0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

1 A~
.                MOVING THROUGHOUT GAME:
The game divided into many rooms which are connected by various
directionals to make up areas.  When you are in a room, you can
find the exits in the room by typing EXITS.  Autoexit is a helpful
command to initiate (type CONFIG +AUTOEXIT), because it will
automatically show you what exits there are in the room.  Be warned
however, you will only see the obvious exits.  You must pay attention
to the room descriptions to see if there might be any doors or hidden
passages in the room. 

Directional commands: (in parentheses you find the shorthand)
NORTH (n)    SOUTH (s)    EAST (e)    WEST (w)     UP (u)     DOWN (d)
Note:  You will notice that in the prompt <20hp 10bp 20mv>, the 'mv'
       refers to your movement points.  If your movement points were
       to run out, you will be unable to move between rooms due to 
       exhaustion.  If you type SLEEP or REST your movement points will
       slowly be replenished.  You must type STAND or WAKE before 
       walking again.

Syntax: aassign <filename>.are  Example:  aassign edo.are
AASSIGN temporarily assigns all rooms, objects, and mobiles in the area
range to your pfile.  This allows you to use rlist, olist, mlist, and
reset list.  This also means that typing savearea, reset area, or 
instazone will affect this area.  
To save changes permenantly, type "aassign none" and foldarea.
Warning!! Do not have an area aassigned to yourself when getting personal
vnums assigned to you.  The personal vnums will overwrite the area file.
In order to assign a proto area to yourself, you must either have that
area bestowed to you or you must be Greater God+.
In order to assign a nonproto area to yourself, you must either have
that area bestowed to you by a member of the Area Council or you must
be Exalted+. Even if you have the area bestowed to you, only Lesser+
can assign themselves nonproto areas.

sentinel       Mobile always stays at its post.
scavenger      Mobile picks up items of value.
aggressive     Mobile attacks players.
stayarea       Mobile does not leave its home area.
wimpy          Mobile flees when low in hits.
practice       Players can "practice" at this mobile.
immortal       Mobile is immortal (not implemented).
deadly         Mobile has a deadly poison (not implemented).
meta_aggr      Mobile is VERY aggressive (not implemented).
nowander       Mobile doesn't wander unless attacked.
mountable      Mobile can be mounted.
prototype      Mobile is under construction.


Syntax : Acute_awarness
This skill adds the ability to detect the hidden, for a
short time.

Syntax : Acute_damage
This skill will add abonus to your damroll. 

an alien race native to the planet Adari, the Adarians are humanoids with 
unusual cranial structures. Their skulls are elongated and tall, and havea 
large hole which goes completely through it. They have no ears or noses, and 
their mouth is ringed with sharp, bony ridges instead of lips. The Adarians 
make up to the lack of ears with a covering of fine hairs along their skulls 
that pick up the vibration of sound waves. A series of glands near the skin's 
surface allows them to smell. Their throats can be distended and filled with 
air, and the resulting "long call" can be useful as a communication method or a 
kind of defensive action. The Adarians have a rigid caste system which 
dominates their society, and the have evolved an advanced technology based on 
the use of super-cooled carbon-ice computers. They were able to remain neutral 
during the Galactic Civil War by signing a non-agression treaty with the 
Empire, providing the Empire with unlimited raw materials in return for their 

Syntax : Addpilot (name)
Syntax : Rempilot (name)
Used for adding and remove pilots from your ship.
Must be used in the cockpit of the ship. 

Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.

SMAUG supports having more than one exit in the same direction,
as well as the special direction 'somewhere', represented by a '?'.
If you already have an exit leading north, and would like another one,
use a plus sign '+' in front of the direction:
redit exit +n 3001          - Adds another exit north to room 3001
To modify an extra exit like this, or to remove it, you'll have to
refer to it by number:
redit exit #2 3002          - Change the second exit to go to room 3002
To know what number an exit is, do an "rstat".
For someone to be able to use the second north exit, you have to set one
of the extra flags (see EXFLAGS) like CAN_CLIMB.  It is also usually a good
idea to set the HIDDEN flag for any special exit so that it looks nicer
with autoexits on.
The AUTO flag makes it possible to go in a direction by simply typing the
keyword for that exit:
redit exit ? 3001           - Create a 'somewhere' exit to 3001
redit exflags ? auto hidden - Set the proper flags
redit exname ? swim         - Set the keyword "swim"
If a player types 'swim' in the room, they will move to room 3001.

   In our efforts to give credit to everyone who deserves it, we almost
   forgot to give credit to one of the "grandfathers" of computer adventure
   games... David Platt, the author of the original "Adventure" (c)1979.

   Also credit to Ken Wellsch for porting the original Fortran-77 version
   to UNIX-C (over a period of about 3 years) (c)1984.

Syntax:  affected       (abbrevation:  af)
Syntax:  affected by    (abbreviation: af by)
'Affected' is a powers-at-a-glance function, which displays only the powers
(and skill affects) your character is currently under.  Each affect will be
listed by name only for the sake of brevity (if you want to know what each
is doing, use help <power/skill name> or 'score').
Characters level 20 or above and deadly characters will also see the number
of rounds remaining for each affect.  Affects with a remaining lifespan of
less than 25 rounds are displayed in white, and those in immediate danger
of wearing off will flash.
'Affected by' displays a character's affects separate from its power/skill
affect list.  This is useful for ensuring that affects given from equipment
are actually functioning.  For example, if you are wearing a visor with
detect_invis but 'affected by' does not show you as having that affect, you
are not detecting invisibility.
'Affected by' also displays your current susceptibilities, resistances and
immunities if your character is level 20 or higher.

The following are affect flags that can be used when osetting an item
(with oset <item> affect affected <affect flag>).  These flags can also
be used when msetting a mobile (mset <mob name> affected <affect flag>).
They may additionally be used to mset players if your level allows it.
Blind          Invisible    Detect_evil  Detect_invis  Detect_magic
Detect_hidden  **Hold**     Sanctuary    Faerie_fire   Infrared
Curse          **Flaming**  Poison       Protect       Paralysis
Sneak          Hide         Sleep        Charm         Flying
Pass_door      Floating     Truesight    Detect_traps  Scrying
Fireshield     Shockshield  Iceshield    Aqua_breath   Possess
Note - Hold and Flaming are current not in use.

none        strength    dexterity   intelligence  wisdom       constitution
sex         level       age         height        weight       mana     
hit         move        gold        experience    armor        hitroll
damroll     save_para   save_rod    save_poison   save_breath  save_power
charisma    resistant   immune      susceptible   affected     luck
backstab    pick        track       steal         sneak        hide
detrap      dodge       peek        scan          gouge        search
mount       disarm      kick        parry         bash         stun
punch       climb       grip        scribe        brew
weaponpower <sn>    Will cast a power on victim with every blow of a weapon
wearpower   <sn>    Will cast a power on wearer when object is worn
removepower <sn>    Will cast a power on wearer when object is removed
<skill> <modifier>  Will modifify a player's ability in a skill

1 AFK~
Syntax: afk

The afk command will place an [AFK] flag beside your name on the who 
list, when activated, as well as informing all incoming tells that you 
are afk.  It can be toggled on or off by typing afk, and will also go off 
automatically when you enter any command.

1 AID~
Syntax: aid <character>

This skill allows you to bring a stunned person back into consciousness.

Syntax:  allow <site>
Syntax:  ban   <site>
Syntax:  ban
Syntax:  ban <# of ban on ban list> level <level of char to ban and below>
BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.
BAN with no arguments returns an enumerated list of banned sites.
To set a specific level of character to ban from a site, use 'ban' to get
the list number of the banned site and then use 'ban level'.
Example:  ban 2 level 10
This will ban all characters level 10 and under from the second site on
the 'ban' list.
ALLOW <site> removes a site from the ban list.
The site ban test works by suffix comparison, so if you ban 'foo.edu',
all sites within 'foo.edu' are banned as well.

This command will list all the ships in the universe and there current
owner or sale price. 

This command will list all the speeders in the universe and there current
owner or sale price. 

Blasters sometimes need to be recharged.  To recharge a blaster, you
must find an ammunition cell.  Once you have an ammunition cell; you
must load it into the blaster.  To load an ammunition cell; you must
hold it then type AMMO ( or battery for blades and sabers )

100 AMOTD~
Imms, don't forget this MOTD, change it every now and again!

There is nothing to see here, please move along.  Thank you for your

Syntax: ansi <on/off>

The ansi command will either enable or disable ansi colour.  Ansi colour
will work provided your terminal has a compatible mode.

Syntax: appoint <name> < first | second >
This allows a clan leader to appoint a number one and two

Syntax:  apply <item>
In your travels you may come across various ointments and salves, use
'apply' to rub them into your skin.

Syntax: appraise <item>
        appraise all
Appraise, when at a repairshop type mob, will tell you the condition of 
your equipment in question.  The mob will tell you if it needs repair or 
not, and if so, how much it will cost.

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: socials

AREAS shows you all the areas in the game, with the author's name and the
suggested levels.

COMMANDS shows you all the (non-social) commands available to you.

SOCIALS shows you all the social commands available to you.
(Special thanks to KaVir for mailing us lots of extra socials)

1 ARM~
Syntax : Arm (device)
Used for arming of various devices around the mud.
See also help grenade.

Syntax: feel armor <character>

This power decreases (improves) the armor class of the target character
by 20 points.

101 ASET~
Syntax:  aset <area filename> <field> <value>
Aset is used to set the following fields for an individual area:
author    - The name of the area's author
name      - The full "name" of an area... ie: {10 20} Somegod  Some Area
filename  - The filename (ie: somearea.are)
lo_room   - The lowest room vnum
hi_room   - The highest room vnum
lo_obj    - The lowest obj vnum
hi_obj    - The highest obj vnum
lo_mob    - The lowest mob vnum
hi_mob    - The highest mob vnum
low_economy - minumum amount of gold the area will start with at reboot
max_economy - maximum amount of gold the area _can_ start with at reboot
resetmsg  - Message displayed throughout the area at reset
resetfrq  - Number of minutes between area resets
flags     - Area-wide flags:  nopkill
The area must be folded to make these changes permanent.

101 ASTAT~
Syntax:  astat                      (area stats for the area you are in)
Syntax:  astat <filename of area>   (area stats for specified area)
Astat displays the vital stats of an area, including the following:
Name:            title of the area
Filename:        filename of the area
Prototype:       If the area is prototype or under construction, will be 'yes'
Max_players:     max # of players in the area as of last reboot
IllegalPks:      number of illegal pkills in the area since last reboot
Gold looted:     total amount of gold looted from the area since last reboot
Area Economy:    current pool of gold for the area (not including player gold)
Mdeaths:         number of players mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Mkills:          number of mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Pdeaths/Pkills:  number of players killed by players in area since reboot
Author:          name of the area's author
Number Players:  current number of players in the area
Area flags:      area-wide flags (such as nopkill)
Low/hi_room:     first/last room vnum of the area
Low/hi_obj       first/last object vnum of the area
Low/hi_mob       first/last mob vnum of the area
Soft range:      level range recommended for the area
Hard range:      level range enforced for area (outside range cannot enter)
Resetmsg:        current reset message for the area at repop
Reset frequency: frequency with which the area resets

101 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile or player, or as the name of an object.

AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your


*** WARNING some of these have been removed from SWR ***

bite          claws        tail        sting      punch        kick
trip          bash         stun        gouge      backstab     feed
drain         firebreath   frostbreath acidbreath lightnbreath gasbreath
poison        nastypoison  gaze        blindness  causeserious earthquake
causecritical curse        flamestrike harm       fireball     colorspray

See MSET and DEFENSES  (Some are not implemented).

Syntax: auction 
Syntax:	auction <item name> <starting value>
Syntax:	auction bid <value>
Syntax:	auction stop

The auction command is used for performing auctions.  Simply typing 
auction will display the current item being auctioned, if there is one.  

If nothing is being auctioned, auction <item name> <starting value> will 
begin an auction.  If no starting value is specified, it will start at 0 

Auction bid <value> will place a bet for the item, and 
auction stop (immortals only) will stop an auction in progress. 

Special thanks to Erwin Andreasen for writing this function.
(Ported here from a publicly available source.)

At the present, if the mud crashes in mid auction, you will lose both 
your bidded money and the item.  This will soon be fixed.
You are able to see auction almost from the point of character creation,
however, you cannot USE auction until level THREE or higher.  To remove
the auction channel from your screen, type CHANNEL -AUCTION.

Syntax: autopilot

This command toggles a ships autopilot, while on the ship while automatically
defend itself when attacked. Only works while ship is in realspace.

Associated help files: authorize
Authorize <player> name -- This is the command used to allow a player to
continue past the academy pre-auth area, but will make them choose
a new name prior to entering the MUD.
Authorize <player> yes -- This is used to accept a players name.  Once
this command is used, the player requires no further Immortal commands
to enter the game.
Authorize <player> no -- denies a player's name and also forces them to
leave the game.

These commands are mostly unused while the school master is auto-authing

Syntax : Autorecharge or Shields
This will set your shields to automatically recharge.

Syntax : Recharge

Recharges shields faster.


Syntax : Autotrack
This will set your nav computer to automatically adjust course
to keep you firing on a targeted ship.

These are players that have shown enough devoyion to the mud to
attain level 100 in at least one skill area.  

Syntax:  immtalk <message>
Syntax:  avtalk  <message>
or can be abbreviated as ": <message>"
This allows you to use the avtalk (level 100+) channel.

1 B~
   *LOOK (l) - can used by itself to look at the room you stand in
             - you can look at objects: LOOK <object>
             - you can look at mobs and players: LOOK <mob or player name>
   *SLEEP (sl) - sleeping will replenish your hitpoints, force, and movement
   *REST (r) - will replenish your hp, force, and mv, but slower than sleep
             - you can still communicate when resting but not while sleeping
   *WAKE (wa)/ STAND (st) - will return you to the standing position

   *SIT - your character will sit down
   *OPEN/CLOSE <direction or object> - will open/close a door or container
   *LOCK/UNLOCK <direction or object> - will lock/unlock a door or container
   *PICK <direction or container> - will pick lock on door or container
   *INVENTORY (in) - will show you all the objects you are carrying
   *EQUIPMENT (eq) - will show you all the equipment you are wearing

Syntax: backstab <character>
Syntax: disarm
Syntax: kick
Syntax: kill     <character>
Syntax: murder   <character>

KILL starts a fight, and, hopefully, kills something.  BACKSTAB is another way
to start a fight, used by thieves.  BS is a synonym for BACKSTAB.

MURDER is used to kill other player characters.  There are restrictions on
murdering low level players, and there are penalties for using MURDER.

DISARM is an auxiliary fighting command to disarm your opponent.  Similarly,
KICK will inflict more damage during combat by kicking.

In order to BACKSTAB, DISARM, or KICK successfully, you must practice
the appropriate skill.

Syntax:  balzhur <character>
This is an instant demotion of a character to level 2, with the
simultaneous destruction of all its belongings, and a mud-wide
echo accompanying its execution.

Syntax: bamfin  <message>
Syntax: bamfout <message>

The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.

The following sites have been banned:

156.29.1.x (for players level 50 and under)

This doesn't appear to be dynamic! Anyone know why it is here?

Syntax:  bash
Bash can only be used once a fight has started.  It will inflict damage and
temporarily daze both yourself and your opponent for approximately two rounds
during which you cannot heal, flee or perform other extraneous combat actions
(i.e. you will be able to dodge/parry/attack but nothing else).  These same
consequences are inflicted on your opponent if it is a player character,
otherwise the skill only inflicts damage.
Note that bash has a drastically reduced chance of hitting if the basher is
not one of the primary targets (i.e. is not tanking).

1 BEG~
Syntax : Beg (mob)
The beg skill is simply that begging. Usefull for gaining
starting cash for a character.

Syntax:  berserk
Going berserk sends your warrior into a frenzied state, increasing its
attacks per round to a maximum of six and your strength by one.  While
you are berserking you cannot flee.

Syntax:  bestow <victim> command [command] [command] etc
Syntax:  bestow <victim> list
Syntax:  bestow <victim> none
Bestow is used to give a command to a player that they would not normally 
have as a function of their level.
Bestow victim command will give the command to the person.
Bestow victim list will show all commands corrently bestowed on the person.
Bestow victim none will remove all bestowments.

Syntax: bestowarea <victim> <filename>.are
This command allows members of the Area Council to bestow area names
to immortals so that they can engage in group building.
Once an AC member bestows a proto area on a player, that player can
use the aassign command to assign themselves that proto area in order
to help the owner of the proto area.
bestowarea joe bob.are           allows joe to work on bob's proto area
bestowarea joe                   lists all of joe's bestowed areas
bestowarea joe list              ditto
bestowarea joe none              removes all of joe's bestowed areas

syntax:  feel blindness <victim>
This power renders the target character blind.
syntax:  gouge
This attack can only be used in combat, and will strike at the eyes
of your opponent, causing damage and temporary blindness.
Certain powers and attacks can render a player blind for anywhere from a
few rounds (gouge) to several hundred rounds (the blind power).  If you
are blinded, you will see only your name on the 'who' list, and will be
unable to see either your inventory or your location.
You may either wait out the effect of the blindness, request assistance
over channels, or make your way to a healer such as Kyan in Darkhaven,
who will eventually remove your blindness.

Syntax:  boards
This command displays statistics on all boards in the game.  Example:
immortal.brd  Vnum:  1200 Read: 50 Post: 51 Rmv: 55 Max: 100 Posts: 0 Type: 0
The first column lists the board's filename (immortal.brd)
Vnum   - object vnum to which the board is attached (the object vnum must be
         present to read the board, allowing a board to be placed in one or
         many places by simply placing that object where needed)
Read   - minimum level required to read that board
Post   - minumum level required to post to that board
Remove - minumum level required to remove notes not addressed to 'All'
Max    - maximum number of posts the board is set to hold
Posts  - the current number of posts on the board
Type   - not currently used

Syntax:  bodybag <character>
Bodybag retrieves all of <character's> corpses and places them into your
inventory, as well as removes the decay timer on each.  This is primarily
used for performing corpse retrievals and the like.

Syntax : Addbounty (character) (amount)
Syntax : bounty
Addbounty will allow you to add a bounty to a character as long
as they are online and you are in a bounty placement office.
Minimum bounty is 5k, Please realize that placing a bounty is 
a serious thing.See help death.
Bounty by itself will list all the current unclaimd bounties.

A bounty hunter is a serious profession in the Star Wars Universe.
The are both loved and hated by all. In the current set up the 
only way to increase bounty hunting levels is buy collecting
See also help bounty, help death.

101 BSET~
Syntax:   bset <board filename> <command> <argument>
Example:  bset immortal.brd vnum 1200
BSET is used to set fields governing an individual board's operation.
Filename - filename to store the board's information (should be set first)
Vnum     - object vnum assigned to the board (see 'help boards')
Read     - the mininum level required to read the board
Post     - the minimum level required to post to the board
Remove   - the minumum level required to remove notes from the board
           NOTE: notes addressed to 'all' can be removed by anyone
Maxpost  - maximum number of posts the board can hold
Filename - filename to store the board's information
Type     - not currently used
Board groups:  (example:  bset druid.brd read_group guild of druids)
read_group    - group that may read that board, regardless of level
post_group    - group that may post to that board, regardless of level
extra_readers - characters who may read the board regardless of their level
extra_removers- characters who may remove notes from this board regardless
                  of their level or membership in a reader_group

101 BSTAT~
Syntax:  bstat <board filename>
BSTAT is used to display the fields of an individual board.
(see 'help bset' for an explanation of each field)

Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

SWReality Building Page 1:
                        -- ASSIGNING AREAS --
If you are less than level 102 most of this information is useless to
you. You can skip ahead to HELP BUILD2

ZONES  				Gives you 3 lists of  zones being built, 
				newly added zones, and permanent zones.

CHECKVNUM  ALL  <min> <max>	Gives you a list of conflicting mobs
				objects and rooms between zonenumbers
				<min> and <max>

VASSIGN <player> <min> <max>    Creates a new area named <playername>.are
				and assigns it to the <player>. The vnums
				for the rooms, mobs and objects in the 
                                area will be between <min> and <max>.


SWReality Building Pg 2:
                          ROOM BUILDING BASICS

GOTO <vnum>                     You need to use this to goto the vnum where
                                you wish to create the new room.

RSTAT                           Gives you the current room statistics.

RLIST                           Gives you a list of rooms in your area.

REDIT NAME <name of the room>
REDIT DESC                      Puts you into the description editor.
                                Make sure you press enter after each line.
REDIT SECTOR <sector value>     Type redit sector by itself for sector list.
REDIT FLAGS <flag> <flag> ..    Type redit flag by itself fo a flag list.
REDIT BEXIT <dir> <room>        Creates a two way exit to <room>
REDIT EXFLAGS <flag> <flag>..   Type redit exflags by itself for choices.

SAVEAREA			Saves your area .. do this alot :)




SWReality Building Pg 3
                         MOB BUILDING BASICS

MCREATE <vnum> [cvnum] <names>  Creates a mob with the vnum/names specified.
                                A mob with Empire or Republic (or other clan
                                name) as one of their names will give less
                                xp when killed by someone of that clan.

MLIST                           Lists mobs in your area.
MLIST <lowvnum> <hivnum>        Lists mobs between those numbers.

MFIND <name>                    Returns a list of all mobs with that name.

MSET <mob> HP <value>           these are the most important values
MSET <mob> ALIGN <value>          to set although there are many optional 
MSET <mob> HITROLL <value>        choices type MSET by itself for a list
MSET <mob> DAMROLL <value>
MSET <mob> LEVEL <value>
MSET <mob> CLASS <value>        class 0 citizens don't give as much xp when
MSET <mob> SHORT <short desc>     killed for obvious reasons
MSET <mob> LONG <long desc>
MSET <mob> DESCRIPTION          puts you into the editor
MSET <mob> HITNUMDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> HITSIZEDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> DAMNUMDIE <amount>
MSET <mob> DAMSIZEDIE <amount>

MINVOKE <vnum>                  Loads a previously created mob.

SAVEAREA                        Do this alot.


SWReality Building Pg 4
                       OBJECT BUILDING BASICS

OCREATE <vnum> [cvnum] <namelist>  Creates a new object.                        

OLIST                              Lists objects in your area.
OLIST <from> <to>                  Lists objects within the given range.

OFIND <name>                       Lists all objects with that name.

OINVOKE <vnum>                     Creates a new instance of the object.

OSET <object> <field> <value>      Try typing oset by itself to get a list
                                   of fields. Then "oset <object> <field>
                                   to get a list of values for that field.
                                   You should set the type first.

SAVEAREA                           Do this alot                      


Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: buy   <# of object> <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: list  <object>
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
BUY <# of object> <object> will allow you to buy up to twenty of a normal
store item at once.

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.  LIST <object> lists
just the objects with that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.

Syntax : Buyhome (home name)
This lets you buy one of the many available player homes
around the galaxy.  All equipment droped in the home will
be saved unless there is a crash before you save there.

Syntax : Buyship (ship name)
Syntax Sellship (ship name)

Ships may only be bought from the port that they are currently docked

1 C~
.                      COMMANDS TO USE WITH OBJECTS
   *GET - GET <object> <container> will get an item from a container
        - GET <object> will get an object from the ground
   *PUT - PUT <object> <container> will put an item in a container
   *DROP <object> - will drop the object from your inventory to the ground
   *GIVE <object> <player> - you will give the object to that player
   *SACRIFIC (sac) <object> - the object disappears and you are given a coin
   *RECITE (rec) <object> - the power corresponding to the scroll will activate
   *QUAFF (qua) <object> - the power corresponding to the potion will activate

   *BRANDISH (br) - causes the staff's power to activate (must hold staff)
   *ZAP <target> - zaps a wand at a target (must hold wand)
   *EAT/DRINK <object> - you can eat or drink different foods and drinks
   *FILL/EMPTY <object> - fills/empties the container with water

These skills allow you to fly the ships of there respective size.
Each is automatic once it is practiced.

Syntax: capture

This command is used to capture a planet for your clan. It can only be
do when the planet you are on has a low support rating for the current
government and when there are no enemy ships in the starsystem.

A planet's support rating can be lowered by killing it's population or
with the propeganda skill.


Syntax: feel <force power> <target>
Before you can use a force power, you have to practice it.  The more you 
practice, the higher chance you have of success.  You also must also
be force sensitive and have enough force energy to use the powers.

The <target> is optional.  Many powers which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the power name is more than one word, then you must quote the power name.
Example: feel 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word powers.
You can abbreviate the power name.

When you use an offensive power, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the power is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual powers.

101 CEDIT~
Syntax:  cedit save
Syntax:  cedit <command> create [code]
Syntax:  cedit <command> delete
Syntax:  cedit <command> show
Syntax:  cedit <command> [field]
Field being one of:
  level position log code
Cedit create is used to create the entry and name for a new command.
Cedit delete is used to delete a command.
Cedit code is used to assign a defined section of code to a command.
Cedit show displays current statistics on a command.
Cedit level sets the minimum level for usage of a command.
Cedit position sets the min_pos for execution of the command.
Cedit log determines the manner in which the command will be logged.
Use 'cedit save' to save changes permanently.

The small, quick-witted inhabitants of Chad, the Chadra-Fan resemble humanoid 
rodtens, with large ears, dark eyes, and flat, circular noses with four 
nostrils. The fur-covered, rodent-like Chadra-Fan have seven senses. In 
addition to the five shared by most intelligent species, they are also bless 
with infrared sight, and an advanced chemoreceptive smell. These small, one 
meter tall beings love to have fun. They tend to be flighty and have short 
attention spans, though enjoy tinkering with technological items.


Syntax: chaff

This release a chaff to attempt to stopan incomming missile.


Listing of recent changes

Syntax: channels
Syntax: channels +<channel|all>
Syntax: channels -<channel|all>
With no options, CHANNELS show you your current channels.  With a plus
or minus sign and an option, CHANNELS turns that channel on or off.  With
all as the option, CHANNELS will turn on/off all normal channels
The first channels you will have available as a new player are SAY, TELL,
and NEWBIE.  To use say, the person you want to talk to must be in the same
room, just type SAY <message>.  To use tell, the target person may be
anywhere, just type TELL <name or 0.name> [message].

Newbiechat is seen and used by only level 1 characters and the Immortals

Charisma (CHA in your 'score') represents your characters physical beauty
and charm.  It primarily affects:
 - a character's practice rate with a language scholar
 - prices charged to a character by shopkeepers
No class receives charisma as a prime attribute.

Syntax: chat     <message>
Syntax: music    <message>
Syntax: ask      <message>
Syntax: answer   <message>
Syntax: shout    <message>
Syntax: yell     <message>
Syntax: ooc      <message>

These commands send messages through communication channels to other players.

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

CHAT, MUSIC, and QUESTION and ANSWER also send messages to all interested 
players.  '.' is a synonym for CHAT.

The ASK and ANSWER commands both use the same 'question' channel.
These channels are reserved for immortals.

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

You can use the CHANNELS command to hear, or not hear, any of these channels.

OOC stands for out of character and is the only chennel that should be used
for real world chatting as opposed to roleplaying. 

Most channels now require a comlink.

Syntax: checkvnums all <begin vnum range> <end vnum range>
Used to check the specified range of vnums to ensure they are not
already assigned to another immortal or are otherwise being used.
checkvnums all 9000 9099
If no vnum within the specified range is either assigned as part of
someone's prototype area, and no vnum within the specified range is
a part of a live (non-prototype) area, there will be no result from
this command and the vnums are safe to assign.  If any vnum in the
specified range is already allocated, the area file to which it is
allocated will be displayed.

Syntax : Feel 'Choke' (victum)
This nasty spell allows you to choke the life out of your victum.

Syntax:  circle
This is a skill used by thieves while fighting.  It is comparable to
backstab, and requires a piercing weapon.


The following commands are used with clans or
clans ....... shows a list of organizations.
donate ...... donates money to the clan funds.
withdraw .... withdraws money from the clan funds.
newclan ..... allows crimelords to start a new crime clan
appoint ..... allows leader to appoint a number1 and number2
demote ...... takes away members status in the clan.
empower ..... gives member special powers (ie. withdraw or induct)
induct ...... inducts a person into your clan.
outcast ..... kicks a person out of the clan.
enlist ...... to join a clan at a recruitment office.
resign ...... to quit a clan.
clanbuyship . to purchas spacecraft and other vehicles for clan
capture ..... allows a clan to capture the government and declare
              leadership over an area.

*note not all of these are functional yet.....
see also COUNCILS

Syntax : clanbuyship <ship name>

This buys a ship for your clan out of clan funds, you must be empowered
by your clan to do this.


Syntax: clantalk <message>

Provided that you are in a clan, clantalk will send the message to all 
current members, as well as the deity.

The old classes have been removed in favor of an ability system that lets
you advance in several areas at once.   These ability classes are as

Syntax: clear

This command clears the screen.


1 'CLIMB'~
Syntax:  climb  <direction>
This skill enables you to climb into and out of rooms that require it.

Syntax : Clone
Cloning is a vital part of your existence. Since death is
perminant the only way to continue a character is to clone
  Note: Clones start at the last point you cloned not
        the point you died.

Syntax: openhatch
Syntax: openhatch <ship name>
Syntax: closehatch
Syntax: closehatch <ship name>

Opens/Close the hatch on a ship.

Syntax: cmdtable

Lists all of the commands in the game, and how many times they have been used
since the last startup.

101 CMENU~
Syntax:  cmenu
Invokes an online menu to ease entering 'cset' arguments.  May not be
fully functional at this time.

'Syntax:  coinduct  <player>
Syntax:  cooutcast <player>
Coinduct and cooutcast are similar to the 'clan' commands of induct and
outcast, but function to induct or outcast members from councils.
Coinduct will bring a new player into the council.
Cooutcast will remove them from the council.

&w^xThe foreground special character is:  &&
Tokens for && are:
  &w&&x  -&x Black                    &w &&r  -&r Red (blood)
  &w&&g  -&g Green                    &w &&O  -&O Orange (brown)
  &w&&b  -&b Dark Blue                &w &&p  -&p Purple
  &w&&c  -&c Cyan                     &w &&w  -&w Gray (default color)
  &w&&z  -&z Dark Grey                &w &&R  -&R Light Red
  &w&&G  -&G Light Green              &w &&Y  -&Y Yellow
  &w&&B  -&B Blue                     &w &&P  -&P Pink
  &w&&C  -&C Light Blue               &w &&W  -&W White
&wThe background special character is:  ^^
Tokens for ^^ are:
^x  ^^x(z)  - ^xBlack               ^x   ^^r(R)  - ^rRed
^x  ^^g(G)  - &x^gGreen&w               ^x   ^^O(Y)  - &x^OOrange&w
^x  ^^b(B)  - ^bBlue                ^x   ^^p(P)  - ^pPurple
^x  ^^c(C)  - &x^cCyan&w                ^x   ^^w(W)  - &x^wGrey&w
^zThe tokens in brackets are the same colors, but cause the foreground color
to flash.
Note: If setting both foreground and background colors. The foreground must
      precede the background color.

You may choose a fight by finding a mob, and using LOOK, CONSIDER, and
IDENTIFY to gauge the difficulty of the opponent.  You can LOOK <mob>
to get a look at its equipment and description, this will often help
indictate how hard a fight might be.  You can CONSIDER <mob> for a one
on one comparison of the mobs hitpoints and level to your own.  You may
also FEEL IDENTIFY <mob> to get more detailed information about the mob
if you have force ability.
You may start a fight by using KILL, MURDER, or many powers and skills
available to players.  The easiest way to start a fight is to KILL <mob>.
Currently, you may also MURDER <mob>, but this causes the mob to yell out.
You may find yourself in trouble during a fight, and wish to leave, this
can be done by using FLEE or RECALL.  You can flee a fight by typing FLEE.
You may recall from a fight with the power 'word of recall' or by reciting
a recall scroll.  You may also set it up to flee automatically once you go
below a certain number of hitpoints by using WIMPY.  To use your wimpy, type
WIMPY or WIMPY <number of hitpoints>.  Leaving a fight with wimpy, flee, and
recall WILL cost you a loss of experience, with recall causing the greatest

Syntax: comment write
Syntax: comment subject <subject>
Syntax: comment post <player>
Syntax: comment list <player>
Syntax: comment read <player> #
Comment write puts you into the buffer, and the commands work just like
writing a note.  You may only read and post comments on players currently
online (works on link-dead players as well).

Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>

COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.

COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.

COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

Syntax:  config + or - <option>
This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG
alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.
The options are:
    AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits.
    NORECALL  Toggle automatic recall if you lose link during combat
    AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses.
    AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses.
    AUTOCRED  You automatically split gold from kills with your group.
    BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt.
    BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
    COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format.
    PROMPT    You have a prompt.
    TELNTGA   You receive a telnet GA sequence.
    NOINTRO   Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login
    GAG       Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form.

Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.
Of course, it's only a rough estimate.

State | Description
    0 | Player is playing.
    1 | Player is prompted for his or her name.
    2 | Player is prompted for his or her password.
    3 | Player is prompted to confirm his or her name.
    4 | Player is prompted to select a password.
    5 | Player is prompted to confirm the password.
    6 | Player is prompted to select his or her sex.
    7 | Player is prompted to select a class.
    8 | Player is reading the message of the day.
    9 | Player is prompted to select a race.
   10 | Unused.
   11 | Player is in the line editor.
   12 | Player is prompted to select RIP, ANSI or NONE.
   13 | Player is viewing the title screen.
   14 | Player is prompted to PRESS ENTER.
   15 | Player is waiting for authorization (1).
   16 | Player is waiting for authorization (2).
   17 | Player is waiting for authorization (3).
   18 | Player has been authorized.

Constitution (CON in your 'score') represents your character's physical
stamina.  Among other things, it affects:
 - the number of hitpoints a character receives each time it levels
 - the number of hitpoints recovered or regenerated at each tick if
   resting or sleeping
 - the number of additional moves a character receives at level
 - improvement or worsening of a character's mental state, thus
   affecting general endurance
No class receives constitution as a prime attribute.

Containers are almost a necessity in the game.  They are used to carry
items, food, and drinks.  They help allow you to sort things, by using two
or more types of containers at once.  Corpses use many of the same commands
as regular containers.

EXAM <container> or LOOK IN <container> allows you to see what it contains.

GET <item> <container> allows you to take one item from a container.
GET ALL <container> allows you to take everything from a container at once.
GET ALL.<item> <container> allows you to take all of a particular item type

PUT <item> <container> puts an item inside a container.
PUT ALL <container> will put as much of your inventory in the container as
possible, until the container is full.
PUT ALL.<item> <container> will put as much of one type of item into the
container as possible, until the container is full.

A contraband flag has been added for objects .. DO NOT SET IT ... it
will be added and removed automaticly by customs officers and
crimelords etc.  Its purpose is to give experience for smuggling
illegal goods from planet to planet.

Syntax : Calculate (x) (y) (z)
Cordinates are used for Hyperspace jumps into systems
Below is a list of last know posistions of planets in 
the current known systems: 
Coruscant System:
   Menari Spaceport (Coruscant)  -345 -987 1562
   Outer System Landing Area   902011 -1003651 1100331
   Coruscant Shipyard    2796 3074 -487
   MC90 Mon Calamari Starcruiser    (moves)
Byss System
   Spaceport Landing Area (Byss)  1325 -1095 3287
   Star Destroyer Dark Hand    (moves)
   Byss Shipyard    4534 1211 -3150
See also Help Cordinates1, Help Cordinates2 ect.

Syntax : Calculate (x) (y) (z)
Cordinates are used for Hyperspace jumps into systems
Below is a list of last know posistions of planets in
the current known systems: 
Coruscant System:
   Menari Spaceport (Coruscant)  -345 -987 1562
   Outer System Landing Area   902011 -1003651 1100331
   Coruscant Shipyard    (moves)
   MC90 Mon Calamari Starcruiser    (moves)
Byss System :
   Spaceport Landing Area (Byss)  1325 -1095 3287
   Star Destroyer Dark Hand    (moves)
   Byss Shipyard    (moves)
See also Help Coordinates1, Help Coordinates2 ect.

Honoghr System :
   Nystao Port (Honoghr)  3943 4782 4419 
Tatooine System :
   Docking bay 92 (Tatooine)  2799 -3279 -4166 
Adari System :

   System Barren Landing Facility (Adari)  1213 -1813 -4760
   Lighted Landing Zone (Adari)  1213 -1813 -4760
   Baituh City Landing Strip (Adari)  1213 -1813 -4760

Endor Starsystem :

   Forest Landing Area (Endors Forest Moon)  1400 7000 -2600

Core Starsystem 11A3 :

   Small Landing Area (bojklinn)  1000 -1000 -500

Mon Calamari System :

   East Docking Bay (Mon Calamari)  -2709 23 10013
   West Docking Bay (Mon Calamari)  -2709 23 10013
   South Docking Bay (Mon Calamari)  -2709 23 10013

Kashyyyk System :

   Rwookrrorro Landing Pad (Kashyyyk)  -8762 -123 -3702

Corperate Sector I :

   CF-90 Barricade Runner    (moves)
   Corperate Sector Space Mall    3164 2474 -3878;

Gamors System :

   Gamorr Landing Area (Gamorr)  -8723 -2355 86

Yavin :

   Academy Landing Area (Yavin IV)  4000 4000 4000

Ryloth System             None
Rodia System              None
Nal Hutta System          None
Af'el Starsystem          None
Chad Starsystem           None

Syntax : copyship <oldshipname> <newfilename> <newshipname>

This command creates a copy of a starships stats ONLY. The rooms must
be made separately and then be set using SETSHIP.


Corpses last approximately 15 minutes after the time of death.
Corpse decay will happen even while you are linkdead or after you quit.

There are three levels of government: 1. ORGANIZATIONS: The major player
run superpowers are the New Repubic, The Empire, and The Corperate
Authority. There are also several small organizations and crime families
operating independantly. Type CLANS for a list. 2. regional GOVERNMENTS:
These are small areas that may be controlled and profited from by player
organizations. They may be captured by organizations with the capture
command. Type GOVERNMENTS for a list. 3. The SENATE: The senate was
restored by the New republic shortly after the battle of Endor. It has
since then broken off its direct ties with the New Republic in order to
include the council heads from all worlds including Imperial controlled
worlds. The senate meets monthly at the traditional senate hall on
coruscant. However because of the difficulty that imperials face flying
near coruscant a shuttle has been set up that provides safe transportation
from a nuetral outpost to the Senate hall. The senate hall also has a
series of opinion booths were council heads can comunicate with their
people. These opinion booths are also used for electing new council heads.
Type SENATE for a list of senators.

SWReality 1.0 is an extention of Smaug which was expanded from Merc
which was derived from the original Dikumud code.
SWReality 1.0 copyright (c) 1997, 1998 was created by Sean Cooper
(specs@golden.net) based on a concept and ideas from the original
SWReality immortals: Himself (Durga), Mark Matt (Merth), Jp Coldarone
(Exar), Greg Baily (Thrawn), Ackbar, Satin, Streen and Bib as well as much
input from our other builders and players.
DikuMud (c) program and concept by Sebastian Hammer
(quinn@freja.diku.dk), Michael Seifert (seifert@freja.diku.dk),
Hans Henrik (bombman@freja.diku.dk), Tom Madsen (noop@freja.diku.dk),
and Katja Nyboe(katz@freja.diku.dk).
Merc 2.1 (c) was created by Furey (mec@shell.portal.com), Hatchet
(hatchet@uclink.berkeley.edu), and Kahn
Smaug (c) was created by Derek Snider with the help of  Altrag,
Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh
and Tricops.
Star Wars and Star Wars names are the copyright (c) of Lucasfilm Ltd
and the authors of the many Star Wars related books.
detailed credits.


101 CSET~
Cset is used to set the system's 'control panel' settings.
Syntax: cset <field> <level>
Fields: save - saves the control panel settings
        stun - sets normal (mob vs. player / player vs. mob) stun modifier
        stun_pvp - as above, for player vs. player
        dam_pvp - percentage adjustment for player vs. player fighting
        dam_pvm - as above, for player vs. mob
        dam_mvp - as above, for mob vs. player
        dam_mvm - as above, for mob vs. mob
        get_notake - level to pick up notake flagged items
        read_all - level to read all mail
        read_free - level to read mail for free
        write_free - level to write mail for free (no items necessary)
        take_all - level to take all mail
        muse - level to see/use muse channel
        think - level to see/use think channel
        log - level to see log channel
        build - level to see build channel
        proto_modify - level to modify prototype objects
        override_private - level to override private/solitary rooms
        forcepc - level to force pc's
        saveflag - flags/actions on which to save a pfile (drop, give, get,
                   receive, auction, zap, death, auction, auto, password)
        guild_overseer - name of the Overseer of Guilds
        guild_advisor - name of the Advisor to Guilds

1 D~
   *WEAR <object> - you will wear that piece of equipment
   *WIELD <weapon> - you will wield that weapon
   *HOLD <object> - you will hold that object in your hands
   *REMOVE (rem) <object> - the object is remove and placed in inventory
   *COMPARE (com) <object1> <object2> - will compare the value of two items
   *REPAIR (repa) <object> - the blacksmith will repair your damaged item
   *APPRAISE <object> - the blacksmith will tell the cost to repair the item
   *LIST - when in a store, the items for sale will be listed
   *BUY <object> - you will purchase the item for the given price
   *SELL <object> - you will sell the item to the store and receive money
   *VALUE <object> - the storekeeper will say how much they will pay for item

When one character attacks another, the severity of the damage is shown
in the verb used in the damage message.  Here are all the damage verbs
listed from least damage to most damage:
   barely scratch               scratch                     graze
   bruise                       hit                         injure
   wound                        maul                        thrash
   decimate                     devastate                   maim
   MUTILATE                     DISEMBOWEL                  EVISCERATE
   MASSACRE                     OBLITERATE                  ANNIHILATE
The message shown will reflect the actual damage you are inflicting on
(or receiving from) your opponent, and not a specific fixed amount.

DAMAGE          ACTION       CLASS         POWER       SAVES
none            none         none          none        none
fire            create       lunar         minor       poison_death
cold            destroy      solar         greater     wands
electricity     resist       travel        major       para_petri
energy          suscept      summon                    breath
acid            divinate     life                      power_staff
poison          obscure      death
drain           change       illusion

Death is now permanent unless you have made a clone. 
   Note : You lose all possestions upon dying even
          if you have a clone. This includes ships 
          homes and bank accounts
See Help Clone.

.                              @%#$%&&*!@#!?!?!
  .-------------=======[ Debugging / Coding Credits ]=======-------------.
  |                                                                      |
  |    Most of the extensive debugging and coding of Realms of Despair   |
  |    was done by Thoric in what little spare time he could set aside.  |
  |                                                                      |
  |     Other credits go out to Haus for debugging work on the online    |
  |   building, and also to Strahd, Caine and all the gods who reported  |
  |                       nasty bugs and crash causes.                   |

Defel are an Alien species that appear as large, red-eyed shadows under most 
lighting conditions. This has given rise to their common name:
Wraiths. Under Ultraviolet light, Defels appear as stocky, fur-covered bipeds 
with protruding snouts and long, clawed, triple-jointed fingers.
They stand about 1.3 meters tall, with shoulders as wide as 1.2 meters across. 
This species lives in underground cities on the planet Af'El, where most 
inhabitants make their living through mining and metallurgy. In the galaxy at 
large, Defel often find employment as hired muscle, spies, and assassins due to 
their shadowy forms.

Defel can't wear armor because it would interfere wit htheir natural
invisibility. However the fact that they are nearly impossible to see makes
them very difficult to hit.

parry        dodge      heal       curelight   cureserious   curecritical
dispelmagic  dispelevil sanctuary  fireshield  shockshield   shield
bless        stoneskin  teleport   monsum1     monsum2       monsum3
monsum4      disarm

See MSET and ATTACKS  (Some are not implemented).

Syntax:  deities
Syntax:  deities <deity>
The deities command displays all the deities of the world.  Using an
argument will display the target deity's description.
SEE ALSO:  supplicate, favor, devote.

Syntax : Suicide (password)
Usefull for getting rid of unwanted characters.
&R    NOTE: Only one character / Player is allowd &g

Syntax : demote <player>

This command demotes a number one or two in a clan to a normal clan member.


Syntax:  deny       <character>
Syntax:  disconnect <character>
Syntax:  freeze     <character>
DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.
DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and can only be undone offline
by someone with access to the player files directory.
DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.
FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all.

Syntax : BANK (deposit|withdraw|ballance) (amount)
A bank is the safest place to keep your credits
people get killed for money quite often in the
star wars universe.

Bank are also used to deposit to and withdraw from
clan accounts

Syntax:  description
Syntax:  bio
The DESCRIPTION command puts you into an editor to edit your long character
description (what people see when they look at you).
The BIO command puts you into an editor to edit your personal bio: what
people see when they check WHOIS on you.

Syntax:  destroy <character>
This command immediately deletes the pfile of the victim, and will
simultaneously force the character offline if they are connected.

Syntax: detrap <object>

This skill allows one to disarm a trapped object.

Use it with care.

Dexterity (DEX in your 'score') represents your character's agility, and
it affects (among other things):
 - the maximum number of items you can carry at once in your inventory;
   with each additional point of dex you can carry additional items.
 - each additional point of dexterity also lowers (improves) your natural
   armor class.
 - the number of new moves you receive each time you level, as well as the
   number of moves you regenerate at each tick (when resting to refresh or
   regain movement points).
 - success chances with bash and stun, and helps determine whether a thief
   will be able to poison a weapon.
Dexterity is also very important for quaffing potions in combat.  High dex
will allow you to quaff without dropping many potions during the heat of
battle, while a poor dexterity will cause you to accidentally drop many
of the valuable vials.
Dexterity is the prime attribute of thieves and vampires.

Syntax:  diagnose of 20
Diagnose of n - object frequency of top "n" objects.  The above example will
return the 20 most numerous object vnums in the game at that time.

To make the special SMAUG powers possible, special dice formula handling
had to be coded in.  (At least to make it nice).  This dice formula code
supports full BEDMAS expressions ( ) ^^ / * + -, plus extra mud related
operators and variables:

D dice         L level          H hit points      M force
V movement     S strength       I intelligence    W wisdom
X dexterity    C consitution    A charisma        U luck
Y age

Syntax:  dig
Syntax:  dig  <direction>
Syntax:  bury <item>
You can dig and bury items through the use of the dig skill and bury command.
Buried items are not visible to players, even through the use of powers such
as locate object.  To dig an item up, type dig with no arguments.  Having a
shovel raises your chance of success.  If you dig in a direction, you will
attempt to dig open an exit.
To bury an item (or corpse), drop the item on the ground and bury <item>.
Depending on the size and weight of the object, you might need a shovel.
* Note:  Deadly players can bury/dig up each other's corpses. *
Items buried will not last beyond crash or reboot.  Do not attempt to use
this skill for storage of items you wish to keep.

-1 DIKU~
Realms of Despair was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was
              based on the orignal DIKUMud code created by:

                       The Original DIKUMud Team:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

                     Additional contributions from:

 Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
 Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                   uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                   in the process.

         And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

  The Original DIKUMud was Developed at the Department of Computer Science
                     at the University of Copenhagen.

Syntax : Disguise (string)
This skill allows you to change your title to one that
does not include your name. Handy for impersonating

101 DMESG~
Syntax: dmesg

Displays the contents of the boot log.


This skill lets you dodge incoming attacks, taking no damage from them.
Use of the skill is automatic once you have practice it.

Syntax : Dominate (mob)
Basically the same as a charm spell, will make the
join your group and take orders from you.

Syntax : donate <amount in credits>
Syntax : withdraw <amount in credits>

These commands allow empowered clan members to withdraw or donate to clan
funds at a bank (no empower needed for donate).


Syntax : Doorbash (direction)
Handy for getting rid of closed locked doors. Although
some doors are bashproof.

Here is the order of the exits, and their corresponding values:

  | Direction | Value |
  | NORTH     |   0   |
  | EAST      |   1   |
  | SOUTH     |   2   |
  | WEST      |   3   |
  | UP        |   4   |
  | DOWN      |   5   |
  | NORTHEAST |   6   | Exits 6 - 10 are relatively new, and may not be
  | NORTHWEST |   7   | fully supported by all of the code yet.
  | SOUTHEAST |   8   |
  | SOUTHWEST |   9   |
  | SOMEWHERE |  10   |


1 'DREAM'~
Syntax:  cast 'dream' <player>  <message>
This power enables you to cast a dream or message on a sleeping player.

Syntax : drive <direction>

This allows vehicles to be driven in the direction specified.

Syntax:  drop <object>
         drop <amount>  coins
Syntax:  get  <object>
         get  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  give <object>  <character>
         give <amount>  coins <character>
Syntax:  put  <object>  <container>
Syntax:  get/put/drop   <# amount>  <object>
Syntax:  get/put        <# amount>  <object> <container>
DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.
GET takes an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or
even from a corpse (TAKE is a synonym for get).
GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.
PUT puts an object into a container.
Use 'drop/get/put all' to reference all objects present.
Use 'drop/get/put all.<object>' to reference all objects of the same name.
 - drop 1000 coins
 - get all.ball backpack
 - get 5 sword
 - put 15 potion backpack

This skill allows you to wield two weapons simultaneously.
This is an automatic skill.

Duinuoqwuins, or Star Dragons, are a sad, noble species with a habit of taking 
up  lost causes. These huge, snakelike multipeds with gossamer wings average 
about ten meters long. Large, reptilian scales cover their bodies, though they 
have floppy, mammallike ears. Each body segment has a pair of legs, though the 
limbs attached to the foward segments have evolved into arms and hands. This 
ancient species comes from a secret, unknown world. They can be encountered on 
all types of worlds and even in deep space, where it seems they n eed to 
artificial protection. The Star Dragons have a deep-rooted sense of morality 
and honor, and most have at least some sensitivity to the Force. There are even 
tales that tell of an ancient time when Duinuoqwuin served as Jedi Knights.

Because of their enormous size Duinouqwuin cannot wear armor. However they
have excellent hit points and regeneration rate. They also fave the unique
ability to fly. They are also very strong in the force.

1 E~
If you are within 5 levels of another character, you have the ability
to group with that player.  You are not able to group a non-deadly
and a deadly character however (see HELP DEADLY). When you are grouped
with another player, you attack mobs together and share the experience
for each kill.
Group Commands:
  *FOLLOW <player> - you will follow that player at which point they group you
                   - to remove yourself from group type: FOLLOW <your name>

  *GROUP <player> - you add that player to your group
                  - typing GROUP alone will list the people in your group
                  - to remove someone from group type: GROUP <player name>

  *GTELL <message> - you tell the group a message
  *SPLIT <amount> - splits the gold among the group

Syntax:  drink <object>                  (drink liquid from a drink container)
Syntax:  eat   <object>                  (eat food or a magical pill)
         eat   <object> <container>      (eat directly from a container)
Drink instructs your character to drink from a fountain or a drink container
to alleviate thirst.
Eat instructs your character to eat an item of food or a magical pill (which
function in a similar fashion as potions); pills do not fill stomach space.
When you are hungry or thirsty (you will see messages at each tick that
tell you if you are starving or dying of thirst, and can check your
current state with either 'score' or 'oldscore'), you will not regain
hitpoints, movement points or force back as rapidly as if you were well
fed and hydrated.
If you stay hungry or thirsty too long and you are not an Avatar, your
mental state will begin to suffer.  Your combat skills will be affected,
your coordination will suffer and you may begin to either hallucinate or
become depressed.  Eating, drinking and a little rest will solve this
problem after a short period of time.

Syntax:  echo  <message>
Syntax:  recho <message>
ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix
indicating who sent it. 
RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

The following 16 colors are supported in the commands echo, recho,
mpecho, mpechoat and mpechoaround.

_whi  White
_yel  Yellow
_blu  Blue
_dbl  Dark Blue
_lbl  Light Blue
_cya  Cyan (sort of turquoise)
_gre  Green
_dgr  Dark Green
_cha  Charcoal (grey)
_dch  Dark Charcoal (dark grey)
_pur  Purple
_red  Red
_ora  Orange
_bro  Brown
_pin  Pink
_bla  Black

  If the indicator is preceded by an asterisk, the message will blink.

recho _red              This is an example of recho in red.
recho *red              This is an example of recho in blinking red.
mpecho _yel             This is an example of mpecho in yellow.
mpe _yel                This is an example of mpecho in yellow.
mpechoat $n _blu        This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mea $n _blu             This is an example of mpechoat in blue.
mpechoaround $n _bro    This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.
mer $n _bro             This is an example of mpechoaround in brown.
You only need to enter as much of the color indicator as required to
uniquely identify it.
mpe _r                  This is an example of mpecho in red.

Each area will initialize (on bootup of the mud) with a pool of gold based
on the area's range and the wealth of each mob in that area.
The shopkeepers and thieves will automatically deposit gold into the economy
if they are carrying more than a certain amount (the higher the level of the
shopkeeper, the greater they will carry before depositing).
To allow mobprogs to be created to manipulate area economies, making them
interactive and interdependent, there are two mpcommands:  mpdeposit, and
mpwithdraw (see related helpfiles).  There is also an 'if economy' ifcheck.
The aset command can also be used to adjust an area's economy by hand
(example:  aset <area filename> low_economy <amount>, this will give
the specified area a minimum economy at the level you set).
Mobs will not repop with more gold than what they were originally created
with, but if the area economy runs low they will begin to repop with less
until the economy is replenished (as they all share the same gold pool).
Use foldarea to make changes to an area's economy with aset permenent.

Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK.

POSE is a variant of EMOTE.

Syntax : empower <player>
Syntax : empower <player> <command>

These commands allow the clan leader (or an empowered clan member) to toggle
OTHER members use of clan command. These commands are :-

pilot       : pilot clans ships
withdraw    : withdraw from clan funds (at a bank)
clanbuyship : buy a ship for the clan from the clan funds
induct      : induct a player into the clan

none        : removes all clan commands from player
list        : lists currently empowered commands for that player
<blank>     : ditto

Syntax:  empty <container>
Syntax:  empty <container> <container>
This command allows you to empty a container of its contents.
Use 'empty <container>' to dump the contents to the ground.
Use 'empty <container> <container>' will empty the contents of the
first container into the second container.


This skill increases the damage you inflict when attacking.  Use of the
skill is automatic once you have practiced it.

Syntax : enlist

This command allows you to enlist in a clan in their recruitment office.
These offices should be clearly marked.


Syntax:  enter
Syntax:  leave
In rooms either 'somewhere' exits or exits responding only to keywords,
you can simply type 'enter' or 'leave' to pass through that exit.
The most common use of this is with portals cast by mages.  To use the
portal, simply type 'enter' on either side of it and you will pass
through to the other side.

This command is not currently implemented.

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

While in combat, you may notice that your equipment is taking damage.  For
example, you may see "Your lifebane gets damaged."  Each time this happens,
the AC of the item is damaged by one.  If the AC on an item is 5, after it
is damaged more than five times it will be destroyed or scraped.
If you wish to preserve the equipment, you must repair it by taking it to
the town blacksmith. (NOTE:  Not all equipment is repairable)  You may also
notice that while fighting a creature which attacks you with acid breath or
another acid attack, your equipment gets "etched and pitted."  When this
occurs the AC on that item is damaged by one permanently.  You cannot
repair the damage done by "pitting and etching."

The Curious, furred bipeds native to Endor's forest moon are called Ewoks. 
Standing about one meter tall, the tribal Ewoks have yet to advance beyond 
spears and bows, but their understanding of forest lore and survival skills 
cannot be matched by a more advanced species. These Hunter gatherers live in 
village clusters built high within the moon's giant trees. Easily startled, the 
Ewoks are nonetheless brave, alert, and loyal, and they can be fierce warriors 
when necessary. The Ewok language is liquid and expressive, and most humans and 
other aliens can learn to speak it. Ewoks, conversely can learn Basic, though 
they often mix in many words from their own language. During the day, Ewoks 
come down out of their tree villages to hunt and forage on the forest floor. At 
night, the forest belongs to huge carnivores, and even the youngest Ewoks know 
not to venture out after dark. The Ewoks' mystical beliefs contain many 
references to the Force, though it is never named as such. They are a musical 
species, are overly curious, and are loyal to their tribes and friends.

Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

The redit exflags <dir> [flag] ... command accepts the following flags:
ISDOOR        | There is a door in that direction
CLOSED        | The door is closed
LOCKED        | The door is locked
SECRET        | The door is a secret door
SWIM        * | Must be able to swim to go that way (or have a boat or float)
PICKPROOF     | Door is pickproof
FLY           | Must be able to fly to go that way
CLIMB         | Must be able to climb to go that way
DIG           | Passage is blocked and must be dug out
NOPASSDOOR    | Door is resistant to the passdoor power
HIDDEN        | Door is not "obvious" -- doesn't appear with autoexits
CAN_CLIMB     | Can use the climb command to go this way
CAN_ENTER     | Can use the enter command to go this way
CAN_LEAVE     | Can use the leave command to go this way
AUTO          | Keyword can be typed to go this way
SEARCHABLE    | Searching in this direction can remove the SECRET flag
WINDOW        | Cannot go through this exit (doesn't appear with autoexits)

* Not yet implemented

The 'redit exit' command is used to create, modify and remove exits in a room.
For more than one exit in the same direction see ADVANCEDEXITS.

The syntax of the 'redit exit' command is as follows:
redit exit <direction> [vnum] [exit-type] [key] [keyword(s)]
direction: one of: n, s, e, w, u, d, ne, nw, se, sw or ?
vnum     : the room number in which the exit leads to.
exit-type: a number detailing the exit -- has a door, open/closed/locked etc.
key      : a number corresponding to a key object which can unlock the door.
keywords : keywords used to refer to the door, (or exit).

If only 'redit exit <direction>' is specified, the exit will be removed.
The 'key' field is optional when specifying keywords.  All other fields are
required previous to the field desired.

redit exit n 3001           - Creates an exit north to room 3001
redit exit n 3001 3 gate    - Changes the exit north to have a closed "gate"
redit exit n 3001 3 15 gate - Changes the gate to allow use of a key vnum 15
redit exit n                - Removes the north exit

See EXITTYPES for generating the exit-type value.

Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

These are the currently valid exit-types:
      0 - Plain exit
      1 - Door exists         (Required to be closed or locked)
      2 - Door is Closed
      4 - Door is Locked
      8 - Door is Secret      (Trying to go that way won't reveal door)
     32 - Door is Pickproof   (Door can't be picked by power or skill)
     64 - Need to be able to fly to go that way
    128 - Need to be able to climb to go that way
   1024 - Door is Passdoor proof

NOTE: You must ADD the values together to generate an exit-type:
        3 = a closed door
        7 = a closed and locked door
       11 = a closed secret door
       15 = a closed, locked and secret door

-- Use the 'redit exflags' command to change these flags, and to set the
   advanced exit flags, most of which are not shown above.


Syntax:  level
Your character advances in power by gaining experience.  Type LEVEL to see
how many experience points you'll need for the next few levels.
You gain experience by:
    inflicting damage upon an opponent
    being part of a group that kills an opponent
    succeeding while learning a skill or a power through real world usage
You lose experience by:
    fleeing from combat
    recalling out of combat
    being the target of some powers (energy drain, etc.)
The experience you get from a kill depends on several things:  how many 
players are in your group; your level versus the level of the monster;
your alignment versus the monster's alignment and some random variation.
Your last 25 kills are recorded.  Each time you kill a creature that has
been one of your last 25 kills you will receive less and less exp for it.
The creature will also learn from its experience with you over time; if
its intelligence is higher than your own it will begin to gain an
advantage over you in combat.

1 F~
.                COMMANDS FOR COMBAT
  *KILL <mob> - you begin to attack the mob (you need only type once)
  *FLEE - you attempt to flee from the fight
  *FEEL <force power> - you use the powet (see HELP <power> for more info)
  *CAST <force power> - being replaced by FEEL (but you can still use cast)  
  *GLANCE <mob or player> - tells you how wounded the target is
  *CONSIDER (con) <mob> - gives you an idea on how tough the mobile is
  *LEVEL - shows you how many experience points you need till next level
  *WIMPY <number> - if your hitpoints go under that number, you flee combat
  *CONFIG +/-FLEE - you do/don't flee when attacked
  *RESCUE <player> - you replace a player in a fight
  *SHOVE <player> <direction> - a deadly player is shoved in a given direction
  *DRAG <player> <direction> - a sitting deadly player is moved that direction

Syntax:  fill <drincon>
Syntax:  fill <container>
Syntax:  fill <pipe> <herb>
FILL can be used with drink containers, regular containers or pipes.
 - to fill a drink container, go to a fountain and 'fill <drinkcon>'
 - to fill a container such as a backpack with items from the ground,
   type 'fill <container>'
 - to fill a pipe you must have both the pipe and the herb in your
   inventory, then type 'fill <pipe> <herb>'


Fires ships weapons, see SHIPS

Syntax : First Aid  (Character)
First aid lets you use the contents of a med kick to heal
minor damage to yourself.

Syntax:  fixchar <character>
Resets a character's saving throws and mentalstate.  Should probably
not be done while the character is equipped.

Syntax: feel 'flamestrike' <victim>

This power inflicts damage on the victim.

Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue   <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can

If you lose your link during a fight, then your character will keep
fighting, and will attempt to RECALL from time to time.  Your chances
of making the recall are reduced, and you will lose much more experience.

In order to RESCUE successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: feel 'float' <character>
This power enables the target character to float.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), makes a character float slowly to the ground when
falling from in the air, and allows you to move over water and through the
Some water areas require the use of float to prevent damage from drowning.
If you are in an area and your movement suddenly begins to drop, then you
begin losing hps <hitpoints>, you should cast float immediately.

101 'FLOAT'~
Syntax:  cast 'float' <character>
The power enables the target character to float.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), as well as in preventing damage taken when falling
and in preventing an opponent from tripping you.  It does not allow you
to travel through areas which require you to fly, however.

0 FLY~
Syntax:  cast 'fly' <character>
This power enables the target character to fly.  It is useful in saving
mv (movement points), preventing a character from falling when in the
air, moving over water or through the air, and in preventing an opponent
from tripping you.
Some water areas require the use of fly to prevent damage from drowning.
If you are in an area and your movement suddenly begins to drop, then you
begin losing hps <hitpoints>, you should cast fly immediately.

Syntax : Focus Strength
This will allow you to increase your strength fo a time
allowing you to carry more weight or wield larger

Syntax:  foldarea <area filename>
This command is used to save a live (non-prototype) area file, usually after
it has been modified.  It should be used with extreme care.

Syntax: follow <character>; Syntax: group <character>; Syntax: group
'Follow' starts you following another character.  To stop following, type
'follow self'.  You cannot follow those more than ten levels above you.
'Group <character>' adds someone who is following you into your group, making
them a group member.  Group members share experience from kills, and may use
the GTELL and SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will
automatically join the fight.
If character is already a member of your group, using 'group <character>'
will remove them from your party.  Removing the character from the group
does not stop them from following you, however.  A character can also
leave your group by using the 'follow self' command, in which case they
will both leave your group and stop following you.
'Group' with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.
You may follow lower level characters or characters up to ten levels higher.
You may group only characters within eight levels of your own.
'Group all' groups all eligible players following you in the room.
'Group disband' allows a leader to disband his group (members stop following
 and are ungrouped).

101 FOR~
Syntax:  for <argument> <command>
Syntax:  for <argument> <command> <target>
For allows an immortal to perform a command at or even on a large
number of targets.  The arguments include:  all, mobs, gods.
Example:  for gods gl, you will 'glance' in the room of every god
who is online (include link-dead)
You can also perform an action on the argument target.
Example:  for mobs poke #, you will perform the 'poke' social on
every mob in the game.
'For' does not override private flags.

101 FORCE~
Syntax:  force <victim> <command>
Syntax:  force all <command>
Force forces one mob or character to execute a command.
FORCE 'all' forces _all_ everywhere in the game to execute a command,
typically used for 'force all save'.
Note that the level required to use force on mobs can be different
than the level required to use force on players, and can be adjusted
via 'cset' (see 'help cset').

Syntax: forceclose <descriptor>

This command will force a certain descriptor to close.
This is useful to disconnect connections that aren't really connected
due to a poor TCP connection.

It can also be used to forceclose a connection before a potential
problem player can even get to the authorization state of connection.


Syntax:  formpass <new password> <character name>
Example: formpass temporary Joseph
Used to help in changing a character's password if they have forgotten or
misplaced their own.
This command will return the encrypted form of the specified password for
the specified character name.  Password and character name are case
sensitive, and the character name _must_ be capitalized.  The resulting
encrypted password must then be pasted into the character's pfile offline
by someone with access to player files.

101 FQUIT~
Syntax:  fquit <character>
Can be used by low-level imms to force a level 1 player to quit the game,
for example if the player is accidentally authorized or is causing problems
and there are no higher immortals around to deal with the problem.  Fquit
does not work on any player higher than level 1.

1 FRC~
. FRC is the force stat, this stat stays invisable to players throught
their life, you never truly know how dtrong you are in the force, However
that stat may be increased by training both wisdom and intelligence with
mobs around the mud. 
See also help Train.

1 G~
.                       COMMUNICATION COMMANDS
  *CHAT <message> - everyone can hear this message
  *TELL <player> <message> - only that player will see your message
  *ASK/ANSWER <message> - for asking and answering questions
  *EMOTE <message> - this prints <Your name> <message> on the screen
  *QUEST <message> - channel used for questing players
  *REPLY <message> - sends a messages to the last person who sent you a tell
  *SAY <message> - the message is only heard by the people in the room
  *SHOUT <message> - message is only heard by people who are awake
  *YELL <message> - message is only heard by people in the area
  *CLANTALK, ORDERTALK, AND GUILDTALK - channels for clans, guilds, and orders
  *CHAN +/-<channel> - you can turn a channel on and off
**** Also see HELP LANGUAGES, NOTES, and MAIL ****


This command is not currently implemented.


The Gamorrean people are known for their brutish, porcine appearance, 
along with their great strength and minute intelligence.  Green skinned
with pig-like snouts, they are among the Galaxy's best laborors and
mercenaries. They also have impressive stamina, allowing them to with-
stand large assaults and physical trauma.

When Gamorr was discovered, the populace was enslaved.  Those who
escaped this fate quickly traveled offworld to sell their services to
outsiders as guards and mercenaries.  Now, thanks to their superb idiocy,
they have been abandoned as a source of slave labor.

syntax:  glance
syntax:  glance <victim>
Glance alone shows you only the contents of the room you are in,
eliminating the description.  Glance <victim> shows only the health
condition, eliminating their description and equipment from your
Glance may be abbreviated as 'gl'.

Syntax:  gold
Displays the current total credits you are carrying.

Syntax : gossip <message>

This command is now the same as OOC


100 GOTO~
Syntax: goto <location>

GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

If the location is a vnum, and it does not already exist, and it is within
your room vnum range; it shall be created for your to edit further with

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present.


.               _________________      ____         __________
 .       .    /                 |    /    \    .  |          \
     .       /    ______   _____| . /      \      |    ___    |     .   
             \    \    |   |       /   /\   \     |   |___>   |
           .  \    \   |   |      /   /__\   \  . |         _/          
 .     ________>    |  |   | .   /            \   |   |\    \_______    
      |            /   |   |    /    ______    \  |   | \           |
      |___________/    |___|   /____/      \____\ |___|  \__________|   
  .     ____    __  . _____   ____      .  __________   .  _________
       \    \  /  \  /    /  /    \       |          \    /         |      
        \    \/    \/    /  /      \      |    ___    |  /    ______|  .
         \              /  /   /\   \ .   |   |___>   |  \    \
   .      \            /  /   /__\   \    |         _/.   \    \      
           \    /\    /  /            \   |   |\    \______>    |   .
            \  /  \  /  /    ______    \  |   | \              /      
 .       .   \/    \/  /____/      \____\ |___|  \____________/  

                                                         *** REALITY ***

SWReality 1.0 by Sean (Durga the Hutt) Cooper - specs@golden.net

Original SMAUG 1.0 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with help from 
Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus, Scryn, Swordbearer, Rennard, Tricops and Gorog.
Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. Original DikuMUD code by:
Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert && Sebastian Hammer
Star Wars and Star Wars names are a copyright of Lucasfilm ltd.

Please enter your name:

Syntax : Arm (grenade)
This skill allows you to arm grenades, before using the