Instructions for Win32 Genesis BorlandC 5.01 Compile, by Jon Lambert

1. Untar files on a Unix box.

2. Change to Genesis-x.xpxx directory

3. Run 'configure', say NO to malloc replacement and file restrictions.

4. Switch to src directory

5. Run 'make Win32', the following files should be created:


   Look at the SIZEOF values in include/config.h and verify they are
   correct for your compiler (SIZEOF_LLONG and LLDOUBLE may differ).

6. Zip or tar/gzip resulting source tree, move to Win32 system, unarchive.
   tar/gzip by changing to be outside the Genesis-x.xpxx directory, then do:

      tar -cf Genesis.tar Genesis-x.xpxx
      gzip -9 Genesis.tar

7. Get a port of GDBM/NDBM.  There are several DOS ports on the net.
   The source code I found was rather hacked but compiled without errors
   to a static lib file.  Although there were no errors, make sure all
   integers and longs are defined to 32-bits instead of DOS's 16-bits.
   This is especially critical in the hashing algorithms.

8. Copy the NDBM.H header into your Genesis include directory and your LIB file
   into the Genesis src directory. (I called it WINGDBM.LIB in my makefile)

9. Copy src/Makefile.borland to src/Makefile, edit for your system
   This make links everything static and has debugging options on.
   Make it anyway you prefer.  

10. Finally run Borlands make against it.

11. With a little luck, it should run.  If you have any questions, feel free
    to to Email me at jlsysin@ix.netcom.com