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This material is copyrighted (c) 1999 - 2000 by Thomas J Whiting 
(twhiting@xanth.2y.net). Usage of this material  means that you have read
and agree to all of the licenses in the ../licenses directory. None of these
licenses may ever be removed.
As you can see, a lot of code work has been done on the diku based
system. Many codebases were consulted and this work is considered a
compilation of all of them. Therefore, all of their licenses apply as well
as the Mud2K license.
License requirements for Mud2K are pretty simple and standard. 

-- You MUST Abide by all other license agreements in this
directory. These people spent a LOT of time working on their code and
deserve that much respect.
-- You must leave the help authors section as is. If you want to add your
name or version to it, that is acceptable, but it must be left alone and
shown on login otherwise.
-- You must leave the help mud2k section as is. This is where all the
credits are handed out.
-- You must send an email to twhiting@xanth.2y.net when you get your mud
set up (even if it's not open to public yet). This will allow a database
of muds and admin email addresses to be collected. When a source is
available for beta testing, the admin on this list will be the first to
know about it.
-- If you use even a portion of this code, you must give credit to mud2k
in your login screen. Massive hours have gone into this code in an attempt
to ballance classes/skills/races and make the mud itself unique.
-- Under NO uncertain terms may the mud2k headers be removed from the
source files, ANY PART of them.