guard ranger~
a @granger guard@n~
A @granger guard@n is standing here, waiting for troublemakers to come along.
This is one of the @granger guards@n of the Kings Forest. He's adorned
in some of the finest armor that Toran has to offer.
abcdl 0 0 0 de 0 0 0 1000 E
10 20 2 10d10+20 1d4+0
132 7200 0 5
8 8 1
a @granger@n~
A @granger@n of the King's Forest is standing here.
This is one of the many @grangers@n that patrol the cities of the King's Forest
keeping the peace. He's wearing armor provided to the Ranger's Guild by the
@Clocal militias@n.
cdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
8 20 3 8d10+16 1d4+0
49 3510 0 5
8 8 1
ranger young~
a @gyoung ranger@n~
A @gyoung ranger@n is standing here, watching for trouble.
This is one of the @gyounger rangers@n of the King's @gforest@n. He's looks like he's
learning quite a bit about being a good ranger.
cdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
6 20 4 6d10+12 1d4+0
21 1512 0 5
8 8 1
ranger trainee young~
a @gyoung ranger trainee@n~
A @gyoung ranger trainee@n is standing here.
This is one of the newer recruits to the Ranger Guild. He looks like he's about
17 or 18. He's not too well equipped and looks like he has a lot of learning to
cdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 7 3d10+6 1d4+0
13 432 0 5
8 8 1
citizen woeld~
a @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n~
A @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n is standing here.
This is one of the commoners of Woeld. There sure seems to be alot of them
around for such a small town.
cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 9 3d10+6 1d4+0
3 432 0 3
8 8 1
citizen woeld~
a @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n~
A @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n is standing here.
This is one of the commoners of Woeld. There sure seems to be alot of them
around for such a small town.
cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 9 3d10+6 1d4+0
3 432 0 3
8 8 2
street sweeper streetsweeper~
a @bstreet sweeper@n~
A @bstreet sweeper@n is walking around here, picking up some trash.
This poor man is obviously @munderpaid@n for such a hard job that he has. He's 
dressed in rags and smells like he hasn't had a bath in months!
cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
1 20 9 1d10+2 1d4+0
6 126 0 3
8 8 1
dwarf bum beggar poor~
a @cpoor beggar@n~
A @cpoor beggar@n is sitting here, asking for alms.     
This is one of the smelliest, dirtiest people you've ever seen in your life! May 
@YAo@n have mercy on his soul!
cd 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 500 E
1 20 9 1d10+2 1d4+0
0 126 3 3
6 6 1
purple recruit young~
a @Myoung purple dragon@n recruit~
A @Myoung purple dragon@n recruit is standing here.
This is one of the newer recruits to the @MPurple Dragon@n militia in Woeld. He's 
dressed in standard @MPurple Dragon@n issue clothing and is not armed. Boy does he 
have alot to learn!
cdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
2 20 8 2d10+4 1d4+0
11 234 0 3
8 8 1
purple trainer~
a @MPurple Dragon@n Trainer~
A @MPurple Dragon@n Trainer is standing here.
This is one of the trainers at the local @MPurple Dragon@n training facility. He
looks as if he's fought many battles in his lifetime. Better not mess with him.
cdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
10 20 0 10d10+20 1d4+0
25 7200 0 3
8 8 1
an @yanimal trainer@n~
An animal trainer is standing here, ready to @gtame@n the @Rwild@n beasts.
With all the wild animals here, it's necessary to keep people like this to stop
the animals from killing you.
cd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
6 20 4 6d10+12 1d4+0
8 1512 0 3
8 8 1
lion wild~
a @ywild lion@n~
A @ywild lion@n is circling here, looking VERY hungry.
This lion looks like he could rip you apart in seconds!
bdh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 -350 E
3 20 6 3d10+6 1d4+0
0 432 8 3
8 8 0
elephant wild~
a @cwild elephant@n~
A wild elephant is sitting here, seeming quite content with his size.
This elephant seems like he would have no problems sitting on you if you get 
him mad enough.
bd 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 E
5 20 5 5d10+10 1d4+0
0 972 8 3
6 6 0
an @Centertainer@n~
An @Centertainer@n is standing here, practicing for the next big show.
This is one of the local people who happens to have a talent for entertaining.
He's a volunteer for the town of Woeld whenever there's a festival going on.
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 7 3d10+6 1d4+0
3 432 0 3
8 8 1
citizen helper~
a @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n~
A @ycitizen of @BWoeld@n is here, busy setting up for the next festival.
This is one of the commoners of Woeld. Most of the people in the town 
offer their services when festivals are near.
bcd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
2 20 8 2d10+4 1d4+0
2 234 0 3
8 8 1
gailswind rendal vendor armor~
@mRendal Gailswind@n~
@mRendal Gailswind@n is standing here, ready to strike a bargain.
This is one of the best armor makers in Toran. He's well known across 
the land for his craftsmanship.
bds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
8 20 3 8d10+16 1d4+0
500 0 0 3
8 8 1
bleth geldor vendor weapon~
@mGeldor Bleth@n~
@mGeldor Bleth@n is standing here, ready to do business.
Geldor is a member of one of the richest families in Toran, and it 
shows. He's dressed in fine @Csilk@n clothes and wearing plenty of expensive 
@Yjewelry@n. This is obviously a pass time for him, since his family controls 
the largest merchant company in the land.
bds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
7 20 4 7d10+14 1d4+0
120 0 0 3
8 8 1
heron alec~
@mAlec Heron@n~
@mAlec Heron@n is here mixing drinks and mumbling about the good ol days.
Alec is a middle aged man who appears to have plenty of energy. He looks 
almost angry, but you feel that he'll serve you with a smile. 
bd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
9 20 3 9d10+18 1d4+0
50 0 0 3
8 8 1
feril lorin~
@mLorin Feril@n~
@mLorin Feril@n is standing here with a smile, ready to assist you.
Lorin is an attractive young female in her early 20's. Although she seems 
to be new in the merchant business, it looks like she knows what she's doing.
bds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
4 20 6 4d10+8 1d4+0
75 0 0 3
8 8 2
the secretary~
The secretary is sitting here, shuffling through some paperwork.
This is @YLord Thiombur's@n private secretary. It looks like she's hard at 
work organizing the towns affairs and records.
bcd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 7 3d10+6 1d4+0
13 432 0 3
8 8 2
stonegiant ildul receptionist~
@mIldul Stonegiant@n~
@mIldul Stonegiant@n is standing here, ready to help you.
This is @GLord Thiombur's@n number one aide and assistant in maintaining the 
@RBlushing Maiden Inn@n. He's young and looks like he's full of energy.
abds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
3 20 7 3d10+6 1d4+0
6 0 0 3
8 8 1
thentias gandor guild guildmaster~
@BThentias Gandor@n~
@BThentias Gandor@n, your guildmaster, is standing here.
This man looks like he's one of the most experienced @grangers@n in Toran. 
He's dressed in a @ybrown@n robe that looks almost as old as he is.
abdils 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 E
10 20 2 10d10+20 1d4+0
37 0 0 5
8 8 1
melec guard guild~
@yMelec@n the guard~
@yMelec@n the guard is standing here, guarding the entrance to the guild.
Melec has been assigned to guard the entrance to the rangers guild. He's 
looks like he may be in his mid 40's, but you'd still better not mess 
with him. He looks as if he could take you out with one blow.
abdenopqr 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 1000 E
30 20 -10 200d10+60 20d1+20
29 0 0 5
8 8 1