Vnum 3005
Where      1
Nest 0
Name scimitar blade~
ShD  Hassan's scimitar~
Desc Hassan's scimitar lies upon the ground, waiting for its owner.~
ExtF +nYnnnnnnY
WeaF +YnnnnnnnnnnnnY
Wt   450
Cond 0
Wear -1
Lev  42
Time 0
Cost 0
Val  1 4 10 21 48

Vnum 3074
Where      1
Nest 0
Name skirt scale mail~
ShD  a long scale mail skirt~
Desc A long scale mail skirt is lying on the ground.~
ExtF +n
WeaF +YnnnnY
Wt   80
Cond 0
Wear -1
Lev  5
Time 0
Cost 0
Val  3 4 4 0 2

Vnum 3075
Where      1
Nest 0
Name boots reinforced~
ShD  a pair of reinforced boots~
Desc A pair of reinforced boots lies here.~
ExtF +n
WeaF +YnnnnnY
Wt   40
Cond 0
Wear -1
Lev  5
Time 0
Cost 0
Val  3 4 4 0 2

Vnum 3077
Where      1
Nest 0
Name sleeves scale mail~
ShD  a pair of scale mail sleeves~
Desc A pair of scale mail sleeves is lying on the ground.~
ExtF +n
WeaF +YnnnnnnnY
Wt   60
Cond 0
Wear -1
Lev  5
Time 0
Cost 0
Val  3 4 4 0 2