ATM Banking Code 
(c) 1999 By: Muerte <muerte22@hotmail.com>
             Chil   <chil@gate.net>

The ATM code is based on Gothar's Banking Code v1.2
(c) 1998 By: Ian McCormick(Gothar) <mcco0055@algonquinc.on.ca>


This ATM code was created for ROM 2.4b6 muds, although you should be able
to use it in any merc-based mud with a few modifications.

Installation is fairly simple:

1) Copy atm.c into your src directory. Add 'atm.o' to the list of
   'O_FILES' in your Makefile.

2) Create an object that you wish to use as your ATM. This can be any kind
   of object you want, but obviously it would be nice to have it described
   as an ATM, and have the object notake so that players can't pick up the
   ATMs and carry them around in thier backpacks. A sample object is
   provided in 'object.txt'

3) Modify atm.c and change 'OBJ_VNUM_ATM' to match the vnum of the object
   you created in step 2.

4) Go through the file 'patches.txt' and follow the instructions there to
   add in the pieces of code neccessary to integrate the rest of the code
   so that it uses the atm code properly.

5) Add the help entry for the ATM machine and commands. Simply add the
   entry in 'help-are.txt' to your help file, help.are, in the 'area'

6) Remove all the stale *.o files, and compile the mud again.

You should now be all set and able to use the new banking system. Enjoy.

If you encounter any problems or bugs, please report them to
Muerte(muerte22@hotmail.com) and Chil(chil@gate.net).