#define MENU         \
"\n\rWelcome to Shadowdale MUD\n\r\n\
0) Exit from Shadowdale Mud.\n\r\
1) Enter the game at Shadowdale\n\r\
2) Enter description.\n\r\
3) Read the background story\n\r\
4) Change password.\n\r\
5) Enter somewhere else\n\r\
K) Kill this character!\n\r\n\r\
   Make your choice: "

#define RACEHELP          \
Dwarves:   Shorter. Less Movement. Infravision. Higher con, Lower dex,\n\r\
           faster hit point gain.  less damage from poison, racial hatreds\n\r\
Moon Elf:  More Movement. Faster Mana gain, Higher dex, Lower con\n\r\
	   Detect secret doors, racial hatreds, Infra vision\n\r\
Gold Elf:  Same as Moon, except more intellengent and less wisdom. 
Wild Elf:  Same as Moon except stronger, less intellengent.
Sea Elf:   Same as moon except healthier and stronger, less dexterious.
Dark Elf:  Same as elves, but higher dex, infravision, class limits are\n\r\
	   different. Minus to hit in lighted rooms.\n\r\
Humans:    Average...Unlimited in all classes only race that is.\n\r\
  	   Least amount of racial hatreds than all classes.\n\r\
	   Most class selections in the multi-class ranges.\n\r\
	   Humans can be Barbarians.\n\r\
Halflings: Very short.  Higher dex, Lower str.  Less move, faster hit \n\r\
           point gain, less damage from poison. faster move gain\n\r\
Gnomes:    Short. Higher intel, Lower wis.. Less move, infravision, faster\n\r\
           mana gain\\n\r\n\r\
Half-Elves:Infravision, detect secret doors, good move and mana gain, large\n\r\
	   multi-class selection. Only race that can multi-class\n\r\
	   the Druid class.\n\r\
Half-Orcs: Infravision, high con, low charisma Good move point gain.\n\r\
Half-Ogres:Infravision, high strength and con, low dex and intel. Good move\n\r\
	   and hit point gain. Large size and weight. Cleric, warrior classes\n\r\
Half-Giants:Infravision, highest strength bonus, high con, low intel, wis and\n\r\
	    dex. Good hit point and move gain. Very large. Warrior\n\r\
	    and Barbarian class ONLY. Giants get a hit point boost\n\r\
	    at level 1.\n\r\

#define WELC_MESSG \
"\n\rWelcome to the land of Shadowdale MUD. May you enjoy your visit.\

#define STORY     \
" Dale mud is a creation of the Public broadcasting System. \n \
  Brought to you today by the letters X and B, and the number 9\n\n\r"

#define CLASS_HELP \
"Cleric:       Good defense.  Healing spells\n\r\
Druid:        Real outdoors types.  Spells, not many items\n\r\
Fighter:      Big, strong and stupid.  Nuff said.\n\r\
Magic-users:  Weak, puny, smart and very powerful at high levels.\n\r\
Thieves:      Quick, agile, sneaky.  Nobody trusts them.\n\r\
Monks:        Masters of the martial arts.  They can only be single classed\n\r\
Barbarians:   Strong fighters, trackers and survivers. More move, faster\n\r\
              hit point regeneration. Limited magic use. Single class only and\n\r\
              only Humans and Half-Giants can be Barbarians.\n\r\
Paladins:     Holy warriors, defenders of good. Good fighters, some cleric\n\r\
Rangers:      Woodland hunters. These guys are one with the ways of the\n\r\
	      the forest life. Some druid type skills and warrior.\n\r\
Psionists:    Mind benders, they use the power of the mind to do\n\r\
	      unthought-of things\n\r\
\n\rREMEMBER single class characters have a better hit point ratio than multi's.\n\r\

#define RU_SORCERER \
You have chosen the magic user class, there are two types of mages here at\n\r\
Shadowdale. The Standard Mage uses mana for his power, the Sorcerer uses his\n\r\
memorization for his powers. Sorcerer's will sit and memorize a spell of thier\n\r\
choice and then after doing so can 'recall' this spell. Sorcerer's are said\n\r\
to be weaker at lower levels than most classes, but after they attain higher\n\r\
experince they can become one of the most powerful.\n\r\
Enter 'yes' if you want to be a Sorcerer type of mage, hit return if you\n\r\
do not want to be a Sorcerer (yes/no) :"

#define NEWBIE_NOTE \
 Welcome to Shadowdale, here are a few instructions to help you get\n\r\
 along better at Shadowdale.\n\r\n\r\
 1) We try to get people to role play, but we do not force you. If you enjoy\n\r\
    role playing please do so, if you do not please do not interfer with those\n\r\
    that do.\n\r\
 2) Newbie commands are HELP , NEWS and COMMANDS. Use help for solving most\n\r\
    of your questions. If you still confused ask about.\n\r\
 3) PLEASE do not curse over public channels. This means GOSSIP,SHOUT,AUCTION.\n\r\
    Punishment for doing so begins with removing your ability to use public\n\r\
 4) Not all public channels work WORLD WIDE. GOSSIP and AUCTION and TELL\n\r\
    only work in the zone your in. There are special spells and skills to\n\r\
    communicate world wide if you need them. SHOUT is WORLD WIDE but it does\n\r\
    cost you MANA and VITIALITY points.\n\r\
 5) Please do not use 'funny' or 'wacky' names. We try to encourage role-playing\n\r\
    and if you use those type of names it does not help matters. If your name\n\r\
    is a name that is used in the Forgotten Realms setting (such as Elminster,\n\r\
    Drizzit etc..) please change it. There are NPC's that use these names and it\n\r\
    will cause confusion. If you do not abide by these rules an immortal might\n\r\
    ask you to change your name.\n\r\
 6) Remember that we try to add a bit of realizem (not to much though:)\n\r\
    and things such as starving to death or dieing of thirst CAN happen.\n\r\