earthworm worm~
an earthworm~
A large earthworm is here.
   The worm is almost as big as you are and looks quite tough.  You notice
several scars on this creature.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 3
huge vulture bird~
a huge vulture~
A huge vulture is busily flying around you.
   She is the size of 2 eagles put together.  Her claws are long and extremely
sharp.  She appears to be blind in one eye, making it more difficult to see her
dgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 11
a small roach~
A small roach is crawling around in the sand by your feet.
   The roach is rather small compared to the average size bug.  You notice it
has 5 legs instead of four.  This gives him the ability to move much more
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -275 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 9
black beetle~
a black beetle~
A mean looking black beetle is here.
   The beetle is the size of a small bird and is missing a leg.  He probably
lost it in combat, but that doesnt make him any less strong.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 4
sand dragon~
a sand dragon~
A large sand dragon is here.
   She stands about as tall as a tree, but much wider.  Her toenails are in
badly need of being cut.  Her sharp teeth are slightly discolored, dripping
with saliva.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 3
a snake~
A small snake is coiled up in an eye of one of the skulls looking at you.
   The snake must be a baby for it to be able to curl up inside an eye socket
like it has.  It watches you with its deadly eyes, ready to attack.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 11
a butterfly~
A beautiful butterfly is flying around your head.
   Her wings look like silk.  When she moves you could swear you hear music.  

dg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 1
an apparition~
An apparition is floating before your eyes!
   You can see right through the creature.  Could this be a figment of your
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 12
giant spider~
a giant spider~
A giant spider is standing here.
   The creature is quite a big larger than you could have possibly imagined.  
It almost looks to have been made out of metal.  It chitters evilly at you.  

bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -275 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 4
spider mutant~
a mutant spider~
A mutant spider is here chittering evilly at you.
   He is quite a bit smaller than you are, but is obviously much tougher.  
Maybe you should think twice before attacking him.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -350 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 5
giant bat~
a giant bat~
A giant bat is flying around in here.
   The bat is quite large.  Her wings stretch from wall to wall, making you
feel rather small.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 4
A beautiful ladybug is here.
   The creature is rather delicate looking, but looks can be deceiving.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 3
a hermit~
A lonely hermit is here.
   He is very dirty and could use a good bath.  He appears to be harmless, but
you should still keep your distance.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 3
red dragon~
a red dragon~
A large red dragon is here.
   She looks at you with glowing yellow eyes.  Her nails are long and sharp and
could easily rip you apart.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 11
blue dragon~
a blue dragon~
A large blue dragon stands here, blocking your way.
   The creature is quite large.  You can smell a foul odor coming from it.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 6
a two-headed cat~
A two-headed cat is here, hissing at you.
   The creature looks quite grotesque.  Drool hangs from both of its mouths,
making it look rather unattractive.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -325 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 8
a dragonfly~
A rather large dragonfly is here.
   Her wings flap at a tremendous speed, sending a breeze cascading across your
face.  She looks rather tough.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 1
yellow dragon~
a yellow dragon~
A yellow dragon is standing here.
   The hideous looking creature watches you closely.  You observe the creature
and notice it has puss oozing from its eyes.  It will probably go blind soon.
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 5
dragon child kid~
a dragon child~
A small dragon child is sitting here watching you.
   The child is rather small, but he looks tough.  His family probably isn't
far away.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -275 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 8
lost adventurer~
the lost adventurer~
An adventurer has lost his way and is trying to figure out how to get home.
   He looks hungry and dehydrated.  He is slowly losing his wits as he realizes
how lost and how much trouble he is in.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
a hawk~
A hawk is flying around above you.
   You see nothing special about the creature.  He looks mean and could
probably kill you easily.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -250 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 6
a dragon~
A dragon is here.
   This particular dragon looks rather small, possibly due to a growth stunt.
It could still more than likely kill you.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 12
dragon queen~
the dragon queen~
The dragon queen is here, looking directly at YOU!
   She is very large in size, and appears to be very tough.  Maybe with some
help you could take her out.    
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -500 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 2
BareHandAttack: 5
green dragon~
a green dragon~
A green dragon is standing before you.
   The dragon is completely green.  Its eyes glow yellow, making you cringe in
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
17 15 0 3d3+170 2d2+2
170 28900
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 8