#AREA   Limbo~


0 60 0 60

#RESETMSG A dim pulse of light filters through the swirling mists.~

4 60

#ECONOMY 0 49466007

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

Puff the Fractal Dragon is here, contemplating a higher reality.
1073741827 4203176 1000 C
50 20 -30 5d10+30550 4d10+200
10000 1000
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
31 0 0 0 3420515 3420515 0
0 0 0 0 3156992 0 2 3
freddy imp~
A demon imp~
A demon imp hovers nearby...drooling constantly with a fiendish grin.
This demon is clearly something that you don't want to mess with...
It appears to be very agile, and very strong.  
3 40 -1000 S
50 1 -300 5d10+31550 1d2+2
10000 155000
112 112 0
> act_prog p is starved~
mpoload 20
give mushroom $n
mpforce $n eat mushroom
mprestore $n 500
> act_prog p bashes against~
mprestore $n 500
> act_prog p shivers and~
cast 'cure poison' $n
mprestore $n 500
> act_prog p wears~
mprestore $n 500
> act_prog p wields~
mprestore $n 500
> act_prog p is DEAD!!~
if inroom($i) == 6
   mptransfer 0.$n 6
  mptransfer 0.$n 8
> act_prog p is suffering from lack of blood!~
mpforce $n drink blood
mprestore $n 500
> rand_prog 1~
if isimmort($r)
  if class($r) == vampire
    mpforce $r drink blood
    mprestore $r 100
> act_prog p is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.~
mprestore $n 1000
> act_prog p is incapacitated, and will die slowly soon if not aided.~
mprestore $n 1000
> act_prog p has entered the game.~
if inroom($i) == 8
or isimmort($n)
  if ishelled($n) == 0
     mea 0.$n _yel Your time in hell has expired, and you have been released.
     if ispkill($n)
       mptransfer 0.$n 3001
       mptransfer 0.$n 21000
     mpat 0.$n mpforce 0.$n look
> act_prog p disappears in a column of divine power.~
if inroom($i) == 6
  mptransfer 0.$n 6
  mpforce 0.$n look
  mptransfer 0.$n 8
the supermob~
The supermob is here.  He looks busy as hell.
How clever he looks!
1084235777 4259882 -1000 C
56 1 -300 5d10+31550 1d2+2
10000 155000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 2108528 0 0 3
> rand_prog 10~
mpinvis 51
if ismobinvis($i)
fharlangan god traveler~
A man desiring nothing more than to be allowed to travel is here.
The eternal wanderer is before you.  His clothes are threadbare and
his boots weathered, yet his eyes possess the light of youth.  He
goes throughout the world now always wandering, never tarrying.
5 4203176 600 C
50 0 -200 100d50+3500 4d10+14
150000 0
112 112 1
25 20 20 18 17 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
90 0 0 0 131073 131073 0
0 0 0 96 2100231 16 402653296 2
> rand_prog 5~
c teleport
mpasound You feel the power of an immortal close by...
mpe With a clap of thunder, Fharlangan strides out of a cloud of lightning.
if level($r) == 2
  mpadvance $r 3
  mea $r You have been chosen by me to carry my word throughout the Realms!
  mer $r $I points an aged finger at $r, who suddenly looks different!
  c bless $n
  c refresh $n
  c 'heal' $n
  c sanc $n
> fight_prog 15~
mpasound The nearby sound of a god doing battle can be heard clearly.
mpe $I gathers his godly might into one blow and strikes out!
mpe $I's blast of magic rips through the air!
mpdamage $n 500
> rand_prog 10~
wear all
drop all.ball
drop all.mushroom
> rand_prog 3~
mpat 3 c heal
, mumbles and runs his hands over his arms.
undead animated corpse~
an animated corpse~
An animated corpse struggles with the horror of its undeath.
Denied its rightful death, this animated corpse has been infused with the
powerful energies of its master.  It exists on the precipice between life
and unlife, even as its physical body rots and decays under the strain of
its tasks.
1 0 0 C
1 0 0 10d0+2 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 7 0 0 0 0 2
wd dog watchdog~
Gorog's watchdog~
Gorog's watchdog growls at everyone.
Gorog's watchdog is the biggest meanest dog he could find.
Gorog hopes you will try to fight with it.
3 4759720 -1000 C
55 0 0 1d1+30000 1d12+800
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
80 50 0 0 3157347 0 65 7
> act_prog p~
> rand_prog 4~
if mortinworld(cedrick)
mpat 0.cedrick mpdelay cedrick 30
if mortinworld(lizee)
mpat 0.lizee mpdelay lizee 30
if mortinworld(lereanni)
mpat 0.lereanni mpdelay lereanni 30
if mortinworld(xrykath)
mpat 0.xrykath mpdelay xrykath 30
> act_prog p gives you~
mpjunk all
> death_prog 100~
mplog killed by $n
mpoload 28 40
give earring 0.$n
mpjunk all
> rand_prog 20~
mprestore $i 400
mpmset $i mentalstate 0
> fight_prog 100~
mprestore self 1000
if isnpc($n)
   mpslay $n
mpdamage 0.$n 200
if rand(2)
   c 'gas breath'
The secretary~
A secretary for SmoKe and Damian looks over at you.
1073741825 100663464 0 C
50 0 0 100d77+6000 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 2097920 7
> act_prog p has entered the game.~
mpechoat $n This is a message to ALL people who want vnums. They aren't
mpechoat $n handed out currently as we are sorting them out. Please type
mpechoat $n SAY SUPPLIES and you will be promoted to level 2 <if now level 1>
mpechoat $n and you will recieve a quill and 2 scrolls for you to use. You can
mpechoat $n then type SAY VNUMS to be transfered to the VNUM note room.
> speech_prog p SUPPLIES~
if level ( $n ) == 1
mpadvance $n 2
mpechoat $n You've been granted level 2 by the Gods. Remember to save.
mpechoat $n Here are 2 quill's and 2 scrolls. Please use them wisely.
mpoload 36 1
mpoload 37 1
mpoload 36 1
mpoload 37 1
give note $n  
give note $n
give quill $n   
give quill $n 
mpforce $n save
mpechoat $n Here are 2 quill's and 2 scrolls. Please use them wisely.
mpoload 36 1
mpoload 37 1
mpoload 36 1
mpoload 37 1
give note $n
give note $n
give quill $n
give quill $n
mpforce $n save
> speech_prog p VNUMS~
mpechoaround $n The secretary reaches over to the wall and pushes a big red
mpechoaround $n button. Just then $n disappears in a flash!
mpechoat $n If you want to come back here type "VNUMS" without the quotes 
mpechoat $n If you want to come back here type VNUMS in the board room.
mpechoat $n You appear in a new room magically.
mpforce $n wear note
mpechoat $n Type note write to write a note. Use the second note if
mpechoat $n You make a mistake. Type note show to check everything.
mpechoat $n You WONT be able to read after you post!
mptransfer $n 9
a deadly wolf~
A deadly wolf prowls around you with a vengeance
While this large beast circles you, you have a chance to see its large          
fangs and its sharp claws.  The wolf's eyes are small, black and have           
the aura of a deadly intent.  Its raggedy coat tells of a recent battle         
with something.
1073741825 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
5 4 0 0 135445263 135445263 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
A thick mist plays with your senses.
Is it the fog you see?  Or are your eyes playing deadly tricks on you.  The
mist swirls around you and then quickly disappears before you can blink.  You
suddenly find yourself overcome with an unknown power.
1073741825 2129920 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
85 3 0 0 135447947 135447947 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 35651584 0
A bat hovers nearby with bloody fangs.
As this bloodsucking creature flies past you, you notice the tiny black
eyes that stare at your jugular vein.  This little black bat has the
intentions of drinking your blood until there is none left in your body.
1073741825 524288 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
23 3 0 0 1996514925 1996514924 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
A hawk watches you with predatory eyes from its perch.
This proud creature stands upon its perch watching you with unblinking
eyes.  Any movement made by you could make it flare its wings in disapproval
and open its beak to scream its intent.  Its long beak open and before you
know what has happened, it comes flying towards you.
1073741825 524288 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
78 3 0 0 135448667 135448666 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
black cat~
black cat~
A black cat has crossed your path with deadly intent.
With a furry black coat, and big yellow eyes, this cat gracefully walks
across your path, bringing you several years of bad luck.  Its tail moves
slowly to tell you that it is laughing at your misfortune.
1073741825 8 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
29 3 0 0 6645091 6645090 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
A beautiful dove sings a melancholy melody from its nest.
With feathers the colour of soft grey and soft loving black eyes, this small
delicate creature sings you a tune full of romance.  The tune it sings comes
from the small breast that rises and falls with every chorus it sings.  You
are at peace as you listen to this lovable creature.
1073741825 524288 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
78 3 0 0 135448667 135448666 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
A fish blows large bubbles as it quickly swims past you.
With fins, teeth and gills, this slippery little thing is hard to catch.
It swims with a speed no beast, human or animal can compete with.  It's
tiny eyes, move with every breath.  It blows several large bubbles as it
quickly swims past you.
1073741825 -2147483648 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
81 3 0 0 135448379 135448378 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the avatar of %s~
The daunting and powerful avatar of %s occupies the ground here.
The avatar of %s appears calm and cool, ready for whatever might come.
16777219 0 0 C
1 0 0 5d5+25 5d5+26
0 0
112 112 0
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
0 0 0 0 0
88 3 0 0 1 1 0
20 0 2047 0 1024 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpecho The spirit of the avatar rises skyward to be joined with its master,
mpecho while its corporeal form falls lifelessly to the ground.
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho With its task complete, the avatar departs in a puff of smoke.
mpgoto 4
> speech_prog depart~
, disappears in a puff of smoke.
mpgoto 4
buff dragon~
Buff the Badass Dragon~
Buff the Badass Dragon blows your mind with FIRE!
1082130433 38371328 0 C
55 0 0 1d1+22000 1d1+800
0 0
108 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 6
0 0 0 0 3157091 0 65 0
> fight_prog 50~
c 'gas breath'
c 'frost breath'
c 'acid breath'
c 'fire breath'
c 'lightning breath
> act_prog ~
chateau jules host~
The executive of the Chateau stands here, looking very pompous.
83888195 188 0 C
50 0 -300 1d1+30000 50d100+50
0 0
112 112 1
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
-30 -30 -30 -30 -30
51 3 0 0 7 6 5
60 60 0 0 2100224 0 0 3
> all_greet_prog 100~
if sex($n) == 1
say Ah, bonjour monsieur $n, welcome to the Chateau L'amour!
say If you wish to dine, please speak up sir.
if sex($n) == 2
say ooOOooOOooOOoo la la! Welcome madame $n!
hand $n
say If you wish to dine madame, just say so.
> speech_prog p i wish to dine~
if sex($n) == 1
say Well then, right this way monsieur.
mpopenpassage 72 73 7
mea 0.$n $I escorts you into the dining room.
mer 0.$n $I escorts $n into the dining room.
mpforce $n nw
mpclosepassage 72 7
mpat 73 say Ah, here is a table for two.
mpat 73 say Enjoy your dinner, sir.
if sex($n) == 2
say Right this way madame $n.
mpopenpassage 72 73 7
mea 0.$n $I escorts you into the dining room.
mer 0.$n $I escorts $n into the dining room.
mpforce $n nw
mpclosepassage 72 7
mpat 73 say Ah, here is a table for two.
mpat 73 say Enjoy your dinner madame.
chateau pierre waiter~
A Chateau waiter stands here, looking very preoccupied.
83888195 2097852 0 C
50 0 -300 1d1+30000 50d100+50
0 0
112 112 1
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
-30 -30 -30 -30 -30
3 3 0 0 131073 131072 5
60 60 0 0 2100224 0 0 3
> speech_prog waiter!~
if ispc($n)
say Ah bonjour! welcome to the Chateau "Cabaret"
say Our special this evening is fillet mignon...
say If you want this delectable entree, just say so.
> speech_prog p I will have the fillet mignon~
say Ah excellent!
emote dashes to the kitchen and comes back holding plates.
mpoload 70
give fillet-mignon-steak $n
mpoload 71
give glass-sherry-wine $n
say If you wish to go to your room after you've eaten, just say so.
> speech_prog p I wish to go to the room~
if ispc($n)
say Ah yes, right this way.
mpopenpassage 73 74 4
mpforce $n u
mpclosepassage 73 4
mpat 74 say Enjoy!
guardian vampire~
a guardian vampire~
A vampire is here hiding his face from your light source.
Before you stands a guardian vampire, looking quite evil to say the least.
The hair on your arms is raised by its presence alone, and it seems to you
that he appears too formidable to be a minor minion.
35 40 -1000 C
25 0 -4 1d1+385 4d5+15
0 105000
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
67 3 0 0 7499637 7499636 0
0 0 1735 0 0 0 33558528 0
final mob~
a newly created final mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created final mob here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0

coin gold~
a gold coin~
One miserable gold coin.~
20 0 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0
coins gold~
%d gold coins~
A pile of gold coins.~
20 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
board of marks~
the Marks Board~
The Vnum Administrators Marks Board.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
board vnum/area~
the Vnum/Area Board~
The Vnum/Area Board is hanging on the wall here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
board vnum~
the Vnum Board~
The Board of Vnums lies here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
the corpse of %s~
The corpse of %s lies here.~
23 0 1
0 0 0 1
100 0 0
the corpse of %s~
The corpse of %s is lying here.~
24 0 0
0 0 0 1
100 0 0
the decapitated head of %s~
The head of %s lies here, a vacant stare of shock on its face.~
%s gobble$q down $p with gusto... disgusting!~
61 0 1
10 0 0 0
5 0 0
the torn-out heart of %s~
The torn-out heart of %s lies here, no longer beating with life.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
16 0 0 0
2 0 0
the mangled arm of %s~
A writhing arm lies torn from the body of %s.~
%s chomp$q on $p.~
61 0 1
30 0 0 0
5 0 0
the dismembered leg of %s~
Still twitching as if to kick you, the leg of %s lies here.~
%s chomp$q on $p.~
61 0 1
40 0 0 0
5 0 0
the spilled guts of %s~
The disemboweled guts of %s swarm with maggots.~
61 0 0
5 0 0 1
1 0 0
the spilled blood~
A pool of spilled blood lies here.~
27 0 0
5 0 0 1
1 0 0
the bloodstain~
Blood stains the ground.~
28 0 0
5 0 0 1
1 0 0
scraps remnants~
the remnants of %s~
The remnants of %s are strewn about.~
29 0 1
5 0 0 1
1 0 0
a magic mushroom~
A delicious magic mushroom is here.~
%s enjoy$q $p.~
19 0 1
5 0 0 0
1 10 1
ball light iridescent~
a ball of iridescent light~
Shards of iridescent light shimmer in a brightly glowing ball.~
1 65 1
0 0 -1 0
1 0 0
spring mystical flowing~
a mystical spring~
A mystical spring flows majestically from a glowing circle of blue.~
25 64 0
100000 100000 0 0
10 10 1
> use_prog 100~
mpechoat $n You drink deeply from the flow of mystical water.
mpechoar $n $n drinks deeply from the flow of mystical water.
the skin of %s~
The skin of %s lies here.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
meat fresh slice~
a slice of raw meat from %s~
A slice of raw meat from %s lies lies on the ground.~
61 262144 1
15 0 0 0
2 0 0
> use_prog 100~
mpechoat $n Your mouth waters in delight as you enjoy this fresh meat.
mpechoaround $n $n chews contentedly, enjoying the flavor of the fresh meat.
shoppe bag shopping~
a bag~
A shoppe bag lies discarded nearby.~
15 0 1
50 0 0 0
2 20 2
blood pool spill bloodlet~
a quantity of let blood~
A pool of let blood glistens here.~
27 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
fire flame cloud~
a cloud of vaporous flame~
A cloud of vaporous flame blazes here, defying the elements.~
34 64 0
0 0 0 0
10 10 1
a trap~
You detect a trap.~
44 0 0
0 0 0 0
100 10 1
portal whirling~
a whirling portal~
A whirling portal of energy turns slowly, beckoning to the unknown.~
46 64 0
0 0 0 0
100 10 1
black poison powder~
black poisoning powder~
A small amount of black poisoning powder sits in a small container on the ground.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 48000 4800
scroll scribing blank~
a blank scroll~
A blank scroll lays here gathering dust.~
2 0 16385
0 -1 -1 -1
2 10000 1000
flask empty~
an empty flask~
An empty flask lays here gathering dust.~
10 0 16385
1 -1 -1 -1
1 15000 1500
parchment paper note~
a note~
A note has been discarded here.~
47 8192 16385
0 0 0 0
1 1500 150
quill pen~
a quill~
A feather dipped in ink lies here.~
21 0 1
15 15 0 0
2 2000 200
boots travel traveling~
weathered boots~
A pair of weathered traveling boots lie here.~
9 8391747 65
11 11 0 0
2 325400 32540
19 5
18 1
14 100
2 1
key gate~
a gate key~
A largish key lies here.~
18 524288 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
the orb~
A small orb tops a slender pedestal of glowing crystal.~
37 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Pulsing atop the crystal column, it seems as though it could be pushed to
turn it ever so slightly.
> push_prog 100~
mpechoat $n The instant your hand touches the orb, your surroundings change.
mpechoat $n The sights and busy sounds of Darkhaven surround you...
if ispkill($n)
  mptrans 0.$n 3009
  mptrans $n 21001
  mpat 21001 mer 0.$n $n materializes in the center of the great rune.
mpat 99 pull orb
a pulsing orb~
A pulsing orb lies here, probably lost.~
4 0 16385
25 1 1 -1
1 1 0
> use_prog 100~
mpecho $n blows sweet dragon's breath over you.
holy symbol faith~
a symbol of faith~
A holy symbol lies here, shining.~
9 -2147483648 16385
5 5 0 0
5 0 0
4 2
chunk chunks brain brains~
the splattered brains of %s~
Grey chunks of the brain of %s lie here attracting flies.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
19 0 1
16 0 0 0
2 0 0
the severed hand of %s~
The severed hand of %s clenches in a death spasm.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
12 0 0 0
2 0 0
the twisted foot of %s~
The foot of %s lies in a pool of coagulated blood.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
12 0 0 0
2 0 0
the wriggling finger of %s~
Ripped from the hand of %s, a finger lies wriggling here.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
5 0 0 0
1 0 0
the torn ear of %s~
The sliced-off ear of %s lies here, never again to hear battle.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
5 0 0 0
1 0 0
the gouged-out eye of %s~
A gouged-out eye forever envisions the gruesome death of %s.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
5 0 0 0
1 0 0
the long tongue of %s~
Twisting as if to taste you, the writhing tongue of %s lies here.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
14 0 0 0
2 0 0
the eyestalk of %s~
Visions of death fill your mind as you notice the eyestalks of %s.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
10 0 0 0
1 0 0
the slimy tentacle of %s~
A tentacle of %s thrashes wildly in a feeble attempt to regain life.~
%s savagely devour$q $p!~
61 0 1
25 0 0 0
4 0 0
the mutilated fin of %s~
The mutilated fin of %s lies here, smelling of rot and decay.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
2 0 0
the wing of %s~
The mangled wing of %s thrashes in final throes.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
4 0 0
the thrashing tail of %s~
The tail of %s lies here in a heap of morbid decay.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
a scale from %s~
A scale from %s lies here, caked thickly in blood.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
3 0 0
the broken tusk of %s~
The broken tusk of %s has dropped here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
the cracked horn of %s~
The cracked horn of %s lies dislodged here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
6 0 0
the severed claw of %s~
The severed claw of %s lies mangled here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
blood fountain~
a fountain of blood~
A fountain of fresh blood flows in the corner.~
27 0 0
99999 99999 0 0
1 0 0
extradimensional portal~
an extradimensional portal~
Some wizard left an extradimensional portal laying here.~
15 8618240 1
500 0 0 0
4 1000 100
the sigil of %s~
The sigil of %s lies here, abandoned.~
1 0 1
200 0 -1 0
1 0 0
A floating, opaque candle spreads the aura of a deity about the room.
13 20
12 20
14 20
17 -20
> wear_prog 100~
if favor($n) < 300
mpforce 0.$n remove sigil
mea 0.$n Due to your low favor with your deity, you cannot brandish the sigil.
solomonic cross crucifix symbol~
a solomonic crucifix~
An elegant crucifix radiates a glow of warmth and piety.~
9 25218307 16385
10 10 0 0
4 0 0
fillet mignon steak~
a delicate fillet mignon~
A delicate fillet mignon lies here on a plate, still sizzling.~
19 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 50 5
> use_prog 100~
mea 0.$n The delectable and juicy steak melts in your mouth...
mer 0.$n As $n eats the delectable and juicy steak, it melts in $s mouth...
glass sherry wine~
a fine glass of sherry~
A wine glass full of sherry drips here on the ground.~
17 0 16385
6 6 2 0
1 250 25
honeymoon plaque sign~
a honeymoon plaque~
A golden plaque gleams in the sunlight, crying out for your attention.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1500 0 0
honeymoon plaque sign~
These few but illustrious rooms are dedicated to Haus and Moonbeam, on 
their wedding day, from Telemachus and the whole Imm gang, may it be a 
fruitful and eternal wedlock =)
a feather from %s~
A feather from %s floats about here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
the severed foreleg of %s~
The severed foreleg of %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
%s's severed paw~
The severed paw of %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
the cloven hoof of %s~
The cloven hoof of %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
2 0 0
the beak of %s~
The beak of %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a sharp scale from %s~
A sharp scale from %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
the haunch of %s~
The great haunch of %s lies here.~
19 0 1
25 0 0 0
4 0 0
the fang of %s~
The fang of %s lies here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
arena sign banner~
a floating banner~
A big banner floats here.  Read it.~
12 1 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
arena sign banner~
Use the arena at your own risk.
Equipment loss for _ANY_ reason will _NOT_ be reimbursed.
Deadlies will be able to loot and be looted by other deadlies.
Otherwise no looting is possible.

To return to Darkhaven, say "return" in the center of the arena.
You cannot leave if engaged in combat.
final object~
a newly created final object~
Some god dropped a newly created final object here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

You float in a formless void, detached from all sensation of physical
matter, surrounded by swirling glowing light which fades into the
relative darkness around you without any trace of edge or shadow.
0 3154956 1
0 -1 21194
M 9500 0 1 a
> rand_prog 50~
mpmset $r full 50
mpmset $r thirst 100
mprestore $r 1
> act_prog is~
mpmset $n full 50
mpmset $n thirst 100
mprestore $n 2
> act_prog p has lost~
mpmset $n full 50
mpmset $n thirst 100
mprestore $n 2
This room is reserved for storage of polymorphed players.
0 3148294 1
M 9500 0 0 z
Deity purge room~
This room handles the purging of unused deities.
0 3145740 1
As if picked up by the scruff of your neck by a mighty hand, you find
yourself unceremoniously dumped at a strange gateway.  Here is the
place which will determine your fate.  Whether you will be sent back
to life as you once knew it, or proceed onto a far yet bleaker pathway.
The time has come for you to plead your case and await judgement for the
crimes that have been placed upon your head.  Speak wisely and choose
your words carefully, for your testimony will be written in the ledgers
of the Gods, and will determine the path you will ultimately travel.
0 36840524 1
As if picked up by the scruff of your neck by a mighty hand, you find
yourself unceremoniously dumped at a strange gateway.  Here is the
place which will determine your fate.  Whether you will be sent back
to life as you once knew it, or proceed onto a far yet bleaker pathway.
The time has come for you to plead your case and await judgement for the
crimes that have been placed upon your head.  Speak wisely and choose
your words carefully, for your testimony will be written in the ledgers
of the Gods, and will determine the path you will ultimately travel.
            )    | (")      (
            ,(.  |`/ \- y  (,`)
           )' (' | \ /\/  ) (.
          (' ),) | _W_   (,)' ).
0 36840524 1
> death_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
mptransfer $n 8
mpforce $n drink blood
mpforce $n drink blood
mpforce $n drink blood
mpforce $n drink blood
mpforce $n drink blood
mpforce $n drink water
mpforce $n drink water
mpforce $n drink water
mpforce $n drink water
mpforce $n drink water
Task Room~
Any mob here is probably performing tasks.  Mess with it and I will
kill your dog.
-- Blodkai
0 3407876 1
The Academy of Darkhaven
0 -1 10300
526336 -1 10300
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 30
0 -1 37
0 -1 36
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 31
0 -1 29
128 -1 34
0 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 32
0 -1 37
0 -1 30
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 33
0 -1 31
128 -1 36
0 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 32
0 -1 34
0 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 33
0 -1 35
128 -1 30
0 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 37
0 -1 34
0 -1 36
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself on the Arena floor.  The roar of the crowd above you
is overwhelming, while around you ... your opponent awaits your coming.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 29
0 -1 35
128 -1 32
0 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You stand in the direct center of the Arena.  Blood pools around your
feet, and you almost slip in this morbid mess.  The stench of death
surrounds you, momentarily blocking from your mind the realization
that you could be attacked from any conceivable direction.  Spinning
slowly about, you realize the poor tactical position you hold.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 31
0 -1 33
0 -1 35
0 -1 29
128 -1 39
128 -1 38
0 -1 32
0 -1 30
0 -1 34
0 -1 36
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
> speech_prog p return~
if isfight($n)
  mptrans $n 21001
The Arena~
You find yourself beneath the floor of the great Arena.  The crowd's roar
above is overwhelming, while somewhere ahead ... your opponent awaits.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 40
128 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You find yourself above the floor of the Arena.  The roar of the crowd
is overwhelming, while somewhere ahead of you ... your opponent awaits.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 40
128 -1 37
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Arena~
You are somewhere above or below the arena floor.  The sound of the crowd
around you is overwhelming, while somewhere ... your opponent awaits.
0 1076895756 1
0 -1 39
0 -1 38
> death_prog 100~
mpecho A deafening clamor of gleeful shouts rain down from above!
mpechoaround $n Trinkets, spittle and half-eaten food pelt down on your head.
mpechoaround $n Tokens of favor from an appreciative crowd.
> rand_prog 15~
mpecho A slow chant floats down to you:  "Two man enter ... one man leave."
The Halls of Combat~
You stand in a massive hallway before the great Arena.  Cheers and jeers
from the assembled throngs rise and fall through the corridors.  Lounging
around the hall with you are several other individuals awaiting their own
chance at glory, honor, and spoils beyond the great doors.  The Arena is
dangerous, though, and battles are often to the death.  Once you leave
this room, there is no turning back.....
If you have not fought in the Arena before, you should type "look rules".
When ready, wait for the Immortal to assign you an exit.
0 1076896776 1
0 -1 42
0 -1 43
Arena Combat Rules
1)  All duels between peaceful characters must be run by an immortal of
    Creator or higher.
2)  All duels between deadly characters must be run by an immortal of
    Creator or higher.
2)  Combat must be agreed upon by both parties.
3)  Any looting must be agreed upon before-hand by both parties.
    (The overseeing immortal will enforce this)
4)  Once you have entered your combatant room, there is no restarting.
5)  Any rules on the fight must be stated clearly by both parties prior
    to the commencement of battle.
6)  The decision of the immortal overseeing the duel is final.
Any complaints should be directed to the Pkill Conclave; you should include
who you dueled, who ran the duel, what occured, and why you have a problem.
Logs are extremely helpful.
> rand_prog 20~
mpecho A slow chant floats in to you: "Two men enter...one man leave."
First Combatant's Chamber~
You stand in a long hallway leading out into the Arena proper.  About
you are stacked all manner of weaponry and armor.  Choose your armament
properly, as it will be all that stands between you and death.
0 3154952 1
0 -1 30
0 -1 32
0 -1 34
0 -1 36
> entry_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
  mpforce $n config -autoloot
  mpforce $n channel +yell
  mpechoat $n Do not alter your autoloot configuration until duel is complete.
> leave_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
  mpecho A rousing chorus of cheers explodes in your ears!
  mpechoat $n You bow deeply to the dangerous crowd.
  mpechoaround $n $n bows deeply to the assembled throng.
  if class($n) == warrior
    mpforce $n yell Your blood will flow upon the cold stone!
  if class($n) == thief
    mpforce $n yell Soon will my blade find its mark!
  if class($n) == mage
    mpforce $n yell Now will the spellfire swell within and consume thee!
  if class($n) == druid
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
  if class($n) == ranger
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
  if class($n) == vampire
    mpforce $n yell Bring your damnable hunt!  We shall see who survives!
  if class($n) == cleric
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
Combatant's Chamber~
You stand in a long hallway leading out into the Arena proper.  About
you are stacked all manner of weaponry and armor.  Choose your armament
properly, as it will be all that stands between you and death.
0 3154952 1
0 -1 31
0 -1 33
0 -1 35
0 -1 29
> entry_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
  mpforce $n config -autoloot
  mpforce $n channel +yell
  mpechoat $n Do not alter your autoloot configuration until duel is complete.
> leave_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
  mpecho A rousing chorus of cheers explodes in your ears!
  mpechoat $n You bow deeply to the dangerous crowd.
  mpechoaround $n $n bows deeply to the assembled throng.
  if class($n) == warrior
    mpforce $n yell Your blood will flow upon the cold stone!
  if class($n) == thief
    mpforce $n yell Soon will my blade find its mark!
  if class($n) == mage
    mpforce $n yell Now will the spellfire swell within and consume thee!
  if class($n) == druid
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
  if class($n) == ranger
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
  if class($n) == vampire
    mpforce $n yell Bring your damnable hunt!  We shall see who survives!
  if class($n) == cleric
    mpforce $n yell Let the melee begin!
The Shores of The Dragon Sea~
You have come to these shores in an attempt to aid others, your very 
blood may soon cover this beach though.
0 1075847168 6
0 -1 45
The Path to Caermont~
The path you travel now is long and arduous, perhaps soon you will
find a place to rest, or a battle to fight.
0 1075847168 2
0 -1 46
0 -1 47
0 -1 65
0 -1 44
A Space in Time~
As if awakening from an unsettlingly surreal dream, you find yourself in
unfamiliar surroundings far from whence you came.  As the torpor wears
off and your eyes begin to refocus, you realize you have been brought
here by the Gods to receive a message of relative import.  Checking
through your inventory, you look for some sign of indication to validate
your purpose and assure you that the deconstruction of your mind has not
yet been put into play.
0 3153932 0
> act_prog p has entered~
if isimmort($n)
  mpe You may have a note in your inventory...
  mpechoat $n You move closely to examine the orb before you...
  mpforce $n examine orb
  mpforce $n i

D 0 46 0 1
D 0 48 2 1
D 0 53 3 1
D 0 56 1 1
D 0 54 1 1
D 0 59 3 1
D 0 54 3 1
D 0 57 1 1
D 0 58 5 2
D 0 60 4 2
D 0 92 1 2
D 0 93 3 2
D 0 55 1 1
D 0 67 3 1
O 0 41 1 99
M 0 1 1 2
O 0 22 1 2
O 0 22 1 6
O 0 22 1 1206
O 0 60 1 6
O 0 60 1 1206
O 0 22 1 8
O 0 60 1 8
M 0 2 2 8
M 0 2 2 6
O 0 1225 1 8
O 1 61 1 50
O 1 98 1 50
O 0 60 1 2
M 0 71 1 73
M 0 70 1 72
O 0 75 1 74
O 0 72 1 70
M 0 7 2 7
M 1 18 1 1
O 1 14209 1 1



M  1 spec_breath_gas
