 ~  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        ~
 ~  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          ~
 ~  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~  Ack 2.2 improvements copyright (C) 1994 by Stephen Dooley              ~
 ~  ACK!MUD is modified Merc2.0/2.1/2.2 code (c)Stephen Zepp 1998 Ver: 4.3 ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~  In order to use any part of this  PA  Diku Mud, you must comply with   ~
 ~  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       ~
 ~  license in 'license.txt', and the Ack!Mud license in 'ack_license.txt'.~
 ~  In particular, you may not remove any of these copyright notices.      ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~           _______      _____                                            ~
 ~          /  __  /\    / ___ \       222222        PA_MUD by Amnon Kruvi ~
 ~         /______/ /   / /___\ \            2       PA_MUD is modified    ~
 ~        / _______/   / _______ \           2       Ack!Mud, v4.3         ~
 ~       /_/          /_/       \_\        2                               ~
 ~                                      2                                  ~
 ~                                     2222222                             ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~                                                                         ~
 ~   Years of work have been invested to create DIKU, Merc, Ack and PA.    ~
 ~   Please show your respect by following the licenses, and issuing       ~
 ~   credits where due.                                                    ~
 ~                                                                         ~

#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ack.h"

/* The tables in here are:
     Object item type    :    tab_item_types      : number
     Object extra flags  :    tab_obj_flags       : bit_vector
     Object wear flags   :    tab_wear_flags      : bit_vector
     Wear locations      :    tab_wear_loc        : number

const struct lookup_type tab_value_meanings[]=
{ "Unused",                                         15, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         16, 0 },
{ "Hours of light, -1 = infinite",                  17, 5 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    18, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         19, 0 },
{ "Rarity",                                         20, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  21, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           22, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                  	    23, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    24, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    25, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    26, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    27, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    28, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                   	    29, 0 },

{ "AmmoType",                                       30, 0 },
{ "Amount",                                         31,  0 },
{ "Unused",                                         32,  0 },
{ "Unused",                                         33,  0 },
{ "Unused",                                         34, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         35, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  36, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           37, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         38, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         39, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         40, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         41, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         42, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         43, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         44, 0 },

{ "Timer",                                          45, 0 },
{ "Armed",                                          46, 0 },
{ "Damage Dice",                                    47, 0 },
{ "Special",                                        48, 0 },
{ "Grenade?",                                       49, 0 },
{ "AttachDir",                                      50, 0 },
{ "Dud Chance",                                     51, 0 },
{ "Research Progress",                              52, 0 },
{ "Silent",                                         53, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         54, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         55, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         56, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         57, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         58, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         59, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         60, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                    	    61, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                	    62, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         63, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         64, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         65, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  66, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           67, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         68, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    69, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    70, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    71, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    72, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    73, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    74, 0 },

{ "Ammo",                                           75, 0 },
{ "Max Ammo",                                       76, 0 },
{ "AmmoType",                                       77, 0 },
{ "Affects",                                        78, 0 },
{ "Range",                                          79, 0 },
{ "ArmoryType",                                     80, 0 },
{ "Scope",                                          81, 0 },
{ "+Dam",                                           82, 0 },
{ "+BuildDam",                                      83, 0 },
{ "+Speed",                               	    84, 0 },
{ "+Accuracy",                               	    85, 0 },
{ "Poison",                               	    86, 0 },
{ "Recharge Timer",                            	    87, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    88, 0 },
{ "Unused",                               	    89, 0 },

{ "Suit",                                           90, 0 },
{ "Quality",                                        91, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         92, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         93, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         94, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         95, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  96, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           97, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         98, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    99, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    100, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    101, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    102, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    103, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                 	    104, 0 },

{ "Quality",                                        105, 0 },
{ "Special",                                        106, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         107, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         108, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         109, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         110, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  111, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           112, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         113, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         114, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           120, 50 },
{ "Quality",                                        121, -25 },
{ "Unused",                                         122, -25 },
{ "Unused",                                         123, -25 },
{ "Unused", 				            124, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                       125, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  126, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           127, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         128, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         129, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         130, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         131, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         132, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         133, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         134, 0 },

{ "Main Type",	                           	    135, 10 },
{ "Damage",                       		    136, 0 },
{ "vs. General",                       		    137, 0 },
{ "vs. Bullets",                       		    138, 0 },
{ "vs. Blast",                                      139, 0 },
{ "vs. Acid",                                       140, 0 },
{ "vs. Fire",                                       141, 0 },
{ "vs. Laser",                                      142, 0 },
{ "vs. Sound",                                      143, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         144, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         145, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         146, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         147, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         148, 0 },
{ "ArmorerType",                                    149, 0 },

{ "Range",                                          150, 0 },
{ "Building Type",                                  151, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         152, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         153, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         154, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         155, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  156, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           157, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         158, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         159, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         160, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         161, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         162, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         163, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         164, 0 },

{ "InstType",                                       165, 10 },
{ "Building 1",                                     166, 0 },
{ "Building 2",                                     167, 0 },
{ "Building 3",                                     168, 0 },
{ "Building 4",                                     169, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         170, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  171, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           172, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         173, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         174, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         175, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         176, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         177, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         178, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         179, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           180, 10 },
{ "Duration",                                       181, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         182, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         183, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         184, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         185, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  186, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           187, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         188, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         189, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         190, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         191, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         192, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         193, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         194, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           225, 10 },
{ "State",                                          226, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         227, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         228, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         229, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         230, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  231, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           232, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         233, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         234, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         235, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         236, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         237, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         238, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         239, 0 },

{ "Solids",                                         240, 10 },
{ "Liquids",                                        241, 0 },
{ "Gasses",                                         242, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         243, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         244, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         245, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  246, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           247, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         248, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         249, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         250, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         251, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         252, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         253, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         254, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           255, 10 },
{ "Quality",                                        256, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         257, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         258, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         259, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         260, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  261, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           262, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         263, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         264, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         265, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         266, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         267, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         268, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         269, 0 },

{ "Connect",                                        270, 10 },
{ "Result",                                         271, 0 },
{ "Connect",                                        272, 0 },
{ "Result",                                         273, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         274, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         275, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         276, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         277, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         278, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         279, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         280, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         281, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         282, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         283, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         284, 0 },

{ "Quality",                                        285, 10 },
{ "Battery",                                        286, 0 },
{ "Antenna",                                        287, 0 },
{ "Backdoor",                                       288, 0 },
{ "Speed",                                          289, 0 },
{ "VirusVersion",                                   290, 0 },
{ "CrackerVersion",                                 291, 0 },
{ "Modem",                                          292, 0 },
{ "BatteryType",                                    293, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         294, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         295, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         296, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         297, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         298, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         299, 0 },

{ "Range",                                          300, 10 },
{ "Battery",                                        301, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         302, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         303, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         304, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         305, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  306, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           307, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         308, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         309, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         310, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         311, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         312, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         313, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         314, 0 },

{ "Skill",                                          315, 10 },
{ "Amount",                                         316, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         317, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         318, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         319, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         320, 0 },
{ "Replacer vnum",                                  321, 0 },
{ "Forced extract timer",                           322, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         323, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         324, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         325, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         326, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         327, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         328, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         329, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           330, 0 },
{ "+HP",                                            331, 0 },
{ "+Speed",                                         332, 0 },
{ "+Fuel",                                          333, 0 },
{ "+Ammo",                                          334, 0 },
{ "AmmoType",                                       335, 0 },
{ "Flags",                                          336, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         337, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         338, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         339, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         340, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         341, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         342, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         343, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         344, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           345, 0 },
{ "Version",                                        346, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         347, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         348, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         349, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         350, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         351, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         352, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         353, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         354, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         355, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         356, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         357, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         358, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         359, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         360, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         361, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         362, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         363, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         364, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         365, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         366, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         367, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         368, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         369, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         370, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         371, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         372, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         373, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         374, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           375, 0 },
{ "Amount",                                         376, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         377, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         378, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         379, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         380, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         381, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         382, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         383, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         384, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         385, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         386, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         387, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         388, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         389, 0 },

{ "V0",                                             390, 0 },
{ "V1",                                             391, 0 },
{ "V2",                                             392, 0 },
{ "V3",                                             393, 0 },
{ "V4",                                             394, 0 },
{ "V5",                                             395, 0 },
{ "V6",                                             396, 0 },
{ "V7",                                             397, 0 },
{ "V8",                                             398, 0 },
{ "V9",                                             399, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         400, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         401, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         402, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         403, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         404, 0 },

{ "No. of days message will last.",                 405, 10 },
{ "Minimum level to write board (read?).",          406, 0 },
{ "Minimum level to look board (write?).",          407, 0 },
{ "BOARD vnum... set to object's vnum.",            408, 0 },
{ "Alliance",                                       409, 0 },
{ "Building",                                       410, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         411, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         412, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         413, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         414, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         415, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         416, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         417, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         418, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         419, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           420, 0 },
{ "Quality",                                        421, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        422, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        423, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        424, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        425, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        426, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        427, 0 },
{ "Vehicle",                                        428, 0 },
{ "Bit Value",                                      429, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         430, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         431, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         432, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         433, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         434, 0 },

{ "GWire",                                          435, 0 },
{ "BWire",                                          436, 0 },
{ "RWire",                                          437, 0 },
{ "YWire",                                          438, 0 },
{ "GWire2",                                         439, 0 },
{ "BWire2",                                         440, 0 },
{ "RWire2",                                         441, 0 },
{ "YWire2",                                         442, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         443, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         444, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         445, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         446, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         447, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         448, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         449, 0 },

{ "Building",                                       450, 0 },
{ "Limit",                                          451, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         452, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         453, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         454, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         455, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         456, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         457, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         458, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         459, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         460, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         461, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         462, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         463, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         464, 0 },

{ "Research Time",                                  465, 0 },
{ "Item #1",                                        466, 0 },
{ "Item #2",                                        467, 0 },
{ "Item #3",                                        468, 0 },
{ "Item #4",                                        469, 0 },
{ "Item #5",                                        470, 0 },
{ "Item #6",                                        471, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         472, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         473, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         474, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         475, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         476, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         477, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         478, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         479, 0 },

{ "Type",                                           480, 0 },
{ "Range",                                          481, 0 },
{ "Coord_x",                                        482, 0 },
{ "Coord_y",                                        483, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         484, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         485, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         486, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         487, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         488, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         489, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         490, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         491, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         492, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         493, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         494, 0 },

{ "Quality",                                        495, 0 },
{ "Charge",                                         496, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         497, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         498, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         499, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         500, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         501, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         502, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         503, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         504, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         505, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         506, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         507, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         508, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         509, 0 },

{ NULL, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_item_types[] =
/* { "nada",			0, 0 },  */
/* { "placeholder",		0, 0 },   */
 { "light",                    1,   20},
 { "ammo",                     2, 1000},
 { "bomb",                     3, 2000},
 { "blueprints",               4, 5000},
 { "weapon",                   5,  500},
 { "suit",                     6, 5000},
 { "medpack",                  7,    0},
 { "drone",                    8,    0},
 { "armor",                    9,  500},
 { "teleporter",              10, 1000},
 { "installation",            11,    0},
 { "potion",                  12,   20},
 { "flag",                    13,    0},
 { "dartboard",               14,    0},
 { "element",                 15,    0},
 { "container",               16,    0},
 { "winstall",                17,    0},
 { "piece",                   18,    0},
 { "computer",                19,    0},
 { "item locator",            20,    0},
 { "skill upgrade",           21,    0},
 { "part",                    22,    0},
 { "disk",                    23,    0},
 { "portal",                  24,    0},
 { "asteroid",                25,    0},
 { "backup disk",             26,    0},
 { "board",                   27,    0},
 { "vehicle addon",           28,    0},
 { "toolkit",                 29,    0},
 { "scaffold",                30,    0},
 { "ore",                     31,    0},
 { "biotunnel",               32,    0},
 { "battery",                 33,    0},
 { "unused",                  34,    0},
 { "token",     35, NO_USE },
 { "unused",                  36,    0},
 { "unused",                  37,    0},
 { "unused",                  38,    0},
 { "unused",                  39,    0},
 { "material",     40, 0 },
 { NULL, 0}

const struct lookup_type tab_obj_flags[] =
 { "nada"	,	0, 0 },
 { "nuclear"	,	1, 0 },
 { "sticky"	,	2, 0 },
 { "noqp"	,	4, 0 },
 { "nodrop"        ,         128, 20},
 { "noremove"      ,        4096, 100},
 { "inventory"     ,        8192, 0},
 { "nosave"        ,       16384, 1000},
 { "nosac"		,	 8388608, 100 },
 { "unique"		,	16777216, 100 },
 { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_weapon_flags[] =
 { "nada",	0, 0 },
 { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_wear_flags[] =
   { "head",                BIT_1, 40 },
   { "face",                BIT_2, 50 },
   { "shoulders",          BIT_3, 40 },
   { "arms",               BIT_4, 100 },
   { "hands",              BIT_5, 50 },
   { "hold",               BIT_6, 100 },
   { "waist",              BIT_7, 20 },
   { "body",               BIT_8, 100 },
   { "legs",               BIT_9, 100 },
   { "feet",	           BIT_10, 900 },
   { "take",	           BIT_24, 900 },
   { "eyes",          	   BIT_12, 900 },
   { NULL, 0 }

/* This not used at present.  Thought i'd bung details in though :) */
/* Yeah it is, you lied! - Wyn */
const struct lookup_type tab_item_apply[] =
   { "nada",                 1, 0 },
   { NULL, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_wear_loc[] =
  { "nada",		    0, 0},
  { "head",                   4, 20},
  { "face",                   5, 20},
  { "ear_l",                     7, 40},
  { "ear_r",                     8, 40},
  { "neck_1",                     9, 40},
  { "neck_2",                     10, 40},
  { "shoulders",                    12, 20},
  { "arms",                    13, 20},
  { "wrist_l",                  14, 50},
  { "wrist_r",                   15, 20},
  { "hands",                   16, 20},
  { "finger_l",                 17, 30},
  { "finger_r",                 18, 30},
  { "hold_l",                   20, 100},
  { "hold_r",                    21, 40},
  { "cape",                    22, 20},
  { "waist",                     23, 20},
  { "body",                  24, 40},
  { "legs",                     26, 20},
  { "feet",                  27, 40},
  { "eyes",			29, 20},
  { "max_wear",                36,  0},
  { NULL, 0}

const struct lookup_type tab_player_flags[] =
  { "nada",			0,	0},
  { "AFK",                      2,	0},
  { "ECHAN",			BIT_26, 0},
  { NULL,0}

/* Now for the functions */

unsigned long int table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table,char * name)
    int a;

    if (name[0]=='\0')
     return /* table[0].value-1 */0;

    for (a=0; table[a].text != NULL; a++)
	if (!str_prefix(name,table[a].text)) 
         return  ( ( !str_cmp(table[a].text, "nada" ) ) ? 0 : table[a].value );
    return /* table[0].value-1  */0;

unsigned long int multi_table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table,char * name)
    int a;
    long_int retval;
    char curname[MSL];
    if (name[0]=='\0')
     return 0;

    retval = 0;
    for ( ; ; )
      if ( curname[0] == '\0')
      for (a=0; table[a].text != NULL; a++) {
         if (!str_prefix(curname,table[a].text)
             || !str_cmp(curname,table[a].text)) 
            retval ^= ( ( !str_cmp(table[a].text, "nada" ) ) ? 0 : table[a].value );
    return retval;

char * rev_table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table, unsigned long int number)
     int a;

     for (a=0; table[a].text != NULL; a++)
	if (table[a].value==number) return table[a].text;
     return "";

/* spec: fixed to not assume contiguous bit use */

char * bit_table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table, unsigned long int number)
     int a;
     static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];


     for ( a=0; number && table[a].text; a++ )
       if ( ( number & table[a].value)==table[a].value &&
           str_cmp( table[a].text, "nada" ) && str_cmp( table[a].text, "placeholder" ) )
	  safe_strcat( MSL, buf,table[a].text);
//	  safe_strcat( MSL, buf,", ");
	  safe_strcat( MSL, buf," ");
          number &= ~table[a].value;

     if (buf[0]=='\0')
      safe_strcat( MSL, buf, "none" );
//	  buf[a-2]='.';
//	  buf[a-1]='\0';
//	  buf[a-2]='.';
     return buf;

void table_printout(const struct lookup_type * table,char * buf)
     int a;

     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if ( ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) 
      &&   ( strcmp(table[a].text,"placeholder") ) )  /* If not an invalid choice */
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"          ");
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,table[a].text);
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"\n\r");


void wide_table_printout(const struct lookup_type * table,char * buf)
     /* Like table_printout, but formats into columns */
     char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     int a;
     int foo;   /* work out how many values shown in a row */

     foo = 0;
     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if (  ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) /* If not an invalid choice */
         && ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") )   )
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"     ");
       sprintf( tmp, "%12s", table[a].text );
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,tmp );
       if ( ++foo % 4 == 0 )
	  safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"\n\r");
     safe_strcat( MSL, buf, "\n\r" );
char * show_values(const struct lookup_type * table,int value, bool fBit)
     char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     int a;
     int foo;   /* work out how many values shown in a row */

     foo = 0;
     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if (  ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) /* If not an invalid choice */
         && ( strcmp(table[a].text,"placeholder") )  )
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"     ");
       sprintf( tmp, "%s%-13s", 
	 fBit?  (IS_SET( value, table[a].value ) ? "@@y*" : "@@g ") :
		(value == table[a].value ? "@@y*" : "@@g "),
       table[a].text );
       safe_strcat( MSL, buf,tmp );
       if ( ++foo % 4 == 0 )
	  safe_strcat( MSL, buf,"\n\r");
     safe_strcat( MSL, buf, "@@g\n\r" );
     return( buf );