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to jabberwock  @@aWed Jan  7 00:03:22 2004

sorry about the huge attack, i had no control over it, sorry if i pissed you off dude

P.S. write something on the board, this is a lonely board



spelguru and vrt @@aThu Jan  8 16:15:17 2004

well, as u saw i had my little fight with guru last night,

wasnt too bad, lost my base but i wanted to move anyway, im northeast of u now

vrt came on later, i took out his base with somewhat ease, so thats outta the way

anyways, cya later

further on vrt @@aFri Jan  9 03:33:22 2004

ive wiped out vrt a few more times tonight, easy prey hehehe

moved my base once more, its about 80 directly north of your base monkey

its pretty impregnable against all but the strongest players it seems

well anyway, back to torturing vrt :D

state of the union adress @@aTue Jan 13 06:56:26 2004

hows everyone?

 well.........im fine

ive been killing people o' plenty, and many buildings and have raised my level up by about 7 i think....

well, me and tiberius performed some raids yerterday so he is an ally until he attacks one of us

if you are ever attacked by someone unfairly post it here with the title >WRONGFUL DEATH<

once that is done ill get to killing that person.....

well, im gonna go bust some asses with a hammer.....stay active in this board! later

               Officer Monkey...

escape from earth! @@aSat Jan 17 10:15:41 2004
Today my entire base was destroyed by the pussy formerly known as spelguru,

now, i live in noga, trying to rebuild a halfway descent base

god.......kill me now!!!

well, i get things to do and people to kill, later!
