File Menu:

* New:
  starts a new map

* Open:
  opens a new map

* Save:
  saves the current map

* Save as:
  saves the current map to a file of your choice

* Exit:
  exits MapMaker

Edit Menu:

* Clear:
  deletes all rooms and the map description

* Map Size:
  lets you change the number of rooms the current map can hold in vertical and horizontal direction

* Search Rooms:
  marks all room descriptions containing a String you must specify; if you select the "match room name" option, only rooms where the room name matches the search string exactly will be marked; the name of a room is the first non-comment, non-command line in the description
  note: you can mark all rooms without a name by selecting "match room name" and searching for an empty string

* Unmark Rooms:
  sets all rooms on the map to unmarked

* Color Rooms:
  sets all marked rooms to the chosen color

* [] drag up/down
  if selected, up and down connections will be treated as normal connections for the purpose of moving a group of rooms with shift-left-drag;
  if unselected, up and down connection will be treated as non-existant for room-group-moving

* [] link mean rooms
  if selected, you can link several rooms at once, provided they are in a straight line

View Menu:

* View Size:
  lets you change the size with which the map will be drawn

  * Custom:
    sets the view size to a value of your choice

  * Small:
    sets the view size to a small standard size

  * Medium:
    sets the view size to a medium standard size
* Maximize:
  resizes the main window so that the map fits in without using scrollbars
* [] Show Virtual Rooms:
  if selected, virtual rooms will be visible as faint outlines
  if unselected, virtual rooms will not be drawn

Image Menu:

* () Legend Right of/Below Map:
  determins wether the map's legend which contains the room names will be located to the right of the map or below it when saved as image

* Save as Image:
  saves the map as an image file
  (currently the jpeg format is used, since I have no java library for a better suited format)

* Preview Image:
  displays a preview of the map as it would be saved as image

ROM Menu:

* Set Sector:
  adds a line containing a ROM command for the chosen sector to the room description of all marked rooms

* Set Room Flag:
  adds a line containing a ROM command for the chosen flag to the room description of all marked rooms

* Remove Room Flag:
  removes the ROM command for the chosen flag from the room description of all marked rooms

* Create ROM Area:
  creates a ROM area file from the current map
  see ROM help for more information

* Create OLC Code:
  creates a text file which consists of instructions for OLC
  if sent to the mud, this will create the area defined by the map

* Import ROM Area:
  reads the room structure of a ROM area file and creates a map from it


* General:
  displays some basic help on what MapMaker is and how it works

* Edit:
  lists which keys and mouse buttons must be pressed to edit the map

* Menu:
  displays this help

* ROM:
  explains how to create ROM area files with MapMaker

* About:
  shows version and author information