 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Dystopia Mud improvements copyright (C) 2000, 2001 by Brian Graversen  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"

void improve_wpn(CHAR_DATA * ch, int dtype, int right_hand)
  OBJ_DATA *wield;
  char bufskill[20];
  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int dice1;
  int dice2;
  int trapper;
  int max_skl = 200;

  dice1 = number_percent();
  dice2 = number_percent();

  if (IS_NPC(ch))

  if (right_hand == 1)
    wield = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_WIELD);
  else if (right_hand == 2)
    wield = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_HOLD);
  else if (right_hand == 4)
    wield = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_THIRD);
    wield = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_FOURTH);

  if (wield == NULL)
    dtype = TYPE_HIT;
  if (dtype == TYPE_UNDEFINED)
    dtype = TYPE_HIT;
    if (wield != NULL && wield->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
      dtype += wield->value[3];
  if (dtype < 1000 || dtype > 1012)
  dtype -= 1000;

  if (ch->generation == 2)
    max_skl += max_skl * 0.1;
  else if (ch->generation == 1)
    max_skl += max_skl * 0.2;
  if (max_skl > 1100)
    max_skl = 1100;

  if (ch->wpn[dtype] >= max_skl)
  trapper = ch->wpn[dtype];
  if ((dice1 > ch->wpn[dtype] || dice2 > ch->wpn[dtype]) || (dice1 >= 99 || dice2 >= 99))
    ch->wpn[dtype] += 1;
  if (trapper == ch->wpn[dtype])

  if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 1)
    sprintf(bufskill, "slightly skilled");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 26)
    sprintf(bufskill, "reasonable");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 51)
    sprintf(bufskill, "fairly competent");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 76)
    sprintf(bufskill, "highly skilled");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 101)
    sprintf(bufskill, "very dangerous");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 126)
    sprintf(bufskill, "extremely deadly");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 151)
    sprintf(bufskill, "an expert");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 176)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a master");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 200)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a grand master");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 201)
    sprintf(bufskill, "supremely skilled");
  else if (ch->wpn[dtype] == 1000)
    sprintf(bufskill, "divinely skilled");
  if (wield == NULL || dtype == 0)
    sprintf(buf, "You are now %s at unarmed combat.\n\r", bufskill);
    sprintf(buf, "#GYou are now %s with %s.\n\r#n", bufskill, wield->short_descr);
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

void improve_stance(CHAR_DATA * ch)
  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char bufskill[25];
  char stancename[10];
  int dice1;
  int dice2;
  int stance;

  dice1 = number_percent();
  dice2 = number_percent();

  if (IS_NPC(ch))

  stance = ch->stance[0];
  if (stance < 1 || stance > 17)
  if (ch->stance[stance] >= 200)
    ch->stance[stance] = 200;
  if ((dice1 > ch->stance[stance] && dice2 > ch->stance[stance]) || (dice1 >= 98 || dice2 >= 99))
    ch->stance[stance] += 1;
  if (stance == ch->stance[stance])

  if (ch->stance[stance] == 1)
    sprintf(bufskill, "an apprentice of");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 26)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a trainee of");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 51)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a student of");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 76)
    sprintf(bufskill, "fairly experienced in");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 101)
    sprintf(bufskill, "well trained in");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 126)
    sprintf(bufskill, "highly skilled in");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 151)
    sprintf(bufskill, "an expert of");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 176)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a master of");
  else if (ch->stance[stance] == 200)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a grand master of");
  if (stance == STANCE_VIPER)
    sprintf(stancename, "viper");
  else if (stance == STANCE_CRANE)
    sprintf(stancename, "crane");
  else if (stance == STANCE_CRAB)
    sprintf(stancename, "crab");
  else if (stance == STANCE_MONGOOSE)
    sprintf(stancename, "mongoose");
  else if (stance == STANCE_BULL)
    sprintf(stancename, "bull");
  else if (stance == STANCE_MANTIS)
    sprintf(stancename, "mantis");
  else if (stance == STANCE_DRAGON)
    sprintf(stancename, "dragon");
  else if (stance == STANCE_TIGER)
    sprintf(stancename, "tiger");
  else if (stance == STANCE_MONKEY)
    sprintf(stancename, "monkey");
  else if (stance == STANCE_SWALLOW)
    sprintf(stancename, "swallow");
  sprintf(buf, "#GYou are now %s the %s stance.\n\r#n", bufskill, stancename);
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

void do_alignment(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (IS_NPC(ch))
  if (arg[0] == '\0')
    send_to_char("Please enter 'good', 'neutral', or 'evil'.\n\r", ch);

  if (!str_cmp(arg, "good"))
    ch->alignment = 1000;
    if (IS_SET(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT_GOOD))
      REMOVE_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT_GOOD);
    send_to_char("Alignment is now angelic.\n\r", ch);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "neutral"))
    if (IS_SET(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT_GOOD))
      REMOVE_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT_GOOD);
    if (IS_SET(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT))
      REMOVE_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT);
    ch->alignment = 0;
    send_to_char("Alignment is now neutral.\n\r", ch);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "evil"))
    if (IS_SET(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT))
      REMOVE_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_PROTECT);
    ch->alignment = -1000;
    send_to_char("Alignment is now satanic.\n\r", ch);
    send_to_char("Please enter 'good', 'neutral', or 'evil'.\n\r", ch);
  ch->exp -= ch->exp * 0.1;

void do_skill(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
  CHAR_DATA *victim;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char bufskill[25];
  char bufskill2[25];
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA *wield;
  OBJ_DATA *wield2;
  int dtype;
  int dtype2;

  one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (IS_NPC(ch))

  if (arg[0] == '\0')
    sprintf(arg, "self");

  if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, arg)) == NULL)
    send_to_char("They aren't here.\n\r", ch);

  if (IS_NPC(victim))
    send_to_char("Not on NPC's.\n\r", ch);

  wield = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD);
  wield2 = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD);

  dtype = TYPE_HIT;
  dtype2 = TYPE_HIT;
  if (wield != NULL && wield->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
    dtype += wield->value[3];
  if (wield2 != NULL && wield2->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
    dtype2 += wield2->value[3];
  dtype -= 1000;
  dtype2 -= 1000;

  if (victim->wpn[dtype] == 0)
    sprintf(bufskill, "totally unskilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 25)
    sprintf(bufskill, "slightly skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 50)
    sprintf(bufskill, "reasonable");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 75)
    sprintf(bufskill, "fairly competent");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 100)
    sprintf(bufskill, "highly skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 125)
    sprintf(bufskill, "very dangerous");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 150)
    sprintf(bufskill, "extremely deadly");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 175)
    sprintf(bufskill, "an expert");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 199)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a master");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] == 200)
    sprintf(bufskill, "a grand master");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] <= 999)
    sprintf(bufskill, "supremely skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype] == 1000)
    sprintf(bufskill, "divinely skilled");

  if (victim->wpn[dtype2] == 0)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "totally unskilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 25)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "slightly skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 50)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "reasonable");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 75)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "fairly competent");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 100)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "highly skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 125)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "very dangerous");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 150)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "extremely deadly");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 175)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "an expert");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 199)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "a master");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] == 200)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "a grand master");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] <= 999)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "supremely skilled");
  else if (victim->wpn[dtype2] == 1000)
    sprintf(bufskill2, "divinely skilled");

  if (ch == victim)
    if (dtype == 0 && dtype2 == 0)
      sprintf(buf, "You are %s at unarmed combat.\n\r", bufskill);
      if (dtype != 0)
        sprintf(buf, "You are %s with %s.\n\r", bufskill, wield->short_descr);
      if (dtype2 != 0)
        sprintf(buf2, "You are %s with %s.\n\r", bufskill2, wield2->short_descr);
    if (dtype == 0 && dtype2 == 0)
      sprintf(buf, "%s is %s at unarmed combat.\n\r", victim->name, bufskill);
      if (dtype != 0)
        sprintf(buf, "%s is %s with %s.\n\r", victim->name, bufskill, wield->short_descr);
      if (dtype2 != 0)
        sprintf(buf2, "%s is %s with %s.\n\r", victim->name, bufskill2, wield2->short_descr);
  if (!(dtype == 0 && dtype2 != 0))
    send_to_char(buf, ch);
  if (dtype2 != 0)
    send_to_char(buf2, ch);
  skillstance(ch, victim);

void do_throw(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location;
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *to_room;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL;
  OBJ_DATA *obj;
  char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char revdoor[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int door;

  argument = one_argument(argument, arg1);
  argument = one_argument(argument, arg2);

  if ((obj = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_WIELD)) == NULL)
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(ch, WEAR_HOLD)) == NULL)
      send_to_char("You are not holding anything to throw.\n\r", ch);

  if (arg1[0] == '\0')
    send_to_char("Which direction do you wish to throw?\n\r", ch);

  if (!str_cmp(arg1, "n") || !str_cmp(arg1, "north"))
    door = 0;
    sprintf(arg1, "north");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "e") || !str_cmp(arg1, "east"))
    door = 1;
    sprintf(arg1, "east");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "s") || !str_cmp(arg1, "south"))
    door = 2;
    sprintf(arg1, "south");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "w") || !str_cmp(arg1, "west"))
    door = 3;
    sprintf(arg1, "west");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "u") || !str_cmp(arg1, "up"))
    door = 4;
    sprintf(arg1, "up");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "d") || !str_cmp(arg1, "down"))
    door = 5;
    sprintf(arg1, "down");
    send_to_char("You can only throw north, south, east, west, up or down.\n\r", ch);

  if (!str_cmp(arg1, "north"))
    door = 0;
    sprintf(revdoor, "south");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "east"))
    door = 1;
    sprintf(revdoor, "west");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "south"))
    door = 2;
    sprintf(revdoor, "north");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "west"))
    door = 3;
    sprintf(revdoor, "east");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "up"))
    door = 4;
    sprintf(revdoor, "down");
  else if (!str_cmp(arg1, "down"))
    door = 5;
    sprintf(revdoor, "up");

  location = ch->in_room;

  sprintf(buf, "You hurl $p %s.", arg1);
  act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR);
  sprintf(buf, "$n hurls $p %s.", arg1);
  act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  /* First room */
  if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL || (to_room = pexit->to_room) == NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p bounces off the %s wall.", arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
  pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door];
  if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
    sprintf(buf, "$p bounces off the %s door.", arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
  char_to_room(ch, to_room);
  if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, arg2)) != NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in $N's hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in your hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_VICT);
    obj_to_char(obj, victim);
    char_to_room(ch, location);

  /* Second room */
  if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL || (to_room = pexit->to_room) == NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and strikes %s wall.", revdoor, arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
    char_to_room(ch, location);
  pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door];
  if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and strikes the %s door.", revdoor, arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
    char_to_room(ch, location);
  sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and carries on %s.", revdoor, arg1);
  act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  char_to_room(ch, to_room);
  if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, arg2)) != NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in $N's hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in your hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_VICT);
    obj_to_char(obj, victim);
    char_to_room(ch, location);

  /* Third room */
  if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL || (to_room = pexit->to_room) == NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and strikes %s wall.", revdoor, arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
    char_to_room(ch, location);
  pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door];
  if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and strikes the %s door.", revdoor, arg1);
    act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);
    char_to_room(ch, location);
  sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and carries on %s.", revdoor, arg1);
  act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  char_to_room(ch, to_room);
  if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, arg2)) != NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in $N's hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and lands in your hands.", revdoor);
    act(buf, ch, obj, victim, TO_VICT);
    obj_to_char(obj, victim);
    char_to_room(ch, location);

  sprintf(buf, "$p comes flying in from the %s and drops at your feet.", revdoor);
  act(buf, ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  obj_to_room(obj, ch->in_room);

  /* Move them back */
  char_to_room(ch, location);

  do_autosave(ch, "");
  if (victim != NULL && !IS_NPC(victim))
    do_autosave(victim, "");

void do_stance(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int selection;

  argument = one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (IS_NPC(ch))

  if (arg[0] == '\0')
    if (ch->stance[0] == -1)
      ch->stance[0] = 0;
      send_to_char("You drop into a fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n drops into a fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      ch->stance[0] = -1;
      send_to_char("You relax from your fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n relaxes from $s fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  if (ch->stance[0] > 0)
    send_to_char("You cannot change stances until you come up from the one you are currently in.\n\r", ch);
  if (!str_cmp(arg, "none"))
    selection = STANCE_NONE;
    send_to_char("You drop into a general fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n drops into a general fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "viper"))
    selection = STANCE_VIPER;
    send_to_char("You arch your body into the viper fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n arches $s body into the viper fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "crane"))
    selection = STANCE_CRANE;
    send_to_char("You swing your body into the crane fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n swings $s body into the crane fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "crab"))
    selection = STANCE_CRAB;
    send_to_char("You squat down into the crab fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n squats down into the crab fighting stance. ", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "mongoose"))
    selection = STANCE_MONGOOSE;
    send_to_char("You twist into the mongoose fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n twists into the mongoose fighting stance. ", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
  else if (!str_cmp(arg, "bull"))
    selection = STANCE_BULL;
    send_to_char("You hunch down into the bull fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
    act("$n hunches down into the bull fighting stance. ", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    if (!str_cmp(arg, "mantis") && ch->stance[STANCE_CRANE] >= 200 && ch->stance[STANCE_VIPER] >= 200)
      selection = STANCE_MANTIS;
      send_to_char("You spin your body into the mantis fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n spins $s body into the mantis fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "dragon") && ch->stance[STANCE_BULL] >= 200 && ch->stance[STANCE_CRAB] >= 200)
      selection = STANCE_DRAGON;
      send_to_char("You coil your body into the dragon fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n coils $s body into the dragon fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "tiger") && ch->stance[STANCE_BULL] >= 200 && ch->stance[STANCE_VIPER] >= 200)
      selection = STANCE_TIGER;
      send_to_char("You lunge into the tiger fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n lunges into the tiger fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);

    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "monkey") && ch->stance[STANCE_CRANE] >= 200 && ch->stance[STANCE_MONGOOSE] >= 200)
      selection = STANCE_MONKEY;
      send_to_char("You rotate your body into the monkey fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n rotates $s body into the monkey fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "swallow") && ch->stance[STANCE_CRAB] >= 200 && ch->stance[STANCE_MONGOOSE] >= 200)
      selection = STANCE_SWALLOW;
      send_to_char("You slide into the swallow fighting stance.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n slides into the swallow fighting stance.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "ss1") && ch->stance[19] != -1)
      selection = STANCE_SS1;
      send_to_char("You sneak into a supreme fighting position.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n sneaks into a supreme fighting position.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "ss2") && ch->stance[20] != -1)
      selection = STANCE_SS2;
      send_to_char("You sneak into a supreme fighting position.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n sneaks into a supreme fighting position.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "ss3") && ch->stance[21] != -1)
      selection = STANCE_SS3;
      send_to_char("You sneak into a supreme fighting position.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n sneaks into a supreme fighting position.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "ss4") && ch->stance[22] != -1)
      selection = STANCE_SS4;
      send_to_char("You sneak into a supreme fighting position.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n sneaks into a supreme fighting position.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    else if (!str_cmp(arg, "ss5") && ch->stance[23] != -1)
      selection = STANCE_SS5;
      send_to_char("You sneak into a supreme fighting position.\n\r", ch);
      act("$n sneaks into a supreme fighting position.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);

      send_to_char("Syntax is: stance <style>.\n\r", ch);
      send_to_char("Stance being one of: None, Viper, Crane, Crab, Mongoose, Bull.\n\r", ch);
  ch->stance[0] = selection;
  if (ch->fighting)
    update_damcap(ch, ch->fighting);  // weee, fixed that
  WAIT_STATE(ch, 12);

void critical_hit(CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim, int dt, int dam)
  OBJ_DATA *obj;
  OBJ_DATA *damaged;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf2[20];
  int dtype;
  int critical = 0;
  int wpn = 0;
  int wpn2 = 0;
  int count;
  int count2;

  dtype = dt - 1000;
  if (dtype < 0 || dtype > 12)
  if (IS_NPC(ch))
    critical += ((ch->level + 1) / 5);
  if (!IS_NPC(ch))
    critical += ((ch->wpn[dtype] + 1) / 10);
  if (IS_NPC(victim))
    critical -= ((victim->level + 1) / 5);
  if (!IS_NPC(victim))
    obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD);
    dtype = TYPE_HIT;
    if (obj != NULL && obj->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
      dtype += obj->value[3];
    wpn = dtype - 1000;
    if (wpn < 0 || wpn > 12)
      wpn = 0;
    obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD);
    dtype = TYPE_HIT;
    if (obj != NULL && obj->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
      dtype += obj->value[3];
    wpn2 = dtype - 1000;
    if (wpn2 < 0 || wpn2 > 12)
      wpn2 = 0;

    if (victim->wpn[wpn] > victim->wpn[wpn2])
      critical -= ((victim->wpn[wpn] + 1) / 10);
      critical -= ((victim->wpn[wpn2] + 1) / 10);
  if (critical < 1)
    critical = 1;
  else if (IS_NPC(ch) && critical > 5)
    critical = 5;

  if (number_percent() > critical)
  critical = number_range(1, 23);
  if (critical == 1)
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EYE_L) && IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EYE_R))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FACE)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from loosing an eye.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from loosing an eye.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EYE_L) && number_percent() < 50)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EYE_L);
    else if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EYE_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EYE_R);
    else if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EYE_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EYE_L);
    act("Your skillful blow takes out $N's eye!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow takes out $N's eye!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow takes out your eye!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "eyeball");
  else if (critical == 2)
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EAR_L) && IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EAR_R))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HEAD)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from loosing an ear.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from loosing an ear.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EAR_L) && number_percent() < 50)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EAR_L);
    else if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EAR_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EAR_R);
    else if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_EAR_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_EAR_L);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's ear!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's ear!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your ear!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "ear");
  else if (critical == 3)
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FACE)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from loosing your nose.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from loosing $s nose.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], LOST_NOSE);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "nose");
  else if (critical == 4)
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE) || IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FACE)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from breaking your nose.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from breaking $s nose.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE) && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], BROKEN_NOSE);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your nose!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
  else if (critical == 5)
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FACE)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from breaking your jaw.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from breaking $s jaw.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p falls broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[0], BROKEN_JAW);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's jaw!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's jaw!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your jaw!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
  else if (critical == 6)
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your left arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s left arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_ARM);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_ARM_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_ARM_L);
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_HAND_L);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "arm");
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WRIST_L)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_L)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 7)
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your right arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s right arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_ARM);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_ARM_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_ARM_R);
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_HAND_R);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "arm");
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WRIST_R)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_R)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 8)
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking your left arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking $s left arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_ARM) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_ARM);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your left arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 9)
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_ARMS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking your right arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking $s right arm.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_ARM) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_ARM);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your right arm!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 10)
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_HAND) || IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_HAND) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_HAND);
    if (IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_ARM_L))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_ARM_L);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_HAND_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_HAND_L);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's left hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's left hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your left hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "hand");
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WRIST_L)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_L)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 11)
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND) || IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);

     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_HAND);
    if (IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_ARM_R))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_ARM_R);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_HAND_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_HAND_R);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's right hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's right hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your right hand!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "hand");
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WRIST_R)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_R)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 12)
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_HAND))
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_THUMB) && IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_L))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing some fingers from your left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing some fingers from $s left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    count = 0;
    count2 = 0;
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_THUMB) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_THUMB);
      count2 += 1;
      make_part(victim, "thumb");
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_FINGER_I);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "index");
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_FINGER_M);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "middle");
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_FINGER_R);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "ring");
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_L)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], LOST_FINGER_L);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "little");
    if (count == 1)
      sprintf(buf2, "finger");
      sprintf(buf2, "fingers");
    if (count > 0 && count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from your left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off %d %s from $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s from $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s from your left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off the thumb from $N's left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off the thumb from $N's left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off the thumb from your left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 13)
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_HAND))
    if ((IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_THUMB) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_THUMB)) &&
        (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_I)) &&
        (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_M)) &&
        (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_R)) && (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) || IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_L)))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking some fingers on your left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking some fingers on $s left hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    count = 0;
    count2 = 0;
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_HAND))

    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_THUMB) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_THUMB) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_THUMB);
      count2 += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_I) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_FINGER_I);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_M) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_FINGER_M);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_R) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_FINGER_R);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_L(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_L) && !IS_ARM_L(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[2], BROKEN_FINGER_L);
      count += 1;
    if (count == 1)
      sprintf(buf2, "finger");
      sprintf(buf2, "fingers");
    if (count > 0 && count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful breaks %d %s and the thumb on $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s and the thumb on $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s and the thumb on your left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow breaks %d %s on $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s on $N's left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s on your left hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow breaks the thumb on $N's left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks the thumb on $N's left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks the thumb on your left hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HOLD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 14)
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND))
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_THUMB) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_L))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing some fingers from your right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing some fingers from $s right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    count = 0;
    count2 = 0;
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND))

    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_THUMB) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_THUMB);
      count2 += 1;
      make_part(victim, "thumb");
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_FINGER_I);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "index");
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_FINGER_M);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "middle");
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_FINGER_R);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "ring");
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FINGER_R)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], LOST_FINGER_L);
      count += 1;
      make_part(victim, "little");
    if (count == 1)
      sprintf(buf2, "finger");
      sprintf(buf2, "fingers");
    if (count > 0 && count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s and the thumb from your right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off %d %s from $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s from $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off %d %s from your right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow cuts off the thumb from $N's right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off the thumb from $N's right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow cuts off the thumb from your right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 15)
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND))
    if ((IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_THUMB) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_THUMB)) &&
        (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_I)) &&
        (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_M)) &&
        (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_R)) && (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) || IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_L)))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_HANDS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking some fingers on your right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking some fingers on $s right hand.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    count = 0;
    count2 = 0;
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_ARM))
    if (IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_HAND))

    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_THUMB) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_THUMB) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_THUMB);
      count2 += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_I) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_I) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_FINGER_I);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_M) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_M) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_FINGER_M);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_R) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_R) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_FINGER_R);
      count += 1;
    if (!IS_ARM_R(victim, BROKEN_FINGER_L) && !IS_ARM_R(victim, LOST_FINGER_L) && number_percent() < 25)
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[3], BROKEN_FINGER_L);
      count += 1;
    if (count == 1)
      sprintf(buf2, "finger");
      sprintf(buf2, "fingers");
    if (count > 0 && count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful breaks %d %s and the thumb on $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s and the thumb on $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s and the thumb on your right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow breaks %d %s on $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s on $N's right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d %s on your right hand.", count, buf2);
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    else if (count2 > 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow breaks the thumb on $N's right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks the thumb on $N's right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks the thumb on your right hand.");
      act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);

      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_WIELD)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 16)
    if (IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your left leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s left leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[4], LOST_LEG);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_LEG_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_LEG_L);
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_FOOT_L);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "leg");

    if (IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG) && IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 17)
    if (IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your right leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s right leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[5], LOST_LEG);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_LEG_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_LEG_R);
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_FOOT_R);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "leg");

    if (IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG) && IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
      if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL)
        take_item(victim, obj);
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 18)
    if (IS_LEG_L(victim, BROKEN_LEG) || IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking your left leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking $s left leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_L(victim, BROKEN_LEG) && !IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[4], BROKEN_LEG);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your left leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
  else if (critical == 19)
    if (IS_LEG_R(victim, BROKEN_LEG) || IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_LEGS)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from breaking your right leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from breaking $s right leg.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_R(victim, BROKEN_LEG) && !IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[5], BROKEN_LEG);
    act("Your skillful blow breaks $N's right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks $N's right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow breaks your right leg!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
  else if (critical == 20)
    if (IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG) || IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_FOOT))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your left foot.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s left foot.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG) && !IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_FOOT))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[4], LOST_FOOT);
    if (IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_LEG_L))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_LEG_L);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_FOOT_L))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_FOOT_L);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's left foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's left foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your left foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "foot");
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 21)
    if (IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG) || IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_FOOT))
    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevent you from loosing your right foot.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevent $n from loosing $s right foot.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (!IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG) && !IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_FOOT))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[5], LOST_FOOT);
    if (IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_LEG_R))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_LEG_R);
    if (!IS_BLEEDING(victim, BLEEDING_FOOT_R))
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[6], BLEEDING_FOOT_R);
    act("Your skillful blow cuts off $N's right foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off $N's right foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n's skillful blow cuts off your right foot!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    make_part(victim, "foot");
    if ((obj = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FEET)) != NULL)
      take_item(victim, obj);
  else if (critical == 22)
    int bodyloc = 0;
    int broken = number_range(1, 3);

    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_1))
      bodyloc += 1;
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_2))
      bodyloc += 2;
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_4))
      bodyloc += 4;
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_8))
      bodyloc += 8;
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_16))
      bodyloc += 16;
    if (bodyloc >= 24)

    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_BODY)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from breaking some ribs.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from breaking some ribs.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_1))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_1);
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_2))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_2);
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_4))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_4);
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_8))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_8);
    if (IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_RIBS_16))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_16);
    if (bodyloc + broken > 24)
      broken -= 1;
    if (bodyloc + broken > 24)
      broken -= 1;
    bodyloc += broken;
    if (bodyloc >= 16)
      bodyloc -= 16;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_16);
    if (bodyloc >= 8)
      bodyloc -= 8;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_8);
    if (bodyloc >= 4)
      bodyloc -= 4;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_4);
    if (bodyloc >= 2)
      bodyloc -= 2;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_2);
    if (bodyloc >= 1)
      bodyloc -= 1;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[1], BROKEN_RIBS_1);
    sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow breaks %d of $N's ribs!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d of $N's ribs!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow breaks %d of your ribs!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
  else if (critical == 23)
    int bodyloc = 0;
    int broken = number_range(1, 3);

    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_1))
      bodyloc += 1;
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_2))
      bodyloc += 2;
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_4))
      bodyloc += 4;
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_8))
      bodyloc += 8;
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_16))
      bodyloc += 16;
    if (bodyloc >= 28)

    if ((damaged = get_eq_char(victim, WEAR_FACE)) != NULL && damaged->toughness > 0 && !IS_ITEMAFF(ch, ITEMA_VORPAL))
      act("$p prevents you from loosing some teeth.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$p prevents $n from loosing some teeth.", victim, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      if (dam - damaged->toughness < 0)
      if ((dam - damaged->toughness > damaged->resistance))
        damaged->condition -= damaged->resistance;
        damaged->condition -= (dam - damaged->toughness);
      if (damaged->condition < 1)
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$p fall broken to the ground.", ch, damaged, NULL, TO_ROOM);
     * Stone skin will prevent any damage done to arms/legs.
    if (is_affected(victim, skill_lookup("stone skin")))

    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_1))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_1);
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_2))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_2);
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_4))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_4);
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_8))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_8);
    if (IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_TOOTH_16))
      REMOVE_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_16);
    if (bodyloc + broken > 28)
      broken -= 1;
    if (bodyloc + broken > 28)
      broken -= 1;
    bodyloc += broken;
    if (bodyloc >= 16)
      bodyloc -= 16;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_16);
    if (bodyloc >= 8)
      bodyloc -= 8;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_8);
    if (bodyloc >= 4)
      bodyloc -= 4;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_4);
    if (bodyloc >= 2)
      bodyloc -= 2;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_2);
    if (bodyloc >= 1)
      bodyloc -= 1;
      SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], LOST_TOOTH_1);
    sprintf(buf, "Your skillful blow knocks out %d of $N's teeth!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow knocks out %d of $N's teeth!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "$n's skillful blow knocks out %d of your teeth!", broken);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    if (broken >= 1)
      make_part(victim, "tooth");
    if (broken >= 2)
      make_part(victim, "tooth");
    if (broken >= 3)
      make_part(victim, "tooth");

void special_move(CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim)
  int dam = number_range(5, 10) + char_damroll(ch);

  if (dam < 10)
    dam = 10;

  switch (number_range(1, 7))
    case 1:
      act("You pull your hands into your waist then snap them into $N's stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n pulls $s hands into $s waist then snaps them into your stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n pulls $s hands into $s waist then snaps them into $N's stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_punch);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      act("You double over in agony, and fall to the ground gasping for breath.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n doubles over in agony, and falls to the ground gasping for breath.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 2:
      act("You spin in a low circle, catching $N behind $S ankle.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n spins in a low circle, catching you behind your ankle.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n spins in a low circle, catching $N behind $S ankle.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_sweep);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_LEG_L(victim, BROKEN_LEG) && !IS_LEG_L(victim, LOST_LEG))
        act("Your left leg shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's left leg shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_LEG_L], BROKEN_LEG);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_LEG_R(victim, BROKEN_LEG) && !IS_LEG_R(victim, LOST_LEG))
        act("Your right leg shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's right leg shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_LEG_R], BROKEN_LEG);
      act("You crash to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n crashes to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 3:
      act("You roll between $N's legs and flip to your feet.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n rolls between your legs and flips to $s feet.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n rolls between $N's legs and flips to $s feet.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("You spin around and smash your elbow into the back of $N's head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n spins around and smashes $s elbow into the back of your head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n spins around and smashes $s elbow into the back of $N's head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_elbow);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      act("You fall to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n falls to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 4:
      act("You somersault over $N's head and land lightly on your toes.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n somersaults over your head and lands lightly on $s toes.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n somersaults over $N's head and lands lightly on $s toes.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("You roll back onto your shoulders and kick both feet into $N's back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n rolls back onto $s shoulders and kicks both feet into your back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n rolls back onto $s shoulders and kicks both feet into $N's back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_kick);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_SPINE))
        act("Your spine shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's spine shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_BODY], BROKEN_SPINE);
      act("You fall to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n falls to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      act("You flip back up to your feet.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n flips back up to $s feet.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 5:
      act("You grab $N by the neck and slam your head into $S face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n grabs $N by the neck and slams $s head into $S face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$n grabs you by the neck and slams $s head into your face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_headbutt);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE) && !IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE))
        act("Your nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_NOSE);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
        act("Your jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_JAW);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_NECK))
        act("Your neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_BODY], BROKEN_NECK);
      act("You grab $N by the waist and hoist $M above your head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n grabs $N by the waist and hoists $M above $s head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$n grabs you by the waist and hoists you above $s head.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      special_hurl(ch, victim);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      act("You crash to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n crashes to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 6:
      act("You slam your fist into $N's stomach, who doubles over in agony.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n slams $s fist into your stomach, and you double over in agony.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n slams $s fist into $N's stomach, who doubles over in agony.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("You grab $N by the head and slam $S face into your knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n grabs you by the head and slams your face into $s knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n grabs $N by the head and slams $S face into $s knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_knee);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE) && !IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE))
        act("Your nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_NOSE);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
        act("Your jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_JAW);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_NECK))
        act("Your neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_BODY], BROKEN_NECK);
      act("You roll onto your back and smash your feet into $N's chest.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n rolls onto $s back and smashes $s feet into your chest.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n rolls onto $s back and smashes $s feet into $N's chest.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_kick);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      act("You crash to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n crashes to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      act("You flip back up to your feet.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n flips back up to $s feet.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
    case 7:
      act("You duck under $N's attack and pound your fist into $S stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n ducks under your attack and pounds $s fist into your stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n ducks under $N's attack and pounds $s fist into $N's stomach.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_punch);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      act("You double over in agony.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n doubles over in agony.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);

      act("You grab $M by the head and smash your knee into $S face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n grabs you by the head and smashes $s knee into your face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n grabs $M by the head and smashes $s knee into $N's face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_knee);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE) && !IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE))
        act("Your nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_NOSE);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
        act("Your jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_JAW);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_NECK))
        act("Your neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_BODY], BROKEN_NECK);

      act("You stamp on the back of $N's leg, forcing $M to drop to one knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n stamps on the back of your leg, forcing you to drop to one knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n stamps on the back of $N's leg, forcing $M to drop to one knee.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);

      act("You grab $N by the hair and yank $S head back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n grabs you by the hair and yank your head back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n grabs $N by the hair and yank $S head back.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);

      act("You hammer your elbow down into $N's face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n hammers $s elbow down into your face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
      act("$n hammers $s elbow down into $N's face.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
      damage(ch, victim, dam, gsn_elbow);
      if (victim == NULL || victim->position == POS_DEAD)
      if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_NOSE) && !IS_HEAD(victim, LOST_NOSE))
        act("Your nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's nose shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_NOSE);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_HEAD(victim, BROKEN_JAW))
        act("Your jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's jaw shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_HEAD], BROKEN_JAW);
      else if (number_percent() <= 25 && !IS_BODY(victim, BROKEN_NECK))
        act("Your neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        act("$n's neck shatters under the impact of the blow!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
        SET_BIT(victim->loc_hp[LOC_BODY], BROKEN_NECK);
      act("You crash to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n crashes to the ground, stunned.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
      stop_fighting(victim, TRUE);
      victim->position = POS_STUNNED;

void special_hurl(CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim)
  ROOM_INDEX_DATA *to_room;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit;
  EXIT_DATA *pexit_rev;
  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char direction[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int door;
  int rev_dir;
  int dam;

  if (victim->in_room == NULL)

  rev_dir = 0;

  door = number_range(0, 3);

  if (door == 0)
    sprintf(direction, "north");
    rev_dir = 2;
  if (door == 1)
    sprintf(direction, "east");
    rev_dir = 3;
  if (door == 2)
    sprintf(direction, "south");
    rev_dir = 0;
  if (door == 3)
    sprintf(direction, "west");
    rev_dir = 1;

  if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL || (to_room = pexit->to_room) == NULL)
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls $N into the %s wall.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "You hurl $N into the %s wall.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls you into the %s wall.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    dam = number_range(ch->level, (ch->level * 4));
    victim->hit = victim->hit - dam;
    if (IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_NPC(ch))
      ch->mkill = ch->mkill + 1;
    if (!IS_NPC(victim) && IS_NPC(ch))
      victim->mdeath = victim->mdeath + 1;
    if (victim->position == POS_DEAD)

  if (victim->in_room)
    pexit = victim->in_room->exit[door];
  if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED) && !IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_PASS_DOOR) && !IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_ETHEREAL))
    if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED))
      REMOVE_BIT(pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED);
    if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
      REMOVE_BIT(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED);
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls $N %s.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "You hurl $N %s.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls you %s, smashing you through the %s.", direction, pexit->keyword);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    sprintf(buf, "There is a loud crash as $n smashes through the $d.");
    act(buf, victim, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM);

    if ((to_room = pexit->to_room) != NULL && (pexit_rev = to_room->exit[rev_dir]) != NULL && pexit_rev->to_room == ch->in_room && pexit_rev->keyword != NULL)
      if (IS_SET(pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_LOCKED))
        REMOVE_BIT(pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_LOCKED);
      if (IS_SET(pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
        REMOVE_BIT(pexit_rev->exit_info, EX_CLOSED);
      if (door == 0)
        sprintf(direction, "south");
      if (door == 1)
        sprintf(direction, "west");
      if (door == 2)
        sprintf(direction, "north");
      if (door == 3)
        sprintf(direction, "east");
      char_to_room(victim, to_room);
      sprintf(buf, "$n comes smashing in through the %s $d.", direction);
      act(buf, victim, NULL, pexit->keyword, TO_ROOM);
      dam = number_range(ch->level, (ch->level * 6));
      victim->hit = victim->hit - dam;
      if (IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_NPC(ch))
        ch->mkill = ch->mkill + 1;
      if (!IS_NPC(victim) && IS_NPC(ch))
        victim->mdeath = victim->mdeath + 1;
      if (victim->position == POS_DEAD)
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls $N %s.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
    sprintf(buf, "You hurl $N %s.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
    sprintf(buf, "$n hurls you %s.", direction);
    act(buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
    if (door == 0)
      sprintf(direction, "south");
    if (door == 1)
      sprintf(direction, "west");
    if (door == 2)
      sprintf(direction, "north");
    if (door == 3)
      sprintf(direction, "east");
    char_to_room(victim, to_room);
    sprintf(buf, "$n comes flying in from the %s.", direction);
    act(buf, victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    dam = number_range(ch->level, (ch->level * 2));
    victim->hit = victim->hit - dam;
    if (IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_NPC(ch))
      ch->mkill = ch->mkill + 1;
    if (!IS_NPC(victim) && IS_NPC(ch))
      victim->mdeath = victim->mdeath + 1;
    if (victim->position == POS_DEAD)