Equines are beings related to horses, which includes true horses,

as well as centaurs and the like.


Name     ether~
Text     Ether is a unique material, in that is it both organic and metal, and

is astoundingly good at absorbing mana. However, it is incredibly rare

and is only available to Void mages.


Name     exits~
Text     Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.

You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a

certain direction and see what you bump into).


Name     experience~
Text     Talent levels and Weapon skills are based on experience.  If you are level 1

in Time, it will take very little experience to get you to level 2.  In fact,

casting one Time spell will probably raise your level.  When you get to higher

levels, it will take considerably more experience.  Weapon skills work the

same way.  If you are level 0 in claws, and you claw someone, your claws skill

will probably go up.  When it gets to higher levels, it will take much more

to raise it.  The most common way of gaining experience is by exploring,

although you do get some exp when you fight something.


When first starting out, it is recommended that you gain your experience

from exploring the areas around you and moving from one place to the next.

In order to use this earned experience, try targetting yourself with some

of your abilities. To see these, type SLIST. Don't worry, even your 

offencive capabilities are not dangerous to yourself at this point, so feel

free to target them on to yourself. This is especially true of your inborn



Your experience is not shown, but the MUD keeps track of it.  You must simply 

estimate how close you are to gaining a level.  If you type "attributes" you

can see a verbal indicator of your exp pool.  If you are bored, you should go 

explore or fight to gain more.  If you are "brimming with inspiration" you

should have no trouble leveling when you use your skills.

Your exp goes into a large pool, and when you use skills or abilities they take

out exp and use it.  Since you gain exp by fighting or walking, quite often

your skills use up exp as fast as you can gain it.


If you have trouble, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from fellow players.

There is almost always someone willing to help.




Name     elves~
Text     Elves are the hybrid of a human mixed in with the tiniest amount of feline

changing, causing them to be agile and quick, as well as slightly smaller

than the average human. They're eyes are slitted like a cat's, and most

varieties of elves have some special enhanced vision due to them.




Name     examine~
Text     See HELP LOOK.


Name     ethereal~
Text     Purely magical in nature, these beings lack all physical form, being

no more then concentrated magic in the form they choose. Ethereals

are both hardy and magical, resisting all attacks lacking the added

power of magic, and yet weak to energy. These beings tend to

enjoy making fun of the many beings bound by flesh, considering the

flesh-bound weak and inferior.


***Ethereals are not an undead race, but neither are they living in the

    normal sense of the word. Heal and Drain will work on them as on

    living beings.


Name     echo_colors~
Text     .

The following 16 colors are supported in the echo command.

_whi  White

_yel  Yellow

_blu  Blue

_dbl  Dark Blue

_lbl  Light Blue

_cya  Cyan (sort of turquoise)

_gre  Green

_dgr  Dark Green

_cha  Charcoal (grey)

_dch  Dark Charcoal (dark grey)

_pur  Purple

_red  Red

_ora  Orange

_bro  Brown

_pin  Pink

Note that the indicator is the first three letters of the color itself

so that it is easy to remember.

If the indicator is preceded by an asterisk, the message will blink.


echo _red              This is an example of echo in red.

echo *red              This is an example of echo in blinking red.


Name     echo_ability~
Text     Syntax: echo [color] [target] <message>


Color and target are optional.

For colors, see HELP COLOUR.

Target is one of room, area, or world.

If no target is specified, the message will go as far as

your Speech level allows.

Level 30: Room

Level 50: Area

Level 80: World

Level 100: Universe (no target needed)


Name     feather_fall~
Text     This ability is automatic. Whenever you are falling, you will float

lightly to the ground, taking no damage.


Name     fire_talent~
Text     This talent usually occurs as creating fire in varying strengths. Some Fire

Mages have such a weak talent that they can light their pipe with it, and

nothing more. Sometimes the talent is strong enough to allow the person to

maintain a smokeless fire on an empty hearth throughout an entire cold season. 

Often when the talent manifests to allow short, powerful streams or balls of

fire, it is used for destruction. 


Name     force_barrier~
Text     This forms a barrier of Motion, pushing things away, protecting you somewhat.


Name     fighting~
Text     See HELP COMBAT


Name     freeze~
Text     Syntax:  freeze     <character>


FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any

commands at all.


Name     faeries~
Text     Fae are the smaller, faerie creatures of the lands.  Although usually

tiny and petite, they are very smart.  The pixie and the sprites

and others of that kind have been found to have wings.  They flit

about the land and usually find someone to tease and torment.

Each of the fae are usually beautiful to look at, except maybe the cousin, the 

leprechaun.  Each may have their own abilities and would use them to tease

others, but they don't like confrontations all that well.


Name     family~
Text     Players can create families and adopt other players into them.

Syntax: family.

This shows what family you are in if any.

Syntax: family <name>

This founds a new family with the specified name.


Name     faun~
Text     Also known as satyrs, fauns are human from the waist up

with the hooves and horns of goats. They enjoy music and

frilicking in the forest.


Name     feed~
Text     Syntax: Feed <player>


This will allow a vampire to sire a childe, after having drained them

to less than a third of their maximum hit points, and having their

consent. This will drain some of the health of the sire into the new

childe temporarily.


SEE ALSO: Vampire 


Name     feline~
Text     These creatures are covered with a layer of fur, granted.  Their eyes, big, and

have the ability to see quite well in the dark.  Playful as they may be, 

some would like to play with you and leave you be afterwards.  Paws and

claws accompany these creatures for such purposes as attacking their prey

and to possibly reach the spot behind their ears for washing.  Pouncing and

prancing is usually how these creatures can be found.


Name     ffs~
Text     For fuck's sake.


Name     fill~
Text     Syntax: fill <drinkcon>

Syntax: fill <drinkcon> <drinkcon, fountain, pool of blood, etc>

Syntax: fill <container>

Syntax: fill <pipe> <herb>


FILL can be used with drink containers, regular containers or pipes.

 - to fill a drink container, go to a fountain and 'fill <drinkcon>'

 - to fill a container such as a backpack with items from the ground,

   type 'fill <container>'

 - to fill a pipe you must have both the pipe and the herb in your

   inventory, then type 'fill <pipe> <herb>'



Name     fire-lizard~
Text     Two foot long mini dragons.


Name     fixchar~
Text     Syntax: fixchar <character>


This command will fix a character's stats. Use this if for some reason

your stats suddenly do not appear right, such as negative hitroll, or

attributes far below or above what they should be.


Name     flails~
Text     Flails hold basically the same idea and design as maces

except one new addition. A chain between the handle and the

weighted ball end. With the chain added to the weapon

you can whip the ball around to put more momentum behind it.

The chain also makes it possible to wrap the flail around 

your opponents weapon to disarm or demobilize their weapon.

Many people who wield maces employ different tactics to 

maximise the inflicted damage. Where some will use spikes

others will use blades, and even variations such adding

hooks have been seen.


See also Help Maces


Name     flee~
Text     In the course of combat, sometimes a tactical retreat is necessary.

In order to perform this tactical retreat, the first course of action

is to get the fuck out of dodge. Fleeing is terribly simple. Simply

type the direction you wish to flee in as if you were walking around

normally.  You lose absolutely nothing for fleeing.


Name     flokai~
Text     Magically enlarged from either eagles, hawks, or falcons, the flokai

tend to live in the high mountains or sea-cliffs. One group of

psionically inclined flokai lives paired with the Windrider Elves in

the sea-cliffs of Dalizar. Their psychic bond with the Windriders

makes them unique, allowing the elf to direct the flight of the

floka carrying her without distracting herself from combat.


Name     fly~
Text     Syntax: fly

Syntax: land


If you are playing a race which has wings, these commands will be

available to you. Type fly to start flying, and land when you don't

want to fly anymore. While flying, you will not fall in rooms with no

floor, and will be able to safely fly over water (but not underwater).


Name     foldarea~
Text     Syntax:  foldarea <area filename>


This command saves an area file, usually after modification.


&rThis command must be used with extreme care.  If you aren't

exactly and intimately familiar with the changes being made

or what the command does -- don't use it.&w



Area files have backups that record the file as it was prior to foldarea.

If you folda something and realize there's a mistake, and you've only

folded it once -- don't do anything else.  Post a note or find someone

with shell access.





Name     follow~
Text     Syntax: follow <character>; Syntax: group <character>; Syntax: group


'Follow <char>' starts you following another  character. To stop following,

type 'follow self'.  If someone is following you who you do not wish

to be following them, type 'follow <char>' as if you were going to

follow them, which will make them stop.  This is useful if a member

of your group loses their link or goes afk.


'Group <character>' adds someone who is following you into your group, making

them a group member.  Group members share experience from kills, and may use

the GTELL and SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will

not automatically join the fight, you must actually attack as normal.


If character is already a member of your group, using 'group <character>'

will remove them from your party.  Removing the character from the group

does not stop them from following you, however.  You may attempt to follow

them while they are following you to stop them from following you.

A character can also leave your group by using the 'follow self' command,

in which case they will both leave your group and stop following you.


'Group' with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.


'Group all' groups all eligible players following you in the room.


'Group disband' allows a leader to disband his group (members stop following

 and are ungrouped).


Name     force~
Text     Syntax: force <character> <command>

Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character or mob to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.

This is typically used for 'force all save'.


Force is restricted to mob use only until a certain level.

  *Note.. NEVER force a mob to drop eq and give to a player..lest God

   smite thee down in your very tracks.


Name     forceclose~
Text     Syntax: forceclose <descriptor>

This command will force a certain descriptor to close.

This is useful to disconnect connections that aren't really connected

due to a poor TCP connection.

It can also be used to forceclose a connection before a potential

problem player can even get to the authorization state of connection.



Name     formpass~
Text     Syntax:  formpass <new password> <character name>

Example: formpass temporary Joseph


Used to help in changing a character's password if they have forgotten or

misplaced their own.


This command will return the encrypted form of the specified password for

the specified character name.  Password and character name are case

sensitive, and the character name _must_ be capitalized.  The resulting

encrypted password must then be pasted into the character's pfile offline

by someone with access to player files.



Name     fox~
Text     Small, cunning relatives of wolves.


Name     frog~
Text     A strange race of amphibian creatures. It is fortold that if you lick

certain ones within this race, your eyes haze over in a spectrum of 



Name     frogman~
Text     Humanoid amphibians.


Name     frost_talent~
Text     Wizards of the icy cold, they can freeze you solid like the winds of Sasherey.

They also have an assortment of spells to manipulate ice, such as a spell to

freeze a small disc of water around their feet to allow them to float on it.


Name     funnel~
Text     This ability lets you channel some of your mana into a target.

Anyone can channel into an object, but only a Catalyst can

channel mana into a mob or player, hopefully giving them more than

they can handle and giving them mana burn.

The item will slowly absorb the mana into itself over time.


Name     fashion~
Text     Syntax: fashion <item> <ore>


This command will allow you to fashion armor, weapons, and other items

from raw material.  You must have a raw material in your inventory to

use it.  For example, if you have a lump of iron in your inventory,

you may type 'fashion dagger iron' and you will attempt to fashion a

dagger from the iron.




Name     fire_demons~
Text     Flames and heat fly from his eyes and poof you're a pile of ash.

Simple. You get on the wrong side of this one and you'll be the 

main course at hell's own BBQ.


Name     faq~


Name     gambling~
Text     Syntax: arena bet <arena> <gladiator> <amount>


This will place a bet on a gladiator of your choice. The odds will

be based off the relative strength of the gladiator and the number

of combatants in the arena. Warning, you must collect your winnings

before the next arena match has completed, or you risk losing them.

However, you may leave your bet in place, and if the gladiator you

bet on wins a second time in a row, your winnings will be doubled.

But if he loses, you will lose everything.


Note that the odds of a bet may change by the time the arena starts,

if more members have been removed or added to an arena.


Name     get~
Text     get  <object>

         get  <object>  <container>


GET takes an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or

even from a corpse (TAKE is a synonym for get).



 - get sword backpack


Name     give~
Text     Syntax:  give <object>  <character>

         give <amount> <coins> <character>

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.



 - give sword tarmakkan


Name     grouping~
Text     .              GROUPING WITH OTHER PLAYERS


When grouped with another player, you will be able to protect one another

and share experience if you are both attacking. You will also be able to

see the current hit points of your group members at will.


Group Commands:


  *FOLLOW <player> - you will follow that player at which point they group you

                   - to remove yourself from group type: FOLLOW <your name>

  *GROUP <player> - you add that player to your group

                  - typing GROUP alone will list the people in your group

                  - to remove someone from group type: GROUP <player name>

  *GTELL <message> - you tell the group a message


  *SPLIT <amount> - splits the gold among the group



Name     gar~
Text     Big furry dragon-like creatures.


Name     gargoyles~
Text     Gargoyles were originally sculpted of stone to guard a variety of medieval

cathedrals, but at night strong magicks worked on the gargoyles, letting

them take to the skies as if they had always been truly living beings.

But they always had to return to their perch and return to stone again at

dawn, for they would turn into statues once again, and be frozen in place

until the sun sets again.  Gargoyles are almost alive, yet not quite

entirely, having some remnant left of their stoney origins.




Name     gecko~
Text     Small cute lizards.

Geckos are small lizards, coming in various colors.

Rangeing in size from 4 inches to a foot. They are extreamly

Quick and nimble, able to jump large distances (to them anyways).

The most important thing to remember about Geckos is

Always be nice to the Gecko, or you will be splatted.


Name     gemfolk~
Text     Mystical beings constructed of raw magic, the gemfolk are in fact the

consciousness brought forth from highly enchanted magical gemstones.

These gemstones are embedded somewhere in the body of a humanoid body,

be it elf, human, dwarf, whatever. Some have the gem embedded in their

breastbone, others in the forehead, throat, navel, and so forth. The

magic is drawn from the gemstone, and their eye color matches the gem.

The gemstone will always be the color to reflect their talents.

While other beings use magic, the gemfolk _are_ magic.


Name     genarea~
Text     A wilderness generator has been installed! This command will create

a 10x10 square of wilderness and link all the rooms for you, saving

hours of tedious work! Here's how it works:

1) Write a note with 100 characters from the following table and

hold it.

2) If you have 100 rooms assigned to you, type 'genarea' while

holding your note, which is used as a map for the MUD to create

rooms with.

3) Load your area, and you have 100 ready made rooms!

The generator sets sector types as follows:

i inside

c city streets or roads

f fields

F forest

h hills

m mountains

r shallow water, streams

w deep water, rivers, oceans

U underwater

a air

d desert

V void, space

u underground


Name     geomancer~
Text     Geomancers are inborn with the Earth talent,

and get several auxilliary talents.


Name     ghosts~
Text     After a character dies, they become a ghost. A death mage may also

turn a character into a ghost by use of reanimate. Ghosts are undead and

ethereal, and some ghosts are permanently cursed.




Name     ghouls~
Text     Terrible, rotting creatures from beyond death, these beings rise from

their graves with an insatiable hunger for flesh. The fresher the

better, they hunt living beings. Their claws spread disease, and their

eyes glow with a terrible red light...

See also: UNDEAD


Name     giant~
Text     Tall and lumbering creatures of the land.  Very muscular in build, not very

bright in mind.  Usually found alone amongst the lands.  It is said that

one giant can demolish a single town in one advance, but others say

that they can fall to the smallest of blows.  Which way you percieve it as

is your own. Different types of giants are named different things for the

types of regions they live in, but they are pretty much very similar



Name     gith~
Text     The Gith are a race descended from humans.  Once long ago, they were a

peaceful civilization of humans that were captured by mind flayers and

tormented for centuries.  Eventually, a savior named Gith led them to

freedom, yet their bodies had been flayed by the mental powers of the

illithids.  The Gith found themselves, stronger, quicker, luckier and

smarter than average humans, yet they had lost much of their faith,

wisdom, stamina and charisma.


They had yellowed skin and were very long of limb.  Sunken eyes peered

from yellowed sockets, now strangely capable of naturally detecting

invisible things.  The Gith race has split into three distinct groups

recently.  The good, the Githzerai, the selfish neutral, the Pirates

of Gith, and the evil, the Githyanki.


Name     glaives~
Text     With the many revisions of polearms are the glaives. Because

of the many renditions and variations applying to the area

the weaponsmith is from, these are much harder to classify.

Glaives are typically the polearms employing the addition of 

a second blade and/or weight. 


See also Help Staves, Spears, Halberds


Name     glance~
Text     syntax:  glance

syntax:  glance <victim>


Glance alone shows you only the contents of the room you are in,

eliminating the description.  Glance <victim> shows only the health

condition, eliminating their description and equipment from your



Glance may be abbreviated as 'gl'.


Name     gnomes~
Text     Gnomes are a quirky demi-human race.  Though not the mightiest of

races, they are well versed in their studies of knowledges, magics

and religions.  Additionally, due to their familiarity with such

lore, they tend to be more resistant to magics.  They can, though,

suffer tremendously from physical attacks.

Gnomes usually focus in the magical or clerical arts, though a few

rogues have ventured into the arts of thieving (albeit often not

very well.)

Gnomes are a short, stocky race, similar to their dwarven cousins.

Most often prefer an evening at home with a magical tome, a loaf of

pipeweed bread and a cup of ale over venturing out to battle.


Name     goat~
Text     Ahem: In the great words of Inigo Montoya "You son of a motherless Goat!"

                                         The Princess Bride


Pull your head out of your ass!


Name     goblins~
Text     A small and agile race spawned of evil, said to have been originated from

elves captured by dark lords and twisted to serve their needs.  Goblins

do not tend to be friendly toward any but their own kind, even other

creatures of darkness often.  They feud with harpies, raid elven villages,

and torment humans and dwarves just for the fun of it.  They tend to be

none too intelligent, but they are quick and slippery, and can often slip

out of a bad situation.


Name     goblinoid~
Text     Large and dull of wit, with short but broad bodies, their poor mental and 

physical dexterity is offset by an iron constitution.  Though some 

have dabbled in the sorcerous arts due to their human influence, brute combat

is is still the natural call which stirs in the soul of the Goblinoid.

A ridged brow crowned by bushy eyebrows conceals small, squinting eyes;

below a snout-like noses opens a maw filled with crooked fangs; dark

skin emanating a rancid odor; their presence disgusts civilized races.

Standing from five to seven feet tall and averaging two hundred pounds,

an altogether fearsome race.


Name     gold~
Text     Syntax: gold

Displays the current total amount of gold you are carrying.

Also shows the amount of gold in your bank account.




Name     golem~
Text     A golem is a magical construct made from metals

or other materials.




Name     goose~
Text     Silly goose.


Name     goto~
Text     Syntax: goto <location>


GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,

or as the name of a mobile, player, or object.


If the location is a vnum, and it does not already exist, and its within

your room vnum range, it shall be created for you to edit further with redit.


See also: REDIT.


Name     greeting~
Text     .                                                           |\

                                                            <<\         _

                                                             / \       //


<       -==============================================:::{*}///////////]


              />                                             \ /       \\

             /<          Welcome to CalareyMUD 3.0          <</         -

            /<                                              |/


 [\\\\\\\\\\\{*}:::<=============================================-       >






Rogue Winds 2.0 + 1.2b by Keolah, Rogue Winds 1.1b by Scion

ResortMUD 4.0 by Scion. ResortMUD 3.0 by Scion, Shogar, Tagith, and Josh.

SMAUG 1.2 1.4 by Thoric (Derek Snider). MERC 2.1 by Hatchet,

DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt.  See 'credits' for details.




Name     gremlin~
Text     Mischevious green imps that like getting into things and causing

problems for everyone.


Name     griffins~
Text     A race of pure power and prestige. These magnificent creatures are born

with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a ferocious lion.

Truly a magnificent creature, the Changers developed them for pure carnal



Name     grip~
Text     Helps prevent you from being disarmed.


See also: DISARM


Name     groundrot~
Text     Groundrot items will rot only on the ground, not in your inventory.


Name     guard~
Text     Syntax:  guard

Guard will prevent people from leaving the room. Success is based on weight,

and whether or not the person trying to leave is flying. If you're flying,

you will be able to fly out. If they are flying too, you will not, if guard

is successful. You cannot leave the room while you are guarding. (Typing

'guard' a second time will remove guard status.)


Name     gold_dragon~
Text     The largest of the dragon races, gold dragons are known for being

ancient and wise and often meddling in their relations with mortals.

They are also known as sun dragons or light dragons, and their

breath is a blast of radiant light like sunlight.

They enjoy the heat and light of the sun, and can often be found

sunning themselves on flat rocks or cliffs.




Name     green_dragon~
Text     These verdant serpents are also called forest dragons. They are at

home in any place with lush foliage, and slither through forests

without damaging the plantlife around them. Instead, they seem to

make the vegetation grow wherever they go.




Name     gully_dwarf~
Text     Two. No more than two.

They are dirty, filthy, stupid dwarves, that live in alleys and gullies

and are unacknowledged by the rest of dwarvenkind as being related.


Name     hand-to-hand~
Text     .

Hand to hand combat.  Simply put: unarmed combat.  This skill improves

your natural damage when not wielding a weapon.  Well disciplined

fighters can use hands and feet to the same effect as honed steel.



Name     hill_orc~
Text     Orcs that live on the surface. They are somewhat more intelligent but

less hardy than their cave dwelling cousins, and are very disdainful

of them.


Name     hunger~
Text     Eating and drinking are very important...


When you are starving or dehydrated, you will be unable to naturally

regenerate hit points without magical aid. Your mentalstate will also

be slowly harmed by it, causing you to become tired or hallucinate.


Note that some races such as undead never need to eat or drink,

and as such as not negatively affected by lack of food or water.

When you are hungry or thirsty (you will see messages at each tick that

tell you if you are starving or dying of thirst, and can check your

current state with 'score'), you will not regain hitpoints, movement points

or mana back if you are starving or dehydrated.


If you stay hungry or thirsty too long, your combat skills will be affected,

your coordination will suffer and you may begin to either hallucinate or

become depressed.  Eating, drinking and a little rest will solve this problem

after a short period of time.




Name     halberds~
Text     Another extension off of staves, halberds employ a single edged

blade with a longer length than those found on a spear. Instead

of the jabbing of a spear to pierce your enemy, those that wield

halberds learn to use graceful and deft arcs to slice at their

opponent. The advantage sought is to be able to grievously wound

your enemy from a distance.


See also Help Staves, Spears, Glaives


Name     half-elves~
Text     These beautiful creatures are the result of the mixing of human and Elven

blood.  Though the resulting Half-Elf is not as intelligent as the pure-

blooded Elf, nor as hardy as the full-blooded Human, this mix serves quite

well in a variety of classes which require the standards of both mental

and physical prowess.  Their beautiful almond eyes enable them to discern

objects in the darkness.


Not as tall as the pure Elf, they range from five feet six inches to six

feet five inches, with a heavier musculature than their ancestors.


Name     harassment~
Text     .

&GHarassment is giving a person unwanted attention, whether you perceive it

as negative or positive attention.  If a person is made to be uncomfortable

by your attention or comments, you are harassing that person.  If a person

asks you to desist in talking to them or performing socials on them, and

you do not stop, you are harassing that person.  If you act in an intimate

manner to a character, without their permission, you are harassing that




Any time you feel you have been harassed, You must do the following:

1. Make a public channel announcement, telling the offending player

to stop harassing you.  

2. If harrasment persists after one or two times, contact an Immortal.

3. If no Immortals are available, type 'time' and make a log.

4. ANY and ALL logs of this nature are to be sent to Herbman, and 

noone else.  Please make sure that it is an unedited log.  Forged

logs will result in the long term helling or outright deletion of

your charachter.

5. Mudmail Herbman (and ONLY Herbman) RE: Harassment


Harassment WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.  Punishment for harassment varies,

depending on severity and previous infractions.  First offense is

24 hours in hell.  Second offense is a 48 hour trip to the Icebox.

It would be greatly appriciated if there were no need to post

a punishment for the thrid offense.  Thank you.


Name     harfoot~
Text     Small, round creatures with furry feet that live in holes.

They are plump and have a great fondness for food, and smoking

a pipe after their meals. They prefer to stay at home and dislike

adventuring, although there are some exceptions.


Name     harpies~
Text     Harpies are part human and part bird, having the wings and talons of a

vulture and the head and arms of a human.  They are considered by many to be

vile, evil, and filthy creatures who love nothing better than to watch

a human die for a good laugh.  They tend to live in flocks, and feed on

carrion when they cannot get fresh meat.  Most of the goodly races avoid

them whenever possible.


Name     harvest~
Text     Syntax: harvest

This will let you search a room for alchemical ingredients.

You can harvest from any room with vegetation.


Name     hawk~
Text     A highly developed hunting bird.


Name     headbutt~
Text     Syntax: headbutt [victim] [part]


This is an attack with the head. Having horns will do extra damage

and cause more bleeding.


Name     heal~
Text     Given right off the bat to those who choose the Healing talent.

example : heal <target> being either yourself or another player.

Healing gets random bonuses if you're casting it on yourself, or not in



Name     healing_talent~
Text     A Healer is usually able to cure diseases, or heal wounds and bruises, or

block pain from such as a headache or an injury beyond their power to heal. 

Practicing Healers often use herbs and salves to remedy conditions outside

their talent.

See also: HEAL


Name     height~
Text     How tall you are. What size equip you can wear is based on your height.


Name     hellhound~
Text     Vicious dogs from the Fiery Hell, they are said to be the pets of

demon lords or the steeds of imps. Their skin and fur are red as

flame, and great heat will not harm them, however they are loath

to enter cold regions for they suffer greatly from low temperatures.

They have fierce fangs and demon-like horns, and a whip-like tail.

The ability to throw streams of fire is common among hellhounds.


Name     help~
Text     &RIf you are unsure about the help system, and what the help-file you are

looking for is called, use the "hlist <keyword>" command.


Movement Helps    : North, East, South, West, Up, Down, Northeast, 

                    Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, Sleep, Rest, Sit,

                    Wake, Stand, Unlock, Enter, Climb.


Group Helps       : Follow, Group, Gtell, Split.


Information Helps : Areas, Score, Title, Weather, Channels, OOC,

                    Description, Note, Who, Wizlist, Tick, MOTD, Mail,

                    Time, Password, Report, Start.


Comm Helps        : Socials, Say, Tell, Chat, Channels.


Object Helps      : Get, Put, Drop, Give, Hold, Dig, Compare, List, 

                    Buy, Sell, Equipment, Quaff, Examine, Pick, Levers,

&w                    Identify, Fashion, Engrave, Dye.


Combat Helps      : Combat, Weapons, Auto.


Skill Helps       : Tradein, Exp, Skills, Magic, Slist.


Misc Helps        : !, Save, Quit, Pagelength, Alias, Suicide. 


To use the help system, just type 'help <topic>'.

If the help file you requested dosen't exist, the mud will message the 

Immortals automatically, so there is no need to request help files.

Abusing this by sending messages to the immortals causes us spam,

and will be dealt with severely.


Help files never, ever, contain apostrophes or quotation marks.

&YFor items on slist, see help on the first word only.


Name     hide~
Text     Syntax:  hide

Syntax:  sneak

Syntax:  visible


If you successfully HIDE, other characters and creatures cannot see you

unless they are affected by 'detect hidden', but high stealth will evade

even very perceptive characters.


In order to hide successfully, you must practice the appropriate

skill, and success is based off Stealth.


Name     hiik~
Text     Hell If I Know


Name     hippopotamus~
Text     Big mammals that live in swamps and rivers.


Name     hippogryff~
Text     Something of a cross between a griffin and a pegasus, a hippogryff

has the body of a horse but the wings and head of an eagle.


Name     hiring~
Text     If you wish to build here, you must talk to the owner or the head builder

thank you. Builders are required to play a mortal from time to time.

You must have 150 hours playing time and at least level 50 in a talent.


Name     hit~
Text     Syntax: hit [victim] [part]

This is there so that people can use other things such

as pianos, anvils, chairs and stuff as weapons rather

than being limited to using things like swords. It is

part of the COMBAT weapons group.


Name     hitroll~
Text     Hitroll represents your chances of hitting your opponent. The higher the

number, the better chance of getting in hits.


Name     holylight~
Text     Allows the immortal invoking it to see the vnum of the room they are in

as well as all adjacent rooms.


Name     homepage~
Text     syntax: homepage <url>


example: homepage


If you have a web page somewhere, you can use the homepage

command to show people a link to that page whenever they

select the 'see who's on' link from this MUD's home page.


To remove your homepage setting, type 'homepage clear'.



Name     housecat~
Text     Furballs with claws.


Name     hitpoints~
Text     HP is your basic life measurement.  When you are damaged in any way

(say if you fell off a cliff or lost your pecker in the jig-saw) your

HP will fall reflecting your life force.  If it reaches 0 your die.


Constitution determines how much hp you have.  Different races have

higher HP per Con though, reflecting a stronger Racial-Constitution.




Name     humans~
Text     In the beginning, a group of Humans settled the continent of Albrynnia, and

their nation become known as the Albrynnians. The Albrynnians were a dark

skinned people that loved the earth and the forests that covered their

continent. Farther to the north, however, two other groups of humans settled

parts of the continent of Kalor. These became known as the Flylanders and

the Doralisians. The Flylanders were a rough, war-like nation, while the

Doralisians were a more peaceful people more in touch with magic and the

healing arts.


Name     hydromancer~
Text     Hydromancers are masters of water and the ocean. The begin inborn

with the Water Talent, as well as having several auxiliary Talents.


Name     hadows~
Text     Shadows are terrible undead ethereal beings, which are

surrounded by a ghastly unholy aura.



Name     hiscore~
Text     You can see a list of the hiscore tables by typing 'hiscore'

You can view each type by typing 'hiscore <keyword>'


Name     hellcats~
Text     Cats from hell.


Name     hermaphrodite~
Text     Hermaphrodites are generally freaks of nature, although they aren't

uncommon among some species. They possess both male and female

genetalia, and share the characteristics of both genders.


Name     ice_devils~
Text     Wingless demons with the power of snow and ice. Nothing like a

white winter to start off the christmas season.


Name     island_dwarves~
Text     Long ago transported to tropical locations the Island Dwarves have

adapted well, if not strangely, to their lives of sailing and fishing

adept with harpoons and spears the Island Dwarves hunt Palistelli

seeking to avenge many deaths caused by the monsters.

These dwarves will never forget their hatred for the sharkmen and

if ever the two meet one will most certainly meet his end


Name     inventory~
Text     Syntax: equipment

Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).

INVENTORY lists your inventory.


Name     introduce~
Text     Syntax: intro

This introduces yourself to the room, telling your family,


Name     information~
Text     .                  COMMANDS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION


  *WIZLIST - shows a list of all the immortals


  *AREAS - lists of areas and their level ranges


  *COMMANDS - lists all the commands available

  *SCORE - will show the stats on your character

  *ATTRIBUTES - shows your stats verbally

  *STATUS - shows status information related to talents


  *SOCIALS - lists the socials available to you


  *TIME - gives the mud time


  *WEATHER - tells you what the weather is like


  *WHO - shows all the visible people playing at the time

  *TALENTS - lists the available talents and their costs

  *TRADEIN - lists what talents you have


  *CLAN LIST - lists the names of different

   clans, orders, councils, and guilds


Name     illithid~
Text     A race that is highly at an advantage for the mind talents.  Mindflayers

they are called by some.  Blue in skin and tentacles appear forming from

their mouth.  Amost humanoid in appearance, standing on two legs, and

having the build of a humanoid.  Very well off with the mind, but lacking 

somewhat in physical combat.  Found mostly alone, but they enjoy a 

relaxing mind chat with someone everyonce in a while.


Name     illusion_talent~
Text     This talent allows a person to trick the mind, causing others to see things

that are not there, or to fail to notice things that are actually there. 

Bright lights and shadows both are the hallmark of the Illusionists.


Name     illusionist~
Text     Masters of Illusion, illusionists are inborn with the Illusion talent.


Name     ilwrath~
Text     Some kind of large ugly spider thing. Nobody really seems to know

what an Ilwrath is so just assume it's a big ugly spider or something.


Name     imho~
Text     In My Humble Opinion

(sometimes) In My Honest Opinion


Name     imps~
Text     Imps are minor demons, and they may or may not have wings. They tend

to be much smaller, but also much faster and more agile, than their

larger cousins, but they lack the greater demons' distinctive horns.

Imps also tend, on average, to be smarter and stronger with magicks

than most other demons, but tend to be used as scouts, spies, and lackeys.


Name     inborn~
Text     You may have one or no inborn Talent, a Talent that was born into you,

which you will be naturally better at using than any other Talent.

You may only ever have one inborn Talent, but it may change upon

rebirth depending on your power in other talents.


Name     incubus~
Text     Undead males, highly sexual in nature, like the

vampires, they feed off of other living beings, but in

the case of in the case incubus, they feed off sexual

energy, the energy produced during sex, draining

thier victim of energy and life to sustain themselves.


Don't play a female incubus, just doesn't happen.

Any female incubus will be turned to a succubus,

see help SUCCUBUS.


Name     induct~
Text     Syntax: induct <player> <clan>


This commands will allow you to add a player to a clan in which 

you have the ability to induct from. They need to be in the same 

room and give you consent to induct them.

See also: CLAN


Name     infravision~
Text     This allows you to see in a dark room. No matter how dark the room is

you will be able to see in that room.


Name     insectoid~
Text     Insectoids are various insect and arachnid like creatures, grouped

together for simplicity. They have varying amounts of legs and are

of greatly differing intelligence and size, from large, fierce

reavers to tiny but deadly scorpions. They are physiologically

very different from most races, their eyes are faceted and they

are protected by an exoskeleton rather than bones, and often have

claws or mandibles among their armament.


Name     intelligence~
Text     Intelligence (INT in your 'score') represents your character's mental

capacity.  Among other things, it affects:


 - heavily influences the amount of mana a character has

 - the effectiveness of spells

 - the higher a characters int, the higher the characters spell maximums

   will go


Intelligence is an important factor in learning between combatants.  If

a character fights a creature several times, the more intelligent of the

two opponents will gain an advantage over time...


Name     irc~
Text     IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. Rogue Winds MUD has an IRC Chatroom

to get to this room, you will need mIRC or another IRC client. You

may download mIRC from or search for another if you prefer.


The server is:

The room is: #rwind


Some other rooms:

#serriya - Much more active than #rwind

#icerealm - for irc help

#cybots - for cybots web game


Name     itemvalues~
Text     In these values, 'sn' is a spell number;  a negative value means 'no spell'.

Item Type |V0         |V1          |V2         |V3         |V4       |V5


armor     |current AC |original AC |           |           |         |

container |capacity   |flags       |key vnum   |condition  |         |

drinkcon  |capacity   |quantity    |liquid #   |poison?    |         |

food      |food value |(condition) |           |poison?    |         |

furniture |# can use  |            |use flags  |           |         |

herb      |           |charges     |herb #     |           |         |

key       |(lock #)   |            |           |           |         |

keyring   |capacity   |            |           |           |         |

lever     |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |

light     |           |            |hours left |           |         |

money     |# of coins |coin type   |           |           |         |

pill      |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |food val |

pipe      |capacity   |# of draws  |herb (sn)  |flags **   |         |

potion    |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn 3       |         |

projectile|           |            |           |           |         |

salve     |spell level|charges     |max charges|delay      |sn       |sn

scroll    |spell level|sn 1        |sn 2       |sn3        |         |

staff     |spell level|max charges |charges    |sn         |         |

switch    |leverflags |vnum/sn     |vnum       |vnum/value |         |

trap      |charges    |type        |level      |flags      |         |

treasure  |(type)     |(condition) |           |           |         |

vehicle   | capacity  |            | flags     |           |         |

wand      |level      |max charges |charges    |sn         |         |

weapon    | bane      | (unused)   | damage    | damtype   | skill   | brand

missiles  |condition  |            |dam bonus  |weapontype |range    |

quiver    |capacity   |flags       |key vnum   |condition  |         |

** pipe flags : see help pipeflag




Name     issilwyn~
Text     The Issilwyn are a race of peaceful reptilian humanoids. Their scales

are pale colored and range in pastels in all colors of the rainbow.

Their eyes are brighter but equally colorful and varied. They are

an open and friendly people, and dislike violence. The few of them

that do take up combat prefer using daggers and other small blades

that can also be used for utilitary purposes. Issilwyn are often

craftsmen, traders, merchants, and sailors, their love for travel

and water is legendary. Although they cannot breathe water like

their lizardman cousins, they retain webbed feet and small fins that

allow them to swim easily in shallow water. Aside from being covered

in scales, and having small fins, their bodies are primarily human-like,

and their faces are much like humans, although lacking in ears. Their

hair is sleek and smooth as silk, and ranges in as many colors as the rest

of their bodies. They tend to wear it long and keep it very clean.


Name     janitor~
Text     The janitors are strange, Lovecraftian monsters from another dimension.

Their twisted, alien bodies contain every bodypart known to exist,

how they manage to move or stay together with all that nobody knows.

They are so named because they came to this dimension with a hunger

for litter, and wander the streets eating trash.


Name     jaston~
Text     A bustling seaport on the northern coast of the continent of Albrynnia,

on the world of Lezaria. To the north of Jaston lies the Sea of Stars,

and further on the port town of Hrackston on the continent of Kalor.

Jaston boasts a fine lumber and sea trading industry, and a splendid

palace inhabited by the Royal Family overlooks the eastern harbor.


Name     jedi~
Text     Use the Force...

The Jedi are knights of the Force, using it for knowledge, defense, and

trickery, never for attack. These are practitioners of the light side

of the Force, and are inborn to Mind Magic, as well as having use of

Motion to allow them to move objects, Seeking to discern truth and

see distant places, and Time as a weak precognitive sense.


Name     jump~
Text     Syntax: jump


This skill will allow you to jump into the air, letting you jump over

pits or up walls, and prevent yourself from being tripped.

After you jump, you need to enter the directions to move yourself.


Name     kender~
Text     Kender are a small and very curious race, often too curious for their own

good.  When they see something that looks interesting, they often pick it

up to look at it, and, easily distracted by another interesting item, might

put the item in their pouches without thinking about it.  They are small-boned

and elvish in appearance, though they rarely grow over 4 feet tall.  Their

customary weapons include the hoopak and the whippik, and they typically

wear their hair tied up in a topknot.


Name     kenku~
Text     Kenku are humanoid relatives of hawks. They have a beak and talons

on their legs, however they also have hands with which they can

wield weapons. While kenku have wings, they are generally vestigial

and only the fully mature kenku can use them to actually fly.

They make their dwelling in the mountains of Terra, and on other



Name     ki-rin~
Text     Ki-rin are mystical creatures taken from Oriental lore. They are unicorn-

like in appearance, and are creatures of the Heavens. They combat evil

wherever it is found and are often willing to aid kindred spirits.


Name     kicking~
Text     Syntax: kick <victim> [part]

Kicks with feet or hooves. Hooves do more damage than feet when kicking.


Name     kirre~
Text     Six legged telepathic large cats.


Name     kobolds~
Text     Kobolds at first appear to be part monkey and part goblin, or some other

distasteful crossbreed.  They are simian in appearance, their faces more

closely resembling those of apes than anything else.  Like many of the

dark races, kobolds do not tend to get along well with others, unless

under the command of some dark lord.  They are none too intelligent,

but they tend to be stronger and faster than your average human.


Name     kueijin~
Text     The Kindred of the East. These vampires consume souls for their

main treat, but still kindly consume available blood.

Masters of combat... they focus very little time on their powers.

These masters learn to make their bodies as fast as thought, 

if not faster...

Their attitudes vary upon the wind... They all adhere to a dharma

Unable to adhere their souls back into a body, they use the gates

of correcting their past.

Kindred "european vampires" and KueiJin are vehement enemies..


Name     kuo-toa~
Text     Evil humanoid fish things. Rather squat in

size with fins on head and arms. Thier head

is that of a fish.


Name     kelletirandia~
Text     Kelletirandia is the largest city on the world of Wilderplane,

situated in the center of the Civilized Realms on the plane. It is

a sprawling city with a bustling economy, covering a peninsula

that juts out into the Inner Sea. Many races inhabit the city,

from elves and humans to drow and orcs. It is the seat of the

Council of the Civilized Realms, which makes the laws for that region.


Name     key~
Text     Keys can be used to open locks. Only the appopriate key will work

with a given lock.




Name     list~
Text     Syntax: list

Syntax: list  <object>


LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.  LIST <object> lists

just the objects with that name.




Name     leave~
Text     Syntax:  leave



Name     look~
Text     Syntax: look

Syntax: look    <object>

Syntax: look    <character>

Syntax: look    <direction>

Syntax: look    <keyword>

Syntax: look in <container>

Syntax: look in <corpse>

Syntax: examine <container>

Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.


Name     lag_demon~
Text     Throughout the realms, a terrible predatory beast stalks. Regardless

of your power, it may strike at any moment. This demon is known as

the dreaded Lag. It is a creature of Time, and devours the time of

its victims, causing their sense of time to slow down or even for

time to seem to halt for them, preventing them from doing anything.

Sometimes even Masters of Time become victims of the Lag Demon.


Name     lasers~
Text     Unlike other missile weapons, lasers run off

raw energy funneled into them.


Name     last~
Text     Syntax:  last <character>


This command will show you when a character was last logged on.


Name     leopard~
Text     A large feline.  Many take pride in their spotted coats.  Most live in

wooded areas and prefer hunting alone.  Leopards are viscous fighters,

and are valued for their woodcraft.


Name     leprechauns~
Text     Leprechauns are said to have been of faerie origin, for their exact nature

is unknown to most.  They tend to be very sensitive to luck, and will not

stay around people they feel to be unlucky.  For this reason, it is considered

good luck to be in the company of a leprechaun.  As a race, they are small

and fun-loving tricksters, nimble-fingered and fleet of foot.  They tend

to be good at magic as well.


Name     levels~
Text     There are no levels. There are skills and talents.



Name     lezaria~
Text     Lezaria is the primary world of the Elkandu, where they were first

formed generations ago. It consists of three major continents:

Albrynnia, to the south, is a rough frontier country, with bronze-age


Kalor, the central continent, is a heavily populated land, consisting

of several kingdoms, primarily with late medieval technology.

Zarhanna, to the north, is a vast and diverse realm, the primary center

of population on Lezaria. Technology on Zarhanna is approximately where

Terra (Earth) was in the mid-1800's.


Name     lich~
Text     Liches, Some little more then rotting corpses, to so nearly

alive in appearence they are hard to to discern as undead. These

accursed beings thrive on negative energy, a higher form of undead

then your average mummy

Liches are the more magical creatures of undead, enjoying

the use of evil and destructive magics to cause harm and torement.


Name     lightning_talent~
Text     Lightning Mages are often able to shoot bolts of lightning from their 

fingertips. In parts of the universe with electrical power, Electromancers

are sometimes the source of this power, or at least a supplement to it.


Syntax: lightning <person> <part>

Syntax: lightning <direction> <person>


Lightning is a ranged lightning attack.


Name     linking~
Text     Syntax: link <person>

Syntax: link self


This ability allows a Catalyst to link their magic with that of

another mage. While they are linked, their magic will have their

combined effectiveness, and they will share mana costs for magic.

The Catalyst requires the consent of the other mage to link with

them. To break the link, type 'link self'.


Name     lion~
Text     Large predatory felines that live in groups called prides.


Name     lionmen~
Text     Fierce, warrior-like humanoid feline with yellowish gold fur.

The males have long shaggy yellowish hair like a mane.


Name     living~
Text     Alive. Duh.


Name     lizardman lizardmen lizard-man lizard-men 'lizard man' 'lizard men'~
Text     Lizardmen are semi-aquatic, breathing air but often dwelling totally

underwater.  They are often noted to use underwater caves as their

lair, and are typically found in swamps, marshes, and similar places.

Members of this race band together in rough tribal form; they are

omnivores, and are likely to prefer human flesh to other foods.

This race, of course, has the innate ability to breath under water.


Name     load~
Text     Syntax: load <projectile> <weapon>

Syntax: load all <weapon>


This command lets you load a bullet, arrow, or bolt, into a missile

weapon of the appropriate type.


See also: SHOOT


Name     loadup~
Text     Syntax: loadup <player>

LOADUP allows one to load up a player's character (playing or not), to do

whatever needs be done to the character.  (Modifying a flag, changing a

password... etc).  Use FORCE to make the character do your bidding.



Name     lost~
Text     You can buy a map from the Wizard at the nexus.


Name     lunge~
Text     Syntax: lunge [victim] [part]

Lunge may be used with swords or spears.

Lunging is an all-out attack throwing caution to the

wind to inflict the most damage posible.


Name     lock~
Text     Syntax: lock   <object|direction>

LOCK locks a closed object or door.  You must have

the requisite key to LOCK.


Name     lazion~
Text     Lazion's are a tribal nomadic desert-dwelling human race, thier physical

form much the same as that of a gith, but usually much darker do to

long generations exposure to intense sunlight. All in all, the Lazion is

tall and extremely lithe, thier bodies genrally more elongated then that of

the other humans, with thier speed and length of arm and leg, they excel as

martial artists, knowing few equals.


Furthermore, Lazion's are often thought to be life fountains, having nearly

unheard of vitality. This immense vitality seems to have come at a cost to

the race however, for they possess very little if any magic.


Name     long-tailed_gar~
Text     The long-tailed gar, like it's cousin, the short tail. Is a winged

reptilian humanoid beast. The long tails are slightly smaller and

less intellegent than the short tails, but are a good deal stronger.

The gar sport tannish to black scales, large powerful claws, and

a mouthfull of fangs intended for ripping flesh.


Name     lever~
Text     Levers on catapults or other places may be used to operate

the device. Simply type PULL LEVER or PUSH LEVER.


Name     light_command~
Text     Syntax:  light <pipe>


This lights the herb in your pipe.  Once lit, the herb will continue to

burn until it burns itself out, is smoked out, or you tamp your pipe.




Name     light_object~
Text     Lights are a type of object that will increase the illumination level

in the room. They do not need to be worn or wielded to be effective,

but must be free in your inventory and not in a container. Any

GLOWING item will act as a light in this manner. The more glowing

items in the room, the higher the illumination will be. Dark items

will decrease the illumination.


Name     locksmith~
Text     Syntax:  locksmith <door> <lock> <key>


Locksmith allows you to create locks for doors. Locks and keys are



Name     lost_game~

g0d is dead, hack the planet


Name     mining~
Text     Syntax:  dig

In mines and other places with resources, digging will allow you to

attempt to find gems, ore, or other resources. The chance of success

is based on your perception and mining skill, as well as the concentration

of resources in the room.


Name     marry~
Text     Syntax: marry <person>

This will let you marry someone.


Name     maces~
Text     This is the weapon of choice for smashing something.

Whether the object of your smashing desires is a toilet

or your enemies head, a mace or a club will get the job done.

Maces derive out of the good ole basic the club. A good club

is anything heavy, "but not to heavy to hold" to clobber

your enemy. A good mace is made from metals of good weight and 

strength and tend to be much easier to wield.


A mace can be used with the POUND command.


Name     mageblade~
Text     Mageblades are mystical weapons of pure energy that can be forged with

magic and wielded to fight with. They are generally unstable and will

vanish after a few minutes.


Name     mammoth~
Text     Mammoths are giant pachyderms, and anscestor to the modern elephant.  Their

large amount of body fat, and the thick fur on some types, allows them to 

survive cold and even arctic climates easily, although some can be found in 

temperate regions. 


Name     manaburn~
Text     Manaburn can be caused by overtapping your mana past your maximum

amount that you can hold at one time. 


IE: &PTap &W<amount&W>, uh oh, too much. 

Result: &RYour mana burns you as it courses through your body!

&W        You will take damage and your mentalstate will either raise or lower.


See also: TAP


Name     map~
Text     You can buy a map from the wizard in the nexus, simply type:

give 1000 coins wizard


Name     me~
Text     With what?


Name     medicine~


Name     memorize~
Text     Memorize is a command that lets you set the location you recall to,

as well as allowing mages with the 'recall command' to travel to 

places they have been before. To see a list of places you

have memorized, type 'memorize list'.


By just typing 'memorize' you will begin to memorize the room you

are in as your recall location. It should take a few seconds to

complete. If you want to cancel the memorization, simply enter any

other command and it will stop.


Mages with the recall command, or similar, may use 'memorize <number>'

to fill the other 7 slots with memorized places. Any character may

memorize rooms in these slots too, but will not be able to use them

without the appropriate motion talent level.


After level 30 in the motion talent, you will be able to add one more slot as

a recall point. This next slot that can be used will become available

to you after every 10 levels in motion occurs. 

&RIE&W: Level 40 motion mage has just reached that level.

That mage will have two extra slots to recall to, letting them use up to

slot 2, as well as the slot 0 of default recall that everyone gets.


Name     mensch~
Text     Ordinary people without magic, animals, normal humans. On the MUD,

represented by mobs. All mobs are mensch. All players are Elkandu.


Name     mentalstate~
Text     Your mental state is your current frame of mind, and how clearly and

realistically you view your surroundings.  Mental states can be affected

by spells, mana burn, mana exhaustion, or poison.  If you are affected 

by one of the above for a period of time, your mental state will begin 

to deteriorate, and you will not view your surroundings as they truly 

are.  You may begin to hallucinate, or become too lethargic to function, 

and your general abilities will be affected.  In extreme cases you may 

collapse from exhaustion or enter a delirious coma.


To restore your mental state, you may need to relax (resting and sleeping

will speed your recovery), cure whatever poison afflicts you, etc.  If you

feel lethargic, you may want to make sure your mana is not negative and,

if it is, TAP for more mana.


Your mental state is by the text line in 'score' which describes your state

of mind (You feel great, etc.)  The 'group' display contains a less accurate

reading of your and your group-mates' mentalstates as well.




Name     merc~
Text     SMAUG was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was created by Furey,

Hatchet, and Kahn.

This original code base is available as Merc_21.tar.gz via FTP from:, and

E-mail to '' to join the merc mailing list.

Merc would like to thank ...

  ... Diku Mud for their code base.

  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.

  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.

  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.

  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.

  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.

  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.

  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.

  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.

  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.

  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.

  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers

      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,

      and hours of enjoyment.

                                Share and enjoy.


Name     merfolk~
Text     Merfolks are beautiful humanoids with a human or elven torso, and a

scaly fish-like tail where their legs would be. Their hair is often

brightly colored green, red, violet, blue, or other such colors,

and they can breathe and swim underwater as well as air.

Merfolk can move on land magically by splitting their tail into

two flippered legs, which they sometimes use underwater as well.


Name     mezulbryst~
Text     Mezulbryst. World of Shadows. Plane of Darkness. A place where foul

and vile things dwell, and death lies around every corner. A forsaken

world, difficult to reach, and difficult to escape. From the depths

of the Abyss, to the expanse of the Underdark, Mezulbryst is not a

place to be trifled with. Outside the justice of other realms, upon

this evil plane, Elkandu can kill or be killed without fear of





Name     mimes~
Text     Somewhere along the creation period, the Changers developed a highly

cruel sense of humor. They leashed out into the world a great plague that

caused those that were affected, to suddenly loose thier voices. These

poor tortured souls only seemed to be found within the human nation, oddly.

Having been robbed of thier voice, they have learned to survive with

other forms of communication.


Name     mind_talent~
Text     Psionicists are often able to hear other people's thoughts or feelings, and

can often send messages to others, sometimes while awake. Some are also

capable of causing pain and even insanity in the minds of others. 


Name     mindshield~
Text     Syntax: config +mindshield

While mindshield is up, people cannot connect to you,

or you connect to others.


Name     mink~
Text     Its a fucking mink.


Name     missile_weapons~
Text     GUN: Fast, High Damage, Non-re-usable bullets

BOW: Fast, Low Damage, Re-usable arrows

CROSSBOW: Slow, High Damage, Re-usable bolts


See also: LOAD, SHOOT


Name     mistfolk~
Text     Ethereal beings formed of mist. Humanoid

in shape and appearence, though blurry for

thier unsoild state. Being made of mist these

beings do thier best to stay clear of heat.


Name     mix~
Text     Syntax: mix <first ingredient> <second ingredient>


This will mix two ingredients together in an alchemical recipe to

create a third item.


Name     moloch~
Text     Enormous insect-like demons that shake the very ground as they walk.

They are considered by some to be the true incarnation of pure evil,

and are feared for their extremely strong armor. However, luckily they

are extremely slow, allowing people to run away if they're smart.


Name     monkey~
Text     Hey get off my back ok!?


Name     moogle~
Text     Cute white furred things with pink wings that say 'Kupo!'


Name     morph~
Text     Syntax: morph

Syntax: morph <race>


If you do not have a wererace set, morph <race> will set one. Once it

is picked, it will be permanent, so choose wisely. If you have hands,

the race you pick must not have hands. If you do not have hands, the

race must have hands. You may switch between the two forms with the

morph command by itself.

This command is level 10 in Change.


See also: RACES


Name     motd~
Text     Welcome to Rogue Winds 3.0. The mud will be undergoing some

changes shortly, many of which are only as far as code cleanup

and will not be noticable to most players. However, some

major new features will be coming shortly, so stay tuned!


And as the world came into the Fifth Age, the universe slowly



Remember to read the FAQ on the discussion board:



Keep track of the latest developments, type '&Ynews&W'!


Name     motion_talent~
Text     Travellers have a variety of abilities relating to motion, either moving 

themselves, or objects, or other people. Some of them are able to lift items

and move them around the room, while others can travel great distances in the

blink of an eye. Some of the stronger Travellers are able to summon others to

where they are, or open portals from one place to another.

Some (but not all) skills which Motion receives:

1   - RECALL

21  - TRAVEL

30  - SEND (for objects)

40  - SUMMON


90  - SEND (for players)



Name     mount~
Text     Syntax: mount <mob>

Syntax: dismount

Mount is a skill, which allows you to mount certain mobs.  Being mounted 

on a mob cuts down on movement points that are used whenever you move.


New water sectors allow a person mounted to traverse them without damage

from drowning.  If you are in an area where your movement points begin

to drop suddenly and/or you begin to lose hps <hitpoints> quickly, you

should try to mount immediately.


Name     mouse~
Text     They squeak and eat cheese.


Name     mrrshans~
Text     Mrrshans are a race of feline humanoids, highly agile and very intelligent.

They prefer to keep themselves meticulously clean like cats, and have

the feline ability to see in the dark. They are well suited to thievery,

for learning to move quietly and stealthily comes easily to them, but

many of them take up the ways of magic and become good at spellcasting

well. Like their smaller feline relatives, Mrrshans are covered with a

coat of fur. They also have the unique ability to communicate with

most animals.


Name     multiplaying~
Text     Multiplaying is defined as one human having multiple characters

logged in at the same time.  Multiplaying is legal on this MUD

up to three characters.  However, these characters may NOT:

&r-&w work together to attack another player.

&R-&Whave any interaction with each other, this includes:

spelling up, enchanting items for, grouping, fighting

You may roleplay with your alts, if it does not involve twinking

them out.  (&rhelp TWINKING&w)


&GPlease ask an immortal if you have any questions or concerns..&w


Name     myrddraal~
Text     Taller then average humans. Yet unlike humans

in several ways. These beings possess no eyes.

The Myrddraal's flesh is bloodless and pale, slug-

like. Though having mostly humanoid skeletal

features, Myrddraal are not hindered by this.

Thier bodies capable of moving in fluid boneless

movements. When Myrddraal move, there is no sound

or movement of air. These beings all have a unique

ability to travel along the edge of shadows to any

location. Being near a Myrddraal, there is a tangible

fear within the air. when the Myrddraal's eyeless

gaze falls upon you, deep unshakible fear fills

you to the core. However some are known to be able

to overcome this fear.


Name     minotaurs~
Text     Enormous bull-like humanoids, said to have originally been the descendants

of a human/bull crossbreed, minotaurs are fierce warriors whether they

fight for good or evil.  They have hooved rear feet and horns on their heads,

and tend to have a bad temper.  They do not tolerate fools gladly, and

their patience with humans tends to be slim.  Minotaurs are also great

seafarers, many of them owning or working on sailing vessels.


Name     movement~
Text     .                MOVING THROUGHOUT GAME:


The game divided into many rooms which are connected by various

directionals to make up areas.  When you are in a room, you can

find the exits in the room by typing EXITS.  Autoexit is a helpful

command to initiate (type CONFIG +AUTOEXIT), because it will

automatically show you what exits there are in the room.  Be warned

however, you will only see the obvious exits.  You must pay attention

to the room descriptions to see if there might be any doors or hidden

passages in the room. 

Directional commands: (in parentheses you find the shorthand)

NORTH (n)    SOUTH (s)    EAST (e)    WEST (w)     UP (u)     DOWN (d)



Note: You will notice that in the prompt < &G20/20hp&P 100/100m &C500/500mv&W >

      the 'mv' refers to your movement points.  If your movment points were

      to run out, you'll be unable to move between rooms due to

      exhaustion.  If you type &RSLEEP&W or &RREST&W, your movment points will

      slowly be replenished.  You must type &RSTAND&W or&R WAKE&W before

      walking again.


Name     magic~
Text     Syntax: magic <type> <verb> <power> <target>


Type indicates not only what talent is being used, but what type of

magic from that talent. Some talents may have multiple types. For

example, Earth Magic involves both nature spells and rock spells, and

different types will be used to make use of each. Each type may have

several different words to indicate it. 


Verb and power are interchangable, and any field may be left out to

assume a default. Some verbs automatically assume a specific talent,

and vice versa. Each verb may have several different words to indicate it.


Power indicates how much mana will be used on the spell. More power

power will do more damage, heal more hp, and some effects require high power

to be successful. 


Target may be a character, an object, or none. Effects will often vary 

greatly depending on the target. A combo might do one thing when used upon

an object, but a rather different effect when used with no target. 

The default verb is tricks. This will also be used whenever a spell fails

for many reasons. Tricks will train the talent, and display a message to

that can be useful for RP, but will have no other effect. 


See also: VERBS


Name     money~
Text     Syntax: money


Shows you how much money you are carrying and is in your bank account.




Name     north~
Text     Lets you move north.~

Name     naga~
Text     These creatures, although odd in appearance, are a combination of

human, from the waist up, and snake, from the waist down.  Strong in

their abilities to fight and very viscious when in packs.  Their tails are

what keep them standing up.  The body is usually muscular and very

cold. The scales on the tail make it a tough fight if you wish to attack

their tails.


Name     nali~
Text     Nali are a race of feline humanoids, whose form was changed by

a battle between two powerful mages on their world thousands of years

ago.  They have the feline ability to see in the dark, and most have

innate Dreaming and Earth abilities.  Learning to move quietly and

stealthily comes easy for them, and they can combine fighting

techniques with magic very dexteriously.  Like Mrrshan, they are covered

with a thin coat of fur, but it generally tends to take on the pattern

and colors of a white tiger.


Name     nations~
Text     There are a number of different nations, each part of a species.

While one nation might fit in more than one species, they are only

part of one species for the sake of simplicity. However, they still

might have the characteristics of the other species. Each species

in turn embraces one or more nations, often several.


Name     nature~
Text     This skill represents your attunement to nature, and your

ability to locate and follow tracks and to find useful herbs and other things.




Name     nirril~
Text     A vampiric teddy bear with pink wings.


Name     nmf~
Text     Not My Fault


Name     nochannel~
Text     Syntax: nochan <player>


This command prevents a player from using channels. Using it again

on the same player will toggle this off.


CHANNEL permission is required to use this command.


Name     nohunger~
Text     This config option will make it so you do not see hunger

messages. Be warned however that you will still get hungry and thirsty,

but will not see when you do.


See also: HUNGER


Name     newbie~
Text     If you are new to the Rogue Winds, here are a few help files that will help

you get acquainted with our world.  We have tried to make the help system as 

detailed as possible for everyone's benefit:

STRATEGY -    Will give tips on how to survive your first few days.

RULES -       Will lead you through the laws of the land.

CHANNELS -    Will teach you about communication with other players.

INFORMATION - Will cover ways to find certain types of information.


To use these files, type HELP <topic>.  Type HELP help for general commands.

When you see a word in CAPITALS in these helpfiles, it means there is 

another helpfile on that term.  For example, if a helpfile has the word WAKE

in capitals, it means you can type HELP wake to see a helpfile on the word 

wake.  If you find you cannot read a helpfile or that it does not exist, 

please tell an Immortal so we can fix the problem.  Thank you.


This is a NEWBIE FRIENDLY MUD. If someone is harassing you or you have any

questions or problems, come to an imm. We will not tolerate people 

mistreating newbies, and they will be dealt with accordingly.

Also, take a look at the board, and read the FAQ and Magic Tutorial on the

Rogue Winds Discussions board.


Name     notake~
Text     This flag on objects means that the object cannot be picked up, such

as a player corpse. It does not prevent items from being removed from 

the item, nor any skills such as identify or reanimate being used on it.


Name     news_latest~
Text     (10/2) You can now 'load all <weapon>' for missile weapons.

(10/2) Keolah has made an official announcement about the new magic system.

(10/2) Some better handling of large amounts of items in shops.

(10/3) Fixed crash bug with race selection.

(10/6) Mentalstate will now show under 'status'.

(10/6) Changed how wait state of using magic is handled.

(10/7) A new mud website has been put up. (Help website)

(10/8) Before asking why a certain spell or skill you had disappeared,

please take a look at the board. We have a new magic system coming in.

(10/8) Randomly generated books will now get random texts. These

may provide helpful hints about magic, alchemy, or quests, or just

background about races or locations.

(10/9) Blah. Something's corrupted with the books. I will try and

fix it tomorrow, but I know of it.

(10/9) Okay, I think I've got the books fixed, as well as some small

problems with magic.

(10/9) You can now use hyphens in character names.

(10/10) Better handling of characters still busy doing things.

(10/11) The new magic system is almost complete. Most old skills have

been converted over now. They'll be removed entirely this weekend, but

the help files still need to be updated, a daunting task in itself.

(10/16) If you see any book with weird text, please just destroy it.

The bug has already been fixed, but any book made during that time

will still be messed up.

(10/19) Races command now lists species.

(10/19) Channel socials will work properly now.


Name     news_july_2000~
Text     (7/12) Artifacts have been removed from the game.

(7/18) The Dreamworld has been added. Have fun!

(7/18) The 'guard' command has been added. (Help guard)

(7/18) Polymorph added.

(7/24) Swimming and moons added. Repair skill fixed.

(7/24) Some combat bugs fixed.

(7/29) New race code added.

(7/30) Quickchant and improved invis added.

(7/30) New talent ranks added.

(7/31) Weapon branding added.

(7/31) Propell added, feather fall is now automatic.

(7/31) Exp required to raise a talent has been lowered.

(7/31) Added private channels. (Help pchat)


Name     news_august_2000~
Text     (8/2) Families added. (Help family)

(8/3) Marriage added.

(8/3) New spell commands added! Recall, heal, shock, burn, chill, and travel.

(8/4) Vines, wind, blast, mindflay, flood, and drain have been added.

(8/5) Seek added.

(8/5) Detects are now automatic.

(8/5) Divorce and Summon added.

(8/6) Change, storm brand, and radiant brand added.

(8/7) Kneeling position added.

(8/7) Storm and displacement added.

(8/8) Fly and apportation added.

(8/9) Magma and disguise added.

(8/10) Today is Keolah's birthday. Happy birthday!

(8/10) Area attacks for combo talents added. storm all or magma all to use.

(8/10) Mana required for spell commands has been reduced by half.

(8/10) Conjure added. Motion will now raise carrying capacity.

(8/11) The reflecting pool in the garden mazes seems to hold new power..

Take a look!

(8/11) Blink and flare added! Two minor bugs fixed.

(8/12) Pacify added.

(8/14) Nightmare, wail, and slist added.

(8/14) All damage spells that could be replaced by commands were removed.

(8/14) Cure command added.

(8/15) Distort, splash, taint, dispel commands added.

(8/15) Sticky floor and slippery floor room flags added.

(8/18) New shields and shield command added.

(8/19) Score changed a bit.

(8/20) Vines <person> hold added.

(8/20) Disown command added (help family).

(8/21) Bind and sing added.

(8/28) Quake and crushing brand added.

(8/30) Loyal items will now stay with you on death.

(8/30) Config +spar added.


Name     news_september_2000~
Text     (9/1) Brand command added. Summon tweaked.

(9/4) Can now memorize up to 8 slots depending on motion level.

memorize <number> and recall <number> to access them.

(9/4) Some talent costs have been changed to balance out their power.

Please check over your talents as you may or may not be eligible for reimb.

(9/4) Funnel added.

(9/5) Dream command added.

(9/5) Connect and think added.

(9/6) Reanimate added.

(9/10) Identify command added.

(9/10) Telekinetics added.

(9/13) Today is Vakis's Birthday. Happy birthday!

(9/14) Some changes to score. Merged 'gold' and 'balance' commands.

(9/15) Write was added. You can fashion books and pens, if you didn't know.

(9/27) Weapon talents added. (Type 'skills'). Some bugs with branding fixed.

(9/29) Some new hiscore tables added.


Name     news_october_2000~
Text     (10/2) Fixchar is now available to players.

(10/4) Psionic brand added. Psionic and light resistance added.

(10/4) Combat skill added (under 'skills') replacing second attack code.

(10/5) Major crash bug fixed. Seeking objects re-enabled.

(10/5) Enchant command added.

(10/5) Weapon proficiencies from nations have been added.

(10/6) Preserve and retrieve commands added.

(10/8) Blur has been added.

(10/9) Resurrect added. Racetalk will now work properly.

(10/12) Scatter added for players.

(10/12) The Void added. Consider recoded.

(10/13) Reshape added. Void talent added, but not available to players yet.

(10/14) New age formula on score.

(10/15) Missile weapons tweaked.

(10/15) Decay command added.


Name     news_november_2000~
Text     (11/2) Where command added. Config +nohunger added. Many minor fixes.

(11/2) Squatting added.

(11/3) Many minor bug fixes.

(11/4) Claw, kick, bite, tail, punch, headbutt, added.

(11/5) Can now 'withdraw all' and 'deposit all'. Config +defense added.

(11/8) Status command added.

(11/9) Send command added.

(11/9) Bug with materials decaying in inventory fixed.

(11/10) Echo for speech added. Otransfer for imms added.

(11/10) 2000+ worth can now set their rank.

(11/11) Void pull and void extract added. Silent affect added.

(11/11) Antimagic added. Whois display changed slightly.

(11/11) Invis command added for Illusion.

(11/12) Invis for objects. Conjure rose and conjure tea.

(11/13) New Area: The Forest of Seyletar.

(11/14) New Area: The Forest of Azkelya.

(11/14) Sense magic added for seeking.

(11/14) Can now 'wail all' and 'flood all'. Song of life added.

(11/15) Brand anti-matter added for Void.

(11/16) Age younger or older added for Time.

(11/17) Mpmakeore. Dispel room. Rune ward and life.

(11/17) Healing and drain affect undead differently.

(11/17) Enchanted furniture will not break under weight.

(11/18) Rotting and plague added (with appropriate cures)

(11/19) Bane weapons added.

(11/19) In celebration of the holidays, it will cost half as much exp

to raise levels in talents and weapons. This will be in effect till New Years

(11/20) Dispel will now work on objects.

(11/22) Two-handed weapons.

(11/24) Config +autodrink for vampires added.

(11/25) Major exp bug fixed.

(11/26) New Area: Rockpeak Mountains.

(11/26) New spell: Psionic blood

(11/27) New Area: Reflective Mountains.

(11/27) Were-forms added for Change.

(11/27) Players are now mountable.

(11/27) Artifacts are back! But with a twist...

(11/27) Change will no longer strip affects.

(11/27) New Area: Underground Lake.

(11/28) New Spell: Insomnia, for Dream.

(11/29) Help Weapons and corresponding help files revised.

(11/29) Scatter will now work on objects.

(11/29) New Areas: Thorndelle Mountains, Flyland, and Shadow Realm


Name     news_december_2000~
Text     (12/1) New Area: Valley of the Titans.

(12/1) Bodyparts taking damage and bleeding. Heal cures damage to parts.

(12/1) Talent effectivity.

(12/3) Zibanitum is accepting Clan Info for helpfiles see note on main board.

(12/3) Experience display, config +showexp added.

(12/4) New Area: Nirril Mountains.

(12/5) Talent and weapon experience changed.

(12/6) Speech channel added.

(12/10) New Area: Mrrshan Forest.

(12/10) Roleplay command added for reporting roleplaying.

(12/10) New Area: Reindeer Forest.

(12/11) Inborn talents, a talent you are naturally good at.

(12/11) Dragon color change based on inborn talent. Felines slur R's.

(12/13) Today is Rhuan's birthday. Happy birthday!

(12/14) Mixing alchemical ingredients is in.

(12/15) Harvest and alchemical ingredients in.

(12/16) Void shift and Void rift.

(12/18) Today is Goghel's birthday. Happy Birthday!

(12/20) Detonate and immobilize.

(12/23) Material shops added.

(12/25) Stat caps removed. Noncombat skills added.

(12/27) Attributes command added.

(12/27) Messages for travel based on talents.

(12/28) Untrade command added for Catalysm.

(12/28) Telepathy added for mind.

(12/29) Object, mob, player display changed.

(12/29) Can now access help files from character creation sequence.

(12/29) AC changed. +1 AC now equals what -10 AC did.

(12/29) Mithril will give hitroll now instead of AC.

(12/30) New construct flag. Constructs will be healed by repair instead of heal

(12/30) Fire mages can now 'burn room' at level 60.

(12/30) Can now 'put <item> fire' to burn flammable items.

(12/31) Purify added for healing.

(12/31) Align changed. Align command added.


Name     news_january_2001~
Text     (1/8/2001) Welcome to Rogue Winds 2.0:

Brand new combat system. HELP COMBAT.

New bodypart and equipment system.

Enchantments on items based on your talents.

Funneling mana into items. (No catalysm needed for this.)

(1/9) Autogold, autoloot, autodrink and spar now work.

(1/9) Can now wear up to two layers on a bodypart.

(1/9) Brands and banes work again.

(1/10) Death and fight progs now work again.

(1/10) Affix has been disabled until it can be re-worked

(1/12) Boards now work again.

(1/12) Luck changed to endurance.

(1/12) Create added for Void.

(1/14) Config +roleplay added. Twink flag and channel added.

(1/20) Channeling skill added.

(1/21) Magical attacks from mobs will work again.

(1/22) Remove all and wear all work again. Bounties work.

(1/22) Fight prompts work again. Mobs have gotten smarter.

(1/22) Nocorpse flag. Climate affects. Speed.

(1/23) Generic mob resets added.

(1/24) The mud is now known as &PChAoS cHeEsE&w Mud 2.1a

(1/24) Shields should do something now.

(1/24) New Area: Scalyr

(1/24) Can now travel/shift to an area by name.

(1/25) Compare has been added.

(1/25) New channels: General, Foreign, and Humor.

(1/26) New characters can now use untrade before entering the game.

(1/26) Newbie kits added. Type 'kit' as a newbie.

(1/26) Can now put items inside furniture.

(1/27) New Area: Scalyr Bay.

(1/27) Most Speech songs should work again.

(1/27) MAJOR BUG FIX: Items inside corpses and containers

will now save properly over crashes and reboots.


Name     news_february_2001~
Text     (2/3) Archmages added. Highest person in a talent shows on whois.

(2/4) New Areas: Tinemocun, Griffin Isle.

(2/4) Heal will now regenerate severed limbs.

(2/5) A sudden storm has covered all the worlds.

(2/7) You will now gain 50 TP from reaching 100 in a talent, weapon, or skill.

(2/8) New Areas: Vortiar, Vestama.

(2/10) Archmages command added.

(2/12) Keyweave and enchant weapon added.

(2/12) Social added: Snerble. Shield Dream added.

(2/14) Shatter added for Frost.

(2/14) Master Healers can now restore once per day.

(2/15) Holy and unholy aura added for Healing and Death respectively.

(2/15) Experience can now be gained from exploring areas.

(2/17) New Area: Space station Paerntax

(2/18) Mobs have gotten a little smarter.

(2/24) Mobs will now load random eq.

(2/26) Change has been tweaked slightly.

(2/28) Brand sonic added.


Name     news_march_2001~
Text     (3/1) Ventriloquate rewritten.

(3/2) Can now put your name anywhere in an emote with $n.

(3/2) Named random mobs will now load with better equipment.

(3/2) Auramask added for Illusion.

(3/2) New prompt tokens: %r shows ready/relaxed, %R shows current race

(3/3) Today is the 8 year anniversary of the Universe of the Elkandu.

(3/3) Sandstorm added for Wind and Earth.

(3/4) New Area: Dalizar.

(3/4) Please read and vote on the note in the Nexus.

(3/10) Order added for Speech/Mind. Config +longexit added.

(3/10) Affix and pry are now in for gems.

(3/11) Throw, shoot, and load are in.

(3/12) Mindshield added for Mind, Enchant Container for Void.

(3/18) 20 command spam protector disabled.

(3/18) Reshape Dream and Reshape Ether added.

(3/19) Antimatter and Chop commands. Brand Distort.

(3/19) Weather manipulation commands. (Help Weather)

(3/19) Enchant Flight and Enchant Nightvision.

(3/20) Can now tradein talents to 200.

(3/20) Holyblast and Unholyblast added.

(3/20) Armor shields now work. Enchant Shield added.

(3/21) Silence command added. Wands and laser guns added.

(3/21) Can now say @<emotion> <text>.

(3/24) Can now areas <world>. Organized slist.

(3/24) Conjure Pool. Lightning and Story commands.

(3/24) PLAYERKILLING IS NOW ILLEGAL. help pk for details

(3/25) Radios have been added. (Help Radio)

(3/27) Combat is now balanced for Player v Player. Pk is legal again.

(3/30) Blizzard, soulfire, sunstroke, and balefire added.

(3/31) Chainlightning added.


Name     news_summer_2001~
Text     (4/2) New skills: Flamingrain, Steam, Meteor, Poisoncloud, Electrocute,

Manastorm, Sonics

(4/5) Some bugs fixed. Can now <channel> off|on. Enchant durable added.

(4/6) Sleep fixed. Disarm fixed. Tame added. Adjectives for socials.

(4/10) The great Easter Egg Hunt has begun! Find eggs and deliver them

to the Questmaster for 1 TP for each egg you find!

(4/12) Can now Change taller/shorter/heavier/lighter.

(4/14) Logging off while morphed will no longer lose skills.

(5/16) Hermaphrodites added.

(7/1) Can now <channel> list to see a list of people tuned into it.

(7/2) Reanimate works again.

(7/7) Current and potential levels are now skill and power. Your

power in a talent does not limit how much you can raise it, only

how effective the abilities from it will be. Anyone can level any

talent they have to 200 skill.

(7/8) Catalysm has lost the Untrade ability, and has been given the

Link ability instead.

(7/9) Reanimate will now give the zombies the proper bodyparts.

(7/9) Resurrect re-enabled, it will now restore lost exp.

(7/9) Some changes to identifying a player's talents.

(7/10) New menu added to character creation. Undead race format has

been changed. Now any race can be undead, construct, etc.

(7/18) Randomly generated artifacts and ego items added.

(7/21) Four new sector types for areas: Lava, Ice, Beach, and Swamp.

(7/21) Added color display change for rooms based on sector.

(8/14) It was announced that on September 1st, 2001, there will be

 a reuinion party for mud members and former imms, which will include

 the unveiling of new areas and features.  The party will last all

 day, and there will be guest appearances by people like Scion, the

 former coder for the mud.  Hope to see you there!


Name     news_winter_2001~
Text     Some news was lost due to file corruption.


(9/18) Mob versus mob combat no longer crashes the mud.

(9/23) You can no longer make golem air elementals or any other

such impossible combinations.

(9/25) Chances to generate a new artifact now based on number of items

already loaded in the game.

(11/5) %t and %T prompt tokens added. (Help Prompt)

(11/9) Today is Ilia's Birthday, wish her happy birthday!

(11/13) Player characters will now fight automatically in combat.

Physical attack commands will have no lag, but EP cost is increased.

(11/14) config +defense will now allow you to fight without attacking

physically if you so choose once again.

(11/16) 5 new kits added. Brainshock added.

(11/17) Currency finished. Pyrokinetics added.

(11/18) 2 new kits added. Kit random option added.

(11/18) Smite, Geyser, and Sworddance added. 3 new kits added.

(11/19) Melt added. Reanimate and Resurrect can now change types.

(11/20) Frostbite added.

(11/21) Trails and tracking will now work again.

(11/21) Can now select "random" at race selection.

(11/21) Combat tweaked slightly and combat messages changed a bit.

(11/24) Possess, Ascend, Descend, and Transcend added.

(12/1) Enchant Returning added.


Name     news_february_2002~
Text     (2/1) Clan code being revamped. Can now set name and abbr.

Colorcodes allowed in names! Can now outcast members who are offline.

Please, if you have an old clan that isn't active, update it for the

new code and outcast any inactive members. Thank you!

(2/3) Fucking Terrabox! A bunch of pfiles and the clan code I was

working on has been corrupted. I've uploaded backups for the

affected pfiles I could find. Please let an imm know if your player

file is messed up. If the mud crashes when you try to log ona

char, for fuck's sake don't keep trying to log them on...

(2/4) Allow is in. Please let me know what allows need to be put on

players in what clans... Some clans do not have leaders yet either.

(2/6) Dammit. Right as I'm about to get in clan secrecy levels, the

completely unrelated code that loads the clans decides to be stubborn

and break for no reason. Bah. Don't worry, your clans are backed up.

I'll try and figure out what the hell is wrong now.

(2/6) Yay! I got them working again. Now to put in secrecy levels.

See help clan syntax, for details.

(2/8) Clan deposit and withdraw have been added.

(2/9) There's still problems with clans loading. I really don't suggest

making new clans or putting money into clans. Thanks to Norbert and

Kuzaar making new clans, I cannot retrieve the most recent versions of

the clans they overwrote. Thanks guys :P

(2/10) New channel code is in! If you are confused, first type

chan join ooc before trying to talk on it. When you quit, whatever

channels you are on will be remembered. See help channels for more info.

(2/10) Immobilize command is now Anchor.


(2/14) Wonderful, it looks like Terrabox corrupted some pfiles again.

Thankfully, i've been making DAILY backups. If something is wrong 

with your pfile, let me know and I'll replace it.


Name     news_spring_2002~
Text     (3/1) The mud has moved!  We've done so to take care of some nasty problems 

with terrabox periodically corrupting pfiles, long bouts of downtime, and just 

general unfunness.  You may notice that your pfile isn't up to date, or may 

even be missing -- if this is the case, understand that it was nearly 

impossible to backup anything from terrabox.  If your losses are severe 

(several months old) a reimbursement might be arranged.  Also, the 

staff knows that your houses are missing. The house area file was just too

huge and unwieldy. Don't worry, though, there will be a new alternative soon.

We're sure you'll like this :)

Post on the board any levels or equipment you might have missing, really... 

if it's important and not recent stuff that happened.  Keolah wasn't able

to upload all area files or pfiles because she has a ftp quota on this new 

server.  She also complains that she wasn't able to compile her code on 

Terrabox, either, because Terrabox was being lame and shit.

That's all.  Really.

(3/3) Today is the 9th Year Anniversary of the Elkandu Universe.

(3/6) Rune Distract added.

(3/7) A slew of bugs fixed. (See bug board for details)

(3/8) New forum:

(4/5) The bug crashing the mud repeatedly has been fixed.

(4/10) Hiscore tables have returned. Type 'hiscore' for a list.

(4/20) Catalyst stations that will funnel items for you have been added.

Find one in any major town and look at him for details.

(4/20) Miners that will mine ore for you have also been added.

You will find them in various places throughout the mud. Note that mines

in different areas may produce different ores.

(4/21) Farmers that will harvest ingredients for you are in as well.

(4/21) Identifying items will now show verbal descriptions of their affects.

(4/21) Many new recipes added.

(4/22) A bug with possess not removing ethereal/undead flags has been fixed.

(4/23) The mystery quest will work again.

(4/26) Seek will now show more information at higher effectivity.

(4/26) The kit list has been organized and some new ones added.

(4/27) Player made objects and ores will now stack more properly.

(4/27) Shops have been recoded. Players can now own shops. (Help Shop)

(4/28) Can now identify items on the floor and in shops.


Name     news_may_2002~
Text     (5/1) All materials have been updated to be useful.

Note: Only materials generated after today will be affected.

(5/2) New Area: Icewall.

(5/7) Shield Vines added.

(5/8) Vehicles are in! (Help Vehicle)

(5/10) Artifacts are harder to find now.

(5/10) Namegen will support multiple languages.

(5/12) Following a player will no longer give explore exp.

(5/13) Funneling items with gems will now funnel the gem also.

(5/15) The broken quests have all been fixed now.

(5/17) New Area: The Mitten.

(5/18) Gladiator arenas are in. (Help Arena)

You can find different arenas to fight in in many major cities.

(5/19) Arena betting is in! (Help Betting)

(5/20) New area: Mountains of Morderant.

(5/20) Team Arenas are in!

(5/21) Gladiators are mortal, and will eventually grow old.

(5/22) Arena find and score have been added.

(5/24) Gladiator top ten list has been added, type 'hi glad'.

(5/25) Character creation now asks if you've played before.

(5/25) "Newbie Approved" flag added to races.

(5/25) Experience command added.


Name     news_summer_2002~
Text     (7/21) Rogue Winds has been re-opened after a period of downtime

at a new address. The pfiles were not able to be backed up, therefore

there has been a pwipe in essense.

(8/7) Sorry for the unexpected downtime. The host has been having

problems lately.

(8/10) Today is Keolah's birthday.

(8/21) Times are changing... Birth and death are handled differently


(8/22) Alter and rfind commands added.

(8/23) Racial skin, eye, hair, etc colors are in. Changers may change

them with alter if they wish.

(8/27) Social flags have been added. Mobs may react to socials...

(8/27) It will now be harder to raise some talents than others.

(8/27) Aquatic flag is in. Aquatic players will require Breathing

to breathe in air.

(9/16) Chars will start with some basic equipment after birth and death.

(9/16) A new area linking four areas together... Frozen River.

(9/17) The annoying bug with mounting players has been fixed.

(9/17) New area: the city of Fehndarlai on Lezaria

(9/17) Shopkeepers will now automatically make items to stock their shops.

(9/17) There will now be more variety in generic humanoid mobs.

(9/18) Fixed crash bug with resurrect and reanimate.

(9/24) A FAQ has been put up on the board (Help Board), please read

before asking/reporting "bugs"

(9/24) A new help system is being added. It is not fully functional yet,

to use the old help system, type oldhelp <name>

(9/24) Help files have been all updated and converted. If you notice

anything missing or not right, let the imms know.

(9/25) Improved help file match quality code. Added 'sell all'.

(9/25) New area: the Kelletirandia Marketplace.

(9/27) A new magic system is in the works. It is incomplete, but one

may access what has already been completed via the 'magic' command.

Documentation will be forthcoming upon completion.

(9/29) Startup has been made a bit easier on newbies.

(9/29) Characters can now choose a random race upon death when they

are given a choice.


Name     names~
Text     .

When choosing a name, please try to choose one which is both medieval

and unique. Good names help add to gameplay and will allow you to forge

an identity for yourself. Simply put, your name should &YNOT &Wbe:&G

 - Nonsensical, unpronounceable or ridiculous.

 - Profane or derogatory as interpreted in any language.

 - Similar to that of any Immortal, major mob, or equipment.

 - Comprised of various capital letters, such as 'BrACkkA' or 'CORTO'.

 - Comprised of ranks or titles, such as 'Lord' or 'Master'.


Please keep in mind that names which were tolerated in the past

are still acceptable.  Please follow the above guidelines when

choosing your name, or you may be asked to choose a different name

at some point.  The final determination as to the validity of a name

on this mud is the discretion of the Immortals and is NOT subject to

debate or discussion.  If you are asked to change your name, simply

follow the guidelines and try a new one.


Name     nexus~
Text     The Nexus is the center of the universe, where all roads meet. The

Wizard there will allow you to transport to other worlds, or you can

use the portals located throughout Torn Elkandu. Look at the sign

hanging in the Nexus for details.


Name     namegen~
Text     Syntax: namegen

Generates a random name with the mud's name generator.


Name     noresolve~
Text     Syntax:  noresolve


Toggles resolution of incoming player ip's into names.


Name     nyms~
Text     Giant humans born in the War of Transformation.  Nyms are a secretive

and studious race.  Driven away by the fear of the rest of the humans

Nyms have grown a sophisticated society around their University and

peaceful learning.  Their greatest achievement, the University is 

secret to only themselves and a few trusted outside scholors and 



Name     nymphs~
Text     Nymphs are beautiful creates of woods and water, at home in forest, lake

and sea alike.  Also known as naiads, dryads and hamadryads, nereids,

and various other names, nymphs are a gentle race, very friendly even though

they tend to keep to themselves.  They shun all that is evil and dark,

and can never drop below a neutral alignment without suffering mentally.

Because of their attunement to nature, they can see those who are hidden,

and can also breathe underwater.


Name     nightmare~
Text     Nightmares are a race of strange equine beings with black fur

and fiery eyes like coals. They are native only to the dreamworld

and cannot exist outside of it. Warning: This is a very difficult

race to play.


Name     neopets~

A purely evil webgame.


Name     nethack~

An excellent single-player roguelike game.

Has nothing to do with hacking networks.


Name     objects~
Text     .                      COMMANDS TO USE WITH OBJECTS


   *GET - GET <object> <container> will get an item from a container

        - GET <object> will get an object from the ground


   *PUT - PUT <object> <container> will put an item in a container


   *DROP <object> - will drop the object from your inventory to the ground


   *GIVE <object> <player> - you will give the object to that player


   *RECITE (rec) <object> - the spell corresponding to the scroll will activate


   *QUAFF (q) <object> - the spell corresponding to the potion will activate


   *EAT <object> - you can eat different foods or pills

   *DRINK <object> - drink from drink containers, fountains, or water rooms


   *FILL <object> - fills the container with a liquid

   *EMPTY <object> - empties out a container


Name     outcast~
Text     Syntax: outcast <player> <clan>


This commands will allow you to remove a player from

a clan in which you have the ability to outcast from.

The player need not be in the same room and may even be offline

when you outcast them.

See also: CLAN


Name     objects~
Text     To see the objects you currently possess, type INVENTORY and EQUIPMENT.

INVENTORY is anything you are carrying, but are not currently wearing.

EQUIPMENT shows you the equipment you are currently wearing.


You may WEAR, WIELD, or HOLD equipment to use it.  To stop using a piece

of equipment, you REMOVE it.  Before you may wield a new weapon, you must

first SHEATHE the old weapon. 


You can gain information on your objects by using LOOK or EXAMINE.  EXAMINE

tells you the condition of your item, as it is a more detailed form of LOOK.



Name     ogres~
Text     Ogres are a tall, extremely muscular people, many tribes of which follow

evil paths. Although there are exceptions, ogres tend to be pure fighters,

for their typically dull wits cannot grasp the nature of magic. They enjoy

strong drink, the stronger the better, capable of drinking any human under

the table.

Ogre society is divided into tribes, which are often at war with each other

as often as anyone else. They get along poorly with the 'good' races, elves

and dwarves, although they sometimes trade with humans (or eat them more

often than not.)


Name     open~
Text     Syntax: open   <object|direction>

OPEN opens an object or a door.


Name     orcs~
Text     Orcs are a race of evil, often thought of as filthy and disgusting by

humans and elves. Dull of wit, with short yet strong bodies, they tend

to be somewhat agile, although less so than their smaller cousins, the

goblins.  There are many warriors and archers among the orcish race,

as well as many powerful shamans.  However, their fierce warrior society

is little understood by outsiders, for the orcs carry a peculiar honor

all their own.


Name     order~
Text     Syntax: order <character> command

Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to

perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible

for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers


Name     osay~
Text     Osay is the command to use to talk to others in the same room

as you but what your saying you dont want taking in 


This is also great for asking questions about a character.

Or any questions that pertain to the two characters, but

you dont want to ask the info in character.


Name     pick_lock~
Text     This skill enables you to pick open locked doors.


Name     pry~
Text     Syntax: pry <item>


The pry command will remove a gem that has been affixed to an item.

Pry does not need to be learned.



Name     put~
Text     Syntax:  put <object> <container>


PUT puts an object into a container.

You can also PUT flammable items into a fire to burn them.


Use 'put all' to reference all objects present.

Use 'put all.<object>' to reference all objects of the same name.



 - put 15 potion backpack



Name     pick~
Text     Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,

you must practice the appropriate skill.


Name     pager~
Text     Syntax:  Pager <# of lines per screen>

Syntax:  Config +pager       (turns page pausing on)

Syntax:  Config -pager       (turns page pausing off)

Syntax:  Pager               (toggles pager on/off)


Pager is a configurable item that will pause screen scrollage at the user-

specified pager length.  To set it, first set a desired page length using:


Pager <# of lines>


Initially, page length is set to 24 lines.  Once page length is set, use

the Config command to turn it on and off, or simply type 'pager'.


Commands available within the pager are:


(C)ontinue, (R)efresh, (B)ack, (Q)uit.


With 'continue' being the default item.  When the screen pauses, hit the

enter key to continue, or type another choice and hit the enter key.


See also: CONFIG


Name     paladin~
Text     Like the cleric, paladins are healers, but more

oriented toward combat. They are inborn with healing.


Name     palistelli~
Text     Merfolk of cruel habit, the Palistelli are half man and half shark. 

They haunt and hunt near the islands where the rare Island Dwarves live,

and the feud between the races has become bitter.


The appetite of these ocean killers is ravenous and their hunger is

difficult, if not impossible, to cure.


Name     pass_door~
Text     syntax: automatic

Once this ability is attained, the bearer no longer need deal with

the tediums of opening and closing doors. Be wary, however, as some

doors prevent this spell from functioning.


Name     password~
Text     Syntax:  password  <new password>   <new password>


PASSWORD changes your character's password.  You repeat the new password only.

If you do not get it correctly it will not work.  This should end the typo

locking you out of your character.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged; it is

impossible for any immortal to in any way see, find or retrieve it.  It

is the responsibility of the player to ensure that the password of the

character is kept secure.


Passwords can not contain certain characters, or spaces.  We also advise

that you use an alphanumeric password (one containing both numbers and

letters) as they are harder to guess.  We also recommend that you choose

a password that is greater than 6 characters in length.  A good rule of

thumb is if it is in the dictionary, it is probably not a good password.


NOTE:  if you decide to trade a character, you do so at your own risk.

Immortals are not responsible for ensuring fair trades.  You may seek an

immortal to oversee a trade, but it is not their  responsibility.


&YThe password policy is:  password equals ownership.&w




Name     password_zmud~
Text     When you're using zMUD and want to change your password, remember to change

it in the zMUD character settings as well as on the mud.  The MUD's command

for this is:  password <new password> <new password>

In zMUD, click on 'File', then 'Another Character', or 'File', then 'Open'

to access the character settings - and change the password there.

If you have forgotten your character's password but can still log on with

the character, you can still find out what the password is.  Log on with

that character, click on 'View', then 'Preferences' and then click on

General Settings'.  Find the checkbox for 'Gag Password' and make sure the

box is not checked.  Click on 'Ok' to close the dialog box.

Type the command #say %pass [enter].  Your password will be shown on your

screen, but not sent to the mud.  Write it down, for future reference.

For more information, see HELP PASSWORD and the zMUD web site:




Name     peace~
Text     Syntax: peace

PEACE causes all characters in a room to stop fighting.


Name     pebcac~
Text     Problem Exists Between Computer And Chair


Name     peek~
Text     This skill shows you a character's inventory when you look at a character.

Use of the skill is automatic when you 'look' at a character when

you have some skill in Seeking.


Name     pegasus~
Text     Graceful horses with feathered wings, pegasi can fly and are

highly intelligent creatures, and many of them can utilize magic.


Name     pelican~
Text     Pelicans are fishing birds with large, flexible bills that allow them to carry 

their food back to dry land to eat.  Like most fishing birds, they nest and

spend most of their time on dry land, only going to the water to dive for fish.


Name     penguin~
Text     Aquatic flightless birds that live in cold climates.


Name     perception~
Text     Perception (PER in your 'score') represents your characters look on the world.

It primarily affects:


&R -&W hitroll


&R -&W reactions of some mobs towards a character

&R -&W ability to sense things


Name     phoenix~
Text     The phoenix are great birds, their wings the color of flames, yellow

and red. They are considered very beautiful, but are also extremely

rare. Beings of fire, heat will not harm them. Legend has it that

when a phoenix dies, it will rise again from its own ashes. This

majestic legacy is so strong that phoenix will almost always be

living, the very existance of an undead phoenix would be a travesty

and an insult to their very kind, if it were even possible to



Name     pigeon~
Text     Syntax: pigeon <item> <person>


This skill will call a carrier pigeon to carry an item to another player.

Both the players must be outdoors, and the item must be under 10 pounds.


Name     pipe~
Text     Utensil for smoking various substances.


SYNTAX: fill <pipe name> <substance name>

        empty <pipe name>

        light <pipe name>

        smoke <pipe name>


This type of item also includes most "joints."


Name     pixies~
Text     Pixies are small Elfin creatures with gossamer wings.  They are very much

more intelligent than most other races, but their strength and constitution

suffers from their small size.  Because of this, the Pixie often choose the

calling of magic and excels especially in the arts of the Mage; the mind of

the Pixie knows no equal.  Pixies possess the obvious ability of flight.


Pixies are slight of stature, standing less than five feet in height.  Both

their skin and hair color varies from among all the colors of the rainbow.


Name     playerkilling~
Text     Playerkilling is legal on this mud, so long as it is related to

the roleplay of your charachter.  

Killing people is an extreme measure, and should be treated as such.

Killing outside of roleplay, for OOC reasons, is strictly forbidden.

(Comments on OOC and WARTALK are not reasons for playerkilling.)


You are limited to killing a particular person once per day. This does not

mean that you can kill someone with each of your charachters once per day.

Naturally, if someone attacks you that you have killed already, you may kill

him/her again, as long as it is in self defense. (i.e. if they flee, you cannot

travel to them repeatedly and kill them)

If the person attacks you and runs away repeatedly, they forfeit this right,

and you may kill them until they leave you alone.  This is considered

defending yourself from harassment, and should be done only if no

Immortals are present to deal with the situation.


See also: SPAR


Name     pms~
Text     Do you really want to ask?


Name     portal~
Text     Portals can allow you to access distant realms and places. To see

where a portal leads, type look portal. To go through, type enter

portal. All of the portals in Torn Elkandu are safe to travel through.

This cannot be guarenteed of portals you may find elsewhere.


Name     possess~
Text     Syntax: Possess <corpse>

If in etheral/ghost form and wishing to be living again you may 

possess a corpse with this spell, taking it's form and body 

in the process.


Name     pound~
Text     Syntax: pound [victim] [part]


Pound is an attack used with weapons such as the staff. This

attack consists of pounding your target with brute force in

the attempts of smashing their bones and killing them.


Name     power~
Text     Basically, how strong you are in a talent.


You can now level your skill beyond your power (up to 200).

You will still recieve new talents and abilites according to 

your skill level, and effectivity determines how powerful 

they are.

Effectivity is mainly based on power; skill does raise your

effectivity some, but not nearly as much as power.


Name     powrie~
Text     Evil dwarves, stout and hardy, from the islands.


Name     practice~
Text     Syntax: PRACTICE

Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|spell|weapon>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level in all

the skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or spell.  Your learning

percentage starts off at 0% (unlearned), and can be practiced once.  

After this initial practice, the skill/spell must be used to develop it 

to the level of 'adept' (Adept is not always necessarily 100%)  You must 

be at a cleric or teacher to practice.


Name     prompt~
Text     Syntax: prompt <string>


Sets your prompt to a given string.


The game automatically sets your prompt when your character is created.

You can use PROMPT to change your prompt to something else.


If you type 'default' as the string, your prompt will be set back to the

game default.  Otherwise you may use any string you want.  A few special

characters may be embedded into the string to customize it to your

player, followed by a token indicating what action to take.


The first special character is:  %

Tokens for % are:

  %h  - current hitpoints

  %H  - maximum hitpoints

  %m  - current mana

  %M  - maximum mana

  %v  - current movement

  %V  - maximum movement

  %g  - gold held

  %a  - your alignment

  %c  - enemies hitpoints remaining during battle

  %C  - your tank's hitpoints remaining

%t - time of day on the mud

%T - current system time

%r - ready/relaxed

%R - current race

  %i  - Wizinvis (Immortal only, shows '(Invis Lv) ', including trailing


  %I  - Raw wizinvis (Immortal only, only shows 'Lv', and only if wizinvis

        is active)


The other special characters are:

  &&  - Foreground color

  ^^  - Background color


Example: Prompt %h%m%v

         Will give you a prompt of current hit points, mana, and movement.


Please see HELP PCOLORS for a list of the color tokens.

Your prompt is different during a fight. To set the prompt you get during

a fight, use the FPROMPT command, which works exactly the same as the

PROMPT command.


Name     propel~
Text     This lets you move through the water more easily.

See also: SWIM


Name     protect~
Text     Syntax: protect <person>


When protecting a group member, this will attempt to divert attacks

against them onto you.


Name     punch~
Text     Syntax: punch [victim] [part]


Punch is an attack that raises your Hand to Hand skills.

This attack consists of hitting the target with your limbs

(usually hands or paws) and aiming to cause damage to the

opponent. You need no weapon to perform this attack - just

your hands :P


Name     push~
Text     Syntax: push <button>

Levers, switches, pullchains and buttons can do all sorts of interesting

things... open or unlock doors, change exits around, teleport you to another

location, cast a spell, summon a monster... you name it!


Name     pull~
Text     Syntax: pull <lever>

Levers, switches, pullchains and buttons can do all sorts of interesting

things... open or unlock doors, change exits around, teleport you to another

location, cast a spell, summon a monster... you name it!


Name     pagelenth~
Text     Syntax: pagelength <number of lines>

This command sets your screen to only display a certain amount of lines.

After setting pagelength, type clear to reinitialize your screen.


Name     private~
Text     Private is a room flag that indicates that this room is private.

Only two people may enter the room, and when there are two people

in the room it is essentially sealed and no others can fit in through

normal or magical means.


Name     purple_pussy~

A sick and amusing web comic.

Be sure to go to .net, and not .com, which is a porn site.


Name     poison~
Text     Poison is an effect that will slowly cause one to hallucinate,

prevent them from regenerating, and take damage over time.


Name     quaff~
Text     Syntax: quaff <potion>


QUAFF will use a potion. DRINK will also work.


Name     quests~
Text     Throughout your journeys in the planes, you may encounter beings which

request your assistance, or enigmatic areas to solve. These are called

quests, and their reward may include gold, the experience of exploring

the area, and most importantly, TP, or Talent Points, that you can use

to raise the power in your talents a bit.


Some quests are very easy, and can be completed by beginners. Not all

quests involve simply killing something, to be sure. Some may involve

solving a puzzle, navigating a maze, retrieving an item, or any number

of things.


&RIMPORTANT&W: Do not give out or request information on quests, as

players and admins cannot tell you. You may, however, find hints and

other information on them throughout the realms, if you look hard enough.


Name     quickchant~
Text     Syntax:  automatic


Those skilled in the Time talent may sidestep time, casting their spells

without having to prepare them.


Name     quit~
Text     Syntax: QUIT


QUIT leaves the game.  You may QUIT anywhere.  When you re-enter the game

you will be back in the same room, unless that room has a prog that moves

you upon re-entry.


QUIT automatically does a SAVE, so you can safely leave the game with just

one command.  Nevertheless, it's a good idea to SAVE before QUIT.  If you

get into the habit of using QUIT without SAVE, and then you play some other

mud that doesn't save before quitting, you're going to regret it.


There is no RENT here.  Just SAVE and QUIT whenever you want to leave.


Name     quicklings~
Text     A variety of wingless sprite that is extremely fast.


Name     red_dragon~
Text     Terrible, violent dragons of flame and fire, red dragons are greatly

feared throughout the realms for their evil and greed as well as their

short tempers. They have little tolerance for foolish mortals, in

general, and are quick to burn with their fiery breath.

Red dragons are also known as fire drakes or fire dragons.




Name     red_dwarves~
Text     A kind of dwarf that enjoys British humour, both males, and some females, may

have red beards.


Name     red_elves~
Text     Violent, warlike, barbaric elves, with quick tempers.

They typically have red hair and amber eyes.


Name     rim_elves~
Text     A rim elf is a mountain-dwelling elf, with blue, grey, or green eyes, and

hair that is black, white or grey, black being most common. They are hardier

than most elves, and are rather quick. The rim elves have a natural tendancy

toward swords as weapons.


Name     roleplaying~
Text     &CIC&w

IC stands for in-character. Anything said IC is said as if the character

you are playing were saying it.  That is, in the role of that character. For

instance, a player playing an orc might say to one playing an elf IC

to go stick something somewhere, then ask OOC if they want a pizza,

or something.



OOC stands for out-of-character. Anything said OOC is said from the players

point of view, not the character's.



You can get rewards for roleplaying by posting into the roleplay and story

boards on the website.

This is more for the sake of updating the Story than anything else.

Rewards often consist of trade-points (tp).  Please tell us in the

roleplay post, whether you wish it to be placed in the Story.



Name     rules~
Text     So long as it harms no one, you may do as you will.

Some things may potentially be harmful to others and have there-

fore been banned:

 &YCHEATING&w - exploiting bugs to crash the mud, dup eq, or making gold.

            Also disobeying an imm.

 &YSPAMMING&w - the use of repeatitive phrases or all caps in an effort to

            disrupt or scroll other players' screens.

  &YDRIVING&w - any attempt to cause another person to quit playing Rogue 


    &YPKILL&w - Player-killing is allowed, but only if it pertains to your


    &YMULTI&w - Having more than one character signed in at the same time

            IS allowed at Rogue Winds.  However, your characters may 

            only interact IC, and you may never use one to improve

            another outside of roleplay.

 &YTWINKING&w - trying to help someone &Yelse&w get the most powerful char 

            possible even if it makes no sense in rp.

 &YCHANNELS&w - this mud has adult content.  Swearing over public channels is

            not prohibited.  Censoring yourself &Wis&w prohibited.

Do not give hints, the location, or any info to anyone about quests.

&C       The point of a quest is to find and do it yourself!&w


&YAbove all else&w: "it's just a game". Have fun, but don't spoil other 

people's fun in doing so.


Name     races~
Text     Syntax: races

Syntax: races <species>

Syntax: races count

This command lists the races and what species they are in.

Typing races by itself will list the species available.

Some races may exist but are not visible to players, although

there are no restrictions on becoming those races should you

know the name. With count, this will tell you how many races

there are total.


Name     radio~
Text     Syntax: turn <radio> <volume/frequency> <number>

Syntax: radio <radio> <message>


The turn command will change the volume or frequency of a radio.

The words 'volume' and 'frequency' may be abbreviated, and 'channel'

works as a synonym for 'frequency'.

The radio command will send a message through a radio.

The message will be heard by all players with a radio set to that

frequency whose volume is on. If the volume is set to 2 or higher,

all players in the room will hear the messages received by that

radio. If the volume is 1, only the person carrying it will receive

the message. If the volume is 0, the radio will not receive messages.

Scanners work much like radios, but can only receive, but will

receive 50 channels in either direction of the channel set.

Radios are IC (IN-CHARACTER) channels. For OOC things, use private

channels please.


Name     rae~
Text     Raises An Eyebrow


Name     rakshasa~
Text     Humanoid felines. However these beings

possess many feline traits, such as feline

hind legs that lead into humanoid feet.

They posses other traits such as tail

claws, fangs and fur. Thier ears are long

and pointed as are the elvin ears, and thier

eyes are slitted as a cats. These beings

tall and lithe forms have a cost however,

They are phyically weak and have a lower

constitution then most beings. Yet, they

are highly adapt in the forms of magic use

having powerful and fast minds.


Name     ranger~
Text     A warrior and being of nature, the ranger protects the woods

with the power of the earth and it's elements herself.


Name     raven~
Text     Nevermore.


Name     ready~
Text     Syntax: ready


Mages of great mind have to balance thier bodies in order to inflict

non spell attacks upon thier foes. This command allows the mage to 

balance thier mind with thier body to allow the use of weaponry and

skills such as dodging and parrying. Someone not in the ready is likely

to become suprised and loose control of all thought process and



Name     reavers~
Text     .Its huge, leathery head was as big as the bed of a large wagon, and

rows and rows of crystalline teeth filled its mouth. Reavers had no

eyes or ears or nose but along the back of its head, feelers fanned out

like snakes. Runes of power were tattooed onto its head, on its forehead

and in columns near its leathery upper lips. The runes shone silver in

the darkness, glowing with their own ghostlight.

 The reaver's four long legs wear dark and thin and gleamed like bone. Its

huge forearms had three-toed hands with great claws, each claw curved like

an assassin's khivar and just as long.


-- from Runelords, by David Farland


Name     reboot~
Text     Syntax: reboot <nosave>

Syntax: shutdown <nosave>

Syntax: wizlock

REBOOT shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used

to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow

old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script

from restarting it.

WIZLOCK is a toggle command.  When the server is WIZLOCKed, players

below level 51 may not log in.  Players who lose their links, however,

may reconnect.

If nosave is specified for reboot or shutdown, it will not automatically 

save all of the players.




Name     rebirth~
Text     When you are reborn, you may appear as a random race. Your talents

may change, and go up or down depending on how much you've learned

in them. Your sex may change. However, if you have grown powerful

enough, you may control your destiny, and affect what sex, nation,

and species you will become.


See also: HELP DEATH


Name     recall~
Text     Recall is given at the first level when obtaining the Motion talent.

Recall will automatically teleport you to your recall point.

The default recall point is the Nexus of Torn Elkandu.

To change your recall point see: HELP MEMORIZE


Name     recipeflags~
Text     FIRE - Need a fire in the room

WATER - Need a spring or high water level in the room

DRINKCON - Need a drink container in your inventory

KNIFE - Need a cutting implement

ICE - Need frost magic or to be in a cold climate.

BLOOD - Need fresh blood on the floor.


Name     reflecting_pool~
Text     Reflecting pools, when gazed upon, show you your true self, even those

things which might not be readily apparent to you, such as your aptitude

with the Elkandu Talents. Permanent pools exist in many places, the most

well-known one being NE, E of the Nexus.


Name     refresh~
Text     (null)~

Name     relax~
Text     Syntax: relax


Relaxing the body and mind helps the mage collect his/her thoughts

again and reflect upon what combat they may have just been involved in.

During relaxation the mage is able to regain his/her mana and health,

preparing them for their next bout of combat.


Name     remove~
Text     Syntax: remove <object>


Removes a piece of armor and places it in your inventory.



Name     rent~
Text     Syntax: RENT ... characters never have to rent!


There is no RENT here.  Just SAVE and QUIT whenever you want to leave

the game.


Name     repair~
Text     Repair is one of the many skills that is taught by an apprentice.

If you don't already have the skill and find the apprentice.

Type: practice repair

This will add the skill to your list of skills if it is applicable

to the race of your character. After doing so, or if you already have 

the skill. Make sure the item is in your inventory. 

&YYou CAN NOT repair items that are either on the ground or are being

worn at the moment you wish to repair, they must be in your inventory.

&WType: repair <object>

There is a chance that the repair will fail, and especially if your

skill is still low. If you do fail to repair it can damage the item

further. An item needs to be repaired if when looking at it in your

inventory or equipment screen you see the damaged flag on the item.


Repair can also be used to repair damage to a construct, whether it

be a player or a monster.


The amount of damage recovered by repair is based on one's Smithing.




Name     report~
Text     Syntax: report


This shows your attributes to the people in the room.


Name     reshape~
Text     Syntax: reshape <object> <string>


This ability will allow you to partly change or form an illusion around an

object, making it appear to be something else. This will not change the

actual makeup of the object, only what it looks like.

This spell is permanent until changed.


Reshape dream merely allows the command Reshape to be used upon items

created with imagine in the same syntax.

Reshape ether does the same for items made from ether with Create.


Name     rest~
Text     Syntax:  rest

When you REST, you regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement

points at a much faster rate.  However, you are more vulnerable to attack.


Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.



Name     restore~
Text     Syntax: restore <character>

        restore all

RESTORE restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the

target character.  RESTORE ALL does this for all players. If restore is

done to a specific person, it will restore all of their bodyparts as well,

stopping any bleeding, fixing broken bones, and regenerating severed limbs.


Name     restoretime~
Text     Restoretime shows you how much time has passed since you last did a

restore all. Mortals can only restore once per several hours depending

on their Healing effectivity. Immortals can restore whenever they want.


Name     resurrect~
Text     Syntax: resurrect


This command will resurrect the first corpse within the room, either it be

a creature or a player.  The corpse of a mob will be charmed and follow

the caster about aimlessly.  The corpse of the player will revert to having

the original stats as if death was not there.  The player may have their corpse

resurrected by consenting to the caster.


If the player being resurrected was undead, the resurrection will restore

them to a living state.


Name     retell~
Text     Syntax: retell <message>


The command will send a message to the last character you replied to

or sent a tell to.


Name     retrieve~
Text     Syntax: retrieve

Syntax: retrieve <player>


This ability allows a Death or Motion mage to bring back their own corpse,

or the corpse(s) of another. To bring back the corpses of someone else they

will need their consent.

The corpse may not be retrieved for two ticks after death.


Name     returning~
Text     This flag on an item will make it return when thrown.

On a missile weapon such as a bow, it will have unlimited shots.


Name     rights~
Text     You have the right to remain silent or to hit the off button at any time.


Name     rock~




Name     rodent~
Text     Rodents are creatures related to rats, and may include true rats as well

as humanoid rats such as skavens.


Name     rogue~
Text     Common thieves with a touch of Illusion to help them.

They are inborn with the Illusion talent.


Name     roll~
Text     Syntax: roll <number of dice> <number of sides>


This command acts like dice, rolling random numbers for you.


Name     rtfhf~
Text     Read The Fucking Help File


Name     rank~
Text     Syntax: rank <string>

This will set the part of your title seen to the right of

your name. By default, it will be based off your current

skill in your inborn talent.


Name     rats~
Text     A rodent of a larger variety than mice.~

Name     rune_distract~
Text     An ability of the Dream talent, this will place runes upon the room that

will affect the subconscious. Animals and mensch attempting to enter

the enchanted room will be distracted and not enter the room. It will not

however work on Elkandu.


Name     roleplay_tips~
Text     This is just a compilation of rules and helpful hints on roleplay...


Roleplay in public areas of the mud should be open to any and all that wish to 

join in. Mudsex in public areas will not be tolerated and tp deductions will

ensue for any offenses after the first. 


When using emotes, they should be open-ended, allowing other characters to

react instead of predetermining that character's action. For

example, if your character throws something at someone using a typed out emote,

don't automatically determine that it hits said character.


Information gathered OOCly is not known by your character, unless they have

gathered it through rp.


Though elkandu do not die permanently, if your character has been killed 

through rp, especially repeatedly, a rename may be appropriate.


When rping or in a public area, use the command osay for room ooc comments.

Repeated use of the say command for ooc comments will result in tp deductions.


Don't forget to report your rp using the appropriate command.


No actions permanently affecting another character permanently cannot be 

done without getting the approval of that character's player (This 

includes roleplayed pkilling.).


Actual pkilling is allowed only on the plane of Mezulbryst, no consent is 

necessary in this world. PK outside of this area will be dealt with.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!





Name     remove_trap~
Text     Syntax: cast 'remove trap' <object>

This spell will magically disarm a trap on an object.


Name     rune_travel~
Text     This makes a rune that randomly teleports whoever

steps on it somewhere in the world.


Name     rabbit~
Text     Ehhh, what's up, Doc?


Name     reptilian~
Text     The reptile are creatures blazoned with scales, most of them.  Usually

loners by nature, but can be found throughout the lands.  Although strong

in body, not much can be said for brains.  Their devious nature balances

out the brains for brawn.  Ugly can only describe the creatures as well. 

They speak with a forked tongue and slur their speech as if drunk.  Most

are very harsh towards other and love to engage in combat.


Name     rune_life~
Text     Creates a rune within a room, allowing occupants of the room

to heal at faster rates.


Name     rune_ward~
Text     (null)~

Name     rune_ability~
Text     Runes are a powerful ward one can place to protect their area.

The intent of them is to guard your homes or places of hiding.




Name     rotting~
Text     Rotting, or mummy rot, can cause draining damage over time, it is

very painful and can be deadly.


Name     shops~
Text     At a shop, one may use BUY, SELL, LIST, and VALUE.


Players may also own a shop. You can type shopstat in a shop to see who

owns it and what it sells. If you see that it is for sale, you may type

BUY SHOP to bu the shop.




Name     sell~
Text     Syntax: sell  <object>


SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

Shopkeepers will only buy the type of item they deal in.




Name     socials~
Text     Syntax: socials


SOCIALS shows all the social commands available to you.


Name     stamina~
Text     Energy points.  This is your stamina.  You lose stamina several ways,

such as fighting prolonged fights, swinging weapons and moving around.


You gain ep back by resting.  In fact most Elkandu mages find that

their magical natures allow fast recovery, simply by relaxing and

sleeping for a few moments.  Most mages can survive on much less rest

than any normal being.


There is also a refresh spell for healing mages.




Name     secrecy~
Text     Clan secrecy can be set for both members and non-members of a clan.  The

commands are:

CLAN INTSEC <abbr> <number>

CLAN EXTSEC <abbr> <number>

The numbers for the security are as follows:

6 - No information (Secret clan/organization)

5 - Clan's existence is public

4 - Information about clan is visible

3 - Members' names are visible

2 - Members' names and titles are visible

1 - Members' names, titles, and permits are visible


Name     say~
Text     Syntax: say   <message>

Syntax: say @<tone> <message>


SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''

is a synonym for SAY. You can prefix a say with a tone or emotion using

the @. Example: say @happily Hello.


Name     sneak~
Text     Syntax:  sneak


If you successfully SNEAK, you can move from place to place without being

noticed by other characters.


In order to sneak successfully, you must practice the appropriate

skill, and success is based off Stealth.


Name     spells~
Text     The magic system of Rogue Winds is based on TALENTS, specific disciplines

of magic.  Each talent has its own set of spells and abilities.  Although,

there is some overlap.

Your ability in a talent is measured by three variables: SKILL, POWER, and 

EFFECTIVITY.  You start the game with talent points which can be allocated 

as you see fit.  "Trading-in" talent points causes your POWER to increase.  

When you level, your skill increases.  EFFECTIVITY is calculated from comb-

ining both SKILL and POWER in that talent.  To see these variables you can 

look into any reflecting pool.  

    &G(RP TIP: The exact values of your SKILL, POWER, and EFFECTIVITY are 

    unknown 'in character'.  You should remember this before you start 

    talking about your levels; Levels DO NOT EXIST 'in character'.)&w

New spells and abilities are gained as you advance in SKILL, but the strength 

of your spells and abilities is determined by POWER (and your stats).

You may gain more talent points later from roleplaying, bug reports, or

quests, which can be used to increase the power in your talents, or to

"discover" new talents within yourself.

You must go to a cleric to practice your spells (listed under "practice").


See also: SKILLS (non-magical abilities)


Name     sex~
Text     Yes please.


Name     sheathe~
Text     Syntax: sheathe <object>


Sheathes a weapon and places it in your inventory.



Name     sleep~
Text     Syntax:  sleep


When you SLEEP, you regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement

points at a much faster rate.  However, you are more vulnerable to attack,

and if you SLEEP you won't hear many things happen.


Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can also WAKE

other sleeping characters.



Name     stand~
Text     Syntax:  stand


Brings you to a standing position.


Name     south~
Text     Lets you move south.~

Name     satiate~
Text     syntax: cast satiate <target>

The recipient of this spell will be relieved of their innermost

appetites...for food, you pervert.


Name     save~
Text     Syntax:  Save


SAVE saves your character and its inventory.  The system automatically saves

approximately one character every minute, but you should not rely on auto-save 

to keep your character updated -- SAVE FREQUENTLY.


Every character is auto-saved at reboot.


Name     scan~
Text     Syntax:  scan <direction>


This skill enables you to scan for one or more rooms in the direction

specified, dependent on the percent to which the skill is practiced,

and the type of area you are in.


Name     scatter~
Text     Syntax: scatter <victim>


This will send a mob, player, or object to a random destination

somewhere in the universe.


Name     school~
Text     The school is all northwest then north from the Nexus.


Name     score~
Text     Syntax: score


SCORE is a sheet filled with your character's statistics.  When you type

score, only you can see what is listed there.  Should you want to let

others see your character's health, you can type REPORT.



Name     scorpion~
Text     Small, but deadly, these denizens of the desert possess a long

stinger that can inject deadly poison into its victims. While most

of this species are ordinary beings, rumor has it that deep in the

desert, a more intelligent, deadlier version of this being resides.

Arachnids that can throw fire or focus sunlight, and wield powerful



Name     screelings~
Text     Rachel looked over to the wall to watch where the dark thing was. She gave a 

start when she saw the hands reach over the edge of the wall. It was a lot


But they weren't hands. They were claws. Long curved claws.

Rachel looked over to the dark thing. It was closer, as close as the wall

came to them. With its claws over the top of the wall, it lifted its head

up and looked right into her eyes.

The thing grinned at her, showing long, sharp teeth, Her breath caught in

her throat. Its shoulders shook. It was laughing. Rachel's eyes were as big

as they would go. She could hear her heartbeat making a whooshing sound in

her eyes.

With a howl the dark thing sprang into the open. It ran like a streak, just a 

blur of black.

The screeling grinned with bloodred teeth, its deathless black eyes momentarily

reflecting golden in the sunlight coming in a tall, narrow window. It winced at

the light, licked the blood off its claws, and then loped after them. They went

down the next stairway. The creature followed, sometimes stopping briefly in 

confusion, seemingly unsure if it was them it was after.


-- from Stone of Tears, by Terry Goodkind


Name     scrying~
Text     This spell will allow the character to scry (look) in to nearby rooms.

The character needs only to "look" in the desired direction.


Name     scythes~
Text     Usually deemed as equipment for harvesting. Enthusiasts of the dark

grim reaper folklore tend to be the ones to venture into its 

possible uses in combat. A straight handle averaging about 

4 feet in length, and an arced single edged blade comprise of

a scythes structure. Using either the tip to pierce or the inner

edge of the blade to slice or rip, the scythe is not a weapon

to be taken lightly or to be wielded without much forethought.


Name     sea-elves~
Text     Also called Aquatic Elves, they are akin to mermen as land elves are

akin to men.  Found almost exclusively among heavy weed beds in quiet,

sheltered, salty waters, they are great friends of the dolphins.  The

race historically prefers to fashion caverns in lagoon bottoms and

reefs in which to live and work, but the reality of the today's Realms

has forced them into the general populace.

The race is humanoid in appearance, with gill slits on the throat and

greenish-silver skin and green or blue-green hair.  Sea elves have an

inate ability to notice magical auras as well as breath under water.


Name     search~
Text     Syntax: search

Syntax: search <container>

Sometimes not all there is to find is in clear view.  Some things may be

concealed or hidden, and will require some searching to find.

See also: HARVEST


Name     security_talent~
Text     The Binders have the magic of protection and warding, but also are capable of 

penetrating the protection of others with their magic.


Name     sedit~
Text     View, create, edit or delete socials online.

Sytanx:  sedit <social>

Syntax:  sedit <social> [field]

Syntax:  sedit <social> create

Syntax:  sedit <social> delete

Syntax:  sedit <save>


Field being one of:

  cnoarg onoarg cfound ofound vfound cauto oauto


Use sedit <social> to view the current settings of an existing social.

Use sedit <social> [field] to set one of the fields:

  CNoArg: response to character if no argument given

  ONoArg: response to room if no argument given

  CFound: Response to character if target is someone else

  OFound: Response to room if target is someone else

  VFound: Response to target if target is someone else

  CAuto : Response to character if target is self

  OAuto : Response to room if target is self

Adj: Default Adjective

Use sedit <social> create to create a new social, then edit with sedit field.

Use sedit <social> delete to delete an existing social.

Use sedit save to save the new social or changes to existing socials.


Variables you can use are:

  $n - Name of the user of the social.

  $N - Name of the target of the social.

  $m - him/her/it for the user the social.

  $M - him/her/it for the target of the social.

  $s - his/her/its for the user of the social.

  $S - his/her/its for the targt of the social.

  $e - he/she/it for the user of the social.

  $E - he/she/it for the target of the social.

$t - adj. if used, you MUST set default adj on social.


&RWARNING:&W  Using OTHER variables other than the ones listed above &RWILL&W

crash the MUD upon use of the social.  &RNO ANDS, IF OR BUTS ABOUT IT!&W

                            &RYou have been warned!&W


Name     seek~
Text     This is the primary skill of the Seeking talent. It will allow you to

locate objects or people. Note that if there is a person with the name

of an object it will find the person first if it can.


Name     seeker~
Text     One who is skilled in the talent of Seeking, and also has some

ability in Illusion.


Name     seeking_talent~
Text     This talent is often passive, in that it usually works whether the person

with it consciously thinks about it or not. Sometimes one will be able to

see auras around other people, or gain knowledge of things in flashes of

insight. Occasionally someone with this talent will be able to look across

distances to look for something or someone. Sometimes Seekers are able to

see things with thier eyes closed.


Seeking will allow the mage to obtain information on how many points of energy

are imbued into any given object at higher levels. Thus, seeking proves a

vital role in any mages repetoire.

Some (but not all) abilities available to a Seeker:


The higher one's skill in Seeking, the more these abilities will show.


Name     sense_magic~
Text     This ability allows a Seeker to sense magic being used in the room

they are in. The more mana is being put into the magic, the better

a chance there is to detect it. Even those without Seeking will be

able to sense magic if enough mana is used, and often even Seekers

won't sense the magic used by good channelers.


Name     seraphim~
Text     Wingless angels. Yet as beautiful if not more so

then thier winged cousins, these beings possess

a pale complex and long flowing light colored

hair. However, thier eyes range a broad spectrum

of vivid colors. Many are good and pure, however

there are some among them with dark hearts.


Name     serpent~
Text     Large snake-like dragons, lacking wings and legs.~

Name     shadowform~
Text     This makes you resistant to nonmagical attacks.

This includes physical attacks and non-enchanted weapons.


Name     shadowshroud~
Text     This spell shrouds items in shadow, making the room darker.


Name     shatter~
Text     Syntax: shatter <target>

This destroys an object.

This can also be used on non-pacifist mobiles,

but no experience wil be gained from it,

nor will it count as a kill.

Please do not shatter janitors.


Name     sheenvale~
Text     Nestled between the forested hills between the Mountains of Sorrow

and the Reflective mountains, on the continent of Albrynnia on the

world of Lezaria, Sheenvale is the home of many scholars and wizards

coming to research ancient texts in the tower south of town. This

tower boasts the largest library in the world, and the most extensive

collection of magic books. It is said that in Sheenvale, the first

magical tests to determine the Talents of an Elkandu were conducted.


Name     shock~
Text     This attack is given to those of the Lightning talent.

Its attack goes up as your skill in the Lightning talent increases.

Be forewarned it can produce odd occurences underwater.


Name     shoot~
Text     Syntax: shoot <direction> <victim>

Syntax: shoot <victim>


This lets you shoot a missile weapon at a person. You must be

wielding a missile weapon to use this command.


See also: LOAD


Name     shopset~
Text     Syntax: shopset <field> <value>


If you own a shop, you may set the prices you sell items at. Type:

shopset sell 100

for example, if you wish to sell items at the base cost. Setting it

to 120 will sell items for a 20% profit, and to 50 you would sell

items at half off.

A player may also set the salary they pay their shopkeepers. The

higher the salary, the more quickly and well the shopkeeper will

work for creating and selling items for them.

Builders may also set type, flag, and owner on a shop. Players

may view these but may not alter them.


Salary will determine the % of profits the shopkeeper deducts.

Type restricts the type of item to be sold.

Flag restricts the items to be sold to have that flag.

Owner is who owns the shop. Shops that are (for sale) may be bought

by players. Shops owned by Keolah, any player may sell items to.


Name     shove~
Text     Syntax:  drag <character> <direction>

Syntax:  shove <character> <direction>


Drag will drag the victim in the specified direction if they are not

standing up, while shove will shove them in the specified direction

only if they are standing.


Name     shovel~
Text     It helps you dig.



Name     songs~
Text     Song effects:

FIRE - Fire attack in combat

WIND - Wind attack in combat

RIVERS - Water attack in combat

LIGHT - Makes you glow, lighting the room

SHADOWS - Makes you dark, darkening the room

FLIGHT - Makes you fly

SPEED - Makes you faster

PROTECTION - Doesn't work at the moment

SIGHT - Gives you true sight

VIGOR - Raises your CON

STRENGTH - Raises your STR

CHARM - Raises your PER

THUNDER - Lightning attack in combat

WINTER - Frost attack in combat

LIFE - Heals you in combat


See also: SING


Name     sit~
Text     Syntax: sit

Syntax: sit <item>

Sit makes your character sit down.

You can also sit on a piece of furniture such as a chair or couch.


Name     skavens~
Text     Half-human, half-rat. These vile creatures are well known for thier

devious dealings. When the Changers started toying with half-breeds they

decided that the feral creatures seemed to make excellent slaves, as

well as extremely cunning hunters. Hence the Skaven race was created.


Name     skeleton~
Text     Skeletal beings animated with magic. They were once humanoid

beings, perhaps humans or elves, but have been animated

after all the flesh rotted from theirr corpses.


Name     skills~
Text     This command will list your combative and non combative skills

and thier current level, through the use of the skills your talent

in the given field will increase, thus better proficiency




Name     slash~
Text     Syntax: slash [victim] [part]

Slash is an attack which may be used with a sword, axe, halberd,

scythe, dagger, or other similar weapons. This attack consists of

slicing at your target with the blade of your weapon in hopes of

cutting them to inflict damage.


Name     slay~
Text     Syntax: slay <victim>

SLAY is a Security Permit command.

It kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.

The optional parameters cause different messages to be sent to the actor,

the victim and the room, just for a bit of variety.

These types of slays are available:

immolate, shatter, demon, dog, rip, heart, kiss, many

Note: the slay 'many' will severely spam the victim, use only

when you really mean it.


If config +spar is set, slay will not kill them.


Name     sleep_spell~
Text     Syntax: cast sleep <victim>

This spell puts its victim to sleep. The victim gets a saving throw

based on their willpower.

While asleep, a Dreamer may pull the victim into the Dreamworld,

from which they cannot wake if sleep was cast upon them.


Name     sliths~
Text     Sliths, as they are known to surface dwellers, are properly known by the

name they call themselves, the Slithzerakai.  They dwell in deep caverns

and are not used to living upon the surface.  Many of them are friendly

towards surface dwellers, while other tribes would kill a human or elf

without a second thought.  They are highly intelligent, and quite strong,

and many of them enjoy working with magic or clerical occupations.  The

are trained from birth to use pole weapons, and their traditional weapon

is a Slith spear, which often has two or three prongs.


Name     sluggy~

Is it not nifty?

Worship the comic!


Name     smaug1~
Text     To get SMAUG running under Windows 95, perform the following

steps, in order.

1.  Download the following files from

    to C:\


       SMAUGw32.ZIP OR SMAUGW32_1_02A.ZIP

       Note: The two zip files are mutually exclusive. One

       file has routines for CRYPTO.  See the index on the

       ftp site for details.  Download only the latest

       version of the programs.

2.  Download an UNTGZ program and a copy of mIRC or identd from a

    web site that has them. IF your uncompression program is able

    to handle both zip and tgz files, this step may be unnecessary.

3.  With SMAUG1.02.TGZ in your C:\ root directory, UNTGZ the file.

    This will build the directories needed for SMAUG.

See &Whelp smaug2 &w for Windows information



Name     smaug2~
Text     .

4.  Copy or move the smaug zip file into C:\DIST\SYSTEM and unzip

    the file.

5.  Copy C:\DIST\SYSTEM\cygwin.dll to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

6.  Copy the .ARE and .LST files into C:\DIST\SYSTEM

7.  Run mIRC/identd software and minimize the window.  This handles

    the addressing routines.  If it is not active, you may experience

    alot of lag as the system attempts to resolve the addressing fo

    the screen displays and responses.

8.  Open a DOS window and set your memory configuration to place as

    much of your memory into EXTENDED memory allocation as possible.


9.  To run SMAUG, you can either:

    a)  Open a DOS window, go to C:\DIST\SYSTEM and type SMAUG.

    b)  In windows, go to C:\DIST and double click on the SMAUG.EXE


10.  Using a client, sign on to your new MUD using port 4000.

See HELP SMAUG to learn how to create your first immortal character.



Name     smite~
Text     Syntax: smite <person>

Using the powers of lightning and holy magic, a mage can strike

down holy wrath on an enemy. While powerful against any creature,

smite's damage is increased on the unholy, the undead, and the demons

of hell.


Name     smithing~
Text     This skill will affect your prowess in manipulating metals

into equipment as well as smelting them and combining them into alloys.

This skill will also increase the amount you repair on a construct.




Name     snake~
Text     More like a boa constrictor than a garter snake.


Name     sol~
Text     Shit Out of Luck


Name     solar~
Text     The solar is a being made up of light and energy. These beings

make their homes within the dark recesses of space. The

solar, an ethereal being of shifting haze and light can appear

to glow as the moon, or shine as the stars. The solar,

being the space dweller it is, has no need of food nor air,

and can survive in most any climate.




Name     sonics~
Text     Syntax: sonics


This will cause the air to vibrate in a high pitched hum, damaging

everyone in the room.


Name     soulmage~
Text     With the powers of life and death at hand a soulmage can be a

great healer or threat. Being inborn with the magic of healing

will not stop these mages from destroying those who anger them.


Name     spamming~
Text     No, we are not talking about a luncheon meat here.  Spam is the repeated use

of a phrase, command, or channel that causes screen scroll for others.  Not

only is spam considered rude, but excessive screen scroll can interfere with

the game play of anyone seeing it (not to mention combat situations).  The


It is also considered spam to use the same phrase over several different

channels.  The use of all-caps can also be considered spam.  Only use

capitals to add emphasis to key words in a sentence.


Moving a large number of items into and out of a container in a crowded, 

non-store room is considered spam.  Using multiple characters to chat the

same message at the same time is considered spam.  Making charmed mobs

or pets cause screen scroll through movement or orders is considered spam.

ANYTHING that causes excessive or irritating screen scroll can be considered



Name     sparring~
Text     A feature that was added for players to test their skills against

others without fear of death and other such things associated with

normal PK. Activate this option in the following manner:


config +spar


Even if the character bled to death or died of poison, they will

not die if you have spar on.

Spar loss IS NOT actual death, and should not be treated as such.


Name     spears~
Text     These are an offshoot of staves in the idea that the staff now

has a short blade attched to it. Use of the spear become a little

more complicated because the focal point of attack and deflection

gets narrowed down to the length of the blade attached. The goal 

other than keeping your own ass from getting killed, is to

maneuver the blade to pierce a vital area of your opponents.




Name     speech_talent~
Text     Also known as Harpers or Spellsingers, the Speech Mages specialize in the

powers of the voice, and often use a musical instrument to enhance their

own magic in the spells they sing. 


Name     speed~
Text     Speed is automatic. It will make commands

go through faster.


Name     sphinx~
Text     Lions with human heads.


Name     spider~
Text     Larger than normal spiders, however not quite classifying as giant,

these beings are two feet tall and have large fangs. They spin webs

and many of them have a poisonous bite. Wild rumors speak of a

strange group of talking spiders hidden deep within the caves,

but few have returned from there with their sanity intact.


Name     spiderweb~
Text     syntax: cast spiderweb <victim>

The target of this spell will have their dexterity lowered if they do

not succeed a saving throw. This spell may be used multiple times on

one target.


Name     spiritform~
Text     Syntax: c spiritform

This spell, available at 98 death and only castable on yourself, will allow

you to take on an ethereal form at the expense of strength and constitution.

While in spiritform all physical attacks, aside from magically enchanted

weapons will pass harmlessly through you. Conversly, your physical, again aside

from magic weapons will pass through opponents. Also note that while in spirit-

form you will not leave a corpse when killed, your equipment and items that are

not bound/loyal will drop to the ground.


Name     splash~
Text     This skill allows a water mage to splash a hard spray of water on a victim.

Combined with earth, it will change the water to acid.


Name     split~
Text     Syntax: SPLIT <amount>

SPLIT splits some gold between you and all the members of your

group who are in the same room as you.  It's customary to SPLIT

the gold after a kill.


Name     sprites~
Text     Sprites are flighty descendants of faerie kind, related to the pixies.

They are tiny, winged, and highly intelligent, delighting in spells and

trickery.  Sprites are naturally invisible, so thus many people have

decided to disbelieve in their existance because they cannot see them.

They tend to get along well with other faerie creatures as pixies and nymphs.

In general, they are fun-loving tricksters and enjoy a good joke, the more

evil of them glad to make a joke at someone else's expense.


Name     squirrel~
Text     Small, fat rodents with bushy tails.


Name     stab~
Text     Syntax: stab [victim] [part]


Stab is a short, quick attack used with a thrusting weapon such as

a dagger or a sword. It is a fast jab that might not inflict as much

damage as a slash or a lunge, but takes much less time to perform.


Name     staves~
Text     Fashioned by carving wood into a pole roughly 3-5 inches in thickness.

These weapons are for the defensive minded, and those that cherish 

grace, form, mental control, and physical tempermant. By using its

blunt impact, long length, and balance. One can trip up, disarm, shove

or daze their opponent in combat. Masters of staves eventually learn

to attack effortlessly and continuously.


A staff can be used with the POUND command.


Name     status~
Text     This command displays the status of various magical effects of your

character, as well as their current position toward other characters,

such as who they consent to, what they are disguised as, what shield

they have up, and so forth.


Name     steal~
Text     Syntax: STEAL coins <character>

Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a mob or another player.


If you use STEAL on another player, and they find out about it

chances are that they will attack you, or place a BOUNTY on you.

In order to STEAL successfully, you must practice the skill.

Chances of succeeding a steal are based on your stealth skill,

but can be hindered if the person you are strying to steal from

has a high Streetwise.




Name     stealth~
Text     Your Stealth skill represents how skilled you are at things involving

secrecy and stealth. It will affect your ability to pick pockets,

sneak up on people, and backstab successfully.




Name     stfu~
Text     Shut The Fuck Up


Name     sticky_flame~
Text     syntax: cast sticky

This spell causes the victim to take damage, as well as ignite, continuing

to burn for a short period of it.


Name     stormbringer~
Text     Masters of the Storm, the Stormbringer is inborn with the Wind Talent,

and also begins with the Talent of Lightning and several auxiliary



Name     story~
Text     Slowly, one by one, the ancient Elkandu wandered away, vanishing into

the Void, with none to know where they went. With them the ancient

powers of old dwindled away, making way for a new generation. The last

to leave the realm of Torn Elkandu left behind a set of magic books

from which their legacy might live on, and the next generation of

mages learn, and grow once again. It was an end, but it was also,

a beginning...


Name     strategy~
Text     As a newbie here, you have many choices.  You can begin playing the game,

leveling your character and improving its stats.  You may also roleplay.

The imms often reward good roleplay and well written character histories.

(see also help &Yroleplay&w)


To begin managing your character you should choose your talents.  It is

suggested you choose talents which match both your character's race and

its roleplay, though race is less of an issue.  (see also help &Ytalents&w)


After choosing talents, you can level them by gaining exp and using your

abilities gained through the talents you have.  You should visit the forest

west of the Nexus and through the portal to Lezaria.  Here you can simply 

explore for exp, or you can kill the furry woodland creatures.  You should

pay very good attention to the names of mobs.  'Baby' squirrels are wimps 

compared to 'large' squirrels.  'Ancient' dragons are much tougher than 

'baby' dragons.  This adjective system replaces "consider".  

(see also help &Yexp&w)


It is very important that you prepare yourself when you go to fight anyone.

(see also help &Yready&w)


Armor is not important in Rogue Winds.  Certain races do not use armor at 

all.  Humanoid races do benefit from the protective ability of clothing.  

You may want to ask politely if someone has some spare clothing.  You can 

also fashion your own clothing from raw materials readily available from 

the mud.  (see also help &Yfashion&w)


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask &Cpolitely&w.  Many players

actually live for helping newbies, and the imms are always available.  

&YBe warned...annoying newbies who beg, whine or bitch are not tolerated.&w


Remember, Keo says, '&CIt's Just A Fricking Game.&w'


Name     streetwise~
Text     Your Streetwise skill represents your 'street smarts'. It will allow

you to notice things happening around you better, preventing theft

and picking up people that are trying to sneak up on you.




Name     strength~
Text     Strength is a measure of your physical muscular ability.


- It raises your damage roll.

- It helps your carrying capacity.



Name     succubus~
Text     Undead females, highly sexual in nature, like the

vampires, they feed off of other beings, but in

the case of the succubus, they feed off sexual

energy, the energy produced during sex, draining

thier victim of energy and life to sustain themselves.


Don't play a male succubus, just doesn't happen.

Any male succubus will be turned to an incubus,

see help INCUBUS.


Name     suicide~
Text     Syntax: suicide <password>


This command will delete your character.

Useful if for some reason you do not want your character anymore

or with to recreate with the same name.


Name     summoning~
Text     Syntax: summon <character> / <mob>

This ability pulls the player/mob from their current position to yours.

Players fighting or in no summon areas cannot be summoned.

Please do not summon any monster into Torn Elkandu


Name     svirfneblin~
Text     Deep gnomes, living in the Underdark.


Name     swan~
Text     Beautiful, graceful white birds that like to swim as well as fly.

They are often depicted as a symbol of purity, grace, or beauty.


Name     swimming~
Text     Syntax:  automatic

Swim will prevent you from sinking, and let you move about while underwater.

It will not allow you to breathe water.


Name     swords~
Text     This is a weapon devised by beating hard metals into the shape

of a long blade. Then appropiate to the weapon a handle "hilt"

is attached to the blade as a means of holding "wielding" it. 

Depending on the blade shape or weight, a sword can be used to

pierce or slash your enemy.


A sword can be used with the SLASH, STAB, or LUNGE commands.


Name     sworddance~
Text     syntax: sword <victim>

Using magic this spell creates copies of a wielded sword that

will attack the victim and after dealing their damage

disappear in a ghostly flash.


Name     sacrifice~
Text     There is no sacrifice or junk command on this mud. If you wish to

dispose of items you may put them in the trash can in the Nexus.

You can also sell them at an appropriate shop.


Name     shield_power~
Text     Syntax:  shield <type>

Syntax:  shield none


Types include: acid, dagger, dream, energy, fire, ice, light, mana,

poison, shock, sound, stone, sword, thought, warp, water, and wind.

(type 'slist' to see which shields you possess.)

You may only be surrounded by one shield at a time. A shield will drain

your mana to stay active until you type 'shield none', which will "turn

off" your shield.

A shield will protect you against that kind of attack, sending it

back at the attacker at a cost of mana to you. If the attacker also

has that type of shield, the attack will fizzle out harmlessly.



Name     sea_serpent~
Text     Enormous snakes that live under the sea. They are said to eat hapless

passing ships when hungry and can cause whirlpools with their massive



Name     silver_dragon~
Text     Lithe serpents of the mind and dreams, these wyrms will wriggle their

way into your consciousness and know your every thought and memory.

They are extremely intelligent as well as quick and strong of will.

Considered to be the most beautiful of the dragon races by some, the

silver dragons are a force to be feared as well.




Name     star_wyvern~
Text     A smaller breed of wyverns, star wyverns are magically enchanted wyverns.

These beings originated from a line of wyverns whose forms were altered

by a polymancer who was obsessed with perfecting what he thought were imperfect

creatures. Star Wyverns are lined with crimson scales, have vibrant silver wing

and a long whip-like tail. They are more intelligent than regular wyverns,

and focus more on spells than combat. On the inverse of being so magical,

star wyverns tend to be weak physically, and have more frail bodies.

In the wild, they live in hidden nests high in the skies, and generally

do not venture far from their airborn living quarters. They are highly

agressive creatures and will attack anyone whom they percieve to be a threat.

Though they have not developed complete speech, they can communicate through

emitting odors from their scales. By using this, they can strike down a foe

in large groups by emitting a scent that alerts others nearby. Their name

came from the magician who created them. "Born of the sky and holding the

searing scales of fire from the heavens, they are beings destined to

conquer the stars."


Name     shopvalues~
Text     1  - light               21 - pen                41 - rune

2  - scroll              22 - boat               42 - runepouch

3  - wand                23 - corpse             43 - match

4  - staff               24 - corpse_pc          44 - trap

5  - weapon              25 - fountain           45 - map

6  - radio               26 - pill               46 - portal

7  - scanner             27 - blood              47 - paper

8  - ore                 28 - bloodstain         48 - tinder

9  - armor               29 - scraps             49 - lockpick

10 - potion              30 - pipe               50 - lock

11 - _worn               31 - herbcon            51 - disease

12 - furniture           32 - herb               52 - oil

13 - trash               33 - incense            53 - fuel

14 - instrument          34 - fire               54 - vehicle

15 - container           35 - book               55 - atm

16 - _note               36 - switch             56 - missile weapon

17 - drinkcon            37 - lever              57 - projectile

18 - key                 38 - pullchain          58 - quiver

19 - food                39 - button             59 - shovel

20 - money               40 - dial               60 - salve

                                                 62 - keyring


Name     sectortypes~
Text     INSIDE                  0

CITY                    1

FIELD                   2

FOREST                  3

HILLS                   4

MOUNTAIN                5

WATER_SWIM              6

WATER_NOSWIM            7

UNDERWATER              8

AIR                     9

DESERT                  10

UNKNOWN                 11

OCEANFLOOR              12

UNDERGROUND             13

LAVA                    14

SWAMP                   15

ICE                     16

BEACH                   17


Name     short-tailed_gar~
Text     The short-tailed gar, like it's cousin, the long tail, is a winged

reptilian humanoid beast. The short tails are larger and smarter

than their cousins, however don't have as much raw strength. The

gar sport tannish to black scales, large powerful claws, and a

mouthfull of fangs intended for ripping flesh.


Name     shield_equipment~
Text     Shields are a unique piece of armour, in that they work differently

from every other armour in the game. The reason for this is that while

every other piece of armour you might wear has the purpose of reducing

the damage you take, shields have a chance of negating an attack that

would otherwise be successful. This chance is doubled if two shields

are used. Also, note that shields are held in the hands, not worn, and

so are equipped using the HOLD or WIELD command, and removed with



Lastly, it should be noted that enchant: shield can be used to make a

piece of equipment act as a shield, which is often done with weapons.




Name     shield_spell~
Text     syntax: cast shield <target>

This incantation will wrap the target in protective wards and glyphs,

helping to deflect all manner of physical attack away fron the one so

enchanted. Note that this does not block like a physical shield.




Name     snow_elves~
Text     Hardy elves of the cold northern mountains of Lezaria.

They are the only race of elves that sometimes has a short coat of fur.


Name     song_elves~
Text     Peaceful elves with a liking to music.

They typically have golden hair and amber eyes.


Name     stone_devil~
Text     Slow demons built like tanks with skin as hard as rock.




Name     stoned_devil~
Text     A demon that smokes pot.




Name     storm_demons~
Text     Demons with the power of the elements sprung from the depths     

of hell. With large wings-spans and powerful magic it's always a good

idea to keep your distance from these beasts.


Name     surging_hands~
Text     This spell causes electricity to surge around your hands,

causing you to do extra damage.


Name     sing~
Text     Syntax: sing <song>

Syntax: sing none

This speech skill will allow you to start singing a song, until you stop

singing it or run out of mana. Some songs will allow combinations with

other talents.


See also: SONGS


Name     smoke_command~
Text     You may 'smoke' a pipe after first filling it with a smokable herb or


For the spell, see HELP SMOKE SPELL.


Name     trolls~
Text     Tall, stupid, and incredibly powerful, trolls are known for their voracious

appetites and fierce fighting ability. They prefer to tear up meat with

their bare hands and eat it raw and still fresh, sometimes even still alive.

They tend to be very evil, the few of them that are smart enough to know

what evil is, however to most races trolls are little better than animals.

They have no organized society, living whereever they can survive, either

alone or in small groups.


Where they live depends on which kind of troll. Swamp trolls tend to live in

swamps, and are smelly and their skin is slimy. Rock trolls are hard as rocks

and tend to live high in the mountains.


Name     think~
Text     Syntax: think <message>


Think can be used by even non mind-mages to communicate with the

person they are mindlinked with.



Name     tumble~
Text     This skill is automatic, and will help your character evade

incoming attacks.


Name     tell~
Text     Syntax: tell  <character> <message>


TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world. This is an

OOC (Out of Character) message and should not be used for roleplaying.


REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work

even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This

is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.


Name     tap~
Text     Syntax: tap <amount>


Mana levels are described when you type 'weather', and vary from area-to-area.

When you want more mana, you can use this command to draw in more mana

from your surroundings.  Be careful, however, as you may not always get

what you want, and taking in more than you can handle can severely injure you.

Take care also not to overextend yourself in your casting, for casting

more than you can handle will exhaust you.


See also: MANABURN


Name     title~
Text     Syntax: title     <string>

Syntax: rank      <string>

These commands are used to change fields affecting the name/title/rank

of your character.


I am an Immortal named Keolah. I could type:

title Lady $n Kedaire, the Seeker of Truth

rank Head Imp


Now, when someone types who, my name would show up like this:

 &z&C[  &z&WHead Imp  &C]  &wLady Keolah Kedaire, the Seeker of Truth.

You need at least mage rank (see score) to set your rank.


Name     tail~
Text     This is an attack with a tail.

Syntax: tail [victim] [part]


Name     tailoring~
Text     This skill will affect your ability to sew together fabrics and

skins and to fashion them into clothing.




Name     tame~
Text     Syntax: tame <target>


This will make the target tame and follow you and obey your orders

for a time. To command them, type order <mob> <command>.

You can also dismiss them by typing: dismiss <mob>

For the moment, it only works on mobs.


Name     tamp~
Text     Syntax:  tamp <pipe>


This empties your pipe so that you may fill it with fresh herbs.




Name     tbft~
Text     Too Bad For Them


Name     telepathy~
Text     This automatic ability will let a telepath sense people's

minds even if they are invisible, if the mind is strong enough.


Name     thri-kreen~
Text     A race of large, warrior-like desert dwelling insectoids. They thrive

upon heat, and hate the cold.


Name     throw~
Text     Syntax: throw <item> <direction> <person>

Syntax: throw <item> <person>


This lets you throw any item at a person. Note that this might not

do as much damage as an actual projectile weapon.


See also: SHOOT


Name     tick~
Text     Many of the actions in the MUD are based on interval timers.


A combat/affect round is 1 second long.

HP/MP/EP regenerates about every 10-15 seconds.

Time, hunger/thirst, updates every 10 minutes.


Name     tigers~
Text     Big orange and black striped cats.


Name     time~
Text     Syntax: time


TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,

and the current local time for the host computer.


See HELP TIME TALENT for info on the talent.


Name     timecmd~
Text     Syntax:  timecmd <command>

Example: timecmd mpstat <mob>


Returns the time required to execute the specified command for that

instance of its execution.


Name     titan~
Text     Massive giants once considered to be gods, titans are extremely strong

and have bodies like mountains, but are very slow in movement as well

as in mind. While many titans may be extremely wise and old, they tend

not to think too quickly or thoroughly in a short amount of time, and

it takes them a long time of pondering to deduce anything much.

Elder titans can generally be found sitting around thinking, while

younger, brash ones are often out rampaging. Thankfully the younger

titans are smaller...


Name     tmi~
Text     Too Much Information.


Name     toilet~
Text     You sit on it.


Name     talents~
Text     Talents are various magical abilities which may each be able

to perform different magical effects. Type talent <name>

to see a list of what abilities they get.




Name     tracking~
Text     This skill is automatic, and will show you trails of mobs and players

that have been through the room.


Name     travel~
Text     This ability lets a motion mage travel instantly from one location to

another. Without an argument, this will teleport them randomly.

This ability is limited by rooms warded against travelling, however,

according to legend, this does not stop the masters of Motion.


syntax: travel <area name>

syntax: travel <person>

When used to travel to an area, you will be dropped in a random location within

the area. You must have first been to an area before you can travel there, and 

memories sometimes fade upon death. Travelling to a person takes more skill 

in the motion talent. Travel is for you only, you cannot take others with you. 

If you attempt to travel before aquiring 20 motion skill, you will teleport to a 

random location anywhere in the planes.


Name     traveller~
Text     Motion mages.


Name     tribble~
Text     Gerbil with no arms or legs.  Try the tribble social.


Name     time_talent~
Text     The mystical Prophets are capable of manipulating time and the possible

futures of themselves and others. 


Name     twinking~
Text     If you are here just to get the biggest most bad-ASS character ever...

you won't be here long.


This is a roleplay mud.  You are welcome to develope your character as

much as you wish, but be prepared to have some sort of history or story

to back it up.  Any attempt to bend the rule, ruin roleplay, or disrupt

another person's playing on this mud will be punished severely.


If you have any doubts as to whether you are doing something wrong, ask

an imm.  It's better than being caught.  Ignorance is no excuse.&w


Name     tradein~
Text     Syntax: tradein <amount> <talent>


This command will trade in talent points to raise the power in your

talents. This will not give you new abilities immediately, but rather

strength in abilities. Tradein the number of power levels you wish

to gain in the talent. Each power level in a different talent costs

a different amount of points. eg. tradein 100 fire would give you

100 fire power and cost 200 tp, since fire's cost is 2. tradein 100

seeking on the other hand would give you 100 seeking but only cost

100, since seeking costs 1.


Name     umber_hulk~
Text     Gigantic demonic beasts. Feared and respected

for thier battle poweress. These beasts thrive

on death and carnage and the smell of blood in

the air. Thick leathery hides serve them well as

armor while thier long powerful arms can break the

ancient red wood trees like twigs with ease. Pity

the unlucky adventure to cross one of this beasts



Name     unlock~
Text     Syntax: unlock <object|direction>

UNLOCK unlocks a closed object or door.  You must have

the requisite key to UNLOCK.


Name     undead~
Text     Undead creatures are those who are neither alive, or entirely dead.

They subsist of negative energy, and thus are damaged by "Heal",

and instead they are healed by "Drain". Undead need never eat or

drink, not being alive, but they will be "killed" as normal in

combat, generally called "destroyed", which is the destruction

of their physical body. However, their souls, being of negative

energy, will reincarnate of negative energy beings, undead, once

again, rather than living beings.


Name     unicorn~
Text     Magical beings like a horse with a spiral horn from their

forehead and a tail like a lion. Known for their healing



Name     value~
Text     Syntax: value <object>


VALUE asks the shop keeper how much they will buy the item for.




Name     vampire~
Text     Vampiric beings of any race, these creatures are blood thirsty

undead who burn like candles underneath the rays of the sun

there are few ways to become a vampire. Either to be fed by

another who is already vampiric, to be reanimated by the cold

touch of a necromancer, or to be born that way through some

terrible past. No matter the cause the hunger is insatiable.





Name     veeden~
Text     VEEDEN

&YA land which was devastated by a battle between Hawthorne and Sedder.

The outside land became a desert wasteland, ravaged by sand and manastorms.

Between the deserts lies Livan Valley, a place protected from the storms where

the residents of Veeden dwell. The Zovid race is unique to this land.


Name     vehicles~
Text     A character may enter or leave a vehicle by typing enter <vehicle>

and leave. When the character moves, the vehicle will move with them,

and anyone and anything else inside. Vehicles may carry as many

characters and items as you wish.



Also note, that each vehicle has different restrictions on what terrain

it may enter, and most of them require a reasonably high level of Smithing

to construct even from ether.


Name     veyrkaal~
Text     Carved from the stone at the banks of the Sea of Fire on the

underground plane of Straegarx, Veyrkaal is home to a sizeable

population of dwarves and an assortment of gnomes. The primary

economy of Veyrkaal is based upon its mining industry, and the

trading of metals, armor, and weapons.


Name     vehicle_flags~
Text     LAND - can move on flat land

SURFACE - can move on surface of water

UNDERWATER - can move underwater

AIRTIGHT - people inside don't drown

CLIMB - can move in hills, mountains, and forests

ICE - can move in ice and slippery rooms

UNDERGROUND - can move in caves

AIR - can fly anywhere aboveground and in air

SPACE - can move in space

SAND - can move in desert and beach


Name     vines~
Text     Syntax: vines <victim>


This earth power lets you call forth thorny vines to rip at your

enemies. It depends heavily upon the vegetation in the room.


Name     void_talent~
Text     The Void talent is a powerful talent which allows a mage control of the

powers of nothingnesss. The Void is everything and nothing, the space

between worlds and the fabric that binds the universe together. A Void

mage may learn to enter the Void, and manipulate its powers through use

of commands such as 'distort'. Void is essentially the anti-talent to

counterbalance all other talents. Anti-magic and anti-matter are parts

of its repertoire.


[&RWARNING&W]: The Void is extremely dangerous to the uninitiated. It

can cause random uncontrollable movement, trap you, or even kill you.

You have been warned.


Name     vulcomancer~
Text     Vulcomancers are mages that harness the fire and earth magics to produce

powerful volcanic effects. They are inborn with the earth talent. A

vulcomancer's magma is something to be feared. Also under their control are

other powerful fire attacks, and shielding physical protection from the

earth talent.


Name     valkyries~
Text     Winged warriors and warrioresses. Often thought of as "chooser of the slain."

These beings are human in appearence, generally blond and blue eyed and

beautiful with a pale skin tone.


Valkyrie can most often be found over battle fields directing battles and

picking the victor of their liking.


Name     verbs~
Text     Verbs are used in the magic command. They indicate how you want to

use the type of magic you specify, or raw mana, if you do not 

specify a type. Verbs are not spells. While there will be no list of

all possible verbs, be aware that all verbs can be accessed through

multiple synonyms. For instance, using harm, kill, destroy, or hurt

in magic would all have the same effect.


Some types allow shortcuts that will assume a particular type and

verb. For example, typing m recall does not cast a 'recall' spell,

rather, it uses the mind type with the move verb, to return you to

a memorized location.


See also: MAGIC


Name     whois~
Text     Syntax: whois <player>


The WHOIS command will tell you a bit of information about a player

who is online.


Name     withdraw~
Text     Syntax: withdraw <amount>

Removes gold from your bank account.


If you own a shop, you may also use withdraw in that shop to

take out any money it has from selling items.




Name     wands~
Text     Unlike other missile weapons, wands run off

raw mana funneled into them.


Name     wear~
Text     Syntax:  wear <object>


Wears a piece of armor. You can't wear items that are too large for you,

if you have a broken bone where it would be worn, or if you have too many

layers on that part.



Name     wield~
Text     Syntax: wield <object>


Wields a weapon or other object to be used as a weapon. Light weapons

may be wielded with one hand. If an item is too heavy for that, it

may be wielded with both hands. If it is much too heavy for you, you

won't be able to wield it at all.



Name     west~
Text     Lets you move west.~

Name     warg~
Text     Wargs are wolves enlarged and twisted by magic, and are often

enormous and hideously deformed, but are extremely strong and fierce.

Little calm exists in the warg's heart, and few exist anymore due to

their great insatiable hunger. However, in the forests of Albrynnia

many have been seen recently roaming the mountains and terrorizing

the wildlife. Monsters, many consider them to be. But truthfully,

it is a form that many werewolves take in combat, and only for

brief amounts of time due to the effects of the form.


Name     warrior~
Text     These masters of combat have very little magic that they consciously use.


Name     watchyourstep~
Text     Constructed by a settlement of tinker gnomes, Watchyourstep lives up

to its name. An experiment years ago with a magical contraption split

a great chasm in the middle of the town, so watch your step that you

do not fall into it when traversing the streets of this town. The

tinker gnomes have a decent sized town, and a sizeable factory in

which they continue to experiment and tinker with devices and

contraptions. However, they are often harried by a group of kobolds

who have apparently taken root in the caves to the south.


Name     water_talent~
Text     Hydromancers can often control the weather and the flow of water, and the

tides of the ocean. They are capable of flooding rooms and breathing under

water. When combined with Earth, they can create powerful acid attacks.



Name     weaken~
Text     This lowers the strength of the victim.


Name     weapons~
Text     Weapons are the utilities that you arm youself to aid you

in the coming battles. Look through the key words below to

see information about weapon types.

This command will list your proficiency at weapons.

To wield weapons, type: wield <item>. To remove them, sheathe <item>





Name     weaponskills~
Text     0 - Misc

1 - Swords

2 - Daggers and Knives

3 - Axes

4 - Whips and Flails

5 - Maces and Clubs

6 - Wands

7 - Firearms

8 - Bow

9 - Crossbow

10 - Staves

11 - Halberds and Glaives

12 - Spears and Tridents

13 - Misc. Polearms

14 - Claws

15 - Teeth and Fangs

16 - Horns

17 - Tail

18 - Hand to Hand

19 - Kicking


Name     weather~
Text     Syntax: weather


This shows the current weather in the room.


Syntax: weather <alteration>


This allows you to manipulate the weather in the area.

Which manipulations are available to you is shown on SLIST.


Name     wemics~
Text     Like a centaur, wemics are human from the waist up,

but have the forelegs and haunches of a cat.


Name     weretiger~
Text     Tiger, tiger, burning bright...

These creatures of fire blaze orange in the sunlight, and flare like

feline flame in the dark of the night. While inborn to fire, the

weretiger also possess magic of Earth, and of Illusion.


Name     where~
Text     This command, depending on your Seeking skill,

will list the locations of those close enough for you to locate


Name     whip~
Text     Syntax: whip <victim> [part]

This command attacks with a whip.

Whips are quick, low damage blunt weapons that consist of a

strip of leather attacked to a handle.


Name     whisper~
Text     Syntax: whisper <name> <message>


To whisper to another, you must be in the same room as the recipient

of the whisper.


Name     who_list~
Text     Syntax:  who

WHO shows all characters currently in the Realms, regardless

of where they are or what spells they are affected by.


See also: RANK, TITLE


Name     why~
Text     1) You ask an imm a question

2) Imm says no.

3) You ask why?

4) You die.

5) Why?

6) You die again.


Name     willpower~
Text     Willpower (WIL in your 'score') represents your character's stamina and ability

to incorperate learning.  Among other things, it affects:


&R -&W the effectiveness of spells


&R - &Wresistance to abilities such as mental abilities and indentify


&R -&W the higher a character's WIL, the higher the character's spell maximums

   will go


Name     wind_talent~
Text     Wind Mages deal with the power of the wind and air, and as such many of

their spells will not work underwater. Powerful Wind Mages are capable

of rising into the skies carried up by only their own winds

The wind command allows a wind mage to bring a strong gust of wind,

damaging their opponants. This will not work underwater, for obvious reasons.


Name     wisp~
Text     Fairy like beings, thier about the size of a house fly

and have a very bright distinct glow about them. 

due to thier small size they make weak fighters, but

what they lack in brawn they more then make up

for in wits.


Be warned, wisp's are not an easy race to play, though you can wear

eq, you can't hold or wield items.


Name     wizhelp~
Text     Syntax: wizhelp

WIZHELP provides a list of all the immortal commands.

On this MUD you may see more then one command for one function, due

to the fact that we made it so people from other bases can use this

code without too much difficulty.


Name     wizlist~
Text     Coder - Keolah

Builder - Keolah

Help Files - Keolah

Items - Keolah

Races - Keolah

Newbie Help - Keolah


Name     wolves~
Text     Wolves are fierce, loyal canines that live and hunt in packs.

They are strong fighters and are accustomed to living in the forest and

mountains. While they will not wield weapons, they can wear certain armor

such as collars, although they prefer to rely only on their wits and

strength. The leaders of a wolf pack are the alpha male and alpha female,

and they mate for life.


Name     wolflords~
Text     The wolflords were created due to a mutation, and are smaller

than normal wolves, but much more intelligent, and have various telepathic 

and magical abilities.


Name     wolfman~
Text     Wolfmen are descended from humans who were partially changed into

wolves. It is also a common form of werewolves. They are humanoid

in shape, but have fur and fangs as of a wolf, as well as a wolf's

ears, eyes, and nose. They tend not to be as strong as true wolves

however, in this form.


Name     worth~
Text     Worth is a general rating of how powerful and how much skill

your character has accumulated over time. Worth is reflected in the &CRank&W

in your score, located in between race and hours.


Name     wraith~
Text     Wraiths are ethereal creatures of the undead, who appear translucent for

their ability to pass through closed doors as if they were open.  They

are a dark and evil race and shun that which is good and pure.

They tend to make good thieves, and enjoy magic when it can cause the

destruction of living beings.


Name     wrall~
Text     Wrall are in short, creatures somehow created of magic. The wrall,

with thier heads of straw and looking to be scarecrows are anything

but simple-minded and intent on scaring birds. The wrall as a race are

twisted and malicious, taking great joy from causing pain and suffering.

The wrall having been removed from thier ancient home of the astral plane

by the githyanki, now find themself living deep in the outer planes,

seldom to be seen elsewhere unless summoned by strong magicks.


The wrall when summoned often destroy the unlucky fool to have called them

forth before turning to acts of destruction and violence. The wrall favor

the more gruesome of weapons, scythe's and sickles being thier favored

choice, but you will still find some that make use of swords.


The wrall are highly intellegent, if sometimes twisted and insane. The

greatest joy in life for a wrall is to torture other beings to death with

thier claws and gruesome weapons.


Name     writing~
Text     Syntax: write <book> <title>


This allows you to write in a book. 


*Note: You must be holding a pen to write in a book.

See also: HELP BOOKS


Name     wtf~
Text     What the fuck


Name     wyvern~
Text     A small draconic creature with wings but only one set of legs.


Name     white_dragon~
Text     Dragons of the arctic north, white dragons are creatures of frost and

cold, their glory being in the frigid winds and blizzards of the north.

They are as much at home in a snowbank or ice cave as the red dragons are

a pool of molten lava.




Name     wild_men~
Text     The wild men were Albrynnians who, unlike their 'civilized' cousins,

prefered to live off the land in the mountains and forests of the

continent. Unlike the city Albrynnians, they ate meat and used the

skin and bones of animals, which the 'civilized' people considered

barbaric. They were deeply in tune with nature, and their technology

tended to be ahead of the city Albrynnians. They were the first to

build windmills, and discovered smelting, before such concepts reached

the ears of the strict city Albrynnians.


Name     winged_dragon~
Text     Dragon with wings, which can fly.


Name     winged_naga~
Text     A naga with wings.

See help naga


Name     wingless_dragon~
Text     Dragon without wings. Are generally larger than their winged cousins.



Name     windriders~
Text     Ageless elves bonded from an early age with flokai. Their

native home is the caves along the sea cliffs called Dalizar.


Name     wood_elves~
Text     Elves that come from the forests of Kedresida.

They typically have black hair and green eyes.


Name     ward_of_lights~
Text     syntax: cast ward target

&CThis spell surrounds the target with a &Rmulti-&Ycolored &Gaura&C, raising

their save vs spell, rod, poison, paralysis and breath, and raises their magic

armor class as well.

&GWard of lights is a spell available at level 72 security and

level 100 illusion.


Name     werewolves~
Text     Werewolves... Children of the night, and of the moon of their homeworld,

Luna, and children of nature, Gaia. They are closely in touch with

nature, and are inborn to the Earth Talent. Their sharp eyes and

sensitive noses can detect creatures with an almost supernatural

power, with Seeking magic. And of course, they are capable of changing

between a wolf form and a humanoid form. As they become stronger,

they may transform into any sort of canine, such as the vicious warg,

or a wolfman.


Name     wizard~
Text     The wizard in the Nexus can send you many places, and can also help

direct you to things you may need in town. Look at the sign, or ask

him about 'food?' 'water?' 'school?' 'map?'


Name     water_demons~
Text     The oppisite of the traditional demon, these demons rage with the 

power of the sea. Though with the wing span and strength of their

cousins the fire and storm demons. These demons are more likely

to drown you than to turn you to ash.


Name     water_dragon~
Text     Water dragons are draconic inhabits of the sea. While they lack

the ability to fly, unlike other dragons they possess the ability

to move gracefully beneath the water.




Name     water_nymphs~
Text     Water nymphs, also known as naiads or nereids, are nymphs native to

oceans or streams, depending on the variety. They have blue or green

skin and hair like lichen or seaweed. Their songs are said to lure

sailors and are haunting and seductive. They are cousins to the

wood nymphs. Water nymphs naturally have the ability to breathe

water and swim easily.


Name     website~


Name     xenomancer~
Text     A mage inborn with void and a master of earth magic, conjuring

the power of the inner and outer realms. An angry Xenomancer

is a force to be reckoned with.


Name     yaksheeni~
Text     Yaksheeni are a large race of Dragon-like creatures that grow from 

100-300 feet long at adulthood. Each Yaksheeni is one solid color.

They are often varying shades of that color, and they love that color

If a Yaksheeni were to see someone wearing that color they might instantly like

that person.  They also have a color they hate that has the opposite effect on 

them. This color can be any color. All yaksheeni are insane, though they may

not seem it at all times.

Gold is found to be a poison to these creatures, potentially

deadly if ingested, fatal is sent directly into the blood-



Name     yeti~
Text     Sometimes known as abominable snowmen, and generally considered monsters,

the Yeti inhabit the cold regions and high mountains, and rarely come

into the warmer climates. They are vaguely humanoid in shape, but taller

than humans, and covered in a thick coat of fur that protects them from

the cold.


Name     you~
Text     There is no help for you.


Name     zephyl~
Text     They're cute, highly intelligent flying monkeys. They live in the

forest and love magic.


Name     zhavir~
Text     The Zhavir are from a remote world they call Nona. It is as yet

unexplored by any Elkandu. They are completely hairless and their

skin is a dull metallic hue, ranging from silvery, gold, bronze, or

copper. Most of the population is made up of sterile females (neuters)

however. The few who are born fertile male or female are kept in

safe places, strongholds, palaces, etc. The neuters do all the work,

farm crops, build buildings, and such. They rarely go far from their

homes however. Their eyes are faceted like gemstones, any color generally,

and have no whites or irises. A popular profession in the Zhavi society

is war. Warriors wear no armor into combat, as their skin has natural

defense. Because of sweat and the way they tone their muscles, their

skin shines like polished metal. A small percentage of the Zhavi

population is born with magic, generally the same type of magic for the

clan they live in. They see this magic as a "gift" however, and are

trained in all traditional uses of their clan's gift. Those who are

not born with the specific magics inherent to the clan are often

overlooked as ungifted.


Name     zombie~
Text     Animated, rotting corpses.


Name     zovids~
Text     Dragon-like lizards with long hind legs and short, nimble forelegs,

similar to human arms. They have three fingers on each arm and three toes

on each foot, with tails and necks half the length of their body. They

have ridged head-plates and three sets of eyelids: clear, thin and ridged

They are agile creatures, and excellent runners. They have been tamed

and are often kept as pets, though there are still wild Zovid nests about.
