This snippet was written by Erwin S. Andreasen, erwin@pip.dknet.dk. You may 
use this code freely, as long as you retain my name in all of the files. You
also have to mail me telling that you are using it. I am giving this,
hopefully useful, piece of source code to you for free, and all I require
from you is some feedback.

Please mail me if you find any bugs or have any new ideas or just comments.

All my snippets are publically available at:


If you do not have WWW access, try ftp'ing to pip.dknet.dk and examine
the /pub/pip1773 directory.
NOTE: If someone would write a nice long help entry for this command and
mail it to me, I would include it with the next version! :)

Fully automated auction channel

Last update: Dec 15, 1995

Should work on : MERC2.2

Fixed since last update:
 Added the db.c allocation/initialization
 Reference to update_handler() was omitted.

Know bugs and limitations yet to be fixed:

- Shutdown/reboot will cause loss of item


Withing this letter you will find my version of an automatic auction, as seen
on MUDs like Mystic Adventure (miniac.etu.gel.ulaval.ca 4000 :). I must
admit that it IS greatly inspired by exactly that great MUD :)

Changes were made in the following files:

act_obj.c: add the do_auction command.

update.c: add the update_auction function, and add this function to the end
 of the update_handler.

merc.h: declaration of the extern auction variable

db.c: auction declared here. Auction is also mallocated and item set to null
 at boot time (IMPORTANT!)

bet.h: contains advatoi, which converts an 'advanced' number contained within
 a string to a number. An advanced number can have the k and m letters to 
 signify 1000s and 1000000s. E.g.: 14k4 will translate to 14400, 200k to
 200 000 etc.
 also contains parsebet, which takes an existing number and an argument -
 this argument is parsed like an advanced number, but you can also pass it
 'x?' to multiply the existing number by ?, and +? which will add ? percent.

 I realize that those could be written better and more efficiently :)

act_comm.c: added a talk_auction, a raw function that sends an 
 "AUCTION: somethign" line to every player with Auction channel on.

 ALSO: (important) changed do_quit so if a character is byuing or selling
 something he will not quit.

Oh, and you might want to delete the original do_auction.


- that you have to add the function prototypes in merc.h yourself for 
  do_auction and talk_auction and whatever else is used globally (dont 
  remember exactly what that was :) Try it out, and modify your files after 
  the warnings come up:)

- That it is important that the characters which are buyers or sellers are
  not extracted. Therefore they can't quit until the auction is over.
  For the same reasons, mobiles are not allowed to auction - as they can
  die (thus getting extracted) at any time.

- That an item IS returned to the character when the auction is over. You
  might want to remove that options, if someone starts to misuse this 
  to ID the items.

- That a character can bet on his own item. You might also want to remove
  that option, i.e. check if ch == auction->seller 

- that the types of items that can be auctioned are controlled by a switch
  in do_auction

Syntax of the auction command is:

auction (no parameters) - will show the current item's stats
auction <item name>	- will auction an item, if no auction is going on
auction bet <bet>	- will bet on the item
auction stop		- will stop the auction, return the gold to the last
			  better and transfer the item to you (imm only).


/* FILE: act_obj.c - main procedure of the package */

/* put an item on auction, or see the stats on the current item or bet */
void do_auction (CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    argument = one_argument (argument, arg1);

	if (IS_NPC(ch)) /* NPC can be extracted at any time and thus can't auction! */

    if (arg1[0] == '\0')
        if (auction->item != NULL)
            /* show item data here */
            if (auction->bet > 0)
                sprintf (buf, "Current bet on this item is %d gold.\n\r",auction->bet);
                sprintf (buf, "No bets on this item have been received.\n\r");
            send_to_char (buf,ch);
            spell_identify (0, LEVEL_HERO - 1, ch, auction->item); /* uuuh! */
            send_to_char ("Auction WHAT?\n\r",ch);

    if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch) && !str_cmp(arg1,"stop"))
    if (auction->item == NULL)
        send_to_char ("There is no auction going on you can stop.\n\r",ch);
    else /* stop the auction */
        sprintf (buf,"Sale of %s has been stopped by God. Item confiscated.",
        talk_auction (buf);
        obj_to_char (auction->item, ch);
        auction->item = NULL;
        if (auction->buyer != NULL) /* return money to the buyer */
            auction->buyer->gold += auction->bet;
            send_to_char ("Your money has been returned.\n\r",auction->buyer);

    if (!str_cmp(arg1,"bet") )
        if (auction->item != NULL)
            int newbet;

            /* make - perhaps - a bet now */
            if (argument[0] == '\0')
                send_to_char ("Bet how much?\n\r",ch);

            newbet = parsebet (auction->bet, argument);
            printf ("Bet: %d\n\r",newbet);

            if (newbet < (auction->bet + 100))
                send_to_char ("You must at least bid 100 coins over the current bet.\n\r",ch);

            if (newbet > ch->gold)
                send_to_char ("You don't have that much money!\n\r",ch);

            /* the actual bet is OK! */

            /* return the gold to the last buyer, if one exists */
            if (auction->buyer != NULL)
                auction->buyer->gold += auction->bet;

            ch->gold -= newbet; /* substract the gold - important :) */
            auction->buyer = ch;
            auction->bet   = newbet;
            auction->going = 0;
            auction->pulse = PULSE_AUCTION; /* start the auction over again */

            sprintf (buf,"A bet of %d gold has been received on %s.\n\r",newbet,auction->item->short_descr);
            talk_auction (buf);

            send_to_char ("There isn't anything being auctioned right now.\n\r",ch);

/* finally... */

    obj = get_obj_list (ch, arg1, ch->carrying); /* does char have the item ? */

    if (obj == NULL)
        send_to_char ("You aren't carrying that.\n\r",ch);

    if (auction->item == NULL)
    switch (obj->item_type)

        act ("You cannot auction $Ts.",ch, NULL, item_type_name (obj), TO_CHAR);

    case ITEM_WEAPON:
    case ITEM_ARMOR:
    case ITEM_STAFF:
    case ITEM_WAND:
    case ITEM_SCROLL:
        obj_from_char (obj);
        auction->item = obj;
        auction->bet = 0;
        auction->buyer = NULL;
        auction->seller = ch;
        auction->pulse = PULSE_AUCTION;
        auction->going = 0;

        sprintf (buf, "A new item has been received: %s.", obj->short_descr);
        talk_auction (buf);


    } /* switch */
        act ("Try again later - $p is being auctioned right now!",ch,auction->item,NULL,TO_CHAR);

/* FILE: update.c */

/* the auction update - another very important part*/

void auction_update (void)
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    if (auction->item != NULL)
        if (--auction->pulse <= 0) /* decrease pulse */
            auction->pulse = PULSE_AUCTION;
            switch (++auction->going) /* increase the going state */
            case 1 : /* going once */
            case 2 : /* going twice */
            if (auction->bet > 0)
                sprintf (buf, "%s: going %s for %d.", auction->item->short_descr,
                     ((auction->going == 1) ? "once" : "twice"), auction->bet);
                sprintf (buf, "%s: going %s (not bet received yet).", auction->item->short_descr,
                     ((auction->going == 1) ? "once" : "twice"));

            talk_auction (buf);

            case 3 : /* SOLD! */

            if (auction->bet > 0)
                sprintf (buf, "%s sold to %s for %d.",
                    IS_NPC(auction->buyer) ? auction->buyer->short_descr : auction->buyer->name,
                obj_to_char (auction->item,auction->buyer);
                act ("The auctioneer appears before you in a puff of smoke and hands you $p.",
                act ("The auctioneer appears before $n, and hands $m $p",

                auction->seller->gold += auction->bet; /* give him the money */

                auction->item = NULL; /* reset item */

            else /* not sold */
                sprintf (buf, "No bets received for %s - object has been removed.",auction->item->short_descr);
                act ("The auctioneer appears before you to return $p to you.",
                act ("The auctioneer appears before $n to return $p to $m.",
                obj_to_char (auction->item,auction->seller);
                auction->item = NULL; /* clear auction */

            } /* else */

            } /* switch */
        } /* if */
} /* func */

/* In update_handler() insert a call to auction_update(), for example
   just before call to aggr_update:


/* FILE: bet.h. make an include file of those 2 functions and put them in

  This function allows the following kinds of bets to be made:

  Absolute bet

  bet 14k, bet 50m66, bet 100k

  Relative bet

  These bets are calculated relative to the current bet. The '+' symbol adds
  a certain number of percent to the current bet. The default is 25, so
  with a current bet of 1000, bet + gives 1250, bet +50 gives 1500 etc.
  Please note that the number must follow exactly after the +, without any

  The '*' or 'x' bet multiplies the current bet by the number specified,
  defaulting to 2. If the current bet is 1000, bet x  gives 2000, bet x10
  gives 10,000 etc.


int advatoi (const char *s)
  util function, converts an 'advanced' ASCII-number-string into a number.
  Used by parsebet() but could also be used by do_give or do_wimpy.

  Advanced strings can contain 'k' (or 'K') and 'm' ('M') in them, not just
  numbers. The letters multiply whatever is left of them by 1,000 and
  1,000,000 respectively. Example:

  14k = 14 * 1,000 = 14,000
  23m = 23 * 1,000,0000 = 23,000,000

  If any digits follow the 'k' or 'm', the are also added, but the number
  which they are multiplied is divided by ten, each time we get one left. This
  is best illustrated in an example :)

  14k42 = 14 * 1000 + 14 * 100 + 2 * 10 = 14420

  Of course, it only pays off to use that notation when you can skip many 0's.
  There is not much point in writing 66k666 instead of 66666, except maybe
  when you want to make sure that you get 66,666.

  More than 3 (in case of 'k') or 6 ('m') digits after 'k'/'m' are automatically
  disregarded. Example:

  14k1234 = 14,123

  If the number contains any other characters than digits, 'k' or 'm', the
  function returns 0. It also returns 0 if 'k' or 'm' appear more than



/* the pointer to buffer stuff is not really necessary, but originally I
   modified the buffer, so I had to make a copy of it. What the hell, it 
   works:) (read: it seems to work:)

  char string[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* a buffer to hold a copy of the argument */
  char *stringptr = string; /* a pointer to the buffer so we can move around */
  char tempstring[2];       /* a small temp buffer to pass to atoi*/
  int number = 0;           /* number to be returned */
  int multiplier = 0;       /* multiplier used to get the extra digits right */

  strcpy (string,s);        /* working copy */

  while ( isdigit (*stringptr)) /* as long as the current character is a digit */
      strncpy (tempstring,stringptr,1);           /* copy first digit */
      number = (number * 10) + atoi (tempstring); /* add to current number */
      stringptr++;                                /* advance */

  switch (UPPER(*stringptr)) {
      case 'K'  : multiplier = 1000;    number *= multiplier; stringptr++; break;
      case 'M'  : multiplier = 1000000; number *= multiplier; stringptr++; break;
      case '\0' : break;
      default   : return 0; /* not k nor m nor NUL - return 0! */

  while ( isdigit (*stringptr) && (multiplier > 1)) /* if any digits follow k/m, add those too */
      strncpy (tempstring,stringptr,1);           /* copy first digit */
      multiplier = multiplier / 10;  /* the further we get to right, the less are the digit 'worth' */
      number = number + (atoi (tempstring) * multiplier);

  if (*stringptr != '\0' && !isdigit(*stringptr)) /* a non-digit character was found, other than NUL */
    return 0; /* If a digit is found, it means the multiplier is 1 - i.e. extra
                 digits that just have to be ignore, liked 14k4443 -> 3 is ignored */

  return (number);

int parsebet (const int currentbet, const char *argument)

  int newbet = 0;                /* a variable to temporarily hold the new bet */
  char string[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* a buffer to modify the bet string */
  char *stringptr = string;      /* a pointer we can move around */

  strcpy (string,argument);      /* make a work copy of argument */

  if (*stringptr)               /* check for an empty string */

    if (isdigit (*stringptr)) /* first char is a digit assume e.g. 433k */
      newbet = advatoi (stringptr); /* parse and set newbet to that value */

      if (*stringptr == '+') /* add ?? percent */
        if (strlen (stringptr) == 1) /* only + specified, assume default */
          newbet = (currentbet * 125) / 100; /* default: add 25% */
          newbet = (currentbet * (100 + atoi (++stringptr))) / 100; /* cut off the first char */
        printf ("considering: * x \n\r");
        if ((*stringptr == '*') || (*stringptr == 'x')) /* multiply */
          if (strlen (stringptr) == 1) /* only x specified, assume default */
            newbet = currentbet * 2 ; /* default: twice */
          else /* user specified a number */
            newbet = currentbet * atoi (++stringptr); /* cut off the first char */

  return newbet;        /* return the calculated bet */

/* FILE: act_comm.c */

 * this function sends raw argument over the AUCTION: channel
 * I am not too sure if this method is right..

void talk_auction (char *argument)
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *original;

    sprintf (buf,"AUCTION: %s", argument);

    for (d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next)
        original = d->original ? d->original : d->character; /* if switched */
        if ((d->connected == CON_PLAYING) && !IS_SET(original->deaf,CHANNEL_AUCTION) )
            act (buf, original, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);


 * MODIFICATION to do_quit. set this in after e.g. check for stunned.

    if ( auction->item != NULL && ((ch == auction->buyer) || (ch == auction->seller)) )
        send_to_char ("Wait till you have sold/bought the item on auction.\n\r",ch);

/* FILE: merc.h */

typedef struct  auction_data            AUCTION_DATA; /* auction data */

#define PULSE_AUCTION             (10 * PULSE_PER_SECOND) /* 10 seconds */

extern          AUCTION_DATA      *     auction;

struct  auction_data
    OBJ_DATA  * item;   /* a pointer to the item */
    CHAR_DATA * seller; /* a pointer to the seller - which may NOT quit */
    CHAR_DATA * buyer;  /* a pointer to the buyer - which may NOT quit */
    int         bet;    /* last bet - or 0 if noone has bet anything */
    sh_int      going;  /* 1,2, sold */
    sh_int      pulse;  /* how many pulses (.25 sec) until another call-out ? */

/* FILE: db.c */
/* this should go in right after the weather initialization in boot_db */

		auction = (AUCTION_DATA *) malloc (sizeof(AUCTION_DATA)); /* DOH!!! */
		if (auction == NULL)
			bug ("malloc'ing AUCTION_DATA didn't give %d bytes",sizeof(AUCTION_DATA));
			exit (1);
        auction->item = NULL; /* nothing is being sold */