Elcardo Zone Description Room~
   Builder   : Daiko
Zone         : 106 Elcardo
Began        : 1999
Player Level : 7-14
Rooms        : 58
Mobs         : 23
Objects      : 41
Shops        : 5
Triggers     : 1
Theme        : Elcardo, a small city, where the mayor has become ill. Suncas 
   rebels are trying to take over the town. Their leader is sujin suncas.
Notes        : Since the mayor of elcardo is very sick the citizens are not 
   being looked after as they should, many rebel and start their own little 
   groups within the city.  
Zone: 106 was linked to the following zones:
200 Western Highway                at 10609 (south) ---> 20025
175 The Cardinal Wizards           at 10613 (east ) ---> 17525
125 Hannah                         at 10657 (north) ---> 12500
106 j 0 0 0 0
Cathedral Altar~
   This is the Cathedral of Elcardo.  The glowing altar stands before you.  The
room is very dimly lit from the blood red candles which lie before you.  The
candles appear to be made out of some sort of fat.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10602
Inside the Elcardo Cathedral~
   As you enter the Elcardo Cathedral a holy feeling enriches your body.  The
room is well lit by over a thousand holy white candles.  On the far wall in
front of you there hangs a large cross.  The friendly Healer stands here
reading a book that appears to be the bible.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10601
0 0 10603
Outside the Elcardorian Cathedral~
   You are at the main doors of the cathedral.  The doors are made out of a
thick oak.  There are small designs all over the door, the designs appear
to be from many years ago.  Standing right in front of the main doors is the
Executioner guarding the door quite well and watching each and every person
that is planning on entering the cathedral.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10602
0 0 10604
Cathedral Square~
   This area of the cathedral is out in the open.  The nice fresh air blows by
you.  You can hear the sound of trickling water from a few steps in front of
you.  The big marble fountain flows crystal clear water right in front of you.
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10603
0 0 10605
Peddler's Square~
   People rush by you left and right as you stand in the intersection of
Peddler's Way.  The smell of freshly baked bread breezes by your nose.  In the
distance you can see the Executioner guarding the cathedral.  A panhandler begs
the passersby for money.  Some actually feel sorry for the worthless bum.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10604
0 0 10610
0 0 10606
0 0 10614
Intersection to the Guild Halls~
   You stand in the middle of Guild row, wondering which way to go, spell
casters to the east or fighters to the west.  Mages and sorcerers of all kinds
rush by.  A large hulky Barbarian almost knocks you over.  In the distance you
see a strange glowing, It seems to be coming from the spell casting area.  To
the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the
sweat of hard work.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10605
0 0 10618
0 0 10607
0 0 10621
Citizens Square~
   This is the poor part of Elcardo.  Small dirty poor children run past you
screaming their heads off.  Poor men sit all over the roads begging for money
it really is a sin.  It is very strange, the rest of the city is well off money
wise but as soon as you get here it is very poor.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10606
0 0 10627
0 0 10608
0 0 10623
Inside the South Gate of Elcardo~
   The normal citizens aren't allowed in this part of the town unless they are
leaving.  The gate is only available in the day time because it is always
locked up for the night.  Two large Elcardo Knights stand here guarding the
gate with their lives.  You can hear children playing from up the road.  The
gate is made out of steel.  It looks almost impossible to break in to the city.
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10607
0 0 10609
Outside the South Gate of Elcardo~
   A massive steel gate rests just to the north.  The city of Elcardo held
beyond the gate and walls.  You remember rumors of the city being overthrown by
a new political faction.  But who listens to politics.  "Poli" meaning many,
"tics" meaning blood sucking insects.    
106 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 10608
Peddler's Road~
   The streets are paved with a fine marble, much better looking then other
city's that you've seen.  The clanging of metal rings in your ears, it seems to
be comming from the north.  There is a bank close to the south.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10632
0 0 10611
0 0 10633
0 0 10605
Peddler's Road~
   Tall strong men brush by you, swords hanging at their waists.  They must be
going to the Armor Shop which is to the north of where you are standing.  To
the south you see a strange hut.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10634
0 0 10612
0 0 10635
0 0 10610
Inside the East Gate of Elcardo~
   The steel gates are held shut by two Elcardo Knights which are guarding the
exit.  The Elcardorian leaders try to keep strict control through the use of
the knights and soldiers.  But, with rumors of the Mayor falling ill many
rebels have begun to combine forces within the city walls.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10613
0 0 10611
Outside the East Gate of Elcardo~
   The city of Elcardo is to the west through a set of guarded steel gates.  
You have been told that the city is in turmoil and on the verge of a collapse,
or possible overthrowing.  Many cunning politicians have plans for this city.
A gravel path continues east out the gate.  The north is blocked by a tall
cliff face.    
106 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 10612
Peddler's Road~
   A strong scent gets your attention right away.  The smell of biscuits, bread
and home-made cookies comes from the north.  You definately want to check this
place out.  To the south you see a small shop and a sign with the words Elcaro
Grocer on it.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10637
0 0 10605
0 0 10638
0 0 10615
Peddler's Road~
   Little elf-like people walk by you left and right, You wonder why...  Then
you realize that the Magic shop is directly in front of you to the south.  
There is a small sign here that says the words, Lara's Magic supplies.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10639
0 0 10614
0 0 10616
Inside the West Gate of Elcardo~
   The whispers of treachery and deciept fill the city streets and every
passerby looks at you warily.  Everyone in the city just wants peace, but the
Mayor has failed to maintain order and the revolts have begun.  Revolutionists
are coming forth.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10615
0 0 10617
Outside the West Gate of Elcardo~
   Through the gates to the east you can see the infamous city of Elcardo.  
The city is known for its unstable government.  The current Mayor has fallen
ill and rumors abound.  Everything from him being poisoned to an illness sent
from the Gods because of the Mayor's betrayal to the upkeep of the citizens.  
A thick forest can be seen to the west.    
106 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 10616
0 0 10655
Guild Halls~
   This is the spellcaster side of the guild halls.  You will find no fighter
guilds in this section.  To the north is the Cleric guildmaster and to the
south is the Paladin guildmaster.  Signs are placed over both doors stating
that the guilds are closed.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10619
0 0 10606
Guild Halls~
   Continuing on the spellcaster side of the halls you see a dark dreary guild,
it must be the Vampire guild that is to the north.  More elves walk in and out
of the guild to the south, shall you take a closer look at the Mage guild.  
Signs are placed over both doors stating that the guilds are closed.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10620
0 0 10618
Guild Halls~
   To the south you see a strange guild, its more like a Grove then a guild.  
You automatically assume that it is the Druid guild.  Meanwhile, to the north
you hear strange sounds unlike the other guilds.  The Psionicist guild is to
the north.  Signs are placed over both doors stating that the guilds are
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10619
Guild Halls~
   You sense a strong presence of evil when you step in front of this guild.  
Shadows are everywhere and you can almost feel the fear rising in your throat.
To the south you can make out the entrance to the Thieves guild in the dim
light.  North of here is the Warriors Guild.  To the east is the safety and
comfort of the Guild Halls.  Signs are placed over both doors stating that the
guilds are closed.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10606
0 0 10622
Guild Halls~
   The sounds of combat and training combined with yelling come all around you.
It may be loud and not very peaceful but you feel strangly good that you are
here.  The Barbarian guild is to the north.  But as you turn your head towards
the south a peaceful feeling fills you body.  The Ranger guild is to the south.
Signs are placed over both doors stating that the guilds are closed.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10621
Citizens Street~
   The citizens of Elcardo have grown up in a very poor state.  But do not let
their poverty fool you, they have spent much time training in combat since the
city requires all citizens to serve in the army.  Decrepit looking shacks are
closed and boarded up to the north and south of you.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10607
0 0 10624
Citizens Street~
   Children run past you, high on sugar, or so you think.  It is very loud in
this part of Elcardo, much louder then the other parts.  If it is not the
screaming children that deafens you it is the mothers yelling for or at their
children.  More shacks are to the north and south.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10623
0 0 10625
Citizens Street~
   Children beg for money all around you.  It is not often they see someone as
rich as you in their neighborhood.  You are quite annoyed that all these
children are pulling at your clothes and digging in your pockets.  To the north
and south are the shacks that these children live in.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10624
0 0 10626
Dead End~
   To the north you see two teenage children guarding a shack which is
reasonably nicer then the rest.  The children are each holding a spear and have
body paint around their eyes and on their cheeks.  Each one with a look of hate
and disgust on their face.  Shall you enter...    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10641
0 0 10625
Pathway to the Saloon~
   You are on the path towards the old Elcardo Saloon, a popular hangout for
all those old Elcaro Knights.  But watch out, they are quite bitter with their
old age.  The Saloon is a great place to glean the latest gossip from the
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10628
0 0 10607
Entrance to the Saloon~
   A short, very short, man is here letting people in and tossing people out of
the Saloon.  He doesnt look very intimidating at all.  But, he must be
qualified or he wouldn't have the job and be able to handle the soldiers and
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10629
0 0 10627
Inside the Elcardo Saloon~
   The room is filled with the smell of old cigars and pipes.  You feel as if
you were ten years old considering everyone in the room is at least twice your
age.  It is quite hard to breathe in here but these old timers are very use to
it.  You notice an odd back room with a sign on the door to the east saying Do
Not Enter.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10630
0 0 10628
Center of the Saloon~
   An elderly man is playing a piano in the corner of the room.  Retired
Elcardo knights and soldiers play cards all around you and reminisce about the
olden days.  Not quite the spot you find exciting but you wonder what is going
on in that back room.  An old veteran flashes his gums at you.  The back room is
close to the north.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10631
0 0 10629
The Back Room~
   The room is very dim, A few candles are lit on the walls.  This is where
many of the different rebellious factions in the city meet.  They sometimes
work together, sometimes oppose each other.  It all depends which they think is
most beneficial.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10630
The Armor Shop~
   The walls are tarnished black from soot.  The sounds of clanging metal comes
from a large man perfecting a silver sword.  The smell of his sweat is enough
to change your mind from entering this shop again, You should purchase your
weapon and get out as fast as possible.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10634
0 0 10610
The Bank of Elcardo~
   The bank is very clean and it feels very peaceful.  There are many plaques
on the walls all of which say something good about the city of Elcardo.  Quite
the rich looking establishment it is.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10610
The weapon shop~
   The armoury has a wide assortment of armours on the walls and in the
windows.  You see helmets, shields and chain shirts to name a few.  To the
south is the main street.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10611
0 0 10632
Mayor's Hut~
   You are having a hard time believing that this little hut belongs to the
Mayor of the city.  A middle-aged women informs you that the Mayor is sick in
bed and is taking no visitors.  You should leave.  To the south is a closed
wooden door with the words "Do Not Disturb" on it.    
106 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 10611
1 0 10636
Inside the Mayor's room~
   The inside of the Mayor's room is quite impressive.  A tall four post bed
fills the center of the room.  An ornately carved dresser and desk cover the
western wall.  A light fragrance attempts to cover the smell of death in the
106 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 10635
Grandma's Diner~
   This is a very small diner, but it is one of the most comfortable places
you've ever been in your life.  Directly behind the counter you see an elderly
man playing with an antique cash register.  In the kitchen you see a little old
lady baking cookies and other goodies.  You know you wanna have some.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10614
Elcardo Grocer~
   You are inside the general store.  All sorts of items are stacked on shelves
behind the counter, safely out of your reach.  None of the items seem to be of
special interest, just your everyday requirements.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10614
Lara's Magic Supplies~
   The shop is quite small compared to the others.  Shelves are filled with
mason jars with pig eyes, cow tongues, and chicken brains.  It is not the most
pleasant sight in the world.  Lara is quite the odd looking individual, wearing
all black with the Skull of Hakanda around here neck.    
106 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 10615
Inside the Shack~
   You are in the main entrance to the poor shack that was being guarded by two
teenage kids.  What could they possibly be guarding you wonder.  There are
doors to the west and east of you and also a large solid stone door to the
106 d 0 0 0 0
A large solid stone door.
solid stone door~
1 0 10645
0 0 10643
0 0 10626
0 0 10642
Poor Barracks~
   There are bunk beds all around you.  Extra spears and other weapons lie in
the corner of the room.  Some teenage children are sleeping in the bunks while
some are choosing a weapon.  Should You really be here...    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10641
Poor Barracks~
   Bunk beds everywhere, clothes neatly folded in seperate piles.  These
children look very tired and look as though they are far over-worked.  A Young
child quietly crys on a bunk to your left, all he really needs is some comfort.
An open hatch leads down.    
106 cd 0 0 0 0
0 0 10641
0 0 10644
An Empty Room~
   The room is very VERY small and there is almost nothing in it.  The walls
are very dirty and the floor is made of dirt.  A shudder goes through your
spine, You can sense the hatred in this place.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10643
0 0 10646
Chambers of Sujin Suncas~
   The rebel headquarters run by Sujin Suncas is more run-down than would be
expected.  It appears he lacks the financial support to carry out a successful
rebellion.  Rebellions never last very long once people start starving.  
Perhaps that is the Mayor's strategy.  A few wooden chairs are placed around an
empty table.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
A solid stone door.
1 0 10641
Entrance to the Dungeon~
   The smell of old bones and rotting flesh fills your nose.  There are puddles
of a brownish liquid on the floor and stains of blood on the walls.  The sound
of moaning rings through-out the dungeon.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10649
0 0 10648
0 0 10647
0 0 10644
Death Chamber~
   This cramped room has a very strong odor of decay to it.  It is not pleasant
at all.  You wonder why the citizens of Elcardo would allow people to be
imprisoned down here in the dungeons.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10646
Torture Room~
   Strange devices used for torture are scattered all around the room.  Why
would they torture people in a dungeon, Sick SICK people.  It appears that
there are some bodies still alive in here.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10646
Dungeon Hallway~
   You do not feel safe at all when you are down here all alone.  There are a
few small candles mounted on the dungeon walls just enough light to see your
own hands but thats about the only thing visible.  A gaping hole in the dungeon
floor to the west looks bottomless.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10651
0 0 10646
0 0 10650
Body Count~
   FALLING, FELL, NEAR-DEAD!  Should have read the room descriptions.    
106 acfh 0 0 0 0
T 10601
Dungeon Hallway~
   There are rooms and chambers to the left and right of you, this way and that
way.  You do not feel safe at all when you are down here all alone.  There are
a few small candles mounted on the dungeon walls just enough light to see your
own hands but thats about the only thing visible.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10654
0 0 10653
0 0 10649
0 0 10652
A Black Cell~
   This is a the scariest room of all.  There is no light AT ALL.  You can feel
your heart pounding as you look around the room trying to see if something is
here...  Is alive.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10651
Suncas Jail Cell.~
   This large room with earthen walls has been equipped with shackles for both
hands and feet.  They seem to have been driven into the walls on long steel
poles.  A few leg shackles are scattered about the center of the room.  This
appears to be a jail cell for prisoners.    
106 ad 0 0 0 0
0 0 10651
The Guard Room~
   Blood and guts are all over the floor and walls in this room.  It looks as
though a few prisoners escaped and came after the guards.  It is even more
gross that part of the guts have been eaten.  They must not feed the prisoners
very well.    
106 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 10651
A Path between Hannah and Elcardo~
   Forests surround you, but to the east you can just make out the city of
Elcardo.  While to the west and north some you have heard lies the city of
Hannah.  The path looks relatively empty, and unused here.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10617
0 0 10656
A Path between Hannah and Elcardo~
   This well travelled path links the cities of Elcardo and Hannah.  The two
cities were once strong allies until the City of Hannah started having problems
with strange creatures storming the city walls.  All communication between the
cities has been cut off for some time now.    
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10657
0 0 10655
Before the City of Hannah~
   Just to the north can be seen a pair of barred and rusted gates, the gates
have been closed for a long time and rumours of the city within being destroyed
or deserted abound.  The city walls stretching to the east and west are crumbled
in some places, even torn down.  
106 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 10656