EnvyMud Release 1.0
Thursday, 30th June 1994

Kahn		michael@uclink.berkeley.edu
Thelonius	dave@mechatro2.berkeley.edu
Kith		kith@marble.bu.edu
Hatchet		hatchet@uclink.berkeley.edu

=== Merc-Based Sites

The following muds are based on Merc code.  The implementors of these muds
add their own changes and features, so don't expect all these muds to look
alike.  Most of them look VERY different!

To the imps who run these muds ... thanks for sharing your computers with
us all!

These are the MERC muds we know of:

Dragon Mud		eve.assumption.edu		5000
Acme Mud		mud.cc.geneseo.edu		9000
Worm Mud		mud.cc.geneseo.edu		4000
Dutch Mountains			9000
North. CrossRoads	ugsparc13.eecg.toronto.edu	9002
Hidden Worlds		cns.cscns.com			4000
The Land Mud		nora.gih.no			4000
Murky Mud II			4567
Stormy Mountain		harp.cc.msstate.edu		9000
Conch Mud		aann.tyrell.net			4000
Mystic Adventure	miniac.etu.gel.ulaval.ca	4000
Mortal Realms		hydrogen.ee.utulsa.edu		4321
Farside			farside.atinc.com		3000
PK Mud			kennedy.ecn.uoknor.edu		5000
Rip's Quest		kennedy.ecn.uoknor.edu		5500
Vego Mud		spotted.alfred.edu		4000
Troll Mud		ouray.denver.colorado.edu	9000 ( 9001 )
Aldara Mud III		one.fcasd.edu			4000
Legend of the Winds			4040
The Dragon Realm	ccnett1.ntu.edu.tw		3000