{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 #HEADER\par
Name           P-25t Training Starfighter~\par
Sname          P-25t~\par
NumRooms       1\par
Cost           5000\par
Class          1\par
Tractor        0\par
primaryType    1\par
primaryCount   1\par
secondaryType  1\par
secondaryCount 0\par
RangeWeapons0  0\par
RangeWeapons1  0\par
RangeWeapons2  0           \par
Hull           50\par
Shields        50\par
Energy         6000\par
Chaff          0\par
Maxbombs       0\par
Speed          60\par
Hyperspeed     3\par
Manuever       58\par
Turrets        0\par
Mods\tab          2\par
Maxcargo       0\par
Clan           ~\par
RoomNum           1\par
Name              Cockpit of the P-25t~\par
Desc              Nicknamed 'The Throw-away ship' the p-25t Training Starfighter is so cheap to build that some say 'it's cheaper to buy a new one then to refuel an old one'. Because of it's simple design any novice pilot can fly this craft. The cockpit has two sets of basic controls, one for the trainer, and the other for the trainee. To keep cost down, the hyperdrive is underpowered, and the sublight engine is slow. The hull, shields, and weapons are all weak and not good for anything but shoot targets and space junk. Combat with this craft would be suicide.~\par
Flags             indoors spacecraft nomob ~\par
Tunnel            2\par
Exits0       0\par
Exits1       0\par
Exits2       0\par
Exits3       0\par
Exits4       0\par
Exits5       0\par
Exits6       0\par
Exits7       0\par
Exits8       0\par
Exits9       0\par
Exflags0     0\par
Exflags1     0\par
Exflags2     0\par
Exflags3     0\par
Exflags4     0\par
Exflags5     0\par
Exflags6     0\par
Exflags7     0\par
Exflags8     0\par
Exflags9     0\par
Keys0        0\par
Keys1        0\par
Keys2        0\par
Keys3        0\par
Keys4        0\par
Keys5        0\par
Keys6        0\par
Keys7        0\par
Keys8        0\par
Keys9        0\par
RoomType          1\par
Rprog0        ~\par
Rprog1        ~\par
Rprog2        ~\par
Rprog3        ~\par
Rprog4        ~\par
Rprog5        ~\par
Rprog6        ~\par
Rprog7        ~\par
Rprog8        ~\par
Rprog9        ~\par
Reset0        ~\par
Reset1        ~\par
Reset2        ~\par
Reset3        ~\par
Reset4        ~\par
Reset5        ~\par
Reset6        ~\par
Reset7        ~\par
Reset8        ~\par
Reset9        ~\par