-1 DIKU~
.                    Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

                     Additional contributions from:

Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
Ragnar Loenn    - the bulletin board.
Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                  uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                  in the process.

And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.

Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.

#2There are enhanced items in the game, called Mystics.
These items are items which are mystical, and are the most
powerful items under Artifacts, you can claim them, quest them,
and you get them in quests by imms.
#2#uThe Story#n#2
Story in progress...

Credits to:
        Xkilla  - Coder

Help DCHANGES to see the current changes.
Help DROWPOWERS to see the current powers.#n

webtalk drows channel
toughen up power
foureyes power
damcap 1500, no bonuses.
drow skills
drows get 25 attributes
500 weaponskills
More to come soon.
Help DROWS to see the story.
Help DROWPOWERS to see the current powers.#n

Pledge-   Allows you to become a drow.
Infect-   Makes a drow.
Inherit-  Allows you to gain your powers.
Webtalk-  The drow channel.
Toughen-  Drow power which adds 250 hit, 250 dam,
 ac -500. 10 hr/dr -20ac with each drow skill point you have.
Foureyes- Drows enhanced sight.
Offense-  500weaponskills, offensive/defense bonus, plus more.
Drow Skills-Trainable, adds 100damcap, and hr/dr/ac see above. 240,000,000 xp to max skills.
More to come soon.
Help DROWS to see the story.
Help DCHANGES to see the current powers.#n 
#2#uThe Story#n#2
The Second Intergalactic War left billions dead and
billions more injured. The forces of Terra Prime
had finally defeated the alien menace... Or so they
thought. Little did they know that a few of the hid-
eous aliens remained alive, drifting through space
in ships too damaged to be repaired. At the mercy
of time, most of the remaining aliens died from st-
arvation or simply old age. A few of the more crafty
aliens realized they could be floating through
space for aeons before they came across a habitable
planet, so they went into cryo-stasis.

#u10 Years later#n#2
It was a warm night in the kingdom of Kalos. A hot
breeze was blowing, and dark clouds hung low over
the lands. Nobody was able to sleep, so everyone
saw what appeared to be a great fiery mountain fall
from the sky. A few of the braver souls went to take
a look at it from close, but only one came back,
and he was heavily wounded... He said only one thing
before he expired: "The aliens have arrived..."#n
They were called the Ambro.
Credits to:
	Xkilla	- Coder
	Anubis	- Story

Help ACHANGES to see the current changes.
Help ALIENPOWERS to see the current powers.#n

#1Powers for #GA#gliens#1:#n
Abduct:		Turns on/off the immune to become a alien.
Aclass:		Makes a alien.
Aliencreate:	Creats Alien armor/weapons.
Alienpowers:	Shows your current powers.
Aliens: 	Shows all the people who are alien's stats.
Autoconsume:	Auto consumes corpses.
Consume:	Another alien way to get planet points.
Planet:		Lets aliens get their powers.
Space:		This is the channel for aliens.
Prince:		Allows leaders to make Stalkers.
Ptoken:		Makes planet point tokens.
Speed:		Normal speed power.
Toughness:	Normal toughness power.
Probe:		A power which lets you probe data from people.
Beam:		Allows you to go anywhere, where there is someone
	with, abduct on.
Radar:		Allows you to look at where someone is.
Pyrokinesis:    A mental extra attack, activated with the command,
Biomorph:	A morph command, which will switch a human to,
	alien form, and back.
Spaceeyes:	Spacely sight.
Planet Power System - Mob Level * 200-150 / 75.
If you cant figure that out, it means  the dps are around double,
#uthe monsters level.                                             #n#2
#uRanks                                  #n
#1Generation 1 - Alien Drone
Generation 2 - Invader
Prince       - Stalker
Other	     - Invader
Clan less    - Nomad
Special Thanks to :
	Xkilla	-  Coder
	Anubis  -  Story
Help ACHANGES to see the current changes.
Help ALIEN to see the story.#n

0 JOG~
Syntax: jog <direction list>

The <direction list> consists of a string of directions in the
form <#d>.  "#" is optional and represents the number of times
to repeat the direction.  "d" is the direction you wish to jog.
You may also use <od> in the direction list where "o" stands for
open and "d" is the direction of the door you wish to open.

  Example:  jog 12eos3ses4w

This command is used for speedwalking from one place to another.
Once you start jogging, no other commands will be processed
until you stop.  There are only a few conditions that will
stop you from jogging.

  1.  You reach your destination.
  2.  You are unable to move to the next room.

As far as the mud is concerned, all directions processed while
jogging are received as if they were entered one at a time.
This means that anything that can happen during normal walking
can also happen while jogging.  All rooms are shown in brief
mode while jogging.

0 vampeq~
#LVampire eq stats:
Object: #rA bloody vampire ring#L:
        dam =  20   Location: Finger
        hit =  20
        ac  = -35
Affect: Regenerate
Object: #rA bloody vampire breastplate#L:
        dam =  20   Location: Body
        hit =  20
        ac  = -35
Affect: Vanish
Object: #0a Belt of Skulls#L
        dam =  15   Location: Waist
        hit =  15
        ac  =  25
Affect: Max Beast
Object: #rA bloody vampire scimitar#L:
        dam =  30   Min. Damage: 25
        hit =  30   Max. Damage: 45
        ac  = -45   Type: Stab
        str =   3
Affect: Speed
Object: #rA bloody vampire hook#L:
        dam =  25   Min. Damage: 35
        hit =  25   Max. Damage: 45
        ac  = -35   Type: Grep
        str =   3
Affect: Vorpal
#GCommand: vampcreate
0 TAG~
#2  Sometimes life in the world can get a bit stressfull, so we all need
to relax and play games from time to time.  One way you can do this is 
by starting up a game of tag ammongst your fellow players.  The rules 
are simple!
  To start a game of tag, you must first Tag someone (Using TAG <Player>) 
If no one is nearby or willing to be 'IT' first, you can tag yourself.  
The idea is then for players to run arround the world trying to avoid 
being caught by the person who is 'IT', Only one person can be 'IT' at 
any one time, and when they catch someone their 'IT' status is removed 
and the player they tag becomes 'IT'.
  Whenever the state of play changes, eg if someone tags someone else, 
starts a game, or ends a game players are informed via the info channel.
  Commands are as follows...
  TAG <Player>	- Start a game, or tag the next person if you are already IT
  TAG show	- Shows wether a game is in progress, and if so displays who 
		  is currently IT
  TAG quit	- Used to end a game of tag, can only be issued by the 
		  player who is IT#n

Syntax: aedit           -Enters the editor for the current area.
Syntax: aedit <vnum>    -Enters the editor for the selected area.

The follow commands are available from within the AEDITOR:

age <number>        - set the age of the area
builder <player>    - toggle that builder's access
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create              - create a brand new area and switch to it
done                - exits the area editor and returns to normal play
filename <filename> - change the file name for the area. '.are' is appended.
name <name>         - change the 'AREAS' name of this area
recall <room vnum>  - set the room to recall to
reset               - resets the current area
security <rating>   - set the security rating for this area
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the area stats
vnum <lower> <upper>- set the lower and upper vnum's
lvnum <lower>       - set the lower vnum
uvnum <upper>       - set the upper vnum
<flags>             - area flags, type ? AREA for a list

Syntax: medit <vnum>            -Enters the editor for the selected mobile.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

alignment <value>   - set the mobile's alignment
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create <vnum>       - creates mobile with specified vnum
desc                - edit the mobile's description (when looked at)
done                - exits the mobile editor and returns to normal play
level <level>       - set the mobile's level
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an mobile
shop                - type this command for further information
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an mobile (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the mobile stats
spec                - sets a mobiles spec proc, type ? SPEC for a list
<sex>               - set the mobile's sex, type ? SEX for a list
<act>               - mobiles actions, type ? ACT for a list
<affected-by>       - mobile affects, type ? AFFECT for a list

Syntax: oedit <vnum>            -Enters the editor for the selected object.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

addaffect           - applies an affect to an object, no args for help
delaffect           - removes an affect to an object, no args for help
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
cost <gold>         - sets the gold value of the object
create <vnum>       - creates object with specified vnum
done                - exits the object editor and returns to normal play
ed                  - type this for info on adding/editing extended descripts
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an object
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an object (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the object stats
v0 <num>            - sets the value '0' on the object
v1 <num>            - sets the value '1' on the object
v2 <num>            - sets the value '2' on the object
v3 <num>            - sets the value '3' on the object
weight <num>        - sets the weight of the object
<obj-type>          - type of object, type ? TYPE for a list
<extra-flags>       - attributes of object, type ? EXTRA for a list
<wear-flags>        - where object is worn, type ? WEAR for a list

-1 EXIT~
Syntax: <dir> <command> <argument(s)>
For exits, type the direction (north/s/e/w) followed by:

dig <vnum>         - creates the room and makes a two way link
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key <object vnum>  - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
remove <arg>       - used to remove keys, names, and descriptions
delete             - delete this exit
<exit-flags>       - type ? EXIT for a list(door, locked etc.)

The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.

-South to [ 3744] Key: [   -1] Exit flags: [door CLOSED pickproof]#n

#2Syntax: redit                   -Enters the editor for the current room.

#3The following commands are available from within the REDITOR:

#4commands            - prints a list of possible commands
#5create <vnum>       - creates a room with a certain vnum
#6desc                - edit description of room
#7done                - exists the room editor and returns to normal play
#1ed                  - type this command for additonal extra-description help
#2format              - format(word-wrap) the room description
#0name <room title>   - changes the room title
#3show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the room stats
#4oshow <vnum>        - shows an object with given vnum
#5olist               - lists objects in this area.
#6mshow <vnum>        - shows a mobile with given vnum
#7mlist               - lists mobiles in this area.
#1<room-flags>        - room attributes, type ? ROOM for a list
#2<sector>            - terrain of room, type ? SECTOR for a list
#3<direction>         - see help EXIT, or type <dir> ?
#4walk <direction>    - use the walk command to move in a direction
#5Remember #sC#so#sl#so#sr#sf#su#sl#5 areas.#n

#2 Want free money, to just have this special
#2 view bar open. 
#2Or just goto, Alladvantage at
* They've paid over $10 million to members in the US, UK
  and Canada in the last three months alone;
* Now they're paying members in France, Germany, Australia,
  New Zealand and the US territories, too -- more
  countries coming soon;
* Later this month all members will be able to purchase
  anti-virus software at a huge discount through their
  AllAdvantage accounts;
* Soon they're releasing Viewbars to Mac users, making
  AllAdvantage the first Viewbar company to do so;
#2 Its not a jip. They make so much money from people
#2 advertising to them, that they pay us like a tiny bit
#2 of it. This is a site with links, Alladvantage is the
#2 best Paying so far.

#0Color by #b#2Xkilla#n
#u#2Color -  Bright  - Dark#n
#7Grey      #0     ##0 #n
#7Red            #R##R #r##r#n
#7Green          #G##G #g##g#n
#7Cyan           #C##C #c##c#n
#7Blue           #L##L #l##l#n
#7Yellow         #y##y  #n
#7Purple         #P##P #p##p#n
#7Brown          #o##o#n
#7Random         #s##s#n
#7Blink          #b##b#n
#7Bold           #i##i#n
#7Underline      #u##u#n
#7White          #7##7#n
#7Grey/White     #8##8#n

Kavir, Rotain, and Merc for orginal design.
Xkilla, for extras ansi and commands and writing
a new ansi system, and copyover and much more.

#2Coded by #s#bXkilla#n#2, still coding.
#2Coded by #s#bCheerios#n#2.

-1 MERC~
[Note: this entry may not be removed or altered.  See our license.txt.]
This mud is based on Merc 2.1, created by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn.  Merc 2.1
is available as Merc_21.tar.gz from ftp.tcp.com and ftp.math.okstate.edu.
E-mail to 'merc-request@kpc.com' to join the merc mailing list.

Thanks to ...
  ... Diku Mud for starting it all.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.

Share and enjoy.

#1////////////////////#2Revenge of Kalos#1/////////////////
#1|                                                   |
#1|                    #3Implementors               #1    |
#1|                    #4Coders                  #1       |
#1|                        #4Xkilla             #1        |
#1|                                                   |
#1|                                                   |
#1|                                                   |
#1|                                                   |
#1|                                                   |   

#4                        ./     Revenge of     \.  
#4               ___      |       Kalos         |      ___
#4              / .-\  ./=)		      #4(=\.  /-. \
#4             |  |#R"#4|_/\/|                     #4 |\/\_|#R"#4|  |
#4             ;  |-;| /_|   #GCoded by:         #4 |_\ |;-|  ;
#4            / \_| |/ \ |         #g   Xkilla   #4 | / \| |_/ \
#4           /      \/\( |         #g            #4 | )/\/      \
#4           |   /  |` ) |         #g          #4 | ( '|  \   |
#4           /   \ _/    |                     #4 |    \_ /   \
#4          /--._/  \    |                     #4 |    /  \_.--\
#4          `/|)    |    / #GCredits to:         #4  \   |    (|\`
#4            /     |   |          #g   Merc     #4  |   |     \
#4          .'      |   |          #g   KaVir    #4  |   |      '.
#4         /         \  |          #g   Rotain   #4  |  /         \
#4        (_.-.__.__./  /                      #4  \  \.__.__.-._)

#yWho is it trying to enter hell? ~

-1 MOTD~
Use speak to change your language.
* This is a player killing and stealing mud.
* Type 'help' for help.  To see the changes type 'help changes'.
* Type help 'rules' and help 'policy' for a list of rules and the policy.
* Check out help 'term', for info on what flaf, and etc are.
* This mud is put up for your enjoyment. If you are found abusing bugs
  you will be warned once and then banned if you repeat. If you disagree
  with this policy then you should not be here.
* If you have a bugged character please login another character and report 
  it to a imp or email us with your characters name.
* Xkilla's email is #1ryan#2@#3scv#4.#5net#n
* If you have any good ideas for powers, write a note onideas board.
* use jog 'se4s2es2eds4und' to get to elemental from recall
#n#3[Press ENTER to continue...]#n

* PLEASE: check 'help decapitate' and 'help rules'.
* Also check 'help status', 'help escape' and 'help godless'.

-1 NEWS~
To see the changes, type 'help changes'.

The Ten Commandments:
1)  Kill and decapitate other immortals, or else:
2)  Other immortals will kill and decapitate you.
3)  Forgiveness may be divine, but vengeance is much more fun.
4)  Don't whine or complain, or someone will kill you.
5)  If someone whines or complains, you should kill them.
6)  If someone DOESN'T whine or complain, kill them anyway.
7)  Might makes right; A corpse will never betray you.
8)  Friends are useful.  So are the exp you get for decapitating them.
9)  Rules and alliences are there to be broken; never trust anyone.
10) Stop reading the stupid rules and let the slaughter commence!
11) Don't bug imms in anyway, they have the right to delete and deny you.


* Cloning of Artifacts is banned! And always has been.

  Cloning of ANY artifact will result in all copies of the cloned artifact
  being removed from the game and any further action deemed appropriate by
  myself or the God(s) concerned.

* Multiplaying is banned!

  Anyone caught multiplaying will have ALL of the concerned characters deleted
  or any lesser penalty deemed appropriate by the immortal dealing with it.

* No spamming any channels

  This is unfriendly and upsets people. The penalty for this is that the 
  offending player will be silenced for a period determined by the immortal.

* No purposeful crashing of the mud.

  Deliberate crashing of the mud will cause you to be denied or possibly
  deleted and may even end up in your site being prevented from connecting
  to the mud (banned). 

* Sharing characters

  This is frowned upon heavily.

* Storage of Artifacts 

  You are not allowed to place your artifact(s) on a "storage character"
  Any storage characters found will be deleted and the artifact(s) they
  were storing will be placed back in the game at the immortals discression.

It is a time of great magic.  Powerful immortals battle across the world
for domination, slaying and pillaging at will.  Only the greatest can 
survive...are you one of them?

MOVEMENT                          GROUP
north south east west up down     follow group gtell split
exits recall
sleep wake rest stand

get put drop give sacrifice       help credits areas commands socials
wear wield hold                   report score time weather where who
recite quaff zap brandish         channels config description password title
lock unlock open close pick       auction chat music question answer shout yell
inventory equipment look compare  emote pose say tell
eat drink fill empty              bug idea typo
list buy sell value               note

COMBAT                            OTHER
kill flee kick rescue disarm      ! save quit
backstab cast wimpy               practice train

For more help, type 'help <topic>' for any command, skill, or spell.

Syntax: auction                   toggle auction channel on/off
        auction info              view info about current item
        auction bid <amount>      place bid for the current item
        auction <item name>       put an item up for auction

#2Qp auction
#2Autotick- Enables/Disables tick messages.
#2Exp system redone
#2Decapping status fixed
#2Fixed about 10 of Kavirs bugs.
#2Started redoing drows.
#2A bunch more small things too.
#2Redid Ninjas, now Cyberninjas (25-50%)
#2Favorite place, favplace added.
#2Mystics added.
#3More to come, Just wiped changes.#n

July 13.
*Alien story is done. Xkilla
*Alien Theme is done. -XKilla
*Aliens have a main first clan Ambro. -XKilla
*Abduct:         Turns on/off the immune to become a alien. -Xkilla
*Aclass:         Makes a alien. -XKilla
*Aliencreate:    Creats Alien armor/weapons. -Xkilla
*Aliens:         Shows all the people who are alien's stats. -Xkilla
*Consume:        Another alien way to get planet points. -Xkilla
*Planet:         Lets aliens get their powers. -Xkilla
*Space:          This is the channel for aliens. -Xkilla
*Prince:         Allows leaders to make Stalkers. -Xkilla
*Speed:          Normal speed power. -Xkilla
*Toughness:      Normal toughness power. -Xkilla
*Probe:          A power which lets you probe data from people. -Xkilla
*Beam:           Allows you to go anywhere, where there is someone -XKilla
        with, abduct on.
*Radar:          Allows you to look at where someone is. -Xkilla
*Pyrokinesis:    A mental extra attack, activated with the command, -Xkilla
*Biomorph:       A morph command, which will switch a human to, -Xkilla
        alien form, and back.
*Spaceeyes:      Spacely sight. -Xkilla

*Planet Power System - Mob Level * 200-150 / 75. -Xkilla
*Ranks                -Xkilla
Generation 1 - Alien Drone
Generation 2 - Invader
Prince       - Stalker
Other        - Invader
Clan less    - Nomad
July 14,
* Hydras and Aliens balanced  -Xkilla & Smoo
* Aliens have a beeping beam. -Xkilla
* Aliens have a ptoken command, which makes planet tokens. -Xkilla
* Alienpowers is a command which shows aliens their powers. -Xkilla
* Autoconsume, auto consumging corpses. -Xkilla

More to come.

To take part in Kalos Arena below are the follwing commands:
Achallenge: <player>

once the player is challenged, they have two options.
Adecline: <challenger>     or
Aagree:   <challenger>

For players that are not involved in the arena they
have an a option of beting by using the following.
Qbet: <challenger/challenged>
Expbet: (not yet implemented)


#5very hard
#6amazing hard
#7incredibly hard
#4unkalos damage
#1 with #i#2U#3N#4S#5P#6E#7A#1K#2A#3B#4L#5E#n#1 damage#n
#0Your final blow will be a death move, depending on your weapon type.#n

#0Bragertrain to gain powers.
#1Speed (15000), Toughness (15000), Strength (20000), Ale (10000), Frenzy (10000),
#1Weaponskill (25000), BRagerRun (20000), BRagerSight (15000), BRagerFrenzy (15000).
#2Speed, adds speed.
Toughness, adds toughness.
Strength, norm hitting damage by 1.5, wont exceed max_damcap.
Ale, enhanced speed.
Frenzy, frenzy command.
Weaponskill, 400weaponskills.
Bragerrun, goto other battleragers.
Bragersight, super sight.
Bragerfrenzy, enhanced speed.
Rclass, to make a battle rager.#n

#2Class       Status
#1Alien    Finished\Small Commands here and there.
#1Ninja    In progress
#1Drow     Finished\Small commands here and there.

#0First people to get classed, get leader spots.#n

Syntax: claim <object>
Syntax: call <object>
Syntax: call all
Syntax: gift <object> <player>
Syntax: locate

By claiming an object (which costs 500 exp), that object becomes your 
personal property.  Using the 'locate' command you can find what items 
currently belong to you and where they are in the mud.  If you are not 
carrying the item, you can get it back by calling it with the 'call' 
command.  You can change the ownership of your own items by use of the 
'gift' command.

Do this to another avatar when they are mortally wounded, and you will 
suck out some of their lifeforce (represented by 1000exp), making them 
mortal again.  You may also loot their corpse, of course, and if you are 
hungry you can even eat their head ;)
Decapitation alone is not enough to completely destroy another avatar 
however, for their head will retain their remaining lifeforce.  To truely 
kill them, you must crack open their head and eat (or in some other way 
destroy) their brain.

While holding a head in either your left or right hand, typing 'crack' 
will crack the head open, spilling the brains out onto the floor.

When your character dies, you are reincarnated back at the Altar of the Temple
of Midgaard.  Your corpse is left behind in the room where you were killed,
together with all of your equipment.  Your gold stays with you.

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death.

Following and groups are not affected by death.

You lose experience points for dying.  The amount you lose is half of your 
current amount, so it's a good idea not to hoard exp.

Corpses decay after time, and the objects inside corpses decay with them.
Player corpses last *roughly* 30 hours of game time (15 minutes of real time).

This command allows you to transport to the temple of midgaard when 
mortally wounded.  Unfortunately, it also reduces both your mana and move 
to 0, and informs everyone else on the mud that you are lying defenseless 
at recall...so be careful how you use it.

Syntax: mount <creature>
Syntax: dismount

This allows the character to mount the specified creature.  Only 
creatures such as horses and the like may be mounted, and they will aid 
their rider in combat.

For information on the MOUNT spell, type 'help mountspell'.

Quest Makers (and occasionally higher levels) can set quests for one or 
more players to participate in.  The rewards for such quests can be in 
the form of specially modified equipment.  A number of quest points-worth 
will be allocated depending on the difficulty of the quest, using the 
following guidelines for point costs (QP's = Quest Points):

Stats (Str/Dex/Int/Wis/Con): 20 QP's per +1, max allowed is +3 per stat.
Hp/Mana/Move: 5 QP per +1, max allowed is +25 on each.
Hitroll/Damroll: 30 QP's per +1, max allowed is +5 on each.
Ac: 10 QP's per -1, max allowed is -25.

Once a certain affect (str, hitroll, ac, etc) is selected, it cannot be 
chosen again for that item even if you didn't select the maximum allowed 
amount.  Choosing to have penalties on an item will not decrease its 
cost, although some Quest Makers may allow extra points if you select a 
few disadvantages on the item.

For more information, type 'quest'.

Syntax: quest <field> <value>
Syntax: token <value>

QUEST will allow you to spend any quest points you might have.  For a 
list of the cost (in quest points), type 'quest'.

TOKEN will allow you to create a quest token, with the value of the token 
set to the value specified.  The tokens value must be within 1 and 50, 
and it cannot be greater than the number of quest points you currently 

For information on the QUEST spell, type 'help questspell'.

Syntax: complete card
Syntax: complete card <object>
Syntax: recharge card machine

A quest card requires 4 objects to complete.  To find out what 4 objects 
you need, type 'complete card'.  When you find these items, you should 
type 'complete card <object>'.  Once you have completed all 4 items on 
the card you will be told that you have completed the card.  Then you 
should go and find the dark crypt, where there is a machine, and type 
'recharge card machine'.  You will receive a quest token reward, which 
you should eat, and the card will be recharged with 4 new items to find.

HINT:  Vallandar's tomb can be found by going 2 south, 7 east, 2 north 
from recall.  Once you have found that area, you should look for the 
guardian and solve his riddle, enter the portal he creates, and you'll be 
in the dark crypt.

The following are a few examples of quest types:
* Find the object/s.  Examples: Find 5 different coloured potions, Find a 
  pitch black longsword that flames brightly, Find a dragon dagger, belt 
  and bracer, etc.
* Kill the mob/s.  These can be hunt down and kill, or simple placing the 
  player in the same room as the mob/s.  Can also be combined with finding 
  objects - Example: Find and kill two different dragons and bring me 
  their claws.
* Solve a puzzle.  For example find a certain room, solve a riddle in an 
  area, or successfully get out of a maze.  These are particularly good 
  when several players of different ability are competing in the quest.
* Duel: A one-on-one fight pitting either a player against a mob, or 
  (more usually) a player against another player.  The conditions will be 
  decided beforehand, and can include any conditions that both sides 
  agree on.  Example: No sanctuary, no potions (or maybe a limited number),
  no spells, no weapons, or whatever.
* Skirmishes: Like a duel, but involves several players on either side.  
  Although the sides don't have to be equal in number, it is generally a 
  good idea to make sure they are roughly equal in power.
* There are also several more obscure quests that can be run - for 
  example you could require that the player brings you 3 small green 
  eggs, then load mob 30005 into the players room.  Another battle might 
  involve no melee - all combat must be with missile weapons.

Your character advances in power by gaining experience.

You gain experience by being part of a group that kills someone/something.

You lose experience by dying or being decapitated.

The experience you get from a kill depends on several things: how many players
are in your group; your alignment versus your opponent's alignment; how 
many of this monster have been killed lately (if they are an NPC); and 
some random variation.

See also help on 'status'.


This represents the 'danger' of the player.  You only have a status if 
you are level 3.  It grants no extra powers, but is a good measure of 
how deadly that player is in combat.  Each time you decapitate an 
Immortal+ (or an Avatar if you are also an Avatar) your status goes up by 
one and their status goes down by one (to a minimum of zero).  The 
following shows how many kills (minus deaths) you need for each status:

     0  = Avatar
 1 - 4  = Immortal
 5 - 9  = Godling
10 - 14 = Demigod
15 - 19 = Lesser God
20 - 24 = Greater God
25 +    = Supreme God

Remember, if your status is Immortal or above you gain nothing for 
decapitating an Avatar (except a free loot, a head, and an enemy).

Syntax: skill | skill <player>

This shows the target player's skill with the weapon they are currently 
wielding and the stance they are in (if it's a specialized stance).

Weapon skill				 Stance skill

 1) Totally unskilled.			 1) Totally unskilled.
 2) Slightly skilled.			 2) An apprentice.
 3) Reasonable.				 3) A trainee.
 4) Fairly competent.			 4) A student.
 5) Highly skilled.			 5) Fairly experienced.
 6) Very dangerous.			 6) Well trained.
 7) Extremely deadly.			 7) Highly skilled.
 8) An expert.				 8) An expert.
 9) A master.				 9) A master.
10) A grandmaster.			10) A grandmaster.

Note that these are only rough estimates; one master might well be 
slightly more skilled than another master, and so on.

Syntax: spells | spell <colour>

This shows your spell casting ability with the various types of magic.

1) Untrained.				 6) An adept.
2) An apprentice.			 7) A mage.
3) A student.				 8) A warlock.
4) A scholar.				 9) A master wizard.
5) A magus.				10) A grand sorcerer.

Note that these are only rough estimates; one master wizard might well be 
slightly more skilled than another master wizard, and so on.

By typing this, you will no longer be affected by most god commands, 
including restore, force, slay, mset, transfer, deny, freeze, etc.  You 
can toggle your godless flag on and off at will, and everyone in the mud 
is informed each time you do this.

To set your recall point, enter the desired room and type 'home here'.  
From that point on you will recall to that point rather than the Temple 
of Midgaard (although you still go to the Templar Altar if you die).

A home cannot be a safe room.

You can buy pets in the pet shop.  Your pet-buying opportunities do not 
accumulate; use them or lost them.  This policy prevents wholesale abuse 
of pets.

Many of the game actions are based upon interval timers, including combat,
most autonomous monster actions, hp/mana/move regeneration, spell duration,
weather, and area resetting.

Of these timers, the hp/mana/move regeneration timer is popularly called the
'tick'.  Ticks on this mud average 30 seconds of real time, but the actual
amount varies randomly from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.

Area resetting happens roughly every 3 minutes if no one is in the area; less
often (15 minutes) if some one is.  Also note that objects lying on the ground
will not be regenerated if anyone is in the area when it resets.

0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

Syntax: north
Syntax: south
Syntax: east
Syntax: west
Syntax: up
Syntax: down

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.

Syntax: cast <spell> <target>

Before you can cast a spell, you have to practice it.  The more you practice,
the higher chance you have of success when casting.  Casting spells costs mana.
The mana cost decreases as your magical ability increases.

The <target> is optional.  Many spells which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell name.
Example: cast 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells.
You can abbreviate the spell name.

When you cast an offensive spell, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the spell is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual spells.

Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

Syntax: drop <object>
Syntax: drop <amount> coins
Syntax: get  <object>
Syntax: get  <object> <container>
Syntax: give <object> <character>
Syntax: give <amount> coins <character>
Syntax: put  <object> <container>

DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.

GET gets an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or even
from a corpse.  TAKE is a synonym for get.

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.

PUT puts an object into a container.

DROP, GET and PUT understand the object names 'ALL' for all objects and
'ALL.object' for all objects with the same name.

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>

COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.

COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.

COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

Syntax: backstab <character>
Syntax: berserk
Syntax: disarm
Syntax: kick
Syntax: punch    <character>
Syntax: kill     <character>

KILL starts a fight, and, hopefully, kills something.  BACKSTAB is another way
to start a fight, used by thieves.  BS is a synonym for BACKSTAB.

BERSERK will make you strike out at every creature in the room.  It will 
hit players as well as mobiles, so it's a good idea not to use this skill 
while you are grouped.
DISARM is an auxiliary fighting command to disarm your opponent.  Similarly,
KICK will inflict more damage during combat by kicking.
PUNCH will inflict a small amount of damage, and stun your opponent for a 
short period of time.  It also has a chance of breaking your opponents 
nose or jaw.

In order to BACKSTAB, DISARM, KICK or PUNCH successfully, you must practice
the appropriate skill.


FASTDRAW is automatic, if you have it.  If another player attacks you 
while you have any sheathed weapons, you will draw them out with 
lightning speed and strike your opponent before they are able to land any 
blows on you.  If you have any items in your hands at the time, you will 
throw them aside before drawing your weapons.

Syntax: ansi

This will show things in colour.  Spells will appear in their appropriate 
colour, and important messages will be highlighted.  Your exp (or opponents
condition if you're fighting), hp, mana and move are shown in scaled colour.
Scaled colour is represented as follows:

Cyan   : Maximum.
Yellow : 75% to just below maximum.
Green  : 50% to just below 75%
Blue   : 25% to just below 50%
Red    : Below 25%

Ansi colour can be toggled on and off with the 'ansi' or 'config' commands.

Syntax: combat <style>

In combat, the stance of the fighter plays a very important role; you 
can't just stand there and exchange blow for blow unless you are very 
confident of your ability.  Each fighting stance has advantages and 
disadvantages, the basic outline of which follows:
VIPER: A very fast and aggressive style of combat, concentrating on 
striking your opponent before they have the chance to avoid or block you.
CRANE: A wide, sweeping style of combat, which concentrates on a very 
strong blocking defence.
CRAB: A low, defensive fighting stance which uses agile footwork and 
rolling with attacks in order to reduce your injuries.
MONGOOSE: A light-footed stance, which relies on leaps and acrobatics to 
ensure that by the time your opponent makes their attack, you've moved 
out of the way.
BULL: A low aggressive stance which concentrates purely on physical power.

See also help on 'advancedstance' and 'stancetable'.

Syntax: combat <style>

Advanced stances can be learned after you have become a grand master in 
two normal stances.  These stances are much better than the others.
MANTIS: Requires CRANE and VIPER before it can be learned.  This stance 
combines a very strong defence with lightning fast counter attacks.
DRAGON: Requires BULL and CRAB before it can be learned.  This stance 
uses very powerful attacks, as well as protecting the fighter from injury.
TIGER: Requires BULL and VIPER before it can be learned.  Probably the 
most aggressive of all the stances, this style utilizes very powerful and
lightning fast attacks.
MONKEY: Requires CRANE and MONGOOSE before it can be learned.  The only 
affect of this stance is to completely nullify the advantages of your 
opponents stance.
SWALLOW: Requires MONGOOSE and CRAB before it can be learned.  This is 
the most defensive of all the stances, combining agile dodges with the 
ability to 'roll' with an attack, helping prevent injury.

See also help on 'stance' and 'stancetable'.


The following table is a rough comparison of stances, giving a value 
between 10 and -10, where the higher the number the better your chance of 
victory.  Cross-reference your stance from the left with your opponents 
stance from along the top.  Please remember these are only rough 
estimates, and may not be completely accurate...

          None Vipr Cran Mmgs Bull Crab Mnts Tigr Drgn Mnky Swlw
None        0   -4   -5   -5   -5   -5   -9   -9   -10   0   -10
Viper      +4    0   +3   +3   -2   -2   -2   -7   -9    0   -4
Crane      +5   -3    0    0   +2   +2   -8   -6   -1    0   -3
Mongoose   +5   -3    0    0   +2   +2   -8   -6   -1    0   -3
Bull       +5   +2   -2   -2    0   +2   -5   -3   -3    0   -5
Crab       +5   +2   -2   -2   -2    0   -5   -5   -7    0   -7
Mantis     +9   +2   +8   +8   +5   +5    0   -3    0    0   +3
Tiger      +9   +7   +6   +6   +3   +5   +3    0   -2    0   +1
Dragon     +10  +9   +1   +1   +3   +7    0   +2    0    0   -2
Monkey      0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
Swallow    +10  +4   +3   +3   +5   +7   -3   -1   +2    0    0

Syntax: fightstyle <number> <style>

This is used for unarmed combat, and it allows the fighter to decide on 
their style of unarmed attack.  Many different types of attack are 
possible, each with different advantages and disadvantages.  Your first 
attack in combat always uses the first number slot.  If you have a second 
attack, this will draw a fighting technique from slots 1 to 4.  If you 
have a third attack, it will draw a fighting technique from slots 5 to 
8.  Any other attacks are randomly drawn from any of slots 1 to 8.  If 
the slot is blank (0) then the attack is a standard unarmed attack.

Syntax: hurl <name>
Syntax: hurl <name> <direction>

This ability allows you to hurl the target into walls, through exits, or 
through doors.  Hurling someone through an exit does a little damage.  
Hurling them into walls does twice as much, and hurling them through 
doors does three times as much.  If you don't specify a direction to hurl 
the target, it will be random (north, south, east or west).  You cannot 
hurl someone who is already injured.

Syntax: scan
Syntax: spy   <direction>
Syntax: throw <direction> <target>

SCAN allows you to see all the mobs/players within 1 room of you.

SPY allows you to see all the mobs/players within 3 rooms in a specified 

THROW allows you to hurl an object you are holding (in your right hand, 
or if that's empty left hand) to a target mob/player in a specified 
direction.  The object can be throw up to 3 rooms.  If it fails to reach 
the target by that time it will land on the floor.

For information on the SCAN spell, type 'help scanspell'.

Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue   <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can
RESCUE you.  (You can also RECALL, but this is less likely to work,
and costs more experience points, then fleeing).

If you lose your link during a fight, then your character will keep
fighting, and will attempt to RECALL from time to time.  Your chances
of making the recall are reduced, and you will lose much more experience.

In order to RESCUE successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

Syntax: order <character> command
Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to
perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible
for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers
will incur the same penalty as if they attacked you directly.

Most charmed creatures lose their aggresive nature (while charmed).

If your charmed creature engages in combat, that will break the charm.

Syntax: rest
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake

These commands change your position.  When you REST or SLEEP, you 
regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement points faster.
However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you SLEEP,
you won't hear many things happen.

Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can
also WAKE other sleeping characters.

For info on the sleep spell, type: 'help sleepspell'.

Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>

All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.

SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.

TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.


board [number|name]                     Shows or changes board.
note                                    Reads next note.
note read [number]                      Reads a certain note.
note remove <number>                    Removes a note written by you.
note list [number]                      Shows up to number notes.
note write                              Posts a note.
note catchup                            Marks all notes in this board read.

These commands are used for the new note system. Instead of just one board, 
there are several, each with its special purpose. 

Changing between the boards is accomplished using the BOARD command. BOARD
without any arguments gives you a list of all boards together with number of
unread message. To change, type BOARD <number> or BOARD <name of the board>.

To read next unread note, type NOTE. To read a note with a specified number,
type NOTE READ <number>. Typing NOTE while in a board with no unread notes
shifts you to the next board. Note that unlike the standard note system, a 
note has the same number in NOTE LIST and NOTE READ.

Posting a message is as simple as writing NOTE WRITE. You will be moved 
into interactive mode, where all you see are prompts for the fields like 
To:, From: etc. You will be automatically put AFK while writing a note.

To see the list of the notes in the current board, type NOTE LIST. Typing
NOTE LIST <number> will list only <number> of the last notes in the area.

You can remove your own note by using NOTE REMOVE <number>. Implementors may
remove other people's notes. Implementors can also select how many days
their note is kept before being purged. Purging happens automatically at
bootup. Purged notes are not deleted, but saved into a file.

To let only immortals see your note, address it to "imm". To let players of
a specific level and above, address it to that level (no other recipients may
appear in that case).

Syntax: chat     <message>
Syntax: music    <message>
Syntax: question <message>
Syntax: answer   <message>
Syntax: shout    <message>
Syntax: yell     <message>

These commands send messages through communication channels to other players.

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

AUCTION, CHAT, MUSIC, and QUESTION and ANSWER also send messages to all
interested players.  '.' is a synonym for CHAT.  The QUESTION and ANSWER
commands both use the same 'question' channel

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

You can use the CHANNELS command to hear, or not hear, any of these channels.

Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK.

POSE is a variant of EMOTE.

Syntax: hold   <object>
Syntax: remove <object>
Syntax: wear   <object>
Syntax: wear   all
Syntax: wield  <object>

Three of these commands will take an object from your inventory and start using
it as equipment.  HOLD is for light sources, wands, and staves.  WEAR is for
armor.  WIELD is for weapons.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD each suitable item in your

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

REMOVE will take any object from your equipment and put it back into your

Syntax: channels
Syntax: channels +<channel>
Syntax: channels -<channel>

With no options, CHANNELS shows you your current channels.  With a plus or
minus sign and an option, CHANNELS turns that channel on or off.

Syntax: config
Syntax: config +<option>
Syntax: config -<option>

This command configures some of your character behavior.  With no options,
CONFIG shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.

The options are:

    ANSI      You view things in colour.
    AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits.
    AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses.
    AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses.
    BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt.
    BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
    COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format.
    PROMPT    You have a prompt.
    TELNETGA  You receive a telnet GA sequence.

Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

Syntax: credits

This command shows the list of the original Diku Mud implementors.

Syntax: report
Syntax: score
Syntax: time
Syntax: weather

REPORT shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to other
players in the room.

SCORE shows detailed statistics to you only.

TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,
and the current local time for the host computer.

WEATHER shows the current game weather.

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: socials

AREAS shows you all the areas in the game, with the author's name and the
levels of the mobs that inhabit that area.

COMMANDS shows you all the (non-social) commands available to you.

SOCIALS shows you all the social commands available to you.


This command allows you to configure your prompt.  The PROMPT command 
will set your standard prompt.  You also have the option of having a 
combat prompt, CPROMPT, which will appear while fighting.  If no cprompt 
is defined, the standard prompt will be used for both conditions.
The following options are available:

%a %A = Alignment (word/numeric).   %b %B = Beast/Blood.
%c    = Armour Class.               %f %F = Condition of opponent/tank. 
%g    = Gold.                       %h %H = Current hp/Max hp.          
%m %M = Current mana/Max mana.      %n %N = Name of opponent/tank.      
%p %P = Plus Hitroll/Plus Damroll.  %q    = Quest points.
%r %R = Room name/Rage.             %s %S = Status (word/numeric).
%v %V = Current move/Max move.      %x    = Exp.

To switch your prompt on and off, use 'prompt on' and 'prompt off'.
For some examples, type 'help prompts'.


There are many possible prompts, and everyone will have their own 
favoured setups.  However, to get you going, here are some examples:

Original normal prompt: [%x exp] <%h/%Hhp %m/%Mm %v/%Vmv>
Original combat prompt: [%f] <%h/%Hhp %m/%Mm %v/%Vmv>
Simple prompt: [%hH/%mM/%vV]
Vampire prompt: [%B Blood] <%hhp %mm %vmv>
Werewolf prompt: [%R Rage] <%hhp %mm %vmv>
Combat prompt: [%N:%F/%n:%f]
Stat prompt: [%xX] [+%pHIT/+%PDAM] [%cAC] [%hH/%mM/%vV]

Remember, you can switch between the default prompts and your customised
prompts with 'prompt on' and 'prompt off'.  Doing this will not destroy 
your customised prompts.


Primal energy is the ultimate form of energy in the multiverse, the one 
from which all other energies are derived.  Unfortunately, unlike mana, 
primal energy is only one use, and is generally used for very powerful 
spells, such as 'voodoo' (which uses 5 points) and 'quest' (which uses 
between 1 and 50 points).


At the beginning of things, Gaia - the world and the spirit that embodies 
it - set all things in a balance that would maintain and encourage life.  
Near the top of this chain of being was humanity, and above them were the 
Garou - the sacred warriors of the spirit.  They were appointed to be the 
crusaders against the Wyrm, who spreads its cancer through the humans.  
They are the preservers of the raw essence of life, of nature's diversity 
and purity.  They are the Earth's immune system, fighting the disease of 
the Wyrm.  They are the werewolves, and they fight and destroy the 
children of the Wyrm (such as the vampires) at every opportunity.

* Claw - Transforms target into a werewolf, but costs 10000 exp. 
* Introduce - Informs everyone in the room of your werewolf lineage.
* Howl - A special channel that only werewolves can understand.
* Tribe - Shows information on other werewolves logged on.
* Totem - Lists the current totem powers you have at your control.

In addition, all werewolves can gain totem powers, which grant additional 
powers.  For more information, type 'help totems'.


Vampires are the creatures of the night and thus take damage if exposed 
to daylight.  Vampires cannot eat food, or drink any liquids except for 
blood.  If they cannot drink blood for a long duration of time they will 
start taking damage or maybe even go berserk, so it's a good idea to store 
some blood in a drinking container.  Vampires take half damage from cold, 
none from gas, and double from fire, although those with the Heat 
immunity take normal fire damage rather than double.  Other abilities:

* Fangs - Gives a free bite attack in combat, and required to 'bite' people.
* Bite - Transforms target into a vampire, but costs the vampire 1000 exp.
* Order - As if target lower generation vampire of your clan was charmed.
* Introduce - Informs everyone in the room of your vampire lineage.
* Vamptalk - A special vampire channel which distinguishes between clans.
* Regenerate - Vampire cannot regenerate naturally; they need to use this.
* Vclan - Shows information on the other members of a vampires clan.
* Feed - For feeding other vampires with your blood.
* Favour - Make a vampire a Prince, allow them to sire a childe, accepts 
  or inducts them into the clan, or outcasts them from the clan.

In addition, all vampires get 3 or more disciplines, each of which grant 
one or more extra powers.  For more information type 'help disciplines'.
The VAMPIRE command toggles on/off whether vampires may bite/feed you.


Mages are those who study the greatest of magicks.  Their spells are far 
greater than those of a non-mage, as well as far more flexible.  Some of 
the main features of mages are as follows:

* Extra spells - Extra spells unavailable to non-mages, including spells 
  such as 'find familiar', 'polymorph', 'major creation', etc.
* Rune spells - Combinations of runes allow the mage to construct new spells.
* Advanced spells - Available to the more powerful of mages, this ability 
  allows the mage to create their own spells from scratch.  Such a task is 
  very difficult as well as time consuming, however.
* Memorise - Allows the mage to memorise a spell from their spellbook.
* Introduce - Allows the mage to list his/her master, master's master, etc.
* Teach - Allows the mage to make an apprentice.

Please note that mages are still under play testing, and are not yet 
fully working.


These fiends are the damned ones.  They have sold their souls in exchange 
for power, and they improve this power by draining the souls of their 
victims.  Their powers are mysterious, but the following facts are known:

* Each Champion, Demon, or Demon Prince follows a specific Demon Lord.  
  They are able to channel the souls of their victims to their Demon Lord, 
  who in turn can use that power to grant favours to his/her followers.
* Demonic armour improves the combat ability of the wearer, the more 
  armour worn the better the improvement.
* Many demons are able to transport themselves to each other at will.
* Most demons are able to assume the form of a weapon.
* The demons power over death is such that even after they have been 
  decapitated, they are still able to employ a selection of powers.
* The powers of a specific demon vary considerably.  Some are barely more 
  powerful than a common avatar, while others are as strong as the greatest 
  of werewolves or vampires.
* While in hell, a demon is virtually unkillable.


Vampires, like mortals, are creatures of instinct.  However, the 
instincts of the vampire are those of a hunter, not a gatherer.  Vampires 
are the ultimate predators and stand at the apex of the food chain.  
They are highly developed killing machines - the harbringers of death.
For vampires to survive in modern society, however, they must learn to 
keep the Beast in check.  The instincts of violence (the Beast) so 
essential in the wild serve only to endanger the vampire in today's 
complex world.  The Beast's rage has its uses, but the blindness it 
creates far outweighs its benefits.
Vampires struggle to suppress the Beast, but, no matter how hard they 
try, they do not always prevail, and when it gets loose, the havoc it 
creates goes far beyond the horror of any mortal rage.

Syntax: favour <target> <sire/prince>

Favour is an ability available to second generation vampires and vampire 

SIRE allows the target vampire of your clan to sire another vampire.  
Once a single vampire has been created the power is lost, but can be 
granted again if the Antediluvian or Prince so desire.  A childe sired 
without permission is known as an Anarch.

PRINCE turns the target vampire into a prince, who is then able to allow 
other vampires the ability to sire more vampires still.  Only an 
Antediluvian has the power to make some a prince (or to remove the 
prince's powers).

ACCEPT will accept a childe into the clan, making them a Neonate.

INDUCT and OUTCAST will accept an Anarch into the clan or outcast a member.


Every werewolf is able to learn special totem powers from various 
spirits.  Each of the spirits teaches a different type of power, and the 
werewolf is able to gain use of these powers through the expenditure of 
primal energy.

The following totem animals exist.

* Bear   - Flex, Rage, Steel Claws, Hibernate.
* Boar   - Shatter, Charge, Toughness, Immovability.
* Lynx   - Light Footed, Stalker, Combat Speed, Lightning Claws.
* Owl    - Vanish, Shield, Shadowplane, Channel.
* Spider - Poisonous Bite, Web, Poison Immunity.
* Wolf   - Claws, Fangs, Calm, Spirit of Fernis.
* Hawk   - Nightsight, Shadowsight, Truesight.
* Mantis - Agility, Intuition, Speed of the Fenris, Dance of Fernis.


Each vampire has three clan disciplines from which their powers come.  In 
addition to these basic three, vampires are allowed to select additional 
disciplines by spending primal; the first extra discipline costs 10, the 
second costs 20, and so on.  Only the three clan disciplines are passed 
on to later generations.

There are nine disciplines, each with the following powers:

* Protean       - Nightsight, Claws, Change.
* Celerity      - An extra attack, Reduced move cost for spells.
* Fortitude     - Improved hitpoints, Damage resistance.
* Potence       - Improved damage.
* Obfuscate     - Mask, Mortal, Shield.
* Obtenebration - Shadowplane, Shadowsight, Nightsight.
* Serpentis     - Darkheart, Serpent, Poison.
* Auspex        - Truesight, Scry, Readaura.
* Dominate      - Command, Shield, Ghoul.

For more information, type 'help <discipline name>'.


This Discipline allows a vampire to transform either their entire body or 
a part of their body into something inhuman.  The vampire can thus grow 
claws, turn into a bat, transform into a wolf or dissolve into a fine 
mist.  A vampire can use most other Disciplines while shapeshifted, but 
may not cast spells.  Full transformation is not possible during combat, 
although claws can be grown if you are fighting.  While shapeshifted the 
vampire cannot wear any equipment.

The powers available to this Discipline are as follows:
* Nightsight: Gives the vampire full night vision, which is much better 
than normal infravision.
* Claws: Enables the user to grow inch-long claws on each finger.  These 
claws have no effect if the vampire is armed, however if not they cause 
considerably more damage than a normal unarmed attack.
* Change: Allow the vampire to transform into bat, wolf or mist.  Bat 
form can fly and detect almost everything (invis, hidden, etc).  While in 
wolf form, the vampire enjoys the benefit of an extra 500hp and greatly 
enhanced combat abilities.  Mist form is impervious to attacks and can 
pass through doors.  Beware though, for two vampires in mist form CAN 
attack each other.


This Discipline explains the legendary superior quickness of vampires.  
Using the Celerity Discipline allows a vampire to move extremely quickly 
and have extra attacks in the same round.


Fortitude describes a type of supernatural toughness and vigor which
allows Kindred to resist harm.  Many vampires are very tough and are able
to withstand a lot of injury inflicted by weapons and spells.  However 
with the Fortitude power, they resist damage even further by often keeping 
the weapons from harming them at all.


This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires often 
possess.  This physical might allows the user to inflict much larger 
amounts of damage in combat than normal.


Kindred with this Discipline excel at hiding among and away from crowds.  
When they do not wish to be seen, others rarely notice them even if they 
are standing in plain view.  Though this Discipline affects others minds 
and does not actually render the users invisible, the end result is much 
the same.  Obfuscate is the opposing Discipline to Auspex, and they 
cancel out many of each others powers.

Kindred with this power gain the following advantages:
* Mask: Allows you to disguise yourself as another player.
* Shield: Protects you from the Auspex 'scry' and 'readaura' powers.
* Mortal: Switches between vampire and mortal mode.  While in mortal 
  form, you loose all vampire advantages and disadvantages, and are 
  undetectable from a normal mortal.


Obtenebration allows the user to manipulate the powers of darkness.  By 
using their powers they are able to switch between the normal world and 
the plane of shadows at will.  They may also view things in both planes 
simultaneously if they so wish.


Serpentis is the art of temptation and corruption.  Vampires with this 
Discipline have the ability to tear out their own hearts, rendering 
themselves immune to being staked.  Serpentis users also gain the ability 
to transform themselves into a giant serpent and back at will.  The third 
ability available to vampires with this Discipline is the ability to run 
their tongues along weapons, coating them with a deadly snake venom.


This Discipline is one of extrasensory awareness, empathy and 
perception.  Those using this Discipline tend to be strongly affected by 
environmental phenomena.  Vampires with Auspex are able to see and sense 
things most other people cannot.  Auspex is the opposing Discipline to 
Obfuscate, and they cancel out many of each others powers.

This Discipline allows the following powers:
* Truesight: The user can see everything, whether invisible or whatever.
* Scry: Allows you to view the room that the specified target is in.
* Readaura: Gives you detailed information about a creature or object.


This discipline reflects the mystical ability of vampires to influence 
the minds and actions of others.  Dominate is an aspect of the power of 
the mind and the will.

This Discipline allows the following powers:
* Evileye: The user gains a lot of control over people foolish enough to 
  look at them.  Not yet fully working.
* Command: The user can issue a command that the target will be compelled 
  to obey.  This will only work on those who's minds are much weaker than 
  the vampire's.
* Shield: Protects you from the Auspex 'scry' and 'readaura' powers.
* Ghoul: By feeding a mob some of his/her blood, the vampire can create a 
  ghoul - a loyal servant to act as their eyes and ears.


Immunities and resistances give you protection from the following:
Slash     : Slashing/Slicing weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Stab      : Stabbing/Piercing weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Smash     : Blasting/Crushing/Pounding damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Beast     : Clawing/Biting weapon damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Grab      : Grepping/Whipping/Sucking damage reduced by 1-100% per blow.
Charm     : You are no longer affected by the Charm Person spell.
Heat      : You are unaffected by Burning Hands, Fireball, etc.
Cold      : You are unaffected by Frost Breath, Chill Touch, etc.
Lightning : You are unaffected by Lightning bolt, Call Lightning, etc.
Acid      : You are unaffected by Acid Blast, Acid Breath, etc.
Drain     : You are unaffected by the Energy Drain spell.
Summon    : You cannot be summoned or portaled to, nor can you teleport.
Hurl      : You cannot be hurled.
Backstab  : You cannot be backstabbed.
Kick      : Kicks do no damage whatsoever to you.
Disarm    : You cannot be disarmed by other players or by mobs.
Steal     : Other players and mobs cannot steal from you.
Bite      : Vampires may not bite you or feed you blood.
Stake     : If you're a vampire with this, you cannot be staked down.

Syntax: tie <target>
Syntax: untie <target>
Syntax: gag <target>
Syntax: blindfold <target>

TIE allows you yo tie up another player, who must be stunned, 
incapitated, or mortally wounded.  While tied up, a players actions are 
limited - they cannot move, quit, or do many other commands.

UNTIE will untie a player who is currently tied up.  A player cannot 
untie themself.

GAG places a gag over the mouth of the target player, who must first be 
tied up.  This command will also remove a gag.  A player can only remove 
a gag from themself if they are no longer tied up.  It is not possible 
to talk or use any of the channels while gagged.

BLINDFOLD places a blindfold over the eyes of the target player, who must 
first be tied up.  The blindfold can also be removed with this command.  
A player can only remove a blindfold from themself if they are no longer 
tied up.  Unsurprisingly, blindfolded players cannot see.

Syntax: diagnose <target>

This will show you any injuries received by the target player or mob.  If 
that person is bleeding to death, this will also be shown.

There are many terms and abbreviations used in muds.  Here are a few to 
help you along...
AFK     : Away From Keyboard.          BBL     : Be Back Later.
BRB     : Be Right Back.               BRT     : Be Right There.
CYA     : See you later/goodbye.       IRL     : In Real Life.
L8R     : Later/goodbye.               LO      : Hello.
TTYL    : Talk To You Later.           BF/GF   : Boyfriend/Girlfriend.
BS      : Backstab                     ROFL    : Roll On Floor Laughing.
TANK    : The person (in a group) who takes the damage in combat.
STABBER : A (usually decent) backstabbing weapon.
DUPING  : An illegal method of copying items by crashing the mud.
MULTI   : The process of playing more than one character at a time.
MAXED   : At maximum.  Eg: "I'm maxed" (hitpoints, mana and move at max), 
          or "my stats are maxed" (your five stats are all trained to 18).

0 WHO~
Syntax: who
Syntax: who <avatar/god>

WHO shows the people currently in the game.  Some people may choose to
remain unseen and won't appear on the WHO
WHO without any arguments shows all of the (visible) people currently playing.

With arguments, WHO can show avatars (level 3's) or gods (level 4's and 5's).

Syntax: where
Syntax: where <character>

WHERE without an argument tells you the location of visible players in the same
area as you are.

WHERE with an argument tells you the location of one character with that name
within your area, including monsters.

Syntax: help
Syntax: help <keyword>

HELP without any arguments shows a one-page command summary.

HELP <keyword> shows a page of help on that keyword.  The keywords include
all the commands, spells, and skills listed in the game.

Syntax: description <string>
Syntax: description + <string>

Sets your long description to the given string.  If the description string
starts with a '+', the part after the '+' is appended to your current
description, so that you can make multi-line descriptions.

Syntax: password <old-password> <new-password>

PASSWORD changes your character's password.  The first argument must be
your old password.  The second argument is your new password.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.

Syntax: title <string>

Sets your title to a given string.

The game supplies a title when your character is created.  You can use 
TITLE to set your title to something else. 

Syntax: wimpy
Syntax: wimpy <number>

WIMPY sets your wimpy value.  When your character takes damage that reduces
your hit points below your wimpy value, you will automatically attempt to flee.

WIMPY with no argument sets your wimpy value to 20% of your maximum hit points.

Some monsters are wimpy.

Syntax: open   <object|direction>
Syntax: close  <object|direction>
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>
Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

OPEN and CLOSE open and close an object or a door.

LOCK and UNLOCK lock and unlock a closed object or door.  You must have
the requisite key to LOCK or UNLOCK.

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: drink <object>
Syntax: eat   <object>
Syntax: fill  <object>

When you are thirsty, DRINK something.

When you are hungry, EAT something.

FILL fills a drink container from a fountain.

EMPTY empties the container onto the floor.

Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: list  <object>
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.  LIST <object> lists
just the objects with that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.

Syntax: sacrifice <object>

SACRIFICE drains the energy matter from an object, transferring the 
energy to you in the form of exp.

The number of exp gained vary according to the value of the object.

Syntax: smother <name>

This is used to try and smother the flames on a burning player or mob.  
You cannot do this on yourself, and it may take several attempts to 
work.  Also, there is a small chance that the person smothering might 
catch on fire as well...

Syntax: brandish
Syntax: quaff    <potion>
Syntax: recite   <scroll> <target>
Syntax: zap      <target>
Syntax: zap

BRANDISH brandishes a magical staff.  QUAFF quaffs a magical potion (as opposed
to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).  RECITE recites a magical scroll; the
<target> is optional, depending on the nature of the scroll.  ZAP zaps a
magical wand at a target.  If the target is not specified, and you are fighting
someone, then that character is used for a target.

You must HOLD a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH or ZAP.

All of these commands use up their objects.  Potions and scrolls have a single
charge.  Wands and staves have multiple charges.  When a magical object has no
more charges, it will be consumed.

Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character, taking 
into account hitroll, damroll, armour class and hit points, and giving 
you an overview of your chances.  If you are considering a player, you 
will also be informed how skilled they are with their weapon/s, and which 
stance they are currently using (if any) and how good they are at it.

Please remember that this is only a rough estimate.

Syntax: follow <character>
Syntax: group
Syntax: group <character>

FOLLOW starts you following another character.  To stop following anyone else,
just FOLLOW <yourself>.

GROUP <character> makes someone who is following you a member of your group.
Group members share experience points from kills and may use the GTELL and
SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically
join the fight.

If the <character> is already a member of your group, then GROUP will
kick out the <character> from your group.  Characters can also leave your
group by using a FOLLOW command to stop following you.

GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

Syntax: HIDE
Syntax: SNEAK

If you successfully HIDE, then other characters can't see you.  If you 
attack while hidden, the surprise attack will inflict one and a half 
times your normal damage (assuming your opponent cannot see you).

If you successfully SNEAK, then you can move in and out of rooms without
being noticed.

In order to HIDE or SNEAK successfully, you must practice the appropriate

VISIBLE cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
making you visible again.

Syntax: QUIT
Syntax: RENT ... not!
Syntax: SAVE

SAVE saves your character and objects.  You must be a mortal or avatar to
save.  The game will auto-save your character every few minutes whether you
save or not.

Some objects, such as keys and potions, may not be saved.

QUIT leaves the game.  You may QUIT anywhere, although there is an experience
penalty for quitting outside of Midgaard.  When you re-enter the game you will
be back in the same room.

QUIT automatically does a SAVE, so you can safely leave the game with just one
command.  Nevertheless it's a good idea to SAVE before QUIT.  If you get into
the habit of using QUIT without SAVE, and then you play some other mud that
doesn't save before quitting, you're going to regret it.

There is no RENT in this mud.  Just SAVE and QUIT whenever you want to leave.

Syntax: RECALL

RECALL prays to God for miraculous transportation from where you are back to
the Temple of Midgaard.  '/' is a synonym for RECALL.

RECALL may take you to a different location if you belong to a clan.

RECALL doesn't work in certain God-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by a
curse may not recall at all.

Syntax: SPLIT <amount>

SPLIT splits some gold between you and all the members of your
group who are in the same room as you.  It's customary to SPLIT
the gold after a kill.

Syntax: STEAL coins <character>
Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a character.

There are *NO* penalties for using STEAL on other players.

In order to STEAL successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|spell>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability in all the 
skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or spell.  Your learning
percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a some maximum between 80% and 100%,
depending on your class.  You must be at a guild master to practice.

The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each practice
session.  Unused sessions are saved until you do use them.

Syntax: train <str/int/wis/dex/con>
Syntax: train <avatar/mortal/primal/hp/mana/move>
Syntax: train <slash/stab/smash/beast/grab>
Syntax: train <charm/heat/cold/lightning/acid/sleep/drain/voodoo>
Syntax: train <hurl/backstab/kick/steal/disarm>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your
character has standard attributes based on your class.  You can increase 
your attributes by spending experience points (exp) at a trainer.

It costs 200 exp to train a stat (str, int, etc), except that it costs 
only 100 exp to train your primary stat.  Primal costs 500 exp for the 
first point, 1000 for the second, 1500 for the third, etc, and 
hp/mana/move cost your current amount in that particular area minus your 
con (for hp and move) or wis (for mana) per point.  Becoming a mortal or 
an avatar costs 1000 exp each.

You can also train weapon resistances (reduces between 1 and all of the 
damage per blow for that weapon type), spell immunities (those types 
of spell do no damage to you), and skill immunities (they no long have 
any affect on you).  These cost 10000 exp for the first, 20000 for the 
second, 30000 for the third, and so on.

Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.

Syntax: allow   <site>
Syntax: ban     <site>
Syntax: ban

BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from
the ban list.

The site ban test works by suffix comparison, so if you ban 'foo.edu',
all sites within 'foo.edu' are banned as well.

Site bans are not saved; every time the server is rebooted, the site
ban list is cleared.  

Syntax: reboot
Syntax: shutdown
Syntax: wizlock

REBOOT shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.

WIZLOCK is a toggle command.  When the server is WIZLOCKed, players
below level 36 may not log in.  Players who lose their links, however,
may reconnect.

Syntax: deny       <character>
Syntax: disconnect <character>
Syntax: freeze     <character>

DENY denies access to a particular player and throws them out of the game.
DENY is permanent (persists across reboots) and is not undoable from within the
game.  Only someone with access to the player files directory may repeal a
DENY by editing the appropriate player file.

DISCONNECT <character> immediately disconnects that character.

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all.

Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.

Syntax: users

USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including users
in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the channel
number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in merc.h:
0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.

Syntax: mload <vnum>
Syntax: oload <vnum>
Syntax: oload <vnum> <level>
Syntax: pload <player>

MLOAD loads a mobile given its vnum (virtual number).  The vnum's are just
the #NNNN numbers that appear in world.obj.

OLOAD loads an object given its vnum.  It takes an optional parameter for
the level of the object to be loaded.

PLOAD loads the specified player under your control.  To get back, simply 
quit and log back on as your normal character.

Syntax: mset <character> <field> <value>
Syntax: oset <object>    <field> <value>
Syntax: rset <location>  <field> <value>
Syntax: sset <character> <skill> <value>
Syntax: sset <character> all     <value>
Syntax: qset <object>    <field> <value>

MSET, OSET, and RSET set the properties of mobiles, objects, and rooms,
respectively.  SSET sets a skill or spell level on a PC.  QSET sets 
special properties and text messages on objects.

There is currently no way to enter more than one line of text for a
string-valued option.

Syntax: oclone <object>

This creates an identical copy of the specified object, with the only 
exceptions being that the cloned objects creator is the person creating 
the clone, and the cloned objects owner is not set.

Syntax: otransfer <object>
Syntax: otransfer <object> <character>

This will transfer the specified object to the specified character.  The 
character is defaulted to yourself.

Syntax: mclear <player>

This resets the target players stats to their correct value.

Syntax: qtrust <character> <on/off>

A player with qtrust on is allowed to use the QUEST command to change the 
name/long/short descriptions on an object, as well as change the wear 

Syntax: noemote <character>
Syntax: notell  <character>
Syntax: silence <character>

NOEMOTE, NOTELL, and SILENCE are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from emoting, telling, and using channels, respectively.
Characters who are no'telled will also not receive those forms of

Syntax: purge
Syntax: purge <character>

PURGE is used to clean up the world.  PURGE with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  PURGE with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

PURGE will not get rid of PC's.

Syntax: restore <character>

RESTORE restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the
target character.

Syntax: slay <character>

SLAY kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.

SLAY bypasses auto actions such as AUTOLOOT and AUTOSAC.

Syntax: transfer <character>
Syntax: transfer all
Syntax: transfer <character> <location>
Syntax: transfer all         <location>

TRANSFER transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location.

5 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

AT executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile, or as the name of an object.

AT works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your

Syntax: echo  <message>
Syntax: recho <message>

ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

Syntax: goto <location>

GOTO takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present.

Some useful numbers for new imms are:
Limbo: 2, The Temple of Midgaard: 3001, The Entrance to Mud School: 3700,
The Chat Room: 1200, The Dark Crypt: 30001, The Temple Altar: 3054,
Hell: 30000.

Syntax: holylight
Syntax: invis

HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

INVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player characters
of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.

HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal INVIS characters who are
higher level than you.

Syntax: memory

MEMORY reports the size of your mud.

The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,
not the number of instances currently in the game.

The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have
a maximum limit, which is also shown.

The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit
on the number and size of these blocks.

Syntax: mfind <name>
Syntax: ofind <name>

MFIND finds all mobile types with a particular name.

OFIND finds all object types with a particular name.

Syntax: mstat <character>
Syntax: ostat <object>
Syntax: rstat <location>
Syntax: rstat
Syntax: qstat <object>

MSTAT shows you statistics on a character.

OSTAT shows you statistics on an object.

RSTAT shows you statistics on a location. The location may be specified as
a vnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

QSTAT shows you the special properties and strings on an object.

Syntax: mwhere <name>

MWHERE shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.

Syntax: peace

PEACE causes all characters in a room to stop fighting.

Syntax: bamfin  <message>
Syntax: bamfout <message>

The standard messages for GOTO are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the BAMFIN and BAMFOUT commands.

Syntax: slookup <skill-or-spell>
Syntax: slookup all

SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and external 'slot' for the given skill
or spell.  The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT.  The 'slot' is used for area
files.  Neither 'sn' nor 'slot' is used for player files; these operate with
the actual skill and spell names.

SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and spells.

Syntax: log   <character>
Syntax: log   all
Syntax: snoop <character>

LOG <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into
the server's log file.  Like FREEZE, it is a permanent character toggle.

Certain commands (PASSWORD) are protected against LOG.  Conversely, certain
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

LOG ALL logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not
persist across reboots.

SNOOP shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one
character at a time.

SNOOP yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.

Syntax: switch <character>
Syntax: return
Syntax: oswitch <object>
Syntax: oreturn

SWITCH switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC).

OSWITCH acts like switch, except it switches you into an object.

RETURN and ORETURN return you to your original body.

Syntax: immtalk <message>

IMMTALK sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for IMMTALK.

Syntax: wizhelp

WIZHELP provides a list of all the immortal commands.

Syntax: cast armor <character>

This spell decreases (improves) the armor class of the target character
by 20 points.

Syntax: cast bless <character>

This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by +1 each.

Syntax: cast blindness <victim>

This spell renders the target character blind.

Syntax: cast brew <potion> <spell>
Syntax: cast scribe <scroll> <spell>
Syntax: cast carve <wand> <spell>
Syntax: cast engrave <staff> <spell>
Syntax: cast bake <pill> <spell>

These spells allow other spells to be embedded in the specified object, 
which is usually created via the 'minor creation' spell.

Syntax: cast 'acid blast'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'burning hands'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'colour spray'   <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fireball'       <victim>
Syntax: cast 'lightning bolt' <victim>
Syntax: cast 'magic missile'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'shocking grasp' <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.

Syntax: cast 'call lightning'

This spell works only out of doors, and only when the weather is bad.
It calls down lightning bolts from God.

Syntax: cast 'cause light'    <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause serious'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause critical' <victim>
Syntax: cast harm             <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.

Syntax: cast 'change sex' <victim>

This spell changes the sex of the victim (temporarily).

Syntax: cast 'charm person' <victim>

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.

Syntax: cast 'chill touch' <victim>

This spell inflicts damage on the victim and also reduces the victim's
strength by one.

Syntax: cast 'continual light'

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last indefinitely.

Syntax: cast 'control weather' better
Syntax: cast 'control weather' worse

This spell makes the weather either better or worse.

Syntax: cast 'create food'

This spell creates a Magic Mushroom, which you or anyone else can eat.

Syntax: cast 'create spring'

This spell brings forth a magical spring from the ground, which has the
same properties as a fountain.

Syntax: cast 'create water' <drink-container>

This spell replenishes a drink container with water.

Syntax: cast 'cure blindness' <character>

This spell cures blindness in one so unfortunate.

Syntax: cast 'cure poison' <character>

This spell cures poison in one so unfortunate.

Syntax: cast 'cure light'    <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure serious'  <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure critical' <character>
Syntax: cast 'heal'          <character>

These spells cure damage on the target character.

Syntax: cast 'curse' <character>

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll by 1 and save versus spells
by 1.  It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of God and
unable to RECALL.

Syntax: cast 'darkblessing' <name>

This spell infuses the target with demonic energy, improving their 
abilities in combat.

Syntax: cast 'detect evil'

This spell enables the caster to detect evil characters, which will
reveal a characteristic red aura.

Syntax: cast 'detect hidden'

This spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.

Syntax: cast 'detect invis'

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.

Syntax: cast 'detect magic'

This spell enables the caster to detect magical objects.

Syntax: cast 'detect poison' <object>

This spell detects the presence of poison in food or drink.

Syntax: cast 'dispel evil' <victim>

This spell invokes the wrath of God on an evil victim.

Syntax: cast 'dispel magic' <character>

This spell dispels magical affects on a character.  It may be used as
an offensive spell to remove an enemy's magical advantages, or as a
benign spell to remove a friend's (or one's own) magical handicaps.

Syntax: cast 'earthquake'

This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result!

Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>

This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses.  The weapon must be un-magical to start with.  This spell also
causes the weapon to be aligned with the alignment with the caster.

Syntax: cast 'energy drain' <victim>

This spell saps the experience points, mana, and movement points of its

Syntax: cast 'faerie fire' <victim>

This spell increases (makes worse) the armor class of its victim.

Syntax: cast 'faerie fog'

This spell reveals all manner of invisible, hidden, and sneaking creatures in
the same room as you.

Syntax: cast 'find familiar' <familiar>

This spell enables the caster to create a familiar, which can be either a 
frog, a raven, a cat, or a dog.  The mage is able to see everything that 
the familiar can see, and is able to issue orders from any distance using 
the 'fcommand' or '[' commands.

Syntax: cast 'flamestrike' <victim>

This spell inflicts damage on the victim.

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Syntax: cast 'fly' <character>

This spell enables the target character to fly.

Syntax: cast 'frenzy' <character>

This spell causes the target to enter a berserk fighting rage, improving 
their damage and chances to hit, but also making them easier to be hit. 

Syntax: cast gate

This spell gates in a guardian vampire.  Player characters don't have much use
for it, but high demons, and guardian vampires themselves, like it a lot.

Syntax: cast 'giant strength' <character>

This spell increases the strength of the target character.

Syntax: cast 'guardian'

This spell summons a demonic guardian to aid the caster in combat (or 
just to show off to your friends ;).

Syntax: cast identify <object>

This spell reveals information about the object.

Syntax: cast improve <object>

This spell enables a quest created object to contain more bonuses.  The 
object must be worth at least 750 quest points.  Casting this spell will 
enable it to hold an additional bonus comparable to the bonuses that can 
be added to non-created items - ie: an extra +10 hitroll or damroll on a 
weapon, an extra +5 hitroll or damroll on a piece of armour, etc.  The 
maximum number of quest points that the item can contain is also 
increased by an addition 500, plus 10 per status point.

Syntax: cast infravision <character>

This spell enables the target character to see in the dark.

Syntax: cast invis <character>
Syntax: cast 'mass invis'

The INVIS spell makes the target character invisible.  Invisible characters
will become visible when they attack.

The MASS INVIS spell makes all characters in the caster's group invisible,
including the caster.

Syntax: cast 'know alignment' <character>

This spell reveals the alignment of the target character.

Syntax: cast 'locate object' <name>

This spell reveals the location of all objects with the given name.

Syntax: cast 'mana' <name>

With this spell, the caster draws the energy from around them and focuses 
it into the target person (defaulted to themself).  This is very 
exhausting for the caster, but allows a faster recovery of mana.

Syntax: cast 'minor creation' <object>

This spell creates an empty potion, scroll, wand, staff or pill, which 
can then be enchanted by the caster using other spells.

Syntax: cast mount

This spell summons a mystical creature to serve as the casters mount.  
The type of mount summoned is dependant on the casters alignment, and the 
toughness of the mount is dependant on the casters spellcasting ability.

Syntax: cast 'pass door'

This spell enables the caster to pass through closed doors.

Syntax: cast poison <victim>

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two, as well as reducing the
victim's regeneration rate.

Syntax: cast portal <victim>

This spell creates a magical portal between the caster and the target.  
The portal remains in existance for 2 or 3 hours (mud time), during which 
time anyone can 'enter' the portal on one side and come out on the other.

Syntax: cast preserve <object>

This spell will stop the specified object decaying.  It's primary use is 
on severed body parts, which can be stored away safely in case the player 
should loose any limbs in combat.

Syntax: cast protection
Syntax: cast sanctuary  <character>

The PROTECTION spell reduces the damage taken from any attack by an evil
creature by one quarter.

The SANCTUARY spell reduces the damage taken by the character from any attack
by one half.

These spells may be used simultaneously for cumulative effect.

Syntax: cast quest

This spell creates a quest card.  The quest-point value of the card is 
the same as the amount of primal the caster has at the time of casting 
(and this primal is used up during the casting of the spell).  No more 
than 50 primal will be used on any one casting of this spell.

For information on how to complete the card, type 'help complete'.

Syntax: cast refresh <character>

This spell refreshes the movement points of a character who is out of movement

Syntax: cast 'remove curse' <character>

This spell removes a curse from a character.

Syntax: cast 'regenerate' <body part> <character>
Syntax: cast 'clot' <character>
Syntax: cast 'mend' <character>

REGENERATE will replace lost body parts on the target, while CLOT will 
stop them bleeding and MEND will fix any broken bones or cut open throats.

Syntax: cast resistance <object>

This spell makes the target object capable of withstanding 10 blows 
before it is destroyed, rather than 4.

Syntax: cast scan
Syntax: cast repair

The SCAN spell will tell you all the items you are carrying which are 
currently in need of repairing.

The REPAIR spell will repair all the items you are carrying which are 
currently in need of repairing.

Syntax: cast shield
Syntax: cast 'stone skin'

These spells protect the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's armor
class.  SHIELD provides 20 points of armor.  STONE SKIN provides 40 points of

Syntax: cast sleep <victim>

This spell puts its victim to sleep.

Syntax: cast soulblade

This spell summons the casters personal (named) soulblade, which is an 
extremely deadly weapon.  The weapon is permanent.

Syntax: cast spellproof <object>

This spell makes the target object immune to the destructive powers of 
the various magical attacks.  No protection from physical attacks is 

Syntax: cast summon <character>

This spell summons a character from anywhere else in your zone into your room.
Characters who are fighting may not be summoned.

Syntax: cast <teleport>

This spell takes you from your current location to a random location somewhere
in the world.

Syntax: cast transport <object> <character>

This spell will transport the specified object from your inventory to 
that of the specified character.

Syntax: cast ventriloquate <speaker> <message>

This spell throws your voice, making it appear that some other object or
character in the room is saying your message.  Victims who make their saving
throw will know that someone is using ventriloquism, but not who.  Victims who
fail their saving throw will think that the object or character really did say
your message.

Syntax: Spell:   cast voodoo <victim>
        Ability: voodoo <victim> <action>

Voodoo magic allows the caster to do things to another player indirectly.
First, a body part of the victim is needed.  The caster should hold this 
part and cast the spell on the target (they don't have to be in the same 
room).  This will create the voodoo doll, which the caster the voodoo 
commands on to interfere with the victim.
There are three voodoo actions.  The first, 'Stab', is only of use as a 
warning to the victim, or to cause annoyance.  The second, 'Throw', will 
hurl the victim from their feet and cause a small amount of damage.  The 
third and final action, 'Burn', will set the victim on fire, as well as 
destroy the doll itself.

Syntax: cast weaken <victim>

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two points.

Syntax: cast 'word of recall'

This spell duplicates the built-in RECALL ability.  It is provided solely for
Merc-based muds which wish to eliminate the built-in ability while still
providing the spell.

Syntax: cast 'acid breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fire breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'frost breath'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'gas breath'
Syntax: cast 'lightning breath' <victim>

These spells are for the use of dragons.  Acid, fire, frost, and lightning
damage one victim, whereas gas damages every PC in the room.  Fire and
frost can break objects, and acid can damage armor.


This skill shows you a character's inventory when you look at a character.
Use of the skill is automatic once you have practice it.

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