Hall of Rules~
7) No foul language will be tolerated over public channels.  This also
includes saying this like f*ck you a$$$$hole.  If you cannot control yourself
you will have your shouts removed from you for a half an hour.  If you
continue after this punishment then further punishment will be handed out.
8) Do not whine.  Nobody likes a whiner.  If you have a problem then speak in
an intelligent manor with an immortal about it, but do not whine to them.  Do
not whine at higher level players asking them to group you.  You may ask them
to group with you, but if they say not please don't bother them anymore.  If
you cannot control yourself you will be asked to leave this mud as your
constant whining diminishes the fun for the rest of us.
9) Lag is a part of any mud.  The mud is rarely the cause of it, it is most
often a router somewhere being overloaded.  Shouting out things such as "This
lag sucks!" or "REBOOT REBOOT! I HATE LAG!!" does nothing but make it all
worse and annoys many people. 
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