#ifndef AFFECT_H
#define AFFECT_H
// affect.h
// Affects are temporary changes to numericvalues assocciated with a character.
// For instance, a character can have a +10 strength affect. Each affect has a
// duration. Negative-duration affects are permenanant.

typedef struct affect_data AFFECT_DATA;

#define AFFECT_VAR_INT               0
#define AFFECT_VAR_DOUBLE            1
#define NUM_AFFECT_VARS              2

// prepare the affects system for use
void init_affects(void);

// create a new affect with the given name and duration. Durations of less than
// zero are treated as permenant. Durations are measured in seconds (note: this
// is not like the SECONDS macro in utils.h. Just a plain old number).
AFFECT_DATA *newAffect(const char *name, int duration);
const char  *affectGetName(AFFECT_DATA *affect);
int          affectGetDuration(AFFECT_DATA *affect);
const char  *affectGetType(AFFECT_DATA *affect);
void         affectSetType(AFFECT_DATA *affect, const char *type);

// adds a new modifier to the affect. When the affect is placed on something,
// all of the modifiers will be placed on that thing. Amounts that are actually
// ints will be handled appropriately at the time the affect is applied/removed.
void affectAddModifier(AFFECT_DATA *affect, 
		       const char *affect_type, double amount);

// adds a new affect type to the list of possible affects. Addremove should
// be a function that takes the form:
//   void addremove(void *thing, const char *affect_type, vartype amount);
// of course, affect_type in the above function does not neccessarily have to
// be used; it is just a convenience thing, because most affect types will
// probably plug into some underlying system (e.g. stats) that will not require
// separate functions for each variable assocciated with it.
void add_affect_type(const char *affect_type, int vartype, void *addremove);
void add_py_affect_type(const char *affect_type, int vartype, void *addremove);

// hopefully these are self-explanatory? :) Once an affect is added to a
// character, it should -not- be modified or deleted.
void charAddAffect   (CHAR_DATA *ch,   AFFECT_DATA *affect);
void roomAddAffect   (ROOM_DATA *room, AFFECT_DATA *affect);
void objAddAffect    (OBJ_DATA  *obj,  AFFECT_DATA *affect);
void charRemoveAffect(CHAR_DATA *ch,   const char *affect);
void roomRemoveAffect(ROOM_DATA *room, const char *affect);
void objRemoveAffect (OBJ_DATA  *obj,  const char *affect);
bool charIsAffected  (CHAR_DATA *ch,   const char *affect);
bool objIsAffected   (OBJ_DATA  *obj,  const char *affect);
bool roomIsAffected  (ROOM_DATA *room, const char *affect);
LIST *charGetAffects (CHAR_DATA *ch);
LIST *roomGetAffects (ROOM_DATA *room);
LIST *objGetAffects  (OBJ_DATA  *obj);

// remove all of the affects that are on the character
void charUnaffect (CHAR_DATA *ch,   bool remove_permenants);
void roomUnaffect (ROOM_DATA *room, bool remove_permenants);
void objUnaffect  (OBJ_DATA  *obj,  bool remove_permenants);

// If you're wanting to add a permenant modifier to something, and you don't
// want to go through the affect system, this can act as a 'short cut'. Hint:
// especially useful for items that add affects onto characters until the items
// are removed. This is not really part of affects, but it uses the same
// underlying functions and procedures, so it was put here. Amounts that are
// actually ints and not doubles will be converted appropriately.
void charAddModifier(CHAR_DATA *ch,  const char *affect_type, double amount);
void roomAddModifier(ROOM_DATA *room,const char *affect_type, double amount);
void objAddModifier (OBJ_DATA  *obj, const char *affect_type, double amount);

#endif // AFFECT_H