Last Update: April 2000

This is information pertaining to the automated guests system in the 
server.  These steps will help you get your guests configured:

1. @pcreate a prototype guest character. 
   The character name should be appropriately named, but the password 
   is unimportant, since it will never connect. Once created to act like 
   a parent object for the rest of the guest characters. 

2. In your master account, edit netmux.conf and set the configuration 
   parameter 'guest_char_num' to the database number of the prototype 
   guest character.

3. Set the config parameter 'guest_prefix' to whatever you want your guests
   to be named (this defaults to 'Guest'). MUX keeps track of multiple 
   guests by naming them using a numbering system: <prefix><number>. For 
   example, Guest1, Guest2, Guest3, etc. People who wish to connect as a 
   guest will have to use this prefix, for example, if 'guest_prefix' was 
   set to 'Visitor', one would have to type 'connect visitor' to log in as 
   a guest.

4. Set 'number_guests' to the maximum number of guests you wish to support.
   This number can be as small or as large as you wish.

5. Optionally, set 'guest_nuker' to a wizard's database number, if you wish
   to have a wizard other than #1 to nuke the guests.

6. Make any settings on the prototype guest that you want all guests to 
   have.  Include things like the amount of money, the zone, the parent, 
   the basic lock, the enter lock, and all attributes. 

Additional Information:

MUX pcreates guest characters on the spot up to the number listed in the
'number_guests'. If the new guest has the same name as a previous guest, 
the previous guest character is nuked. Because of this, Guest1 can be a 
volatile account more so than say ... Guest7.

Guests always start off in the room specified by the player_starting_room.

The file specified by the config parameter 'guest_file' is shown to every
guest when they connect.  Edit this parameter and customize the file to 
suit the needs of your game.

You may wish to use the 'access' config parameter to bar guests from using 
certain commands, using the 'no_guest' permission.

All guests have the 'Guest' power, which is a marker you may use to test
whether a player is a guest or not. Guests are also set ANSI and 

Guests coming from IPs set 'register_site' will not be able to connect to 
the MUX.