This file contains notes on building Coldmud on various platforms.

Under Ultrix, AIX, Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, and SysVr4 systems, building
is easy:

Ultrix:			make ultrix
AIX:			make aix
Solaris:		make solaris
Linux:			make linux
HP-UX:			make hpux
SysVr4:			make sysvr4

On other systems, try 'make coldmud'.

The 'make univel' target is for a SysVr4 system with ucb includes and
libraries in /usr/ucbinclude and /usr/ucblib.  If your ucb includes
are libraries are in the regular directories, use "make solaris".

If your system is not one of the above, but is allegedly
POSIX-conformant, has dbm libraries, and deals well with Berkeley
networking code, then you will probably be able to get away with just
typing 'make coldmud' and maybe adding a few libraries to the LIBS
line.  If you have trouble, see if your system is covered specifically
later on in this file.

Here are more detailed notes in case things break:

The code is ANSI, POSIX code, except for the following aspects:

	* The files dbmchunk.c and net.c are not POSIX at all, and must
	  be ported to platforms they are not compatible with.
	* The file util.c makes a call to a library function crypt(),
	  which is not POSIX.
	* list.c, string.c, and memory.c make assumptions about memory
	  that are not guaranteed by ANSI (it uses unit-length arrays at
	  the end of structures, allocates extra space, and writes beyond
	  the end of the arrays).  Fortunately, these assumptions are true
	  of just about every system in practice.  The optimizations could
	  be removed without too much effort on systems they cause trouble

If you define BSD_FEATURES in config.h, adminop.c will use vfork()
instead of fork(), improving performance of run_script() on many

The makefile assumes gcc and bison are installed.  If you have trouble
with your system's default make rules, try using gmake instead.

If you do not have gcc, you can try using cc instead; if it is an ANSI
compiler, it should do fine.

If you do not have bison, use yacc in place of bison -y.

I refuse to obfuscate my header files or POSIX code with #ifdefs to
make Coldmud compile more easily on antiquated operating systems;
however, some advice for building on popular environments follows.

BSD 4.3

It's going to be difficult to build Coldmud under BSD 4.3.  If you're
not familiar with building software on your antiquated operating
system, then you may not be up to it.  Some of the advice in the SunOS
4.1.x section may be helpful, but it won't be enough.  Include files
like <unistd.h> and <stdlib.h> will be missing; you'll have to excise
the #includes for those files in each file, and then fix any other
compiler errors which occur.

SUNOS 4.1.x

SunOS presents several problems, since it is not good at being either

First, you need to be using gcc, and whoever administrates your
machine needs to have run fixincludes.  If you haven't run
fixincludes, then you're in roughly the same situation as with BSD

If you have run fixincludes, then there are three problems:

(1) RAND_MAX is undefined (compile time).

	This is a problem in the following function in util.c:

		long random_number(long n)
		    long num = rand();

		    if (RAND_MAX >> 8 >= n)
			num >>= 8;
		    return num % n;

	Replace that with

		long random_number(long n)
		    long num = rand();

		    if (n <= 256)
			num >>= 8;
		    return num % n;

(2) memmove() is undefined (link time).

	There are six calls to memmove(), through the macro
	MEMMOVE(), two in io.c, two in list.c, one in dict.c, and one
	in listop.c.  The two in io.c, the one in dict.c, the second
	one in list.c, and the one in listop.c can be replaced with
	MEMCPY.  The first call in in list.c in list_insert() has to
	be unrolled:

		List *list_insert(List *list, int pos, Data *elem)
		    int i;

		    list = prepare_to_modify(list, list->len + 1);
		    for (i = list->len - 1; i >= pos; i++)
			list->el[i + 1] = list->el[i];
		    data_dup(&list->el[pos], elem);
		    return list;

(3) strerror() is undefined (link time).

	There are three calls to strerror(), in adminop.c.  At the
	top of adminop.c, add the following lines:

		extern char *sys_errlist[];
		#define strerror(n) (sys_errlist[n])


(If you're running NEXTSTEP 3.0 or earlier, you're on your own,
although the following may help.  Also look at the SunOS 4.1.x notes.)

POSIX support seems to be rather halfway in this version of NEXTSTEP.
Coldmud will compile okay, but it fails to link, not finding waitpid,
sigaction, or sigemptyset.

waitpid() is used in run_script() in adminop.c:

	    } else if (pid > 0) {
		if (num_args == 3 && args[2].u.val) {
		    if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == 0)
			status = 0;
		} else {
		    waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
	    } else {

Replace that code with:

	    } else if (pid > 0) {
		if (num_args == 3 && args[2].u.val) {
		    if (wait4(pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL) == 0)
			status = 0;
			status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
		} else {
		    wait4(pid, &status, 0, NULL);
		    status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
	    } else {

sigaction() and sigemptyset() are used in sig.c:

	void init_sig(void)
	    struct sigaction act;

	    act.sa_flags = 0;

	    /* Ignore SIGPIPE, since we may write to a closed socket due to
	     * unpreventable race conditions. */
	    act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
	    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL);

Replace that code with:

	void init_sig(void)
	    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);