 * Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Goff                                            *
 *                                                                            *
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied          *
 * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages     *
 * arising from the use of this software.                                     *
 *                                                                            *
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,      *
 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it     *
 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:                             *
 *                                                                            *
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not    *
 *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software    *
 *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be   *
 *    appreciated but is not required.                                        *
 *                                                                            *
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not    *
 *    be misrepresented as being the original software.                       *
 *                                                                            *
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
 *                                                                            *
 * Matthew Goff (matt@goff.cc) <http://www.ackmud.net/>                       *

 * @file utils.cpp
 * @brief All non-template member functions of the Utils namespace.
 * The Utils namespace contains all general purpose, multi-use, and non-class
 * functions. Classes that are implemented to extend default operators or
 * designed to be used in a utility sense, rather than actual objects, are also
 * contained within this namespace.
#include "utils.h"

 * @brief Returns the current system time.
 * @retval timeval A timeval struct filled with the current system time.
const timeval Utils::CurrentTime()
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    timeval now;

    if ( ::gettimeofday( &now, NULL ) < 0 )
        LOGERRNO( flags, "Utils::CurrentTime()->" );
        return timeval();

    return now;

 * @brief Calculates the different between two timeval variables.
 * @param[in] prev A timeval of the beginning time.
 * @param[in] current A timeval of the current, or end time.
 * @param[in] granularity A #long unsigned int variable specified as a UTILS_TIME value from #UTILS_OPTS.
 * @retval long unsigned int The difference between prev and current in units granularity.
const long unsigned int Utils::DiffTime( const timeval& prev, const timeval& current, const long unsigned int& granularity )
    switch ( granularity )
        case  UTILS_TIME_S: return ( current.tv_sec - prev.tv_sec );
        case UTILS_TIME_MS: return ( current.tv_usec - prev.tv_usec ) / 1000;
        case UTILS_TIME_US:
                   default: return ( current.tv_usec - prev.tv_usec );

* @brief Returns a string consisting of directory/file.ext.
* @param[in] directory The top level directory build the path from.
* @param[in] file The file to build the path from.
* @param[in] ext Optionally replaces the file extension with this.
* @retval string A string consisting of directory/file.ext.
const string Utils::DirPath( const string& directory, const string& file, const string& ext )
    string path( directory );

    path.append( "/" );

    if ( !ext.empty() )
        path.append( file.substr( 0, file.find_last_of( "." ) + 1 ) );
        path.append( ext );
        path.append( file );

    return path;

 * @brief This is a nested wrapper for Utils::__FormatString and should not be called directly.
 * @param[in] narg A #long unsigned int variable of the total number of arguments passed. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] flags Any number of flags from #UTILS_OPTS to control output formatting and options.
 * @param[in] caller A string value containing the calling function. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] fmt A string value containing a printf-style format string.
 * @param[in] ... A variable arguments list to populate fmt with.
 * @retval string A printf-style formatted string.
const string Utils::_FormatString( const long unsigned int& narg, const bitset<CFG_MEM_MAX_BITSET>& flags, const string& caller, const string& fmt, ... )
    UFLAGS_DE( uflags );
    va_list args;
    string output;

    if ( fmt.empty() )
        LOGSTR( uflags, "Utils::_FormatString()-> called with empty fmt" );
        return output;

    va_start( args, fmt );
    output = __FormatString( narg, flags, caller, fmt, args );
    va_end( args );

    return output;

 * @brief This is the printf-style string formatter. It should not be invoked directly, but rather by using Utils::FormatString() to ensure proper argument count and caller passing.
 * @param[in] narg A #long unsigned int variable of the total number of arguments passed. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] flags Any number of flags from #UTILS_OPTS to control output formatting and options.
 * @param[in] caller A string value containing the calling function. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] fmt A string value containing a printf-style format string.
 * @param[in] val A variable arguments list to populate fmt with.
 * @retval string A printf-style formatted string.
const string Utils::__FormatString( const long unsigned int& narg, const bitset<CFG_MEM_MAX_BITSET>& flags, const string& caller, const string& fmt, va_list& val ) // Thanks go to Darien @ MudBytes.net for the start of this
    UFLAGS_DE( uflags );
    va_list args;
    vector<string> arguments;
    vector<string>::iterator si;
    vector<char> buf;
    string output, token;
    long signed int size = 0;

    if ( fmt.empty() )
        LOGSTR( uflags, "Utils::__FormatString()-> called with empty fmt" );
        return output;

    arguments = StrTokens( fmt );
    for ( si = arguments.begin(); si != arguments.end(); si++ )
        token = *si;
        if ( token.find( "%" ) != string::npos ) // not foolproof, but it should catch some worst cases by attempting
            size++;                              // to ensure a matching narg : format specifier count

    if ( narg != 1 && narg != static_cast<long unsigned int>( size ) && narg != NumChar( fmt, "%" ) ) // if narg == 1 invocation was func( flags, string )
        bitset<CFG_MEM_MAX_BITSET> eflags;

        eflags.set( UTILS_TYPE_ERROR );
        Logger( eflags, "Number of arguments (%lu) did not match number of format specifiers (%lu) at: %s", narg, size, CSTR( caller ) );
        return output = "";

    va_copy( args, val );
    size = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, CSTR( fmt ), args );
    va_end( args );

    va_copy( args, val );
    buf.resize( size + 1 );
    vsnprintf( &buf[0], ( size + 1 ), CSTR( fmt ), args );
    va_end( args );

    return output = &buf[0];

 * @brief This is the logging output engine. It should not be invoked directly, but rather by calling Utils::Logger() to ensure proper argument count and caller passing.
 * @param[in] narg A #long unsigned int variable of the total number of arguments passed. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] flags Any number of flags from #UTILS_OPTS to control output formatting and options.
 * @param[in] caller A string value containing the calling function. Handled automatically.
 * @param[in] fmt A string value containing a printf-style format string.
 * @param[in] ... A variable arguments list to populate fmt with.
 * @retval string A printf-style formatted string.
const void Utils::_Logger( const long unsigned int& narg, const bitset<CFG_MEM_MAX_BITSET>& flags, const string& caller, const string& fmt, ... )
    UFLAGS_DE( uflags );
    va_list args;
    string pre, post, output;
    long unsigned int i = 0;

    if ( fmt.empty() )
        LOGSTR( uflags, "Utils::_Logger()-> called with empty fmt" );

    va_start( args, fmt );
    output = __FormatString( narg, flags, caller, fmt, args );
    va_end( args );

    if ( output.empty() )

    // prepend timestamp
    pre = StrTime( CurrentTime() );
    pre.append( " :: " );

    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_UTILS; i++ )
        if ( flags.test( i ) )
            switch( i )
                case UTILS_DEBUG: //output caller
                    post.append( " [" );
                    post.append( caller );
                    post.append( "]" );
                case UTILS_RAW: //no extraneous data applied
                    i = MAX_UTILS;
                case UTILS_TYPE_ERROR: //so fancy!
                    pre.append( CFG_STR_UTILS_ERROR );
                case UTILS_TYPE_INFO: //so fancy!
                    pre.append( CFG_STR_UTILS_INFO );
                case UTILS_TYPE_SOCKET: //so fancy!
                    pre.append( CFG_STR_UTILS_SOCKET );
                default: break;

    clog << pre << output << post << endl;
    /** @todo Add monitor channel support */


 * @brief Returns the number of a specific character in a given string.
 * @param[in] input A string value to search.
 * @param[in] item The character to search for within input.
 * @retval long unsigned int The total count of item within input.
const long unsigned int Utils::NumChar( const string& input, const string& item )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    long unsigned int amount = 0, i = 0;

    if ( input.empty() )
        LOGSTR( flags, "Utils::NumChar()-> called with empty input" );
        return amount;

    for ( i = 0; i < input.length(); i++ )
        if ( input[i] == item[0] )

    return amount;

 * @brief Returns a vector of strings split at linebreaks based on input.
 * @param[in] input A string to split on newline characters.
 * @retval vector<string> A vector of strings that were split on the linebreaks detected from input.
const vector<string> Utils::StrNewlines( const string& input )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );

    if ( input.empty() )
        LOGSTR( flags, "Utils::StrNewlines()-> called with empty input" );
        return vector<string>();

    stringstream ss( input );
    string line;
    vector<string> output;

    while ( getline( ss, line ) )
        // Strip the newline off the end
        line.resize( line.length() - 1 );
        if ( !line.empty() )
            output.push_back( line );

    return output;

 * @brief Returns a given time as a string.
 * @param[in] now A timeval to be formatted into a string.
 * @retval string A string value containing the human readable form of the contents of now.
const string Utils::StrTime( const timeval& now )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    string output;

    if ( ( output = ::ctime( &now.tv_sec ) ).empty() )
        LOGSTR( flags, "Utils::CurrentTime()->ctime()-> returned NULL" );
        return output;

    // Strip the newline off the end
    output.resize( output.length() - 1 );

    return output;

 * @brief Returns a vector of strings split at spaces based on input.
 * @param[in] input A string to split on space characters.
 * @retval vector<string> A vector of strings that were split on the spaces detected from input.
const vector<string> Utils::StrTokens( const string& input )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );

    if ( input.empty() )
        LOGSTR( flags, "Utils::StrTokens()-> called with empty input" );
        return vector<string>();

    stringstream ss( input );
    istream_iterator<string> si( ss );
    istream_iterator<string> end;
    vector<string> output( si, end );

    return output;

 * @brief Determines if a file path is a directory or file on disk.
 * @param[in] dir A string containing the file path to be checked.
 * @retval false Returned if the file path received in dir is not of type directory or an error occurs during stat.
 * @retval true Returned if the file path received in dir is of type directory.
const bool Utils::iDirectory( const string& dir )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    struct stat dir_info;

    if ( ::stat( CSTR( dir ), &dir_info ) < 0 )
        LOGERRNO( flags, "Utils::iDirectory()->stat()->" );
        return false;

    if ( !S_ISDIR( dir_info.st_mode ) )
        return false;

    return true;

 * @brief Determines if a file path is a file or directory on disk.
 * @param[in] file A string containing the file path to be checked.
 * @retval false Returned if the file path received in file is not of type file or an error occurs during stat.
 * @retval true Returned if the file path receievd in file is of type file.
const bool Utils::iFile( const string& file )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    struct stat dir_info;

    if ( ::stat( CSTR( file ), &dir_info ) < 0 )
        LOGERRNO( flags, "Utils::iFile()->stat()->" );
        return false;

    if ( !S_ISREG( dir_info.st_mode ) )
        return false;

    return true;

 * @brief Determines if a string is only a string of numerical values.
 * @param[in] input A string to check for numerical values.
 * @retval false Returned if input is empty or the input contains non-numerical values.
 * @retval true Returned if input contains only numerical values.
const bool Utils::iNumber( const string& input )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    long unsigned int i = 0;

    if ( input.empty() )
        LOGSTR( flags, "Utils::iNumber()-> called with empty input" );
        return false;

    for ( i = 0; i < input.length(); i++ )
        if ( !isdigit( input[i] ) )
            return false;

    return true;

 * @brief Determines if a file is readable.
 * @param[in] file A string containing the file path to be checked.
 * @retval false Returned if file does not exist or is not readable.
 * @retval true Returned if file exists and is readable.
const bool Utils::iReadable( const string& file )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    ifstream ifile;
    bool ret = false;

    ifile.open( CSTR( file ), ifstream::in );

    if ( ifile.fail() )
        ret = false;
        ret = true;


    return ret;

 * @brief Return a multimap of a specified directory tree on disk.
 * @param[in] dir The filesystem path to search.
 * @param[in] recursive If tue, the function will continue to recursively list folders multi-layers deep rather than top level only.
 * @param[in,out] output A multimap<bool,string> consisting of a boolean value denoting either #UTILS_IS_DIRECTORY or #UTILS_IS_FILE. If recursive, this will be updated on each pass.
 * @param[in,out] dir_close A #long unsigned int pointing to the total directory opened count on a Server object.
 * @param[in,out] dir_open A #long unsigned int pointing to the total directory closed count on a Server object.
 * @retval multimap<bool,string> A multimap<bool,string> consisting of a boolean value denoting either #UTILS_IS_DIRECTORY or #UTILS_IS_FILE. If recursive, this will be updated on each pass.
const multimap<bool,string> Utils::ListDirectory( const string& dir, const bool& recursive, multimap<bool,string>& output, long unsigned int& dir_close, long unsigned int& dir_open )
    UFLAGS_DE( flags );
    DIR* directory = NULL;
    dirent* entry = NULL;
    string ifile, idir;

    if ( ( directory = ::opendir( CSTR( dir ) ) ) == NULL )
        LOGFMT( flags, "Utils::OpenDirectory()->opendir()-> returned NULL for dir: %s", CSTR( dir ) );
        return output;

    idir = dir;

    // Ensure a trailing slash is present to properly recurse
    if ( idir.compare( dir.length() - 1, 1, "/" ) != 0 )
        idir.append( "/" );

    while ( ( entry = ::readdir( directory ) ) != NULL )
        ifile = entry->d_name;

        // Skip over the unwanteds
        if ( ifile.compare( "." ) == 0 || ifile.compare( ".." ) == 0 )

        if ( iDirectory( idir + ifile ) )
            output.insert( pair<bool,string>( UTILS_IS_DIRECTORY, ifile ) );
            output.insert( pair<bool,string>( UTILS_IS_FILE, ifile ) );

        // Only recurse if another directory is found, otherwise a file was found, so skip it
        if ( iDirectory( idir + ifile ) && recursive )
            ListDirectory( idir + ifile, recursive, output, dir_close, dir_open );

    if ( ::closedir( directory ) < 0 )
        LOGERRNO( flags, "Utils::OpenDir()->closedir()->" );

    return output;