Gorzak  Fun House~
4300 4399

Welcome to the magical world of the circus! In recent years, we have been
working on some major renevations to try and make it more enjoyable for you!
The Fun House is one of many new features you can expect in the near future.

Fun House area has been created by Gorzak for 12-17 level players,
converted to ROM 2.4 format by jaceks, july'96.

0 $~

ticket taker tickettaker ticket-taker man~
the ticket-taker~
A nice ticket-taker stands here, letting small children in for free
(and maybe you too).
A nice old man, maybe in his 80s, he has developed a nice streak and a soft
spot for kids. He notices you staring at him, and quickly tells you that if
anyone found out he was letting people in for free, he would be fired.
2|64 128|8192 100 S
17 0 0 3d9+258 3d4+4
850 0
8 8 1
kid child~
a little kid~
A little kid is here, trying to hide from the spooky clowns staring at him.
Boy, is this kid scared, or what?...
He cowers in the corner, afraid to go on, afraid to turn back.
2|64 65536 0 S
12 0 0 2d10+150 1d10+3
150 0
8 8 1
kid child~
a little kid~
A little kid stands here, laughing at the stupid clowns on the wall.
This kid is SO OBNOXIOUS... reminds you of a young kid you once knew...
He laughs and laughs and laughs, and yells "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING
AT?!?!?!?" when he sees you inspecting his person.
2|64 0 -5 S
14 0 0 2d10+190 1d12+3
100 0
8 8 1
the nice old man's boss~
The old man's boss stands here, waiting to report back to the circus owner.
What a bad, bad man...
He is trying to wreck the nice old man's good will and nice disposition...
Well... you'll show him, now, won't you?
2|64 32768|65536 -100 S
16 0 0 3d9+233 2d6+4
670 0
8 8 1
kid thief~
a mean little kid~
A mean little kid is here, politely brushing by you as you exit.
Hmm... something's wrong here...
What IS he doing?...
He's stealing from the innocent patrons of the fun house as they walk away...
2|64 32768 -50 S
15 0 0 3d9+208 2d6+3
350 0
8 8 1
kid child~
a dizzy little kid~
A dizzy little kid is here, being flung about wildly.
2|64 32768 0 S
16 0 0 3d9+233 2d6+4
510 0
8 8 1
kid child~
a clueless kid~
A clueless kid is here, thinking that he's about to fall.
Boy is he clueless!
He looks around, trying to grab onto anything he can get his hands on, in
hopes that he won't fall to his doom.
2|64 0 0 S
13 0 0 2d10+170 2d5+3
340 0
8 8 1
girl child kid~
a little girl~
A little frightened girl tries to get away from the falling ceiling.
She is really scared.
You almost feel sorry that you are in too much of a rush to help her.
2|64 0 0 S
14 0 0 2d10+190 1d12+3
430 0
8 8 2
kid child~
a little kid~
A little kid is here, trying to keep on his feet.
He looks like a scarecrow waving in the wind.
He shakes violently as if he's about to fall, and then stands back upright
2|64 0 0 S
14 0 0 2d10+190 1d12+3
440 0
8 8 1
kid child cub scout~
a lost kid~
A little kid wanders about, trying to use his cub-scout training to get out.
Hmm... Cub-Scout First Class...
Got all of his merit badges and everything.
If he can't find his way out, noone can.
2|64 8|16|512 0 S
15 0 0 3d9+208 2d6+3
540 0
8 8 1
kid child~
an anxious little kid~
An anxious little kid tries to cut in line here.
What a BRAT!
2|4|64 0 0 S
12 0 0 2d10+150 1d10+3
270 0
8 8 1
mom mother~
a nice mother~
Some kid's mother is here, guiding her kid through the line.
She is one nice mother, giving up her own time at the circus to let her kid
experience the immense joy of going through the most famous funhouse in the
city (and the only one)
2|64 128 0 S
17 0 0 3d9+258 3d4+4
760 0
8 8 2
a really scary clown~
A really scary clown jumps out and attacks you!
Hmm... a face only a mother could love.
2|4|16|64 8 0 S
16 0 0 3d9+233 2d6+4
490 0
8 8 1
johnny carson jester~
Johnny Carson~
A jester that looks remarkably like Jonny Carson is here, laughing.
2|64 0 0 S
14 0 0 2d10+190 1d12+3
350 0
8 8 1
jay leno chin~
Jay Leno~
Jay Leno is here, tied up in the corner.
Wow! What a huge chin, you've got, granny.
2|64 0 0 S
12 0 0 2d10+150 1d10+3
200 0
8 8 1
david letterman~
David Letterman~
David Letterman is here, tied up in the corner.
David Letterman, ex-follower of Johnny Carson,
resents the fact that he didn't inherit the Tonight Show, and that big-chinned
guy Jay Leno got it. Now he does stupid pet tricks to keep from being kept off
of the air.
2|64 0 0 S
12 0 0 2d10+150 1d10+3
220 0
8 8 1
kid child boy~
a small child~
A small child uncontrollably floats about here.
He seems to be out of control, as he has not figured out that swimming-like
motions can motiviate his butt around the room instead of floating about
2|64 524288 0 S
13 0 0 2d10+170 2d5+3
330 0
8 8 1
bonkers bobcat~
Bonkers T. Bobcat~
Bonkers T. Bobcat bounces about wildly from wall to wall.
Looney, Tooney, Gooney... ran out of stuff that rhymed... :)
2|64 524288 0 S
14 0 0 2d10+190 1d12+3
430 0
8 8 1
the Pope~
The Pope is lost in the hedge maze.
What a cool hat!!!
You shouldn't try and kill him, because he looks PRETTY strong for someone
his age.
2|64 8|16|128|512|8192 1000 S
65 0 0 100d10+12000 8d6+29
15000 0
8 8 1
don king~
Don King~
Don King is lost in the hedge maze.
What a bad 'fro!
He's looking for the pope to set up a fight between him and the Dhali Llama.
2|64 16 0 S
17 0 0 3d9+258 3d4+4
670 0
8 8 1
a man behind a curtain~
A man behind a red curtain tells you to go away!
Do you want to ruin the FUNHOUSE for everybody?
And how did you make it through that damn hedge maze anyway? Don King has
been in there for 3 months!
2|64 0 0 S
17 0 0 3d9+258 3d4+4
690 0
8 8 1
a cute little stupid lemming~
A little lemming marches on, right off the edge of a cliff and goes "YEECH!"
Awww... cute little lemmings...
Watch the lemmings run!
Run, lemmings, run!
Watch the lemmings walk off the cliff!
Watch the lemmings fall!
Watch the lemmings die!
64 16 0 S
12 0 0 2d10+150 1d10+3
200 0
8 8 0
cashier man old~
the old cashier~
A strange old man stands here, manhandling hot dogs.
A bit out of the ordinary, but, who can argue?
2|64 0 0 S
1 0 0 2d6+10 1d4+0
3400 0
8 8 1

lolly pop lollipop~
a rainbow-colored lollipop~
A beautiful rainbow-colored lollipop lies here, sticky with spit.~
19 128 1|16384
4 4 0 0
10 10 0
13 10
9 -20
18 -2
19 1
some stolen money~
Some stolen money lies here, apparently dropped by the thief.~
20 16 1
225 0 0 0
50 225 0
cap hat~
a boy scout's hat~
A strange brownish-green colored hat is here.~
9 64 1|16
6 6 6 1
40 2310 0
5 1
4 1
17 3
swiss-army swiss army knife~
a swiss army knife~
A cub scout's swiss-army knife lies here, ready to handle anything.~
5 0 1|8192
0 5 4 2
90 2010 0
18 3
some dropped money~
Some idiot dropped some money from their pockets.~
20 0 1
100 0 0 0
10 100 0
red wig curly~
a curly red wig~
A curly red wig gains lice here.~
9 64 1|16
7 7 7 0
20 2710 0
5 1
a HUGE chin~
A HUGE chin lies here, ripped from it's human counterpart.~
9 64 1|16
6 6 6 0
300 945 0
3 -1
4 -1
2 -1
1 -1
19 4
18 -2
13 15
paper stupid pet tricks~
"stupid pet tricks"~
A piece of paper that says "stupid pet tricks" on it.~
2 0 1
12 18 14 501
10 1175 0
trick tricks paper~
1. Dog chases tail whenever audience claps.
2. Dog eats rubber.
3. Mouse jumps up when you yell the word banana
4. Cat meows every time she hears Hardfloor's ravings.
a long flowing Jester's robe~
The robe of the great jester lies here in a pile.~
9 64 1|1024
6 6 6 1
120 977 0
18 2
19 -1
5 1
14 -10
a snowcone~
A delicious snowcone sits here, melting away.~
19 0 1
2 2 0 0
10 2 0
hot dog hotdog~
a hot dog~
A really scuzzy-looking hot dog lies here.~
19 0 1
8 8 0 0
10 6 0
some popcorn~
A small bag of popcorn lies here, uneaten.~
19 0 1
3 3 0 0
5 5 0
apple jelly~
a jelly apple~
A jelly apple, covered in a thick, viscous candy jelly, is ready to coat
your stomach.~
26 0 1
5 3 12 81
10 10 0
potion lemming~
a Lemming potion~
The potion that lemmings use to stop from self-destructing sits here.~
10 1|2|64 1|16384
1 66 42 82
10 900 0

A Path To Somewhere~
You walk along a small path away from the game booths, towards what seems
like a long line to get into something. You can't quite tell what it is, yet,
but it seems very interesting. The cheering from the bigtop seems to begin to
quiet as you walk farther and farth away from it.
     There is a small (Glowing) (Humming) tablet.
0 4 2
0 -1 4304
0 -1 3503
small tablet~
+                                                                    +
+   This area has been groked, modified, debugged (?:) and adapted   +
+                      in cold sunday, july'96                       +
+                            by jaceks                               +
+                                                                    +
In Line~
As you walk into the line, you can't help but wonder what you are getting in
line for... A great commotion runs through the people as you hear the distant
sound of laughing and playing while the line continues moving on and on, until
you are all the way in front... Now... what were you doing here again? To the
north, you smell some REALLY delicious food.
0 4 2
0 -1 4326
0 -1 4305
0 -1 4303
The Entrance to the Fun House~
As you walk past the front of the line, you can see that you were waiting in
line for the Circus's famous funhouse. The laughing sound is much stronger
here, as you can see children running through the funhouse to the north and
running out the exit, back to the entrance without a ticket.
0 0 1
0 -1 4306
0 -1 4304
The Psychadelic Hallway~
You pass through a long hallway, walking past mindless images painted onto
the walls. Clowns frown and stare at you and others laugh and grin evilly
at you with their eerie smiles. Images of melting clocks and surreality in
its fullest fill your mind and confuse your sense of direction.
0 8 0
0 -1 4307
0 -1 4305
The Ceiling Room~
As you step into the chamber, the ceiling begins to come down on you and
the floor begins to fall out from under you. You desperately run to the
wall and cling to it for dear life. Finding that you can inch across the
room by using a very small outcropping from every wall as solid ground.
0 8 0
0 -1 4308
0 -1 4306
The Shaking Floor~
As you are walking across the room, the floor begins to quiver and shake.
You hold out your arms to regain your balance, and soon find that it is
very hard to maintain a standing position, and you fall to your knees.
Crawling across the room, you think that you can reach the exit.
0 8 0
0 -1 4309
0 -1 4307
The Glass Floor~
You are FALLING!
You are FALLING!
There is no ground under you!

Or is there?
You are walking across a floor of thick, sturdy glass, which almost had you
fooled into thinking that you were about to plummet to your death.
0 8 0
0 -1 4313
0 -1 4312
0 -1 4310
0 -1 4308
The Spinning Chamber~
You walk into a huge cylindrical chamber, which soon begins a soft rumbling
roar and starts to spin. Try as you might, you are constantly being drawn up
to the top of the circle, and dropped... You try to run against the movement
of the cylinder, and you get dizzy and fall.
0 8 0
0 -1 4309
0 -1 4311
A loudspeaker blasts,
"Thank You. We hope you enjoyed the new Fun House!!! Send any positive
feedback to the administrators of the Circus, and any negative feedback,
you can stick up your... umm... mailbox, and send it directly to:
The Circus Owner
c/o The Circus
Southern Path, BR 54321-8000"
0 0 1
0 -1 4305
The Hall of Mirrors~
OH NO! You seem to be lost in a huge maze of identical mirrors.
Every time you think that you have found the exit, you walk into a mirror
and hurt your head. You soon get sick of your own reflection around every
corner and your head begins to throb with immense pain from what you think
might even be a concussion.
0 8 0
0 -1 4309
The Beginning of the Hall of Many Doors~
You step into a long hallway, half expecting some sort of maniacal device
or optical illusion to pop out at you and drive you insane, but are almost
let down to see that aside from the IMMENSE amount of doors connected to this
hall, this is a pretty normal place.
0 8 0
0 -1 4317
1 -1 4315
0 -1 4309
1 -1 4314
The Clown Room~
You enter a room painted all red. The Ceiling is a deep scarlet, and a thick,
red liquid slowly drips onto your head. You can see some strange things on the
ground... better take a closer look.
0 8 0
1 -1 4313
There is a half-dead cat on the ground with all of it's intestinal track cut
out, lying in a dripping lump on the ground.~
The Jester's Room~
You enter the room, only to find that instead of strange colors or shapes,
you only find distorted imaged of the famous athos and pathos masks all over
the walls and ceilings. A derranged one, the jester must be. You can see
a small plaque in the corner. There is also some sort of closet to the east.
0 8 0
1 -1 4316
1 -1 4313
This plaque awarded to Johnny Carson for his hosting the Tonight Show for
many, many years.~
The Jester's Closet~
A small little closet houses...
Look what that sicko keeps in here.
0 8 0
1 -1 4315
Along the Hallway~
You keep walking along the hallway, wondering when it will end... There are
thousands of doors on either side of you. You try one. Ooops... not a real
door... You hurt your hand on a cheap painting. You try a few more. Empty
rooms... You try a couple more... all locked or rusted shut. You wonder if
there ARE any doors that you can enter.
0 4|8 0
0 -1 4320
1 -1 4319
0 -1 4313
1 -1 4318
Zero-G Room~
As you enter this room, you fel weightless and soon float into the air
around you. You are drawn upwards, upwards, until you bang your head on
the ceiling. You find that you can move yourself around the room by using
a swimming-like motion.
0 8 0
1 -1 4317
The Rubber Room~
You walk in this room, only to be propelled against the far wall, and
bounced back and forth between walls. You continue to bounce, trying to
aim yourself towards the door to the west. You try and stop, but all efforts
to do so seem futile. You continue to bounce...
0 8 0
1 -1 4317
The Southern Hedge Maze~
You have entered the hegde maze's southern region. All you can see around
you is a mixture of different shrubberies and bushes. There is no way to get
through this thick layer of foliage, so the only way through is to find the
0 0 2
0 -1 4321
0 -1 4320
0 -1 4317
0 -1 4320
The Northern Hedge Maze~
Upon entering the northern hedge maze, the mixture of different types of
plants begins to vary more than before. You can now see different flowers
and beautiful ivies growing all around you.
0 0 2
0 -1 4322
0 -1 4321
0 -1 4320
0 -1 4321
The End of the Maze~
You KNEW all that walking would pay off eventually! You have successfully
navigated the hedge maze. Before you lies a strange metallic-looking room,
but something seems strange about it...
0 4|8 0
1 -1 4323
0 -1 4324
0 -1 4321
The Control Booth~
You enter a room with blinking lights and sounds. Strange machinery lines
every wall and knobs, buttons, and levers line the control panels of each
machine. You can now see from where all of the illusions and tricks from
the Fun House are created and controlled.
0 4|8 0
1 -1 4322
On a Steel Bridge~
You are walking along a narrow suspension bridge made of steel girders and
iron bolts. You wonder if you are actually still inside of a fun house, as
you look down and see a 2000 foot drop.
0 8 5
0 -1 4325
0 -1 4322
Nearing the End~
You think you are nearing the end as you can hear the clammering of the
crowds back in the circus. You can almost make out the big top back to the
south, and you can smell popcorn and cotton candy wafting through the swift,
cooling breeze.
0 4|8 5
0 -1 4311
0 -1 4324
The Concessions Stand~
You walk up to the concessions stand, the smell of all sorts of delicious
foods and drinks fills your nostrils and lifts you up to a self-contained
blissful haven of pleasure. You are SO tempted to buy something, but you
hope that it won't give you a stomach ache like last time.... OWWWW...
0 8 1
0 -1 4304

* objects removed (no cars, planes, tv sets, cameras etc at Chicken's Den !):
* #4304
* camera polaroid~
* a polaroid camera~
* A camera with the word Polaroid (TM) on it lies here, ready to take a picture.~
* ~
* 5 AB AN
* 0~ 0~ 0~ 7~
* 5 0 0
* A
* 5 1
* A
* 19 2
* A
* 2 -1
* #4305
* polaroid picture~
* a polaroid picture~
* A polaroid picture lies here, blackmailing someone~
* ~
* 2 0 1
* 10~ continual light~ ~ ~
* 5 0 0
* this area has been converted to ROM 2.4 format by jaceks
* this area is connected with:
*  4303 A Path To Somewhere        <> 4408 The Entrance to the Freak (circus  )
* ver 1.00 by jaceks, Sun Aug  4 17:02:01 1996
* ver 1.01
* - ABCD flags removed from the ticket-taker (thx for Paymon)
* - amount of mob's gold decreased
*                      jaceks, Tue Aug  6 03:07:03 MET DST 1996
R 1 4312 2                 * Randomize The Hall of Mirrors
M 1 4313 1 4304          * an anxious little kid to On Line (12)
E 1 4303 -1 17
M 1 4314 1 4304          * a nice mother to On Line (17)
M 1 4303 1 4305          *  the ticket-taker to The Entrance (17)
M 1 4306 1 4305          * the nice old man's boss to The Entrance (16)
* E 1 4304 -1 16
* G 1 4305 -1
* G 1 4305 -1
M 1 4304 1 4306          * a little kid to The Psychadelic Hallway (12)
M 1 4305 1 4306          * a little kid to The Psychadelic Hallway (14)
M 1 4310 1 4307          * a little girl to The Ceiling Room (14)
M 1 4311 1 4308          * a little kid to The Shaking Floor (14)
M 1 4309 1 4309          * a clueless kid to The Glass Floor (13)
M 1 4308 1 4310          * a dizzy little kid to The Spinning Chamber (16)
M 1 4307 1 4311          * a mean little kid to EXIT (15)
G 1 4306 -1
M 1 4312 1 4312          * a lost kid to The Hall of Mirrors (15)
E 1 4307 -1 6
E 1 4308 -1 16
O 1 4309 -1 4310           * some dropped money to The Spinning Chamber
M 1 4315 1 4314          * a really scary clown to The Clown Room (16)
E 1 4310 -1 6
D 1 4313 3 1               * The Beginning of the Hall of Many Doors Close West
D 1 4315 3 1               * The Jester's Room Close West
D 1 4316 3 1               * The Jester's Closet Close West
M 1 4317 1 4316          * Jay Leno to The Jester's Closet (12)
E 1 4311 -1 6
M 1 4318 1 4316          * David 901 Letterman to The Jester's Closet (12)
G 1 4312 -1
M 1 4316 1 4315          * Johnny Carson to The Jester's Room (14)
O 1 4313 -1 4316             * a long flowing Jester's robe to The Jester's Closet
M 1 4319 2 4318          * a small child to Zero-G Room (13)
M 1 4319 2 4318          * a small child to Zero-G Room (13)
O 1 4309 -1 4318             * some dropped money to Zero-G Room
M 1 4320 1 4319          * Bonkers T. Bobcat to The Rubber Room (14)
R 1 4320 3                 * Randomize The Southern Hedge Maze
M 1 4321 1 4320          * the Pope to The Southern Hedge Maze  (65 sic!)
M 1 4322 1 4321          * Don King to The Northern Hedge Maze (17)
R 1 4320 3                 * Randomize The Northern Hedge Maze
D 1 4323 2 1                   * The Control Booth Close South
M 1 4323 1 4323          * a man behind a curtain to The Control Booth (17)
M 1 4324 3 4324          * a lemming to On a Steel Bridge (12)
G 1 4318 -1
M 1 4324 3 4324          * a lemming to On a Steel Bridge (12)
G 1 4318 -1
M 1 4324 3 4324          * a lemming to On a Steel Bridge (12)
G 1 4318 -1
M 1 4325 1 4326          * the old cashier to The Concessions Stand 
G 1 4315 -1
G 1 4314 -1
G 1 4316 -1
G 1 4317 -1

4325 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23 * I know a guy like this in Astroland in Coney Island... blech.... never get food from him. trust me

M  4306 spec_thief                      the nice old man's boss
M  4307 spec_thief                      a mean little kid
M  4315 spec_cast_mage                  a really scary clown
M  4316 spec_cast_undead                        Johnny Carson
M  4321 spec_cast_adept                 the Pope
M  4322 spec_cast_judge                 Don King
M  4323 spec_janitor                    a man behind a curtain
M  4324 spec_fido                       a cute little stupid lemming
M  4325 spec_cast_undead                        the old cashier
