/* This goes into fight.c*/
	dam_class dam_type;
	char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
	CharData *victim;
	ObjData *wield;
	wield = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_WIELD);
	int dam, chance, diceroll = number_percent();
	one_argument(argument, arg);
	ObjData *obj;

	if (wield != NULL)
		dam_type = attack_table[wield->value[3]].damage;
		dam_type = attack_table[ch->dam_type].damage;

	if (dam_type == -1)
		dam_type = DAM_BASH;
	if (NullStr(arg))
		chprintln(ch, "Who will you try to kill?");

	if (ch->fighting != NULL)
		chprintln(ch, "You're already engaged in battle.");
	else if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, NULL, arg)) == NULL)
		chprintln(ch, "They aren't here.");

	if ((obj = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_WIELD)) == NULL)
		chprintln(ch, "To attempt that you need to wield a weapon.");
	if (victim == ch)
		chprintln(ch, "Try the 'delete' command.");

	if (is_safe(ch, victim))

	if (IsNPC(victim) && victim->fighting != NULL
		&& !is_same_group(ch, victim->fighting))
		chprintln(ch, "Kill stealing is not permitted.");
	chance = ((get_skill(ch, gsn_dispatch) / 10) - (victim->level - ch->level));
	if (IsAffected(ch, AFF_SNEAK))
		chance += 10;
	if (IsAffected(ch, AFF_HIDE))
		chance += 5;
	if (IsAffected(ch, AFF_HASTE))
		chance += 5;
	check_killer(ch, victim);
	chance = Max(2, chance);
	chance = Min(50, chance);
	WaitState(ch, skill_table[gsn_dispatch].beats);
	if (diceroll < chance
		|| (get_skill(ch, gsn_dispatch) >= 2 && !IsAwake(victim)))
		check_improve(ch, gsn_dispatch, true, 1);
		if (skill_table[gsn_dispatch].sound)
			act_sound(skill_table[gsn_dispatch].sound, ch, victim,
					  skill_table[gsn_dispatch].sound->to, POS_RESTING);
		victim->hit = 1;
		dam = Max(99999, victim->max_hit);
		damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_dispatch, DAM_NONE, false);
		chprintln(victim, "A movement out of the corner of your eye makes you turn around, but it is too late...");
		chprintln(ch, "You quietly deal with your mark. It is done.");
		if (victim->level > ch->level)
			chprintln(ch, "Your impeccable performance has earned you a reward. You feel favored.");
			ch->max_hit += 1;
			ch->hit += 1;
			ch->pcdata->perm_hit += 1;
		chprintln(ch, "Your mark notices you, and you're forced to attempt a backstab.");
		check_improve(ch, gsn_dispatch, false, 1);
		do_function(ch, &do_backstab, arg);


/* This goes into special.c, in spec_nasty, under for (victim = ch->in_room->person_first; victim != NULL;
victim = v_next)*/
else if (!IsNPC(victim) && (victim->level > ch->level)
				&& (victim->level < ch->level + 10))
				do_function(ch, &do_dispatch, victim->name);
				if (ch->position != POS_FIGHTING)
					do_function(ch, &do_dispatch, victim->name);

				return true;