The CircleMUD Builder's Manual
Jeremy Elson,
Revision 1.14, 30 September 1996, for CircleMUD 3.00

This document describes how to create CircleMUD areas, and specifies
the file formats for worlds, mobiles, objects, shops, and zones, as
well as providing examples of each.  All information necessary to
build worlds can be found in this document.  The intended audience is
world builders interested in creating new worlds, implementors who
need to decode existing world files, and coders extending the current
world specification. Thanks to Jeff Fink (Teker) for documenting the
shop format (as well as for submitting the shop code itself!), and
Alex Fletcher (Furry) for writing parts of the Introduction.  More
information about CircleMUD, including up-to-date versions of this
documentation in ASCII and Postscript, can be found at the CircleMUD
Home Page <> or FTP site

Table of Contents:

1.      Introduction
1.1.    Your Job as a Tinyworld Architect
1.2.    Game Balance
1.3.    Making Your Areas Interesting
1.4.    Using World-Building Programs

2.      The Mechanics of World Building
2.1.    Overview of the MUD World
2.2.    Learning By Example
2.3.    CircleMUD World Files
2.4.    Using Bitvectors
2.5.    Adding new areas to the MUD

3.      World (Room) Files
3.1.    The Format of a Room
3.2.    The Direction Field
3.3.    Room Extra Descriptions
3.4.    World File Example

4.      Mobile (Monster) Files
4.1.    The Format of a Mobile
4.2.    Type S Mobiles
4.3.    Type S Mobile Example
4.4.    Type E Mobiles
4.5.    Type E Mobile Example
4.6.    E-Spec Keywords Valid in CircleMUD 3.00

5.      Object Files
5.1.    The Format of an Object
5.2.    Object Value Definitions
5.3.    Object Extra Descriptions
5.4.    Object Affect Fields
5.5.    Object File Example

6.      Zone Files
6.1.    The Format of a Zone File
6.2.    Zone Commands
6.3.    Zone File Example

7.      Shop Files
7.1.    CircleMUD v3.0 Shop Format
7.2.    Item Name Lists for 3.0 Shops
7.3.    The DikuMUD Gamma and CircleMUD 2.20 Shop Format

8.      Spell Numbers

9.      Item Values for Drink Containers

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Your Job as a Tinyworld Architect

As a Tinyworld Architect or Builder, your job is to create the virtual
world in which players can roam around, solve puzzles, find treasures,
and gain experience.  A Builder creates the rooms, objects, and
monsters with which players will interact, defining their textual
descriptions, stats, abilities, and other special properties. A
Builder should not be confused with the MUD's Coder, whose job it is
to modify the C code that makes the CircleMUD server actually run.  A
Builder does not need to be a programmer, and building is not
programming; building is done by writing data files in a particular
format, which this document describes in detail.

There is a standard world included with the CircleMUD distribution
which is intended to serve as a stepping stone and a basic guide to
demonstrate what kind of worlds you can build for your MUD.  To only
use the standard CircleMUD world, without adding any original work, is
to guarantee your MUD will be boring and largely ignored.  MUDs are
judged in many ways, but one of the most important is the number and
quality of areas available. The areas are what tend to make a MUD
original.  For example, one MUD could be based upon a magic-rich world
and the code and areas would reflect this, while another could revolve
around cities and thieves.  Each of these MUDs would have its areas
designed in such a way to flesh out this theme.  In essence, building
an area is like writing a book.  It needs to have a plot, needs to be
descriptive, and needs to be populated with memorable people and

Writing an area requires inspiration and imagination before all else.
Ideas for areas often come from literature; for example, an area that
traces Alice's adventures through Wonderland or Dante's trip through
the Inferno.  Areas usually start out on paper long before they reach
a computer; a general map of the region can help to solidify the idea
and a specific map of each individual room is absolutely required so
that the rooms can be linked together in a way that makes sense
geographically.  Taking notes on ideas for which monsters should be
encountered in the area, their descriptions, and in what location the
monsters should appear can also help when planning an area.

1.2.  Game Balance

``Game Balance'' is a term that brings a different thing to mind for
every person that hears it.  What is most important about game balance
is to keep in mind for whom each area is designed--for example, high
level players, newbies, or small groups.  The objects and monsters
found in the area should match the level, abilities, and needs of the
players expected to use the area.  Most players do not like to be
given vast treasure with no difficulty in getting it, but on the other
hand, nobody likes to fight the most difficult mobile on the MUD and
get nothing for doing it.  The job of the chief builder of a MUD and
the authors of the individual areas is to find a happy medium between
these two extremities.  The process of finding that medium on your MUD
is what makes MUDs original.

The main factor that affects game balance is the areas that make up
the MUD.  Because of this, each area should be checked against the
others to ensure that one area is not impossibly hard or absurdly easy
or rewarding relative to the rest of the world.  Each area that comes
with the MUD or is added later should be checked by one or more
implementors or builders, and the characteristics of the mobiles and
objects should be changed to suit to the balance of the MUD. Each new
area that becomes part of the world should not be added until it has
been similarly balanced to the implementors' satisfaction.
Understandably, builders want their zones to be popular, but they
sometimes attempt to achieve this goal by purposefully making their
zone unbalanced, adding powerful weapons or armor with no harmful
side-effects or mobiles that are easy to kill yet give massive numbers
of experience points. Such zones are destined both to become very
popular and invariably to bring about the death of your MUD's game

An area's balance should be an integral part of the design process,
not something to be tacked on as an afterthought.  Too often, an area
will be designed with outrageously good weapons and armor which throws
off the balance of the game.  Naturally, after such zone is added,
players complain bitterly if it is ever removed or toned down. Also,
because the rent system saves hitrolls, damrolls, and ac-apply's,
veteran players will be able to hold on to their old, spectacular
equipment unless it is explicitly taken from them, even after the area
has been changed. This does nothing but generate bad feelings on all
sides. Therefore, the wise implementor will always carefully check a
zone for balance before it is added to the production MUD. It is
generally not a good idea to ``let the players balance the area'' by
unleashing an unbalanced area on them and watching to see where the
hordes of players go.

1.3.  Making Your Areas Interesting

An interesting area will always attract more players than a bland one.
There are many ways to make an area interesting.  Try to be as
descriptive as possible; don't hold back on writing extra
descriptions.  Players are so accustomed to not having richly
described areas that finding an extra description can often be a real
treat.  Also, one oft forgotten thing to describe are the door exits.
Describing all of these can give a feel of standing out in a field and
looking off to the north and seeing something like:

     The fields stretch off towards the large hills on the horizon.  Far to
     the north you see what appears to be a plume of smoke.

With door descriptions like these, an area will feel more fleshed out
to the player.  Many players (both experienced and first timers) read
the descriptions carefully the first time they walk through an area,
and having many extra descriptions helps them fill out their idea of
what things actually look like.

One thing that should never be done is to have generic room
descriptions like ``You stand in a big room.  It is very dark.''
Descriptions like these detract in general from the rest of the world,
and if they are found room after room can bore a player to tears.
Such a description could be changed to:

          You stand in a room of very large size.  Shadows cower along the
     walls and almost seem to be moving as you look around yourself.  The floor
     is made of heavy stones which are very dark in color.  The ceiling is
     quite some distance above you, but you can still make out objects hanging
     from it, ruining the smoothness that is characteristic of the rest of the

Another way to make an area interesting is to create some sort of plot
line for it, or a coherent theme, rather than a collection of
haphazardly related rooms.  The plot can be complex like infiltrating
a castle to garner the war plans of the evil Lord Zygol, simple like
ridding the caves of goblins, or anything in between.  Often the plot
in an area can be advanced by some fairly simple puzzles or
descriptions.  With the help of special procedures written in C by the
MUD's coder, involved puzzles of Zork-like complexity can be readily

Not all mobs have to be designed to be killed, nor does every
shopkeeper have to buy or sell something--they could just be created
so that they refuse to trade with any player characters.  The players
will then wonder why the shopkeeper exists.  Perhaps giving him a
jewel will make him more friendly.  In this way, an area can be made
infinitely more exciting by coding some special procedures for it.
Perhaps random teleporters throughout the area, perhaps some
procedures that have mobiles respond to questions from players.

All in all, the best way to make an area interesting is to use
variety, intelligence, and imagination in building.  Try to imagine
what it would be like for you to walk through and what you might try
looking at or doing, and then try to incorporate that into your area.
Show your area to others and take their advice.  By taking all of this
extra effort in creating your area, you will be rewarded by leaving a
lasting memory of your area in the minds of many players.

1.4.  Using World-Building Programs

In the old days, the only tool that was used (or required) to write a
MUD area was a simple text editor.  However, in the course of time,
various people have written programs to help builders create worlds
without having to understand the complex details of the world file
format.  World- building programs are becoming more popular,
especially the fancy graphical builders that run under Microsoft
Windows.  You may prefer to use one of them rather than trying to use
a simple text editor and understanding the format on your own.  New
world-builders are constantly being written and released, so any
attempt to describe them here will almost certainly be obsolete by the
time you read it.  However, some of them can be found in the contrib
section of CircleMUD's official FTP site

2.  The Mechanics of World Building

2.1.  Overview of the MUD World

CircleMUD's world is divided into distinct sections called zones. Each
zone typically consists of a single, modular, geographically coherent
region of the MUD's virtual world with a consistent storyline.  Each
zone can define its own physical space (the world), monsters (usually
called mobiles), objects (such as armor, weapons and treasures), and
shops, in which a mobile in a particular room can buy and sell objects
to players.

A single zone typically contain less than 100 rooms, 100 monster
definitions and 100 object definitions, but a large region can be
subdivided into several zones at the author's discretion.  For
example, the City of Midgaard is divided into two zones, one for the
main city and one for the southern residential area.  A zone can also
use mobiles and objects defined by another zone, but this practice is
discouraged because it makes zones less modular, meaning that it
becomes more difficult to add or remove one zone without affecting
another zone.

Each room, mobile and object within a zone is given a unique number
called a Virtual Number or Vnum. The Vnums for the rooms, mobiles and
objects are independent, so there can be both a room number 3001 and
an object number 3001.  When defining and referencing parts of a zone,
the zone author always refers to each entity by its Vnum and never by
name.  Vnums are normally not seen by players.  Each zone itself also
has a Vnum.  A common convention is to number the zone with the Vnums
of its component rooms, divided by 100.  For example, Midgaard is zone
30, consisting of rooms 3000 to 3099.  Mobile and object numbering
follows the same convention.

The author of the zone can define aspects of each room such as the
terrain type, special properties like whether the room has its own
light source or is a death trap, and other parameters.  A very
important aspect of each room is the position of other rooms in
relation to it; for example, from room 3014, one can go north to reach
room 3005, east to room 3015, etc.  Great care should be given to
making the room links logical and consistent. A player who moves east
and then immediately west should find herself back in the same room in
which she started.

Each mobile is given characteristics such as number of hit points,
bare hand damage capability, strength, and special skills and
abilities.  Objects have parameters such as weight, value, and magical
properties.  The author can also choose how these three pieces of the
world are combined to form the initial state of the zone: for example,
the number of each mobile that exist and in which rooms they stand,
the equipment that each mobile uses, objects which might be on the
floor, and the doors which may be initially locked or unlocked.

When the CircleMUD server runs the zone, it sets each zone to its
initial state as defined by the author, and then makes the zone ``come
alive'' by randomly making mobiles wander through the zone and, if
desired, attack players.  While the players are using the zone
(killing the mobiles and picking up equipment) the server periodically
resets the zone to its initial state (a zone reset) to prepare the
zone for the next group of players.

2.2.  Learning By Example

Before descending into the details of MUD building, it should be noted
that the formats of the world files are sufficiently complex that it
is probably not possible to gain a complete understanding of them
merely by reading this documentation.  This document is designed to be
a reference manual and therefore may not serve as a particularly good
tutorial.  While there are examples provided at the end of each
section, they are only meant to be representative and are not
comprehensive examples of all possible ways to use the features that
will be described.  The most effective way is to learn by example:
examine some of the areas that come with CircleMUD and try to figure
out the meanings of the numbers in different rooms, objects, mobiles,
and zone files, using this manual as a guide.  Once you're proficient
at reading world files, you'll find that creating them is a much
easier task.

2.3.  CircleMUD World Files

Each CircleMUD zone is defined by five types of files: world files,
mobile files, object files, shop files, and zone files. World files
(*.wld) define the actual rooms and the links from one room to
another.  Mobiles (*.mob) are the monsters which inhabit the MUD.
Objects (*.obj) are the weapons, armor, treasure, and other objects
manipulated by players and monsters.  Shop files (*.shp) define the
MUD's shopkeepers, controlling what they buy, sell, and say.  Finally,
Zone files (*.zon) bring all the previous elements together to define
the initial state of the zone, describing how monsters should be
equipped, where monsters should be placed, where objects on the ground
should be, which doors should be locked, etc.  These five types of
files are collectively referred to as ``the world,'' or sometimes the
``tinyworld files.''

CircleMUD uses split world files to make the world easier to
manipulate.  Instead of all the rooms being lumped together in a
single, cumbersome file, the rooms are split into many different
files, one file for each area of the world.  All five types of files
are split in a similar manner.  Circle has one directory for the room
files (lib/world/wld), one directory for the object files
(lib/world/obj), and so forth.

Circle doesn't care how the world files are split or what the names of
the files are, but certain conventions have developed to make
management of the world easier.  Each file typically contains
information for only a single zone and the filename is typically the
zone number, with an extension indicating one of the 5 file types.
For example, the file 30.wld contains rooms 3000 to 3099 of zone 30;
42.mob contains mobiles 4200 to 4299 of zone 42, etc.

Also in each of these directories is a file called ``index'' that
tells the server which files from that directory should be loaded when
the server boots and a file called ``'' which (minimal) set
of files should be loaded when the server is booted with the -m

Every world file used by Circle (including the index files) must be
terminated by the dollar sign ($) to tell the server that the file has
ended.  Without the dollar sign, the server will not boot properly.

The split utility that comes with CircleMUD can be used to divide a
large file into a number of smaller files; for example, if you have a
large zone that you'd like to break into several smaller zones. See
the CircleMUD Utility Manual
<> for more
information on how to use split.

2.4.  Using Bitvectors

When learning about the formats of CircleMUD world files, you'll
frequently see references to ``bitvectors.''  A bitvector is a group
of flags which each can be either on or off.  Bitvectors and their
flags are used in many ways within CircleMUD, such as to define the
personality of mobiles, the characteristics of rooms, etc.
Understanding how to use bitvectors is essential if you want to build
a CircleMUD world.

At every point where this document says a bitvector is required, it
will be accompanied by a table describing the flags which you can use
with that bitvector.  The table will look something like this:

     1    a    DIRTY     The room is dirty.
     2    b    STINKY    The room stinks.
     4    c    MUSHY     The floor of the room feels mushy.
     8    d    SWAMPY    The room resembles a swamp.

Note there are four columns in the table.  The first column contains
the numeric value of the flag.  The second contains the alphabetic
representation of the flag.  The third is the name of the flag, and
the fourth is a description of what the flag does.

There are two ways you can construct a bitvector with the table above:
the numeric method and the alphabetic method.  The numeric method is
to select all flags you'd like to activate, take the numbers of those
flags as listed in the first column of the table, and add them all up.
The resulting sum will be the bitvector.  The alphabetic method is
much easier: just write down all the letters of the flags you'd like
to use with no spaces in between.  For both numeric and alphabetic
bitvectors, use ``0'' to indicate a bitvector where none of the flags
are set.

For example, imagine you want to create a room that is dirty, mushy,
and resembles a swamp, but does not stink.  Using the numeric method,
you'd look up the numbers of those three flags (1 for dirty, 4 for
mushy, and 8 for swampy), and add them up to get 13.  Using the
alphabetic method, the bitvector would simply be ``acd''.  Bitvectors
are case-sensitive; ``acd'' is very different from ``Acd'' and

At every point where the CircleMUD format requires a bitvector, you
can write either a numeric bitvector or an alphabetic bitvector.  They
are completely interchangeable.  However, be forewarned that if you
use alphabetic bitvectors, your area will not be compatible with MUDs
based on the original DikuMUD.  Alphabetic bitvectors are a CircleMUD
enhancement and may not be supported by MUDs based on Gamma Diku.

In some bitvector tables, you will see values whose descriptions say
``Reserved for internal use'' or ``Do not use''.  You should never set
those flag values in your world files.

2.5.  Adding new areas to the MUD

After an area is written, there are three steps required to add it to
the MUD for testing: copying the files into the proper directories,
adding the new filenames to the appropriate index files, and running
the MUD in syntax-check mode to make sure the new area is formatted

All world-related files go in the directory lib/world.  In this
example, we will imagine that your new area is zone number 57 (which
should consist of rooms, objects and mobiles numbered 5701-5799).
Your zone probably has 5 files: 57.wld, 57.mob, 57.obj, 57.shp, and
57.zon.  The first step is to copy each of these files into their
appropriate subdirectory: 57.wld should be copied to the directory
lib/world/wld; 57.mob should be copied to the directory lib/world/mob,
and so forth.

The next step is to add the name of the newly copied world files to
the index file contained in each of the world subdirectories.  Note
you will need to change 5 index files: one for each of the world files
that you copied in the previous step.  Adding the filenames to the
index files tells CircleMUD that the files should be loaded; they will
not be loaded simply by virtue of being in the correct directory.
First, edit the file lib/world/wld/index; you should see a list of the
current world (room) files.  Add a single line that says 57.wld in the
correct numeric order.  Next, add a similar line in the other index
files: add 57.mob to lib/world/mob/index; add 57.obj to
lib/world/obj/index, etc.

Now you can try to boot the MUD with the new world.  If you're adding
a new area which hasn't been debugged yet, it's usually a good idea to
run Circle in its syntax-checking mode first.  From Circle's root
directory, type bin/circle -c to run Circle's syntax checker.  If the
check runs with no SYSERR messages, the syntax of the area is probably
correct and the MUD can be safely booted.  Otherwise, check the
<> for more
information on how to correct the formatting errors.  Also, see the
CircleMUD Administrator's Guide
<> for more
information on how to run CircleMUD or how to use the syntax checking

3.  World (Room) Files

3.1.  The Format of a Room

The format of a room is:

     #<virtual number>
     <room name>~
     <Room Description>
     <zone number> <room bitvector> <sector type>
     {Zero or more Direction Fields and/or Extra Descriptions}

There can be between 0 and 6 Direction Fields.  There should not be
more than one Direction Field for a particular direction.  No Extra
Descriptions are required but an unlimited number are allowed.  Each
room is terminated with the literal letter S.

   Virtual Number
      This number is critical; it is the identity of the room within
      the game.  All other files will use this number to refer to this
      room.  From within the game, this number can be used with
      ``goto'' to go to this room.  The virtual numbers must appear in
      increasing order in the world file.

   Room Name
      This string is the room's title, which is displayed before the
      room description when players look at the room, or displayed
      alone if players are using ``brief'').

   Room Description
      The description of the room seen when they type ``look,'' or
      when they enter the room with brief mode off.

   Zone Number
      This number is obsolete and no longer used.  Historically it
      contained the zone number of the current room but it is
      currently ignored.  It is maintained as part of the format for
      backwards compatibility.

   Room Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors''), with the
      following values:

   1     a   DARK           Room is dark.
   2     b   DEATH          Room is a death trap; char ``dies'' (no xp lost).
   4     c   NOMOB          MOBs (monsters) cannot enter room.
   8     d   INDOORS        Room is indoors.
   16    e   PEACEFUL       Room is peaceful (violence not allowed).
   32    f   SOUNDPROOF     Shouts, gossips, etc. won't be heard in room.
   64    g   NOTRACK        ``track'' can't find a path through this room.
   128   h   NOMAGIC        All magic attempted in this room will fail.
   256   i   TUNNEL         Only one person allowed in room at a time.
   512   j   PRIVATE        Cannot teleport in or GOTO if two people here.
   1024  k   GODROOM        Only LVL_GOD and above allowed to enter.
   2048  l   HOUSE          Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
   4096  m   HOUSE_CRASH    Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
   8192  n   ATRIUM         Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
   16384 o   OLC            Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
   32768 p   BFS_MARK       Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.

   Sector Type
      A single number (not a bitvector) defining the type of terrain
      in the room.  Note that this value is not the number of movement
      points needed but just a number to identify the sector type (the
      movement loss is controlled by the array movement_loss[] in the
      file constants.c).  The Sector Type can be one of the following:

        0    INSIDE         Indoors (small number of move points needed).
        1    CITY           The streets of a city.
        2    FIELD          An open field.
        3    FOREST         A dense forest.
        4    HILLS          Low foothills.
        5    MOUNTAIN       Steep mountain regions.
        6    WATER_SWIM     Water (swimmable).
        7    WATER_NOSWIM   Unswimmable water - boat required for passage.
        8    UNDERWATER     Underwater.
        9    FLYING         Wheee!

   Direction Fields and Extra Descriptions
      This section defines the room's exits, if any, as well as any
      extra descriptions such as signs or strange objects that might
      be in the room.  This section can be empty if the room has no
      exits and no extra descriptions.  Otherwise, it can have any
      number of D (Direction Field) and E (Extra Description)
      sections, in any order.  After all exits and extra descriptions
      have been listed, the end of the room is signaled with the
      letter S.  The Direction Fields and Extra Descriptions are
      described in more detail in the following sections.

3.2.  The Direction Field

The general format of a direction field is:

     D<direction number>
     <general description>
     <keyword list>~
     <door flag> <key number> <room linked>

   Direction Number
      The compass direction that this Direction Field describes.  It
      must be one of the following numbers:

             0    North
             1    East
             2    South
             3    West
             4    Up
             5    Down

   General Description
      The description shown to the player when she types ``look
      <direction>.''  This should not be confused with the room
      description itself.  Unlike the room description which is
      automatically viewed when a player walks into a room, the
      General Description of an exit is only seen when a player looks
      in the direction of the exit (e.g., ``look north'').

   Keyword List
      A list of acceptable terms that can be used to manipulate the
      door with commands such as ``open,'' ``close,'' ``lock,''
      ``unlock,'' etc.  The list should be separated by spaces, e.g.:

      door oak big~

   Door Flag
      Can take one of three values (0, 1 or 2):

      0  An unrestricted exit that has no door, or a special door
         cannot be opened or closed with the ``open'' and ``close''
         commands.  The latter is useful for secret doors, trap doors,
         or other doors that are opened and closed by something other
         than the normal commands, like a special procedure assigned
         to the room or an object in the room.

      1  Normal doors that can be opened, closed, locked, unlocked,
         and picked.

      2  Pickproof doors: if locked, can be opened only with the key.

      The initial state of all doors is open, but doors can be opened,
      closed, and locked automatically when zones reset (see the zone
      file documentation for details).

   Key Number
      The virtual number of the key required to lock and unlock the
      door in the direction given.  A value of -1 means that there is
      no keyhole; i.e., no key will open this door.  If the Door Flag
      for this door is 0, the Key Number is ignored.

   Room Linked
      The virtual number of the room to which this exit leads.  If
      this number is -1 (NOWHERE), the exit will not actually lead
      anywhere; useful if you'd like the exit to show up on ``exits,''
      or if you'd like to add a description for ``look <direction>''
      without actually adding an exit in that direction.

3.3.  Room Extra Descriptions

Extra descriptions are used to make rooms more interesting, and make
them more interactive.  Extra descriptions are accessed by players
when they type ``look at <thing>,'' where <thing> is any word you
choose.  For example, you might write a room description which
includes the tantalizing sentence, ``The wall looks strange here.''
Using extra descriptions, players could then see additional detail by
typing ``look at wall.''  There can be an unlimited number of Extra
Descriptions in each room.

The format of an extra description is simple:

     <keyword list>~
     <description text>

   Keyword List
      A space-separated list of keywords which will access the
      description in this E section.

   Description Text
      The text that will be displayed when a player types ``look
      <keyword>,'' where <keyword> is one of the keywords specified in
      the Keyword List of this E section.

3.4.  World File Example

Here's a sample entry from a CircleMUD world file:

     The Red Room~
        It takes you a moment to realize that the red glow here is coming
     from a round portal on the floor.  It looks almost as if someone had
     painted a picture of a dirt running through a field on the floor of
     this room.  Oddly enough, it is so realistic you can feel the wind in
     the field coming out of the picture.
     186 ad 0
     You see a big room up there.
     0 -1 18620
     You see a small room.
     oak door~
     1 18000 18630
     portal floor~
     It looks as if you could go down into it... but you can't be sure of where
     you will end up, or if you can get back.

This room is virtual number 18629, called ``The Red Room.''  It is
dark and indoors, with an ``INDOORS'' sector type.  It has an exit
north and east.  The north exit leads to room 18620; if a player types
``look north'' it will say ``You see a big room up there.''  The exit
east is a normal, pickable door that leads to room 18630 and which
takes key number 18000.  There is one extra description for ``portal''
and ``floor.''

4.  Mobile (Monster) Files

4.1.  The Format of a Mobile

The format of a mobile is:

     #<virtual number>
     <alias list>~
     <short description>~
     <long description>
     <detailed description>
     <action bitvector> <affection bitvector> <alignment> <type flag>
     {type-specific information; see below for details}

The format of mobiles varies depending on the Type Flag.  See below
for documentation of the formats of the various types.

   Virtual Number
      This number is critical; it is the identity of the mobile within
      the game.  It is the number that will be used to reference the
      mobile from zone files and is the number used to ``load''
      mobiles from within the game.  The virtual numbers must appear
      in increasing order in the mob file.

   Alias List
      The list of keywords, separated by spaces, that can be used by
      players to identify the mobile.  The mobile can only be
      identified using the keywords that appear in its alias list; it
      cannot be identified by a word that appears only in its name.
      Great care should be taken to ensure that the spellings of names
      and aliases match.  Fill words such as ``the,'' ``a,'' and
      ``an'' should not appear in the Alias List.

   Short Description
      The description of the mobile used by the MUD when the mobile
      takes some action.  For example, a short description of ``The
      Beastly Fido'' would result in messages such as ``The Beastly
      Fido leaves south.'' and ``The Beastly Fido hits you hard.''
      The Short Description should never end with a punctuation mark
      because it will be inserted into the middle of sentences such as
      those above.

   Long Description
      The description displayed when a mobile is in its default
      position; for example, ``The Beastly Fido is here, searching
      through garbage for food.''  When the mobile is in a position
      other than its default position, such as sleeping or
      incapacitated, the short description is used instead; for
      example, ``The Beastly Fido is lying here, incapacitated.''
      Unlike the Short Description, the Long Description should end
      with appropriate punctuation.

   Detailed Description
      The description displayed for a mobile when a player looks at
      the mobile by typing ``look at <mobile>.''

   Action Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors'') with the
      following values:

   1      a  SPEC           This flag must be set on mobiles which have
                            special procedures written in C.  In addition to
                            setting this bit, the specproc must be assigned in
                            spec_assign.c, and the specproc itself must (of
                            course) must be written.  See the section on
                            Special Procedures in the file coding.doc for
                            more information.

   2      b  SENTINEL       Mobiles wander around randomly by default; this
                            bit should be set for mobiles which are to remain

   4      c  SCAVENGER      The mob should pick up valuables it finds on the
                            ground.  More expensive items will be taken first.

   8      d  ISNPC          Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.

   16     e  AWARE          Set for mobs which cannot be backstabbed.
                            Replaces the ACT_NICE_THIEF bit from Diku Gamma.

   32     f  AGGRESSIVE     Mob will hit all players in the room it can see.
                            See also the WIMPY bit.

   64     g  STAY_ZONE      Mob will not wander out of its own zone -- good
                            for keeping your mobs as only part of your own

   128    h  WIMPY          Mob will flee when being attacked if it has less
                            than 20% of its hit points.  If the WIMPY bit is
                            set in conjunction with any of the forms of the
                            AGGRESSIVE bit, the mob will only attack mobs that
                            are unconscious (sleeping or incapacitated).

   256    i  AGGR_EVIL      Mob will attack players that are evil-aligned.

   512    j  AGGR_GOOD      Mob will attack players that are good-aligned.

   1024   k  AGGR_NEUTRAL   Mob will attack players that are neutrally aligned.

   2048   l  MEMORY         Mob will remember the players that initiate
                            attacks on it, and initiate an attack on that
                            player if it ever runs into him again.

   4096   m  HELPER         The mob will attack any player it sees in the room
                            that is fighting with a mobile in the room.
                            Useful for groups of mobiles that travel together;
                            i.e. three snakes in a pit, to force players to
                            fight all three simultaneously instead of picking
                            off one at a time.

   8192   n  NOCHARM        Mob cannot be charmed.

   16384  o  NOSUMMON       Mob cannot be summoned.

   32768  p  NOSLEEP        Sleep spell cannot be cast on mob.

   65536  q  NOBASH         Large mobs such as trees that cannot be bashed.

   131072 r  NOBLIND        Mob cannot be blinded.

   Affection Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors'') with the
      following values:

        1       a BLIND          Mob is blind.
        2       b INVISIBLE      Mob is invisible.
        4       c DETECT_ALIGN   Mob is sensitive to the alignment of others.
        8       d DETECT_INVIS   Mob can see invisible characters and objects.
        16      e DETECT_MAGIC   Mob is sensitive to magical presence.
        32      f SENSE_LIFE     Mob can sense hidden life.
        64      g WATERWALK      Mob can traverse unswimmable water sectors.
        128     h SANCTUARY      Mob is protected by sanctuary (half damage).
        256     i GROUP          Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        512     j CURSE          Mob is cursed.
        1024    k INFRAVISION    Mob can see in dark.
        2048    l POISON         Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        4096    m PROTECT_EVIL   Mob is protected from evil characters.
        8192    n PROTECT_GOOD   Mob is protected from good characters.
        16384   o SLEEP          Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        32768   p NOTRACK        Mob cannot be tracked.
        65536   q UNUSED16       Unused (room for future expansion).
        131072  r UNUSED17       Unused (room for future expansion).
        262144  s SNEAK          Mob can move quietly (room not informed).
        524288  t HIDE           Mob is hidden (only visible with sense life).
        1048576 u UNUSED20       Unused (room for future expansion).
        2097152 v CHARM          Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.

      A number from -1000 to 1000 representing the mob's initial

             -1000...-350   Evil
              -349...349    Neutral
               350...1000   Good

   Type Flag
      This flag is a single letter which indicates what type of mobile
      is currently being defined, and controls what information
      CircleMUD expects to find next (i.e., in the file from the
      current point to the end of the current mobile).

      Standard CircleMUD 3.0 supports two types of mobiles: S (for
      Simple), and E (for Enhanced).  Type C (Complex) mobiles was
      part of the original DikuMUD Gamma and part of CircleMUD until
      version 3.0, but are no longer supported by CircleMUD v3.0 and

      Check with your local implementor to see if there are any
      additional types supported on your particular MUD.

4.2.  Type S Mobiles

For type S mobs, the type-specific information should be in the
following format:

     <level> <thac0> <armor class> <max hit points> <bare hand damage>
     <gold> <experience points>
     <load position> <default position> <sex>

      The level of the monster, from 1 to 30.

      ``To Hit Armor Class 0'' -- a measure of the ability of the
      monster to penetrate armor and cause damage, ranging from 0 to
      20.  Lower numbers mean the monster is more likely to penetrate
      armor.  The formal definition of THAC0 is the minimum roll
      required on a 20-sided die required to hit an opponent of
      equivalent Armor Class 0.

   Armor Class
      The ability of the monster to avoid damage.  Range is from -10
      to 10, with lower values indicating better armor.  Roughly, the
      scale is:

             AC  10    Naked person
             AC   0    Very heavily armored person (full plate mail)
             AC -10    Armored Battle Tank (hopefully impossible for players)

   Note on THAC0 and Armor Class (AC): When an attacker is trying to
   hit a victim, the attacker's THAC0 and the victim's AC, plus a
   random roll of the dice, determines whether or not the attacker can
   hit the victim.  (If a hit occurs, a different formula determines
   how much damage is done.)  An attacker with a low THAC0 is
   theoretically just as likely to hit a victim with a low AC as an
   attacker with a high THAC0 is to hit a victim with a high AC.
   Lower attacker THAC0's and higher victim AC's favor the attacker;
   higher attacker THAC0's and lower victim AC's favor the victim.

   Max Hit Points
      The maximum number of hit points the mobile is given, which must
      be given in the form ``xdy+z'' where x, y, and z are integers.
      For example, 4d6+10 would mean sum 4 rolls of a 6 sided die and
      add 10 to the result.  Each individual instance of a mob will
      have the same max number of hit points from the time it's born
      to the time it dies; the dice will only be rolled once when a
      particular instance of the mob is created.  In other words, a
      particular copy of a mob will always have the same number of max
      hit points during its life, but different copies of the same mob
      may have different numbers of max hit points.
      Note that all three numbers, the ``d'' and the ``+'' must always
      appear, even if some of the numbers are 0.  For example, if you
      want every copy of a mob to always have exactly 100 hit points,
      write 0d0+100.

   Bare Hand Damage (BHD)
      The amount of damage the mob can do per round when not armed
      with a weapon.  Also specified as ``xdy+z'' and subject to the
      same formatting rules as Max Hit Points.  However, unlike Max
      Hit Points, the dice are rolled once per round of violence; the
      BHD of a mob will vary from round to round, within the limits
      you set.

      For BHD, xdy specifies the dice rolls and z is the strength
      bonus added both to BHD and weapon-inflicted damage.  For
      example, a monster with a BHD of 1d4+10 will do between 11 and
      14 hitpoints each round without a weapon.  If the monster picks
      up and wields a tiny stick which gives 1d2 damage, then the
      monster will do 1d2 + 10 points of damage per round with the

      The number of gold coins the mobile is born with.

      The number of experience points the mobile is born with.

   Load Position
      The position the mobile is in when born, which should be one of
      the following numbers:

        0   POSITION_DEAD       Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        1   POSITION_MORTALLYW  Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        2   POSITION_INCAP      Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        3   POSITION_STUNNED    Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        4   POSITION_SLEEPING   The monster is sleeping.
        5   POSITION_RESTING    The monster is resting.
        6   POSITION_SITTING    The monster is sitting.
        7   POSITION_FIGHTING   Reserved for internal use.  Do not set.
        8   POSITION_STANDING   The monster is standing.

   Default Position
      The position to which monsters will return after a fight, which
      should be one of the same numbers as given above for Load
      Position.  In addition, the Default Position defines when the
      mob's long description is displayed (see ``Long Description''

      One of the following:

        0    Neutral (it/its)
        1    Male (he/his)
        2    Female (she/her)

4.3.  Type S Mobile Example

     fido dog~
     the beastly fido~
     A beastly fido is mucking through the garbage looking for food here.
     The fido is a small dog that has a foul smell and pieces of rotted meat
     hanging around his teeth.
     afghq p -200 S
     0 20 10 1d6+4 1d4+0
     0 25
     8 8 1

This is mobile vnum 3062.  The Fido's action bitvector indicates that
it has a special procedure (bit a), is aggressive (bit f), stays in
its own zone (bit g), is wimpy (bit h), and cannot be bashed (bit q).
Also, the Fido cannot be tracked (affection bit p), and has an initial
alignment of -200.

After the S flag we see that the Fido is level 0, has a THAC0 of 20,
an Armor Class of 10, 1d6+4 hit points (a random value from 5 to 10),
and will do 1d4 hit points of bare hand damage per round.  The Fido
has 0 gold and 25 experience points, has a load position and default
position of STANDING, and is male.

4.4.  Type E Mobiles

Type E mobiles are specific to Circle 3.0 and are designed to provide
an easy way for MUD implementors to extend the mobile format to fit
their own needs.  A type E mobile is an extension of type S mobiles; a
type E mobile is a type S mobile with extra data at the end.  After
the last line normally found in type S mobs (the one ending with the
mob's sex), type E mobiles end with a section called the Enhanced
section.  This section consists of zero or more enhanced mobile
specifications (or E-specs), one per line.  Each E-spec consists of a
keyword followed by a colon (``:'') and a value.  The valid keywords
are listed below.  The literal letter E must then come after all E-
specs to signal the end of the mob.

The format of an E mobile is as follows:

<level> <thac0> <armor class> <max hit points> <bare hand damage>
<gold> <experience points>
<load position> <default position> <sex>
{E-spec list}

4.5.  Type E Mobile Example

Let's say that you wanted to create an enhanced Fido like the one in
the previous example, but one that has a bare-hand attack type of 4 so
that the Fido bites players instead of hitting them.  Let's say you
also wanted to give this Fido the a strength of 18.  You might write:

     fido dog~
     the beastly fido~
     A beastly fido is mucking through the garbage looking for food here.
     The fido is a small dog that has a foul smell and pieces of rotted meat
     hanging around his teeth.
     afghq p -200 E
     0 20 10 1d6+4 1d4+0
     0 25
     8 8 1
     BareHandAttack: 4
     Str: 18

In the above example, the two E-specs used were BareHandAttack and
Str.  Any number of the E-specs can be used in an Enhanced section and
they may appear in any order.  The format is simple: the E-spec
keyword, followed by a colon, followed by a value.  Note that unlike
type S mobiles, type E mobiles require a terminator at the end of the
record (the letter E).

4.6.  E-Spec Keywords Valid in CircleMUD 3.00

The only keywords supported under Circle 3.00 are BareHandAttack, Str,
StrAdd, Int, Wis, Dex, Con, and Cha.  However, the E-Specs have been
designed such that new ones are quite easy to add; check with your
local implementor to see if your particular MUD has added any
additional E-Specs.  Circle 3.10's Enhanced section will have
considerably more features available such as the ability to
individually set mobs' skill proficiencies.

      This controls the description of violence given during battles,
      in messages such as ``The Beastly fido bites you very hard.''
      BareHandAttack should be one of the following numbers:
             0    hit/hits
             1    sting/stings
             2    whip/whips
             3    slash/slashes
             4    bite/bites
             5    bludgeon/bludgeons
             6    crush/crushes
             7    pound/pounds
             8    claw/claws
             9    maul/mauls
             10   thrash/thrashes
             11   pierce/pierces
             12   blast/blasts
             13   punch/punches
             14   stab/stabs

   Messages given when attackers miss or kill their victims are taken
   from the file lib/misc/messages.  The attack type number for
   weapons is 300 plus the number listed in the table above, so to
   modify the message given to players when they are mauled, attack
   type number 309 in lib/misc/messages should be changed.  Note that
   adding new attack types requires code changes and cannot be
   accomplished simply by adding new messages to lib/misc/messages
   (see the CircleMUD Coding Manual
   <> for more

   Str, StrAdd, Int, Wis, Dex, Con, Cha
      The mobile's Strength, Strength Add, Intelligence, Wisdom,
      Dexterity, Constitution and Charisma, respectively.  These
      values should be between 3 and 18.

5.  Object Files

5.1.  The Format of an Object

     #<virtual number>
     <alias list>~
     <short description>~
     <long description>~
     <action description>~
     <type flag> <extra (effects) bitvector> <wear bitvector>
     <value 0> <value 1> <value 2> <value 3>
     <weight> <cost> <rent per day>
     {Zero or more Extra Descriptions and/or Affect Fields}

There can be an unlimited number of Extra Descriptions and up to 6
Affect Fields.

   Virtual Number
      This number is critical; it is the identity of the object within
      the game.  It is the number that will be used to reference the
      object from zone files and is the number used to ``load''
      objects from within the game.  The virtual numbers must appear
      in increasing order in the object file.

   Alias List
      The list of keywords, separated by spaces, that can be used by
      players to identify the object.  The object can only be
      identified using the keywords that appear in its alias list; it
      cannot be identified by a word that appears only in its name.
      Great care should be taken to ensure that the spellings of names
      and aliases match.  Fill words such as ``the,'' ``a,'' and
      ``an'' should not appear in the Alias List.

   Short Description
      The description of the object used by the MUD when the object is
      used.  For example, a short description of ``a long, green
      stick'' would result in messages such as ``The Beastly Fido
      picks up the long, green stick.''  The Short Description should
      never end with a punctuation mark because it will be inserted
      into the middle of sentences.

   Long Description
      The description displayed when the object is seen lying on the
      ground, for example, ``A furled umbrella is lying here.''
      Unlike the Short Description, the Long Description should end
      with appropriate punctuation.

   Action Description
      Action Descriptions are primarily used for magical objects
      (staves, wands, scrolls, and potions) to specify what message
      displayed to the room when the magical item is used.  The Action
      Description should be given in the act format specified in
      act.doc.  If no Action Description is present, a default message
      will be used:

      Staves:  Rasmussen taps <object> three times on the ground.

      Wands: Rasmussen points <object> at Onivel.

      Scrolls: Rasmussen recites <object>.

      Potions: Rasmussen quaffs <object>.

      For objects which are readable papers, the Action Description
      contains the text on the paper.

   Type Flag
      A number which specifies what type of object is being defined;
      also controls the meanings of value0 through value4.  The Type
      Flag must be one of the following numbers:

   1    LIGHT          Item is a light source.
   2    SCROLL         Item is a magical scroll.
   3    WAND           Item is a magical wand.
   4    STAFF          Item is a magical staff.
   5    WEAPON         Item is a weapon.
   6    FIREWEAPON     Currently not implemented.  Do not use.
   7    MISSILE        Currently not implemented.  Do not use.
   8    TREASURE       Item is treasure other than gold coins (e.g. gems)
   9    ARMOR          Item is armor.
   10   POTION         Item is a magical potion.
   11   WORN           Currently not implemented.  Do not use.
   12   OTHER          Miscellaneous object with no special properties.
   13   TRASH          Trash -- junked by cleaners, not bought by shopkeepers.
   14   TRAP           Currently not implemented.  Do not use.
   15   CONTAINER      Item is a container.
   16   NOTE           Item is a note (can be written on).
   17   DRINKCON       Item is a drink container.
   18   KEY            Item is a key.
   19   FOOD           Item is food.
   20   MONEY          Item is money (gold coins).
   21   PEN            Item is a pen.
   22   BOAT           Item is a boat; allows you to traverse SECT_WATER_NOSWIM.
   23   FOUNTAIN       Item is a fountain.

   Extra (Effects) Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors''), to define the
      ``special effects'' of the object.  Flags that are marked as
      ``cosmetic'' merely add an interesting message to the object
      when it is examined, but has no substantive effect otherwise.
      The flags have the following values:

        1     a   GLOW           Item is glowing (cosmetic).
        2     b   HUM            Item is humming (cosmetic).
        4     c   NORENT         Item cannot be rented.
        8     d   NODONATE       Item cannot be donated.
        16    e   NOINVIS        Item cannot be made invisible.
        32    f   INVISIBLE      Item is invisible.
        64    g   MAGIC          Item has a magical aura and can't be enchanted.
        128   h   NODROP         Item is cursed and cannot be dropped.
        256   i   BLESS          Item is blessed (cosmetic).
        512   j   ANTI_GOOD      Item can't be used by good-aligned characters.
        1024  k   ANTI_EVIL      Item can't be used by evil-aligned characters.
        2048  l   ANTI_NEUTRAL   Item can't be used by neutral align characters.
        4096  m   ANTI_MAGIC_USER Item can't be used by the Mage class.
        8192  n   ANTI_CLERIC    Item can't be used by the Cleric class.
        16384 o   ANTI_THIEF     Item can't be used by the Thief class.
        32768 p   ANTI_WARRIOR   Item can't be used by the Warrior class.
        65536 q   NOSELL         Shopkeepers will not buy or sell the item.

   Wear Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors'') with the
      following values:
        1     a   WEAR_TAKE      Item can be taken (picked up off the ground).
        2     b   WEAR_FINGER    Item can be worn on the fingers.
        4     c   WEAR_NECK      Item can be worn around the neck.
        8     d   WEAR_BODY      Item can be worn on the body.
        16    e   WEAR_HEAD      Item can be worn on the head.
        32    f   WEAR_LEGS      Item can be worn on the legs.
        64    g   WEAR_FEET      Item can be worn on the feet.
        128   h   WEAR_HANDS     Item can be worn on the hands.
        256   i   WEAR_ARMS      Item can be worn on the arms.
        512   j   WEAR_SHIELD    Item can be used as a shield.
        1024  k   WEAR_ABOUT     Item can be worn about the body.
        2048  l   WEAR_WAIST     Item can be worn around the waist.
        4096  m   WEAR_WRIST     Item can be worn around the wrist.
        8192  n   WEAR_WIELD     Item can be wielded; e.g. weapons.
        16384 o   WEAR_HOLD      Item can be held (the ``hold'' command).

   Note that the TAKE bit controls whether or not an item can be
   picked up using the ``get'' command, whereas the HOLD bit controls
   if the object can be worn using the ``hold'' command.

   Value 0, Value 1, Value 2, Value 3
      These values are very central.  They define the object's
      abilities based on the Type Flag.  See the subsection ``Object
      Value Definitions'' below for a detailed description of the four
      Value fields.

      The weight of the object.  The weight controls how many strength
      points a character must have to take the object, and is used to
      calculate when bags and other containers become full.

      The value of the object in gold coins; used by shopkeepers.

   Rent Per Day
      The cost per day to rent the object in the Reception.

5.2.  Object Value Definitions

The meaning of an object's four values (value 0 through value 3) vary
depending on the Type Flag of the object.

In the table below, ``unused'' means that the server ignores the
value; it can be set to any number (but 0 is always a safe bet).
``unimplemented'' indicates a Type Flag currently not recognized by
the server.

An index of spell numbers for use with magical objects can be found in
the Appendix ``Spell Numbers''.

   LIGHT (Type Flag 1)

        value 0: unused
        value 1: unused
        value 2: Capacity of light in hours.
                   0: Burned out light.
                  -1: Eternal light source.
        value 3: unused

   SCROLL (Type Flag 2)

             value 0: Level at which scroll's spells are cast.
             value 1: Spell number 1
             value 2: Spell number 2
             value 3: Spell number 3
                  If less than 3 spells are desired, set unused values to -1.

   WAND (Type Flag 3)

             value 0: Level at which wand's spell is cast.
             value 1: Charge capacity of wand (>= 1)
             value 2: Current number of charges remaining
             value 3: Spell number

   STAFF (Type Flag 4)

             value 0: Level at which staff's spell is cast.
             value 1: Charge capacity of staff (>= 1)
             value 2: Current number of charges remaining
             value 3: Spell number

   WEAPON (Type Flag 5)

        value 0: unused
        value 1: Number of damage dice
        value 2: Size of damage dice
        value 3: Weapon type for damage messages, one of:
                  0    hit/hits
                  1    sting/stings
                  2    whip/whips
                  3    slash/slashes
                  4    bite/bites
                  5    bludgeon/bludgeons
                  6    crush/crushes
                  7    pound/pounds
                  8    claw/claws
                  9    maul/mauls
                  10   thrash/thrashes
                  11   pierce/pierces
                  12   blast/blasts
                  13   punch/punches
                  14   stab/stabs

   FIREWEAPON (Type Flag 6)
      unimplemented (do not use)

   MISSILE (Type Flag 7)
      unimplemented (do not use)

   TREASURE (Type Flag 8)

             value 0: unused
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   ARMOR (Type Flag 9)

             value 0: AC-apply of the armor.  Note that the effective change
                       to AC is this value times a multiplier based on where
                       the armor is worn.  Values >0 enhance the armor class;
                       values <0 damage the armor class (cursed armor, for
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   POTION (Type Flag 10)

        value 0: Level at which the potion's spells are cast.
        value 1: Spell number 1
        value 2: Spell number 2
        value 3: Spell number 3
             If less than 3 spells are desired, set unused values to -1.

   WORN (Type Flag 11)
      unimplemented (do not use)

   OTHER (Type Flag 12)

             value 0: unused
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   TRASH (Type Flag 13)

             value 0: unused
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   TRAP (Type Flag 14)
      unimplemented (do not use)

   CONTAINER (Type Flag 15)

             value 0: Capacity (max containable weight) of container
             value 1: Container flag bitvector (MUST be a numeric bitvector)
                  1    CLOSEABLE      Container can be closed and locked.
                  2    PICKPROOF      Lock on container can't be picked.
                  4    CLOSED         Container is closed when created.
                  8    LOCKED         Container is locked when created.
             value 2: The vnum of the key object that opens this container.
                       -1 if it has no key.
             value 3: Reserved for internal use -- always set as 0.

   NOTE (Type Flag 16)

        value 0: Language of writing (unimplemented).
        value 1: unused
        value 2: unused
        value 3: unused

   DRINKCON (Type Flag 17)
      See Appendix ``Item Values for Drink Containers''.

   KEY (Type Flag 18)

             value 0: unused
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   FOOD (Type Flag 19)

             value 0: The number of hours of hunger satisfied by this food.
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: Non-zero if the food is poisoned, 0 otherwise.

   MONEY (Type Flag 20)

             value 0: The number of gold coins in the pile.
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   PEN (Type Flag 21)

             value 0: unused
             value 1: unused
             value 2: unused
             value 3: unused

   BOAT (Type Flag 22)

        value 0: unused
        value 1: unused
        value 2: unused
        value 3: unused

   FOUNTAIN (Type Flag 23)
      See Appendix ``Item Values for Drink Containers''.

5.3.  Object Extra Descriptions

Object Extra Descriptions allow players to examine certain aspects of
objects defined by the world builder, just like Room Extra
Descriptions.  There can be an unlimited number of Extra Descriptions
per object.  The format is exactly the same as for rooms:

     <keyword list>~
     <description text>

   Keyword List
      A space-separated list of keywords which will access the
      description in this E section.

   Description Text
      The text that will be displayed when a player types ``look
      <keyword>,'' where <keyword> is one of the keywords specified in
      the Keyword List of this E section.

5.4.  Object Affect Fields

Object Affect Fields give objects magical properties.  They affect
characters when the object is worn, not when picked up.

The format of an Object Affect Field is:

     <location> <value>

      The aspect of the character affected by the object.  It must be
      one of the following numbers:
        0    NONE           No effect (typically not used).
        1    STR            Apply to strength.
        2    DEX            Apply to dexterity.
        3    INT            Apply to intelligence.
        4    WIS            Apply to wisdom.
        5    CON            Apply to constitution.
        6    CHA            Apply to charisma.
        7    CLASS          Unimplemented.  Do not use.
        8    LEVEL          Unimplemented.  Do not use.
        9    AGE            Apply to character's MUD age, in MUD-years.
        10   CHAR_WEIGHT    Apply to weight.
        11   CHAR_HEIGHT    Apply to height.
        12   MANA           Apply to MAX mana points.
        13   HIT            Apply to MAX hit points.
        14   MOVE           Apply to MAX movement points.
        15   GOLD           Unimplemented.  Do not use.
        16   EXP            Unimplemented.  Do not use.
        17   AC             Apply to armor class (AC).
        18   HITROLL        Apply to hitroll.
        19   DAMROLL        Apply to damage roll bonus.
        20   SAVING_PARA    Apply to save throw: paralyze
        21   SAVING_ROD     Apply to save throw: rods
        22   SAVING_PETRI   Apply to save throw: petrif
        23   SAVING_BREATH  Apply to save throw: breath
        24   SAVING_SPELL   Apply to save throw: spells

      The number used to modify the Location.

For example, an A field which reads:

     12 50

will add 50 to the maximum mana of the character.

5.5.  Object File Example

shield minotaur~
a dark minotaur shield~
A dark minotaur shield has been left here.~
9 dgh 513
12 0 0 0
15 5000 1350
shield minotaur~
A strong, sturdy shield.  It brings to mind legends of a shield that
provided protection from poisonous gases.
23 -4
4 2

This object is virtual number 901, is a Type 9 object (armor), cannot
be donated, has a magical aura, and cannot be dropped.  It can be
picked up and worn as a shield.  It has an AC-apply of 12, weighs 15
pounds, is valued at 5000 coins and costs 1350 coins per day to rent.
Its Affect fields indicate that this object affects spell saving
throws by -4 and increases Wisdom by 2.

6.  Zone Files

Zone files are the files that control how areas are configured and how
they reset.  They integrate the mobiles, objects, and rooms to create
an inhabited world.

A zone file contains certain initial information (specified below),
followed by a series of reset commands.  Each time a zone is reset,
the server executes all the commands in order from beginning to end.
All zones are reset when the server first boots, and periodically
reset again while the game is running.

6.1.  The Format of a Zone File

     #<virtual number>
     <zone name>~
     <top room number> <lifespan> <reset mode>
     {zero or more zone commands}

Lines starting with * are considered comments and ignored.  Zone
commands themselves may also be followed by a comment delimited by a
single *.  The zone's commands must then be terminated by the literal
letter S.

   Virtual Number
      An arbitrary number used to identify the zone.  Zone numbers are
      traditionally the room numbers of the zone divided by 100; for
      example, Midgaard, which consists of rooms 3000 through 3099, is
      zone 30.

   Zone Name
      A label given to the zone so that it can be identified in system

   Top Room Number
      The highest numbered room belonging to this zone.  A room with
      virtual number V belongs to zone N if TopRoom(zone N-1) < V <=
      TopRoom(zone N) for all N > 0.  Rooms belong to zone 0 if their
      number is between 0 and the top of zone 0.

      The number of real-time minutes between zone resets for this
      zone.  When the age of the zone (measured in minutes since the
      last time that zone has been reset) reaches the zone's lifespan,
      the zone is queued for reset.  The zone is then reset when it
      reaches the front of the queue, and the conditions of the Reset
      Mode (see below) are satisfied.

   Reset Mode
      Can take one of three values (0, 1, or 2):

      0  Never reset the zone.  In this case, the age of the zone is
         never updated, and it will never be queued for reset.  Thus,
         the value of the Lifespan is effectively ignored.

      1  Reset the zone only after it reaches its Lifespan and after
         the zone becomes deserted, i.e. as soon as there are no
         players located within the zone (checked once every minute).
         This can make a zone more ``fair'' because it will keep the
         hard mobs from reappearing in the zone until everyone leaves,
         but on a busy MUD it can prevent a zone from ever being reset
         since the zone may never stay empty for more than one minute.

      2  Reset the zone as soon as it reaches its Lifespan, regardless
         of who or what is in it.  This is the most commonly used
         Reset Mode.

6.2.  Zone Commands

Each command consists of a letter, identifying the command-type,
followed by three or four arguments.  The first argument, common to
all the commands, is called the ``if-flag.''  If the if-flag for a
command is 1, that command is only executed if the command immediately
before it was executed as well.  If the if-flag is 0, the command is
always executed.  If-flags are useful for things like equipping
mobiles--you don't want to try to equip a mobile that has not been

Commands that load mobiles and objects also include a ``max existing''
argument.  This specifies the maximum number of copies of the mobile
or object that are allowed to exist in the entire world at once.  If
the number currently existing is greater than or equal to the ``max
existing'' limit, the command is not executed.

The valid zone-reset commands are M, O, G, E, P, D, and R.

   M: load a mobile
      Format: M <if-flag> <mob vnum> <max existing> <room vnum>

      Mob vnum is the vnum of the mob to be loaded.  Room vnum is the
      vnum of the room in which the mob should be placed.  The mob
      will be loaded into the room.

   O: load an object
      Format: O <if-flag> <obj vnum> <max existing> <room vnum>

      Obj vnum is the vnum of the obj to be loaded.  Room vnum is the
      vnum of the room in which the obj should be placed.  The object
      will be loaded and left lying on the ground.

   G: give object to mobile
      Format: G <if-flag> <obj vnum> <max existing>

      Obj vnum is the vnum of the obj to be given.  The object will be
      loaded and placed in the inventory of the last mobile loaded
      with an ``M'' command.

      This command will usually be used with an if-flag of 1, since
      attempting to give an object to a non-existing mobile will
      result in an error.

   E: equip mobile with object
      Format: E <if-flag> <obj vnum> <max existing> <equipment

      Obj vnum is the vnum of the obj to be equipped.  The object will
      be loaded and added to the equipment list of the last mobile
      loaded with an ``M'' command.  Equipment Position should be one
      of the following:

                  0    Used as light
                  1    Worn on right finger
                  2    Worn on left finger
                  3    First object worn around neck
                  4    Second object worn around neck
                  5    Worn on body
                  6    Worn on head
                  7    Worn on legs
                  8    Worn on feet
                  9    Worn on hands
                  10   Worn on arms
                  11   Worn as shield
                  12   Worn about body
                  13   Worn around waist
                  14   Worn around right wrist
                  15   Worn around left wrist
                  16   Wielded as a weapon
                  17   Held

   This command will usually be used with an if-flag of 1, since
   attempting to give an object to a non-existing mobile will result
   in an error.

   P: put object in object
      Format: P <if-flag> <obj vnum 1> <max existing> <obj vnum 2>

      An object with Obj Vnum 1 will be loaded, and placed inside of
      the copy of Obj Vnum 2 most recently loaded.

      This command will usually be used with an if-flag of 1, since
      attempting to put an object inside of a non-existing object will
      result in an error.

   D: set the state of a door
      Format: D <if-flag> <room vnum> <exit num> <state>

      Room vnum is the virtual number of the room with the door to be
      set.  Exit num being one of:

                  0    North
                  1    East
                  2    South
                  3    West
                  4    Up
                  5    Down

   State being one of:

                  0    Open
                  1    Closed
                  2    Closed and locked

   Care should be taken to set both sides of a door correctly.
   Closing the north exit of one room does not automatically close the
   south exit of the room on the other side of the door.

   R: remove object from room
      Format: R <if-flag> <room vnum> <obj vnum>

      If an object with vnum Obj Vnum exists in the room with vnum
      Room Vnum, it will be removed from the room and purged.

6.3.  Zone File Example

A sample zone file annotated with comments follows.

#30                           * This is zone number 30
Northern Midgaard Main City~  * The name of the zone
3099 15 2                     * Top of zone is room #3099; it resets every
*                             * 15 minutes; resets regardless of people
* Mobile
M 0 3010 1 3062         * Load the Postmaster to room 3062
* Shopkeepers
M 0 3003 1 3011         Load the Weaponsmith into room 3011
* Now, give the weaponsmith items (to be placed in his inventory)
* max 100 of each of these objects can exist at a time in the world
G 1 3020 100                    Dagger
G 1 3021 100                    Small Sword
G 1 3022 100                    Long Sword
G 1 3023 100                    Wooden Club
G 1 3024 100                    Warhammer
G 1 3025 100                    Flail
* and lastly, give him a long sword to wield
E 1 3022 100 16                 Long Sword
* Load Boards
O 0 3099 2 3000         Mortal Bulletin Board in room 3000
O 1 3096 5 3003         Social Bulletin Board in room 3003
O 1 3096 5 3018         Social Bulletin Board in room 3018
O 1 3096 5 3022         Social Bulletin Board in room 3022
O 1 3096 5 3028         Social Bulletin Board in room 3028
* "S" must appear after all commands for a particular zone

7.  Shop Files

CircleMUD v3.0 now has a new shop file format.  Since the old format
is still supported, both formats will be documented.  If you'd like to
convert shop files in the old format to that of the new format,
compile and run the utility shopconv.  3.0 shops must have a special
marker (described below) to tell the server that the file is in the
new format.

7.1.  CircleMUD v3.0 Shop Format

The overall format of a v3.0 Shop File is:

     CircleMUD v3.0 Shop File~
     <Shop 1>
     <Shop 2>
     <Shop n>

3.0 shop files start with the literal line ``CircleMUD v3.0 Shop
File~'', followed by any number of shop definitions, and terminated by
$~.  The format of a shop definition is:

#<Shop Number>~
<Item Vnum 1>
<Item Vnum 2>
<Item Vnum 3>
<Item Vnum n>
<Profit when selling>
<Profit when buying>
<Buy Type 1>  [Buy Namelist 1]
<Buy Type 2>  [Buy Namelist 1]
<Buy Type 3>  [Buy Namelist 1]
<Buy Type n>  [Buy Namelist n]
<Message when item to buy does not exist>~
<Message when item to sell does not exist>~
<Message when shop does not buy offered item>~
<Message when shop can't afford item>~
<Message when player can't afford item>~
<Message when successfully buying an item>~
<Message when successfully selling an item>~
<Shop Bitvector>
<Shop Keeper Mobile Number>
<With Who Bitvector>
<Shop Room 1>
<Shop Room 2>
<Shop Room 3>
<Shop Room n>
<Time when open start 1>
<Time when open end 1>
<Time when open start 2>
<Time when open end 2>

   Shop Number
      A unique number for the shop (used only for display purposes).

   Item Vnum 1...Item Vnum n
      An arbitrarily long list of the virtual numbers of objects that
      the shop produces (i.e., items which will always be available,
      no matter how many are bought).  The list must be terminated
      with -1.

   Profit When Selling
      The price of an object when a shopkeeper sells it is the
      object's value times Profit When Selling.  This is a floating
      point value.  It should be >= 1.0.

   Profit When Buying
      The amount of money a shopkeeper will offer when buying an
      object is the object's value times Profit When Buying.  This is
      a floating point value.  It should be <= 1.0.

   Buy Types and Buy Namelists
      These lines control what types of items that the shop will buy.
      There can be an arbitrarily long list of buy types terminated by
      -1.  The first argument, called ``Buy Type'' is the Type Flag of
      items the shop will buy (see ``Type Flag'' under ``Format of an
      Object'' in this document).  Numerical and English forms are
      both valid (5 or WEAPON, 9 or ARMOR, etc.).

      The second (optional) argument is called a Buy Namelist and
      allows you to provide optional keywords to define specific
      keywords that must be present on the objects for the shopkeeper
      to buy or sell it.  For further details on these expressions,
      see the section ``Item Name Lists'' below.

   Message when item to buy does not exist
      The message given to a player if he tries to buy an item that
      the shopkeeper does not have in his inventory.

   Message when item to sell does not exist
      The message given to a player if he tries to sell an item that
      the player does not have in his inventory.

   Message when shop does not buy offered item
      The message given to a player if he tries to sell an item that
      the shopkeeper does not want to buy (controlled by the Buy Types
      and Buy Namelists.)

   Message when shop can't afford item
      The message given to a player if he tries to sell an item to a
      shop, but the shopkeeper does not have enough money to buy it.

   Message when player can't afford item
      The message given to a player if he tries to buy an item from a
      shop but doesn't have enough money.

   Message when successfully buying an item
      The message given to a player when he successfully buys an item
      from a shop.  The expression %d can be used in place of the cost
      of the item (e.g., That'll cost you %d coins, thanks for your

   Message when successfully selling an item
      The message given to a player when he successfully sells an item
      to a shop.  The expression %d can be used in place of the cost
      of the item as above.

      When player can't afford an item, the shopkeeper tells them they
      can't afford the item and then can perform an additional action
      (-1, 0, or 1):

      -1 No action other than the message.

      0  The shopkeeper pukes on the player.

      1  The shopkeeper smokes his joint.

      Further actions can be added by your local coder (e.g., attack-
      ing a player, stealing his money, etc.)

   Shop Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors'') with the
      following values:

        1    a    WILL_START_FIGHT    Players can to try to kill shopkeeper.
        2    b    WILL_BANK_MONEY     Shopkeeper will put money over 15000
                                      coins in the bank.

   A brief note:  Shopkeepers should be hard (if even possible) to
   kill.  The benefits players can receive from killing them is enough
   to unbalance most non monty-haul campaigns.

   Shop Keeper Mobile Number
      Virtual number of the shopkeeper mobile.

   With Who Bitvector
      A bitvector (see section ``Using Bitvectors'') used to designate
      certain alignments or classes that the shop will not trade with,
      with the following values:

        1     a   NOGOOD         Don't trade with positively-aligned players.
        2     b   NOEVIL         Don't trade with evilly-aligned players.
        4     c   NONEUTRAL      Don't trade with neutrally-aligned players.
        8     d   NOMAGIC_USER   Don't trade with the Mage class.
        16    e   NOCLERIC       Don't trade with the Cleric class.
        32    f   NOTHIEF        Don't trade with the Thief class.
        64    g   NOWARRIOR      Don't trade with the Warrior class.

   Shop Room 1...Shop Room n
      The virtual numbers the mobile must be in for the shop to be
      effective.  (So trans'ed shopkeepers can't sell in the desert).
      The list can be arbitrarily long but must be terminated by a -1.

   Times when open
      The times (in MUD-hours) between which the shop is open.  Two
      sets of Open/Close pairs are allowed so that the shop can be
      open twice a day (for example, once in the morning and once at
      night).  To have a shop which is always open, these four values
      should be


7.2.  Item Name Lists for 3.0 Shops

Name lists are formed by boolean expressions.  The following operators
are available:

               ',^ = Not      *, & = And     +, | = Or

The precedence is Parenthesis, Not, And, Or.  Take the following line
for an example:

WEAPON [sword & long|short | warhammer | ^golden & bow] & magic

This shop will buy the following items of type WEAPON:

1. sword long magic

2. short magic (the first & is done before the first | )

3. warhammer magic

4. ^golden bow magic

Note that the ^ in front of golden affects ONLY golden, and nothing
else in the listing.  Basically, the above expression could be written
in English as:

[(sword and long) or short or warhammer or (not golden and bow)] and

If you want the shop to only buy ``short magic'' only if they were
also swords, you could change the expression to:

WEAPON [sword & (long|short) | warhammer | ^golden & bow] & magic

You can also include object extra flags (listed in the section
``Format of an Object'' above).  The previous example used ``magic''
as a keyword that had to be on the object.  If we wanted to make it so
that the MAGIC flag had to be set on the item, we would change
``magic'' to ``MAGIC.''  Similar changes could be made to add other
flags such as ``HUM'' or ``GLOW.''  It should be noted that these
expressions are case sensitive and that all keywords should appear in
lower-case, while the flag names should be in all caps.

7.3.  The DikuMUD Gamma and CircleMUD 2.20 Shop Format

This format is obsolete but is presented because it is still supported
by CircleMUD 3.0.  In most cases, it is easier to simply use the
``shopconv'' utility shipped with Circle to convert older shop files
to the new format.

     Shop Number (Used only for display purposes)

     Virtual numbers of the objects that the shop produces.  -1's should be
inserted in unused slots.

Profit when selling
     The object value is multiplied by this value when sold.  This is a
floating point value.  Must be >= 1.0

Profit when buying
     The object value is multiplied by this value when bought.  This is a
floating point value.  Must be <= 1.0

     These five numbers are the item-types traded with by the shop (i.e.
valid Type Flags of objects that the shopkeeper will buy).

Message When Item to buy is non existing~
Message When item trying to sell is non existing~
Message When wrong item-type sold~
Message when shop can't afford item~
Message when player can't afford item~
Message when buying an item~
     Price is represented by %d.
Message when selling an item~
     Price is represented by %d.

     When player can't afford an item, the shopkeeper tells them they can't
afford the item and then:
     0 - The shopkeeper pukes on the player.
     1 - The shopkeeper smokes his joint.
     other - No action besides message above.

Shop Bitvector
     A bitvector (see section "Using Bitvectors" above) with the following values:

1    a    WILL_START_FIGHT    Players can to try to kill this shopkeeper.
2    b    WILL_BANK_MONEY     Shopkeeper will put money over 15000 coins
                              in the bank.

     A brief note:  Shopkeepers should be hard (if even possible) to kill.
The benefits players can receive from killing them is enough to unbalance
most non monty-haul campaigns.

Shop Keeper Mobile Number
     Virtual number of the shopkeeper mobile.

With Who Bitvector
     A bitvector (see section "Using Bitvectors" above) used to designate certain
alignments or classes that the shop will not trade with, with the following

1     a   NOGOOD         Keeper won't trade with positively-aligned players.
2     b   NOEVIL         Keeper won't trade with evilly-aligned players.
4     c   NONEUTRAL      Keeper won't trade with neutrally-aligned players.
8     d   NOMAGIC_USER   Keeper won't trade with the Mage class.
16    e   NOCLERIC       Keeper won't trade with the Cleric class.
32    f   NOTHIEF        Keeper won't trade with the Thief class.
64    g   NOWARRIOR      Keeper won't trade with the Warrior class.

Shop Room Number
     The virtual number the mobile must be in for the shop to be effective.
(So trans'ed shopkeepers can't sell in the desert).

Time when open start 1
Time when open end 1
     The hours between which the shop is open.

Time when open start 2
Time when open end 2
     The hours between which the shop is open.

H.  Spell Numbers

These spell numbers are the spells shipped by default with CircleMUD
3.0.  Note that most implementors add new spells so this list may not
be complete for your particular MUD.  Check with your implementor for

animate dead           45
armor                   1
bless                   3
blindness               4
burning hands           5
call lightning          6
charm                   7
chill touch             8
clone                   9
color spray            10
control weather        11
create food            12
create water           13
cure blind             14
cure critic            15
cure light             16
curse                  17
detect align           18
detect invis           19
detect magic           20
detect poison          21
dispel evil            22
dispel good            46
earthquake             23
enchant weapon         24
energy drain           25
fireball               26
group armor            47
group heal             48
group recall           49
harm                   27
heal                   28
identify              201
infravision            50
invisible              29
lightning bolt         30
locate object          31
magic missile          32
poison                 33
prot from evil         34
remove curse           35
remove poison          43
sanctuary              36
sense life             44
shocking grasp         37
sleep                  38
strength               39
summon                 40
teleport                2
ventriloquate          41
waterwalk              51
word of recall         42

I.  Item Values for Drink Containers

DRINKCON (Type Flag 17) and FOUNTAIN (Type Flag 23)

     value 0: Capacity of container
     value 1: Current quantity in container
     value 2: see below
     value 3: Non-zero if the drink poisoned, 0 otherwise.

Value 2 is a number which defines the type of liquid in the drink
container, from the following table:

              Type           nr.         Effect of Liquid On:
                                    Drunkness   Fullness   Thirst
              LIQ_WATER      0      0           1           10
              LIQ_BEER       1      3           2           5
              LIQ_WINE       2      5           2           5
              LIQ_ALE        3      2           2           5
              LIQ_DARKALE    4      1           2           5
              LIQ_WHISKY     5      6           1           4
              LIQ_LEMONADE   6      0           1           8
              LIQ_FIREBRT    7      10          0           0
              LIQ_LOCALSPC   8      3           3           3
              LIQ_SLIME      9      0           4           -8
              LIQ_MILK       10     0           3           6
              LIQ_TEA        11     0           1           6
              LIQ_COFFE      12     0           1           6
              LIQ_BLOOD      13     0           2           -1
              LIQ_SALTWATER  14     0           1           -2
              LIQ_CLEARWATER 15     0           0           13

The above values for drunkness, fullness, and thirst are in the units
of one hour of effect per four units of liquid drunk.  For example,
imagine that Quifael drinks an entire bottle (say 7 units) of
saltwater.  According to the table above, saltwater has a drunkness
value of 0, fullness value of 1 and thirst value of -2.  Therefore:

His Drunkness is not changed ((7/4)*0) His Fullness increases by
((7/4)*1) hours His Thirst increases by ((7/4)*-2) hours, thus making
him more thirsty.

A player's drunkness, fullness, and thirst can range from 0 to 24.  24
is the maximum; 0 means the person is completely sober, hungry, or
thirsty respectively.  For immortals, these values are typically -1.