* * * You may use and modify these files for those who wish to create areas
* * * for your mud. It may be a good idea to modify style.guide to reflect
* * * your particular concerns for your mud (we might be considered a bit
* * * strict on some things). Also be sure to modify these docs as you
* * * modify your mud.                                            --dbra

/*******************************Copper Docs********************************
 *                                                                        *
 *    This is information specific to the Copper Dikumud running at       *
 *    copper.denver.colorado.edu 4000. The information presented here     *
 *    only relates to those features of Copper which differ from the      *
 *    standard Diku. Copper is in a constant state of change, and         *
 *    nothing here, or in the regular Diku docs, will necessarily         *
 *    remain constant. For the moment, this version of Copper (those      *
 *    parts which differ from standard Diku) is not available to the      *
 *    general public, so this is about the most legal a statement         *
 *    that will appear here for a while.                                  *
 *                                                                        *
 *    This documentation does not provide full information on creating    *
 *    areas or programming the mud. It relies and expands on information  *
 *    contained within the standard Diku doc files.                       *
 *                                                                        *
 *******************************Copper Docs********************************/

A guide to the files included in this archive:

	read.me.first - This file =)

	style.guide - How to put things together, various suggestions, and
some guidelines that should be followed when making areas for Copper.

	items.doc - Additional information on Copper items

	mobs.doc - Additional information on Copper mobs

	rooms.doc - Additional information on Copper rooms

	zones.doc - Additional information on Copper rooms

	prog.doc - How to program spec_procs for Copper

	prog.samples - A few prototype procs to build spec_procs from

	prog.examples - Working spec_procs taken directly from Copper code

	commands.doc - Command numbers for use in spec_procs