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              88'YbdP`88 88    88 88  `8D   VP  `8D 88 ,8P'
              88  88  88 88    88 88   88      odD' 88,8P
              88  88  88 88    88 88   88    .88'   88`8b
              88  88  88 88b  d88 88  .8D   j88.    88 `88.
              YP  YP  YP ~Y8888P' Y8888D'   888888D YP   YD
This material is copyrighted (c) 1999 - 2000 by Thomas J Whiting 
(twhiting@xanth.2y.net). Usage of this material  means that you have read
and agree to all of the licenses in the ../licenses directory. None of these
licenses may ever be removed.
A LOT of time has gone into this code by a LOT of people. Not just on
this individual code, but on all of the codebases this even takes a piece
of. I hope that you find this code in some way useful and you decide to
contribute a small bit to it. There's still a lot of work yet to do.

Greetings and salutations.
This is the readme for autoweather v3 (c) Thomas J Whiting. 
What can you find in this file??
--An explanation of what autoweather actually is
--An explanation of what YOU need to do in order to comply to the license
--A brief history of autoweather

  --Install Loupe's colour. If you don't have it in, you will have a lot
    more work ahead of you than if you do. All the {(letter) code is color
    code. Yeah, I'm a big fan of color. It adds style to the mud.
  --Read mud2k.license (put it in your doc directory). You are bound by
    this license agreement.
  --Read install. This gives you instructions on code installation.
  --Send me an email (twhiting@xanth.2y.net) with the mud name, addy,
    port. Hey, if it's good enough, you may have yourself a player.
  --Add -=THIS=- line to your login screen.
    Autoweather v3 (c) Thomas J Whiting(twhiting@xanth.2y.net)
  --Add the autoweather helpfile to your helpfiles.

Autoweather is designed to do a few things.
 --Show the weather as it is to your players. This will allow them to see
what the weathers actually like outside (if they're outside).
 --Add functionality to the currently dead stock rom weather
function. This includes (but is not limited to)
	--Limiting moves during storms
	--Players taking DAMAGE during storms (lightning/ice/hail/fog)
 	--Players being able to control the weather (slightly) better with
	  the control weather spell.
	--Immortals being able to control the weather completely, 100%
	  with set.
 --Provide a bit better RP environment for certain classes. Sure, ther'es
   gonna be people who bitch about weather doing damage, but it's rather
   limited at the moment in the damage it does.

--HISTORY OF AUTOWEATHER (the boring shit)--
Last summer (Y2K), I got this hair brained idea to start development on a
mud. The core was stock rom, the code was going to be immensely
redone. This is one of the first products of that revamping. After looking
at the code and saying hey, the weather function does nothing, I decided
to change it, to modify it quite a bit and play around with it. 
The first two versions of autoweather were released rather quickly and
easily. They included a few bugs, and quite honestly were just something
for a bit of feedback. Now, this, the third  (and hopefully final) release
is here, and ready to go. This release condenses everything into one file
(except the move stuff), re-organizes the move stuff and adds a few fun
things to the weather code. I think you'll enjoy it.
Autoweather is a rather large collection of code. I can take very very
little credit for the actual code ideas (most of that came from this
snippet or that), in fact the lightning code is a snippet in itself (I
forget who originally posted that one. If you manage to find out, let me
know, and I'll put some credit in here for that person) that I've worked
up a bit better.
ANY problems installing this, drop me a quick mail and I'll do what I can
to help you out. I can't guarantee any positive results, but I'll try.