
9 0 0
You gently blow kisses into the air.
$n blows kisses into the thin air.  *SWAK*
You kiss $M.
$n kisses $N.
$n kisses you.
Never around when required.
All the lonely people... :(
$n kisses $mself, what a pathetic thing to do.
22 0 0
$n bounces around.
You grab $N and bounce around with $M joyfully.
$n grabs hold of $N and starts bouncing around with $M.
$n takes you out for a joyful bounce.  BOOOIIIINNNNGG!
Ah, well, no-one here by that name, too bad :(
You somersault around the room.
$n does somersaults of joy around the room.
23 1 0
You smile happily.
$n smiles happily.
You smile at $M.
$n beams a smile at $N.
$n smiles at you.
There's no one by that name around.
You smile at yourself.
$n smiles at $mself.
24 1 8
Feels silly, doesn't it?
$n tries to breakdance, but nearly breaks $s neck!
You lead $M to the dancefloor.
$n sends $N across the dancefloor.
$n sends you across the dancefloor.
Eh, WHO?
You skip and dance around by yourself.
$n skips a light Fandango.
26 0 0
You cackle gleefully.
$n throws back $s head and cackles with insane glee!
You spitefully cackle right in $S face.
$n cackles spitefully at $N.
$n cackles patronizingly right in your face!
Hmmm, no-one here answering to that name, Schmuck!
You patronize yourself down to the boots, he he he.
$n seems to hate $s own guts.
27 0 0
You roll on the ground with laughter.
$n rolls on the ground with laughter.
You laugh wholeheartedly at $M.
$n starts laughing at $N.
$n laughs at your funny attitude.
Hmm, that person is nowhere around here.
You seem to think you're extremely funny.
$n thinks he's being very funny.
28 0 0
You giggle.
$n giggles.
29 0 5
You shake your head.
$n shakes $s head.
You shake $S hand.
$n shakes $N's hand.
$n shakes your hand.
Sorry good buddy, but that person doesn't seem to be here.
You are shaken by yourself.
$n shakes and quivers like a bowlful of jelly.
30 0 0
You puke.
$n pukes.
You puke on $M.
$n pukes on $N.
$n pukes on your clothes!
Once again?
You puke on yourself.
$n pukes on $s clothes.
31 0 0
$n growls.
32 0 0
$n screams loudly!
You scream at $N.
$N looks very small as $n screams at $M.
$n screams at you at the top of $s voice, making you feel really small.
Scream at whom?
You put your mouth to your ear and scream a little at yourself.
$n screams loudly at $mself.
34 0 5
Does someone need comforting?
$n looks for someone to comfort.
You comfort $M.
$n comforts $N.
$n comforts you.
Comfort who?
You make a vain attempt to comfort yourself.
$n tries in vain to comfort $mself, awww poor fellow.
35 1 0
You nod solemnly.
$n nods solemnly.
You nod at $M.
$n nods at $N.
$n nods at you.
There's no one by that name around.
You nod to yourself.
$n nods at $mself.
36 0 0
You sigh.
$n sighs loudly.
37 1 0
You sulk.
$n sulks in the corner.
49 1 5
Hug who?
You hug $M.
$n hugs $N.
$n hugs you.
Sorry, friend, I can't see that person here.
You hug yourself.
$n hugs $mself.
50 1 5
You snuggle $M.
$n snuggles up to $N.
$n snuggles up to you.
They aren't here.
$n snuggles up to $mself, what a wierdo!
51 1 5                                  
Who do you feel like cuddling today?
$n looks around the room for someone to cuddle.
You cuddle $M.
$n cuddles $N.
$n cuddles you.
Such a nice gesture, but they aren't here.
You must feel very cuddly indeed..   :)
$n cuddles $mself, since noone else will!
52 1 5
Nuzzle who??
You nuzzle $S neck softly.
$n softly nuzzles $N's neck.
$n softly nuzzles your neck.
No.. they aren't here..
I'm sorry, friend, but that's impossible.
53 0 5
$n bursts into tears.
You cry on $S shoulder.
$n cries on $N's shoulder.
$n cries on your shoulder.
Who's that?
You cry to yourself.
$n sobs quietly to $mself.
94 0 0
Poke who??
You poke $M in the ribs.
$n pokes $N in the ribs.
$n pokes you in the ribs.
You can't poke someone who's not here !.
You poke yourself in the ribs, feeling very silly.
$n pokes $mself in the ribs, looking very sheepish.
96 0 5
Accuse who??
$n wants desperately to accuse someone.
You look accusingly at $M.
$n looks accusingly at $N.
$n looks accusingly at you.
Accuse somebody who's not even here ??
You accuse yourself.
$n seems to have a bad conscience.
97 0 0
You grin evilly.
$n grins evilly.
98 0 5
You bow deeply.
$n bows deeply.
You bow before $M.
$n bows before $N.
$n bows before you.
Who's that?
You kiss your toes.
$n folds up like a jacknife and kisses $s own toes.
104 0 0
Clap, clap, clap.
$n gives a round of applause.
105 0 0
Your cheeks are burning.
$n blushes.
106 0 0
You burp loudly.
$n burps loudly.
You burp loudly in $S face.
$n burps loudly in $N's face.
$n burps in your face, how rude!        
So much gas, nobody to burp on.
You let out a loud burp and smell the fumes.
$n attempts to burp on $mself.
107 0 0
You chuckle politely.
$n chuckles politely.
You chuckle at $S actions.
$n chuckles at $N's actions.
$n chuckles at your actions.
HEHEHE HAHAHA, its so funny that the person decided to leave!
You chuckle at your amazing wit.
$n chuckles at $mself, hmm $n must be up to something!
108 0 0
You clap your hands together.
$n shows $s approval by clapping $s hands together.
You clap your hands in approval at $M.
$n claps $s hands in approval at $N.
$n claps $s hands in approval at you.
Where are people when you need them?
You clap your hands in approval at yourself, hurray for you!
$n claps $s hands in approval for $mself, what a sad person.
109 0 0
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time !
$n coughs loudly.
You cough loudly in $S face.
$n coughs loudly in $N's face.
$n coughs loudly in your face, ewwwww!
You better make sure that person is here first.
You try to cough in your face, but it gets stuck and you almost choke!
$n turns blue for a bit, gasping for air.
110 0 0
You curtsey to your audience.
$n curtseys gracefully.
You curtsey gracefully before $M.
$n curtseys gracefully before $N.
$n curtseys gracefully in front of you.
Curtsey to who??
You practice your curtsey.  How about trying it on someone else???
$n attempts to curtsey before $mself, but just falls on the ground.
111 0 0
Where are your manners ?
$n lets off a real rip-roarer !
112 0 0
You flip head over heels.
$n flips head over heels.
113 0 5
Who needs to be fondled ?
You fondly fondle $M.
$n fondly fondles $N.
$n fondly fondles you.
You fondly try to fondle someone not in the room, but who cares.
You fondly fondle yourself, feels funny doesn't it ?
$n fondly fondles $mself - this is going too far !!
114 0 0
What's bothering you ?
$n frowns.
115 0 0
You gasp in astonishment.
$n gasps in astonishment.
116 0 5
You glare at nothing in particular.
$n glares around $m.
You glare icily at $M.
$n glares at $N.
$n glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.
You try to glare at somebody who is not present.
You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold.
$n glares at $s feet, what is bothering $m ?
117 0 0
You groan loudly.
$n groans loudly.
118 0 5
Whom do you wish to grope ??
Well, what sort of noise do you expect here ?
$n gropes $N.
$n gropes you.
Try someone who's here.
You grope yourself - YUCK.
$n gropes $mself - YUCK.
119 0 0
$n hiccups.
120 0 0
You lick your mouth and smile.
$n licks $s mouth and smiles.
You lick $M.
$n licks $N.
$n licks you.
Lick away, nobody's here with that name.
You lick yourself.
$n licks $mself - YUCK.
121 0 0
You love the whole world.
$n loves everybody in the world.
You tell your true feelings to $N.
$n whispers softly to $N.
$n whispers to you sweet words of love.
Alas, your love is not present...
Well, we already know you love yourself (lucky someone does !)
$n loves $mself, can you believe it ?
122 0 0
You start to moan.
$n starts moaning.
123 0 0
Nibble on who ?
You nibble on $N's ear.
$n nibbles on $N's ear.
$n nibbles on your ear.
Sorry, not present.
You nibble on your OWN ear ???????????????????
$n nibbles on $s OWN ear ( I wonder how it is done !!).
124 0 0
Ah, don't take it so hard.
$n pouts.
125 0 0
$n purrs contentedly.
126 0 0
You've got to ruffle SOMEONE.
You ruffle $N's hair playfully.
$n ruffles $N's hair playfully.
$n ruffles your hair playfully.
Might be a bit difficult.
You ruffle your hair, wondering how far you can go before the rest think you're crazy.
$n ruffles $s hair - weirdo !
127 0 0
$n shivers uncomfortably.
128 0 0
You shrug.
$n shrugs helplessly.
129 0 0                                
You raise your clear, melodious voice to the heavens.
SEEK SHELTER AT ONCE!  $n has begun to sing.
You sing a beautiful song in $S honor.
$n sings beautifully to $N.
$n softly sings a beautiful song for you.
Hey, how about the others around here? Anyway that person isn't here.
You sing a rowdy song of your days on the road.
$n sings a rowdy song about $s previous exploits.
130 0 0
Normally you slap SOMEBODY.
You slap $N.
$n slaps $N.
You are slapped by $n.
How about slapping someone in the same room as you ??
You slap yourself, silly you.
$n slaps $mself, really strange...
131 0 0
You smirk.
$n smirks.
132 0 0
PRONTO ! You snap your fingers.
$n snaps $s fingers.
133 0 0
Gesundheit !
$n sneezes.
134 0 0
You snicker softly.
$n snickers softly.
You snicker softly at $M.
$n snickers softly at $N.
$n snickers softly at you.
And just who is that?
You snicker at yourself, snicker snicker.
$n snickers evily to $mself, uh oh, must be up to something!
135 0 0
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*
$n sniffs sadly.
136 0 0
$n snores loudly.
137 0 0
You spit over your left shoulder.
$n spits over $s left shoulder.
You spit on $M.
$n spits $N in the face.
$n spits in your face.
Can you spit that far?
You spit in your own face, what a jerk you are!
$n spits in $s own face, what a jerk!
138 0 0
Where, what, how, WHO ???
You squeeze $M fondly.
$n squeezes $N fondly.
$n squeezes you fondly.
Where, what, how, WHO ???
You squeeze yourself - try to relax a little !
$n squeezes $mself.
139 0 5
You stare at the sky.
$n stares at the sky.
You stare dreamily at $N, completely lost in $S eyes..
$n stares dreamily at $N.
$n stares dreamily at you, completely lost in your eyes.
You stare and stare but can't see that person anywhere...
You stare dreamily at yourself - enough narcissism for now.
$n stares dreamily at $mself - NARCISSIST !
140 0 0
Strut your stuff.
$n struts proudly.
141 0 5
Thank you too.
You thank $N heartily.
$n thanks $N heartily.
$n thanks you heartily.
No one answers to that name here.
You thank yourself since nobody else wants to !
$n thanks $mself since you won't.
142 0 0
You twiddle your thumbs.
$n twiddles $s thumbs.
You patiently twiddle your thumbs, waiting for $M.
$n patiently twiddles $s thumbs, waiting for $N 
$n patiently twiddles $s thumbs, waiting for you.
What?  You want to patiently wait for yourself????
$n is patiently waiting for $mself, wonder if $e will ever show up?
143 0 0
You wave.
$n waves happily.
You wave goodbye to $N.
$n waves goodbye to $N.
$n waves goodbye to you. Have a good journey.
They didn't wait for you to wave goodbye.
Are you going on adventures as well ??
$n waves goodbye to $mself.
144 0 0
You whistle appreciatively.
$n whistles appreciatively.
You whistle appreciatively at $N.
$n whistles appreciatively at $N.
$n whistles appreciatively at you.
Who do you think you're whistling at ??
Nice tune.
$n whistles at $mself, strange fellow...
145 0 8
You wiggle your bottom.
$n wiggles $s bottom.
You wiggle your bottom at $N.  Hmm, SEXY!!!
$n wiggles $s bottom at $N.
$n wiggles $s bottom at you.  Hmm, SEXY!!!
Who are you wiggling at??
You catch yourself wiggling in front of a mirror.
$n wiggles $s bottom in front of a mirror.
146 0 5
Have you got something in your eye ?
$n winks suggestively.
You wink suggestively at $N.
$n winks at $N.
$n winks suggestively at you.
No one with that name is present.
You wink at yourself ?? - what are you up to ?
$n winks at $mself - something strange is going on...
147 0 0
Gosh, will you trade those teeth for mine ?? - you get my glasseyes in the bargain too !
$n yawns.
148 0 0
Who do you want to throw a snowball at ??
You throw a snowball in $N's face.
$n conjures a snowball from the thin air and throws it at $N.
$n conjures a snowball from the thin air and throws it at you.
You stand with the snowball in your hand because your victim is not here.
You conjure a snowball from the thin air and throw it at yourself.
$n conjures a snowball out of the thin air and throws it at $mself.
160 0 0
Kiss whom ??
You give $N a long and passionate kiss, it seems to last forever...
$n kisses $N passionately.
$n gives you a long, slow, passion-filled kiss.
Your heart is filled with despair as that person is not here.
You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss you.
$n makes an attempt at kissing $mself.
161 0 0
You comb your hair - perfect.
$n combs $s hair, what a dashing specimen !
You patiently untangle $N's hair - what a mess !
$n tries patiently to untangle $N's hair.
$n pulls your hair in an attempt to comb it.
That person is not here.
You pull your hair, but it will not be combed.
$n tries to comb $s tangled hair.
162 0 0
Massage what ? - thin air ?
You gently massage $N's shoulders.
$n massages $N's shoulders.
$n gently massages your shoulders - Ahhhhhhhhhh...
You can only massage someone in the same room as you.
You practise yoga as you try to massage yourself.
$n gives a show on yoga-positions, trying to massage $mself.
163 0 0
Who do you want to tickle ??
You tickle $N.
$n tickles $N.
$n tickles you - hee hee hee.
Who is that ??
You tickle yourself, how funny !
$n tickles $mself.
165 0 0
Pat who ??
You pat $N on $S back.
$n pats $N on $S back.
$n pats you on your back.
Who, where, what ??
You pat yourself on your back, very reassuring.
$n pats $mself on the back.
171 0 0
You swear loudly for a long time.
$n swears: #@*"*&^$$%@*&! !!!!!
You swear at $N the best you can.
$n swears loudly at $N.
$n swears loudly at you: #@*"*&^$$%@*&! !!!!!
Watch your tongue.  Lucky for you that no one could hear it.
You are right, you are a bastard.
$n swears at $mself. $e has finally realized that $e is a jerk.
176 0 0
You feel righteous, and maybe a little foolish.
$n begs and grovels to the powers that be.
You crawl in the dust before $M.
$n falls down and grovels in the dirt before $N.
$n kisses the dirt at your feet.
No such person around; your prayers vanish into the endless voids.
Talk about narcissism...
$n performs some strange yoga-exercises and mumbles a prayer to $mself.
178 0
You beg the gods for mercy. ( No way you're gonna get it ! :->)
The gods fall down laughing at $n's request for mercy.
You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from $M.
$n begs $N for a dime or two - or twenty !
$n begs you for money. You gratiously let $m peep at your fortune.
Your money-lender seems to be out for the moment.
How ? - begging yourself for money doesn't help.
180 1 0
You cringe in terror.
$n cringes in terror!
You cringe away from $M.
$n cringes away from $N in mortal terror.
$n cringes away from you.
I don't see anyone by that name here.. who are you afraid of?
If YOU get that frightened, think about the rest of the world!
$n slowly crumples into nothingness, in fear of $mself.
181 1 0
You dream of better times.
$n looks absent-minded, $s eyes staring into space.
182 1 5
Take it easy now! count to ten, very slowly.
$n grits $s teeth and fumes with rage.
You stare at $M, fuming.
$n stares at $N, fuming with rage.
$n stares at you, fuming with rage!
Fume away.. they ain't here.
That's right - hate yourself!
$n clenches $s fists and stomps $s feet, fuming with anger.
183 1 0
You grovel in the dirt.
$n grovels in the dirt.
You grovel before $M
$n grovels in the dirt before $N.
$n grovels in the dirt before you.
That seems a little silly to me..
184 1 0
You hop around like a kangaroo.
$n imitates a kangaroo and hops around, happily.
You grab $M and together you both hop around like kangaroos.
$n and $N hop around like kangaroos.
$n grabs you and you both hop around like kangaroos.
That person must have hopped away.
You hop around the room with yourself.
$n attemps to play leapfrog with $mself, it's not working.
185 0 0
Nudge? Nudge???  The HELL you say!!!!
You nudge $M with your elbow.  He he!
$n nudges $N suggestively with $s elbow.
$n nudges you suggestively.  You two have an understanding, hehehe.
Eh?  Now THAT person isn't here you know.
Well, just nudge yourself, but how do you get your elbow in that position?
$n nudges $mself with $s elbows, making $m look like a large chicken.
186 1 0
You peer around.
$n peers around, looking for something.
You peer at $N.
$n peers at $N.
$n peers at you suspiciously.
You peer at yourself
$n studies $mself intently.
187 1 0
You point in random directions, confusing everyone around you.
$n points at Someone.
You point at $M, how impolite.
$n points at $N.
$n points at you, uh oh, the gig is up!
You point at empty space, and feel foolish.
You point at yourself.
$n points at $mself
188 1 0
You ponder your problems.
$n ponders.
You ponder $M.
$n studies $N intently.
$n studies you intently.
You ponder their lack of existence.
You think, therefore you are.
$n ponders $s own existence.
189 1 0
Punch the air?  Sure, go ahead, fine by me...
$n starts shadow-boxing.
You punch $M RIGHT in the face!  Yuck, the BLOOD!
$n punches $N right in the face!  Yuck, the BLOOD!
$n punches you right in the face!  You're bleeding!
Punch who?
You punch yourself in the face giving you a very bloody nose... *sniff*
$n punches $mself in the face, looking kind of stupid.
190 1 0
You snarl angrily.
$n snarls angrily.
You snarl at $M.
$n snarls at $N.
$n snarls at you, what did you do this time?
You snarl at yourself.
$n snarls at $mself.
191 1 0
You spank WHO?  Eh?  How?  Naaah, you'd never.
$n spanks the thin air with a flat hand.
You spank $M vigorously, hard and long.  Your hand hurts.
$n spanks $N over $S knee.  It hurts to even watch.
$n puts you over $s lap, and starts to spank you.  OUCH!!
Are you sure about this?  I mean, that person ain't even here!
You give yourself a well deserved spanking!
$n reaches back and gives $mself a well deserved spanking!
192 0 0
You feel steam rising from your collar.
Steam rises from $n's collar.
You steam at $M.
$n is really steamed at $N.
Steam rises from $n's collar as $e looks at you.
The rug? the carpet? what?
You steam yourself, and iron out the wrinkles.
$n steams $mself, and is now wrinkle free.
193 1 0
You tackle the air.  It doesn't stand a chance.
$n starts running around $mself in a desperate attempt to tackle the air.
You tackle $M to the ground.
$n tackles $N to the ground.
$n tackles you to the ground.
Eh?  Who?  No way!  That person isn't here.
Tackle yourself?  Yea, Oookay
$n makes a dexterous move and kicks $s left leg away with $s right.
194 0 6
You taunt the air in front of you.
$n taunts something that seems to be right in front of $m.
You taunt him, to your own delight.  Teasing this mean way IS fun.
$n taunts $N rather insultingly.  $n seems to enjoy it tremendously.
$n taunts you.  It really hurts your feelings.    
Hmmmm.  Nope.  Not here.
You taunt yourself, almost making you cry...
$n taunts $mself to tears.
196 0 0
You whine piteously.
$n whines, shivers run up and down your spine.
197 1 0
You perform your daily worship ritual.
$n worships $s one true god.
You crawl in the dust before $M
$n worships $N.
$n worships before you.
That seems a little silly to me..
198 1 0
You put your lederhosen on and start to yodel.  Yoodelaahihooo...!!!
$n yodels: YODELAAAHEEEHOOOOOOOO!  BANZAI, protect the innocent!
$N looks scared as you yodel to $M.
$n yodels to $N.
$n yodels to you.  Your ears can not take any more of it.
That person is happy not to be here.
Well, it is up to you if you want to damage your ears.
$n yodels to $mself.  Is it some sort of self punishment?
246 0 6
Bonk who?
$n looks for someone to bonk on the head.
You bonk $M on the head.
$n bonks $N on the head.
$n bonks you on the head.
The noggin has to be available first, doughhead.
You bonk yourself on the head.
$n bonks $mself on the head.
259 1 0
You mosh madly around in a circle.
$n moshes across the floor, dancing madly.
You mosh wildly with $N.
$n moshes with $N.
$n moshes madly across the floor with you.
You mosh madly around by yourself, cause they aren't around.
You mosh madly around by yourself.
$n moshes around madly.
289 0 0
Bite who?
You bare your fangs and bite $M on the neck.
$n bares $s fangs and bites $N on the neck.
$n bares $s fangs and bites you on the neck.
No neck like that around here!
You try to bite yourself.
$n tries in vain to bite $mself.

312 0 0
You raise an eyebrow.
$n raises an eyebrow curiously.
You raise an eyebrow at $N.
$n raises an eyebrow at $N.
$n raises an eyebrow at you.
You raise an eyebrow at yourself, how silly.
You raise an eyebrow at yourself.
$n raises an eyebrow.
313 0 0
You tap your foot impatiently.
$n taps $s foot impatiently.
314 0 0
Liege Who?
You kneel before $M and say, 'My Liege!'
$n kneels before $N and says, 'My Liege!'
$n kneels before you and says, 'My Liege!'
No-one around by that name.
Liege yourself? How silly!

315 0 0
You sneer evilly.
$n sneers evilly.
You sneer evilly at $M.
$n sneers evilly at $N.
$n sneers evilly at you.
No-one here by that name.
You sneer at yourself for the greatness of your evil thoughts.
$n sneers evilly at $mself for some reason, hum....

316 0 0
You howl in rage!
$n howls in rage!
You howl in rage at $M.
$n howls in rage at $N.
$n howls in rage at you!
They aren't here to howl at, sorry!
You howl at the sky, AWOOOOOOOO!
$n howls loudly at the sky, AWOOOOOOOOOOO!
317 0 0
You kneel on the ground.
$n kneels on the ground as if looking for something.
You kneel before $M.
$n kneels before $N on one knee.
$n kneels before you, and looks deep into your eyes.
Who dost thou wish to kneel before?
Kind of hard to do that isn't it ?
318 5 0
You flip the bird at no-one in particular.
$n gestures vehemently at the air around $m.
You flip the bird at $M.
$n flips the bird at $N.
$n gives you the finger!
Flip the bird at whom?
You make articulate hand gestures at yourself.
$n flips $mself the bird.
319 0 0
You pace back and forth impatiently.
$n paces back and forth impatiently.
You pace back and forth, waiting for $M.
$n paces back and forth, waiting for $N.
$n paces back bad forth, waiting for you.
What are you waiting for?  They aren't even here!
You pace back and forth, waiting for a clue.
$n paces back and forth, waiting for a clue.
320 0 0
You stick your tongue out.
$n sticks $s tongue out.
You stick you tongue out at $M.
$n sticks $s tongue out at $N.
$n sticks $s tongue out at you.
Well, that would be more effective if they were around to see it.
You can't do that.
321 0 0
You flex your arms!
$n flexes $s arms!
322 0 0
You go 'ACK', and cough up something fuzzy.
You hear a loud 'ACK' and $N coughs up a hairball!
You gack a hairball onto $N.
$n gacks a hairball on $N.
$n gacks a hairball on you!
323 0 0
You cup your ear, and look around.
$n cups $s ear, and bellows, 'EH?'
You cup your ear towards $m.
$n cups $s ear towards $N. Eh?
$n cups $s ear towards you. Eh?
No wonder you can't hear them--they are not here!
Can't even hear yourself talk?
324 0 0
Who would you like to caress?
$n looks around for someone to caress.
You softly caress $S body.
$n softly caresses $N's body.
$n softly caresses your body.
Alas, their body is not present to caress.
You softly caress your body.
$n softly caresses $mself, interesting.
325 0 0
You make a whole lot of noise cheering!
$n cheers!
You happily cheer for $N.
$n cheers for $N.
$n cheers for you happily!
You try and cheer for them, but that person is not here.
You cheer for yourself, yahoo!
$n cheers for $mself? What an ego!
326 0 0
You jump way high up in the air.
$n leaps high into the air.
You jump over $m.
$n jumps over $N's head!
$n jumps over you.
Jump whom?
You can't jump over your own head!
400 0 0
Oh, everybody is just so _wonderful_!
$n looks adoringly at everyone.
You gaze up at $M in complete adoration.
$n gazes up at $N in complete adoration.
$n gazes up at you in complete adoration.
Alas, the object of your adoration is not here.
You just adore yourself.
$n happily adores $mself.
401 0 0
You agree wholeheartedly.
$n agrees wholeheartedly.
You agree wholeheartedly with $M.
$n agrees wholeheartedly with $N.
$n agrees wholeheartedly with you.
Its nice to agree but that person isn't here.
You agree with yourself ... at least SOMEONE does !!!
$n agrees with $mself ... good thing SOMEBODY does !!!
402 0 0
You're making an awful mess of the floor.... :(
$n bleeds heavily on the ground, making it a big mess.
You make $M bleed into a bucket. Should be a couple of pints there.
$n squeezes a few pints of blood out of $N. What a cruel spectacle.
$n makes you bleed a pint or two, making you feel very tired.....
Sorry...You got to get your blood elsewhere, buddy.
You cut your wrists and slowly bleed to death.
$n cuts $s wrists and slowly fades away.
403 0 0
You blink your eyes in wonder.
$n blinks $s eyes in wonder.
You blink your eyes in wonder at $N's actions.
$n blinks $s eyes in wonder at $N's actions.
$n blinks $s eyes in wonder at your actions.
You blink your eyes in wonder wondering where that person is.
In I Dream of Jeanie style you fold your arms and blink, darn they are all still here.
$n folds $s hands and blinks, what is this I Dream of Jeanie?
404 0 0
Your cheeks puff out with exertion.
$n puffs out $s cheaks like a blowfish.
You blow softly in $S ear.
$n blows softly in $N's ear.
$n blows softly in your ear.
Sorry, can't find your lover here.
You try & try but you just can't seem to do it.
$n tries to blow in $s own ear, but can't seem to do it!
405 0 0
You look for someone to blame.
$n looks around for someone to blame.
You scold $M sternly.
$n scolds $N sternly for what $E did.
$n scolds you sternly for what you did.
Your victim has sneaked away.
You scold yourself for acting so brashly.
$n scolds $mself harshly.
406 0 0
Woof Woof!
$n barks while chasing $s tail.
You bark furiously at $N.
$n barks furiously at $N.
$n bark at you with a look of bloodlust in $s eye.
You can't bark at something that's not here.
You scare yourself.
$n barks and scares $mself
407 0 0
You look around for someone to squeeze the life out of.
$n opens $s arms and looks around for someone to hug.
You smother $M with a great big bear hug.
$N is turning blue from the hug that $n is giving $M.
$n squeezes the life out of you with a great big bear hug.
Alas, they are not here to hug.
You give yourself a great big hug.
$n gives $mself a great big hug.
408 0 0
You look around for someone to slam into...
$n has a strange, wildly violent glint in $s eyes as $e scans the room.
You slam into $M hard with your body check.
$n body checks $N hard!
$n slams into you with a brutal body check!
Damn!  They got away!
How are you supposed to body check yourself?
$n attempts to body check $mself, what a wierdo!
409 0 0
You boast about your impressive conquests.
$n boasts about $s impressive conquests.
You boast about you past deeds to $M.
$n boasts about $s past deeds to $N.
$n boasts about $s past deeds to you.
They could care less -- they aren't even here!
You boast to yourself about your glorious deeds.
$n boasts to $mself about $s glorious deeds.  (Quite annoying...)
410 0 0
You chide the Gods.
A dark cloud hovers over $n head.
You chide $M gently.
$n chides $N gently.
$n chides you gently.
You chide yourself for thinking such a thing.
$n chides $mself for thinking such a thing.
411 0 0
Compliment?  That's sweet.  But who?
$n looks around for someone to compliment, how about you?
You compliment $M on $S good taste.
$n compliments $N's good taste.
$n compliments your good taste.
Well, that's nice and all but they aren't here.
You compliment your good taste.
$n compliments $s own good taste, since nobody else will!
412 0 0
You cover your eyes.
$n covers $s eyes.
You cover your eyes and refuse to look at $M.
$n covers $s eyes and refuses to look at $N.
$n covers $s eyes and refuses to look at you.
You aren't looking at them anyways for they aren't here.
You cover your eyes and refuse to look at your reflection in the mirror.
$n holds up a mirror to $s face and covers $s eyes, can you blame $m?
413 0 0
You cover your ears.
$n covers $s ears.
You cover your ears and refuse to listen to $M.
$n covers $s ears and refuses to listen to $N.
$n covers $s ears and refuses to listen to you.
You aren't listening to them anyways because they aren't here.
Just don't talk if you don't want to hear yourself!
$n covers $s ears and refuses to listen to $mself, wierdo!
414 0 0
You cross your fingers and pray for the best.
$n crosses $s fingers and prays.
You cross your fingers and pray for $M.
$n crosses $s fingers and prays for $N.
$n crosses $s fingers and prays for you.
Ah, but they are not here.
You cross your fingers and pray for yourself.
$n crosses $s fingers and prays for $mself.
415 0 0
Ok!  Let's see here...  Who needs to be consoled?
$n looks around the room for some poor soul to console.
You console $M and try to make $M feel better.
$n consoles $N and tries to make $M feel better.
$n consoles you and tries to make you feel better.
Don't worry!  They aren't here to console...
Oh, what's wrong?  *console*
$n tries in vain to console $mself, how pitifull.
416 0 0
Who needs to be calmed down?
$n looks around for someone to calm down.
You attempt to calm $M down.
$n attempts to calm $N down.
$n attempts to calm you down.
Relax...  They aren't even here.
You attempt to calm yourself down, deep breaths, in and out, in and out.
$n attempts to calm $mself down.
417 0 0
You cower in fear.
$n cowers in fear.
You cower in fear before $S wrath.
$n cowers in fear before $N's wrath.
$n cowers in fear before your wrath.
No need to fear!  They aren't here!
You cower in fear of yourself?
$n seems to be afraid of $mself.
418 0 0
You kneel down and confess your sins to the gods!
$n kneels down and confesses $s sins to the gods!
You confess your deepest secrets to $M.
$n confesses $s deepest secrets to $N.
$n confesses $s deepest secrets to you!
Alas, they are not here to confess to.
You contemplate the mistakes you have made in life.
$n contemplates the mistakes $e has made in life.
419 0 0
You drool a little.
$n drools down $s front.
You can't help drooling a bit on $N.
$n drools all over $N.
$n drools all over you.  Maybe this is going a bit too far.
Drool all you want.  That person is not here.
You drool all over yourself.  Ah, what a relieving feeling!
$n drools all over $mself, in ecstasy.
420 0 0
You grit your teeth in disgust.
$n grits $s teeth in disgust.
You grit your teeth in disgust at $M.
$n grits $s teeth in disgust at $N.
$n grits $s teeth in disgust at you
Grit at who?
You grit your teeth in disgust of yourself, how could you do such a thing?
$n grits $s teeth in digust of $mself, such a bad person.
421 0 0
Greet Who?
$n looks like $e wants to greet someone, but cant find anybody.
You greet $M with a light kiss on $S cheek.
$n greets $N with a light kiss on $S cheek.
$n greets you with a light kiss on your cheek.
That person is just not here!
You attempt to greet yourself, but find you're not welcome.
$n give $mself a hearty greeting.
422 0 0
You gulp uncomfortably.
$n gulps uncomfortably.
423 0 0
You walk around proudly, gloating about your accomplishments.
$n walks around proudly, gloating about $s accomplishments.
You stand before $M, gloating proudly.
$n stands before $N, gloating proudly.
$n stands before you, gloating proudly.
They are glad they aren't here to listen to your drivel.
What?  Let's maintain some dignity here!
$n gloats about $s accomplishments to $mself, what a loser!
424 0 0
You gaze around the room, looking for something.
$n gazes around the room, looking for something.
You meet $M gaze from across the room.
$n meets $N gaze from across the room.
You meet $n's gaze from across the room.
You look around, but they aren't here to gaze at.
You gate longingly at yourself in a pocket mirror.
$n gazes longingly at $mself in a pocket mirror.
425 0 0
You hum innocently.
$n hums innocently.
426 0 0
Whose would you like to kiss?
$n looks around for a hand to kiss.
You gallantly kiss $S hand.
$n gallantly kisses $N's hand.
$n gallantly kisses your hand.
Alas!  They are not here...
You vainly kiss your hand.
$n, in a display of despicable vanity, kisses $s hand.
427 0 0
You make a point of ignoring everyone around you.
$n is clearly ignoring everyone around $m.
You make a point of ignoring $M.
$n is clearly ignoring $N.
$n is clearly ignoring you.
*giggle*  They aren't here silly!
I'm ignoring you too.
$n is ignoring $mself, you decide to ignore $m too.
428 0 0
Who would you like to interrupt?
You rudely interrupt $M.
$n rudely interrupts $N.
$n rudely interrupts you.
Too bad.  They aren't here.
What?  How would you do that?
$n rudely interrupts $mself, how rude!
429 0 0
Which door or head would you like to knock on?
You knock on $S head, is anyone home?
$n knocks on $N's head, checking to see if anyone is home.
$n knocks on your head, anyone home?
Nope, they just simply aren't here.
You knock on your head, anyone in there?
$n knocks on $s head, just to make sure that there is someone in there.
430 0 0
You listen attentively.
$n listens attentively.
You listen attentively to $M.
$n listens attentively to you.
$n listens attentively to $N.
Don't worry, they aren't even here to listen to.
You plug your ears and try to think.
$n plugs $s ears and tries to think straight.
431 0 0
You muse over the meaning of life.
$n muses over the meaning of life.
You muse over the meaning of $S existence.
$n muses over the meaning of $N's existence.
$n muses over the meaning of your existence.
You muse over the meaning of someone's existence who isn't here.
You muse over the meaning of your existence.
$n muses over the meaning of $s existence.
432 0 0
You pinch at the thin air!!
You pinch $M right on the A*S!!!
$n pinches $N on $S bottom!
$n pinches your sexy A*S!! OUCH!!!
Who deserves a pinch?
You reach around and pinch yourself.  You are NOT dreaming!!
$n pinches $mself.  Is $e dreaming??
433 0 0
Praise who for what?
You praise $M for $S accomplishment.
$n praises $N for $S accomplishment.
$n praises you for a job well done!!
That person may not be worthy of your praise.
You praise yourself and give yourself a pat on the back!!
$n praises $mself on a job well done.
434 0 0
You plot the intricate details of your masterplan.
$n is plotting something ... $e up to no good by the looks of it.
You carefully plot your designs for $M.
$n is plotting something that involves $N.
$n looks like $e is plotting something that involves you!
Ah, but they are not here to plot upon.
You carefully lay out the groundwork for your imminent success.
$n plans for the future.
435 0 0
You grab a pie and look for someone to throw it at.
$n grabs a pie and looks for someone to throw it at.
You throw a pie right into $S face!
$n throws a pie right into $N's face!
$n throws a pie right into your face!
$$!@##@!  They aren't here!
You throw a pie into your face!  Hungry?
$n throws a pie in $s own face!
436 0 0
You plead imploringly.
$n pleads imploringly.
You look up into $S eyes and plead imploringly.
$n looks up into $N's eyes and pleads imploringly.
$n looks up into your eyes and pleads imploringly.
They aren't here.
You don't have to plead, you already control yourself.
437 0 0
You pant heavily.
$n pants heavily, $e must be hot.
You begin panting heavily after getting a good look at $M.
$n pants heavily as $e gazes at $N.
$n pants heavily as $e gazes at you.
Well, pant away but they aren't here.
How would you do that?
438 0 0
You rub your hands all over WHAT ???
You rub up against $M lovingly.
$n rubs up against $N lovingly.
$n rubs up against you lovingly.
They're not here -- Sorry... :(
No perversion allowed.  ;)  *stare*
439 0 0
You roll your eyes.
$n rolls $s eyes.
You roll your eyes at $M.
$n rolls $s eyes at $N.
$n rolls $s eyes at you.
Too bad -- they aren't here.
You roll your eyes at your stupidity.
$n rolls $s eyes at $s stupidity.
440 0 0
You recoil in horror!
$n recoils in horror!
You recoil from $M in horror!
$n recoils from $N in horror!  
$n recoils from you in horror! 
Relax!  They aren't even here.
You recoil in horror at the monster you have become.
$n recoils in horror at the monster $e has become.
441 0 0
You roar ferociously.
$n roars ferociously.
You roar ferociously at $M.
$n roars ferociously at $N.
$n roars ferociously at you.
Roar away, but they aren't here.
You dig deap into your primal soul and roar loudly at yourself.
$n digs deap into $s primal soul and roars loadly
442 0 0
You relax noticeably.
$n relaxes noticeably.
443 0 0
PRONTO!  You snap your fingers.
$n snaps $s fingers, PRONTO!
444 0 0
You strut your stuff.
$n struts proudly.
You strut proudly in front of $M.
$n struts proudly in front of $N.
$n struts proudly in front of you.
Ah, but you cannot strut in front of someone who is not there.
You strut proudly in front of yourself, you are in awe of yourself.
$n struts proudly in front of $mself, he must be crazy.
445 0 0
Whose thigh would you like to stroke?
You gently stroke $S inner thigh.
$n gently strokes $N's inner thigh.
$n gently strokes your inner thigh with feathery caresses.
That person is not within reach.
You gently strong your inner thigh, OOOOOOO that feels GOOD!
$n gently strokes $s inner thigh, it might be best to keep your distance.
446 0 0
You stretch your tired bones.
$n stretchs $s tired bones.
447 0 0
You wave sadly.
$n waves sadly.
You sadly wave goodbye to $N.
$n sadly waves goodbye to $N.
$n sadly waves goodbye to you, he will miss you.
They didn't wait for you to wave goodbye.
What?  Do you fear impending doom?
$n sadly waves goodbye to $mself.
448 0 0
There, there.
$n sobs inconsolably.
You sob inconsolably on $S shoulder.
$n sobs inconsolably on $N's shoulder.
$n sobs inconsolably on your shoulder.
Alas, that person isn't here!  It's all right though!
You sob quitly to yourself, such a sad day!
$n sobs inconsolably to $mself.
449 0 0
You scratch your head in confusion.
$n scratches $s head in confusion.
You scratch $M wickedly!
$n wickedly scratches $N!
$n wickedly scratches you!
But they are not here to scratch.
$n wickedly scratches $mself ... weirdo!
You scratch yourself hard.
450 0 0
You squirm uncomfortably.
$n squirms uncomfortably.
451 0 0
Who would you like to strangle?
$n looks for someone to strangle!
You go for the throat!
$n grins madly as $e attempts to strangle the life out of $N!
$n grins madly as $e brutally strangles you!
Their throat is not here to strangle!
You attempt to strangle yourself but do not have much luck.
$n attempts to strangle $mself but is not having much luck.
452 0 0
You scowl angrily.
$n scowls angrily.
You scowl angrily at $M.
$n scowls angrily at $N.
$n scowls angrily at you.
They aren't here to scowl at.
You scowl angrily at your incompetence.
$n scowls angrily at $s incompetence.
453 0 0
You shudder at the mere thought of it!
$n shudders at the mere thought of it!
You shudder at $S suggestion.
$n shudders at $N's suggestion.
$n shudders at your suggestion.
No need to shudder, they aren't even here.
You shudder at the things you have said.
$n shudders at the things $e has said.
454 0 0
You slowly take off all your clothes, one at a time.
$n slowly takes off all of $s clothes, one at a time.
You slowly take off all of your clothes in front of $M.
$n slowly takes off all of $s clothes in front of $M.
$n slowly takes off all of $s clothes in front of you!
What?  They aren't here to see the show.
Talk about conceit!
$n does a sexy little dance and slowly removes all of $s clothes.
455 0 0
You scoff.
$n scoffs.
You scoff at $M.
$n scoffs at $N.
$n scoffs at you.
They aren't here to scoff at.
You scoff at yourself.
$n scoffs at $mself.
456 0 0
You salute rigidly.
$n salutes rigidly.
You salute rigidly to $M.
$n salutes rigidly to $N.
$n salutes rigidly to you.
Why bother?  Relax...  They aren't even here!
I don't know, exactly, that is done...
$n slaps $mself in the face saluting to $mself.
457 0 0
Who needs to be scolded?
$n looks around angrily for someone to scold.
You scold $M angrily.
$n scolds $N angrily.
$n scolds you angrily.
Too bad.  They aren't here.
You scold yourself angrily -- how could you be so stupid?
$n scolds $mself angrily, muttering about how $e could be so stupid. 
458 0 0
You stagger around in a drunken stupor.
$n staggers around in a drunken stupor.
You stagger drunkenly into $M.
$n staggers drunkenly into $N.
$n staggers drunkenly into you -- $s breath alone will make Milwaukee famous!
They are happy they aren't here.
You stagger around drunkenly but trip over yourself and fall.
$n staggers drunkenly into $mself and falls over.
459 0 0
Who are you going to toss?
You toss $M into the air and gracefully catch $M.
$n tosses $N into the air and gracefully catches $M.
$n tosses you into the air and gracefully catches you!  FUN!  
But they aren't here to toss!
You can't toss yourself into the air, silly!
$n wraps $s arms around $mself and tries to toss $mself in the air.
460 0 0
You twirl around, showing yourself off.
$n twirls around, showing $mself off.
You twirl yourself around in front of $N.
$n twirls around, showing $mself off in front of $N.
$n twirls around, showing $mself off in front of you.
Alas, you cannot show for them because they are not here.
You twirl around, totally lost in your beauty and grace.
$n twirls around, totally lost in $s beauty and grace.
461 0 0
You drink a toast to the good health of all your friends.
$n drinks a toast to the good health of all $s friends.
You drink a toast to the good health of $M.
$n drinks a toast to the good health of $N.
$n drinks a toast to your good health.
All, but they are not here to toast.
You drink a toast to your good health.
$n drinks a toast to $s good health.
462 0 0
Who do you want to tug?
You tug at $M impatiently.
$n tugs at $N impatiently.
$n tugs at you impatiently.
They are not here to tug.
Hmmm...  Let me get back to you on that one.
$n tugs $mself, what is $e doing?!?!
463 0 0
Who do you want to touch?
You lightly touch $M.
$n lightly touches $N.
$n lightly touches you.
Alas, they are not here to touch.
You lightly touch yourself.
$n lightly touches $mself.
464 0 0
You tremble with fear.
$n trembles in fear.
You tremble in fear of $M.
$n trembles in fear of $N.
$n trembles in fear of you.
Now, no reason to fear, they aren't even here!
Ahh, you aren't that scary!
$n trembles in fear of $mself, $e needs therapy.
465 0 0
You twitch uncontrollably.
$n twitches uncontrollably.
You twitch uncontrollably before $M.
$n twitches uncontrollably before $N.
$n twitches uncontrollably before you.
Bah!  Twitch away, they aren't here.
You twitch spastically.
$n twitches spastically.   
466 0 0
You whimper pitifully.
$n whimpers pitifully.
You whimper pitifully before $M.
$n whimpers pitifully before $N. 
$n whimpers pitifully before you.
They are not here!
You whimper pitifully at your misfortune.
$n whimpers pitifully at $s misfortune.
467 0 0
Whap Whap!
$n swings a fluffy pillow wildly in the air!   
You pick up a fluffy pillow and whap $M upside the head!
$n picks up a fluffy pillow and and whaps $N upside the head!
$n picks up a fluffy pillow and and whaps you upside the head.
Aww, where'd everybody go?
If you want a pillow on your head, why don't you go to bed?
$n whaps $mself unconcious with a pillow.
468 0 0
You grin evilly as you look for someone to wedge!
$n grins evilly as $e looks around for someone to grab.
You give $M a one big WEDGE!  O U C H!!!
$n gives $N one big WEDGE!  O U C H!!!
$n gives you one big WEDGE!  O U C H!!!
Alas, your unsuspecting victim is not here.
You give yourself one big WEDGE!  O U C H!!!  Do you like pain?
$n gives $mself one big WEDGE!  O U C H!!!  Pretty insane, huh?

469 0 0
You apologize to everyone for your actions.
$n apologizes to everyone for $s actions.
You apologize to $N.
$n apologizes to $N.
$n apologizes to you.
You apologize to yourself for living.
$n apologizes for living.