/*Origional code by Dazzle 'do_strip_area_affect', 
converted to set_sector by Ghreth*/
void do_set_sector(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
    /*I have extended bitvectors, if you do not then change the long long to int*/
	long long i;

	AREA_DATA *pArea;
    EDIT_AREA(ch, pArea);
    /*Make sure you dont do this by mistake*/    
	if ( ch->desc->editor == 0 )
		send_to_char( "You are not editing the area.\n\r", ch );

    if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
        send_to_char( "What sector would you like set for this area?\n\r", ch );
		/*List of choices, lopes color code involved*/
		send_to_char( "{rhills {Dinside {gfield {Gforest {rmountain {cswim\n\r", ch );
		send_to_char( "{bnoswim {Dswamp {mair {ydesert {Rlava {Wsnow {Dcave {wcity{x\n\r", ch );
    for(i = 0; sector_flags[i].name != NULL; i++)
    	if(is_exact_name(argument, sector_flags[i].name))
    		int x;
    		ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoom;
    		// Parse through the list.
    		for(x = ch->in_room->area->min_vnum; x != ch->in_room->area->max_vnum; x++)
    			if((pRoom = get_room_index(x)) != NULL)
					/*If its not set, set it*/
					if(pRoom->sector_type != i);
					   pRoom->sector_type = i;
	send_to_char("Sector Flag Added to Area!\n\r",ch);

	pArea = ch->in_room->area;

	SET_BIT( pArea->area_flags, AREA_CHANGED );
	//do_asave(ch, "area"); /*I thought too hasty*/
    send_to_char("That flag does not exist, choose from the list below.\n\r",ch);
	/*List of choices again, lopes color code still involved*/
	send_to_char( "{rhills {Dinside {gfield {Gforest {rmountain {cswim\n\r", ch );
	send_to_char( "{bnoswim {Dswamp {mair {ydesert {Rlava {Wsnow {Dcave {wcity{x\n\r", ch );