To make this thing work :

	1) Get Rom24b4.tar.gz from Russ Taylor's homepage...this won't
	   work on any other version.

	2) Uncompress it, and copy patch.olc into Rom24/src .

	3) cd to Rom24/src, and do a 'patch < patch.olc' .

	4) Copy all the .c and .h files from this distribution to
	   Rom24/src .

	4) Now do a 'make' and pray :)

	5) Copy olc.hlp to the Rom24/area directory and add the dummy
	   object that's in the file limbo.are in this distribution
	   to the limbo.are that comes with Rom24.

	6) Add this line to your pfile :

	   Sec 9

	   This will set your security to the highest possible.

	7) Run the mud, log in and do an 'asave world', and shutdown.

	8) Now, edit your area.lst file that's in Rom24/area :

	   - put immort.are under midgaard.are

	   - put haon.are under arachnos.are

	9) In shire.are, in the #RESETS section, search two lines that looks
	   like :

	   O 0 3200 0 11.... and delete them.

       10) Now, just run the mud and enjoy a not-so-buggy OLC :)

	Well, this is the first patch I will note that
	I'm no C master, so don't kill me if you discover bugs...I
	know this thing have thousand of bugs, I've fixed many of them
	but there might be some left. Also, some of the messages are
	in spanish (yeah, I speak spanish) but I know you will not have
	trouble traducing them. If you like this stuff and/or have
	improvements and/or bug reports, mail me...I *really* would
	like some feedback...I've spent five hours getting this thing
	off my mud and putting it again in stock Rom, so be good guys
	and send some mail :)


	e-mail :