#AREA   { 5 25} Sandman Dragon Cult~
the receptionist~
A receptionist greets you with a knowing grin.
The Receptionist appears to be friendly.
2  0 0 S
4 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 2
minor priest~
the minor priest~
A minor priest of the cult scuffles along.
The minor priest seems preoccupied.
64|128  8 -100 S
12 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
robed priest~
the robed priest~
A robed priest is alarmed by your presence.
The robed priest is not to be trifeled with.
32|64 8|16|32 -200 S
14 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
draconian knight~
the draconian knight~
The draconian knight sees you and attacks!
The draconian knight's sole purpose is to kill you.
2|32|64 8|16|32 -400 S
16 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
high priestess~
the High Priestess~
The High Priestess is FURIOUS about your intrusion!
This is the High Priestess of the Dragon Cult, she would be
quite beautiful if it weren't for her SCALES!
32|64 8|16|32 -600 S
18 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 2
virgin sacrifice~
a virgin sacrifice~
A virgin weeping about her pending death is here.
This innocent, beautiful girl is waiting for some brave,
handsome warrior to save her.
2  0 0 S
3 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 2
dragon wyrmling~
The Black Dragon Wyrmling~
The Black Dragon Wyrmling wants to feed ON YOU.
The Black Dragon Wyrmling is the center of this obscure Dragon Cult.
It is viciuos and has a nasty bite, so you better be ready!
2|4|32 8|128|512 -1000 S
23 -15 -25 37d37+370 1d4+30
100000 1000000
8 8 1
minor priest~
the minor priest~
A minor priest of the cult is in the bathroom "doing his duty"..
The minor priest seems preoccupied.
2|64 8 -100 S
12 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
fanatic monk~
a fanatic monk~
A fanatic monk is here raving about the day of great black death!
The monk is sincere, if loony, and he has a look of terror on his
0 8 0 S
6 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
bob director~
Bob the PR Director greets you with the smile of a used car salesman.
Bob is about 6 feet tall and very lanky.  He wears a cheap polyester
suit, his hair is slicked back, and he has quite a large gap
between his front teeth, but that doesn't stop him from talking.
Incidently, he talks alot.
2|64 8 -1000 S
8 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
marie maid~
Marie is here on her break sipping some coffee.
Marie is the maid of this fine institution, but she never seems very
busy at all.  There are some places that she just won't clean, like
that basement... it's really terrible down there.
2|64 8 200 S
5 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 2
gale coordinator~
Gale the office coordinator bustles around the office.
Gale looks very busy, she runs around the office to make sure
everything runs well.  She might be attractive if she weren't so
work oriented.  The boss knows this too, thats why he put all of
the shelves that the papers go in on the ground.
64 8 -1000 S
9 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 2
fred boss~
Fred the boss of the office is here smoking a cheap cigar.
Fred is good at being boss, but there isn't much else he is good
at at all.  He basicly sits around in his office all day, occasionally
yelling at people, and trying to look up Gale's dress.
2|64 8 -1000 S
10 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
the Torturer~
The Torturer is here ready to inflict great pain upon you.
Yuck! What an ugly sight, I'm surprised you looked!
2|32|64 8 -1000 S
18 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
jim sales director~
Jim the sales Director eyes you like a hungry vulture.
Hello, I'm Jim.  Let me explain the organization to you.  First, it
costs nothing.......
2|64 8 -1000 S
8 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
the Zombie~
The Zombie hates everything alive, namely you.
The zombie is pretty fresh, not too much flesh has rotted off, but the
guy who died and became a Zombie, he was very strong, so... this
Zombie is nothing to be laughed at.
2|32|64 8 -1000 S
15 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
lich priest~
the Lich Priest~
The Lich Priest glares at you through dead eyes.
This is the living corpse of a once powerfull priest of the cult.  In
his quest for power he learned the ways of the mage and made himself a
monstrocity.  He is a creature to be reckoned with, and unless the
gods are in your favor he will probably kill you.
2|32|64 8|16|32|128 -1000 S
34 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
monk old~
An old monk~
An old monk is here, attempting to sell you candy.
He has rotten teeth.
2|64 8 -200 S
32 17 6 1d4+30 1d4+3
100 400
0 0 1
black key~
a black key~
You see a very important key here!~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
primitive key~
a primitive key~
You see a primitive key here!~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
skull key~
a skull key~
You see a skull key here!~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
bone sword~
a bone sword~
A sharp looking peice of bone lies here.~
5 64|512 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 1~
40 4000 0
1 1
2 1
3 -1
18 2
19 3
skull helm dragon~
a helm made from a dragon's skull~
The skull of a dragon lies here~
9 1 1|16
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
15 4000 0
3 -1
5 2
some dark robes~
some dark robes lie here~
9 0 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 1000 0
12 30
black pen~
a black pen~
A Black pen catches your eye~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~
8 300 0
evil black dagger~
an evil looking black dagger~
A black dagger is here radiating evil.~
5 16 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~
10 300 0
19 3
black staff~
a black staff~
A long blackened stick is here~
5 16 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 7~
10 300 0
18 3
heap scales black dragonscale robes~
dragonscale robes~
You see a shimering black heap of scales.~
9 16|64|512|2048 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
20 5000 0
12 50
13 50
3 3
4 3
ornate robes~
ornate robes~
You see a pile of finely woven cloth.~
9 0 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
20 5000 0
3 1
4 1
white dress torn~
A torn white dress~
A once pretty dress is lying here with holes torn in it.~
9 0 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 10 0
rusty key~
a rusty key~
A hunk of metal is on the ground.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
cheap plaid pants pair~
A pair of cheap plaid pants~
Some really ugly pants are on the ground here.~
9 0 1|32
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 1000 0
a donut~
There is a jelly filled donut here.~
19 0 1
100~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
a cup of coffee~
There is a piping hot cup of coffee here~
17 0 1
15~ 15~ 12~ 0~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
1~ blindness~ harm~ harm~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
2~ bless~ cause light~ ~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
3~ change sex~ teleport~ ~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
5~ detect hidden~ detect invis~ detect magic~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
33~ ~ ~ ~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
17~ curse~ harm~ poison~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
23~ refresh~ cure blindness~ cure poison~
1 0 0
dragon candy~
Dragon Candy <tm>~
A piece of Dragon Candy~
26 0 1
28~ ~ ~ ~
1 0 0
A brochure~
A sharp looking brochure is lying here~
8 128|4096 1|16384
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 0 0
the brochre reads:
      | C U L T  O F  T H E  D R A G O N |
      |                                  |
      | Join today and you too can share |
      | in the many benefits a cult      |
      | member can have.                 |
      | advantages like:                 |
      |   - never having a heating bill  |
      |   - those cool robes             |
      |   - free virgin sacrifice        |
      |     tickets!                     |
      |   - a cool haircut               |
      |                                  |
      | For all this and more call       |
      | 1-800-FOR-DRGN                   |
      |                                  |
      | Remember: vote no on 13          |
      | Citizens of Midgaard ban on      |
      | Draconian activity.  If you      |
      | feel like we do, Kill the Mayor  |
      | TODAY!                           |
The Reception Area~
This room is very barren.  There is a desk in the center of the room
which looks very functional.  There is one painting on the wall, you can't
quite make it out, because it is what these new artist fools call abstract.
There is a small sign here and a door to the North.
98 8 0
A door leads into the temple.
1 9825 9851
You see a road.
0 -1 3024
You think it looks a bit like a dragon.
          ********  WARNING  ********
This area is not for level grubbers.  It can be very
dangerous, and you could die, and even loose your
corpse.  It was designed to be a challenging area
with many secrets and some cool EQ, but if you plan
on an easy ride forget it, it's not here.
- Sandman
A dimly lit corridor~
Except for the fact that there is not much light here, this corridor looks
very plain.  To the South is the reception desk, and to the North the corridor
98 8 0
The Corridor continues North.
0 -1 9852
A door leads into the Reception Area.
1 9825 9850
Dragon Hall~
The walls in this room are definately lined with paintings of Dragons
and battles with Dragons.  In the later it always appears the Dragons are
winning.  To the North there is an office and to the South there is a corridor.
98 4|8 0
You see an office.
0 -1 9853
You see a corridor.
0 -1 9851
The walls have intricate paintings of dragons upon them.  You see none
of the good dragons in the paintings though, they are all of famous evil
dragons like tiamat the five headed.
Tourist Office~
Brochures every where!  Wow..... you wonder where they printed all of
this because printing hasn't been invented yet. To the South you see Dragon
Hall, there is a room to the west and a door to the east.
There is a very prominent plaque on the wall.
98 8 0
There is a door to the east.
1 -1 9880
You see Dragon Hall.
0 -1 9852
You see the waiting room.
0 -1 9871
There is a trapdoor leading down.
1 -1 9854
The Dragon Cult Temple was created by Sandman,
late one night, when he should have been studying
for finals.  12/13/93
Dragon Cult Temple revised & expanded
Spring Break '94 by Sandman when he
should have been his paper.
The brochure reads: 
      | C U L T  O F  T H E  D R A G O N |
      |                                  |
      | Join today and you too can share |
      | in the many benefits a cult      |
      | member can have.                 |
      | advantages like:                 |
      |   - never having a heating bill  |
      |   - those cool robes             |
      |   - free virgin sacrifice        |
      |     tickets!                     |
      |   - a cool haircut               |
      |                                  |
      | For all this and more call       |
      | 1-800-FOR-DRGN                   |
      |                                  |
      | Remember: vote no on 13          |
      | Citizens of Midgaard ban on      |
      | Draconian activity.  If you      |
      | feel like we do, Kill the Mayor  |
      | TODAY!                           |
A five way intersection~
Not much to say about this room, there are exits North, South, East,
West, and Up.  There is a bright light coming from the South.
98 4|8 0
There is an exit.
0 -1 9856
A hallway leads east.
0 -1 9857
You see a bright light.
0 -1 9855
You see a hallway.
0 -1 9859
As you look up you can see a trapdoor.
1 -1 9853
A Shrine~
So THIS is where the light came from.  There are candles everywhere.
In the center of the room there is a shrine with a statue of a Dragon
on top of it.  It appears to be a place of worship. The only exit is to
the North.
98 8 0
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
The Tapestry Room~
The wall of this room are covered with tapestries depicting, you guessed
it, DRAGONS, of all sizes and colors.  You take a closer look and you see
that the pictures are moving.  You feel uncomfortable in this room, you
better leave.  The only exit is to the South.
98 8 0
1 -1 9886
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
A VERY ordinary hallway~
This hallway is SO ordinary it almost BORES you to death.  The
intersection is to the West and there is a door to the East.
98 8 0
You see a small store.
0 -1 9892
You see a door.
1 -1 9858
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
The Bathroom~
Well even cultists have to take a dump every once in a while!  There
is a horrible stench that is rising from the toilet, you don't
even want to think about what this guy had for lunch. The only exit
lies to the West.
98 8 0
You see a door.
1 -1 9857
A hallway~
This portion of the hallway is lit by a strange glow that seems to be
rising from the floor.  The farther you walk, the more you begin to
sweat, which is very odd, because you are not hot at all.  The hallway
leads both East and West.
98 8 0
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
You see a bend in the hallway.
0 -1 9860
Bend in the hallway~
You wonder what lies around the corner to the North.  You could always
head back by going East.
98 8 0
Its too far to make out.
0 -1 9861
You see a hallway.
0 -1 9859
A place of worship~
This must be where the cultists conduct their cermonys, glofifying the
Dragon.  You are now treading on their sanctified ground, take care
not to step in the center where a circle is drawn in chalk upon the
ground.  It seems this circle  is the center of attention of this entire room.
And to think the cult wanted you to join!
98 8 0
You see a staircase.
0 -1 9894
You still can run back to the hallway.
0 -1 9860
After searching you find a trapdoor.
1 -1 9862
Dark Room~
This room is very dark.  There is a ladder leading Up, and an exit to
the South.
98 1|4|8|1024 0
It's too dark to see anything.
0 -1 9863
You see a trapdoor.
1 -1 9861
The Inner Circle~
This is where plans for the future of the Dragon Cult are made.  Only
High Priests are allowed in here, oh yeah and someone else.  There are
exits to the north, east, and west.
98 8 0
It's very dark.
0 -1 9862
You see a room.
0 -1 9864
You see a corridor.
0 -1 9865
Priests Quarters~
The Priests of the Dragon Cult sleep here. The room is very neat and
tidy, except for one large tile on the floor with dirt around the edges. The
only way out is West.
98 8 0
You see the inner circle.
0 -1 9863
You see an opening in the floor.
1 -1 9887
A forboding corridor~
Whew this place really gives you the chills.  Exits are East and West
and there is a cell to the North.  You hear a soft weeping coming from the
98 1|8 0
There is a cell door here.
1 9826 9866
You see the inner circle.
0 -1 9863
It's not a safe place to go.
0 -1 9867
The Cell~
This dark damp place is the cell where they keep the Virgin
Sacrifices.  Beyond the door to the south is a forboding corridor.
98 1|8|8192 0
You see a cell door.
1 -1 9865
An even MORE forboding corridor~
You are really getting somewhere now.  You can tell by the knots
forming in your stomach.  Exits are East and if you REALLY wish to continue
onward, West.
98 8 0
It's the hallway you just came from.
0 -1 9865
Better not go that way.
1 -1 9868
The Chamber of the High Priestess~
You have entered the Bed Chamber of the High Priestess.  Now you're in
trouble.  The high priestess is rumored to fornicate with Dragons,
some even say that she is half Dragon herself... but a half Dragons and
Dragons in Midgaard? Impossible.
98 8 0
That way smells REALLY bad.
0 -1 9869
The forboding hallway isn't NEARLY as forboding as what lies beyond
1 -1 9867
A foul smelling hallway~
I don't know but it must be BIG!  A door is to the North and
South, it sure smells better to the South.
98 8 0
1 9827 9870
You see the room in which the High Priestess resides.
0 -1 9868
Chamber of the Wyrmling~
You have discovered what the Cult was hiding, and if the Black Dragon
Wyrmling didn't "tell" you himself, the gnawed bones and large piles
of Dragon defication should.  And they were intending on feeding another
virgin to this horrible creature.  You shudder to think what this
Wyrmling will be like if it ever grows up.  The only exit is to the South.
98 8 0
You see a BIG STEEL DOOR, probably meant to keep the Wyrmling IN.
1 9826 9869
The Waiting Room~
This room is filled with chairs, coffee tables and magazines.  You may
sit and rest here until your appointment.  The office has a number of
sales represenatives that can help you, provided you made an
appointment.  You did make an appointment didn't you? 
The tourist office is to the east and you see the main offices to the north.
98 8 0
The main office.
0 -1 9872
You see the tourist office.
0 -1 9853
You see an evil glow.
1 -1 9873
Entranceway to the Main Office~
As you enter this place you feel it gets stranger and stranger.
People are running around in odd clothes, moving papers from one place to
another.  There is a shrill ringing sound, and then they pick up these
things and put it up to their ears and mouths.  This sort of place is
not meant to exist.
98 8 0
You see a hallway in the office.
0 -1 9874
You see the middle of the office.
0 -1 9878
You see the waiting room.
0 -1 9871
You see a sales booth.
0 -1 9879
A strange room~
The door snaps shut and you are left standing, locked in a small tight
room... it does not look like there is any way out so you may as well lie down
on the rug that covers the floor.
98 8|8192 0
1 -1 9866
It's pretty big but It isn't nailed down or anything....
hey you think there could be something under it?
Yep you found it, a trapdoor....
A hallway in the office~
This is a pretty normal place in an odd sort of way.  The
craftsmanship seems incredible compared to the Inns you've been to in
the past, but all in all it is a very ordinary building.  There is a
picture on the wall.  Exits are South, back to the main part of the
office, and there is a glass wall and open door to the west... there
is some lettering in the glass.
98 8 0
You see a staircase.
0 -1 9893
You see the main office.
0 -1 9872
You see Gale's office.
0 -1 9875
Gale's Office~
Gale's office is very neat and organized, almost to the point of
obsessive.  It seems that she runs the organization just as well as
she runs her own office.  Gale is the backbone behind the business
side of the orginization.  The employee's don't even bother with Fred,
the boss, they just come here.  There is a desk here with some papers
on it and some certificates on the wall. The only way out is back to the east.
98 8 0
You see a hallway in the office.
0 -1 9874
Fred's Office~
What a mess!  Fred's office is the epitome of disarray.  There a
papers, cigar butt's, and other random junk everywhere.  Its amazing that
anything ever gets done in here, or maybe not so, because nothing ever really
does get done in here.  A huge desk is in the middle of the room, and the
only way out is south.
98 8 0
You see the middle of the office.
0 -1 9878
The break room~
This heavily used room has all the necessary components of a perfect
break room: Coffee, donuts, and more coffee.  Marie spends lots of time in
here, because she really doesn't have that much to do.  The only exit is
98 8 0
You see the copy room.
0 -1 9882
The middle of the office~
This is an area where the employees try to work, on the various desks
scattered around the room.  Unfortuneately this is also a major office
intersection so they really can't concentrate that well.  Fred
observes this area from his office to the north.  The Entranceway
lies west and there is a copy room to the east.
98 8 0
You see Fred's office
0 -1 9876
You see the copy room.
0 -1 9882
The entranceway to the office.
0 -1 9872
A sales booth~
This is a small room in which the salesman for the ummm organization
will give you his pitch.  The furniture is nice but sterile, and there is
nothing in the room that will distract your attention.  Somehow you feel like a
trapped animal in this room.  The only exit is east.
98 8 0
You see the entranceway to the office.
0 -1 9872
A back hallway~
This is a hallway that people to sneak around, just in case.  It is
not used very much, except by Fred and Marie who come in here to
discuss cleaning sometimes.  Oh yeah then Bob and Marie also use this back
area too.  But never Bob and Fred oh no that would cause trouble, though Fred
wouldn't mind using this hallway with Gale, that wouldn't be bad at all, But
secretly Gale wants to use the hallway with Bob, but Bob doesn't know this and
spends his time in here with Marie, wishing that Marie looked like Cindy (no
there is no Cindy in this area). Oh well maybe this hallway is used alot.
98 8 0
The hallway ends.
0 -1 9881
You see a door.
1 -1 9853
End of the hallway~
This is the end of a back hallway that is used for dubious purposes.
There are doors north and west and the hallway continues south.
98 8 0
You see a rather important door.
1 -1 9885
You see the begining of the hallway where Fred and Marie are....
0 -1 9880
You see a door.
1 -1 9882
The copy room~
This is the all important room in the office, the copy room.  It
contains a copy machine, that seems to produce an aura of office supply awe.
There are all sorts of nifty office supplies here, there is a desk in the
corner, what someone actually has their desk here? weird.  The middle of the
office is west, the break room is north, and there is a door to the east.
98 8 0
You see the break room.
0 -1 9877
You see a door.
1 -1 9881
You see the middle of the office.
0 -1 9878
The dungeon~
This is a dark dismal cell.  It looks like the only way out is a
locked door to the west.  The slide opens up about 15 feet above you,
but its way too slick to try and climb up.
9 8|8192 0
You see a big rusty iron door.
1 9837 9884
The torture chamber~
All sorts of horrible devices, implementations of pain are strewn
about the room.  There is a skeleton that is rotting on a rack.  The only
visible exit is a cell door where prisoners are kept, to the east.
98 8 0
1 -1 9886
You see a big rusty iron door.
1 9837 9883
AH! You're falling!  You managed to catch yourself about midway down
the slide.  But there is really only one way to get out of this mess and
that is to let the slide take you to wherever its destination is.  Or you
could just sit here...
98 8|8192 0
Well you wish you knew.
0 -1 9883
A secret passageway~
This is a dark damp passageway with spiders and cob webs all around.
Excluding all the twists and turns it takes the passageway has a door
to the south and a door to the west.
98 8 0
You see the inside of a secret door.
1 -1 9884
You see the inside of a secret door.
1 -1 9856
A Downward Tunnel~
Something about this place is not right.  There is great danger below,
and to continue further downward would be like flirting with death.  There
is the stench of human flesh that rises into your nostrils, making you
ill.  Whatever is downward, is not going to like your presence.  You can go
up and down, though to go down you'd have to be a fool.
98 1|4|8 0
You see a dim light through the opening.
1 -1 9864
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9888
Deeper into the pit~
There is a great evil that radiates from the earth below.  It is very
dark down there, an unnatural darkness.  Go back up while you still can.
98 1|8 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9887
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9889
Before the Jaws of Dark Death~
This is your last chance to turn away and leave the evil below.  It
would not be cowardly to turn from danger such as this.  Go back and live to
tell of this close encounter with death.
98 1|8 0
It is too dark to see.
1 -1 9890
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9888
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9891
A hidden alcove~
This small hidden area must have been the home to some sort of
creature. It looks long abandoned, but the creatures hoard of treasure is still
98 1|8 0
It is too dark to see.
1 -1 9889
The bottom of the pit~
You look around and see torn human skeletons.  A damp coldness sinks
into your spine as you realize the full magnitude of what you've stumbled
in upon.  This is the home of a Lich, and a powerful one at that.
98 1|8 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9889
Candy Store~
This is the cults own personal candy shop.  You might want to try it,
but be careful some of the candies are known for their strange effects.
98 8 0
You see the hallway.
0 -1 9857
Top of the staircase~
This is a staircase that leads downwards into another part of the
temple.  The walls change from the white office type walls to a dark stone
wall, perhaps it is an indication of what lies below.  Exits are south
and down.
98 4|8 0
You see a hallway in the office.
0 -1 9874
You see the bottom of the staircase.
0 -1 9894
Bottom of the staircase~
The staircase ends here.  The room is quiet and dismal, but there are
strange sounds, possibly chants coming from the south.  The only other wat out
is up.
98 4|8 0
It is too blurred to see anything of note.
0 -1 9861
You see the top of the staircase.
0 -1 9893
Morpheus's Study~
You have the rare pleasure of seeing Sandman's study.  The room is
small but not cramped.  There are lazy boy recliners about the room. 
The walls are composed of bookshelves which are filled with texts from
far off lands.
99 4|8|512|1024|2048 0
Sandman's Study~
You have the rare pleasure of seeing Sandman's study.  The room is
small but not cramped.  There are lazy boy recliners  about the room.
The walls are composed of bookshelves which are filled with texts from
far off lands.
99 4|8|512|1024|2048 0
D 0 9850 0 2
D 0 9851 2 2
D 0 9853 5 1
D 0 9854 4 1
D 0 9857 1 1
D 0 9858 3 1
D 0 9861 5 1
D 0 9862 4 1
D 0 9864 5 1
D 0 9865 0 2
D 0 9866 2 2
D 0 9867 3 1
D 0 9868 1 1
D 0 9869 0 2
D 0 9870 2 2
D 0 9853 1 1
D 0 9871 3 1
D 0 9873 5 1
D 0 9880 3 1
D 0 9882 1 1
D 0 9881 3 1
D 0 9881 0 1
D 0 9883 3 2
D 0 9884 1 2
D 0 9884 0 1
D 0 9886 2 1
D 0 9886 3 1
D 0 9856 1 1
D 0 9887 4 1
D 0 9889 1 1
D 0 9890 3 1
M 0 9800 1 9850     Receptionist
E 1 9825 1 17          black key
M 0 9801 7 9855     Minor Priest
E 1 9830 1  5          robes
E 1 9833 1 16          staff
M 0 9801 7 9860     Minor Priest
E 1 9830 1  5          robes
E 1 9833 1 16          staff
M 0 9801 7 9861     Minor Priest
E 1 9830 1  5          robes
M 0 9801 7 9861     Minor Priest
E 1 9830 1  5          robes
M 0 9802 4 9861     Robed Priest
E 1 9832 1 16          evil black dagger
E 1 9835 1  5          ornate robes
M 0 9802 4 9863     Robed Priest
E 1 9832 1 16          evil black dagger
E 1 9835 1  5          ornate robes
M 0 9802 4 9863     Robed Priest
E 1 9835 1  5          ornate robes
M 0 9803 1 9865     Draconian Knight
G 1 9826 1           primitive key
E 1 9828 1 16          bone sword
E 1 9829 1  6          dragon skull
M 0 9804 1 9868     High Priestess
G 1 9827 1           skull key
E 1 9834 1  5          shimmering robes
M 0 9805 1 9866     Virgin
E 1 9836 1  5          torn dress
M 0 9806 1 9870     Black Dragon Wyrmling
M 0 9807 1 9858     Minor Priest "doing his duty"
M 0 9808 1 9850     Fanatic Monk
E 1 9850 1 17          brochure
M 0 9809 1 9853     Bob the PR director
E 1 9831 1 16          black pen
M 0 9810 1 9877     Marie the Maid
M 0 9811 1 9875     Gale the office coordinator
M 0 9812 1 9876     Fred the boss
M 0 9813 1 9884     Torturer
G 0 9837 1           rusty key
M 0 9814 1 9879     Jim the sales director
M 0 9815 1 9883     Zombie
M 0 9816 1 9891     Lich Priest
M 0 9817 1 9892     Old Monk (Store Keeper)
G 1 9841 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9842 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9843 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9844 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9845 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9846 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9847 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
G 1 9848 100           Dragon Candy <tm>
O 0 9850 1 9853     brochure
O 0 9839 1 9877     donuts
O 0 9840 1 9877     coffee
* The Dragon Cult Temple by Sandman 1993
* - revised 1994
* 44 rooms, 17 mobs, 25 objects
* for any questions email Sandman: lerner@usc.edu
* removed some silly super eq
* Hatchet 4/21/94
9817       0  0  0  0  0         400 400         0  23 ; The Old Monk
M  9804  spec_cast_mage
M  9806  spec_breath_acid
M  9814  spec_fido
M  9814  spec_cast_undead
M  9816  spec_cast_undead
M  9816  spec_cast_mage
M  9816  spec_cast_cleric
M  9816  spec_fido