The Topmost Area~
Q 16
K helps~
L @@e[@@RSYSTEM@@e]@@N~
N 0
I 1 1
V 16777216 16777216
X 0
F 15
U You here the screams of the Dead within your head.~
O Zenithar~
R ~
W ~
S Title not shown on area list.
@@yASSIST@@g is a command that allows you to assist any member of your group
in combat.  ASSIST by itself will attempt to have you assist your leader
first, then each member of your group, in group order.
Syntax:  assist <target>
To use boards, you must be in a room with one :)

Type: WRITE <header> to leave a message, with the specified header/title.
      WRITE to:<name> to leave a private message.
      READ <number> to read a message.

To find out what messages are on a board, simply look at it.
The BANK command allows you to carry out financial transactions with the bank 
of your choice.  All banks in the game respect a player's balance, meaning
you can use any bank you find.  

Usage: BANK [ balance | deposit | withdraw ]
BANK                 with no argument displays usage information.
BANK BALANCE         reports your current bank balance.
BANK DEPOSIT  <gold> deposits a specified amount of gold into your account.
BANK WITHDRAW <gold> withdraws a specified amount of gold.

Needless to say, you must have the specified amount of gold in your account or
inventory before you can deposit or withdraw it.
The banking system has been introduced as a measure to work alongside the new
limit on the amount of gold that a player can carry.  Eg:  How many people can
explore and fight, whilst carrying thousands of gold coins?
The main command is @@rNOTE@@N..all commands listed are preceded by it
@@yTo Write:@@N
to (name) - sets who note is going to
subject   - lets you write a subject
write     - place you in editor to begin writing note
edit      - also places you in editor to write note
post      - posts your note to the player you are writing to

@@yTo Read:@@N
list      - lists all letters your have recieved, both old and new
read #    - readds the message number specified
remove #  - giving the number of which note, removes it from the list

If you were writing a letter to @@eCyberlich@@N this is how you would do it:

note to cyberlich
note subject hi
note write (or edit) -then write message, exit editor
note post

Cyberlich would then type
note list
note read # of message
note remove # of message to delete it

@@eALL note and mail commands must be done at a postmaster!!@@N
Crusades are auto quests that random mobs, depending on the average level of
the players logged on at the time. You must find the mob that stole the item,
get the item, and return it to the mob that wants it back.

Some questions you can ask on the crusade channel:

what mob?
who was the thief?
who is the thief?
what item?
where are you?
who stole the item?
where is the thief?
CWHERE tells you the location of any fellow clan members, where ever they are
in the game.  You must belong to a clan to use this command.
0 adapt~
ADAPT allows you to have a weapon adapted for your use, if it's level is higher
than yours.  Adapt can only be used when in the room with a NPC that offers

his/her services for adapting.  Typing ADAPT with no argument reports the cost

of having a weapon adapted.

Once the weapon has been adapted, it's damage will have been lowered in line

with the decrease in the weapon's level to your's.  Any affects on the weapon

(Eg affects HITROLL) will be heavily reduced, and probably cancelled.

If, once a weapon has been adapted, it's attributes indicate it will cause NO

damage, it will crumble into dust, and you will lose it.  

0 heal~
HEAL reports which spells you are able to buy, along with the cost.  This can

only be done if with a NPC which offers spells - usually healers.

HEAL followed by a single character 'buys' that spell.

Eg: HEAL H  buys a heal spell.

All spells are only cast on the buyer.  No one else.

0 gain~
GAIN increases one of your levels.  Level gain is no longer automatic, due

to the 'semi' multiclass system.  Typing GAIN with no argument will report

which levels you are able to gain in, and the cost to do so (in xp).

Typing GAIN with the 3-letter abreviation for a class will advance your level

in the given class, if you can level in it, and if you have enough xp.

Eg: GAIN thi    will advance your thief level, if you are able to level thief.


Syntax: train <'str'|'int'|'wis'|'dex'|'con'>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your

character has slightly random attributes.  The maximum value for each

attribute depends on your race and class.

It costs four practice to train an attribute, except that it costs

only three practice to train your prime attribute.

The best attributes to train first are WIS and CON.  WIS gives you more

practice when you gain a level.  CON gives you more hit points.

In the long run, your character will be most powerful if you train

WIS and CON both to 18 before practising or training anything else.

Train now reports the cost in practice points to increase an attribute.

It is also possible to spend practices on hit points or mana points.

Syntax: pray     <message>

Pray sends a message to *ALL* immortals on the game, even if they are wizinvis.

Eg: PRAY i'm stuck in a no-exit, no recall room - help!

WARNING: Un-necessary use of this channel will result in your ability to use

	 it being removed!

RLIST reports details about the different races in these Realms.

SCAN reports the (seen) characters or mobiles surrounding the player.

Scan tells you the direction and the people situation that way, if any.

Useful for checking about you in unknown circumstances.

Syntax: auction  <message>      Syntax: gossip   <message>

Syntax: newbie   <message>      Syntax: question <message>

Syntax: answer   <message>      Syntax: shout    <message>

Syntax: yell     <message>      Syntax: zzz      <message>

Syntax: flame    <message>      Syntax: race     <message>

Syntax: clan     <message>      syntax: music    <message>

These commands send messages through communication channels to other players.

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive

shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.


to all interested players.  '.' is a synonym for GOSSIP.  The QUESTION and 

ANSWER commands both use the same 'question' channel

FLAME is similar to auction, gossip, etc, but is intended for moaning about

life, players, etc.  ZZZ may only be used when sleeping.

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

RACE sends a message to members of your own race.  CLAN sends a message to

those in your clan.

You can use the CHANNELS command to hear, or not hear, any of these channels.

0 bad breath~
Bad breath is an offensive spell, causing slightly more damage than the

'magic missile' spell.

0 influx~
When successfully cast, this will heal all players in the room.

0 warcry~
WARCRY is a Warrior-only spell, which acts the same as the 'bless' spell.

0 pemote~
PEMOTE acts in the same way as emote, except that where emote adds your name

before the argument, PEMOTE adds you name PLUS the characters 's

Eg PEMOTE feeling rather annoyed with Immortals         would be shown as:

Stephen's feeling rather annoyed with Immortals.

0 alias~
The ALIAS command allows you configure the six alias 'slots'.  An alias

takes the form of a name, and the alias.  To set up a new alias, type:

ALIAS <slot_number> <name> <alias>		For example:

ALIAS 2 ban emote turns into a banana and splits...

Now, whenever you type 'ban' the mud checks through the command table.  If

your input wasn't found, it then checks your alias.  Upon matching 'ban'

it issues the alias to the interpreter function, along with any argument

you typed after the alias name.  For example, you can define an alias:

ALIAS 1 ff cast 'faerie fire'   and then use it on mobs by typing:

ff <target_name>.  So typing 'ff stephen' will cause the mud to interpret

cast faerie fire stephen.

To show what aliases are set, type ALIAS with no arguements.

To clear an alias, type 'ALIAS <number> clear'.

0 colour color~
Firstly, please note the spelling: coloUr.  This is an English mud, so we

use English spellings :)

The mud now supports "ansi" colour.  Use the config command to turn on

or off this option.  The COLOUR command allows you to set uo what colours

you see different things in.  Please note:  The list of things you can

configure WILL be expanding!

To find out what colours are available, type 'COLOUR HELP'.

0 worth~
WORTH simply displays a list of any classes you are able to level in,

along with the cost in exp to gain in it, and the difference between that

cost and your current exp.

0 tongue~
TONGUE is equivalent to SAY, except that only players of your race will

understand what you say.  Anyone else will see gibberish!  Note that the

RACE command will tell to ALL members of your race (who are on the channel)

even if they aren't in the same room as you.

82 halls~
HALLS is a command which will transfer you, the immortal to the Entry Point,

situated within the Halls of the Immortals.  It is similar to recall, except

that there are no limitations on use if fighting, etc.  

0 guild~
GUILD is similar to RECALL in use, except that it transfers you (if possible)

to your Guild room, in the Player's Rooms, west of the Temple.  They provide

an easy way to gain entrance to a Guild Room.  If fighting, the same penalties

stand as for recall.

0 donate~
DONATE allows you to transfer a piece of equipment in your inventory

to the "Donation Room", situated close to your race's Temple.

0 diagnose~
DIAGNOSE allows you to check on the condition of a player or mob.

The condition is shown on a scale 5(best) to 1(worst) 

0 law wanted lawless~
@@lShades @@dof @@eEvil@@N system of laws and punishments:

  Within the game, the major cities of the realm have a system of enforcing

rules of player behavior, by having certain players known to the realm as

being WANTED.  The system is simple, once you understand it's perspective.

  The civilized states of the realm enforce peaceful interaction between

citizens of the various states.  Killing and stealing from other citizens is

considered unlawful, and anyone that falls under the protection of the Law is

protected by these actions.

  There are three states that a citizen can have: Civilized, Wanted, and

Lawless.  Citizens that are Civilized are protected within the legal system

from being attacked by other citizens, and also from having things stolen from

them. If a Civilized citizen is attacked or stolen from, the Law will label

the attacker with Wanted, and deal with them accordingly.  In addition, if a

Civilized citizen breaks the Laws of the Realm, they also will be Wanted.

  Wanted citizens are no longer protected under the Law, and Civilized

citizens are authorized to kill or steal from them.  In addition, non-player

characters will interact with them violently.

  If you wish to become Lawless, this will your protection under the Law.

However, both actors in an interaction must be Lawless for the Law to ignore

their actions between each other.  If a Lawless attacks someone Civilized, the

Law will seek retribution on the Lawless.  If a Civilized citizen attacks a

Lawless, the Law doesn't protect the Lawless, it punishes the Civilized by

making them Wanted.  To become a Lawless, you may request a PKOK flag from an

Immortal.  Once you have chosen to be Lawless, the Law will never again place

you under its protection.

  Many hidden and unknown events in the game may take the protection of the

Law away from you, either permanently, or temporarily.  Some of these are

obvious, some not so obvious. A few of these events may even make you Persecuted,

which has several unforseen circumstances.

  When you become WANTED, either from breaking a law or other actions, you are

given a sentence based on your crime.  Sentences may only be reduced by

sacrificing valuable objects to the Law, by using the command sacrifice

<object> judge.  The judge will examine your sacrifice, and reduce your

sentence appropriately.

  The Law is omnicient in some ways, and becoming Wanted or Lawless may have

some unforseen repercussions, so consider your actions well before commiting

to them!

0 imm immortal immortals~
Due to some past events where common sense was overlooked

it was brought to the attentions of the immortals that there is a

problem in mortal/immortal relations.

The way the immortal team is run here is very leniant and laid back, much

less strict then those upon other Multi-User Domains. The point that

is trying to be made is simply to respect those who do rule upon the realms.

This has not been a wide spread problem but one that needed to be

addressed. Those immortals who you are aware that multi-play with mort

characters as well, remember that they are seperate entities in the realms.

All characters deserve respect....wether they be friend or foe.

Remember that anyone being rude or distasteful to not only immortals

but ALSO other morts will be dealt with accordingly.

Your character advances in power by gaining experience.  The amount of exp

you need to gain a level is determined by your race.  To gain a level, use

the GAIN command.

You gain experience by:

    Being part of a group that kills a monster,

    or by killing monsters on your own.

You lose experience by:

    Fleeing from combat

    Recalling out of combat

    Being the target of certain spells


The experience you get from a kill depends on several things: how many players

are in your group; your level versus the level of the monster; your alignment

versus the monster's alignment; how many of this monster have been killed

lately; and some random variation.


Shades of Evil's remort policy is as follows:

        When you have attained 70th level in @@ytwo@@W classes, you may add

        @@yone@@W of the five remort classes to your character.

        When you have attained 70th level in that new class, and have

        attained 80th level in @@yall@@W five basic classes, you may add

        a @@ysecond@@W remort class.

        When you have attained 80th level in all classes, including the

        two remort classes, you will become an @@gAdept@@W.

When you are ready to remort, type gain <first three letters of new class>.

Remort classes are:






When your character dies, your corpse is magically transported to the 

Morgue of Moribound - an establishment which serves all the realms of this 

land.  You are given a new body to use, and placed in the lands of 


The only task you must complete is to get to your corpse is find your way to

the morgue - a task set as a rather sick joke by the morgue's management.

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death.

Following and groups are not affected by death.

You lose HALF of the experience points you have.

Corpses decay after time, and the objects inside corpses decay with them.

Only the player who died may take items from his/her/it's corpse.

As a new player to Shades of Evil, there are several things that you will 

need to know.  First off, it's important to understand that this is a  

multiclass are, right now, a member of 5 classes.  When it comes

time to level your character, you can find the guildmasters in the players

area, west of the temple/recall.  Type help GAIN to find out about 

leveling your character.

Here are some important helps that you need to read:






Here's a couple more things about Shades of Evil that are handy to know:

	Recalls are free, just type "recall"

	There is no rent here, just "save" and "quit"

	There are NO DEATHTRAPS on SoE...we hate them.

	There ARE item level's the only way we have right now

	  to control item flow among characters.

	Your colors are completely configurable, read COLOUR HELP.

	-and, last by not least-

	The Immortals are here to help you!  Ask them questions! (Politely!)

Quest Points

Quest points are used to reward players for completing quests, helping

mortals or anything else that the Gods can think of :)

        QP's     What you can get

        ----     ----------------

         4       Transfer -         in case you get lost in a norecall area.

        10       Corpse Retrieval - For those with the PKOK flag, when

                                    they cannot find their corpse

        25       EQU Rename -       Rename a piece of your equ to something


       100       Player House -     A house is created for you in the MUD.

                                    Type "Help House".

       *50       Unique Equipment - An immortal will make you a peice of

                                    equipment that is unique to your

                                    character. See "Help Unique" for details.

@@dVampires, creatures of legend?  Perhaps....perhaps not.

Centuries ago, there were four creatures that decended upon the world.

These creatures were called Methuselahs.  Their evil was spread to

others of the world, by shear force of will, leaving those newly 

initiated "Nosferatu" without a clue as to their new nature...what they

were, how they became that way, why they lust...

For generations, the will of the Methuselah was obeyed to the letter,

until they disappeared from the world, taking the children that they

initiated, and those children's children, with them.  Nothing was

left for the Nosferatu to study from, no information, no divine "truth".

Centuries later, it is believed that the Methuselah have returned,

spreading their evil anew.  Reports have been told worldwide of a Chapel

where their evil is felt...the wind in the spires of the Chapel whispers

the word "m e t h u s e l a h".

Legend has it that the spirits of the original Methuselah haunt

the halls of this Chapel, waiting to take control of mortal (immortal?)

bodies, and walk the world once again....@@g

-1 other~


The following commands are available:

!               save            quit            practice

train           cast            gain            heal

bank            newbie

For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

-1 combat~


The following commands are available:

kill            flee            kick            rescue

disarm          backstab        dirt            bash

trip            assist

For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

-1 communication~


The following commands are available:

auction         gossip          newbie          question

answer          flame           zzz             shout

yell            pemote          emote           pose

say             tell            bug             idea

typo            read            write           clan

race            music           tongue          pray

For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

-1 information~


The following commands are available:

help            credits         areas           commands

socials         report          score           scan

diagnose        time            weather         where

who             players         config          description

password        title           wizlist         slist

spells          autoexit        autoloot        autosac

brief           blank           combine         prompt

pagelength      wimpy           rlist           clist

cwhere	        colour	        worth           alias

remort	  questpoints     vampire

-1 objects~


The following commands are available:

get             put             drop            give

sacrifice       wear            wield           hold

donate          recite          quaff           zap

brandish        lock            unlock          open

close           pick            inventory       equipment

look            compare         eat             drink

fill            list            buy             sell

value           adapt

For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

-1 group~


The following commands are available:

follow          group           gtell           split     whogroup


For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

-1 movement~


The following commands are available:

north           east            south           west

up              down            exits           recall (or /)

For more detailed help, type "HELP <command>".

The help pages for ACK! MUD have been updated, rewritten and reformatted.

The following topics now have sub-pages, and then sub-sub-pages!

These are the main sub-pages available:

	MOVEMENT        GROUP           OBJECTS



And also, other help pages of interest:

	DAMAGE          DEATH           EXPERIENCE 

	NEWS            TICK            WIZLIST 

	CHANGES         THANKS          BOARDS

	MULTI           GAIN

So, to view the list of GROUP related commands, type "HELP GROUP".

   Or, to view the help page for Damage, type "HELP DAMAGE".

This help page is used to offer thanks to those players who have kindly

helped out in some way with the mud, be it areas, socials, ideas, whatever.

(If you think your name should be here, please tell Stephen.)

   OSCOELA         (socials)       BASH            (socials, areas)

   REQUIEM         (areas)         MINERVA         (socials)

   WILDCARD        (socials)       THALEN          (OLC, everything)

   SENSEI          (area)                          





Below follows a simple list of what you should and SHOULDN'T be doing,

whilst you are playing as an Immortal on SoE. Some muds have suffered

negative publicity via newsgroups. this is NOT something we wish to see

happening here :)



a) KILL PLAYERS - there are many ways, ALL of which are logged.  


			  i) Changing their title with MSET 

			 ii) Changing sex/class/etc 


			 iv) Changing mobs that are fighting players.

			  v) Misuse of channels.. emote/say/gossip/ etc

c) Misuse OLOAD and MLOAD to give players an unfair advantage in terms

   of equipment, or exp (from killing mobiles).

d) Misuse MSET and OSET to change the values on an item (to enhance eq)

   or to make high level mobs easy kills (to enhance exp).  Changing the stats

   on a Player shouldn't be done, either.

Basically, try to avoid doing stuff that players might not like at all.

Of course, misunderstandings will arise, but matters will be helped if

you haven't done anything to them, are polite, and don't simply fly off

the handle and freeze them.  FREEZE should only be used in really extreme

circumstances, not just as a way of expressing your anger.

(BTW, nearly all commands that could be used in ways 

 that would be considered violating these rules ARE logged.)



a) Be HELPFUL to players whenever possible.  If you're just sitting around

   talking to a friend, then you're not too busy to help a player.

   (Building *is* considered a good reason not to be helpful, but it would

    be nice if you could inform the player, instead of ignoring them.)

b) Be NEUTRAL - i.e. try not to play an evil or ultra-good char.  Players,

   especially newbies, will be more likely to stay if immortals are FAIR.

   For example, roleplaying Satan when an immortal would not be a Good Thing.

There are probably many, many more things that should be kept in mind. 

Remember that holding Immortal status on SoE is *NOT* your given right.

This may sound very heavy-handed, but remember these rules are meant more as

suggestions rather than rules.  If multiple complaints are made against

an immortal, the rules WILL be used, however.

Ultimately, the purpose of having a set of rules is to ensure ALL players

here get treated fairly, and equally.  Immortal giving hand-outs to their

buddies, and acting like idiots does nothing but damage the Mud and lose

unhappy players.



Sadly, it seems that extra "rules" are required.  As above, these are 

really guidelines, but could possibly be used against you more forcefully

if there is cause for complaint.

i) [Added to "Don't: Harrass Players] Harrassing players includes being

downright unhelpful, or patronising.  If someone complains about something,

try to *HELP* them.  Don't simply say "Well, you're wrong".  Be _nice_ !

ii) On a similar theme, if someone complains about an area (especially one

you have built) then try to understand their position.  Yeah, it's easy to

tell them to "just go somewhere else and kill stuff" as an Immortal.  Think

how YOU would like it if that's how you were treated when playing your

mortal character.

iii) "Misuse of channels" INCLUDES the echo command.  Don't get nasty with

players over echo.  Just poke fun instead. :)  Again, put yourself in THEIR

place, and take a moment to think how you would like it.

-1 BUILD_test~
Gratz.  The help facility for builders now works.

Bye Bye.


|                 @@mImmortal Message of the Day@@a                   |



    * Please Note:


    o "HELP IMMRULES" is mandatory reading for ALL Immortals.

    o If someone wishes to be PKOK, comfirm it with them first.

      (i.e. explain the PKOK flag will never be removed, etc.)

    o Please don't give away the identities of Wizinvis Gods!


    * Reminder:


    o Remember that Immortals of higher level than you are

      technically senior to you but we must treall ALL IMMs with

      respect, especially whilst inhabiting your mort.

    o Reimbs are no no longer given, except for extreme circumstances.

      o New Quest Point System.  For More Info, Type:

           o  'help uniques'

           o  'help uq'  OR  'help unique-rules'



 @@mFinally, you are all doing a great job, keep up the good work!


-1 build_bmotd~
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Builder's Message of the Day -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

@@yChanges:@@g Setting details for mobs and rooms has changed.  Typing

'x' will now list not just the flags set, but those that are not.  To toggle

a flag (or set the room sector) enter it's name.

Also, to edit a string, (rooms and mobs) type 'edit <string>' eg edit long.

@@yBuilders' Board:@@g This is situated west from Midgaard Altar.  Please be

sure to check this regularly.  Now we have a (very simple) help editor, any

urgent news can be placed here, in the BMOTD.

@@RMouse@@g is now the Immortal in charge of building, area theme and 

linking. If you have any queries, please consult him if possible before

coming to another Immortal.  

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Updated: 7th October -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


			Welcome New Player!


As a new player, you're advised to check out Mudschool, where you will start

off in the game.  You'll be able to get hold off some basic equipment, as

well some experience points!  Remember, you must get to level 2, in order

to be able to save your character.

 Type WORTH to see how much experience points are needed to gain a level.

If you've played Merc Muds before, type 'HELP CHANGES' to see what makes

this different.


^MThis will make sure you hear all the channels, and see in colour :)



-1 MOTD~
@@RS@@mhades of @@RE@@mvil's
                           @@aMessage of the Day@@N
           If you don't read it you can miss imporant information.
@@yNOTE:   @@RPlayer Killing and Stealing are taken very seriously here.
        You are responsible for knowing the consequences of your actions,
	      no longer will pardons be given due to agressive behavior.
            PKOK rules and coding ARE NOW in affect, loot code included.
@@yNOTE:   @@bOver or mis-use of the pray command will get you no_prayed
        This can be pretty nasty when you REALLY need help. Just think of
        the boy who cried wolf.

@@yNOTE:   @@bWe now have a public access FTP site. FTP to SOE.NUC.NET !!!
@@YNOTE:      @@eNO MORE REIMS!!!@@N Code has been added that now saves
              your corpse. @@eNO reims will be given for dropped items
              lost items do to fighting, OR pieces!!!!@@N
              DO NOT count in imms reimbursing you for anything but MAJOR
              pfile problems.
              Asking for immortal attention runs the risk of losing one or
              two of your prize possesions, so do it wisely, and only
              in great need.
@@gIMPORTANT:      @@NOur IMM team here works very hard to keep the MUD growing and
                interesting.  Disrespect of those IMMs will not be  tolerated.
                     Pleae read 'help imm' for more information
@@e!-!-!-!-!-!   NEW CUSSING POLICY  !-!-!-!-!-!-!
@@aFirst time: Warning@@N
@@rSecond Time:  Character is Stripped of all Items..NO REIMB@@N
@@RThird Time: Automatic Character Deletion...NO REIMB@@N

 @@rT@@Ghere is a new board located up from dump, for posting of bug
	 bug problems, character problems, and other situations which call
	 for an immortal.@@N
@@e    NOTE: A new way of storing and tracking gains and losses in your
mana, hitroll, armor class, moves, hitpoints and damroll has been added.
While you may not like the change at first, in the long run they are 
good for the mud.
-1 greeting4~
Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
	  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.

	     MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn

	   ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich

               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
               Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.

    Welcome to 
                   @@d S H A D E S @@e -=@@dof@@e=- @@d E V I L 
     Creators:  Cyberlich, Zenithar, Oderus, Myrtle, Freyja, Edge, and Stimpy
          Homepage: ( where - is a tilde)

Welcome to Shades of Evil.  Enter your name please:@@N ~
-1 greeting3~
       Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
	  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
	     MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
	   ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
                 Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.
 /*/* /*   /*  /*/*  /*/*   /*/*/*  /*/*      /*/*/* /*    /* /*/*/* /*
/*    /*   /* /*  /* /*  /* /*     /*         /*     /*    /*   /*   /*
/*/*  /*/*//* /*/*/* /*  /* /*/*   /*/* @@e  O@@m   /*/*    /*  /*    /*   /*
   /* /*   /* /*  /* /*  /* /*        /* @@e  F@@m  /*      /*  /*    /*   /*
   /* /*   /* /*  /* /*  /* /*        /*      /*       /*/*     /*   /*
/*/*  /*   /* /*  /* /*/*   /*/*/* /*/*       /*/*/*    /*    /*/*/* /*/*/*
       "You were made of wood, and cried that no one understood.
	  But i had splinters in my fingers." @@y- Buffalo Tom
          Homepage: @@g (where - is a tilde)

By what name do you wish to be known? @@N~
-1 greeting2~
.      Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
	  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
	     MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
	   ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
	   ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
                 Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.

           Welcome to @@e-=@@dSHADES@@e of@@d EVIL@@e=-@@d

                  @@l         /
                  @@l         \@@g

     brought to you by:
        @@N Cyberlich, Zenithar, Oderus, Myrtle, Mouse, Freyja and Stimpy
   @@m Homepage: (where - is a tilde)
  SoE is proud to be the -@@eOfficial Public Release site@@g- of Ack! MUD

By What Name Do You Wish To Be Known? @@N~
-1 greeting1~
.      Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
	  Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.
	     MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn
	   ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen.  Screen: Cyberlich
               Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from
                 Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe.

@@d     Perhaps once, in any given man's lifetime, he encounters
          an experience that shakes the very foundations
   @@e                           of
    @@d                       his soul, 
      which opens a rift deep within him, exposing that which
               he may not even have known existed.
                       The question is,
 will he turn from this inexplicable darkness, or will he stare into
           the abyss of his newly found soul, into the

       @@e               -=@@dSHADES@@e of@@d EVIL@@e=-@@g

 @@m        Homepage: @@g (where - is a tilde)

Who do you think you are?!? @@N~
@@g       Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
            Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer.
             MERC Modifications made by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn@@k
)                               @@RX*. 
@@a                              @@p  |  @@a 
@@a      .         .      @@d/\      @@a.@@p|@@a          .          .     @@RO  @@Wa 
@@a                *    @@d.'  `.   @@p  |@@a.     .     *             @@ROOO@@W&&& 
@@a               .    @@d/      \  @@p  +@@d________________        @@Wa@@ROOOOO@@W&&&&
@@a      |            @@d`.@@l+-''-+@@d.' .' `.^^^^^^^^\^^^^^\.    @@W&&&&@@ROOO@@W&&&
@@a     -*-   . .       @@l|u--.| @@d /     \@@l'''''''|'''''|   @@W&&&&&&&@@ROO@@W  @@d'
@@a      |              @@l|   u|@@d.'       `.@@l" "  |" " "|    @@d'''''      
@@a   :            .    @@l|.u-.@@d/ _..---.._ \@@l    |     |       @@a. @@R*.
@@a  -*-            *   @@l|    @@d'-@@l|U U U U|@@d-'____L_____L_  @@a.     @@p|    @@a.
@@a   :         .   .   @@l|.-u.| |..---..|@@d //// ////// /\       @@p+
@@a         . *         @@l|u   | |       |@@d// /// // ///==\     / \
@@a           :         @@l|.--u| |..---..|@@d//////'\////====\   /   \ 
@@a     .               @@l| u  | |       |@@d''''/\  @@l|@@d''@@l|++++@@l| @@a.@@d`+'''+'  @@a.
                     @@l|.--u| |..---..|u u|u | |u ||||||   |  U|
                  @@d/''''/-\--@@l|       @@l|===|  |u|==|++++@@l|   |   |
@@g         aaa      @@l|===| _ | |..---..|u u|u | |u ||@@bHH@@l||U'U'U'U'|
@@g    aaa&&&&&&aa   @@l|===|||||_|       |===|_.|u|_.|+@@bHH@@l+|_/_/_/_/@@gaa
@@gaa&&&&&&&&&&&&&&a @@l|''|''''\---/'-.._|--.---------.'''`.__ _.@@g&&&&&&a
@@d  ''''''    '''    @@m\_\\ \  \/' //\  ','|  ___  | |`.   :||  @@d''''
@@g    @@g                a@@m\`| `   _//  | / _| || |  | `.'  ,''|
@@gaaa @@g  aaaa       a&&&&@@m\| \  //'   |  // \`| |  `.'  .' | |
@@g&&&&&a&&&&&&a      ''''' @@m\\`//| | \ \//   \`  .-'  .' | '/
@@g&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&a          @@m\// |.`  ` ' /'  :-'   .'|  '/ @@gaa
@@d''''' ''''''@@g         a&&&@@m|   \\ |   // .'    .'| |  |@@g&&&&&&a
@@d      ''@@g           a&&&&&&&@@m\   | `| ''.'     .' | ' /@@g&&&&&&&&&a
)              @@mAck!Mud @@W2.2, @@cModified @@gMerc2.2 @@cby: @@gStimpy, Thalen
                    @@mAck!Mud @@W4.3 @@cby @@mZenithar@@c, with help from
                @@gSpectrum, Altrag, Ramias, Universe, and others@@N
                            @@cScreen: @@gMichlotixlan @@N
                    @@mAck!Mud @@cHome Page@@W: @@a
@@NWhat is your name?@@N

                      @@WGods of @@RS@@mhades of @@RE@@mvil



@@bCreators -     @@yCyberlich, Zenithar, Mouse, Oderus, Freyja, Mrytle

@@bClan Lord -       @@yOderus


@@bHead Builder - @@yMouse            

@@bHead Coder -   @@yZenithar

@@bWebmaster -    @@yHyper

@@bApostles -   @@yBoris, Sammael


-1 dm~
********** DEATHMATCH HAS STARTED ********** 


a) Kill everyone!

b) There are no other rules (:


Please remember that your player file does NOT save in 

DeathMatches... you won't lose anything...


Now.... good luck, adventurer... slay some for me!

@@yCWHERE@@g shows the current locations of all clan members who are 

currently in the game.  Syntax:  cwhere

@@yCDONATE@@g donates a piece of equipment to your clan Headquarters.  Then, 

other members of your clan will be able to get the equ that you donate.

Syntax:  cdonate <item>

@@yHOME@@g is a recall that takes you directly to your clan Headquarters.  

Some clan Headquarters do not have a regular you HAVE to 

'home' there to get there :)  Syntax:  home 

@@yCLAN@@g is a communication channel, allowing you to talk with everyone on

Shades of Evil who is in your clan.  Syntax:  clan <whaterver you want to 


see also @@mclan_boss clan_diplomat clan_treasurer clan_leader clan_armourers@@N

Note: once in a clan, you can leave the clan by typing leave

@@yACCEPT@@g allows the clan leader to accept a new member into his/her clan.

Syntax:  accept <target>

@@yBANISH@@g allows the clan leader to banish a member from his/her clan.

Syntax:  banish <target>

@@yMAKE@@g allows the clan leader to create one of the pre-made clan equ for

a member of their clan.  Syntax:  make <clan_eq_#> <target>


This is a help file on clans; what they are, what they do, and how they do

it :)

First, Clans are groups of characters who help each other out on Shades of

Evil.  Undoubtedly, there will be some clan rivalry, but, hopefully, this

will not become too extreme :)  For you, the player, to join a clan, you

need to get ahold of the clan leader of the clan you want to join...he

or she can accept you into the clan -- if they decide you belong in the 


Clan commands:


Clan Job commands ( Armourer, Diplomat, Leader, Treasurer, and Boss):


See the help files on the above commands for more info.	

0 clan-eq~
This is a help page for Clan Leaders devloping new equipment for their clan.

If you are not involved with this process, then there's not much here to

interest you.

If you are developing Clan Equipment, please note that you _must_ follow

these guidelines, if you wish your equipment to be considered legal.  You

will NOT be allowed to load any illegal equipment using the 'MAKE' command.

Each Clan may have 4 Pieces of equipment.  Each must be of different wear

locations.  You may not make staffs, wands, pills, scrolls, etc.  The only

equipment you can make are weapons, containers, or armor.

You have 'points' that you may distribute among the objects you make.

For 2 of the objects, you will have 20 points.  For the other 2, you will 10

Points are used to 'buy' stats on the object as follows:


 | Points || Mana | Move |  HPs |  DAM |  HIT |  -AC | Stat |


 |        ||      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

 |    1   ||   2  |    5 |   2  |      |      |      |      |

 |    2   ||   4  |   10 |   4  |   1  |      |  -5  |      |

 |    3   ||   6  |   15 |   6  |      |   1  |      |      |

 |    4   ||   8  |   20 |   8  |      |      |      |      |

 |    5   ||  10  |   25 |  10  |   2  |      |  -10 |      |

 |    6   ||  12  |   30 |  12  |      |      |      |      |

 |    7   ||  14  |   35 |  14  |      |   2  |      |      |

 |    8   ||  16  |   40 |  16  |      |      |  -15 |      |

 |    9   ||  18  |   45 |  18  |   3  |      |      |      |

 |   10   ||  20  |   50 |  20  |      |      |      |      |

 |   11   ||  22  |   55 |  22  |      |      |      |      |

 |   12   ||  24  |   60 |  24  |      |   3  |  -20 |      |

 |   13   ||  26  |   65 |  26  |      |      |      |      |

 |   14   ||  28  |   70 |  28  |   4  |      |      |      |

 |   15   ||  30  |   75 |  30  |      |      |      |   1  |

 |   16   ||  32  |   80 |  32  |      |      |      |      |

 |   17   ||  34  |   85 |  34  |      |      |  -25 |      |

 |   18   ||  36  |   90 |  36  |      |      |      |      |

 |   19   ||  38  |   95 |  38  |      |   4  |      |      |

 |   20   ||  40  |  100 |  40  |   5  |      |      |      |

 |        ||      |      |      |      |      |      |      |


So, to 'buy' An -20 AC affect would cost 12 points.  It doesn't mean you

get ALL the entries for a given price!

Limitation:   You can only have a maximum of 3 different affects on each


If you think your objects are legal, contact Stephen, who will check them.

If he agrees they are valid, they will be added to your clan equipment, and

leaders of your clan will be able to load them for their members.

1 'mana flare'~
Mana flare causes a fountain of mana to flood the room, doubling your normal

mana regeneration rate.

1 'mana drain'~
Mana drain is a room affect spell that causes anyone in the room to LOSE mana

instead of gaining it like normal. Be careful casting this spell, as the

Immortals closely monitor it's use, and punish anyone using it in a way that

can hurt newbies.

1 leadership~
1 morale~
As a worthy knight, you have added benefits when in a group.  Morale will add

to the damage any of your group members can do.

1 runes~
Runes are magical effects that you can place in the room you are in.  They

have varying affects. Experiment!  They are one use spells..once triggered,

they dissapear.

NOTE: Runes are triggered by the next to enter the room.


1 house~
Basic House (includes recall, 3 rooms, all indoors): 100 QP

Spouse Recall Set to House: 75 QP


Slums: No extra Cost (Default)

Rich Section: 20 QP Extra

Non-racial City (Tarot City, Tirna O'goth, etc): 10 QP Extra


Locked: 85 QP

Pick-proof: 85

Smash-proof 85 QP

Pass-proof: 85 QP

Nodetect: 100 QP

***Additional Rooms***

First (total 4): 10 QP

Second (total 5): 20 QP

Third (total 6): 30 QP

Fourth (total 7): 40 QP

Fifth (total 8): 50 QP

Sixth (total 9): 60 QP

Seventh (total 10): 70 QP

NOTE:NO house will be built with more than 10 rooms!

***Room Flags***

Cold: 55 QP

Dark: 55 QP

Hot: 55 QP

No_magic: 60 QP

No_mob: 70 QP

No_recall: 55 QP

No_teleport: 60 QP

Pk: 70 QP

Private: 60 QP

Quiet: 55 QP

Regen: 100 QP

Safe: 80 QP

Solitary: 50 QP

Prices for room flags are PER room.

All rooms are defaulted indoors, but rooms can be outdoors if


Please contact an immortal if you have questions, or wish to

purchase a home.

CHANGE: Locks cost 15, not 85 QP

1 order charmies charmed~
The number of charmed creatures you can control is based on your intelligence,

and is supplemented (increased) if you have the battle tactics skill.

1 pkok~
PKOK -player killing

Once flagged as pkok the flag WILLNOT be removed

it is a choice for life....

What this means is that other players flagged as

@@ePKOK@@N will not be punished if they should so happen

to kill you....

There are consequences.....

One of which includes your corpse does not get returned to Moribund

and you must go to where you were killed...


@@bcopper@@N Bit : base unit
@@Wsilver@@N Moon:  5 bits
@@ygold@@N Crown : 20 bits
@@lelectrum@@N Crescent : 50 bits
@@amithril@@N Pentacle : 100 bits
@@mmalachite@@N Karant : 200 bits
@@debony@@N Mark : 500 bits
@@pRoyal Sunburst@@N : 1000 bits  
Your prompt allows you to customize the way you view this world by allowing
only certain features or by color (type help color). They are as follows:

        %I :  Current Health (%)
        %h :  Current Health
        %H :  Max Health
        %J :  Current Mana (%)
        %m :  Current Mana
        %M :  Max Mana
        %K :  Current Move (%)
        %v :  Current Move
        %V :  Max Move
        %x :  Experience
        %g :  Money
        %a :  Alignment
        %r :  Room name
        %s :  Stance
        %c :  Newline
        %t :  MUD time
        %i :  Visibility
        %w :  Follow with 2 letter class abbr, ie: Th for Thief shows EXP TNL
        %! :  Hitroll
        %+ :  Damroll
        %* :  AC

        Immortal Only:

        %R :  Room vnum
        %z :  Area name
The command "prompt all" will set your prompt to the example below.
To disable seeing a prompt, use config -prompt.
Example: PROMPT @@g<@@d[@@W%x@@d] [@@e%h@@RH @@l%m@@BM @@r%v@@GV@@d]@@g>@@N
Will set your prompt to "@@g<@@d[@@W100@@d] [@@e10@@RH @@l100@@BM @@r100@@GV@@d]@@g>@@N"
-1 diku~
.                    Original game idea, concept, and design:
          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (

                     Additional contributions from:
Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
Ragnar Loenn    - the bulletin board.
Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                  uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                  in the process.
And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.
Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.
-1 ack ackmud~
         Ack!Mud 2.0 is Copyright (C)1995/6 Stimpy & Thalen
         Ack!Mud 4.3 is Copyright (C)1998 by Stephen Zepp
            Ack!Mud 4.3 by Zenithar, with mucho help from:
             Ramias, Altrag, Spectrum, Flar, and Universe
 Ack! Mud is a deriative of Merc Muds, which are deriatives of Diku Muds.
 In order to run this code, you must observe the conditions of use
 of Merc and Diku.
 Conditions of use for Ack!Mud are as follows:
 - Must retain copyright messages in all code.
 - Stimpy, Thalen and Zenithar must be credited on greeting screen.
 Thanks to:
 ...Maharet, Requiem and Rupert from the original Ack! for all their help.
 ...SoE for provding the official site for Ack!Mud
 ...The guys&gals at Diku and Merc for writing the original code  (:
        To contact Zenithar, E-Mail
                   Visit the Ack!Mud Home page at:
-1 build_shops~


Shops are basically mobiles with a few extras.  To make a shop, simply create

a mobile, and set the 'shopspec' part of the mobile.

trade0 - trade4 are the item types that the monile will buy or sell.

If you don't want 5 different item types bought/sold, leave some entries blank.

profbuy is the profit the shopkeeper makes when you buy an item.  100 = 100% =

no profit.  150 = 150% = a fifty percent increae in price.

profsell is the loss you make when selling.  100 = 100% = no loss.  50 = 50% =

you only get half the item's price from the shopkeeper.

profbuy should be no smaller than 100

profsell should be no larger than 100

openhour is the time the shop is 'open'

closehour is the time the shop is 'shut'

For a 24-hr shop, set openhour to 0 and closehour to 23.

-1 build_doors~


Uh-oh.  I don't know exactly _how_ doors are handled by the builder.  I'm

still working this one out myself.  As far as i know, this method seems to


set the door as type door, and as closed, locked or pickproof, as needed.

Add a reset to close/lock the door.

Make sure you set both sides of the door.

-1 build_specials~


Special Functions (spec_funs) can be attached to mobiles in order to increase

the things they can do.


| Spec_Fun		|		Description			|


| spec_breath_any	| Casts any fire breath.			|

| spec_breath_acid	| Casts acid breath.				|

| spec_breath_fire	| Casts fire breath.				|

| spec_breath_frost	| Casts frost breath.				|

| spec_breath_lightning	| Casts lightning breath.			|

| spec_cast_adept	| Casts healing spells.				|

| spec_cast_cleric	| Offensive spells.				|

| spec_cast_judge	| Used to be for Judge Dread - Offensive.	|

| spec_cast_mage	| Offensive spells.				|

| spec_cast_undead	| Offensive spells.				|

| spec_executioner	| For executioners only.			|

| spec_fido		| Eats corpses left lying around.		|

| spec_janitor		| Clears up objects on the floor.		|

| spec_guard		| Attacks wanted players.			|

| spec_mayor		| DON'T USE.					|

| spec_posion		| Bites players, poisoning them.		|

| spec_thief		| Steals gold from players.			|

| spec_policeman	| Same as spec_guard.				|	

| spec_cast_cadaver	| DON'T USE.					|

| spec_undead		| Like spec_cast_undead; summons undead mobs.	|

| spec_rewield		| Will wield best weapon available in room/inv.	|

| spec_bigtime		| High level offensive spells.			|


-1 build_extra~


Extra descriptions consist of a keyword, and a string.  When the player

'examines' the keyword, the string will be displayed.

Extra Descriptions enable you to add more detail to your rooms and objects.

-1 build_editor~


Using the editor, it is possible to edit any strings you need.  The most 

common of these will be room descriptions.

To enter the editor, enter '$edit' as the string.  So, in Redit mode:

'desc $edit'  will allow you to edit the room's description.

To format the string, type '.f'

To see what other options are available, type '.h'

To finish editing a string, type '.'

-1 build_oaff~

None		Str		Dex		Int		Wis

Con		Sex		Age		Height		Weight

Mana		Hit		Move		Gold		Exp

AC		HitRoll		DamRoll		Saving_Para	Saving_rod

Saving_Petri	Saving_Breath	Saving_Spell

-1 build_loc~

None		Light		Finger_1	Finger_2	Neck_1

Neck_2		Body		Head		Legs		Feet

Hands		Arms		Shield		About		Waist

Wrist_L		Wrist_R		Wield		Hold		Face

Ear		Clutch

-1 build_owear~

Take		Finger		Neck		Body		Head

Legs		Feet		Hands		Arms		Shield

About		Waist		Wrist		Hold		Face

Ear		Clutch

-1 build_oflags~

Glow		Hum		Dark		Lock		Evil

Invis		Magic		NoDrop		Bless		Anti_Good

Anti_Evil	Anti_Neutral	NoRemove	Inventory	NoSave

-1 build_otypes~


| Object Type	|			Description			|


| LIGHT		| Object provides light for the room it is held in.	|

| SCROLL	| 3-spells, affects one target.				| 

| WAND		| One spell, usually aggresive; one target.		|

| STAFF		| One spell, affects each character in room.		|

| WEAPON	| Can be wielded, and used in combat.			|

| TREASURE	| Item is treasure, usually jewels, etc.		|

| ARMOR		| Can be worn to protect the player.			|

| POTION	| Can be quaffed to affect the user only. (no_save)	|

| CLUTCH	| Reserved for special objects.  Ask before using!	|

| FURNITURE	| Players may rest on these objects.			|

| TRASH		| Object doesn't really do anything at all :)		|

| CONTAINER	| Can be used to put items in.				|

| DRINK_CON	| Drink Container.					|

| KEY		| Opens a certain door. (no_save)			|

| FOOD		| Object may be eaten.					|

| MONEY		| Object is converted to GP when picked up.		|

| BOAT		| Can be used to cross water.				|

| CORPSE	| Object is a corpse...					|

| FOUNTAIN	| Players may drink from this.				|

| PILL		| Like a potion, but eaten.				|

| BOARD		| Bulletin Board.  Ask before using, please!		|


-1 build_maff~

Blind		Invisible	Detect_Evil	Detect_Invis

Detect_Magic	Detect_Hidden	Sanctuary	Faerie_Fire

Infrared	Curse		Poison		Protection

Sneak		Hide		Sleep		Flying

Pass_Door	Anti_Magic	Detect_Undead

*Anti_Magic protects the Mobile from magical attacks.

-1 build_mflags~


| Act Flag	|			Description			|


| IS_NPC	| Auto-set for Mobiles.					|

| SENTINEL	| The Mobile will stay in the room it is loaded into.	|

| SCAVENGER	| Will pick up any objects lying on the floor.		|

| REMEMBER	| Will attack the last player to try and kill it.	|

| NO_FLEE	| Players are unable to flee from this Mobile.		|

| AGGRESSIVE	| Attacks any players that it encounters.		|

| STAY_AREA	| Will not leave the area it was loaded into.		|

| WIMPY		| Wimps out of fights.					|

| PET		| Is a Pet.  (Don't use!)				|

| TRAIN		| Can train players.					|

| PRACTICE	| Players can practice skills/spells at this Mobile	|

| MERCENARY	| Will assassinate players for a price.			|

| HEAL		| Mobile sells heals and other spells.			|

| ADAPT		| Will adapt weapon levels for players.			|

| UNDEAD	| Mob is undead; may be summoned by spec_undead.	|	

| BANK		| Offers banking services to players.			|

| NO_BODY	| Has no solid body; can't bs.			        |

| HUNTER	| Hunts anyone who attacks it, or it attacks.		|


-1 build_rexit~


| Door Type	| 			Description			|


| DOOR		| This exit is a door.					|

| CLOSED	| This exit can be closed.				|

| LOCKED	| This exit can be locked.				|

| CLIMB		| Climb skill or fly spell required to use this exit.	|

| IMMORTAL	| Only Immortal players may use this exit.		|

| PICKPROOF	| The lock on this exit cannot be picked.		|


-1 build_rsector~

+===============+===============+	+===============+===============+

| Sector Type	| Movement Loss	|	| Sector Type	| Movement Loss	|

+---------------+---------------+	+---------------+---------------+

| INSIDE	|        1	|	| WATER_SWIM	|        4	|

| CITY		|        2	|	| WATER_NOSWIM	|        1	|

| FIELD		|        2	|	| UNUSED	|        6	|

| FOREST	|        3	|	| AIR		|       10	|

| HILLS		|        4	|	| DESERT	|        6	|

| MOUNTAIN	|        6	|	+===============+===============+	+===============+===============+

*WATER_NOSWIM Sectors require a boat, or a 'fly' spell.

*AIR Sectors require the player to be affected by 'fly'.

-1 build_rflags~
ROOM FLAGS:   ( * = To be added! )


| Flag Name	|			Description			     |


| DARK		| The Room is dark - a light source is needed to see.	     |

| REGEN		| Players will regenerate HPs, mana and movement faster.     |

| NO_MOB	| No mobiles may enter the room.			     |

| INDOORS	| The room is indoors; players see no weather messages.	     |

| *NO_MAGIC	| Players may not cast spells here.			     |

| HOT		| Players lose HPs due to the heat.			     |

| COLD		| Players lose Hps due to the cold.			     |

| *PK		| Players may Pkill here without being flagged.		     |

| *QUIET	| Players may not talk in this room.			     |

| PRIVATE	| The room holds only two players maximum.		     |

| SAFE		| Players are safe from attack here.			     |

| SOLITARY	| Only one player is allowed into the room at a time.	     |

| PET_SHOP	| Room is a Pet_shop.  Please don't use this flag!	     |

| NO_RECALL	| Players may not recall or use the home command here.	     |

| NO_TELEPORT   | Players using teleport cannot appear in this room.	     |


-1 build_strings~


STRINGS are collections of characters: i.e. words or sentences.

The most visible parts of an area are the descriptions on mobiles, objects, 

and especially rooms.  Please try and bear some thought to how these will

look, especially for mobiles and objects that may end up out of their intended

positions.  Room descriptions should be neutral, and not too short, where


-1 build_flags~


Flags are used to represent many different values.  Becasue of the way they are

implemented, this means a saving in space.  One integer can store MANY different

flags.  For the use of ther builder, a flag is a certain type of attribute, 

that can be either on or off; true or flase; yes or no.

For example, rooms use flags to store such information as 'dark', 'no_recall',

'indoors' etc.  When a new object, room or mobile is created, some flags will

be set my default.  In order to set it to be whatver you wish, you will need

to set the flags properly.

-1 build_building~


BUILDING is a term used to refer to adding Rooms, Mobiles or Objects to the

mud, whilst still playing it, allowing possibly instant inclusion of the

rooms/mobs/objects into gameplay.

The builder allows to you to add new mobiles, rooms or objects.  It is up to

you how they look and act.  You have complete control over how your area looks.

Bear in mind that if you make objects that are too powerful, you may be asked

to tone them down in power.  If this does not happen, then an Immortal will

have to do it.... 

You should decide a level range for your area, and build your mobs ABOVE that

range.  It is usually wise to check with a Creator about the theme of your

area, AND the level range.

-1 build_resets~


Each area typically consists of Rooms, Objects and Mobiles.  Rooms 'appear'

almost automatically, but for your objects and mobiles to be loaded requires

the use of RESETS.  Using the builder, you can add resets to rooms, to do such

operations as loading mobiles, equiping mobiles with objects, randomising

exits, etc.

-1 build_vnums~


"VNUMS" stands for "Virtual Numbers".  They are arbitary numbers used to identify either Rooms, Objects or Mobiles on the mud.  Each object, room and

mobile must have a unique vnum, for their type.  That is, you can't have two

mobiles with the same vnum, but you could have a mobile and an object using the

same vnum.  Think of each of the three "users" of vnums as being completely

sperate:  Mobile vnums have to be unique, but only for mobs.  Object vnums must

also be unique, but also only for objects.  Room vnums must be unique, but only

for rooms.  

Each area consists of: rooms, mobiles and objects, principally.  Each area has

a vnum range associated with it.  So, for example, the range is vnums 100 to 199

(Kiess area).  There are rooms with vnums 101 - 195, objects with vnums 

101 - 143, and mobiles with vnums 101 - 135.  It is normal to use consecutive

vnums starting at the lowest vnum, for all objects, rooms and mobiles in an area.  Please try to conform to this usage of vnums!

-1 build_mobiles~


The following information is need for each mobile:

NAME	Keywords for the Mobile.

SHORT	The short description of the mobile.

LONG    The long description, used on 'LOOK'.

DESC	The Mobile's description.

SPEC	Any SPECial functions the Mobile uses.

SEX	The Mobile's gender.

LEVEL	The Mobile's level.

ALIGN	The Mobile's alignment.

AFF	Flags determining what spells, etc the Mobile is affected by.

ACT	Flags determining how the Mobile acts, eg: Scavenger, Hunter, etc.

HR_MOD	HitRoll Modifier.

DR_MOD	DamRoll Modifier.

AC_MOD	ArmorClass Modifier.

SHOP	Shop information.  See 'HELP shops'.

-1 build_rooms~


The following information is needed for each room:

NAME	The name of the room, eg "The Temple of Midgaard"

DESC    The description

FLAGS	Flags which determine the room's attributes, eg no_recall, dark, etc.

SECTOR	The kind of terrain, eg city, field, hills, etc.

DOOR	Information about exits, etc.  See 'HELP doors'.

EXTRA	Extra descriptions - see 'HELP extra'

-1 build_objects~


The following information is needed for each object:

NAME	The name(s) that it is referenced by, from commands like give, etc.

SHORT   The short description, used when getting or wielding, for example.

LONG    The long description - seen when object is on the floor.

EXTRA   Flags used to set special properties for the object.

WEAR    Flags which determine where the object can be worn, if at all.

AFF     Affects, such as HitRoll + 5, mana +50. etc.

WEIGHT  The weight of the object - 1:light 5:heavy 10:Very Heavy!

TYPE    The item type for the object, eg weapon, armor or fountain.

ED      Extra description - see 'HELP extra'

-1 build_summary~



|           	BASICS  	            |          	OTHERS          |


| Objects	Rooms		Vnums       |	Editor		Doors   |

| Mobiles	Resets		Building    |	Extra		Shops   |

| Flags		Strings		            |   Specials		|


|				COMMANDS	                        |


| Goto		List		X		Showarea	Showmob |

| Showroom	Showobject	Showresets	Findarea	Findmob |

| Findmobroom	Findroom	Findobject	Set		Stop    |

| Dig		Addobject	Addmob		Addreset	Delroom |

| Delobject	Delreset	Delmobile	Forcereset	Redit   |

| Oedit		Medit		Nedit		Setvnum		Values  |

| Liquids	Weapons		Spells	                                |


|				FLAGS					|


| Rflags	Rsector		Rexit		Mflags		Maff	|

| Otypes	Oflags		Owear		Oloc		Oaff	|


-1 build_spells~


The SPELLS command displays information about spells.

Syntax:  SPELLS [ ign | off | def | slf | obj | all ]

Depending on the argument, the SPELLS command display information about spells.

ign : Spells that ignore target (earthquake, mindflame, etc)

off : Offensive spells (will start combat)

def : Defensive spells (won't)

slf : Defensive spells that can only affect the caster

obj : Object related spells

all : List all spells.

This will show the name, and the SLOT NUMBER, which is used by magical items

to determine what spells thay have.

-1 build_weapons~


The WEAPONS command displays the weapon numbers.

Syntax:  WEAPONS

For objects of type WEAPON, the last value (value3) determines which sort of

weapon it is - hit, crush, slash, etc.  This command displays a numbered list

of the weapon types.  Note:  For backstabbing weapons, the weapon type must be

11 (pierce).

-1 build_liquids~


The LIQUIDS command shows the liquid numbers.

Syntax:  LIQUIDS

This will display a numbered list of liquids.  Liquids are used for drink containers and fountains.

-1 build_values~


The VALUES command displays information about different object types.

Syntax:  VALUES <object_type>

Each object used has a TYPE: armor, weapon, fountain, staff, etc.  For each

object, there are four values (value0 to value3) for each object, which

determine how the object works or is used.  To find out what the four values

mean for a given object type, use the values command.

For example, typing 'VALUES container' will display:

[0] Weight capacity

[1] FLAGS: 1:closeable 2:pickproof 4:closed 8:locked

[2] Key Vnum

[3] Unused

-1 build_setvnum~


The SETVNUM command allows you to select which vnum you are working on.

Syntax SETVNUM <vnum>

This will set the vnum of the room, object or mobile that you are currently

working on.

-1 build_nedit~


The NEDIT command places you in No EDITing mode.

Syntax:  NEDIT

This sets your editing mode to nothing.  

-1 build_oedit~


The OEDIT command places you in Object EDITing mode.

Syntax:  OEDIT [object-vnum]

This will allow you to edit onformation concerning objects.  To set which object

you wish to work on, either enter an object-vnum after OEDIT, or use the SETVNUM

command.  Anything you type will be checked to see if it applies to mobiles,

and if so, the value, flag or string specified will be set.

-1 build_medit~


The MEDIT command places you in Mobile EDITing mode.

Syntax:  MEDIT [mob-vnum]

This will allow you to edit information concerning mobiles.  To set which mobile

you wish to work on, either enter a mob-vnum after MEDIT, or use the SETVNUM

command.  Anything you type will be checked to see if it applies to mobiles,

and if so, the value, flag or string specified will be set.

-1 build_redit~


The REDIT command places you in Room EDITing mode.

Syntax:  REDIT

This will allow you to edit information concerning rooms.  The room you are

working on is ALWAYS the room your character is currently in.

Anything you type will be checked to see if it applies to rooms, and if so, 

the value, flag or string will be set.

-1 build_forcereset~


The FORCERESET command allows you to execute all resets within the current area.


This will read through each reset, and if applicable, will load objects or mobs,

equip mobs, set door states, etc.  BE WARNED!  Any aggressive mobiles that are

loaded are just that - aggressive!  In other words you'll be a valid target, 

even if you are in building mode.

-1 build_delmobile~


The DELMOBILE command allows you to delete a mobile from an area.

Syntax:  DELMOBILE <mob-vnum>

This will flag the mob with the specified mob-vnum to be deleted.  You will

need to enter DELMOBILE OK in order for it to be actually deleted.

-1 build_delreset~


The DELRESET command allows you to remove resets from a room.

Syntax:  DELRESET <reset-number>

This will delete reset-number from the reset list in the current room.

To find out the number for each reset, type SHOWRESETS.

-1 build_delobject~


The DELOBJECT allows you to delete an object.

Syntax:  DELOBJECT <obj-vnum>

If an object is found with the specified vnum in the current area, it will be

flagged for deletion, and you will be asked to enter DELOBJECT OK in order for

it to be actually deleted.

-1 build_delroom~


The DELROOM command allows you to delete a room.

Syntax:  DELROOM <room-vnum>

If the room-vnum is found in your current area, and no one is currently in it,

the room will be flagged for deletion, and you will be asked to enter DELROOM OK

to actually delete it.

-1 build_addreset~


The ADDRESET command adds a new entry to the reset list.

Syntax: ADDRESET  mob <mob-vnum> <limit>

Load the mob with mob-vnum into the present room.  Don't load more than limit.

EG: ADDRESET mob 1010 1

Syntax:  ADDRESET obj <obj-vnum>

Load the object with obj-vnum into the present room.

EG: ADDRESET obj 1020

Syntax:  ADDRESET equip <mob-vnum> <obj-vnum> <location>

Make the mob with mob-vnum wear the object with obj-vnum in location.                  EG: ADDRESET equip 1010 1020 wield

Syntax:  ADDRESET give <mob-vnum> <obj-vnum>

Give the mob with mob-vnum the object with obj-vnum.

EG:  ADDRESET give 1010 1021                  

Syntax:  ADDRESET door <direction> <state>

Set the flag specified by state to the door in a certain direction.

EG:  ADDRESET door n closed

Syntax:  ADDRESET rand <num-dirs>

Randomise the first num-dirs exits in the room.  Exits are number 0 (North), 

1 (East), 2 (South), 3 (West), 4 (Up), and 5 (Down).  

EG:  ADDRESET rand 3

Syntax:  ADDRESET message <text>

Adds an auto-message to the room, which is displayed periodically.

EG:  ADDRESET message You hear the screams of the Ogre Kings.

-1 build_addmob~


The ADDMOB command allows you to create new mobiles within the current area.

Syntax:  ADDMOB <mob-vnum> <name>

This will add a new mobile into the area, with the specified vnum and name(s).

This will not happen if there is already a mobile with the vnum you supply.

-1 build_addobject~


The ADDOBJECT command allows you to create new objects within the current area.

Syntax:  ADDOBJECT <object-vnum> <name>

This will add a new object with the specified vnum, and with the specified

name (which you can always change later).  The object will not be added if

there is already an object with the vnum you supply.

-1 build_dig~


The DIG command allows you to add a room to an area.

Syntax:  DIG <direction> <room-vnum>

This will add an exit in the direction given,  to the room you are currently in,

connected to a new room, which will have the vnum specified.  There are two

obvious limitations:  There can't already be a door in the direction you give,

or a room that already has the vnum you give.

-1 build_stop~


Typing STOP will cause you to leave the Builder.

-1 build_set~


Set allows you to set some value, string or flag, depending upon which editing

mode you are currently in.  It is not really needed any more, as you can drop

the 'SET' part of the command now.  Eg: SET level 100 (when editing mobs) could

be entered as 'level 100' instead.

Typing 'SET' on it's own displays the values, flags or strings you can set.

-1 build_findobject~


The FINDOBJECT command displays certain object vnums.

Syntax:  FINDOBJECT <string>

You will be shown a list of any objects that contain the string within their

short description.  Typing 'ALL' for the string will list all the objects.

This command will only show details of objects in your current area.

-1 build_findroom~


The FINDROOM command allows to find certain rooms.

Syntax:  FINDROOM <string>

You will be shown a list of any rooms, which contain the string in their name.

If you enter 'ALL' as the string, you will be shown a list of all the rooms

in the area you are in.

-1 build_findmobroom~


The FINDMOBROOM command allows you to find which room a mob is loaded into.

Syntax:  FINDMOBROOM <mob-vnum>

You will be shown a list of any rooms that the mob referenced is loaded in.

-1 build_findmob~


The FINDMOB command allows you to find the vnum of a given mobile.

Syntax:  FINDMOB <mob-name | ALL >

If a mob-name is supllied, the vnums of any mobiles whose names match that

given will be displayed.  If ALL is entered, then all the mobiles will

be displayed.  This command only shows the vnums for mobiles in the same

area as you.

-1 build_findarea~


The FINDAREA command allows you find certain areas.

Syntax:  FINDAREA <string>

You will be shown a list of all the area titles containing the string.

-1 build_showresets~


The SHOWRESETS command displays any resets for the room you are currently in.


-1 build_showroom~


The SHOWROOM command displays details about the room you are currently in.


-1 show_showobject~


The SHOWOBJECT command displays various details about a given object.

Syntax:  SHOWOBJECT <object-vnum>

-1 build_showmob~


SHOWMOB displays various details about a given mob.

Sytntax:  SHOWMOB <mob-vnum>

-1 build_showarea~


The SHOWAREA command displays various details about the area, Ranging from the

owner, to the minimum and maximum vnums allowed.  

-1 build_x~


The LIST command has two purposes.  Firstly, it shows you details about the

Room, Mobile or Object you are currently working on.  Secondly, it allows

you find out which flags you can set for objects.

Syntax:  LIST [flags-name]

If you type just LIST on its own, you will be shown details of your current

room, mobile or object.  If you want to see a list of flags (in wide format,

rather than the long format used when you screw up) type LIST HELP.

The lists of flags you can display vary according to which editing mode you are

in.  This is basically because there is a list of FLAGS for each mode, etc...

X may be used in place of LIST.

-1 build_list~


The LIST command has two purposes.  Firstly, it shows you details about the

Room, Mobile or Object you are currently working on.  Secondly, it allows

you find out which flags you can set for objects.

Syntax:  LIST [flags-name]

If you type just LIST on its own, you will be shown details of your current

room, mobile or object.  If you want to see a list of flags (in wide format,

rather than the long format used when you screw up) type LIST HELP.

The lists of flags you can display vary according to which editing mode you are

in.  This is basically because there is a list of FLAGS for each mode, etc...

X may be used in place of LIST.

-1 build_goto~


The GOTO command allows you to goto either a room or a mob.

Sytntax:    [For Rooms]   GOTO <room-vnum>

            [For  Mobs]   GOTO <mob-name>

At Present, the builder's goto command simply calls the Immortal's goto.

This will be changed shortly, to reduce the chance of abuse.

-1 shelp_outline~








-1 shelp_outline~








-1 shelp_ego_whip~

       Name: Ego Whip 		

    Classes: Psionicist(25)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to mentally assualt the victim's

             ego, thus causing damage.


-1 shelp_physic crush~

       Name: Physic Crush		

    Classes: Psionicist(19)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to try and crush the victim's

             will, causing damage doing so.


-1 shelp_physic thrust~

       Name: Physic Thrust		

    Classes: Psionicist(7)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to thrust negative energy into

             the victim's mind, to cause damage.


-1 shelp_mind flail~

       Name: Mind Flail		

    Classes: Psionicist(6)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to attack an enemy's mind.


-1 shelp_know item~

       Name: Know Item		

    Classes: Psionicist(9)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell, when cast on an object, provides the caster with

             knowledge about that object.


-1 shelp_hypnosis~

       Name: Hypnosis 		

    Classes: Psionicist(17)

   Duration: 3 + ( Cast Level / 8 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to attempt to hypnotise his/her

             victim, who will then follow all orders given.


-1 shelp_calm~

       Name: Calm		

    Classes: Psionicist(52)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to produce a calm feeling in all

             enemies present, causing them to stop fighting.  Of course,

             this won't stop them attacking again should they wish!


-1 shelp_know_critical~

       Name: Know Critical		

    Classes: Psionicist(28)

   Duration: 2-5 (Cast Level baded)

   Modifies: Damroll

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to know the points on his/her

             enemy's that will inflicy greater damage.


-1 shelp_know_weakness~

       Name: Know Weakness		

    Classes: Psionicist(18)

   Duration: 2-5 (Cast Level based)

   Modifies: HitRoll

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to know his/her enemy's weaknesses,

             thus providing a greater chance of striking it.


-1 shelp_fire blade~

       Name: Fire Blade		

    Classes: Psionicist(50)

   Duration: 2 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to magically produce a blade

             of fire, which he/she will automatically wield.  The blade may

             not be removed, due to the way the caster maintains it's



-1 shelp_detection~

       Name: Detection		

    Classes: Psionicist(22)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell, when invoked with an object the caster wishes to

             find, provides him/her with the locations of the object.


-1 shelp_see magic~

       Name: See Magic		

    Classes: Psionicist(7)

   Duration: 6 + ( Cast Level / 4 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to see the aura surrounding any

             magical items.


-1 shelp_animate~

       Name: Animate		

    Classes: Cleric(46)

   Duration: Perment

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to attempt to animate a corpse.

             The zombie created will have no knowledge of it's past life, 

             or similar characteristics, but will retain any equipment or

             other items it was carrying.


-1 shelp_produce food~

       Name: Produce Food		

    Classes: Psionicist(24)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to magically create a small bundle

             of food.


-1 shelp_dimension blade~

       Name: Dimension Blade		

    Classes: Psionicist(41) 

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: Object's HitRoll and DamRoll

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to make the specified weapon more

             lethal, by switching one of it's dimensions into another phase.

             Sometimes, the weapon may not survive the process, and will 

             shatter into tiny pieces.


-1 shelp_phase~

       Name: Phase		

    Classes: Psionicist(45)

   Duration: 3 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell switches part of the caster's body into a different

             plane of existence, allowing him/her to pass through closed

             doors, as well as providing an Armor Class bonus.


-1 shelp_fighting trance~

       Name: Fighting Trance		

    Classes: Psionicist(60) 

   Duration: 6 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: HitRoll, DamRoll, Armor Class, Saving Throws

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This potent power allows the caster to focus him/herself on

             combat, providing bonuses to HitRoll, DamRoll and Saving

             Throws.  This increased combat ability also effectively

             provides an Armor Class bonus to the caster.


-1 shelp_nerve fire~

       Name: Nerve Fire		

    Classes: Psionicist(60)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell affects all non-friendly beings in the current

             location, causing their nervous system to heat up briefly.


-1 shelp_mind bolt~

       Name: Mind Bolt		

    Classes: Psionicist(12)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to strike the victim's mind with

             small, intense bursts of energy.  The number of bolts striking

             the victim is determined by the Cast Level.

             Cast Level            Number of Bolts

             ----------            ---------------

              below 20                   One

              20 to 34                   Two

              35 to 49                   Three

              50 to 65                   Four

              above 65                   Five


-1 shelp_bloody tears~

       Name: Bloody Tears		

    Classes: Psionicist(26)

   Duration: 2 + ( Cast Level / 4 )

   Modifies: HitRoll

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes the victim's eyes to start bleeding suddenly,

             rendering him/her blind for a short while.


-1 shelp_enhance weapon~

       Name: Enhance Weapon		

    Classes: Psionicst(40)

   Duration: 3 + ( level / 4 )

   Modifies: Weapon HitRoll and DamRoll

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to transfer energy into a weapon,

             giving it HitRoll and DamRoll bonuses.


-1 shelp_suffocate~

       Name: Suffocate		

    Classes: Psionicist(46)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to manipulate the victim's

             body, causing a tightening of the throat.


-1 shelp_sense evil~

       Name: Sense Evil		

    Classes: Psionicist(10)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 10 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to sense if any beings encountered

             are of evil alignment.


-1 shelp_chain lightning~

       Name: Chain Lightning		

    Classes: Mage(65)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to produce a powerful bolt of

             energy from his/her fingertip.  The bolt will proceed to fly

             through the current location, striking all present randomly.

             The bolt will then either vanish, or return to strike the

             caster!  Each time a victim is struck, the bolt's energy is

             reduced, as is it's ability to damage.


-1 shelp_mindflame~

       Name: Mindflame		

    Classes: Psionicist(35)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes the caster to emit a blast of searing mental

             energy, which cause all those present to suffer the effects of

             having their very minds burnt.


-1 shelp_phobia~

       Name: Phobia		

    Classes: Psionicist(10)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell enables the caster to produces horrific nightmare

             images into the victim's mind.  This sudden mental attack may

             either just cause damage due to the shock, or cause the victim

             to attempt to flee in wild panic.


-1 shelp_static~

       Name: Static		

    Classes: Psionicist(20)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spells allows the caster to transfer kinetic (movement)

             energy to static electricity, which is then directed towards

             the victim, to cause damage.


-1 shelp_barrier~

       Name: Barrier		

    Classes: Psionicist(8)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to magically produce a mental

             barrier around him/her, which gives limited protection from



-1 shelp_visit~

       Name: Visit		

    Classes: Psionicist(32)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to attempt to transfer him/herself

             to the target.  Note that this spell only works for fellow

             characters, and not NPCs.


-1 shelp_planergy~

       Name: Planergy		

    Classes: Psionicist(5)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to summon alien energy to come

             forth, and engulf the victim.  The energy summoned is determined

             by the level of the caster:

             Level:		Plane:		Energy:

              <  8 		Fire            Flames

              9-17		Sun             Heat Ray

             18-26		Magma 		Lava

	     27-35		Radiance	Light

             36-44		Lightning	Lightning

	     34-53		Salt		Dehydration

	     54-62		Ash		Cold

	     63-71		Positive	Energy

	      > 72		Negative	Energy

             NOTE: The damage increases with each new Plane.


-1 shelp_hellspawn~

       Name: HellSpawn		

    Classes: Mage(43)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to invoke demonic powers to

             strike the target.


-1 shelp_word of recall~

       Name: Word of Recall		

    Classes: Priest(66)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster assured recall, even under extreme

             circumstances, by reinforcing the usual recall ability with 

             his/her magical abilities.


-1 shelp_weaken~

       Name: Weaken		

    Classes: Cleric(20)

   Duration: 1 + ( Cast Level / 16 )

   Modifies: Strength

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes the caster to force the target to feel very

             weak, suffering a Strength penalty as a result.


-1 shelp_ventriloquate~

       Name: Ventriloquate		

    Classes: Mage(3)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to throw his/her voice onto a

             being in the same room.  To use the spell correctly, the caster

             must specify a target, and the message to be given.


-1 shelp_teleport~

       Name: Teleport		

    Classes: Mage(40)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell causes the caster to randomly teleport to a new

             location somewhere in the realms.  The caster has no control

             other where he/she ends up!


-1 shelp_summon~

       Name: Summon		

    Classes: Mage(35)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to attempt to summon a specified

             character to the current location.  Range is unimportant.


-1 shelp_stone skin~

       Name: Stone Skin		

    Classes: Mage(36)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to cause his/her skin to harden,

             until it looks like stone.  Because of the increased protection

             this provides, the caster gains an Armor Class bonus.


-1 shelp_sleep~

       Name: Sleep		

    Classes: Mage(9)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 15 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: If successfully cast, this spell allows the caster to force

             the victim into a deep, trance-like sleep.  The victim may not

             be woken by normal means, save for combat, or the spell running

             it's duration.


-1 shelp_shocking grasp~

       Name: Shocking Grasp		

    Classes: Mage(5)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes an electrical charge to accumulate in the

             caster's hands.  This can be directed at an enemy by touch.


-1 shelp_shield~

       Name: Shield		

    Classes: Mage(9)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 5 )

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to create a magical, invisible

             shield about the target, providing an Armor Class bonus.


-1 shelp_sanctuary~

       Name: Sanctuary		

    Classes: Cleric(12)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell surrounds the target with a glowing white aura,

             which serves to protect the target from any damage sustained.


-1 shelp_remove curse~

       Name: Remove Curse		

    Classes: Mage(36), Cleric(27)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: HitRoll

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to remove any affects of a curse

             spell placed upon the target, negating the HitRoll penalty in

             the process.


-1 shelp_refresh~

       Name: Refresh		

    Classes: Cleric(11)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to transfer some magical energy

             to movement energy, which is supplied to the target.


-1 shelp_protection~

       Name: Protection from Evil		

    Classes: Mage(9), Cleric(12)

   Duration: 8 + ( Cast Level / 5 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell surrounds the caster with an invisible shield of

             energy of energy, helping to protect against any evil beings

             the caster might encounter.


-1 shelp_poison~

       Name: Posion		

    Classes: Cleric(31)

   Duration: 12 + ( Cast Level / 10 )

   Modifies: Strength

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell enables the caster to poison the victim, resulting

             in a drop in the victim's Strength score.


-1 shelp_pass door~

       Name: Pass Door		

    Classes: Mage(46)

   Duration: 2 + ( Cast Level / 20 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster's body and belongings to become

             phased into a different plane.  Whilst phased, the caster is

             able to move through closed doors easily.  The phased part of

             the caster is at all times safe.


-1 shelp_mass invis~

       Name: Mass Invisibilty		

    Classes: Mage(60)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 5 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell enables the caster to make everyone in the present

             location invisible.


-1 shelp_magic missile~

       Name: Magic Missile		

    Classes: Mage(3)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to unleash tiny, magically darts

             of magical energy, which will strike the target.  For higher

             level casters, the ability to produce more than one such missile

             becomes possible.


-1 shelp_locate object~

       Name: Locate Object		

    Classes: Mage(16), Cleric(30)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell is used by the caster to find the position of the

             specified object.  General terms such as 'sword' may be given,

             but this will result in an almost overwhelming burst of 

             information being provided to the caster!


-1 shelp_lightning bolt~

       Name: Lightning Bolt		

    Classes: Mage(24)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell enables the caster to unleash a powerful bolt of

             energy from his/her fingertips, which strikes the victim in

             the form of a bolt of lightning.


-1 shelp_know alignment~

       Name: Know Alignment		

    Classes: Cleric(13)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell enables the caster to know the alignment of the



-1 shelp_invis~

       Name: Invisibility		

    Classes: Mage(17)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 5 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell causes the target to become invisible to other beings,

             but can still be detected by the use of a detect magic spell. 


-1 shelp_infravision~

       Name: Infravision		

    Classes: Mage(20)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 3 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell enables the target to see better in darkness, 

             without the use of any external light source.


-1 shelp_identify~

       Name: Identify		

    Classes: Mage(9)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell, when cast upon an object reveals the the caster it's

             characteristics - object type, and other information.


-1 shelp_influx~

       Name: Influx		

    Classes: Cleric(65)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: With this spell, the caster floods the room with positive

             energy, partially restoring the Hit Points of all beings

             present in the same location.


-1 shelp_heal~

       Name: Heal		

    Classes: Cleric(75)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spells results in the target's Hit Points being virtually

             restored, as well as healing any diseases or posions.


-1 shelp_harm~

       Name: Harm		

    Classes: Cleric(74)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes a dramatic loss in Hit Points of the victim,

             as well as him/her being infected with a disease.


-1 shelp_giant strength~

       Name: Giant Strength		

    Classes: Mage(18)

   Duration: 2 + ( Cast Level / 4 )

   Modifies: Strength

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell summons forth the power of the Great Giants into

             the target, resulting in a Strength bonus.


-1 shelp_gate~

       Name: Gate		

    Classes: None at Present!

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: To Be Decided.


-1 shelp_fly~

       Name: Fly		

    Classes: Mage(24)

   Duration: 3 + ( Cast Level / 6 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell causes the target to float off the floor, making

             movement over land and water effortless.  It also enables

             entrance to certain parts of the sky...


-1 shelp_faerie fog~

       Name: Faerie Fog		

    Classes: Priest(14)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell creates a billowing cloud of purple fog, which

             reveals any hidden or invisible beings in the location.


-1 shelp_faerie fire~

       Name: Faerie Fire		

    Classes: Mage(3)

   Duration: 5 + (Cast Level / 4)

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell engulfs the victim's body, making it easy for those

             figting the victim to see him/her, effectively raising the

             victim's Armor Class.


-1 shelp_flamestrike~

       Name: Flamestrike		

    Classes: Cleric(54)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to call forth a vertically-moving

             jet of flame to briefly engulf the target.


-1 shelp_fireball~

       Name: Fireball		

    Classes: Mage(28)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to project a ball of flame from

             their hand, to strike down the target.


-1 shelp_energy drain~

       Name: Energy Drain 		

    Classes: Mage(80)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to drain HitPoints, Mana Points

             and Experience Points from the target, whilst gaining in Hit

             Points Him/Herself.


-1 shelp_encumber~

       Name: Encumber		

    Classes: Cleric(18)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 16 )

   Modifies: Armour Class

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes the victim to feel weighted down, suffering

             a penalty to their Armor Class.


-1 shelp_enchant weapon~

       Name: Enchant Weapon		

    Classes: Mage(39)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: Object HitRoll, Object DamRoll

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to convert a normal, non-magic

             weapon to a magically enchanted one, resulting in bonuses to

             the wielder's attack rolls.


-1 shelp_earthquake~

       Name: Earthquake		

    Classes: Cleric(78)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell summons a mini-earthquake to strike the caster's

             location, causing damage to all those affected.


-1 shelp_dispel evil~

       Name: Dispel Evil		

    Classes: Cleric(63)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell is used by the caster, to ask his/her God to strike

             against an evil being.  Remember that the Gods do not take

             lightly such requests from evil spellcasters!


-1 shelp_dispel magic~

       Name: Dispel Magic		

    Classes: Mage(28), Cleric(26)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to attempt to remove the affects

             of certain spells from the victim.  Due to the effort involved,

             it becomes progressively difficult to remove further affects

             for each single use of this spell.


-1 shelp_detect undead~

       Name: Detect Undead		

    Classes: Mage(8)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 6 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to sense if a being is undead.


-1 shelp_detect poison~

       Name: Detect Posion		

    Classes: Cleric(10)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to determine if drink or food

             is poisoned.  It can only be cast upon items.


-1 shelp_detect magic~

       Name: Detect Magic		

    Classes: Mage(7), Cleric(7)

   Duration: 6 + ( Cast Level / 4 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spells allows the caster to detect magical affects.


-1 shelp_detect invis~

       Name: Detect Invisibility		

    Classes: Mage(19)

   Duration: 6 + ( Cast Level / 8 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to see any invisible beings, 

             providing they are of similar level to the caster, or lower.


-1 shelp_detect hidden~

       Name: Detect Hidden		

    Classes: Mage(17), Cleric(16)

   Duration: 4 + ( Cast Level / 8 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to be aware of any hiding beings in

             the current location.  This spell does not reveal who is hiding,

             however, just the fact that someone is.


-1 shelp_detect evil~

       Name: Detect Evil		

    Classes: Mage(12), Cleric(8)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 10 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell allows the caster to recognize evil beings, who will

             appear to be surrounded by a red aura.


-1 shelp_curse~

       Name: Curse		

    Classes: Mage(35), Cleric(26)

   Duration: 2 * ( Cast Level / 8 )

   Modifies: HitRoll, Saving Roll

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell casts a curse upon the victim, reducing their chances

             of the victim striking thier enemies, whilst making it easy for

             them to be attacked.  Cursed players may not recall to their



-1 shelp_cure serious~

       Name: Cure Serious		

    Classes: Cleric(41)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to cure serious wounds of the



-1 shelp_cure poison~

       Name: Cure Poison		

    Classes: Cleric(32)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to remove any traces of poison

             from the victim's body.


-1 shelp_cure light~

       Name: Cure Light		

    Classes: Cleric(5)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to cure light wounds of the



-1 shelp_cure critical~

       Name: Cure Critical		

    Classes: Cleric(59)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to cure critical wounds of the



-1 shelp_cure blindness~

       Name: Cure Blindness		

    Classes: Cleric(28)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spells allows the caster to remove any affects of a

             blindness spell, or similiar.


-1 shelp_create water~

       Name: Create Water		

    Classes: Cleric(9)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell is cast upon an object.  If the object is able to hold

             liquids, and is empty, it will be magically filled with water.


-1 shelp_create spring~

       Name: Create Spring		

    Classes: Cleric(65)

   Duration: Cast Level

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell causes a magically spring to appear.


-1 shelp_create food~

       Name: Create Food		

    Classes: Cleric(26)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to magically produce some food, in

             the form of a mushroom.


-1 shelp_control weather~

       Name: Control Weather		

    Classes: Mage(58), Cleric(79)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: Weather Conditions

       Type: N/A

Description: This spells allows the caster to make the weather conditions

             either 'better' or 'worse'.


-1 shelp_continual light~

       Name: Continual Light		

    Classes: Mage(11), Cleric(27)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: N/A

Description: This spell allows the caster to magically produce a small, 

             glowing ball of light.


-1 shelp_colour spray~

       Name: Colour Spray 		

    Classes: Mage(7)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes a rainbow-coloured array of colours to shoot

             out, causing injury to the specified target.


-1 shelp_chill touch~

       Name: Chill Touch		

    Classes: Mage(8)

   Duration: 3

   Modifies: Strength

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spells causes a blue glow to encompass the caster's hand.

             This energy can then be used to strike at a given foe, who will

             be reduced in strength, as well as suffering damage.


-1 shelp_charm person~

       Name: Charm Person 		

    Classes: Mage(7), Cleric(15)

   Duration: 3 + ( Cast Level / 8 )

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spells allows the caster to attempt to charm the victim. 

             if the spell succeeds, the victim will treat the caster as a

             trusted friend, and obey any reasonable order they are given.

	     Remember that it is normal to hold the master responsible for

             any orders the victims carry out.


-1 shelp_change sex~

       Name: Change Sex 		

    Classes: Mage(66)

   Duration: 5 + ( Cast Level / 10 )

   Modifies: Gender

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell, although not offensive, is not considered to be

             completely harmless by it's victims.  Upon casting of this spell,

             the victim will appear to be of a different gender to all those

             who that they encounter.


-1 shelp_cause serious~

       Name: Cause Serious		

    Classes: Cleric(40)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell inflicts serious wounds to the victim.


-1 shelp_cause critical~

       Name: Cause Critical		

    Classes: Cleric(58)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes critical injuries to the victim.


-1 shelp_cause light~

       Name: Cause Light		

    Classes: Cleric(4)

   Duration: Permanent

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes light injuries to the victim.


-1 shelp_call lightning~

       Name: Call Lightning 		

    Classes: Cleric(36)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell can only be used outdoors, in bad weather.  It

             allows the caster to call bolts of lightning, which strike all

             non-friendly characters in that location.


-1 shelp_burning hands~

       Name: Burning Hands 		

    Classes: Mage(6)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes a jet of flame to shoot from the caster's

             hands, which strike the target.


-1 shelp_blindness~

       Name: Blindness		

    Classes: Mage(16)

   Duration: 1 + ( Cast Level / 4 )

   Modifies: HitRoll

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell causes blindness in the recipient, affecting their

             ability to strike their foes.


-1 shelp_bless~

       Name: Bless		

    Classes: Cleric(8)

   Duration: 6 + ( Cast Level / 6 )

   Modifies: HitRoll & Saving Spell

     Damage: N/A

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell allows the caster to raise the morale of the 

             recipient, giving a bonus to their combat abilities.


-1 shelp_bark skin~

       Name: Bark Skin 		

    Classes: Cleric(20)

   Duration: 3 + ( Cast Level / 12 )

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive - Self

Description: This spell causes the caster's skin to harden, until it looks

             like wood, providing an Armor Class bonus.


-1 shelp_bad breath~

       Name: Bad Breath 		

    Classes: Mage(4)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: The caster expells a blast of bad breath, which strikes the



-1 shelp_armor~

       Name: Armor		

    Classes: Mage(3)

   Duration: 24

   Modifies: Armor Class

       Type: Defensive

Description: This spell creates a magical field of force, which protects as

             if it were physical armor.  It does not hinder the player in

             any way, and will last for it's duration, unless dispelled.


-1 shelp_acid blast~

       Name: Acid Blast		

    Classes: Mage(50)

   Duration: N/A

   Modifies: N/A

       Type: Offensive

Description: This spell conjures forth a blast of acid to strike the victim.


-1 shelp_summary~

sHelp is a command that provides help pages for the various skills and spells

offered to all the classes within the game.  Unlike the 'help' command, you

can abbreviate the skill or spell you are looking for, eg: 'shelp arm' will

display the help page for the armor spell.

For spells, the following information is shown:

       Name: The name of the spell

    Classes: Which classes have access to this spell, and at what level 

   Duration: The time (in ticks) that the spell lasts for                                  

   Modifies: What (if any) modifies the spell offers

       Type: What type of spell, eg: Offensive (starts fights) or defensive

Description: A brief description of the spell

For skills, the same information is shown as for spells, except for the

'type' field.


-1 shelp_outline~








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New room~
This is a desc\brthis is only a desc

this shouldnt be wrapped

\brthis should



4 11