Please Note the License for Naked Mud, which reads as follows:

     NakedMud is free to use for any purpose you would like to use it for, without 
     restriction from the creator, Geoff Hollis. By using it, or any pieces of the 
     code, you agree to absolve responsibility from the creator, Geoff Hollis, and 
     take full responsibility for anything NakedMud or pieces of the NakedMud code 
     may cause to happen.

     Since NakedMud was based on SocketMud by Brian Graversen, I ask that you follow
     Brian's requests as per giving credit to Erwin Andreasen for the snippets he
     supplied in SocketMud's code (see README). I also request you credit Brian for
     the work he put into SocketMud, and myself for the work I put into NakedMud.

     Geoff Hollis

These are my two early drafts for a money and banking system.  I've just added the
shop code for this previously released module.  I've taken the liberty of including
the changes I made to the src files below.  Feel free to use the code as you like. 
If you distribute it on a website, I would appreciate acknowledgement.
-Hera of Athens - The Mud   (    11-11-05

in cmd_manip.c:
  #include "money/money.h"
in COMMAND(cmd_drop) {
under   bool multiple = FALSE;
    if(!strcasecmp(arg, "drachma") || !strcasecmp(arg, "drachmas"))
      int char_cash;
      int cash_change;
      char_cash = (charGetMoney(ch));
      cash_change = (char_cash -1);
      OBJ_DATA *obj = newObj();
      objSetName (obj, "a gold coin");
      objSetKeywords (obj, "coin");
      objSetRdesc (obj, "A gold coin is laying here.");
      objSetMultiName (obj, "%d gold coins");
      objSetMultiRdesc (obj, "%d gold coins lie here in a pile.");
      objSetDesc (obj, "   This simple, gold slug bears no mark or seal.");
      send_to_char(ch, "You drop a gold coin.\r\n");
      obj_to_room(obj, charGetRoom(ch));
      charSetMoney(ch, cash_change);
Make sure to add an extra } at the end of cmd_drop

in handler.c
change void do_get to:
  void do_get(CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, OBJ_DATA *container) {
    if(bitIsOneSet(objGetBits(obj), "notake"))
      send_to_char(ch, "You cannot take %s.\r\n", objGetName(obj));
    else if(container) {
      send_to_char(ch, "You get %s from %s.\r\n", 
	  	 objGetName(obj), objGetName(container));
      message(ch, NULL, obj, container, TRUE, TO_ROOM,
	      "$n gets $o from $O.");
      obj_to_char(obj, ch);
    }else if(objGetKeywords(obj), "coin"){
    }else {
      send_to_char(ch, "You get %s.\r\n", objGetName(obj));
      message(ch, NULL, obj, NULL, TRUE, TO_ROOM,
	      "$n gets $o.");
      obj_to_char(obj, ch);
      hookRun("get", ch, obj, NULL);

You will have to add:
  worn_add_type "pants"