#AREA	{ 1 12} Binky   The Circus~

0 $~

ticket clerk~
the Ticket Clerk~
The Ticket Clerk extends his hand for your money.
The ticket clerk is bored, but is not so bored that he really wants to talk 
to you.  So are you going to buy a ticket or what????
2 0 250 S
31 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
child small~
a small child~
A small child waits in line for the Big Top.
He is standing in line, whining and complaining that his feet hurt.  Why 
don't you put him out of your misery?
2 0 1000 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
dad father man~
the child's father~
The child's father is here.
The child's father seems irked that you have been pushing past the others 
in line.
2 0 0 S
5 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
woman mother mom~
the child's mother~
The child's mother stands here, patiently waiting in line.
The mother is tired of taking care of her son, and wishes she was in a bubble
bath at home right now.
2 0 0 S 
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 2 
bobby boy~
little Bobby~
Little Bobby is lost, and is looking for his mommy.
Bobby is scared, he should never have ran off to look at the Bearded Lady.
Besides being lost, he is now psychologically scarred.
4|64|128 0 1000 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
mother woman~
Bobby's mother~
Bobby's mother is here, frantically calling out her son's name.
Bobby's mother is looking quite worried.  If you see Bobby, you will tell her,
won't you?
4|64|128 0 1000 S 
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 2
bearded lady~
the Bearded Lady~
The Bearded Lady is here.
The Bearded Lady is kind of scary looking.  She looks at you with lust in her
eyes.   RUN!!!!
2 0 0 S
5 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 2 
Illusionist mage~
the Illusionist~
The Illusionist is here, doing tricks to amaze the crowd.
He puts on quite a show.  If you couldn't see the wires on half of his 
creations, you might actually be amazed.
2 8|32 0 S
5 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
the Midget~
A Midget is here, doing acrobatics to amuse the crowd.
The Midget acts very silly, but you see a cunning gleam in his eye.  This is 
one to watch out for.
2|4|128 512 -300 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
Ivan strongman man strong~
Ivan the Strongman poses for the crowd.
Ivan really is an impressive figure of a man.  You will want to think twice
before tangling with him.
2|4|64|128 8192|8388608 100 S
7 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
the Sword Swallower~
The Sword Swallower is in the act of swallowing an entire bastard sword.
This guy has eaten more swords than you have even seen.  He probably knows how
to use his sword as well.
2 0 0 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
member audience~
a member of the audience~
A member of the audience goes "Ooooh!   Ahhhhh!" 
This person is so interested in the show, he doesn't even realize you are here.
2|4|128 0 0 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
clown red~
a red-nosed clown~
A red-nosed clown is ready to throw a pie in your face.
The clown is laughing and throwing pies, and generally being a nuisance.  
He turns towards you with a pie.  DUCK!
2|4|128 0 500 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
clown big~
a clown with big shoes~
A clown with big shoes is trying to get into a small car.
The clown is trying to fit his shoes into the carriage.  It will be a tight 
2|4|128 0 500 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
clown big~
a big clown~
A big clown is getting ready to throw confetti at you.
The big clown has a bucket full of confetti.  Or is it water?  Better stay 
away from him until you know.
2|4|128 0 300 S
5 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
ringmaster master~
the Ringmaster~
The Ringmaster is introducing the next act.
The Ringmaster is dressed in a red coat, and is wearing a big black top hat.
He was probably hired because he has a voice you could hear over a roaring 
dragon (which, incidently, is the next act).
2|4 8192 0 S
10 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
the knife thrower~
The knife thrower is getting ready to throw 4 knifes at his assistant.
He is getting ready to put on a blind fold.  He has spent years of practice, 
and is completely confident in his skills.  He also has a hankerchief he keeps
wiping his face with.  You here him mumble, 'maybe I shouldn't have stopped 
by the Grunting Boar before my act'.
2|4 0 0 S
4 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1
the knife thrower's assistant~
The knife thrower's assistant is asleep against the target.
The assistant dreams a drugged sleep.  It seems she thought she would be 
helping with the animals, until a slight mishap last night during the knife
throwers rehearsal last night.  She did wonder why the dashing knife thrower
invited her out to dinner.
2 131072 0 S
1 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 2 
the lion tamer~
The lion tamer is putting his head in a lion's mouth.
He is a dashing man, who seems at home with the deadly beasts.  He controls 
the animals with whip and force of mind.
2 8388608 500 S
8 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
a ferocious Lion~
A ferocious Lion leaps from his stand to attack you!
This is the King of the Beasts, and you understand why as he tears a chunk of 
flesh from your body!
2|4|32 0 -1000 S
8 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 0 
walker tightrope~
a tightrope walker~
A tightrope walker balances on the wire.
The only way past him seems to be to push him off.  You wouldn't do that,
would you?  
2|4 0 200 S
5 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
an animal keeper~
An animal keeper is here, taking care of the animals.
She loves her work, and takes good care of the animals, despite the cheap 
supplies bought for them by the Circus Owner.
64 8192 1000 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 2 
an elephant~
An elephant nudges you with his trunk, asking for peanuts.
This is a gigantic animal!  But he seems pretty docile.  Good thing.  You 
probably would not want to get him angry.
2 0 0 S
10 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 0 
a trained bear~
The trained bear hasn't been fed in a week.  Look out!
The bear hasn't been fed for a long time.  The Circus Owner figures he can
save a lot of money buy feeding the bear on unwary adventurers like yourself.
2|32 0 0 S
6 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 0 
a horse~
A trained horse is here, prancing in anticipation.
The horse has been trained by the bare back rider.  These are magnificent 
animals, although they look like they could use more food.  More evidence 
of the cheapness of the Circus Owner.
2 0 0 S
4 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 0 
unicorn horse white~
a poor horse~
A poor white horse is here, about to have a horn implanted in it's head.
This poor animal had the unfortunate luck of being white.  Just what the 
Circus Owner was looking for.
2 0 0 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 0 
the Circus Owner~
The greedy Circus owner is about to cut into the poor horse.
This man has no scruples.  When the Owner got the thought of putting a horn on
a regular horse and passing it off as a Unicorn, he almost wet his pants with
delight.  This man is in trouble if the ASPCA ever finds out, but until then,
he will probably keep making a LOT of money.
2|4|128 0 -1000 S
10 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
the cotton candy vendor~
The cotton candy vendor waits to take your money.
He is wearing a colorful pair of overalls and a bright painter's cap.  He
makes cotton candy in a big tub, where all the kids can watch him.
2 0 1000 S
7 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
Illusionist mage~
the Illusionist~
The Illusionist is here, doing tricks to amaze the crowd.
He puts on quite a show.  If you couldn't see the wires on half of his 
creations, you might actually be amazed.
2|32 8|32 0 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 
dog guard~
a guard dog~
A guard dog growls at you, then attacks.
He looks like he has been purposely abused to keep him mean.  Maybe if you 
gave him a pie, he would be your friend?
2|4|32 8|32 -500 S
4 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8 
8 8 1
burly worker~
a burly worker~
A burly worker coming to the aid of the Circus Owner.
The burly worker has sweat dripping off of every inch of his body.
2|32 0 -1000 S
8 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8 
8 8 1
Binky's chef~
Binky's chef stands here, ready to carve the turkey.
2 0 0 S
18 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1
midget thief~
the Midget~
A Midget is here, stealing money from the crowd.
The Midget is very good at his trade, and makes quit a bit of money buy picking
pockets of the unwary. 
64 512 -900 S
3 8 8 8d8+8 10d10+10
8 8
8 8 1 

a ticket~
An unwanted scrap of paper lies here.~
18 0 1 
1~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
cotton candy~
Some pink fluffy candy lies here.~
26 0 1 
1~ refresh~ refresh~ ~
1 15 0
key hairy~
a hairy key~
A key lies here, covered with hair clippings.~
18 0 1|16384
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a huge key~
A humongous, heavy key lies here.~
18 0 1|16384
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
key small~
a small key~
A small key lies here.~
18 0 1|16384 
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
key shimmering~
a shimmering key~
An object lies here, shimmering, so that you aren't sure what it is.~
18 0 1|16384
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
key slender~
a slender key~
A very thin key lies here.~
18 0 1|16384 
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
bracers strongman~
the strongman's bracers~
A pair of large bracers lies here.~
9 0 1|256
3~ 0~ 0~ 0~
8 0 0 
1 1
5 1 
sword small~
a small, thin sword~
A small sword lies here.~
5 0 8193 
0~ 0~ 11~ 11~
1 0 0
18 3
17 8
staff translucent~
a pointy translucent staff~
A long, thin, shimmering object lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 7~ 7~
0 0 0
18 2
19 1
sword bastard~
the sword swallower's sword~
A rubber bastard sword is here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 1~ 1~
0 0 0
18 1
19 -1
the midget's purse~
A small purse lies here.~
15 0 16385
30~ 5~ 0~ 0~
1 500 0
bunch coins~
a bunch of coins~
A bunch of coins lies here.~
20 0 1
700~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a razor~
A razor lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 2~ 2~ 
1 0 0
19 2
17 6
a barbell~
A huge barbell lies here.~
12 0 1|16384
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
120 0 0 
a letter~
A letter is posted on the games booths.~
12 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
40 0 0
The letter reads:  This area has been closed by order of the Mayor of Midgaard,
because of dishonest activities perpetrated by the persons running the games.
Another example of how your government cares for you.

			- Captain of the Watch
a sharp knife~
A sharp, well balanced knife lies on the ground.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 2~ 2~ 
1 0 0
18 2
a blindfold~
A strip of black cloth lies here.~
9 0 17  
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
18 -10
14 -50
a whip~
A leather whip is lying on the ground.~
5 0 8193
2~ 2~ 4~ 4~ 
1 0 0
18 5
4 -1 
tightrope walker's pole~
A long pole lies here.~
12 1 16385
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
2 2
clown shoes~
big clown shoes~
A huge pair of shoes lies here, apparently forgotten.~
9 0 65
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 0 0
14 -20
2 -1
tophat hat~
a tophat~
The Ringmaster's tophat lies here.~
9 0 17
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
12 10
17 4
a scalpel~
A thin knife with a sharp blade lies here.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 1~ 1~ 
1 0 0
18 -2
19 6
a chest~
A chest lies here, buried in a pile of hair.~
15 0 0
100~ 13~ 4402~ 0~
1 0 0
a chest~
A shimmering object sits in the corner.~
15 0 0 
100~ 13~ 4405~ 0~
1 0 0
a chest~
The strongman's huge chest lies here. ~
15 0 0 
100~ 13~ 4403~ 0~ 
1 0 0
a chest~
A small chest lies here.~
15 0 0
100~ 13~ 4404~ 0~
1 0 0
another chest~
A chest sits in the corner.~
15 0 0 
100~ 13~ 4406~ 0~ 
1 0 0
slip paper~
a paper~
A piece of wadded up paper has been left on the ground.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0 
a combination safe~
A painting hangs on the wall, but it doesn't appear that valuable. Stick to 
the cash.~
15 0 0
100~ 13~ 4427~ 0~ 
1 0 0 
Behind the painting you find a safe!  It has a combination lock.  You can 
probably never guess the combination.
a note~
A sign hangs by the ticket booth.~
12 0 0
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
The sign says:     type BUY TICKET to buy a ticket for the Big Top.
a bucket~
A colorful bucket lies here.~
15 0 16385 
15~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
drugged food~
drugged food~
A delicious looking dinner lies here.~
26 0 1
36~ sleep~ weaken~ poison~
1 0 0
a slice of Tombstone Sausage and Pepperoni pizza~
A slice of pizza lies here, piping hot.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a juicy steak~
A juicy steak dinner lies here.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a delicious BigMac~
Some food lies here, wrapped in paper.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
coke can~
a can of Coke~
A can of Coke lies here.~
17 0 1
100~ 96~ 15~ 0~
1 0 0
refrigerator frig fridge~
Binky's refrigerator~
Binky's refrigerator sits here, packed full of goodies.~
15 64|2 2
999~ 5~ 0~ 0~
20 0 0
the key to the lion's cage~
The key to the lion's cage lies here.~
18 0 1 
1~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
bunch coins~
a bunch of coins~
A bunch of coins lies here.~
20 0 1
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
bunch coins~
a bunch of coins~
A bunch of coins lies here.~
20 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
nose red~
a red clown nose~
A red nose like a clown might wear, lies forgotten upon the ground.~
9 0 17
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 100 0
3 -2
4 -1
a chest~
A chest sits under the hammock.~
15 0 0 
100~ 13~ 4441~ 0~ 
1 0 0
a key~
A small key lies in the dirt.~
18 0 1 
1~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
clear potion~
a clear potion~
A clear vial of fluid sits here.~
10 64|128 16385
30~ fly~ remove curse~ continual light~
3 0 0 
roast pheasant~
a roast~
Delicious roast pheasant tempts your taste buds.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a slice of turkey~
A plump turkey sits on the table.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
homemade stuffing~
A bowl of homemade stuffing sits upon the table.~
19 0 1 
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
cherry pie~
a slice of cherry pie~
Some Cherry Pie A La Mode on the table makes your mouth water.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a wineskin~
A wineskin filled with Chardonnay sits upon the table.~
17 0 1
30~ 30~ 2~ 0~ 
1 0 0 
carving knife~
a carving knife~
A very sharp knife gleams from the floor.~
5 0 8193
0~ 0~ 11~ 11~
1 0 0
18 3
19 3

The Path to the Circus~
	You hear music and laughter coming from ahead of you.  Posters hang 
from the trees, advertisements for the Circus that has just arrived in town.
0 0 1
0 0 2172
0 0 4402
	The poster reads:  Come one, come all!!  See the greatest show in the
4th realm!!  See the Bearded Lady!!  Ivan the strongman!!  Laugh at the antics
of the crazy Klawson Klowns!! 
The Entrance to the Circus~
	Ahead you see the Circus laid out in all its glory.  Freak shows, 
games booths, and dwarfing them all, the Big Top.  A ticket booth is set here.
You will need a ticket to enter the Big Top.

0 0 1
0 0 4403
0 0 4401
The Path to the Big Top~
	This way to the Big Top is lined with people.  They seem to be having 
a good time.  Everyone that is, except the people waiting in line for the 
Big Top.  They seem annoyed at you as you push your way past them.  To the
east and west you see games booths.  
0 0 1
0 0 4402
0 0 4406
0 0 4404
0 0 4405
The Game Booths~
	This area seems deserted.  The booths are boarded up, and the only
Circus employee you see is sitting on a counter, muttering obscenities at the
Mayor and City council.  He makes it a point to let you know that he knows 
you are there, and he is ignoring you on purpose.
0 0 1
0 0 4403
The Game Booths~
	This area seems deserted.  The booths are boarded up, and the only
Circus employee you see is sitting on a counter, muttering obscenities at the
Mayor and City council.  He makes it a point to let you know that he knows 
you are there, and he is ignoring you on purpose.
0 0 1
0 0 4403
The Path to the Big Top~
	This way to the Big Top is lined with people.  They seem to be having 
a good time.  Everyone that is, except the people waiting in line for the 
Big Top.  They seem annoyed at you as you push your way past them.  To the
east you see the freak shows.  To the west you see a vendor.  
0 0 1
0 0 4403
0 0 4414
0 0 4407
0 0 4408
The Cotton Candy Vendor~
	The smell of cotton candy makes your mouth water.  Be careful about
eating too much, all that sugar may make you hyper.
0 0 1
0 0 4406
The Entrance to the Freak Shows~
	This area is filled with posters of the attractions the Circus has 
to offer to the curious.  You are invited to watch feats of strength from the
strong man, gasp as a man swallows a sword, see a real, Bearded Lady, 
be amazed by the midget's feats of acrobatics, and be dazzled by the great
magical powers of the Illusionist.
0 0 1
0 0 4406
You see the Bearded Lady's tent.
0 0 4409
You see the Strongman's tent.
0 0 4413
The Tent of the Bearded Lady~
	This tent consists of chairs for you to rest in, and a rickety wooden
stage up front.  You hear the stage creak as you enter, and you understand
why when you see who is standing on it.  She is bearded all right.  And big.
Very big.  Colosally huge.  You don't seem to have any problem finding a seat.
The place is deserted of spectators.
0 8 0
0 0 4408
You see the Illusionist's tent.
0 0 4410
You see the Sword Swallower's tent.
0 0 4412
The Tent of the Illusionist~
	This tent is darkened at first.  Then it gradually lightens, although
you do not see the source of the light.  You do hear a loud breathing sound
though.  You think it may be coming from right behind you.  You think this 
because you can feel very warm breath on the back of your neck.  You turn,
and see a very large, very evil looking creature.  It's a Dragon.  It opens 
its mouth, but does not attack.  Instead it just laughs at you mercilessly.
The Dragon snorts a cloud of smoke at you.
0 8 0 
You see the Bearded Lady's tent.
0 0 4409
You see the Midget's tent.
0 0 4411
The Dragon looks incredibly powerful.  You are in awe of it, not believing that
something so powerful, so huge, could be controlled by man.  Let alone fit in
this tent.  Fit in this tent?  Hey, wait a minute, is it shimmering a little,
or are your eyes playing tricks on you?
The Midget's Tent~
	This tent has a mat laid out, no doubt where the Midget performs his
acrobatics.  You overhear another member of the audience telling his friend,
'I'd watch out for that Midget.  I hear that a new rash of robberies broke out
right after the Circus came to town.  Wouldn't suprise me if he is the one
0 8 0
You see the Illusionist's Tent.
0 0 4410
You see the Sword Swallower's Tent.
0 0 4412
The Sword Swallower's Tent~
	This tent is decorated with many deadly looking weapons.  A warrior
could find any kind of weapon he ever dreamed of in here.  A stage at the 
front is obviously where the Sword Swallower performs his acts of bravery.
Several rickety chairs sit in front of the stage, looking as if they might
not hold the weight of the next customer to sit down.
0 8 0
You see the Bearded Lady's Tent.
0 0 4409
You see the Midget's Tent.
0 0 4411
You see the Strongman's Tent.
0 0 4413
The Strongman's Tent~
	This tent is the largest one in The Circus besides the Big Top.  It
is decorated with pictures and drawings of huge men lifting huger weights.
You see heavy objects at the front of the room, that must be part of the act.
If Ivan the Strongman can lift those, then he really must be strong.
0 8 0
You see the Entrance to the Freak Shows.
0 0 4408
You see the Sword Swallower's Tent.
0 0 4412
The Path to the Big Top~
	This way to the Big Top is lined with people.  They seem to be having 
a good time.  Everyone that is, except the people waiting in line for the 
Big Top.  They seem annoyed at you as you push your way past them.  To the
east and west you see games booths.  
0 0 1
0 0 4406
You see the Entrance to the Big Top.
0 0 4415
The Entrance to the Big Top.~
	You've finally made it to the front of the line!  The entrance to the
Big Top is in front of you.  You see a slot where you insert your ticket, to
unlock the magic of The Circus that lies inside.
0 0 1
0 0 4414
2 4400 4416
Entryway between the Grand Stands~
	The noise of the crowd greets you as you enter the Big Top.  The 
sounds and smells that greet you take you back to the time when you were a
child, in wonder and awe of the Circus that came to your town.  You can hear
the trumpet of an elephant somewhere, and the roar of a lion.  The applause
of the crowd is momentarily deafening.  To the west and east you see under
the Grand Stands.
0 8 0
You see the Entrance to the Big Top.
2 4400 4415
You see your first good look at the Big Top ahead.
0 0 4419
You see under the stands.
0 0 4417
You see under the stands.
0 0 4421
Under the Grand Stands~
	You are under the Stands.  Popcorn and peanut shells litter the floor.
You can climb up the supports into the stands from here.
0 8 0 
0 0 4416
0 0 4418
In the Grand Stands~
	You find yourself in a crowd of people enjoying the show.  The people 
behind you yell at you to sit down.  If you don't sit down soon, there may
be a fight.  You may climb down below the stands, or exit by the stairs and
get a good look at the Big Top.
0 8 0
0 0 4417
0 0 4419
First Look at the Big Top~
	You recieve your first good look at the Big Top.  The size of this
tent was amazing from the outside, but is even more breathtaking from the 
inside.  You feel as if you are in a different world, where the sky is only
a little closer.  You see 3 Rings spread out in front of you.  A high wire
extends between poles at a dizzying height.  The 1st Ring appears to hold
a cage which contains several large lions.  The 2nd Ring is filled with clowns
who are trying to fit into a small carriage.  In the 3rd Ring, a man is 
preparing to put on a blind fold, while his assistant stands against a target.
He has a rack of knives next to him.  You may enter the 2nd Ring to the south.
To the east and west are the Grand Stands, and the Entryway is to the north.
0 8 0 
0 0 4418
You see the Entryway.
0 0 4416
You see the 2nd Ring.
0 0 4422
0 0 4420
In the Grand Stands~
	You find yourself in a crowd of people enjoying the show.  The people 
behind you yell at you to sit down.  If you don't sit down soon, there may
be a fight.  You may climb down below the stands, or exit by the stairs and
get a good look at the Big Top.
0 8 0
0 0 4421
0 0 4419
Under the Grand Stands~
	You are under the Stands.  Popcorn and peanut shells litter the floor.
You can climb up the supports into the stands from here.
0 8 0 
0 0 4420
0 0 4416
The 2nd Ring - You'd better read the description of this room. ~ 
	You are in the 2nd Ring.  You see a rickity carriage, which a line of
clowns are trying to squeeze into.  You've already seen many more fit into it
than could possibly fit.  The 1st Ring is to the west and the 3rd Ring is 
to the east.  A ladder on a pole here provides access to the tightrope above.
To the north is the first look a visitor to the Big Top has.  You notice that 
the 1st ring is a cage which contains several HUNGRY Lions.  Entering it would
be fairly suicidal.  It is a good thing it is locked!
0 8 0
You can't see into the car, you'll just have to go in.
0 0 4444
0 0 4419
0 0 4423
2 4436 4424
0 0 4427
The 3rd Ring~
	A target is set up in this Ring for the knife thrower.  Up close, 
you can see many red smears which have been not quite cleaned from the target.
You see the crowd looking at you, probably wondering what your act is.  The
only exit is to the 2nd Ring to the west.
0 8 0
0 0 4422
The 1st Ring~
	This is a cage, which contains several large stands that the lions
are supposed to sit on when they are not eating foolish people who walk into
this room.  A few hoops are in the cage, one of which is flaming.  You think
that only an idiot would be in here with the lions.  With the lions?  Hey, 
0 8 0
2 4436 4422
2 4414 4469 
On the High Wire~
	You are still 80 feet up in the air.  DIRECTLY below you is the Lion's
Cage.  If you survived the fall, YOU WOULD SURELY DIE when the Lions got ahold
of you.  You note that the door is closed to the cage, so you would have very
little chance of running away if you did fall into the cage.  As you take
your eyes off the ground below, you see the end of the wire immediately to 
your west.
0 8 0
The Lion's Cage.  A suicidal move.
0 0 4424
0 0 4426
0 0 4428
On the High Wire~
	You try to balance on the wire, and try not to look down the 80 feet
to the ground below.  It is good thing your training as adventurer has given
you a little better sense of balance than most people.  From up here, you 
really do have a nice view, of a very long wire.  You still have a ways to go.
0 8 0
0 0 4427
0 0 4425
On the Platform Way, Way Up in the Air~
	You hug the pole as you realize just how high you are.  Your only 
choices are to go back down, or try to walk the high wire to the west.  Of 
course, the wire goes above the lion's cage, which has an open top.  If you 
did survivie the fall, you probably wouldn't feel like adventuring again.
0 8 0
0 0 4422
0 0 4426
The End of the Highwire~
	You made it safely.  Now you may climb down and sneak out the back 
entrance of the Big Top.  Or you can brave the Tightrope again.  You hear
the noises of animals outside the Big Top.  Below you is the trapdoor.
0 8 0
0 0 4425
1 0 4429
Behind the Big Top~
	This is where the show behind the show goes on.  There are a lot
of workers preparing the next act, moving animals around, and doing too much
to take much notice of you.  The workers are taking the animals to the pens
to the south.  You see some of the performers trailers off to the east.  From
inside, you hear applause from the crowd.
0 0 1
1 0 4428
0 0 4445
You see the Animal Pens.
0 0 4430
You see the Row of Trailers.
0 0 4434
The Animal Pens~
	From here you may enter the animal pens.  You see a large sign that
says the following:

	Please feel free to pet and play with any of the animals.  They
	are all very friendly, and never hurt the public.  Especially
	the Bear.  Feel free to enter his cage and pet him.

					- The Owner

Penned underneath this is a note that says:  Beware the Bear!!!  

You may enter the Elephant Pen to the west, the Bear Pen to the south, or
the Horse Corral to the east.  Or you may return north.
0 0 1
0 0 4429
1 0 4433
1 0 4432
1 0 4431
The Elephant Pen~
	The first thing you notice in this pen is the rather pungent odor.  Oh
my, you seem to have stepped in an extremely large pile of droppings.  Maybe 
you should leave to the north?
0 0 1
1 0 4430
The Bear Pen~
	This room is rather dark, and it doesn't seem to have been cleaned 
very well lately.  The Circus Owner found that he could let some of his 
security guards go and save the price of feeding the bear if he just put up
a sign inviting visitors to visit the friendly bear.  It appears you fell
for it.
0 1|8 0
1 0 4430
The Horse Corral~
	This corral is where the show horses are kept when they are not 
performing.  It is rather small for the amount of horses that are kept here.
0 0 1
1 0 4430
The Row of Trailers~
	You are between the two rows of trailers where the performets live.
To the north is the Strongman's Trailer, to the south the Bearded Lady's
Trailer.  You may also continue east or west.
0 0 1
1 0 4435
0 0 4438
1 0 4436
0 0 4429
The Strongman's Trailer~
	This trailer is pretty small to you, so, it must be tiny for Ivan.
The furnishing's are spartan, and you see nothing of value.  You might want
to consider leaving before Ivan returns.
0 8 0 
1 0 4434
The Bearded Lady's Trailer~
	This is the filthiest place you think you have ever seen.  The floor
is covered with hair clippings.  In the corner are several bottles entitled
Miracle Stu's Wonderful Hair Tonic!!  It appears the Bearded Lady must go
through that stuff like it is water.
0 8 0
1 0 4434
The Sword Swallower's Trailer~
	This trailer is kept immaculately clean.  You see a knife sharpening
kit, as well as several rubber swords that are standing in a small display
0 8 0
1 0 4438
The Row of Trailers~
	You are between the two rows of trailers where the performets live.
To the north is the Sword Swallower's Trailer, to the south is the Midget's
Trailer.  You may also continue east or west.
0 0 1
1 0 4437
0 0 4440
1 0 4439
0 0 4434
The Midget's Tiny Trailer~
	The cheap Circus Owner believes in rewarding people according to their
stature.  Accordingly, this trailer is so small that even the Midget thinks
that it is a tight fit.  The poor Midget is also the poorest paid of all the
Freaks.  But that doesn't bother him.  He has a second profession that he
practices on the side to make a little extra cash.  He also keeps a rather
large guard dog in his trailer to discourage visitors.
0 8 0
1 0 4438
The Row of Trailers~
	You are between the two rows of trailers where the performets live.
To the north is the Illusionist's Trailer, to the south is a very large 
Trailer.  You may also go back to the west, or enter a trailer to the east.
0 0 1
1 0 4448
1 0 4441
1 0 4442
0 0 4438
The Illusionist's Trailer~
	This trailer seems much larger on the inside that it does on the 
outside.  You see a spacious, king-sized bed, a large table and kitchenette,
and a separate sitting room.  The longer that you look though, you see that 
all the objects in the room have a slight shimmer to them.  Closer examination
reveals that the bed is a cot, the table a nightstand, and the sitting room
is a chair.  It appears the Illusionist tries to fool even himself sometimes.
0 8 0
1 0 4440
The Circus Owner's Trailer~
	This is by far the biggest and nicest trailer.  If the furnishings are
any indication of the amount of money this man makes, maybe you should go into
his line of work.  The walls are covered with walnut colored wood siding, and
the furniture is of the finest workmanship.  Paintings hang on the walls, 
and there is even a medium sized icebox to keep the Owner's food fresh.
0 1|8 0
1 0 4440
1 0 4443
The Secret Room~
	This is a small area in the back of the Circus Owner's Trailer.  You
see that this must be where he keeps the money that he makes off his employee's
hard work.  There are several objects of value in here, but you know you would
not be able to make it off The Circus property with them, so you'd better just
take the coins.  Most things here you couldn't sell easily, except the artwork.
0 1|8 0
1 0 4442
The Clown's Room below the 2nd Ring~
	This room has been cunningly hollowed out below the 2nd Ring, giving
the clown's a place to hide after they supposedly hid in the car.  This place 
is very hot.  That doesn't surprise you, as it is filled with clowns.
0 1|8 0 
0 0 4422
Behind the Big Top~
	This is where the show behind the show goes on.  There are a lot
of workers preparing the next act, moving animals around, and doing too much
to take much notice of you. 
0 0 1
0 0 4429
0 0 4446
Behind the Big Top~
	This is where the show behind the show goes on.  There are a lot
of workers preparing the next act, moving animals around, and doing too much
to take much notice of you.  
0 0 1
0 0 4445
0 0 4447
Behind the Big Top~
	This is where the show behind the show goes on.  There are a lot
of workers preparing the next act, moving animals around, and doing too much
to take much notice of you.  
0 0 1
0 0 4446
The Tightrope Walkers Trailer~
	This trailer like most of the others shows how poorly the performers
are paid.  The tightrope walkers are forced to (or choose to?) sleep in tiny
hammocks, that you probably couldn't even fit in.
0 8 0
1 0 4440
Binky's Kitchen~
	A rather small room really, but the aromas drifting to you make your
mouth water.  A feast fit for a king, or an immortal is spread upon the table
before you.  You feel compelled to sit and at least taste some of the deli-
cacies.  Somehow, you know that everything you find here will be very filling,
yet completely fat free.
0 0 1
StrayKat's Abode~
You find yourself up to the knees in a soft, slimy mass. Wouldnt be all that
bad... but the smell and that thing wrapping itself around your ankle. The
floor somehow seems to be moving but as you look closer you realize that it
is a thick layer of feasting maggots. You frantically look for an exit but
all you see are the unclimbable slimecoated walls of a huge.... TRASHCAN!!!
44 8 0
The Abyss~
You are deafened by the screams of the insane tortured souls who are utterly 
condemned to suffer eternally due to their displeasing of the Gods.  Chaos is
the only predictable feature in the Abyss.  You hope and pray that you can 
escape this nightmare.  You look frantically for an exit and find.... 
44 8|8192 0

*   The Circus originally written by Binky 
*   This area may be freely distributed to whomever wants it.
*   This area may be modified, but please leave me a little credit.  *wink*
*			Thanks.
*   Also, my deepest gratitude to Picard for all his help in debugging area.
*    Resetting Doors   *
D 0 4442 0 1
D 0 4440 2 1
D 0 4440 1 1
D 0 4448 3 1
D 0 4438 0 1
D 0 4437 2 1
D 0 4442 2 1
D 0 4440 0 1
D 0 4440 0 1 
D 0 4441 2 1
D 0 4439 0 1
D 0 4438 2 1
D 0 4434 2 1
D 0 4436 0 1
D 0 4434 0 1
D 0 4435 2 1
D 0 4430 1 1
D 0 4433 3 1
D 0 4430 2 1
D 0 4432 0 1
D 0 4430 3 1
D 0 4431 1 1
D 0 4415 2 2
D 0 4416 0 2
D 0 4429 4 1
D 0 4428 5 1
D 0 4424 5 2
* to just close door put close flag in room on door
* and put reset close flag for fourth num
* to lock use 4 in the room and 2 in resets
D 0 4424 1 2	closed and locked door from one side
D 0 4422 3 2	closed and locked door from other
*   Load mobs, and equip with objects   *
M 0 4400 1 4402         Ticket Clerk
G 1 4400 0              	ticket
M 0 4401 5 4406		small child	
M 0 4401 5 4405		small child	
M 0 4401 5 4415		small child
M 0 4401 5 4414		small child
M 0 4401 5 4403		small child
M 0 4402 2 4414		child's father
M 0 4402 2 4415		child's father
M 0 4403 5 4403         child's mother
M 0 4403 5 4406         child's mother
M 0 4403 5 4414         child's mother
M 0 4403 5 4404         child's mother
M 0 4403 5 4415         child's mother
M 0 4404 1 4408		Little Bobby
M 0 4405 1 4415		Bobby's Mother
M 0 4406 1 4409		Bearded Lady
E 1 4402 0 17			hairy key
O 0 4422 0 4436			chest
P 1 4413 0 4422			put razor in chest
M 0 4407 1 4410		Illusionist
E 1 4405 0 17			shimmering key
O 0 4423 0 4441			chest
P 1 4409 0 4423			put staff in chest
M 0 4408 1 4411		Midget
E 1 4404 1 17			small key
G 1 4411 0 			purse
P 1 4437 1 4411			put 50 coins in purse
O 0 4425 0 4439			chest
P 1 4438 0 4425			put 100 coins in chest
P 1 4408 0 4425			put sword in chest
M 0 4409 1 4413		Ivan the Strongman
E 1 4403 0 17			huge key
O 0 4414 0 4413			put barbell in Strongman tent
O 0 4424 0 4435			chest
P 1 4407 0 4424			put bracers in chest
M 0 4410 1 4412		Sword Swallower
E 1 4406 0 17			slender key
O 0 4426 0 4437			chest
P 1 4410 0 4426			put sword in chest
M 0 4411 7 4419         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4417         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4418         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4418         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4420         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4420         member of crowd
M 0 4411 7 4420         member of crowd
M 0 4412 5 4422		red-nosed clown
E 1 4439 0 5			clown nose
M 0 4412 5 4444		red-nosed clown
E 1 4439 0 5			clown nose
M 0 4412 5 4444		red-nosed clown
E 1 4439 0 5			clown nose
M 0 4412 5 4446		red-nosed clown
E 1 4439 0 5			clown nose
M 0 4412 5 4429		red-nosed clown
E 1 4439 0 5			clown nose
M 0 4413 2 4422		big-shoe clown
E 1 4420 0 8			shoes
M 0 4413 2 4444		big-shoe clown
E 1 4420 0 8			shoes
M 0 4414 2 4444         big clown
E 1 4430 0 17			bucket
M 0 4414 2 4444         big clown
E 1 4430 0 17			bucket
M 0 4415 1 4419         Ringmaster
E 1 4421 1 6			top hat
M 0 4416 1 4423		Knife Thrower
E 1 4416 0 16			sharp knife
G 1 4431 0 			drugged food
M 0 4417 1 4423		knife thrower's assistant
E 1 4417 1 17			blindfold
M 0 4418 1 4424		Lion Tamer
E 1 4418 0 16			whip
M 0 4419 3 4424		Lion
M 0 4419 3 4424		Lion
M 0 4419 3 4424		Lion
M 0 4420 3 4426 	tightrope walker
E 1 4419 0 17			pole
M 0 4420 3 4425		tightrope walker
E 1 4419 0 17			pole
M 0 4420 3 4448		tightrope walker
E 1 4419 0 17			pole
G 1 4441 0			key
O 0 4440 0 4448			chest
P 1 4442 0 4440			put potion in chest
M 0 4421 6 4404		animal keeper
M 0 4421 6 4430		animal keeper
M 0 4421 6 4445		animal keeper
M 0 4421 6 4447		animal keeper
M 0 4421 6 4440		animal keeper
M 0 4421 6 4434		animal keeper
M 0 4422 2 4431		Elephant
M 0 4423 2 4432         Bear
M 0 4423 2 4432         Bear
M 0 4424 1 4433 	Horse
M 0 4425 1 4442		poor white horse
M 0 4426 1 4442		Circus Owner
O 0 4428 0 4443			safe in secret room
E 1 4448 1 16  			scalpel
G 1 4427 0 			combination slip
P 1 4412 0 4428			put coins in safe
M 0 4427 1 4407		Cotton Candy Vendor
G 1 4401 0 			cotton candy
*   4428 is Illusionist's brother, summoned to his aid as above
M 0 4429 1 4439		guard dog 
*   4430 is burly worker summoned to boss's aid, not done in reset.
* various items in rooms
O 0 4415 0 4404			sign in games booth room
O 0 4415 0 4405			sign in games booth room
O 0 4429 0 4402			note at ticket booth
O 0 4449 0 4469			Binky's refrigerator
P 1 4434 0 4449				put bigmac in refrigerator
P 1 4435 0 4449				put coke in refrigerator
P 1 4432 0 4449				put pizza in refrigerator
P 1 4433 0 4449				put steak in refrigerator
O 0 4443 0 4469				pheasant
O 0 4444 0 4469				turkey
O 0 4445 0 4469				stuffing
O 0 4446 0 4469				cherry pie
O 0 4447 0 4469				wineskin
M 0 4450 1 4469			Binky's chef
E 1 4450 1 16				carving knife
* M 0 4451 1 4401              midget thief, not loaded unless asterik removed

4400     0 0 0 0 0         100 50         0 23  ; ticket clerk
4427     0 0 0 0 0         100 50         0 23  ; cotton candy vendor

M 4451 spec_thief                                 midget
